b JTil W I L M i K C TO H Gaz E T t e . Number I. fM. Hail, rlE minly exertions of an imli vidual to preff rve cbe publu rights', delervesthe pubic fupport A iiewlpapris a. great lojrCeof dm iuturtiwiian ; and a it might jlfff! W Ix- the vehicle of private .calumny d U nder, fu it ought not to be t'tu trim' peter of unmerited panegyric to fjrifef your pip- r to be conta irin- . ated inrituer otthrte ways, is wrorg to the community --by , the former - -i m r -J Tnean,n indtvidotl is injured rby the Utter, the public-mind-is potfiMi ed bv dt cepuo:i. Wlairlic'R lti lii'elyiaad Jpirited manner has txpo' rd anabufc of this la. ."." kind, whih you with too touch . i gm'ce ha,ve . fuflVred to creep iot vur paper.' Y.oit have attempted' a vindicaiisti-iJ your right -do this, is no way que TtAned ; and I with equal- right litall examine its validity- . . , ' As I untie i it and you a powerful1 enemy- ambitious tojule the wot-id? ;hd threatened td'oVertujii eur gv- i verWenf, and 1vad provided emdTa- -Ties in our countrto excite inlarrtjc- fions, -and by tiie force of faitrigite ex netted to gain throng hold, in the Southern States, and thepebtaldlj laMRhe eonqueft ot the U.utei';i TWat in the midft of dingert our ttlhds were torpid, and thaT indivi dual exerrfans were nectfTary, firft to awaken rid then flew us, our danger --TlurGcn. Smith had" the taints to open our eyes and roufe our fpi rits -that he had exerted himlel on a the Brunfwick regiment of militia, and was crowned with- fnccelV that duty as well as inclination, led you , tomake honourable mention of fo : much fpirited patrioiilm. " Hating done your duty, it remains for us to : do ours. : - When the Golden Calf wns prepa ted, the Israelites were forbid to wor, Hup it w too-mould reflect before we pay homage to -the patriot you have let -up, and the rather, becaufe ""you give us certain publications is a criterion ro re mate out judgments. fcet mefuppoTe for a moment -that vm vita i n uiuuiuuj iu 'unr military prnMbnor. and public dill mc r tioh, ahd tha-he doe not-defer ve ; 1rftbi ft w4ll be then his interest to makVBtJ tmryarWrtfertedha r iftcr lor html rlf-a iid fuited to his j ieMv-ir wrll be burs to di (cover. what ii real ; to mew it to the pub- f be, and tnoft especially to thole who may have the power of appointment i or the means of recommending him this feems lo evidently right and real bdable that t (hall not take a no I inent to prove its propriety. '1 he publications feem intended to (hew that Mr. Smith is popular e 1 loqoent patriotic, and meritorious - on the itoi e of former military feivu ! ees. As to ibt fit ft, I am ready to ad. mit that the judgment of the people (being well Informed) is very ftrong evidence of the worth of men. i Whether Mr. Smith enjoys that i popuian y, it not ncccllary :o be ex i atnined until it Dull appear that it is kiii wn as well as admired Secondly His eloquence is net di rectly infilled on, but only inferred, and p'rhaps yea may be lb r tied at the term i feeais to have been grfleuOy airri , btfed to hirt. The GieraJ, ! be lieve, ht the good feole to -perceive lysan defertMgs, irheA, perhapa, orheti ihave tobsAheh inferrlhihey- I aod n't, very geMeratly believed, he .tprctiTnflv gttted in csChing' at al full aecoont at its greatefl appredati. n) and as he is now an incumbent, tiKffreits to have targe expectations and i fupported by oi:r conhdetu at ihe rife of oor vrtmoft tatety : this (halt bi examind above ail the rcfl. I do believe 'hat the people ot Jrunfw:rk county have common lenf. and the free Ipirit that becomes them, like thertitot their country men. After the puhlicatinhef the dispatch es from on r Envoys at Pari, could any rhing be neceffary to induce them to prepare lor the relidince of inju ries? If more was. wanted, and Mr. Smith furnifhed the deficit, yon havt dorie good by halves, for '6u 'iave trot publifhed his oration to the Brunfiwick re girhent what afTcled As an auxrliary fnpport to yotar that fti'.ion, thenindced the elevati n tahours in -the way ot your duty, might have been admired, and ii vou lift ud the military churaiUer of foundation relied on But no fu m. rm Li . .u . k ...t.. ... r . Ucn. a,;rn, m Its wiiau;on drefsj for us to gate at, permit me first toobfcrve.you have made pal try extract, and left out the rmginj the belfs on his honor's arrival an that the guns with Which he fmotv fo many foes at the G (t i" at bat TtS oV BcAUrOET, feeing tha' m rtt was tbenrjiM from oblcn rity, and amply rewarded gave fe vcral difchares without lunnati a! lihtanec This is the most grm mistake you i:ver committed pci iiaps as it would have been 100 high ly complimentary (as. in tht caf i the letters from the . War) fomercfr?uchm'ajts have beet mkde 1 have hot the paper, no have I fecn it, unci therefore c; oly examine what you have tho' fit tq produce. We -are pniiled and perplexed t know'what uart of Gen. SMi Ti Conduct ought to excite tlie fpirii hing appears- ihcbattieot ueautut was long after the retreat from Lou dam l, no olne-r matter--! m. n iop- led that tuu'ld nave tndticrd Uenej.. vValh nton io make Mr. Smith h : Oil dome UouDts wncincf nu nun was cv-er an i to Ai antra iValhingtoiij are entettained b) lume people, for thev alleuOT that ieneraJ Waihington on his arrival ft Wii minatoni Uid tiot kuow Mr. jmitiij and fectned never to havi card of him. . . Ai i'r .mentioning 1te; ha 1 i o f 'J -an irt, and :ita- Mr. jiinnn was aii-c- tht hem would affeft others : and your paper wwi Id have Ipread nliimina ion x animation whcfeVer it went, Has da voh knowtthey Were tor- pid, and that he animated them r iaippofe I .mould kie ill of the gout." and,avphyfician adminifters to me a 1:111 !- nf tl( IllHl'llT l( rv-lft xvirh fum. vaiaj sugar, in a, taUfc ipoontul lot W1 C"V"". :"' .- V- pfirjiplciwater, will you attributemy IPI m different l.ghs--tt h reeoverv to ht tnemcine i Snnftrtf o ociumvc . . i - - I 'f(ic"a knave for robbing mc ot my gQodii, ..ahd prove it clearly upon I.:. l.Jl 1 1 - f "'Mi, ann 8-uupia teitow avows mm felf for my counfelr .and . tells the court; and jury with all the pomp 6c circumftancc of efoquepce "Now fi tbe" fim' An infill- A l .. T lrtfi v MMT.i f ' If the bfleade undcT tho coinmand aSi Wn-uthithnn, i k"of Brigadier Gen. Smith is una . ,-rr " . .., , . . " r-... . .,1 , u ' obtJHued for my variousexertions Dlc ,0 Ptorm it, win a wmrn it rniisf be VTrjrf'pernicious pur oofe. Our country isreptcfenied as the feed of infurredion ; ' here atrfhd Cmiffariei and intriguers of our one miesi and thefc furely mould watched and fuppraffed-by wliom be imp ttt General Walhii'ipbp, i : hai4ftiitrMfURc..tftf beg.-iye 11 nianv oecattems -J-fticli vastons 4 prpofs-wf aeiviry and HMtitinuiflitd hr .vterV tlF,iMh the whole War. 'wV- ... - . .... i ... n V' UMuerit ttie approuaMun ot pimsWi partial country men'ri-1 hjsfs men mmp of word tb fweM ja praifi .nt Je and is vefy . latX 9f WH fiinrti'iicr nun, ; t j c ,uavB in m afk when aiuLwhereT. All ibuiliah uirit wr in thecaufo of justice, why men .: -11 : ' J ' . ' 10 mi in print, reported time attcr time Was i not prefent with the calm depotmentof a veteran at the well, managed Beaufort cafe, and ne whole of the jPine men under the fame commander be able to do more ? This is abfur'd and must be rejected much lefs is it to be hoped for, by any cftange that may withdraw 4 lie- . . . ver left4he court till ir adio..r.i.rU-. that-force, or a part ot it. A ' ' ... J MM 1.. m .mi. arm nAt 1 icorn to praiieraylolf, gentlemen, , vv ,lcre "mmu"P .'r bnt..fl. T faift. W ii ini hm 1 kept up, the milm a of any conn- can vouch for the, truth becaufe I try constitutes its power of defence gave the heads of the affair to the wncre sranaing army ra ieu, ri-nan.r. UA . i.t-V. j the militia is occalionaliy catted on -Kw.vt i v iuivi a 1 UV. i r llJllU ill MA m'-mm m. m mm m I Hk mm, t r 'h rOrlll IT tAtTAl aremng up iuch things but the j ,,,,s "B"' 'Zr7 blundering fellow has omitted tt rfQra finlc effWr ?5 hlg m..,.;n t ,1; 1 u.i.l. t i fnirits. which all laree bodies ofi bvoneof tf- trrt nnV, r.A ,.,a freemen will furntth in greater or feveral cafes as loud aa f ,nd leffcr numbers) inframed wi-h more: ifhai been thnnoht hw nA of the military ardour than can be that but for,rny exeVtronVtbrngs Ptfed in largercorps,.and fetkind wouio, na,y.c gone worte ,tuan they '.-;y" 6 .rry..r' fr , n " . i V" "A f-ha did. There ualfo the Lontr-iOand nor and Consequently of danger jCharlefton, to reprefente hero. Thaj cafe': SSmVS mpt to city MsprHceanddOesnow con. e aitlwei enVtfiere is nbthing to gi itir arnlanle, but the authority tf miw nit whons; ihofe1 intfalices tha in khe judgment of the Wruel -,fftt finely to do Mr. Smith, honorr..weW Ipecially mentibKU.ei we nae icfi I U ir 0 mm IllK i- I 1 1 9- ' Are We to emulate his teats m Beaufort and LOnK-Iflatid? ' We Will dUI1v Inllnw imitare emulate"i il ybupleafe, whatever df-ecelleiic-las gone netore us, out oeing torpia iu Sid) why has not losneining bccd town ni f Mr. Smith having aflilted at a battle in the revolutionary war, affords us nothirttf. What did he plan, how did he execute f lucre aione merits could aopear all is filence Oiitinctien implies fotne ditTerence had one battle only been tougnt, at i hp- men in that battle would liavt done what no others did, and there fore would have been diltihguiflied j butlbmanv battles were fought, th thiniT wait common, and therefore having beehih a batilei has lbng fince eeated to be a nauge ot nunuciion h ia not itatetf that he piannea tne cnterptlfe, or had any part n uie ex ecutton. but as a icreeaiu. All tins exhibits an unintereftin pattern fur bur imitation, ana tnin vaiuthes this tatldy vapour, raiiea p vre knnW not whdm. In the eity oi HAN-AWAY JNFiidavtheiia VJ of May falf, i rlrgro leilow nirlt4:" JIMMY, he is a ih-ut bfacli fe'low, of a yel- I'SsbHsw (dwiHi c-U, he is hbopt ivr feet ten or eleven inchea high. at her Aim made, hisr ignt Knee ten: i iittle towards his Irft leg ; be is jout twehfy-u years of agej fpeaft olerable well, has a Hnped bome- fpun coat ancfoverallti a wjfe negro vloih pair of overalisj ipalr of patch- d boots, an oznabapgihirt or hine- fpun, a white negro cloth under jac- ket, all'O a jpolted corded inufl net waiftcoacyrne may alter his name 6c jideavour to make for Wayne c6un- I vVVhoever will apprehend laid HellOw and commit him to jail fo.a'! antet hinn or deliver him to Mr; John Magiil, Old. Town, Brunfwick ;ounty, or to my felt, fhall receive a reward oi i w xcm i 1 uuiunij, and tf fuch information of a black per; Lion harbouring him, five dollars more md if. a white perfon, fo as J. ran bring -film to julticej I will idd twen y Dbiiars. "Williarri Maglll. Btunfvbick county , June i . 107 cafe : the court indeed h rntr art h-ftTL Tilyt and in Tome conTufiohi the tu,B V1 ty&m& eV W Chtmceiior having forgot them menw to luntrt irt this fenfe strangely I have, no certificate of f the eXpremoh docs not deferra myicrvices but 'tis plain I mutt t0 bc 'ittxtd by anjr man of com hava done a world of ( ,cwt mon fetife i What csh be more n- "Gentlemen, ! have made fuch diculou than to attfempt td change .Varies appearance in court', and oefPlnVd SSiBs? SrL2 fo juany occalions as to merit your ' 'F" n' 1 r T aoDrobation Ymi had Kner An - voiunteeis insttio ot sfiiuua maies I advife you for if you dont do no 1ubsntial dfferertcj in the i4lieiywwiH all be called knaves' powenof fuch cdrpt-thefe Ideas Wheniuftice it dnn m k u.m.M rc confirmed be mv fillv to fav I owe it to this lhe rePrt of J f 4 man's eloquence lake a couplet from poem of Or' Swilt j -Of Parfbn moeh for preachiog fa . medt the featnn reafoced well, " And iultly H ALf the merit claim ed, becaufe be rong the Ml." In this cafe, by ihe way, you give Mi . Smiib all. The very Honorable Brigadier Gelt, has on t his occ.fion fjcen pre" fented handfomely at theexpenceof Ws,pld regiment, that he may ap pear to sdvantagef they hive been iinpffd-attd Jfcotvn lo all tht naked - nift of nature. tis a nitv his hnnnr. he term i real eloquence, hoaf ver has 801 corf-eted ynu in ihil parts s the art of perlualioo, an J i hlt 0 maf Mtituje to this reel- mestt, wherein truth his military dif tsnVltons ssVd SVally commence.-HnW rhirt he. may Ivft the reft ofihe Jlate w nut known, but furely he cn. IsMst pvfi that regimen? very much, when -to acquire the reputation of popeVity and elooence to himielf, DO we-uJd InfJef it to appear, fficrre sj ell ai men, dull mffs of fta pidyy, w4ich without his afliflance would not hafe hd the fenfe lo oef- l has hrtn omitted by h'm.L.eito er fpirit to refrnf, the em's not bodod if,nerci it. be J ini anS mjuriesand thrra.enfd talh men of fenfe, fpi. lt and patiio tHm. and fbch men detpiie as muci as We do. what yOb have thought pro . w m . m pet to hold bp aft an example tor 001 Iniitatiort. As you make a very wtihg eftirnatr by publithiBg ihe unmerited praise of Mir. Smith, lb yau Judge iignwy iu fuppollng )bbrfclf fbllalned by any Drcecdent iiia Northern newfpsper: When A lady bi a befeved aftd dif. tintuifbed family, ptefentft sVbeatni in a great meafure byl!ul imwTitmm tffmsy cwnr rtt Secretary at War, g felfSiS r. u t-ir: . mrA - WnU df patriot ifm is f Xaltefl, and eoi fe(Do,n nd feelinif participate with nor NdkftW frince, aad vaiueing ery hrgbly rHoey par.s.' 1 do not bchevr, among h-i crpdin the item of eiesue wdl be found fU, if st has hren we are iauht on many public occ-fions it ha in ufe and value: in true time ano place, i: (bill be examined. Thirdly. Hi p'atViotifm ThK meant the Tovt of oWs COMfty. I Sontf Carolina be meant ft Is not id my purpnfe t As Id, any tood land, honours or beneriCs of any bind,' which nsir poor cosmrrf has tohefVtw, I lb i'I not deiff thj t fse rnves fincerely ; bdt that he his it at heart to partake of oar srsair in ewV'y irl w1 pnifperity, and that oil otvaH in. t N a t he would rill, nwctsTstl, hjstiir sndirlbi, drier v tn e dbibted that b mf bj afrtained and thi ft fbir5 ht ri i ied. FoutthsV. Hi ml i-ary mrr'-t beensrae i,fi,red m tnhisssleaH kndwn to as 'tW we Isave ptid tht to the Congre ven the extrads' Of kis letter to Gen; Smith which you have pub lished have the fame tendehcy-they are taken in frnall bodies Why 1 Becaufe that fpifit uf enterprlte, with all the Other vlewi.- of volun teers, it not to be found in larq maffet of men ; and let if not ,bt cOnfidcred as a difgrace to a bud of militia i that they do not choof to become voltinteeis ihonfands of mm m m m .aits thole men, whd form ihe militia, have fucii dbmeAlc Catcs and even duties, as to difrreard them with a view to icoutre mi Iltary fame, otild evince more ofj rafhnefs and folly, than nf real par rioiifm. Gen. Smith's prnpofa has been rejefted, and hence is feen ut What aualoitV has this to ihe of fenni? of Mr. Su.itfv f The wenerai would Indeed present bs with him fell . htis bedecked with MS tanciea ai hievements at Braufbrt ahd Lbstgi I flnnd, btit the dull fable cobld eXtm "thing bnt (filguft ; and her ISSI.i nkinn difterenee, that he Ift conn btj in tery II range way, tome c fdifmtftlhi. and (HUclts beneiacn on Inflead H beftowliiy, it. We wilt leave ynu, Mt Halt, we will turn dur eyes to ibis tgis la uns of a hero, who has lo mcn s- ftullrd ybiir Judgment . AN .a.A',,t, fol'ow th example of one who has made much btiitle, and done no thtrrjifl k Could tier. , bit IT it aVe PiC ceeded as you "teemed to fnppofe ft aft done, whatever his pteafurt mii?hi have been, we mould have had no caufe tb join him in his joy fo then his legion might Have been! oracren on, arm wwi wnuin navr violence offered to their Country been left toencobnter foreign em ic piraiee io svnnw, Mr. nan, mat rkis regiment dclcrves better treat- ment. When the General gave them the fine harangue, nf whah you make honorable mention, that recipient was organiteJ H ready, according to its means, to fupprtft infurrectioft and-maintatn'dsif country and go ctnuKm aiainft all its enemies y cbatigsftg their names to a to (lOA, iNair powers were not In Tit fed, tin U-fi it was intended tn ut them in a ennrfeof difcipline ii egnlar troops if IS militia, the were ill trained, as 'tis pan of Mi smith s brigade, fame frame It re proach may be due him, but furely io applaule. NOTiGEs THE fubferiber For die aft time, earneftiy requefts ell per onr who have lodned any fpecies of goodft with him, in the title of his bt. iiiels to apply immediately, as he mends leaving the flare- He requeft s thole to Whbm he is ndebted to tall for payment, and ha expects that tbofe iniebted to him will dilcharge their accounts. D. Lambcrtoz. Jane ij. FOR. SALK... My ROBERT MlfUtiELt MUSCOVADO Sticar.to bhdt t at oncf that you rrrnmmnwl us t !,jrrc!,( , " a. iffariea and infutaents. As a id -decamp to Jen. vV afh infton. at a time of difficulty and! danger, he mud hate had npportti niHcitfo fbew his military talents the retreat from Lnng-lfland trtfi have pfodMced them one would (hinl in gifts abundance. Are we fo imitate man who fnf- feft opportunities to Oafs away vt ith- uiit improwirtf m I the diftinguifher honor of beins an aidde-catnp ti the commander in chhf, Is inimita ble, at much e it the condition 01 mie whofakcl a large cflate by gilt or defcent had be done iny ilnn to dtfervr that dillinelson, and Ge neral Walhui,!tbn had ibuuLht pro per in confi essence -to call I rm to . I- RemoftbcbtA quality, ad, hd and 4th proof. A tew pfpeft rjtceiient 4fftooQi andy. t fiarNl'd Pork fed Beef.. . Tobacco. Freii Souchong Tea. JL$0 Some elegant China cups and fan cert, ftt sve ANY pcifon vlio till un- lertake to fur.nly the fuhfenber sfM m a a a a tsl-ft a s lone auudreu tnnuuno neu ua hhd. bTAVFS drrllrd, in Ihe mrmri luf Auguft neat, will ph Me to inlurn Ihim a fpecdily Of pusnbla Geo Hooper, ? ij. WaMTKD IfRF.t or four aflive Neiroei rnfirrsjn purch-fe, nngip f hnet .rf- whHh a geef.. prif r lit.. wdl 1 1 ailnd. ' ' the call dvanred, if aypt-frtrm i f -on 10 I. htl'UMI. A REWARD of Teh Dollars will be paid to any perfon who will deliver into the goal of Wilmington,' - lci 14111 ucgro man named JOHNY a fellow 1 purcli.fetf trem Mr. Johtf """I "e 01 a yellow coitf, leiou, about five feet ten incbet iigh, llrait and well made, fteos ra. nt r mort and muck wheiTiie walks m loft forue of bis tore teeth, lit about thirty.five or forty years of lire. It is O'obible hrmu I .u....i , Mri Waddell's plantation, ha ing , mother and uncle there If here turn of bis own accord he (hail nr,r hi u'mtd, indmay work in town. OLORGE GI1JB5. Skerijffs Sales. WILL BE SOLD On Monday the i-jth dy of June, at the court.houfe in tVumingtt, ihe foflovfing L 4 .V D S, Jltuatei in th county of Nrm.HonbVrr, fir the Imxes for the year t 1793 oki lygy.J 29,084 acres entered by f .-mes Carrawav, fi'Uare on the north ide of ihe north -tall branch of Cape. Fear river, above the mouth of 41 iliey-Smelier, beginning at t Pine in tnc county line, 14 poUi fouth 4 Curling Smith's fecond corarr of nnd, fnruierly patented by Job Har- Iringtoo, and about 180 polesj tall of he mouth ot Nockhui Crerk 1 con- eyed by laid Carraway to David Miilun, anrt bv him conveved to I. B. Bond, of andadelpbU 14,080 acres entered by Starling WhCaion, on ihe Oaft fide of he nortb-uft branth of Capc-Fcar r.ver, including the !orr ,i,d the great Ho1lo Shelter pernfm, onihe head of Lillirttfton and Mrrritk's Creek, beginning at a Pine n the lorih We f Aihe's Mill CrCk, ihence crtdTing the Creek on or ftiraf Jnnifl Mallets' hne j conteved by "d Starluiff Wheatofi lo Daniel Vheiton. and by him conveved 10 Francis Lewis Taney, ot George. Inwn. 44,160 ncfes entered by Daniel W he-ton, on tbe raft fide of he north-ea( branth of Cape' Fear ivcf, iacliMfing art nl the r J tidlry Shehef ptrofon, iMgijidiig -t UrgeCp cfft a I Water O.k tt he dge off Holley Ah'lr. r Crr-k, t-n he fimtb tide 1 1 err of, about ofns nrrr t f a mile above June lluw .td'. line. 1 hi aoove lands are liafrfe 10 0 ftioble lav for the year 17, M 'i I be alfot able lor '0iri. im i, r He year tfft Hikrlb Hse amount of ihtgle ti is paid briar toe vale. William Wfut, Sfierilf. 7