Urn vikbitit et-N .' receive,.; trom OKJtidayirttrs&Ur rerun okr Kori&Qmmlin m TfcuiUlay the !9i!..jt fecptemfeer. 1.70,0, by iht T reflect, rlWino 9 RaJetrandHillijWdiih,Mr. Jone MrvHouK, Mx. .Pk, Mc, Hilt, tli ATAHCTfptfr Lift of Letters rewainmrj nWILfc ftfc SULD V fr H,r Tm" H intf. tfnr the b'H'p nl iVe nrnt crfl k O'renoon,- 36 T ..rce 1 f Rio, ..rid O .rlrtdi. i ubacco dam.iseH n n vw. Mr. 1 1 1 i-ior. and Mr, Havwood tm mcdiite'v repaired to the. feat o' thi Uiuwflfitf. Ti frt on tht,aoiiJ,boe and a potntad Mr. Jones their cl.airrr.ar,. and M;'. Haywood con- icm.d w Q a lecrctary or, the cjpl 'ibtif ff uff cVTTV canon i after havioj ipent form- W'LL BR SOLI) day id deliberating ou the rneaiurei deemed rjeceilary to ha adopted they returned to their rtfpa&ive homes, Jop Warren math r, tmufiTJ frfVin (pharlrf t n Sonth Carolina tothelTLtTd hi put in here in d ftrrti. ISAACS erLLVY. Oil oher i in the Poft-()fficc at Wll- miiifcion, October 'qq Sheriffs Salt. 0 Sir r 4y ermrr assf WILL BE bOLD t if Cwvt-Hmfe, the fdlewitg Ut in the atwa tf Wthningtta, tt par the Taxrttm r there NO. 155, lituated on Batk-tlreet, laid t betOiii to Sjinuel Mor- No. no. 120. 128. i7. 126. ic. tyj r -mm - v w Q the th Jai tf Ottehtr ,xl. at th. Cert-Htuft at Bruntwiik caun- thtMtmini LANDS J or the- hav iiig ftrt reuuefud 1 heir char- J Py if Taxes due tureen, inau that ublicaUon at the ' the bufmpU of this ineting be made 100,480 acre COtfilVmg 11 rart j Wrn. 0 .the .'RftUijjh, and Halifax Ga Qf.;hM trds one fitud on tW Chale. I ; Joan "plf asjcarnaw neer oeivvcen he Itate and Bladen lines, the other wo tottt Ista itd on fke caUcrn Ude it WO Sill I P tlill iMtolll 'it" f I r h co.ifwfum w.luch latel pfcyatled f-mitrVif lofcuyFollv and E. .rreers, alio on or near the matfW of CteerivoirSi Orrtn, Lil 1 1. uf ttid Ton.tr -i and running COLONEL Samuel Athe, V Pe et Aub 11-ud 1; Cato A' len, ttiiuiifwick cwmrv, 1. B Mrs. Mary Harriett, i ; Timu thy ttluodwoMO Mq- 4 i T"t thy 123, 120, 1 19, h8 1 17, 1 16, l g; 1 14, rJJotKiww-th )un. 1 Joieph B.uvd.jiij, n a, hi, no, 30, 35, 40, 45, I ; Mr. Mi'j B liiinine, 1 ; l -hi,;$ots5. IQS. 210, litoaied ou Bck- I : ui: T- r r. i Dipii, oik. I UvClur fiurUeu 'Ureci, ouer not Knuwa. Dupiin, 1. i t 1 ruueas, mc puDiic are ntrc. W informed, rthat4he amrcijy M till wong the fludentsat the Univ have ' fortiuiatalv fubfided. ttudentl returned ta order, and a de cent (lemeanoi1, arid refilled thetr ftvcr4 employments oft Monday nOrtheflwardi Vhv ro.d read'i ffotb fwcTct q" Utk v ood , 'v . , . iroiiv, or near u,e lame : wmch t.td We are torry to add, trt -theliahds'vM.ir.-merrd !,, Pnpi. 1 J!i 1 I 'I . - -"7 riotous an'l dilorderly t chainr ot Ir. Wilium Baker. Mr,bamue! M'CHoch, and Mr.. Roben A 'lion had been fuch, as to lay the Trurtee under , the djfagrecabh iHcellity of . ordering them to bt' 1 he. . Xruuees unantmonily. ap proved t the txpullion ( i Mr: 'Willian-i Martin . wliich L.td'tAti puce pievions in ujiir aii ivu:, n ie!d,.but hoi or laif the propeny ldViu.AiMoj. t,,r the takes il the years 1797 St 179I. 8000 acres rtfore or icls; hfoiaie on tli.f ealterr lid: of Waica mis. rafflcfSfSJSfJSi W ffiSE Gr Oeti fcbuchnrg Oil die wairfs of Shlloti wvf, idivdwbf 1' lae was the nopcrty ft.itV laic Pi'rirk Henrvj ;ffclq. o' Vii-fii'.a fold 1 the taxes arm 011 acvoniin or- i.'i jmiok.u deo tit l:el:a , ioi.r 10 .V,, la; ul.y. ' I 80 atfeS bt'liig p irt ot t'OO 'D ir,ii4i ihr. Ja;Vl d'Oid. r . fivci . ' Lu. s fir 0-01 flic tmuh fid b 1.1 ot Ifef Itaiirn., M.f.Y.iuiiii. irlnift? L- L f.:j L.J u PIU ... ,...(.., If,.- 1 ' l '-'' c ,1IU . l nvc UCCH intiie auiidll the i.mp ll . wnd ' ct- J raiiUVtr Ine'l Alien ; lold ior.the JVM nil u sir muri : ui i.iuur I'XI.CIil No- 10, 15, a, 25, fituatad on Bivk-Oreer, laid to be lot 1 ir to the Mr. Cliffs fcaroemer.i 1 . Miliihrin ' Ucbard Fiayrr, dec. . - t ' V - ISJ aaL . ta 1 C N . 185, on Back-ttrttt, laid 10 belong 10 Joieph R chardjon. rthoda Church. 2 ; Peirr CaoenterJ Jr-ta. varnt4H; 1 j j e Cra' 'o'd. I t i. Win. Utulat. 1 Wm Coir. 1 ; Gton;elo"gtu1:o've' Vyf. oiinC itne, 1 ; Arch ) Wu o,, on Bck-ltreet , taid to C'l'inioilain, 2 , Themai Ctoke, DcK,,1K rP Tbooui Aikins. (bmpW.n;) t ; Mr . CUntoii, Samo.: 5 on ,a,(1 Mret 'a,1 loPe 5rj otf, Oe A 29i ti the iVfrwifif i.ai is DttfUm Ctunrj, WILL fer? SOLO A rvxeil therein fir the jeer 79. 9530 Acre gr .i.tedto Roger Al det., j elud rj me upper p rtiit "e) Suelm ptcoton, begjwr. at ibiee pities the l.i(i (t ,tin iTt ftrntt Cairawav '.vlurvry of 29,184 jc.es. -I2,8oo Acfc graowd io Roger Aidtn ivirit 011 'he eall fide ot (he N-Tt'i L If RiVer, ai.d both fi les of Lyprrfs cfeek and Bk lwmti, be 190, on Dack-urctt, liW to , gmn-, g at a pine the corner Vree of Dtip'm coiinfty nd Me v Ha r'.ev 151 2o Acres granted to H iiier Alden, on the head of Putir Iwamp, and Beaver dam of L f. on,) l ; Thomas Haehin Co.eUn ,u..'."Jt 10 h Wf Jne Cbpbell. 0ne. ioioinn the b. tinil .ri ,if. (Duptio,) 1: ' ' - - h ip4, i. PSjbJo.ao4LetKir couutjes, brmiM tj yy yi yi y. y vo pyi ar pne. ncoo iviaeiion' c r ier r . u , ba a, o. 1 a r.....l..rf rjL k 1' . ' . w - . w" ; iree. o r ni north nn 01 d. jlretts drai7j,)iChrrivtree bra -ch. f2o Acres gr ritrd td Ro,fer Amciij on horh fides of the laid Pliho Dpty. Cpt,in, UiSit VJ 1. . Kjfr.... it teO ihifd ana fount!- Or)ldae, C;ip;aiD, 1 ; Nin.,rMd Dye, ' t. . i. . t f-"f J .. J;. .. . . ! No. 06. uc. iituaied between faid W i-fireeCJaW't; oelong lfl logjea' el l hate. owners not known. Jehi Feiibrflce, . care ol George (i oiis, 1 ; Lieut. I0I10 t Off us, 1 ; vfrs. thnUian Ftrnninr, 1 ivLr (.aret Ferg jton, 1 EmaDi in FuHer, I; I noma, fohey, 1 1 James far toi, (Saoipti.oJ 1. ; James Guffnrd, Lone creek, 1; Captain Jerciniuh (inf,l, Elia TTbidliU. nroolwuk couu.y, 2 Hardy Holcn'i, SampUm, i; O H iin., ttfit ,1 , Pfldi Foily lioliHCb, do. 1 j 1 -nie Hll, Uu uXfrf istWiiC a. d toj.ive faHadM, .u tbtTr pV l '1 uo acrns on tUp weft fid VMli aBur.stual-aHnnt or. u i 1 I . - . ' 1 iealo,t, r Jbl.lh if.ir ml V. Io - "V-r, oar or adjoa, . f... . 7. I nil lllarlbM I.. Is, John Htiide.fon, ih'o.ia' Wostt, .Wilhioi CluirV. GiVorv Thornton, Frank Due , Si)fomail Wlllp'ms. J o. ph Gili;fpie, Georo il- I! 'Jii'ei, Mi le Locke, er ml-'" i t J..ii'iW f.-raa.laJ ig ili Grten lnp and inaXe -ti, caJUd narprr'adaiid. to m horn .i wat grauieai ; old.for toe taxes m ' f.1"1 ' 7f95-W. 77 7Bi 50,000 'acrtfs utuate in ex couoty, a Lmhriei Hume-, 64'upUn, t ; Capt. IV m. Hfil. Biunfw.ik 1 joi n Hmgravi , i J ln Hvdke, 4 i Jon H .rlOid, 1 vVm. ti udl .11, 1 t Jaiiies. ilmihu , a ; 1 io.iui tiuuion, 1 : liaac Houiem-n! 1 j Jaue Hanley, l No. 4, fitusted hctween laid ft eets, (aid to beJonsl to the hcin of i nomas James. -No. 19, 14, 44, 49, r4, fi-uned httA'een laid Units, fa id to belong to the heirs of feicr Lord. . No 7 1, (ituated between Second nd Third.ltretts, laid to belong to tne heirs of . Harnion. No- 77. 76 74, ta. 72. 71, 68, ,67. 64. 63, tituattd between laid tUctik, m n rs not known No. ys, imiattd between faid Lflrteia, tad to belong to the heirs of wayne. No. 70, 69, between fair! Itreets, laid to belong tn Eaglet' eltnte. -No, bo, do. jus. Jo mftwn 'eflate. No 6Alo.hoh. H 'saltan.. Nov'4, tfo. do. Joihua Grain braiicii, il)c!uifig tlie Goard pecolon, Oeginninj at a pine, Willmii tlafi'l hoe, on .the boundary of Online county. 64 1 Acrea granted to R ger Alden, on t!e dnins of Bur icoat ft M ttihew's branch, beginning at a pine, the 'ourth' corner ot a lorvey ot foo acres patented b Gcorgd Smith. 1 o. thirds o(a let und;vided, No, r R'rhnrd Cifwell; At't d W PP mer. Mri), , Iphr..Hulke; James Hciy i tr ol". Henrv r lit . K chard tji rars 10 hawr been eUtt rfd toy Capt. iiei jmn Ho chmuj ; 11. (illtr.. U.nL.n , . I i.m .thin u.. w.v6 .... jv. .Wjlt, Mt.Wi opP15 "b thnrch, fittuted be. iwetn Jni. Benton'r .Ka Jainf jun Gre Bluf. taio Acres granted to Roger Alde, on tne drains ol Rockfilh crrek, beginning at a pine, Aarun Williams's earner, intheedyt ol i . norih-eal corner ot Atdei u.an'j Great Bay or pecolon. J30O A. ret granred to Roger A dn," on the w It fi le ot the North ifl Rver, and in Lov't pcofon, beginning at a hick ry and holley on the nv,r bark, ih' lowf corner of J mei Picket' 50 acres. I40 Acrei granted to Siroeiel Johnlton, on ihe eail li:e ol h North K. if R ver, including the ! Zekacl R,U. Br ..TlWKk. 1 J' nd J- Wpbell. I ... ' A -v-cantpecee-ground mm Si . IT ,Tr 1 . . I toward tones, jeut tennen, t,eri) 11. -c Kerirc). itir- Horvlil!.- Th r,.i tfeive. lknralF'lwwl-TatiCf, bf GorRe vj, m svanieu, intir agent tor iraa .-VT4io8. Leonard. Sltlf. Baiih ahd Kdnotiff H .rvey. so1 . v. . .1 . . i. al.:;.';v ,v ttn; il. II. t l I Utllll .11 .'I.- wii.- UxanouiO sfho4e kf tVrjvn in i : Jaim Jaiklon, 1 joli JohnUoo, Suiddar; and John Malon, trolleei jun." 1. veifity, at n coimnencirtj ard dur. ii.gtfiecx llcnutbe difodjrr wh d oreviUd there, were found JO. bH behsved "It," and cto by the John Krsirwdv, l ; David .Ketch tun, 1 j M-li' r Wm. King, t.,i Hro r Ker, Wmnl'4ik tttumi, Ajj'tf, 1 1 ; Thorn N.B Hone ol the above la, en catered for umaihan , ; Jin . 1 mas Kt nan, re n W TriiHc'es, rex hended, centred or 1 , t ft4t except the tali osentaaned. Kenan, Duplin, Du,.iiu, a. 1 ; i B. Tbc Isle of the admonithrd, beina fiiH abced J ' om-m. m . m tbrtc tl.Hei, acoirditur to .trAe 0 Urll4; hereby liiifeaiisl Raleigh, beptcmbu 4- above mil W ILMINGTON, oaober i) "The Uaittd Matav brsg Pirkennt. has raptured a Kitnek HttoJfrJ ' 16 funs, aod carried bar into S Ciii'ittophei i. ,t Tii Pityertng. has alfo re swkto tit fiVovoer Cynthia ol this port. WILL BE SOLD OnTucfday the aid day OfOftober nex, at tfe DweWinu ft oule of tbe lata John GaiHaru de- M" c-.l. 0, n M.ikc -S'reci. the per 'nnal 1 it ilte of the d decealed too. fofenh Lonrlord, L ,vt, Samplon, 1. M Major M'Cree, i ; George Mer r'uk 1 : Fuabeih Morian, 1 James Moore F.fq. i HeOTy Mooce, 64o Acres granted to Samuel I 'dui It on .011 (he v.rll Tula of the oripoi. Nor.h E dHiter, ann. fi the U. 0 Geo. 648 Acres veramed tri taiiiet Hoop- r't, oa net not kno 11, loppo. Pnoi ii, joining the land of J icob t d to in I. tig to tn cltaia ot Ji Ikua Teachv, 4rainSer. .; '. 1 ao Acres crar ted to lohn I hsl. No. 139, h na'cd bet vcen From ly, an iKith fides of Max e!l faramp. and second-Urceii, faid to belong, 10 joining Nathaniel M'Ca.uic and Geo. Lucas. . Bichard Challen's lines. No 51, between Front ind $eJ 600 Acrei oranted to Rtni e AL eond Street laid to belong to . den, 00 the drains of Litile Ro-nfilb l.arrion. erevk. in the neenfon. hc.innlii ,t'm - - 1 a f t . No. jo, between dq."HHrt of Car-, pine a little efl of the majn , d Gei rc Dohorty and W ilium J ine't ?er Al- tx. a : 1 ; Prter MlKelier 1 ; fames Mal- Hogg. f field, 1 ; Hub MlUy, 1 Benj.im.n -7 fa, j0. nogth Waddc : Moles, 1, B "jww 'Morgan, I p, d... do. Gen. Clarke - M". Ann MUlVr, i j Ueorja 4a & 47, between Dock Ifreet M'Kenhe, a : Ahxander M ie, 1 ; Wm. M ti'U, I ; No. 49. do do.htin of Wa ne, corner. Wo. 4ft, do. do. W OTtor.. 640 Acrei granted eg R.ger 45, do. do-owner noi known. : den. on tne head ol MaS 30, do. do. ettata ot Hob. ) branch ot R .kHfh creek, hegioninr at a p ne, the I. c nd corner of Jac b Well's tnrvev if 64" acres. 64: cf i(uooi d to be granted tu Jii' I, J '.n j,, ,i, g j ,c id Broarn'c .lliniof a few DKt GOODS d , M'(;,il, 1 . D. P. M "f 1 . Al a I limrii. m . J " " ana v.eai e urei. a nrr iinirnn i n. ,. . ..... h a u. -l I , an . , w- - .... ll 99' U III J- I II hn, n t L. V- r. ..1 1 m i i mi iw. 1 , iiiuatr nn 1 - . HUG:l M CANNE, 5hf. Er ci Luaon Gxztrti -u t fa - J' a rrtnen mane, nr ji enns, an 400 men, off ike Wi-Omi Iflanit- the La Cr.tueu, alf il.e Rmk I tb 11. moonuuiv 28 ;!, iii4M9i4 nru , the H, ) ui, lHile.1 I D.nlt L 'dia. ir.omulng go f,m, fcMt 184, mi 1 , ' it is noted poaie ha. i MimrM OsiaT -bawdied m.d fjiiy p. tee g. eat pail wa " r.nurJIrr,! IviurMI P U.,.,. i. ,u.eno.a ruK.xiiUKE. 1 n. ,,Kkr iWgao, i , Wm.M-kcrreii,a. v. SW-t,' abooi ica ie b, w, Sept.mb.ric, ertnl ot fale ill fi . ire-l . s N gZial tZ.ZTZtiKlL? ak. t. ... . . . , .0 . r r - "r..- ... . kiwi - i a,,, H.a n , i Pawl Noble. I j Thomas Nor- Paf. ot lot 61, ai tfve earner p He m T'nd Johii OailUfd arm emu.-fUtl l"K.. . . . 1. . . o .. , . azi-fr V Kaiai i tf, " T 'I j 1' iauuh Id IV OU' ir Mlh or.1. I f rtrwint wnifram r nni- . M haiwsen FmII Se- On the lilt , in -ST'WWIIriseHafe ate d-h i br njt ,,..J.Nl.. lf, , . . nlrt,i.'di'ra, .h'ab ' er uY. K "' w ? 1 wn,i w I li o . I Ja.M.am. r aaams sYitaVri. f-CKfZA. JV1MfSO Aiei'x. ThomnHuiTei.il Un R,ei. .T . .. .. . . Jit ihe trt. i . ' " . Liv.i t ivti . t' u. ! . . t ".i l o. in. ntii.ngH.g.o tt.unerbe. J x:iil ot wbirh wrr Americans; she owned in Hotii.leai.c L.H T la B). 'clifiatfey, M'lssseusi. CbaeUf 1 tor Aurora, Owen svbarsfior C Li a a an . Bet fey Lemaitrr,Jpiibirl ViImini;tow DtjTaiclPf1 f RDFH f.,e ill -rtrlP-l ' NtfctflftsW4J;t1 i-no tyilfad 3d 41b A Arg.we,,, Ci-uieo i 8 h FiBm largycT of NVHsffl CaoLiHa r't'i'r,'e,AW.,jA,Jq. :IIL cn'rni tit ne Lmrrtt o CaasiinaQ 'Irwweerla at i . . i ji . r , : UhiA.. II.IL.T ' . . -ri "T'-UJ, ,,, lAi ner nut known. futtniv a. . . i . . . ... -.- I .pan. al. ). dn. 4d io n ui l III 5 . . ea.r. Thomas Slade, I; Catharmal .Jw... tct. at be lower end of the a? n rri iKaa. its. Pr,i . I a - JC - Ttaau a sb- n i saii o r 1 1 m ilit t a i.a4 asm.., .. .... . in, i ' . 'nm . ' -1 l i - " i nt ' " I'M- ' -it fry m-y r o . r aflgBflMsf ' TneniTti ire 1 1 the d ano I ew,t. iirr. srs 'C-'nl F ma at iBn i ai ...i a ' e asr wa i t the..; v . .'I, W, q'v tfw oih nihil W. M fBBBBBBBBBBBwBaBlBH .H.l i . I U .1 .... r1 fa- n 1 j ' - a Ordr fiailmit'ed tf rx H h- tt t il. d'fo, U.odp not with- st 1 he on ney lb ,11 ( -imtwi t tbtm 4 id to stream, dffelnc'i a y ni baoirV mi tneV rvweV to pfncu Hapi Nnte, f tfy 3r nh tn ed r .; t wniner nomMV .f 'he (i (11 . V "41 -t - iw.risvd ie pfro, irt'e rt f ten miV 'M4.I io lb d.iilJT,' arfil ' it d i bal' t drfelioni ot frvn, Iff llo-r I r fieri ten d.alji aoftk poid, d. M. FOLK, Ifevtjm A. C. IX tober neat, SOLD, Himt, APAHCKL ot LAND, fituato on the north lidt ot 'ti. fWih. ..ail mmmk ii :nr, n ..'w (in mill r Howan'i PUntatiun, be.na (be h Id mi 'he low land, and (hat par ot f .id Tract which bet m New. Hanover aw I'll 4' m ' esai t.aa r SOW) , I ; Jinnrt Jjpeodlawe, 11- i..i,, f-l ionlooK to the cll.i ol .oo,i' lev ed ouvn b)- tiriwa of a V'b U 'plQ0 j ,;OeOtACtatke. w,ml n-r ft ut at tSe u f of tne a Imall pttt nta lot nn Front- Exeiul it of I h iuat Lucaa, au. the '?'. t : Michael Sainploo, I : Jatoa Soan.J uThaabwam4Vio;. otaoraey akx,rtt HnmemreV bef.er the lot btetrtjtiwp lo G'i , . llti,i .Mi, arVttJI Obr o fee- .id in beh rg io Mr. THoatai lewell, SampUaa coun-.C . n i n 17' 1 . " " ' " I r Hit ajfjfii ton a - thrlef W. Thocker.eare of Oea Hooper, i f Was. Te'.oo, Sawnfan m - w mm, a . oynty,! ( Veto. Tl r, Oaajft ' , u Htnrf Urouharr, l , w Eacjafto I VS hK. a ; John P. V.h ami, USybtfter W,Uoo, $ Vaj. V . 4i.. SowB.OW W.llnn idaawiaav DaadiA tOaatry, , IltLellr Cl),, u, , I.p.ar., th firi b. WgaoiM. .S.imfwwi I. Lek. sad COCOMt fo n"' AOa.aaaw at mm. a 4t-k 1 - Tv.rr if a n r l'J 1 M 1' j1- . . . . , ai a ng t.i i he nettt or eyimi.ie, in., on h t. lifl. which will be in lie i.4d, unlefif rftie pWftoo Comet toi ward io pay tbe taxet. The tiohit.Mi herein mention- ltd trd from rht old plan. Wm. Nwcr, Slift. ST'- 5- -.a e.e ADVL.K I I fc Ml Ml S . it i . L..-......i.,;.fJ.. iwiii las luiaiaiio "" a . ... f I ne.ri ol J -hn it - an, Wa.Nl.ir, tbfr aVp . .v. f v vtrae a a writ a ben fadas. re ere tveMti, t the Ml a B-.'in at. fie Vese t itteerf US, On the I A dty'of November nema, a- t weird adork. WILL HK SOLD, tWfr1.Hf; hWtlmmmem T1A1 r, u.bfe LOT aiih ira ..vee,s tbere.i.. . lr'."deai ff.t.if flree', f.ints.an.g ti t lit 'ei on Fro. -flre, and two ag dosrss tat ib tiref far w 1 i I'm oa toe Ihte ajl oYOrrd t ml e m tr, , pafert ft Il.e aeo iyl oaamin. Wat. Nurr. jAMiMooni.cik.. Cfk 17. " JlMN LUKU. e. Usiobtr w. , 4tl"- T