t TH W I L M I N G- T O N G A Three Dollars per Annara THURSDAY, A PRIL i9 1799. Vol. III. N. 119. Timr,kttwlk4m r. fWe Ac Prudent of the United Safe rV Me frrit nl army. .. I THE term company, ufed, in the aft, entitled M 'An aca au:hovi fing tbT PrefiHeot of to United States to faifea provifional army," palled the 28:h May lift, it coulidtr- ed, asreferrine to fome known ftan-; 7 ; iff dard. defwnatinn the numbers pro j per to compote It ; ana me ia ior atcemining the military Eftablilh- ittent ot 'the United State,. aw 'flip rofed to form the proper tfaodare for this purpofe, as confuflon in the they OJjaipeltcd to ttrike to the Ame- j meeting at their ball on 1 huriuay j ment. 1 hey are not to fer ve a fe i vice would be the confequenee of rican Eagle. They carritd tbcirl laft, to take in-o cot fidc ra ion he p nft his Britannic Majefty, or his imequal compantet acting together r)te aKo the rlavanna. Captaml By the eftablillttwebt' ks it rio ftandi'illlJI arnh'ihirtr Arkn- ver-f a companT of cavalry 1 tol confift WW QitVed ondej-Hnrf tla- JdhWl Jour j&gfWfh toT' corvtomta, one j.iy, me uenerit. wti, ana the ameniing vcicr. . - ; ; n3 enterea into articles wun RrrieT one fiddler, 6n trftmpc-j Delaware ftoop'nt war ' VTen- wA'a meetinj of tHe corporation the inhabitant of Gota, that if the trcrp tnjd fitty.two privatei r the of- jgratalatO ttie -pubi)e:.an the above of car pen tefs beldlall wek, butt j French furrendtr to the Bri'ifh, tucrV for the fatne are, one captain, : intelligence : on tiir atmolf compleu lar rci'olution trt agreed lik j thfy fhall be conGdefed at under 'heir imi:. ...: ,ui Cwr.ft : A com. I puty of .artillery, of four fergants, . tour corporals, two OTiificians; ten ArtificT and forty.two pritates ttie oficerf are one captain, tvo lieu tenants: A comnmy of infantry, of (pur fergeantSi'tJUr corporis, tfco tnurtcions, audfixty prtvatt the of ftceri are, one captain, one lleutea--ant, one cptign, . - Tne refdlt of fttll inve(tigation of the lubjca, is, that a'compiny of volunteer cavalry, arttllefy'; orli fantry, delirous of fervlng .in Vbe pr ovift mal arm, flpoufd aflbdate1, to the numbers reijurd by the faws fr afecrtaining the military eft ibHlh mant. and esmbit at: br'itnralf)cU. ation, figned by every mesuber, thi forms the ellence ci ttie engagement with their country and mult be fi led in the War. Office, to dtfignate ;hofe, who are to be individually amenable to iucb regulations at the Kelident may dneft, and liable to be called Jutolejrvice ; that an aumen- tic return thould alio be filed to (lie a Jhe precile organization ot the Con), paoy $ aad rhat, it being dfemedim. portant, not to accept of companies tompofed of diffiftetited perfona, viho may, from improper motives, be de sirous fo intruJe themfelves hto the army, un ler the pretence of patrio. tic alTociationi, it will be proper to pre lent certificates fi Oin prominent and known charifiers, leniug forth the priocip caof the atTociates, thofe of the officers fled, especially, and that the company have complied with the conditions ptafeftbed by law. A company being prepared to prefent the arurelaid exh.bitsr mould now make a formal offer of their fervices to tbe Pretidcnt, they m be accepted wuh propriety and it is not doubted tnefr choice ot omcen will be generally rel pcaed. It h tuggefted, that it will be proper to dsstmguiih a company by their m litary delcripuon, and at ha ying atTociated at a place certain, vis. the ii, town, county, and townlhip, or however the place they reftdeio may be deAonrinated, and in no other manner, as other dit" tin&ioni might be loft when thi volunteer enmpanies come to be or ganifed& embodied onder the Ud fee ion of the lupplementary act, palled the ud June laft, in legioo, rri uicuts or baitafiuns. ITsr-Offict tf the United Stsm. November I, u'8. Public j4ulion On MONDAY the sjd of iha pre ft Bt lami.t h, WILL DE SOLD, PAH T of the perifhahle property of the late ,r. Henry Toomer, of the lata r. Henry Toomer, confiiUng of houfhold (urniture, rid ing chaira, carts, a carrisge, two pettiaugtra, a laggage boat, focne cattle, wltt a variety of other r ti tles. The conditions as is vfual in fuch cafes. By order of Anthony b. Toomer, Executor. A. Jocclyn, Aotyr. Wtlsaingion, April 2. N. B. The periftublc proper ly ol the faid henry Toomer, de cefed, at the 5eund Plantation, will f t f .Id the day following, Vkt. Toef day the a Ith day of April. Z' ' 1 sUP' ISHRD WEEKLY BY Atl.MAMD ff A1.1. BC9I -K.I ' a-ui-J!iu,i ti .'ss NEW-YORK, March crowned the etfjrti of our inlaw wavy. Ycflerday arrived i the cbooner Dilpatcb opt. Hod (oft, in f days from the Havanna, by Who i e have received the follow- ,ing leafing intelligence .-.That oieti days before he. failed, h Ne. i ,rk cutter John Jay, cor- manded by capt. Leonard, and the 1 t rniiaaeipnia cutter ueti. . tire en, I commanded by capt. Price, in erni- 1 jjfcig off the H i van na, can' acrols a I iWrehch'paivjteer ot.ta gun, which! nrntettion aff )nli;t in . our VV. tt Iidia trade j oh the nlfngdiRW y of ''Ficfim jtbrlONDO. GAZETTE, the American character, ad the general profpeirity of our Commerce.. i hele happy c rcu nltjnco, t g loei Willi in- diiililll.miu' i:vi H CI SVOiCil rney open to or view, arc. tube at J . ........ . . . criled to the w.ildooi of , our ppbt meatures, and t , e patriotic hnnn-l of our luprems t-xr.cmive. Yet tbele men and thefe, mealuies arc the theme pi confta.it d.-tarnation in certain abandoned papers. Shame on Iucb profligacy .Oonfufron1 to . ' 1 a I . tnetr wicucu macnmatiohi and vie Mi ! When we cait our eyes o ver the earth where do we ieea go vemmenc more free, laws .more mild, taxes more equal, iod aod moderate, and the-auuiui titration ot public affairs in tlte hands ot men bl equal integntyjdiHgeike, teal, k t.V teiiis. uo we not tcei the tiutn o thefe oblervatious t Let u there tore Place a iioctai rconnJtnce. n tnoie -o wnom we mti.itt.d th ' r ' V ' " . ' . , . -i . ' - i neim 01 government, ana reject wu indignation, the inlidious auioetls oV .ambitiou and dskoMiCnted .thtu' who- under the mik ot a zeal for the public good aim lolely at promo ting their own private mterciis and aggrandisement. PHILADELPHIA, March fta, xeitcrday arrsd, and hrcd a la- lute, the armed (hip Manchester, I o guns, 7a days irom London ny this th ip wa have receive i 'fi ii i i in i - s uc viu cngntntnen anu Am. jacobin F.xaiUiner" and " Ltoyo' ' Evcniuu l'l lt, to December 26 from kh cn papers the toUoAii. are extracts LONDON, Dec. 26. Capt. Citford and Luut. June will each receive cool, tor bringing the oflkial i.ft of tie taking ut Minorca ; the tiiuaf prefent given when the gunt fire on rec-iv rig ac counts 01 imporiant IqcceRes. l l a. - ta a 1 ne pumic win tcei otucn con. cern in teaming the frnout n fliipo rnions nf lor ' V ii count Duncan, n has gone by afy ftages 10 Scotland under the melancholy apprehension as he bimlelt itiiei, of never feeing aaninaiui aeain. e.ne of the M mllcrs and printipal envoys ol Oermany. UNION OK IRELAND. On Ttsaaday laft a very nnmernot and rtipeatabse alemblane of Ban. ken and Merchants ol Dublin mci on the fublfA a! n Uninn. ulim ,hg a,h, Ho0f lhe Lord Mayor I tnm f.lT.di0ih, rt,..r ,u, in,i- Refcduilons, moved by iho High Hon. D. Latouchc, and fecoodvd b Mr. Jono Claudioiis Bcrriiurd, were UnanmiooBy agrerd 10 " Hafolved, That finct fht re. nunciatHw of the power of deas Britain, in the year lolegiAVe for Ireland, the commerce and pot ferity of this kiradom have eminent. ly ericrcafed. Krior.d, Thai w aiiribote thele bit magi, under Provident e, od the grtiioua tavoor of our be loved Jovcrcivn, 10 tbe wildom ol Tkr tCJjtfa ol Hbur4 h.t" b""1"1 ! .? ,f, 0 T" tn Iris parUmem. RaUdvcd, 1 hat wa look with 1 PRINTER TO THE STATE OP NORTH-CAROLINA. a' ho rc nee on any attempt to deprive tie pt oplc 01 Irelaad of iheir parlia- aunt, and thereby their rjooflntr tional noh i and immediate poer to leg'flare tor thentfeltrs. fhU be delivered op to the Britifii " Refolved, Thai impreflVd With Officers appointed to tike charge of etety f-ntiment of loyalty to opr them. '. i kn, and afttdipazir attachment to lit The French Officers and Brinfh connexion, are cone he, that troopi (hall be protected in their per. to agitate in the parltaaient a quelons and eft'eds and the offictrsal ion of the legdiauv union between Ms Kiugcom an, ureai Britain onld be highly daiig.rjt us and its- politic." , ;'tj- lf corporation of Smitjha held a nualuie ot an anion, when refotu tto'na, nbly rtjpprvin$ of the mfU .were agreed to saIkhic a Deceit brr 25. Admirahv OfSee, lit c. iK.'gS Copy of a liltter fraW Admiral Ei l 01 ot. vincenteoniin-noer in ch"f of his MafcHyS llnps and vclfels ia the Np'rhteiranuan, to i fcvean Nepean swf . lie ion vet am Gibraltar, 1 HEREWITH. & will receirfe the copy of aietitcrXrom Rear Al- miral Loid Neli'oiw inclgituk' orfe. trom capt. 15-ail,,qr Ifia'lsjtliy' jlhip Alexander, with the aapiiuktion of uula. V ,ang uard, at Sea, IVo v. 8. My Luro, I have the honour to traufnm von akuer I received from t-Dt. Jail, dated 0$. a, together $ ne capiiulatian ot 11 e .U'.e ui G- a. .d a lilt ut iirdiullir. 1-r. " .1 . 1 Httn in jt the prUpntrs are now emnaraeu 111 the Vawuiad 2nd utater ttil I cairget v.ITp! to tend tlaaaswao t rf inje, . Ball, with thrfai of the line, a frigate and hrc thip, iscniiulted with the block. adc of Malta, in whi.h are two hh ot the line ti,d itiree ft if ates ready tor lea j -n iron, the (tperience. I Have naUol lap'. liall'sieaL .t. vi ty, ana ability, J luve rto d-ubt but IJlat Ul due tmie 1 lhall hVr lit honour ot lenmnKVou a nood ac- count ot the rrcueh 111 the town ot V-letti. . am, with the grrattft reffwcl. Your.Lordiljip'a nsaAvl.'t, fci v. HOKA I Hj NELiSUr.'. Adm.1-1 Lan St. Vincent., Alexat'der, off Malta, Odobcr jo. I have ihr hononr to atquint you that the commat.daot 61 the Frencn troopi in the caftleol G j, iigned the capitulation ihr 2 h Igtf. wnkh y u had approved : 1 orderad capt. CrelweH of ttie Mannrs, to tkr pnflefiton of it It) the name of Ins Britannic MajHtyg and his Mjef. iv's colours were lioiftoi. 1 hexi d ay the place was delivered up,rra"" nn Ine onc 8t,d Au- I In torn, to the IJ' p n to the Drpunts p h Ifland and ammun ti r. found 10 the cafte. pari of u hxh 1 dtrtfted to be fcot 10 the slliitancc ot the Maltefe, who are in arms sgamtft the FnnCf). I here ttr 3 lou latks of ft rn n rhe call'e, whuh will be great rahef 10 she 11. lub 1 tan's, win at t much in want ot that aride. I have ihr hosu ne to ha, Jrc. AI.LX. JOHKBALL, Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Notion. An ides of CapimlalloA, Between Ah xander John Ball, fq. captain of htaBmanmc Majtlty'a Ihip Alraander, appointed to con dad the bloc lade I Malta, under rear admiral Sir Hnrano Nellon, K. B. on the pari of Great-Britain, lieutenant colonel Lochey, Adj. d Bart, eonimsnder ol the French troops io the cattle of Go. ta. 1. The French Irorps ftull march nut of the tall le olGosa, nirhrhe honours of war, and fhall lay down ft. - u 11 m, ft. 1 theif arms is rhry get out of the gar. II; Thecaftle of Goia, With al the military implements and ftore lowed to retain their iuie arms : they man ue emoaricea immediately on hoard his Britannic Majefty's ihips, (in fant to France in tranfportt, at the expence ot the French guvern allies, duntig the wai until regnlarly ixchanged. Rear admiral Sir Horatio Nellort. proteclton, and they will not offci them the fmatlcft iniulc or ulolelta tien. ""n (Sighed ALEX. JOHN BALL cab'ain of his Britannic Majrfty'ii Ihip' Alexaodtr. 'Approved iHora tio Neljolv t Lochey; Adj. de Bittaltoni . Odu.ber 2, 1798. Capture of Rome, by Gen. Mack; AH the papers of yefterday jal mentcd that tiu Paria Gazettes, had been received Of a later d4te than me bin iiilt. One fremh paper however, we can Hate, was received of th iptb-ititU, It waslesit over ve. luppole, cxprtl- y, becaule h cdrlfatiia a very exaggerated accu.i' of the defeat ctthe iN'e.ipohtan ar.. my ol for ty thoulard hicn, by gen Macdoi a'dj with furry tlmuiaiti French! The act on tot.k place at Civiu Citadella, and trnfequenily, after 1 he 'Ve;.politans tvere 111 pof liftt ni of Rame. J . it is .ithrmed, in the fame jsupct that the Empire has acceded 10 trie ultiioituiu offhe French Directory ; and that place Was accordingly con cluded at Klttadt on the t h i, II. Ibis intelligence is faid to have reached Pars by means of the Tf irguphC aod of Luurle mutt have i cen forwarded by txpreis to Ca la u The treaty with the E nptre uo vever, cmjlfave but little effect fi rhe condud of trft 1 d tig powers,' k s It tie 11 tiurt'(e 0,1 the i'Ptrationk the war. It has proba: ly been COn. ::udidhv iheKrenc' , iodrpendent. v o' t'Cti grand I'bjrtt pt fowini' d-lieiirn between the Pr ficei ft he Y mpirr and ihtir hef, and ol .inliting the G.rfnanic Cnhllituiion ;or the porpofe i.f ensblmn them 10 contract their hue rt attack, and to direct ther prtnsipal forte againft Laly,. One sfnng is certain, that they will oh'ybblirvr it until it will he their interdt to break it. '"t.e tmpei-or aiott certainly af ford ;(h(t mceto the King ol Naples, who has evidently acted in concert wuh him f tnat a war ltren ' 1 ,3 KuM" a,Kl N 'P,es. (f" -7 ! O nerrnt aruciea ot inte, i. - i ce rem. I IT - taiued 111 this part ottur paper. F ATI . Ii the fitting of the $h, th - rarcm- nve oir defy lent the lo loiftg fcetTage to the Council of Eldcft 1 " CinaciM I'.epie l m.f 1 vrv, " The court of Naples has crow, ded its perfidies; you lerhy thi lettera ot generals Joubcrt ami Championet, and by tupy of a lei t t Iroin fhe Ntsnoilian frnrrsl Matk, to general Champkxiei, that the Freneh troops in itte Roman H rpublir have been attacked by rht Ntapolitan no-aie 1 bus the m- deratiooof the French Republic on. ly fcrvrato imrcale ihe asjdacuy ot nier emcs. J he details which wtt hefeni you will convince yon that nuth one and the other have been rained to their height. " Mow the mil care of the go vtrnmrnr will be lo take meafures to repel the infoknt attaak of . per- jared court, . " Tbr execmlve direetary, hat likewile to declare to you, ihat the court of Turin, equally perfidious, makes common Cuafe with our ene miesi and thus crowns a long train of cnmei againft the French Repub- " Oltiteni Reprefentativet, the executive directory doea not diffcm o'e that the danger is imminent , but Republican energy i, ftvll great, and if all difference ot opinion now I iPPif' and w'w unite, and heiegiflativebody wiH fecond by at) means in its power, the efforta of the government, the projecta of the en emies of the Republic will be again confounded, and the triumph of liberty will be forever fecured. The executive direct ory propo fes to you formally to declare war araintt tbekimz of Nanlr. ,h k ng of Sardinia." C py of the reDlv nf QmmrJ Mt, to General Championet, dated rtovembey 24. Citizen Gensd, e.cc,f e tDyui lhat lh "my of his $ie. Majclty, whicn I have the Honour 10 command ooder hit Ma jt fty in perfon, yehVrdiy pafied the 'rontiers to take PolTeiTon of the Ro man territory, revolttiioniwd and ulm ded ever fince the peace of Cam po tormioj aod neer rr cognized tS , lck,,owlged by his Sicilian Majefty , nor by his ally the Emperor and King. r - ir quire that you mould, with out the ImJleft delay, caufe all the French truoops tttioned in the faid Jioniirt territory o retire and 10 vacuate tiic places occupied by them. " The generals commanding the Afferent columns of .he troops of his Sicilian Maleity have ihe inolt pot tive orders not to it commence holtil tics it the French trooow fhall rui u bemg fummohfcf to to do, mi u employ force agamtl all oppufjw tion. " I declare to you betides, citizen general, It u 1 ihall conudcr it as an ctol holtili-y if evtt the French l oops fet loot on the icrriiof) ei the irai.d Duke of Tulcai y 44 Expttting your sinfwer, Sir vitbout ttie fmaiieU delay, I expect you wiu have ttie goodnefs o lend ackmajor Keifchach, whom I have :hc honor to dfpaich to you, in four ouri at tarthell altur the receipt of my lettef. ' 1 he reply ought to be pofi ive and categw ical, bath to the demand, s 10 the evacuation of the Roman Hate, andto that which cquires the French trot ps rtvtr again to fet fcOt Oh the 1'ofcs 1 territory. An anfwtr m ihe negative will bs coirfidered as a declaration of war, and his Sicilian Majefty wiR enforce by arms, the jult dcu.ai.ds which I now make to you iu 1 is name.'' After thefe piecci had been read the Cooucil of r ive Hundrcda adop M a relo'ut'on,that war Uuuld be drcUred againlt the kings of Naples and aetdioi. 1 hu relolo ion was immediately tent 10 iha Couhcil or Riders, which appronn it, and past dit into a law. Roth del 1 efattoiis mere adopted in a Secret cwn.mitirc, agrreahle to he J34'h article ol IN Cmlituiiots. BOA KDINGcSc LODGING 1 ate subscriber haviii provided hmiielt aith lfv cot.v tent Ii. u r, iu Piincel graot. Can aceuiiuuudata a few h..H,,. " provide D.onerf, Juppcrs, sc. n the m-r t r H notice. 1 1 slopes by us paitiftulfr aticutioo. to tive e- neral laiislacaion F. BEAUFORT. Wilmmgton, iadl 14. if Ton Timber w anted, FOR whwha generous pr tan will he given in cafb lor absot n una of guodyeltcw pit et a.btr, Ml tquare from to io 14 inches clear ( fap, and at tree I roan knot! aa r fTi. bic, 10 bo from to m o feet in length. J.aHJeJwiNe Pftwili 1

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