THE W I L MI N G TON ir A 7 RTT K. Three Dollars per Annum. S - TRUKSP a A k 8 U b 1799 , , ,4 i - 1 r . .n Vol. Hi No. 155. PUHLISHKD- WEEKLY BY ALLMAVT) HATX. TRTTPR Tn -rur Trc nsf vrvRTW.r .RO 'U 6 77i IKlill I For Freight or Charter, VrmibtGrnttutofiht U 'mied States. 1 UiAJlVjllllr irn nmv , it" vr- "TWO ARE BET TI R THASONE." A S'lwifhtOenibarkforthe North ward 1 his Summer, for the hne lit of my hi alt h, 1 will hire out the Savkf-MUl on Jflaud-creek, with up waiil of three thoiiiaud acres of Land, together with 8 or lo ahll Negroes. -Payment will be received in Lumber, at Eight Dollars per thouland, it the Mill Landing. JOHN BQRG WIN. Hermitage, July 4, 1799. ' MARTIN ETTINGERr BkckfmUh, Wbitefmith, Gunfmitb, 6 Nail ManufaBurcr, TN FORMS the public that he hat X removed his (hop ko Mr. Telfair's ihip-yarl, near dam. R. Jocelyn, Eiq's. vi here he, car ries on his. feve- ral branches of bufinefs, and where Ctnraias of vefltis. ai d others inav he fupplieu'at theihortefl notice, with allkinusot iron vvotk, on tr.e mou reafonahle terms AU'dersfor work will be thankfully received and punc tually attended to. Thofe who em ploy him mty depend on being well ferve'd. May 9. fori t.f toe United Stales, THE fvbooner Sally iohn Mad aria ne, mailer, ill bereatfy to receive a cargo in a few dajs. For terms apply to John 1 eU fair or JOHN BROWN. wis. ifv T H N' O HI , irfa! point in 13 iOM, J it.- 4 M: r.cil Ct-nm mi cat CoOMlbii dsjD e. as well as cu:uiurKe "u! tne'eauie of being in ,Pans l ie value, of your (hip & carwi fome ' WW :mmam iu he r-lmtpimed. luccels ot the S-ur'et art's OfFIC.A Jialeirb, June in. "eg. f . Whu is x notify all wbwi ft- may WAS an early d the labors ot a moril Preacher. .m1T Pnvlicuns. coiTfirthrooJV-A' hoi it it ths recent lu of the North, whofe difcoutfes have ..V ;1r)J ..,c -, t vo diilmpers which rAMttrum me tone of the French go inftrucled and fatctnated ysuth.y d'lfcr eif r.iially in cert J important .-rerneftt ta not cnanged materially their diJaaic beauty an.l peifiiiliv'e .urt'-oiUrs, vh. ihe 'fattom. fever, j vsr;U nrotrais, they are not yet m elegance, have arretted the " bufy"'and ihe at .hgWatrttltofti'tmial lever. t,rn lo tennd. , Ihdeed I do attention ot mrtnbuti by their eni:r-Te ye'lo.v fever is 'narked wi'h rhe ! nu: m'" 'hy are able, fince from Igy and importance, and haVL- gained i,r.rril eifilion of liile. and it (eAom 1 fhe Direitiry don to the loweft i the approbation ot f e by their gra-or never eoivtae'iouv The im-JlcruP.l ottlC!" every one lives in vity, hfllrJtrcny and moral truth. !nan: pelbleif ul lcver is lurdly ever Very Ipectes ot dehattchery far he. I I n the ordinary co'irfes of foLial accompan ed -ith the ckiatfjtet tfl ty intaielBilrsajid artijf 1(J life, this do&rins s of received and pC3itance, is higidy contagn'ui, terru ' untried to drain hij credit to its ackBowieage importance; ana itr.c ftfiR lymatomi, and very fatal. 1 ? ri.. - lV I . . - . - v. ' . . - ..... LI.JI. .i . . 1 3 1 j 1 T.a. 10 you which refu- propolU profcrip. .rt . . ....... .- . . . a . c im 1 vm nil., a nu 1 111 iiaiiuiiniriii n A . .. L t ' T T v .. f II . , -v 11: t I 1 ...j nemwr carv ir rea- . , h hi u re.amMcs lll0,e ,,e or ric egru ana ms irienos ; out you e convinrrJr ' 1,..h.,n l. u. have not the olealure to view the Mil '.lateK ii this coantrv. neither has Clause of countenance in thele onel rant 1 1 n. rrHAJ CiRAiMTS have bren r.c is oenieg oy none except .me, rhi mn ,s almo(t 3l V3TS f0 he fl,U(ld im.u ;n io.ijj nn:e, ro explain I htdv 'ei!iuMi' fnr all th hrm "nforlutute mifanthrOpe. Man uru-!irfr.,m r, ,,0,14 ;n ti.e VVelt-Indies. 'h' views of the p;uv, returned to this office, rshat are iti alv looks ..tipoti.. his fellow with:is there wet known, and clearly dlV feJ L irJ M ilnielb iry's lad readme! tdiffuh) ;.tor anuli Mt he complacency, wdJtam -the proc.Hcr'bcd, and' hasten obferved" once tin is -Inch occalioned the III tttc UiK ol f nu.i.H-i. r'V "' am Tanning 6c Currying. "THk'liihfo ibers are determineri t carry oo the aforefaid bulioefs to the ireateft extent the htuation of this pluce will nlntt ; they will give the liighett price in cafh or lea ther, for hides, and four dollars per ord for Oak Buk. They will fo difpole ol leather of all kinds at a reafonahle rate i and a conllant fup ply w ill be kept by the. public's molt obedient ici vants. LKMUHL NOYES, ZtHHANIAH LtONARD. N. B. UorUia' our from Vilnungto Which will be ,aimt fifteen ilays, application tmift le made 1f Mr. John Brown, Hercnant. WiVmiiw O' ', Mfjrh at. Lom.ties jrotma, to the number of about 2500, p lt. -cut nettrver the claimants are que lied to comeJ . ' T ' , . . .vj , ttl . .. j " two are better than one : ' hot he forward itio take ti.em awaV. .r ,v 1 ' . Tk rt,,A . ; .u; ir ,s a miferabre Ilave to the impulfe, i m re are returns tiow in thi office ,u...i ' f ui r . 2 to the nun:ber of at lead 8000. from: . - 2 " i- ifrlE it . ...P - . . ' ty wunotu a uore or vitiams, ne . 1 tne Uini-renrcounues, winch uttiiot iI'.l .l r r c ;IT..- .Ill ,l,.l'.n,,f. .. .. . T't '"IT""' WfTW,iWf'WI ,,c L'rST'JlS ,w and fecks with avidfcty the gloom t ip rYictil j1 I 111.1v iL iu...... I . . .... a entries as nave net n a .u.. awj .... juftnefs in the appcitioh' of my text to the inctilcati6n of moral truth, than in its refprence to the ordinary avocations of life, has in- adapted to the introduction, of my labors. My readers will then be briefly informed, that it is my entries as have hem made lince the 8tn day ol February 1795, is forwarded and rtceivied at fhis oHice ; and upon fuch tntrics as, were made pror to ;he 8th daV of 1 February , 1 7o. nrool made in ooen court, or at this iflke agreeablj1 to law, that thepurchale n.tney is paid. All entries for land made fince the'8th day of February, 1795, to the lit been defcribed by any author here- ,nf ',tf,,t' l,ut thop-falien wretch ofnre praailtnc it. Both thele dif- Wlien-I Mi arrived mey were e lies have m ide their appearance at ! all elation : " Let not 0 he fime ti ne in fevcral this couiinenr, but have ence epntrad ct oils which ppeaf to grace a hiural protelfion. re,?r"the nlacp nn 1 M Wo' IJ tributary." Let ul .. I . .1... L . - M 1 .1 . Ik ri it l.i r iw i. .mi inr i intf)t .... pa.IT, m. ""m i.ia III LIUi UUt WMa ItingUilhl withfufficient accuracy ! l-lt ""J extenr of puwer. While me one ionrce of the numerous v-ry Pl"fd W Paris held this lan- the complaints ol the neu. were treated with contempt and dip NEW-YORK, July 9. Some are of nnimon. that the- Breft J fleet 1 is botind to. Naples, 10 take (Fihe Fiei C!igrn. Macdonald,-who tas under his com mn I an army of inrn,,. uiciiidit.g Italians,. who in tention lo ffrnhn!ft nrr.iftnrinllv. d v of lauuarv. I7u8. will be void. ftrr mntme ni ri.,. . Mi'"ve ) Yn' ,n republican Kandard. Unit Is tie purchalr q.oney is paid on tr f New-Hr,mfbire ; that it is my Uvn Wc ukc ,n' wWeiation orbtfore ihe lit day of Offober next, 1 defrgmo become a fellow laWer in 'hr 6reat W? 1 of V'wi and fui ject to be entered again by tbe fame vineyard, thai mine fhall red by tiie r-"e,1crl ,n thit Sorter, any per ion t and' all made be the voice of M)tefdis4lhifiMI 'lmiM! prior toihe laid ill day ol Jai.uary, on the walls, andtiiat ittv reafci for 1708,-at.d the titles not pc. kcled by fo doing are fnnply declared in thtrilhey re!ura !! W as Too NOTICE. T ER'lEOlrom the ad Regi- tXKiALE At the Pmmso-Ofnct, Blank ihaniteits,' entries, Hii)P'ii papers, certifivates tor difi tiMcil fpirits, bills of lading, bills JLmeiii ot Artiilenits Engineers, of exchange, Court Blanks of -ill at Fori -Johnllon. North-tnrolina, kinds, lawyers declaratioi.s, at tachments, powers of attomvy, Conllable's executions, warrants, 4cc. and charts of the Tea coaH July II. ti.e 1 It day oi January next, the text, that" tvvo are better than claini ottht caterer will be void iu)t- fnJ! - P wiihttaiidirg ihe purchale money may i From the prevailing taflc and hah have bh:ii paid, ail)- fuhuct to be itsoftheagc, it is llrongiy tt be a cmertd . gain a vacajit land. I prehended, that the Hill fmall WM. VvHn,"J. of Oate-' ,i voice" of wotal inituctidn will be . 11 i:l. . ..1.. .11 . .fl. mm v iirc a laic umc; 10 an to be their dell natioji. From Na- Ion, and probably they w ill there be blockaded by Adm. Jarvis or Nelfon. It, on the con.tary, thele two ad mirals fliould for: 1 a junction pre vimii to the ohjrfts of the French eing itttcted, amort defperate'en- j'g.igement-matt enfu-t It general Mjcdonald u not re icved ly lo ne maratime force, the probability i, thu tr NOTICE. TH E lubfertb' rs having declined bufinelt here, in favor of Mai. co. ui M.nkuiv ic, reqtielt all thole who owe them t come lorwtrd and make payment to h in, or leiiU their J . a i . I. 1 1 . a.-" ft . account uy note or nonu ; anu mmc ' luppoird 10 have n:ade his way to whom they are indebted to make $( Mary's, in Gcoru know n their demands to the lanu , ne being fully empowered to pram" dil" fhsvftl in thdr behalf, ard to pay all joft chums agaisttt them. Robert Adam, & Co. on the 2d JuU, 1799. a bolder by he tame JANiEb ai Ar. LI R, five feet fewn uuhesin height, dark eves, Ihort black hair, ihiriy-eight years ol ui' , bvfn 11 CamdtfSsiCouiiiy, S. C. Had on vhen he wr- away, a full luit ot teginiental cloathing. Any per. Ion apprehending laid dcfcrier, and driver him to We, or any other offi cer m tie lervice itf Ihe U. 8f wit! rtceive the reward of TEN DOLLARS The hnd.deferier is to WHningttn, .V. d May 10, 1799 3m' J AXES fir ihtyear 1798. THE fo ft riber will receive tsxes for the year 179!, 00 the d rfl ol the election, and at art time in Vilsuing:un, preceding thele days. Wis. NU1T. Shff. NOTI. The following pcrnjps, tlx. Petet Mixrli, James Lar V 1 1, J hi, HI,., d ith, W i It. m Jones, 5m. U1h dwr rtli, Wilhsni Green, J. Fsv'.GUS.IieMf. id Regimen: r.f A. and E. Fort-Ji miUon, Atigi.ft I. NtW. iii:i--t ii. r -i ... v iikc a isie roiu loan incor, am that the animated cffrts of the PRiACHPR will " leave no trace behind. Maddened by polit?cal dif cuffions, we have Pone allrav from the conlideration of praflical trullis -'''ands of the Ruthin, who can ef and lured by a talle for tifelcfs t!fc-!t,:C1,ly c- off ihe retreat ot Mac. - . ' . r 1 X J IJ l ones, nave torlakcn tnldrcement uonaia, oy marcmng anout 70 miles, asd practice of priiu iplcs, wliofcob-j,,,r ,nce Vw Milan to tbe Me. lertance is elletuial to human hao- "ltf irfnean pinefs, w ho ft- (lifciifTibn produces no Extracl of a Utter htm one of the fl't For HILADF.l PHIA or YOHK, AS fieight may tdset , the Stout, fliong and fasti lading Scboontt TWOHUtNDS, James Gildtn, inallrr. For urius apii to,the laid mefler, Oi to GEO. GIBUS. AHgufl 1. Robtrt Nixlon, and John P. WiU lisnts, Eiqr. were appointed at the ; Mr. James Kerr, where be will en. draor 10 acu mmmluc in t he Iwll tail Ci-un to receive Id) l taxsble proptrty, fortheycar 1799. WANTED THREE or four acYve Negroes, eiibcr on purchaie, mortgage r hiie, or which a genrn b ptue or hire will be allowed, ard ihe cafh dvanted, if application foon made Ui J. hurgwin. Wrmitaje, June ta. WANTED An OircTieeT, to fuperin- tenil Br I'bntrMWM m il i.hhc fit'! 'jout twenty Slne No oie ed pplr who doili not bring with bass Ihe "oU iail!lMy ielttn.niit.tls ol Mi cla arif- Imi ilulallry, n-' hi experirme in e rib ftttSl 4 Hire. I'P' i Prinrer. AugUU I venomous ai.imoiity of party, and the prominence of whofe ttuth can never be blunted by the efforts of vice, or difiHiHcd bv the illnfions of! - C 1 1 - w fopliiflry. With this depravity to ba.ii VVilhaui, who arrived here lait combat, timidity michl Ihrink ttolp evening fro .1 London, I have re. the talk , hut it is the duty of thc ceived a truly melancholy account ef Preacher to acquire flrcngih from ourkhr. Nancy, capt. Jiekhm, which oppofiiion ; and conljder obftacUe s related to me as follows, by cpt. on'y as incentives lo exertion t atulHurft: Thai on the tithinrt. in the it llcihinenily hi. ofBce,in the midfl Uulph Stream, fa a lad in dtllrejs, ot dtmciilij, to loea lot'h the Much he bore up for. and when near warns ot irutn anfl loberncis. htr, -law a man on deck, who gave My obiicl if avowedly 10 ' min-'him toundeniand that he null keen iller in imirtant things j it is my o the windward, which he did $ wifh, I hat from this mitiillration, be then got his boat out. went on " the conclufion of the whole mat- board the fehoouer, and tdund that ter" may be, that two arc better Capt. Jackfon was the Only living than one i"and it is my dcligo, that pe,fon m buard( Jnd heio a verv in my future : difcourfes, truth ueble Hate: fhai capt. Jacklon mjlfhcwnfomet.nKsasihcplxn.,in0in,ed ll(01 he bur)ed htl tom of a vi lion, fometimcs an; ear (Mr. W,lr..m. All... i ' ( nmi- MICHAEL MOLTON begs half veiled in an allegory - foine-ur.d, Ion l the late capt. Nchcuuh leave tomform hislriends and times attract regard in the robes of Ailenj a tew days alter le ting Si. tbe public in gent ral, Wit he has u- fancy, and fometimcs flcplorth in Tft,Wi , and ,htl lhe remafning prned a public houfe in Fayr .tev.lle, the confidence of reafon. UhaudsfLmn Scoit UaJin Ar! I he Vinlwa Lay Preacher. noldf and Samuel Daily had then lain htlow, dead three ;ays, he bc a dele. ... . 1 .i... . 11... 1 n in 1 .1.1 j ,1,1 in . iimi look capt. Jacklon un board fell own tra's ridicule. " Cite us an inlfance ffaid they1) of restitution by Alexmder dp and we will hear you." You may t'nank our forbearance that we have not demanded as much of yoa as we have received from the D i'ch," fud ano'her. What right Ii3vc loch impotent colonies to expect not 10 pay an acknowledgment to the? m ilers of the univcrle, for their po litick exiltence as a nation ?" All this we have been forced daily, to hsir till ihe c lek of the unexpened dsilitbn of Hullij and Turkey made thele wretches rtfortonce more to cu Ming. Tlify now fay that it is a piiy e ihouUI qmrrcl who were once friends ; in Ihort they cant & whine as if they hoped to d ceive the neu. trals ; but until they can force us to fwalloiv the hole Lethe, the w never fucceed, fince there is not a neutral iu Paris who has not been in- r.,i .,11.., L- t r . hz with h army I, ' md his plunder, w.ll fall into the Z r ' . n ' 0Ur vw iv.i ikiicnict iu icuurgr, toren der tributary, and to humble in the dull all the nations of the uni- PRSCil'TS 0 Cb'19, tbe iiraian Pbileophtr. 1 HREE things are difficult (0 keep a letret ; to lear an injury pa tienil? ; and to fpend leifure well. Villi your friend ir. misfortune, ra ther than in prolperity. Never ri. J tule ihe uutortunatr. Think be loieyou Ipeak. Do not difire im. poflj MlitieSf Gold it tried by touch, (tone, and men are tried by gold. iols is preferable to Uismcful ga-n ; for, hy the one, man is a tuf feror bui once I by fhe other, always. In conversation makr ule ot no vio lent Aio"On of the hands 1 :nwalkina iu . ot apptar to be slwavs uoon hufinef ot life and death ramd movcmeniiiudieiiea kind of phren- ty. II you are great, be rondclcen- dmg , fi r it is better 10 be loved tli-11 feared. Speak 110 evil of tbe dead. Kcvereutc the aged. Know thyfclf. ncri 0 the Jchr. Nancj, capt. 7ci- j-nty 'Providence, dated it u I union June 24. s , liy Capt. Wm. Hnrfl, of the at the I ulc of ihe late Col. R an, n iVm.ltrrrt. latere occuoed hv In n fpcech, delivered by vation ol the weflrm Indians, to she . . . , r 1 m 1 a- maofifr. ihul who J Dicate av r I i r lulf ui ( I ti e Un:teu in him with their tuftom. Itrcrmiier lait, is the tollov.iug pa tagraph : " Ibur rr.emies l.eif, but a (b,tt time pall let I us J ante ihi te co4r tdfig M a u r r, in. tiirg mi vrfltl and gave bun all the aUittancr n Ir. poer, which I am happy to learn proved luccrl ful, and rellored him 10 a god ftaienf health. That capt. f implon, who was a psflengrr 4.1 board the William, it to tailors LvJITLRY. ALL ncrfoni tvho nnr r(e, Inn, m T. Flts-r-tmld'a flt "o J ; but wc i .... k.,r, a. i,k.-... s.. . ..i I.H,ery...e,eq.,nM m rail nr-n pci. i ur L :ucs wnti tlioriLg, ai.dthedfad , ftde fme fal , and k ,pt in lb 1 h Mlh, RaiHl get ibem, M IU turacd hfir hatchet viNot theLwt. h 1.,.. ......1 T .... dr.,nf,l c,.-,tf m. il.. rf.v -I.-- ,rrirrn,MI,lv. IKIfiVT"' V" 'K nl ih l' 'mob, in V ttalogteit, Ibtothertuf TiSJ ui 101U i 11 1 11 FXt W V V, Vl I II, JUS. Upy J(, ,,,,, ST a Aer1.1t 1. N. fi Tkkfta may Mr H, Kell) s lloie. 1 . . r 1 ui ti til 11 111 1111 . . . - 1 . : , , uay ine aoiii Junes 1 tut m lat. so Ihtfl of .he f.Te U y, Itly Isglgi , m I j4tkfou hiJ 11 an roo-l dilltiburion of iuUne. . . T.' j .. - T . r kviit i inc 11 miuiir r . caui. r .1 .11 .1 ...... ... - ' had .J-h'r-.wr "2 "''.-'J .1. M, h.mfullowmg after .h. hng, ui litcbtainiau a fuebuminf p.fti..,. . r, ;. raff A feu ttfiet tf the LAWS Qf lie left Sejj m f t! General Jj. Jtn.liy tf fill jttf, 1 M isit at ibis oti cr. , Aiujl I. promiles, aril a I beral (ipfirudiori 01 ihe treaty of Grnvdle." A penfanr being rondemnert la) h handed, lent tor a fuia;r(Mi in be bled . 10 whom lie (aid, I bate uerbeei bled, ami m t hid thai tbe fu ll bleed ing fates one'' life. ith a fair wind, for this bay. We now momently expert capt. Jacklon, is there 11 a iinal up lor a fcttr. be 'ow . RICHMu.MJ, Jult 4.' Esclrscl l letter Irtm M Amtrie m Pari,, dated April t8. " i -.11 l try t. nfnrm you of the If we wilh to know what Impro" vtment the human mind hss received frrtin are termed the principles taf this rit lightened age, and to alrer- tain wnetiier we are advancing or going hni tj in the procefs of nilita. u i'i.irt ui compare the rebellion in Ireland wnb thule m t 7t f and 174c. We fear ihe will be mure favor able to the ceiMBienefSafsM ntan -f t eonclufiou ui 1 bis ci lightened rcntuij SMUfiGl.lNt, ANKCOOTi A sin ansf ot the name ef M cane, reft litM at Osdpasffi who bad been In te I1al.11 ul going wff to Inppl v tin men amtefsfe ista (Jfjfetn Charlotte to Sjsitleeed , h h a watrrman and hie fjfalsew m a u,.at, when a furtden fisarajl etmieg am, an I the beet being Id, ile gBibm ifrrak ate way ami (he us funk The man ami ley err lolmiuiiaieljr drowned, but ileamlmtng te rente I tbe hie of she wrum.i wet fjreweadtmMlg save, y ber Ixin,- biinu,! no xh a nantttf .I Bladders wkieb bad been if(-f - t rnuiid IjWt f u ike pmpmc of Aong. gJieg I ..... nun Mie bip, until .c 1 n.n.i-hi - hom from a tranipnrt lyin or t. . fw hrr vlTuliiiice, by wbieh fhe wai ytrfefd p.

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