Jbamr THE WILMINGTON GAZE T T E 4" rrieid U Rrpuliic'fm-" lNUMiiL'.K III ; WITH .mis inip.reifrjn, and thi view ' of the f .'dcrat -guVef jmcn . under which I live, and Wiieh I trull I utaH Tup port agai;ill th ct forts of your load-gulping .udoo sic, as lung as my ior"ltnal , cxer tions can be ufcful, I may now b. permitted 10 go imu a llatemcpt S1 joine idvahtages, which may arite out of a government not altoge ther elective. In doing fo, I' ain not situated by any with to ketch fomparifor.s, in which the detects ct mir own, government may be pourtrayed. Far from it: my in- J tcotian is limply to remove., ,i pof- nbie, the impreiuon a certain party in, this country deiign to eftablith, ;0f thi. being a war of defpots a- 1 hree Dollars per Annum. T H UK S D A Y, J U N E 13. 1.799 Vol. Ill No. 127 FfriUSHKD WJioKLY UV AI.IM ANO HAf.L, I'tUN YfM TO fVlK ST '.TP. 'OK NORTH-CAR PUMA: fit. It is in tact a thing " ot "mo ra! enjoy uu-tn, an ! not -of mejaphy ;M.i dil.j.iiii iioii." Id cffccls an ' ipcVation, n trdivcus -t!ie lie of oeicly where it appears : it ilimi:-ai'-S ihduliry, patrpnics tlie Tci .nces, and vvniie it gives vigour t '.he inventive faculties j the-lnfiid,. I expands the foul, and. eherinie: '.jvry geherous eiFiifion and fcSilotrpri ot tne reart. it inculcates religion, ood-orier and morals, as the bafis of human ftV'city, and carries Wkh it l hat p otectio:i ;riringfrom whole fome lajvs, well executed, to the door ofWery individual in fociety ; to the jhrelhold of the cottager, as wen 35 palace or his king to thartft W pearant, as- well as ftf ! ... ' i this part of thtiaibh. i too wel' known to v.c :d a Cflll iept.. It $ a deplorable tzfifdi OP, I hat it do. ot ttand 01 u fT-rent fooling ; fee ,aufe ithrrhrf;cedv, lure oui' pi r ecVexen il'e of judicial power, : mnecled the fecuiity of everyi igi. r which igovernmcn i proppic .nd initialled. It is in vain for i oitvm unity tofpeak of t he cooiplei njo', ment of fubitantial freedom, vhen delay and lahgour characterize indicia! proceedings and when th :itiz. n has every inducement to eompromiffc a rijht, by reliriouifh ing a part, rather than urge or pro fecuto.it befote a couf t ofjultice. When. we are abotit to axamine the properties of governments and the peer. This is Englifti Ijaerty, I eflimate their weight and utility as4 contra-diftineuifhed from th'.r ! we muft ldofc ta their operations- gainft the rights of man, and that it is j airy phantom goJdefs, which ho-! and not their form. In foru, the cngiiui government is auuiru : in unworthy of America . to take.any ; ve.rs around France and the cotm. part, in a'contelt, waereui t ranee :nes lfte has regenerated. -, ; -Itruggltts for her ' freedom. In one To give, however, a more intel fenle, itjs truly a war of defpotifm, ligiblc definition of this firfl of blef?. inaimuch as it is France alone who fmgs : fubftantial freedom confifts at. tHis moment meditates to intail n thafecurity to thecitizenor fub upon mankind, a revolutionary 11a- jeel of three important rights, viz. Very. j xft. The right of perfonal fecurfty ; In order to thew that it is not 2d- The right of perfonal liberty ; Graving a fair inference, that a 3 The right of private property. ' people cartnot be free, where every . Where thefe three rights are en branch of the government is not - jyed, the people are fubjiant tally letHve. I take the government of free- Where they arc violated or tngiana as an example. At the 'nvaaed by the. government or by effcclr it . is admirable, as it mea fures to every one vvithin the fpfiere of its inrluence and laws, protec tion and comfort. The couttitu tion of South-Caroliria, on paper or parchment ts a structure ot beau hiftration at juitice ; tor eonr Siuoi a.'t to adv.,n:aie withot v.wv. An oath lides miM li ol ii oi-.-e a-d (V ligation! if, whi'e it i ken, ilic court liuve-not an air o ;-!( and of wheoir., it Le plan fh'vvtvich '" is admit. isieied iues rtsrl Xldiliit t tVifnc ojt io e:Tii.it and dc conno, -fuMabte to theuppeal which i Dtrrioti thtn-tnakes.to u.e iupre:r.; obiter of tjbe uiveiTe. Lvef.y ihiin. .vhich tends tugMr an atmofphen if rcfprxtabiiHHBund a court ot u'stice, as nitBHpnerieiul, af fuel .night to be nuity exitorcefl. tve; talents and ditinguilhed probitj in judges, cannot make up tor uiuci more than the many inconvetiiencie- attending a deri!e6tion of form for it is in proportion as the mode of ari;riinillering oaths is more oriels tmpreihrte and awtulj tha: perjuries are more or -efs frequent. But another caui; ts, the fmal fabrics of the judges, and the con timied fpirk which exists in th state legillature, to take away from, to dtmtrmh the powers of the judi ctary, and to reiluce the lalanes, ties in every part, nd fo is the 1AY f fmall 10 a Smaller furp ; prefent French constitution i v.h 1 nd tncr-eY makc the judges diptn ano yet no one will deny, that there deni uPon the lc!n ture foi"their ureaa arm ontce, cc oeicr every mil of talents and independence, from is not a lumctent reipea tor ma gistracy, and that the laws are not as rigouroufly enforced in this com munity, as they tpight be or af- tert. that the r rench constitution o- ltations. The people ofGreat-Britain then, BOSTON, May 17. .FOREIGN NEWS . Frsm ptpirs brought by theVtnH i which urri'vtdytjltrdaj jrm Li- vtrpotl. Defeat ol the French. LONDON, March 24. ' pbjervtr Office, Sunday Evenings tiL-s tchek. V The Hamburgh mail due this day arrived at it o'clock, and brought the gratifying and impor- idiii iiiiiiny iiLc ui 111c neieai aim retreat 6f the French armv in thd country of the Grifons, commui rin, .1 r H t-. . i . . b. ir.i 1! All ol nn.U 1 iui pal i i v 1 1 : a t i y uj a ilui.i IIUII1 Lindau, ontheLakeof Conftancei tated op the evening bf the 8th IllllAIlt, IU lliu lUIIUVTllig .IIH..l . . The French army, undjr theor lers pi Gen. Maffena, on'the night . t L- -.L I J.L TL? or tne 5m paueo me ixmnc near Sarganz,. between Ghur and Feld kirk, and On the following morningi advanced with rapidity on Gen. Auttenburg s corpi, which it drove back) and cut bt its communication with the main body of the imperial armt. vietu rlotze, however being apprifed ot thefe movements, early on the morning ot the 7th, advan- hereafter confeining tb fcrve in thofe ccd from Fetdkirk ; an adion, dreadfully fanguinary enfued, and was maintained during the greater iarrte time, t lay it down 3s a fun- ailY c'as id the communitv with dmental maxim, 'not to be fliaken "punity, tjie nation is fubjlantial- ! pcra'es, what In form.it pi bpofqs to t)f controverted, but to which all (y opprelted : for there is no kind mankind , mfrit give tln ir aiFent, P, compulfive tyranny, which the j So that it is idle to infer, that be that there js no one tor m bf go- w,t or ingenuity of man can defire, caufe England is governed by a tno vernment tinder haaven whirh h:i let it annear under whatrvpr fharw. narchv. that the eoole are not five not its difadvHiitages as well as ad- or garb t will, but what muft af- I aver that they are even more fub- cularly too whcn tne prefent mo-confiderab'e ; the regiment of Stein vantages,' f men debits have them, fcct in a material manner one or; o'- stantially free tha h the inhabitants mentous crifts demands, above all had fc-ty men killed, and feyeral Kt huhlu-t t,i. nMk L.. :.k... ther nt thefA thr., nrt nf rhi- mnnirv tarn 1 -. rr I uoiers, mat mere mouiu oca corj-iwonnaeui them. The fuoerior advantage Upon the fame Droccfs of reafoninfr. have given, that every ri&ht which geniality of tenttment between all W 3 , . . O . f 1 it . tfWf I. -iti,1.1 .rk4 ntamft i t m enjoying all thbfe folid rights which part of the day, but in the event,, a free government propofes tb en- the French were defeated and com furc to every citizen, it is ufelefs pelled to crofs the Rhine with very tb throw any reflections on the fo- confiderable lofs; vcreignfy of that nation: partial- The lofs of the Auftrians was Small corps of the republican! ivhichtTie Enghfli government, not- 3 at,on mult be proportionably perlons wilhes to enjoy, is there I ,hole. natl0nsf .wloi intereft tt iskh the 7th attempted to crofs the witnitanuing it is a monarchical one, Ircc as tney advance to the perjeel more completely enjoyed than it is rr . ivwhwh wi Kj Jr 'k 'n -r " " iniiis ui iiic vjiiiuu luiniu y aim Vbralbere, namely, at Haldenflein Ragatz, Wcdenbtrg, and Saletz but were at each i-epultcd by the Austrians; Gen; Ho.t pTofdnp hy bi'.t'c tpltory, immiitely penetrated from thur into the Lanton ot OlaruSi where thoufanis of Swifs maU contents were -rowdinc to ioin ny country 111 inc. wprto, ajo V'i w jooxt;up 10 ineir courts ""yuaoncauyn 01 iniKinu, does . . hi alarrM it nn'.ih r tliLr and tribunal nf iiifliro iKI. '. . not falt'r nwav frnm t heTolW rihfc" rneTica to-ebmbat princlrtles which ah exception. I Duroofc'v a- the only department, to' which is or fubstarttial liberty of anyone areherown. But I give the lie r.,.k man in the whole kingdom, Thi. 1 know full well, that this is "3p V y ni , J J l 4." 1 has over tvrv AtlSw and full eninvmfiit of tfieir rl..lc here. Rut I mav be toM thr A oanc.ot governments and morals, - - - 1," -11 in, . 1 J J - "i,ui.i, s - -rj r J If a p JC l is, that by irs operations and tffedts, For the protection and maintenance very man in England has tot a right tltnch "ijlutnce tndtrencb pnnzi- the fubjeas untler it enjoys more of thefe rights, the people in all t0 vote for a member of parliament. Hcrc )'011 may leave to fubftantial libcrtv and fecurity, tlian countries have been necelftrily con- This is certainly truef Viit still a dlfFcr Vom mc' inaftTlucl1 as 11 15 I ... '" .. " f&fJ JC" rt...: I .1 ' A'.r l!C r Li i linwnrlhv nf rkr frrp Pate of A. m a not try Void Anlno ir. fi-,f rpjlons urhik I etltl illl-d the nowcr of heartno " " " -ii x " 1 r mm , O 1 I I L , fhall orefentltr trive. A to tK comolainls of the nertDle As are foin right to vote. I deem . under mm- nc mpremon which the tndullry French government and conftitu- dl on die infringement of their ting circumstances, a liberty by no an.d .'"fatigability of all perfonsccmu .: " "...v: 1. "1 i ti rn..C I i.!.JL 1 r 1 ... f..u. .u i ! Inimical Im the Welfare of Arneri-him. iwiii which yon aumirc aoove all f"-"""' Tigma ami rigui or proper- iuuwmikmi me uiny ninny " i t- J u au. j oihers, and Which perhaps you wilt y The judiciary branch of the of it being tb prevent the govern-!". ,ftf make " ',hc PubIicl. L'nd,U 0n lhe 7 WS ocpxed be mrtre fnrniil,i! it m i. . COVpmmwil ihet-ffore lh mn- I tTlent or inv one e! T inffinoinn mind. Fortunately, howeVeri thc.oy our companies ot the regi- - ...luinwun, ill. inn J . .. ...... w. i i ii Lull i i -" - iieiiii! ... . . , rt5 fj .1 r- r A:....n.'. f . Lr- . . . . v nninmnc nl f ( Ni,mriiii nf ii,..'ii!cnt of Hani er. and a conlide- uiamnip 01 me civil iiDerucs ot a "oic tmptnam nenis or wnicn 1 -i-",'"- 6"-"' J""v . z . , ;; cepting, than even your own conn try, I fhall not notice it ; umler Pcople. the hope that there is mr man in1. Then from alt tnis, it is dearly America, unlefs he be a knave, 'inferrable, that lhe inhabitants nof- bigot or Fd&h who can believe fHingthe mod firm,-enlightened, have been fpeakine : but thefe richts PeoPlc lca" a,,0,hcr waJ- When raoie train ot artillery toiiowca ready Uninterruptedly enjoy. fPc.alc of ,he PcwP,e 1 a,lu(,c ,0ithe"V j i . i .' . are i 'n-n u it n i n irrn i i u . x'iv.ui uiiiiiiviiu uiluit tn iiy- rr i , , , .r , . ed. To.hlc it miaK u. L.t ! the thmkinr. raiioual and difcrcet The heWs rjf thefe mdvementu that no fubstantial liberty canber-! Por,ion of the community. I wifhached Ulm on the 91b, and w orhcrwifc, than that the French ha- virtuous and independent judiciary ; '""", where the right of voting is I m 3v.,d wng P that communicatca to ir.c armv. a:....; 1 portion ot cverv communitv. who!. I he accounts trom Lum are to -e in- . I.. - 1 - ti ' and v. iihin the reach of evry one. Why, conUdcring the queltion ab tyranny, ai fora and galling as any any other. Great-Britain is that Dy winch a nation can be afflicted- country. Her judges arc even pa a dcfpoiifm. infinitely worfe, than ramount in conlequence, in lhe elli they experienced under the regal go- tnation of the nation, to the parlia vernment ; becaufe, inttead of ment itfelf, inafmuch as they can the littrt dr cac' ti, (which wa fel- t any time declare filch acs, as dom fentout, except aftainft perfons they pafs againft tommtn right and intertcr -,g with the governmcm) common realon, abfoluicly null and with which thcyhad at the fame a,,J voidand give iltehi no validity, time the happy influence of morals I t is needUfs to fpeak of that. Jutl and laws,' they have 'm exchange a ar,r, fo eminent fof probity and lyltcm ot terror," lulglcion and pri- talent, and Into whole hands are j "on in this itw when we have it vate alTjllination, and do man can wifjy cntrullrd Englilh m6ra!s law j our power to draw information calculate 011 an hour's fecurity a- and liberty, and fpeak of any other from rr7.4nd experience. Great gainll hc Uireclotial mandate for'at thefamctime: for comnarifor.s Briniii furnithes anex.imb!e, bf a C 'it. . . I a: , . . 1 ir 1 .1 N'unmrni, proiciipiiou or death. I mall therefore, for the prefent, fay uoiliing of (his monllrousre nblic, bin merely confine myfelf to the (hewing that the people of Grrat-Britain are in the poircfTion of mof Juljlantial liberty, than any other nation ; and coHfecj!klitly that its gnvcrnmerSt can haw no o. ther motive in carrying on the pre fint war, than to prefcrve and per perijatc thai liberty. in pro. ceding to do this, it wil be iit'cciTary to under (land what If a 4 lihrriyis. Dom it confiil in hav. i hl.'rty.cap, which by a Litnl of trtajdc is to operate emancipation nl git t frcurity to every head or hirh St is placed) Does it con in vin and empty (oandi, ii 'pompntfi en Tania i.mv ami in tri tojouroJ cockades I Or hat it iu f i(lrhCe io iWrigbl 4 4-popularc . l ungry after a tidim to their ig-j noraiue a r.l th ir refrt tmcnt, tr dance around a pole or tree, throwi tip their pf'-afy rap, and thou oit HI farted naftie ? It it Ht b- loundin neilhrr, I apprehend. is a hlrdtn invaluahie not becaufe it Ufocltted, hm becaufe It is teit fo to be' By i' name it Only cp mj j by in ftibAartcf, it bene- to foppnfet that the jubjlaniud rights cannot be fecured, Ifuh-ls the priviledge to vote cXilts. But we arc not at liberty to take the qucC are odious. There arc many caufes nation picferving, and in the full which contribute to make the En- enjoyment ot its fubflsntial liberties, gliih jndgei independent of the and yet every man cannot rote. TKil crown and parliament which do concIuhVe Whether Oreat not eaiii in other countries. Where Britain Will prrfevr th,is freedom is lhe country which can furnilh as long at America, is altogether a fo rational a fydcin of civil jurif- nother queltion, and ftreign to the prudence, and fo ah' y, fauhfnlly j intent or pur pole of thefe obferva and diti-'cntly admiwiftcred ? Where, tionf. Suffice it 10 fay, that her do we fthtl t Mai.t filch a digeft of people arc now uiqurjiionably in the improved rcafon and equity, as her,tull and prrfed tnjomctit ot what . iiv , . r . .t - ... are immerfed in ignorance and'" tithtnlt. At that period t he who mav be led altrav bv anv ienii Archduke Charles had his h:adJ J w v ,,ul,v' iiic iiiv uuvutuii au . r s . , . - . ii flratedly and taking it tor granted,1'"'"", which adehgntng po it.cal Titers a rviinoenncim, ana n.s that all ibvernments aim at the del I jncendiary may think proper to amy had advanced as far as Mcm- molltion of public right, and librr ty (a propofiiion 10 which I Hull never accede) it is rcafonabie enough I ommonlaw? Where it lhe (pot n tlu tacc.oHhe earth, where re hrfiafa Ipredily and ctfkacioufly itToidcd in ihofe, whofe perfons or junpcriy have liren violated) or It N ie ihe fpot, where the wealth, mi.k at d cndit 'an in life of the par- iea litigant, tre io rr.mh thrown unt of ronfi'lcratim, or lhe obfture prajuni f murh upnVfooling wiil he mod confprt iioiii man in focic V.H fore ihofe dignified ilbil ratoi., " 1 U ,--ttie judges of Kngland ? Where it that ufponfif i i'y, learning and dignity, atlachi cd to he office of s H'dge or whrrt A fimilar indii crhrnt to take a prid r ind pleaftirr in attf t ding 10 the duf irotan nfiicr, fo important ana fo big with - he f..', andeltential in ttrr of .iht penjile No whefr. Tl.r adniiniliiatioti of jufiica ill every candid man will allow lobe the ejjtnce and Jubjlante of freedom, and, fo will continue, until decay, laltitude, weaknefsand corruption, (hall g.iin admittance into her 1 oum of juflke, a period which I believe neither youorl, nor our children unto the 1 bird and fourth generation, will ever live 10 fee. The ratifcs of this difference be tween Great-Britain and this conn ry nuift be obvious to every Oftt and will cnnhrin the j oftiiou 1 fei out woli, 1 Hal tliere m no fftcrn n tent which hat not m dlfadean In morar 1 , the fcniu or lhe gavernmrnt inriilca'ct gfWt form, parade any? pai ca n r . The genius of a rrj uMiran gcv on the contrary, inenkatet a cdtrw tempf of form. Thh necclTari'.y fSz(U in fvine mcafarf, the -Juii- hold out. America has her fuli mingen. Gen. Jourdaii had ou the proportion bf this clafsj and more 9'h, halted at Villengcn, and Gen, lire-brand pmry than a countryf- at Ratweu. ineirpatro boghl to have, where every man;'crs had bien pufhed as (ar as boarts of his living under a govern- Rohenburg, Tubingen, Ruetlin- menl ot his own choice. But to thc gcn a ragoia , om inc run 01 . ITl 1. .r.L- j iM - point. VINDICATOR. ne main nnay 01 inc repuum an ar- my, which was advancing agaiuit, MAKTJN ETTINGF.R, p'm by S!ockatdcuanA tynpn, Di ir 1.1 .,: , .1 j-i . v , r; I, i n advice ot the dilaltcr lullain Blahh,Jt 0h, xJoUmn nnder Maflena, fled ' ii. 1 11, h f rea n rrpi it I a nr v low int. Tvr,,h. ,, , , . 4 iwiui Lira. ku iijiiv.1 i" Jim HFORMS the pobhe , hi hhad aufcn onJnC9 for kij ja renevra till nmp n rvir. H'ep-ir s wharf, ar Mr.. Telfair's (hip - '"'if" " b. wnrre ne tar nr, on n.s v-,jQ,ird.n ir1 reached Ulm on the lo.h hranchet of bufinefs, ahd l,rrr f(ft T f BJv.uced corps Would t "I'P", ff.,, fn- .1.!-nneneifl rtrenrrrii- yard, whefe hf tarrlet on hl f vi- 1 1 1.-I1 in .1.- .-..u - , -lowiuaii 1 hium w on '.l ral branct.fi o( buuntfi. hd where f. n t - ..1., 1 , , C - I HO. 1 I III II I HI llll 'I WOUIkl aptainwd viflch, ard others h,, kfriiouflt mMatMindenhci.it u- 1. I .u Jt .-ii ....I.' i . . . . .... K w.r , nm.r,, nm.tr,. m-.& a.itKr,. H is army had bee n re- all k.ndt of Iron Work, ib the torn inlc t4 ty fum coiotor), frort relonable tci m. A I u f 1 lor woi k will be thankfully irrrivrd and pun. uiallv attrtidcd to. Thole who em. pluy him fOM drpmd on bring wcl' Si ' ... a b a lerveo. rvjay 9. S luf'eor noaittatinn hsl Urr L 1 paid to a fermrr advertdcmenl of iinlli , ihi ii iherefnr ! give no lite to ilu.le CmUtined, thai auktl thry who are iiidebud to me wil 1 Use left jfd -1 p -v up thair at couuir, I Hiail be uiiilrr the iiUyirc able firnlliiy of rniortiuy pavmrn aprrrahly to taw. Paynf I II Will b apt Ard lobe (Aide at eotrh-Wafh teflon '- - Cicorge IvI' Donald. May 27. IILANK5 Of all kitldfi, forfalc at the Prlrtifng-OOtcl bw lurflaiit 'I he riench general Souhane haa occupied Fribourg, and (lie whole l"f ti c Enlcaw. The Imretial army in Baiari jcomprifed 115, cto rnrn ; of ihcfe bo, ceo had, on the 5U. m(t. eroded the Lech. TheV arc rerrrfrnicd bv Lccounll from Ulfn, Frankfort, &c. is full of animation and cot hdenee. Many ot the regtmenii ol infantry ad 1 wo and three hundred fnptrnu neraries and were complete, aurf etur ap oimed than at any former eriod. One hundted aniliwenv itcei I f nrdnancf hd heen ro'lrn I at. flm on hc 6thand the Ar. r--nke Charles had impreffrd soco aggc n, and all lhe borfct ot the Ijaart cotii try, to haflcn on h". mvtyance of troops, cannon, cVc. the theme f war, and all iff ofScersif Vironahavc been ct 4j;ed to the army . '