THE W I L M I N G T O N , G A Z E T T E. scttw 1 brec Dollars per Annum. T n U K S D A V, 1) E c E M B K i 2, 1709. Vol. in. Vo. it,. If l P L ! " F n W KCK-L Y V A L L M & H .1 i' t. T'crrp.n Intrlltgrnce. Btce'rt&d b the brig Amiable Crefrt t. ltd r I ;le, arrived at Phi' ladelp-bi.!, from Hdnburgh. I row If tic Disown t dated. Julv, ftatinn, ' thit'wh-n rt . - f 1 LOWER KLF;F, Sent. i. The new pTiii-l Pvuflfun si my TDP' tmrtPtl foTlie Weeks 3 BO. I? tO confid 0170,000 , men, and will be tt-a.'v abmtt the tarter end of autumn, to fervp-as iupplememary lOTcerwhrr tver they may be required. All Dan?m vefje'g bave been for .'bidden to eiit -r into ar.y of the fen. lian ports, and thole a' ready entered ar- ordered ro depart in fourteen tfav winch i$ cerrarrrly ' the 'forerunner tf an open rupture be" ten 10. Krt'ib'rn Courts. rnWd afAftt bp nir ed being mor're l b Hus. among whom thee Was an in;urc' h'rh .: at 4 length appealed by ftn. Kleher. The army bemg mnlieied n tuh Lit?, it was irnrd reduced to 2,8comen 1 With titt (battered remains of a one difn Red frm thci artis anJ.then . .1 1 . 1 ! t t. . . . lorn o'biM rearer n h (trteipy. Jcoffc vhar it miy, every' effort rr.itrt Some Corns behaved MM a"J ift jKvni tie TO drive them from their rtem are Mr iw men whuff? nr le. entrenchments bernf ettafe V'p. rciniorceuicnts they are expect- yr. 'renrrais c? Diudiou hie Cent me in thf ir re ( irts I '1Y1H f-M you tb? gam? of tfrofc wftoatc enri!H n lf!i" "d reward ; the rtsvartKm'dl cr:i).' iive leiuon. Unnnanarfe com nifiice! bit foutnwy titfotrgh the-de. frr, frted Shi, a c,ai1, at'ended by bu WCW'S, ii t'fia head of his turn us'. Sir Sidney Smjrh was pone to Cv piUH, to prep, - e" every -thine bn the'ti'ttack of Alexandria. Dwmit'ita :u.4, ' Abouiiit. ;'i'l e. Grand Viii. Jas .ua.fci':-..ltdlv, nd had T. 1 - . i I ' . M". Sti'lT .a " V reaiiy rvi tnte, sn tne ct orif 1 h i,f --ir e'r "r? aaind The enemy j ''i Republic The day before bs criwiie.f vith lurcefs. ' they urite from Fafta, under r ' t r ' ' A , o j ' j 1 . maLii', the rendevotH ot the-arm date n the i(l ofv SeoScr, tb u tbe fcrft and droned fnrtSanr, M9- mor(, , - Tetuiert'd '-vii'i 1200 men, ara 120 . T , , , G . ,r ,r l ! ' to aWt, the N'iph.ile Samaritans in pucr 8 ,f cajfton. Th., rtew. w. co,n;mv fefl ; ttw ' f brought to I iv.a by ePr.'v 'inh,,,iuntSf ,nUrdeViog wft, women, 1 be-?fSnd army of So-airow w . . .... . ... . , . ' . .,. . 0 . a id children, and thole deviations It former poUtWif the ; li(H1fJ )trte.sie ,r, the Md-Mlnrm were at Al t. J whjfh occaCnned hv th- and rne m ho e p. mum indtrated at) f,L . ai . , , . , rfpinoiciMdlhe hatha v or Jei ullem exi.etf ariMM the ' a'tai.'' m .ren, 1 V . , .. . a l 7. " i-. - . ,T , . " who ptft the mmtn'arneers t,o niwhti ht Ptedmotit, from the fide j m, M iWRl inc. icnpts. ror rrui ct y-n . . vb!e army bad -idvancedj. f r aT Novarp, on its ay Switzerland, was coun'ermjnded;ro ft.SflB The -Vienna Conn Gji-etle, the 7th September, dates, Accord. itig, to reports from Ira'y, the hol'ide ptn. Jourdn, was expect id to arrive on the 2"j.h, :o f-ke the chief cam. tnadd of he French ?rmv. Befidenbe already if.entinned rnrniM-.d ot FilCCJ. Leiiborn, Pt ttemub, Kiviano, Kor di farm, St. Crotc, anfl V arete, we have to iyt a fhort review of Pe larthtr prog,irfs made in 'ralv. SNertiO:' w fturoui.del and bumbardi'd on tie aBtb uh tn the .armies. - 'Hie 1 1 i iion , on. (ling u ao Fi4th ai;d inoo iiiitirpetirs, capiftitateo, qniMrd the town ind retired 10 the firr. The enemv eTfCtWted UHa, and ft 7 cannon behind rhem 2 oihen were f uken in tlc purb: t. The fortr;fi it SarfaneNi has liVeule' capitnltted : the arrioii flit, in. AMSTh!f)1, : Te ru'nonr, tbat A v.iiie.ri.-p we'-j. in he tvnfeJion o the tKops,pF the Iveredir .) prince ef Vanis whoVy vm4'ol nidation. e.aicran'w An 1 val:inia''ln A.. der;iehment of 6opo French lfps Is on its inarch for the Rata- vetwday, icoo nien fet otif from Vntwerp, for BreJi. The fame diy two t'qttadftttif ot hitir.-r, comig froiriFthe interior of France, paiTed by here, without (to,ppttl(T. or hu' lan.J. vllei ;'Jay, after the arrival of 1 meirenger. lent by Gen. Brutic toGeti. Titleyi Co nnurtier in, criisf ijiUr.'.s; bive jodee.i.vde (tFfie dr. ! t: t'',e ne.y united department, prrtOTS I Iterated, leavii'c 1 2 ta.mon, 2 ( uil)t,,c lioth frieiitll and nit ones, and them untier bis pro "-iboni' SeptemHer 18. In addition to the nes frdm Con flantinople, (riven in our paper ot ykilerday, hve to ftate, that mi the loth of Alfgttlt two exprefi-f arrived from the commanders of the Tufki'b latul an fea lorcea, dediner! to aft acainil Kpypt, vvnh tbe con. ftrmation of Aboukir -bsvinp lten. ta ken by the Turks, 1 he entrench-, n cut iftade on the coaft by the Frecl s well as the city, were firmed of the 12th-J'dy, and it if f jid that '50 French wtre killed and $6 tiken prrionrrs, the reft betook rliciiilelvaa 'to llthr toward Alex andria, wStyr tiiey'were ptirl'ued when the eirpfcls Ano ther cdr-J.nn pi ti; T'trki.h artiiv marcbrd'd DamTtia, Thele exprelles. anl an o'ficer from the Capta'n4'.irha, sert mpfl handfotne ly rewarded by the Grand Slgnior. Fi 'nn the ar.mvra nl Italy, nothing han tr nH;iireJ lincc the tall direct in- tr, v da cotdlderable unsi.niyol p rinnn. ana imniw , u ,3(i) o enw. , ht Yffn C ForrS'. Maut, -he gnVh of ! n . Vl.,.i... J 7. W i. ... $pt7.'a ' lui rendered by the imperi a!iM Fort f.ex:ri furrehdered un the fummona of the captain mi horTe, 1. chmeidri ; ibe Rrr'tnn are pfilbn til o' war. K'kne CkUtMMIy and a jjteat on inty nl .'iKnninitiiin, ttt f. M fl r' re. Farther tiie enmv e i 1 L c n, t h y my perhaps enfea VU:tnd thf.r tnnuntauioiis li'i vaiUJted l rt I ri reiu, 'raring 'CT f ... L. . .... . ...i,nilr ail" I A rl r.lil'h III . I . . . , q ...... , - . ,.f, r .,, ,( ,rM, ipi-one 't It .r- IS. '-ntHI'f, ihiiuc 1011 I,,,, H,.ti.,.f1.u ,l A...llrdn int., r ntxi, wiih ten C4 KoJr and jr ,he HJ(r m . , iop. .a , 1 t . . . 1 ... 1 1 w. v 1 be rinainder "f the French army Coni yet eneeavnr tu nation, in hopes of iieina ioin ti and l.pprt- ed hy iheatmv of pel), Champ'ciat. (i'ii. Unine has 1 llnially tux bed. that I2,;e.i u rn wen .1 l e-dtU , and iuivrd.vriy, armc lor ibe 'Ittn cr nt Itidlaod : :,u, if h Angh .H dl'.i: a; ty '! not IpeediU ii-ke lr" er r Siv7t'a the enn nv krrpfo.t Si. Nlana, :b a'HMit 50 cai.tton, 4 RH rw, ana 380 N . B. It lermi 1 - ' e ibi y-- d -ttO i 'rem ItJiy, tbe 'urn I - dcr i f ihn tall 'crt, and II e lirtdH , of Pyuria, ''i rot knnn in V rnna, nt-m ill I olU Cautie tail pru. trd. Th- privf-ri under tbe rrn -mnd of). d'Afprr, bt tVrr I y t i n, hve r; talt" five llnp bound H that f rr. Ti , , my alfo quiitf A Sieipa p'ia, huh port waiimntediateu ti f ird bv ibe fm bii e.l Turro-Rul. Tan frorp. The Vny (1 tmifter, Windham, pnhblhed at fnrfnet, 111 , iir M I 1 'be rwn I'tr ton of 1 t.u -f Vapua ara jar, wnn 111m by &t Neapi4.latn ami their adifl. In ihtfif ree ' 6"00 Frrmh wrfr mAr put. r. ti and pent to TWvn Ml beelitiun;cd 1st Nrapu Mint. Reifir ; row 'he ttt rbWAfil attack t at d m .he de parturr i the tml r. rn Fl rrn re. . n ire . 4 A-icnil. the army wa only iwooouff m -rb VMM H'Hne Tb inbiui Mf Capnassity .11.. 1.) a liit) havt iiugi. HAGtJF; Sept. tn. Fi nch irot'ps with bur lny lasmg s Hi rdv nrcu jomert by 4'! Mm r mlomiiients enpected, it t v i'(t that an at'aik .ll tie made itpta (bf jenetRj t.-diy. lni ssfil ; "iV that illc nesmianou at our I.. dL)i"ri r with Oen. Don and the o'hef fnclnl. Dtputiea, hat !... h-d j'y effect ; ihoub mere i eafim t that rawia has had f me llte1n them; and a er ha been d lpatthed frpja hence to Ber 'in on ti e 41b mil. it being the gene ral opmiiMi tbat the lale inactivity I sat ctuifd by the nrgocia'iotn. ait Mh tern are 1 n r t r utardi, ir-ttnthe frmitieri ul France .r our Hrpublu. n l umber 14. Tbe Mttasa teg letter ti m Gener I B.uiie in tie Ui..Tijn Dnnhny at rei ytllerday in the hrll k nan, Uct. lit d.iVufen ihAikmaar, p.. 1 1. Di.e'la., Toe ibe tf ti fi. nrral ffiaf ht tnrlvt Bj b r they e. e difperiad !y tiv- armd cd'Tens of AFnhe 'rt and foine FrenrVi tQMpC ' Iv and Wfvire Atrdlenfatn, at ie ver 1 im, t lie hirteries hive ,oeen raifed, to kesp oJ th- fc.ilidim cafe hey ihould 'attempt to apijroich our liry in (loan front ihe Zavder Yea. Cittr.cns ol the ! re joifi'l. ns arrive here frooi ev h rjiwi tf r, odd irooeed to Ha Vvm, r.m whenct 'hey af-rer-.vards etnrr, vi th 'nurthng rdri forMui(fe), N ir-lcm, 'At.' k!t ar- ned citizens who are at 'Haerieln and hi environs, and w!m vent tip therfrmn this and .tier itues, ore obliged to rcttlrn and i.) to Mm den md elfewhtire the reafnn fur it it publicly knO vn. fhq.,fi.'y id laerlein (u teri 'BHtch r rt the vrrt nuinher of troops whicfe, are (pur1, tcrsd there, more of syhoto are; ltd! expeieit. Every hnnle hisretfivrd inler to prepare qoarterafof two, three, and four men. e WFSTP'rUUA, Sept.Vt.. ThePrtKlian ttoops which o, reli ed fro-ii Wellphaba, coulifts of8,ocu irjfafitry, 2,otio cava'ry, and fune. ar tillery. On ibe 2 ah, the two bat talions of ttila an I lount Wedel will march from (Vuabrotk, andprncerd, by way if lhdri, Grnu it'!', T$W, Vftmder, ami liil.Tter, to Weiel, where they will arrive on ih zitt, far wlnt purpofe .s not pnli.ivtiy known, b'.u it n ensifally believed that they will occupy the runner. PA VI A, Sept. I F-s expreft, we have rtceiveii au. thentic intelligence, that the Allies have conquered tbe G tlph of Spei. zta, anu :aKen 121 cannon. MANHEIM, .t. f, Laft nlghl the bo nlurd nent o' Philipfb'irg cmmenced. The roa.. uatj ot cannon latted, almolt uninter ruptedly, from 11 at night tiii nine in the murmur, liuce wnich however ml tew Ihots have been hred. FR AN'KPOH r.ept. IM Tne ildtrelli'.jE rep'sfts cHccnla- in here, to Jiv. are that the city of'plb'itg had near! tieen reduced to a bean 01 ruins ny the Dttmjianu uen. ol the French. Tne rpjrt of the garnlon having alreai'.f capitula leu l not trtJited heie. were lenr, to the jiarrdons nt uieoe, .Mi-nir, 5c Ghent, to march for Hol land, to -reinforce the French drmv it that copnTv. So ne tronos a!f 1 1 1 ri of hat Jcanlon fought I rsvely f ir the Audrims, and rolt a great rnivher ol men. The partituUra are expected. HAMBURGH, Sent. te. Tt feeats both parries in Holland, not withltandiutj their pob'ical .- prin ciples, have one and the fame object in vie v viz. ici:-piiereit. tv tn . red Kie nu nber of O itchmen ar irriyed in Ham'm: gh within ni tall fOft'liirhf. loaded ivitU IrteCi tn onr . s - - ' .... .. .1 ' , . rnalo goods. By the'e ineans, thy nnr only lecore their money from falling inro the hands Vrf the irtyiders, Stat prepare themfelves to tike ad vantage it the d'ltrefs which thei'r markers at h' mull foon experi ence, let matters terminate how they "My September ty. Th's tprn-iig two Englim offlcera Holla "a 1 r a 1 ' 1 ..- . 1 r : j ii . : it 1 1 ' 1 - - . - 'letacneu trom the nei hbonrnoou ot arriveu per rrom ripiiau'.i, 1 be Gltend, for the fame detiinatiprl le't the Te nel on 'TiielTay tie lothf Fiicfe are to he replaced bv -.i com-lind. whence engagement he 1 1 eera paniesot veterans from the interior, 1 the &n,4li a-vl oatavian ;r iti had lome or' whom are already arrived on conn nr (. I. A few E. 'i;h mOea the coafta. ' front the C"jll, they met the BuTiiri AccM'dingto letters from the fleet ot'ieaiifports with 0000, rro.? jf Rhine, it feems tht tbe Archihlke expect iir the pilots to conduct them Cnrlr..'t the hi-arl of an- armv of into the FexeL It was MsnnP'fed theo jo.o; 0 me'!, means to remove the were the fecund divili -n from Klti. tneitre of waKto.lie Lower Rhine. n"tr, and that the fird had laileJfof In coofequenre thereof, the fortrefa Yar nopth. of Tvire.ibie'udrin will hetint in a The HereHitary Prmc.f Orinre ftate of defence; Orders are jriven after his arrival ar the Heldr, went t i repair the head ot the bridije ne.i.t on -board of'feveral P itch mrr nf vM.. -'! 1 ...... oi.'..,.Li tsV ar snrl Kof iBJAai a inI r f V , U mcnts, which will be furnilhed with failori oiFered" trt fiyrht f ir him on a grea' qttlntity of ar'illerv. (bore 1 they were acc rdiml iantU rt. .., (ha .,'1 .Ik. ..I ih. nth InP' fl On lh iflml of lh R nr a melTenger puled through here, on tier of the Engli'h gener il, his way .o Paris, with dilpatcbes, as S'ory wis releafel on hia parole i fald, of ibe gfe'elt i nportance. and the Dutch fleet failed on the to hj Fhis inetTenger faid, leveral regi ind- svtth a fair wind, tor Shee .-nela, menta of Prpliin tniops hii received to fecire it, at any rate j for tho orders tn leave the vVel'er, to go to Prince of Orange, the Khine, between Welel and Em-.' The third divifion of tht Eniili'la meiich. The fa ne night, feveral arrived, and the 1- 44 mm 1 l .. 1 .1 V' , n. otHer melleii(ert trom f ins to not wiwtyi tw r.oj'.w Torre vis e'tii land paffed this city. ', mated at tween ft ind l.n 'er f -t A . A m ii. '1 lak. .ll.! tml k . . .1 nia tnri 11 iv raarrfirf uitoruir. "v -.-w. .m -a - vrr iuf j m 4a UH id fV TTfl M.trr lltitfarM .kJUr(1 hVtJjJJ V ativ. IttC ,off Ollend Iris though ihm the Wat arriveLmi the iith r-vift. ib:rd f.vr.ed I. .tm England to Every 'lV Hu'eh defenen crtnl intended aviamlttueillandolZealaadi W tn ihe Eripitlh, and v.ilnnte'r or Belgium. ;chir fervice tor the rnnce 01 u- The preparation! of defence enn- range. linne ort the coaits with zeal. In vl S I .N 1 1 f I.C, Au(? lo cale of noce.P.ty ill the moveable co- Yeflerday tne P rte received m. lumnsin the neiuhbouring depart- tenence that KiolTe Muftape . Pa-, ' m.mtsnf old. France, will march to tha, adilted hy the Ann'o-Knllian tlvecoails. i,ld Turkifb fleets, hid tken A.ou- Allthe.roops that can he fpired k-r tod Rolttta, 11 Eppr. I'he A from Valenciennes, I.tlle, Douit, bed H.s have now opened a com- , Dunkirk, kc. are mirebmg to the . ' otion in Kgypf .l the Unuei c afl. The works before Ehrcn- troops are marching ag .ind A.eaan. breitltein are completed, and the dita, and much appeara beet ntaei nrovii'mnrd for atooo men. etferte.l towirds tmq terini Egypt. oroneetr : there are 165 pieces Seven! lacks vuh en, ol fuih of of cinnwuon tb camparta and out-:h' rnemy at were kit -1, ire aniv ..... t. . - i . works. ed here. The Gra; d en'iior hai profrnted the Tart i j vho brought Eroni the Vutui 4. Sept. lo. , imi .niHlinence, with a v-fuable pe- His imperial m .jelly of Rullia hat Ke, and a penlion for !i'e. railed he!d aunUel count SowarfoW TWa mnmen. a fbip arrived he-f to lift dignity ol a pince of the Em- ttomt. John dtr , having anno, dire, furnam d " the Lilian." The her of Turk on bond, who wrrt Mkiwing is the Imperial Ukale j waunded In the nat.le id Aphiw . ' To perpetoatc to the remotert Fli nocpofrhe united fleets, and oollenty tin-tiifiioiy 01 the atchiev-- the m her Turk. lb roos mr'm-j menu of o ir Beneral tield.manial ; to 40,000 men. To l-cure Ahrei- .il mimi S.iA-jrrow R-iiniuiw. who at k'r. the bulwark u A'eanlrii an I 1 . , e- . a tT i. t. 1 1 aJ A 4 o'cl.Kk in the afternoon, and coll the head of our vitt.r otis armtei, ami ot r.gvp', 'c trrmnnw luppiM-o if iRreat aiany lives on both rtde. tanle of the empeipr ot Germany, with -r 1 upl tr..m Alrxn.drn, a. d S..t witbllauf uiit osir attack did not 'hi, within 4 months, delivered all "ther pta.e-. Ttttbatile of Ab-ataj wholly lurceed, we gaiurd snore ll.a'y from in I eiploiM t .n,m-tari, 1 k'r, in ',ich ir dney Smuh t -n than we lod, and the army if advauc AI.KMA.l, Sent. tj The of yefle-dav tailed .1... - . U I F" " " n . 1 Dave Orrn Jecnve f ,r u- i.d ' 1 ii,n n h- Tt...0-e..e d..rr-, . I N 7, ' ' k.e, M-0 loms WllaatusKV.. toltff. dtlfffatWU ttt, toips dm-r .heir d 1 v i'.L 1 basn f ' T f hi ed a league and a half farther. It 4II the troops had done their duty at the greater niri we ought have yai'ted a liml viclorf .. But part of the Batavin rroops who are ttnarcr thy nf the name, through cuwrd.e or treachery, fraftrated our hopes. One of the batt-dions, in particular, earned the lines, whtcl had already bffe carried by Imiiiceatf, to be abandoned, This battihon is fent bath from the army, and I4 men, oshifrs ami p: iva.ea out nt 1 4o, sfbo Vi thclijj.Ml icjake lligbi, are III beihni. This tnnrning onr whole gsrrifon turned nut again, ami are to lie on fhtir aims all night 1 proUaMy ano ther attack is to tale'place to. morrow mnrnttib early. The Fnglifh do om i .r.dagA ull tejrr brave .tt Utsders m .He opto field, they are only Uruug .rhnl ther entrench enn. 1 hey " p- lied hhind tho Zp.Dyke . ,.f,e j!'theve.toel, to whuh they L NN'OAU, Sep. II. We ire this mnnin.i 'nfmed that .be f yhi wing of .he Fremh 4fov.. u ilrr Gn. NfifTn. hn n lacbod the ar ay un br Gen. M r, indifferent points, and driven i. I'om ! a vcu I akcti have rarfetf battftiw. B e, le'iMhe ca.itnu ol (ilatai. The inbakw- and reftoreJ kingdoms ami lesT to' llitutms. To give a nwrk ol our faliifaAioa bef re .he-whole world, we have coder red on Him, the ge. neral livid mr'hall cunt 8uarr0w ymn Iky, the dignt' of prince ol the RuAin emp re, with the liilt, ttt ue. It 1 our plelute t'wt t hit dignity be Wrr.d ury td -U ha :ucte:!jft. male and lema'e. sad'iha. hr , and li.m hmifelf Th Pr'mce Ctunl Suwarrimi'Sjmiiwf. Signed PAUL- Pawlo(k, AngufVH, 1709- A lev; of recruits bit been order d in the Kuirull empire, at the r. r of oncmn out ol jji hc 1 11 left tffan that of lall ear, when oov manded 'he Forks was vety rol. naie and bbwxlt.' A creaf nno 1 - r fell on both fides, and 1500 F.encb were pu' 'o tbe l-sord. 1 he Capt. rartu with bit dill nraree 'he Dsrdtnefl.a. Sevrral Rulfian Ih'pl hive art ed in thq jttack Sea, woS innmuion for h rofohui'd fleets. Some ''eattfow hate Hem rrtfltd here, as fpies for she Frem. Three Frenibmen who feme rNriM Ms, Kiemp'tal 10 fet 6etO all thf lb-pa m our, a il iau'-.l a damage of a oudioO n 1 a ball of pullers, bav been esteemed. out of 150 was .In 1 FARIS, S pt. to. On the 17. b of", ibe Kndf ol Fupe Fun f. being embaioed andclitbel ;n r-rfiil rrdmn-t, isptandin a le-dm t-Jfin, wbkh bc rennaf adn-u iflraiio.. c.f rVr de partment nf ibe Drome, tl f vr m enoova and be b (hop of Cmiro" . fealrd. T' fbfsj -r 1 .' ibl . tat if to teaaaua Valtaxa,

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