f; vv it -or-4 at fevrVm on, tic .1 A . ihlt lb f" ytr U.u in lit, power to kcv o os. i -e n s oren puouweq a Mil!., accar'ii.to,whjtli alt ftejki w have- bit 'their--chutes, under! thi dcn:oi ritio yncrtimf"n, arc toj l-vc if cm rciVoixrt, t')it tl.f y I Wight hr.ve into Olbfy lands. i:i i-or.!..; .-ji.rc t an orot r of... Jthis :o(h u'it.iii'the property ( t the: A I .i. . . 1 - T LHA.l l LSft - ..v-i. til,, . r . . 4 1 I : . l l s tiuaiif (iioioejV; Giii! v-iv Cyrlicans, Midi fcch.SWifi wi'i-fc rai:6ri ? arr, .' pscj Lv the Fru-.th, La c b ctY -:- bcWd..in T..IU T. b a.-.V of the i:-iha.ir.:ts ot i it?atW! i-o.j- al fUch tffc :,, y arcto in.- prih n -,i, ,,r fij t-1 to tlx amount or C'liinc jiitn- v d'ue. A letter- frni Da-fi'xn, of "ti e t;' it:-t, iUteVtii -v. 1. -.--itra. ift :f ru u.M.ri'ptv,'!' f I ( fc' t. iu 8 ortiinarv wCi tir rence : .la- Isft, tl Ti. : r. ii. i -i-i ' ' itiiw arrived' heje, at;U 'ihieil at tl:e Hotel de ?'!);.( 1 Mniirtinrt-U Lflm'snla . . -F in itrc iioors ot .-.-v r wuq DlooW) ;ar.q i iri-rr (lie ; or j wr jev.-e'Ls, u.onev, 1 chi.!;i at:d P'ber t tf f 1 , to be'totind. None of her IfcVva d t oir co til ii a g arc fffi imi noi it int n haVj begfi tiiiiiatilied-in --f, . v.. ..vi ... -v-iiiMr. y . v. hp in (.it i rt HCI IU lice Ol JilC CO 111" fonvd open,; t h2 bcH ot the pntwfi i o. s; ijjc . . kcr of wherfl", with and- tiu: Ti ht of I er h.-.i-rO-.m ltaitrt-.H:i.a tt ol ) e Men I'ers beine ccmc a.erwii -Jiio,'.tuMis and every h&4f wmif.h'J if to ) n (0. conlidef. of is anxious to uniiddlVthis mrU e-roj riety ot.ei.ablir. rr.e with Otis cirv nmfl-aii-t-. ' out e'efay, to avail mtle.f. to-a far- Vn- trc lvi rfi " tf .Vlt All -V. ... .. 'Js ". -. 4 fX f . . . I I iMdi. -AUi .i M.i - - j lOriNSTO.M OvcsmuH.-wm e 4,i"-y Hi : l-I i ant ai.c tu.ftuial ton th'C,uri htiUfe ill tfn il'i;, i r on fl'. di .y jkf igh$jttiih y Z) .-. cem'irr next , b't-i-g tt:c "yea ..-.y e,f 't t (Hunty i.vttt ; t e to LO r-s 6' -L A N i)S, lit, 0 'K L; t on M nb;r -IIi cm , on. (a iting tweut) I.k fotTt io W chi.'!, Irwi-, r- running -atk Mai iltn Lane 0 tiot on Maiden Lain A . ,:rer Lu with a Wh.rf an,! W .iich.vj't- liltrci'li. If the Ion ntnl ot t ic lo.-n ... i ,i o ntfitr vv.irt-i ntar ur adjnir.iiv the abrtV; -J'ivr biirdred anid eig' iv acref. ot L.nd v Samplon county, fitiuttd atorrcr tht Six R.in, Aifo owe '"hundred a ciesnf Luul in (aid tonmv. '" is. u.ouih credit wOi.He K'v-r, ,1-. ...f'l..?c, av)H ; Iv.HKt w m, sr)l. roved iVcr'7, -Ja aior.-M-on )R(5E JENNQI, ExV. 28. PUBLIC VKNU;. . .. k .00 t.,r ii , eiolbi uv oi , f.-.u-imianuouility, ,t be .S o U'lll ( iv i ill i-.U nil l.... ..!... ... . .. p-rrofwhicn iv dm ,. n , . i. ' .1 v. , i - .M I f' 1.. iin i n I ' . r .M .W. .... .. I . I a . .... .1 iwi mpi j it ro .ii -ii i ri&fiMui n. rtl, is tt contra .. J hv ir, M . ur ( hounded lV i t.'irl m. o ir li r ii.. , t i large cr ek on the other, ftnd ...r all I viry miKjirete lai.k-. my itred Imtneul ,r. n. f mu- . n t. f a huuir ii heamitul, .,Utl ubm the icnmidrr i, tlrarrd, .i p.. ri vie of t eery vt-flcl 't. r pdh v. frv.il Wihuitfon, ir.,:,, w.. Ci. it It Clilhnt about fi ur t;i Irv 4 k 'tit p lect above the keel ul the (w.nn,. Kir- hnndird dnlfaf, mt1 he paid n in- (j'hof Jiioury next, tf.t ft inai-iiler on a credit ot one a. U ! y.r-, II. f L- ! Wlimitirft, Nov. j. coil. till I f n . . "r. Hi UrLurhx .7 I mMn?e W Hi the fup. ime; Hunt,,::,; loi8inj, OWL i,,,,,,,,an' 1 Town, on CaM, " ' ' ""H' H-p rc. In c 4..y J,u,.i.v, sl J"!' vi:ilKtf dee iimiai.. ; . 1 l' l 1 C S AL f; h-rh o: the (Joecrnor General ... A T ttl. '..ir ifR. W. Sr,, pttOClj on idfi ..ffJ, an infpm V'.rc p-t ol tl.eneriil,iie pr... "-fn"', and the trltd abil. rrtf vV i . d ,-re ,M. cnfklah oi u ' ' jir id the commandc, M rc',. ,!. Hoii.sCuiK (I toop-tnwpo,e, Bod. I.u.i.n:i luroimr-, p'aiituiow , ?! '',"'nf a, ralilM Hi mi I- , - - I- " .I! II!. (J ... C . . H ptii'me Sci.ii.a,;d oV.Oe i, 4r AUO, OnWrM. n. J4,Uirrf V fod ' .clirra, ihr cajahihij part o? u.l pi. pru c -Of.. of Ma, eS t, it , tnjj ban M..uieti Jd Fur ttn nre. - S a -n vniSi rrrJii h ien, iht? nun i.f i 4;vi..i,H,j j p. ed fccir y. II. M. S.AD, Jai'au OL.l'v Ver-' eft'fl'tn'- Advices. -T3 ir 7. A?j v.,;;. fc; tintvtd yeiciaat frsm Gtejg.-u.. ! I ' 1 y - ty-rrue rrce: v uwtfW P .s .'.the jj:i:hr, dytd Lev cm to if f -c" Sepf.-Tlt, 'Pent it ll e King if Qtt'H-lyr'Utin. fa i'arli,4ke.tt and the tfjicial Jcere of tbejktck r-ctived Iflht Anglo RhjfHtn urmy in Hdund, claiming iurijjpicip&l atten'ijn, vr air JcleC'. thtia in preference to any it he izjormtfiitn. xri n cosr.u ' MNG S ??( H- j. HKU$$ of PI. L RS op . -24.. ! dav, in compliance with his Miji Proclamation, a number 01 the i . Ilk :. ... . . J. "l . - . 5 s! oi.i t'-.i- o'clock, the King dame to ;.,,i:jc i,, ibte, wilh u5fwal .m i. . . l. . : - V"..- ! t 1 1 ! 1 it i I 1 ?t 'A I) Ui t (I T' PHI V FlIilTl ifions.' Bei-riS fi-stcd on i 1 !lrotae. Sir Fmn, ii M(,!vnHiv -"' r. ill. i-'l.-wk Rod, (was. fetit ... l i ' . , . .1 . t 'i tn tho haf . los Majgny addreilid ihVni js tol . Ai' Z. 3 tifid Gentlmirn, o w s : I i iave- cafle'H you iogv 'her at r.ftniisah ftad on, in orutr to re- t 1... . k. a . . i . A . 1 r. ' v i i es Of dE n i'iti ' ' ' I I lli. VI ' J ' I I w Ir I . w1ien--iMjate of onr atjve toict ftqi-i I..-.-. . .-' " V'c ! ave" ten the hannv effcf' i rneature w Rich you adoit i on this fulfil, in Oie kit fUlion ; and the forces which I was thtieby ennbled to tn-p'tiy,' hac already difplayed in the facie of tfe-ei em". ' com i-e, (lifuplint and Iftadiiufs. woith) ot-the chafarlcr of Blind (Wfct. I n the thou interval fine dw i lofe c-t the lafi ft (lion, otir (Tin it".'n and pmfpeitjS have, tiiderth. blcffir g. ot piovidence,- improv, ptyond the n uii lanLuine cx i.eCta lion. 1 " 1 l;e ahiUi it ai d valonr ftt . cormi ,itni(r, a,(i itt,0j s ot" I h" crn -b'l.ci! iiruertal armies, hurt l.i. r ... ' ' PF emtntntly difblavrd j ' Hin ,1, I..,-. r t . . 1 J ' . v. ui.ii. or na y may now W'Cwtjdereif an fecOred by the rt !t of 3 campaign qiial in fpiendoi and liuceli to anvihe u oil UrUW ,. . ( rtcunVd in I iilory ; And ! hav , j a I 'he heartdt fatisfaai(m of fee- " i' u,( v.-nor of niv fl.-is ,,A . ., i j , , . ,'--K'" ! , t , T ' th("''k'' - .awtul fovtreihj and mv formct . rofitita'oi.fc ii, ,ut ,OWtr ,u "I'll ItlJt toMir k ... ... l"-r . . n. ' I he French rr,.H;.;,. r pvpt h i r-ttin l to jivr nro. lo-l. ur f.t I1 l!t i tf -racc to our eiewiagajuil our I" i.tt.l.lfi ...I L i . r ' nc actu unci t " I e '.tji .ra'e aitempt. wli .l Her hae ia.rly made ,o rxttt.ate ""..le ve from fr)Cjr ,1(fj , ,ljr Jtlhe UrLuh lorcc, ilirecK,! by !Wh Md ani na.e.: by (he h, ta fm ot a Erit.il, riicer uj.h a """ t .1.) .uv3J fKC .,. hu fjhmand j and i!., , r- tow iiHha, reltVisperSdio... rw. f i.ifiiUaitd bv lite art indict i. I Handed by ihr pro;nilr t tU . . , ,n- f'rrel ininthrir am. i.i...... i . .. . . V!SV !-""'Aive ptopclf ir. eit in I -J? III. , ,,, ,. . I..I.. I Tiere M, IruH, ceere reafon iO eiRTl that .heedon whuh I am TttHi f ,hc -H""lne ( the U'dud Proei.icvi, ill rioee fMc. leiifiil. " T i. Br-tidt arm htee rcfctied -n t v p,..r j, ,4 f,e enemy ne ptiri i,,i pofl n--, t(( " I) It Hrrhlir ; an I ah tho' wt have lo rrgrn i,e cft, ,ni. i.ore n.ei H a fu.,( .i ... m 'itl'iheer.vuit,"w;ic in.ii "i lit k;i.t.ioi i . i xi, t.. u. rr V:-;-.. J" rt , MeiT. .iii! 1 Jkdl ulini 1 j'er.e. r.u Hit tc.'i.Jt j ot my iroopv, 'wdi , wii on i "tint eiry ob:acle," am! Lhaf ic,r lk4f, wHitch, ilitdef the a eii rpteit potfUMoif w France.- as .i.imifu iu cooperate in -tl:c inya- i br.as ae.'p -vei micnes ar.u ranois,. ynmeaiatejH((tjs, f$ tar.frm mitt ol tl-efii ill a lids,- may fpeeditjr, fbe krUiu-s Air,Js 'he .wbrrw or luting aguirgt, tie' xerurut hif&' I trn, uniicr its anwicut Uandaid, x three r&Jt Avtifch ft. H tt'i.'e places -the camper g:i, prufcU ta It J'ii -i'y partake in Uc'jAet of reiWrtrt the 'vcred'ejiiycd'. and abbai'u vcte iaulipeful n cur future operations. TN rtV-0n iSw-'Wy and irdepe.!i,cnce""'j ::fere:t dijfancit. capture .' to officers ,.? ujnt'arit ot thot Provinces, fo iong. in l'tV-1 teu?ea dal .renral ' D' 'Hermann's l (' 3000 -wen, akl the u-fif tfll, ; r'-... j .in- - .1 . , -; , . . ... . . ... 1 ' '' timatc u niun mante ,w r.n n.i; conn 1 r v W hife you. reioice with nte in r 1 tlieifr evenrs. uhtrh arft in mnrh Jntter Fo the BiUilh chara:ler, you will I am oerfit a.P .is t-nrfPuilv join in the fentitnents fo jnfrly due to the cortUi -t of my good and fav 'til a!lv the emntrnr of RiifTia. Tii hts inagnanl'n.iry and -wifJom, di- ropj; the force of hi? ex:cniive and powerful empire, w,are t..a ,rct degree ind;btcU,.tor. the f.ncefs ot. onr own cllfts, as well, es tor t . , .. - . P ... ' general litua'jon.. ot -affairs. I hav eJ. A ? .. . , . ... j. diredta coDtes to be lai, before von. tatuii and ta-vorab'c t-nanee 'i'h tin i r 1. 1 t Jn': of flfi mWWm have conlolldatet) and cemented a con ;K-dHon (oYottfonant to the nerraa- r ,' r - . - 1 , wnaea, cue all uil tfcH up,,Kji""".eriins ire crea't rained t!5l-7 e";MrrC' aid 'W, nch,vjttaSethey Lr'e alto t ! Igadei they c'ma tided is f t-mpTtmar1 ,he Pm mo,.. . he imputed-- -; n.enr eveiy part ut me civ ,I,2ed r,( . ,;;7W , W , hnve gramcditn trie in tfi'e cuurfe .of tKc lairfefjioii, vyii) J truli fo near. ly ;provif tof theTOgvocics of the public feu'ee, 'Veil on tne exteri livvr fcale vliich our prafiot opera tions recuifc, as to enable me, rirhout farther aid, to .onuiiuc thofexejiiiont-t.o the dole of th prefent ar ; but, in order to af 'ord yen: the cuhvtnic'ucc of a long ecefs, I rcccmniend it to y.,'u to conftd'-'f of nrnviifihg for iht cx pence 'wMth will be i,nc ;,i;v i ho rarly part of the etilning year ; ar.d wiifc this view, I Iuve errcrj tore Jan. ly L'Nfand Grntiemtn, rand Gentlemen, id yjjor reeotoiifim. ti'incpef to coin- Wu bnulkiof Perlia. at ti.c dole of their " la inrlmnxe 'lariofi, I jiioj'td ....... .. I ... .1.1, .... . ii i. '(-., . to mv i mi, Km o. iiri.ni.i, y-rwe ciuie oi tnerr II tiiTori, the leiuiinenis which iaii orporatmg m.ioii with thai kinj. eP rienr cf rirn ,Jy ' J i 'igapcmtftt Tioin the t,nuinGitte Eitra. V" n, oi vi n mi u. tuilow. ng-ieacnpybaaW. thtsday re- a! I... I. . e. .i .. . i . v. . ' ..... ,. !..- , , .s IOC 1l.fC OI IMI iv .i.. 3 i i- .. .. ' I.. .;..i . I- i i v Duni'a' ii l.i.Vf .. . . : t. ' . oflUK. ilcad-QnanersSelMenCrug. S. .-7 ' Si:?, ' t my dirpaich ,d the nh infl e-jHaiatr ptm we iattttiiu oi -.iWr i Betel, -Ve ,ee,,d tjj., ,1, , .WmW s.r.da TW Vl. 'rnanTt m .w ukrtoiTm l .hit ). 'a . ' . . r i -i'i i Mil nmui'itr it t. . - i firltflitrUftMl torn g, eat Ugfl-Setm-iarJ tit,,- wim .....j it-m ih tea in rmt of V,tUm aa i Tl . I Uf me in the rC f udion, that . .. 1 vn tr WW 'e r "'i'" Mmo o u,.,. Conur (li . H.ni 'ti at bent tii il dt rived KbYaxU V' f f'"ira'' e Ar'; '' ' "" M,"r' tv, HhnreM, Hliil ... oi.nirif. irorn tht io.poitant mea- t"l'a'''"t ' the guat ds lad le,n pttp. !he,s h0y doet their bi.tir.cfj n '", n'lnl 1 truft ihat the dilpcfninn ""ly d( 'ached to riM cl upon Sckfth ''is 1 " '"' '!c:' 0,1 1 vlt cx 1 i) l';.tlian tnt iherrj v.ii belound r . i;-,, e'""s ,,Y P''in.'e thefr inwreii to en.rilpnnH ,hR ,J(14, jth y muan's column, oi -was He -Idiec-i i,' l K'CcM'1 '"' '"y - ' he Hnriiiftfttw- ihc a- crapliih. Wntr,,,, and tie U I afalitn ot ),rr;,,1'" cr P'c .trp .:. "em ol a ork whiih tend. Co much the ah reeimrll ii L . ? 1" , ,W . ,,,r "' v: "r: - .. OltriMh-f nfcpt ,) WJmkn. '-'''-Ci.'iiivi.-i: .. m iww ;::.," ""M M.rajfSS' "' . . , 1... --- i for LtehtW-t Utrttart l.'taulmt and . W- M . ... J mm. . - fe HnA ,l. I, is t'' ii-UrUeei e- ; plnmn commence its ana, a,. -vhch. v.i.it fnritfuftfj ijjiik the ft fate ft lt,ir,t ....... - wizT r - r - I 1 LU.t ..jrj .' m rssS otlnntrv. at hJ.t tiaff.t (,"ck,h ;,, ' J ". :i1iJ'm a, u .,.,....,' j;j in fo prtat a degree as it he in fJJcf.vincmg prcifs that lie hit 0t ' V n.wm 7-j, -,.wi 6 Jvrrourds this vHief the principal force tf'tbe enemy' ivss pa ,,' it. - .j.' with an intrepidity which wttkM they were tt meet, hd nnt retanied thjt orjer tri) was keMafy Tit frUehtt the advance tbtyr. Ldined and they, vser, in ,M-dPl. t,lr ..si - - , -. . mJJi vivvrtous re It J! "OH4 f, Kiwea to -,,v ... ' 7 retire torn det pen, fvu.err I am much . i, 6 ,! . DHe,;,mJ and IchertcUff v,e,t J,jm i ; 1 ,tJ j f' 1.71" ' " , . a 10 trig ini fi'vifHl c, - JJ1.. t-jjo t-attslir.ni e tf Ri.ftians, iv'ifh halmtaj ''edtn the 'pirited conduct t v-opt otfit xith litut. gen. Dundas in ire aflat p p It almenht.'ilev, by v.aj. gtn. D'.Oyit 1 1 brigade uf. guards, .. A iy the tlh repbnent , under the cm mand if his highnefs ptiiice William. Vie a.'Jioa vjjs renewed by tl.ej trips jt,r a (Onfiiit Me time iiitl facet s hut tl e erdi e Wttht nf urn munition on tie part of the Rijians and the exU Jl-tt j,Je cf the -v.hr le c-rps eepwri. :n thai particular jituj t:o:, mveS-libcm c retire, wliel- ih, si 4 (am $-ea cr,:,r. tipo,, VaiUn and tte . . , . . i Jlesitwaifufil:enilyli(,t,the ,lU" v th "e 'J Wimenhy. Aw ''r' w vrnftx-Kgiy prf. eV wrJ.ot, nw wri j feut.P,,,. Dundus. 'Three buttul 'lis tt Hi flans v-h. formed a fetetut, rt,, ' mia' " "'"' WWIme ' lra.,aenht,v I. ...!'. ' -J' " vrjormea a epeiatc corps, ftjttned Tt thntt. mn . Vtrv ; J ' w' ''' .'wbe Jarre time : "tiPt tan it, t n It- r . i Wulh. I f ' tcnclitj oh r ..... , . jv , , , , 1 ' f c'!r It. Jr Jam,, Tul. . . .... . or - t' r tit fL,i. a ri,t ..';.. . . " 'flea, and ulttt m,.t .j . .... . . . ... , . "'' i" ' ; i t.ii-tt. tiei.t: ,... o --..j. v.i..iirj timu int n, ,n I'iH Ut l'f tf f ..It M.a. L.a .' ' I - ....... a -v Si. I,.. .1.1 . tj . . ' ' i ' I, W'iMTt ri It a la i f . i 'WTIJ . Tin. Titot'm tt. . F'-'Palft Ci.V Cri, i.a,iJ -ie:.l They trcnen a!l c J "r ,"r' Dh' 'f' vk'i ctaJ.nntU 7Ctl reet. under i, "''" ot tol. Spt,frt e-hutgf m tff'f'w',''' nrv tf H'p thm. J,'tn ' " ,f4,,rr" 1 n.'.a:.i '' ifr. ' -ar ifcr r ri 1 " tl f" Jh uftu to- l't f''ni''lt'tej,,,tU,,l,uli,n,,ht ., .. .. .... . T " . Otstuee .....j mt i .ii, . .. .j.. rtlt t-et X tumii tin Ike nun,. rai.. JT wrr rr.r, ,r ,t r tMtruM, fuity entitle, .,m " ., . .. . iver.tr. r tl:a :' , . ua. . i ... . . . . - - - . ' ' ' H i l.,... ..,.i .... r - ',:'' Me t-ijij't that f,:.er;s wfi, ( ' . , . V(fH o vr ot cuu-in, wift lariei thts of miHutt it ! -...: .T ii : f7- . lure a... . j: -, .. . ' 1 'NM UIU It t nritntt I rr.:.. 1. : enemy in tie field has In en tar fu t,- ri,trtt 0ur o:ujn; undin mddititn -to 'his, it is. materia! to flJt.e , ( parly 15,000 of the aitiedtrctni'ad unavQuuiMx 7.v Share tn the ar. tn. In V'timJKy theJi Vera-l eirrt,,-, :.yn . ces iphich-occurreddunng the antt. usH iu)-t I cat: nit avdidevpreg the ob -. ligations 1 owe tt 1. (ut.s. Dun. -dasm-r.&Sir James Pultene-;, 'br their ahle ujj:jlanter and alf, to menihn my great fat 1st of Major Gns. his' ftmii Hi 'hi ft Prince William. iMJil, vers,- Burrard nnd Don, ' t, u hofe fjL a mmi A m M- . - 9 it .," u 'V . J m . Iin .III, il (fetachxnent sf le'.men. uud'tr tl,. diteHitn of Sir fl-.me Vophhm and (apt. Ctdirey of the nav, in ' the CiifitiCl of (dun-hats , (ach r.-V-"ig i 12 pound Cannonade, Mick (.tied n it h cohj.d.ral .c effefl O; the Alhiuiar Canal ; nor fun ji omit ,X Prcjj.ng my ac'newtsamenti to tit Rujjuin majir dsns, Eden, Sodiug. rajky, ami Schad.rjf' I'aHjtnit I er(u:th retains ij tht tine,., xc ,H,htett, ,.n "wjjitig. ' I am, Sir, ),ur., fri;d!:ri r. 0 P. S. Not havim: vtt rerrive ; re- p' W. Hta.nfd by the ft " , ?Ft' 1 (,I,,y oWefVf, , 1 Wln ' Wun"d ar'd mifl.ng amoutm ' nc,r ' men. t!tm f the iiTJ f. H -.;.,.,i Uv. ...... ' -it. A-y ; - a a. ..v. ..j. . .. .. rrr nCT N' 1,1 1 5- X .Jtdl Ul the puhrfe,.fhni l.e ..-;.;;. ;;.vx:,'; an I Ml t- Ck ... ... ai: . . I . J CM trorn r.Spi,i,,K.rnr, pr.T,. ... .!l ir-'n r C. D. IIOW.mu;. TS hen.bv.iven that Thunu, Nor- H . r . .. - . r --. ftea.l. ai.il ri f,.i i. ...u... w. .o 'cn , r. :o. oi Uno in r,..,.... . "mniiirei ? nac cil J ! ncii r. icciii.m to Im .u V," ""le';U,, ,u JO coc 'orwatd an 1 make ; avi..,... ,hi iA 'Mt whtmi lb LiJef. ,J,'' J wbd are rtqoffted ia mkc kroo ihru d.tnar.di and ad. " aiicuioiy et.tuico an ,'u Jfd fcov. m. ! fjWjat JTLTTEI ' 'artncrfliip. . ,0P"'',"frVpnl 'vae ,;, Lm' ,km' --i'd...,ihr j.t intin.ii. ii,i,i. iii.,. . . it. arr r. A n Href in mjk .... ... l i orcill.rf the attounu o U'lllir.. lOogJJ i-l.,'fd. Jf iiaimk.'..n, N? " . W1TI W.J IV 7 V mi o-rm. 9rti intrtm-St-i a.b. 1 , n

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