i THE WILMIN J EH p -J ' 1 IWa-IJMr-yayTOTfwyaM--. gg ; p. Ml I I ,. ' G T ON G t r e. r T II U R S DA Y, ' J A N IT A 11, Ys, iS-o ?Vo;. iV.X :-: 4 r ..... , .-y - . .. ;-. pi? B rrvH v I) ;w j 1 :K A f? "- K 'I HE LAWS . -Which (KiU bhe mite beJowthjLl 4? V trettua line in- Him an! for a! US 1 tY I HE LAWS jcrrrnl kjH ::' ' j..htr:h- Carolina t!.t . if.1. ! i. of jNtf ciy wr, an rt k. FJS 1 1 the- 2 "l ot' December. -90- of the sLiM-act fa th : divifion i."TCi act tor "the awiergrcsnpn. gt K)i flic Oiib 9 fittt ao. teoa 01 OlUi ul acts Bi tut' CUM m.tv, luiilcuiicift :'cfrriibt-!;''N.)!:' the. Tnblic Ssil ;id coiibty by" fire. r . . , i - .. . . . ; . i - .... i TSiuH-cW, Kobftou .foniUy XQ'itX tm Ifie.reijtei aujuirc, ny .nPf own hkjui gB.-: n j.aiicrvs r.ooai, ui me ' En iiimt j. f xjic amui .1 mectitigtit ua; Rarioakc NT a v i catio a torn pa n y . 25.. An actio m j'e the Treafur er j t pu')licbiii'Jit)j.,)s and xoaiTmrlr oien tn Jl).n;!' a pnfon tjr ttvc d.i!tr-Vt or y ;l'iljorovi.,h, and 'county of'Oraupe, to tin!fa,fhc pt'tftftV fr; fh toA ii pt' HiltiboroiiVb J ad to fdtthe old priton; and Gualei. i . a - i :t to lecure to PrifciHa H jlii 'OV RToidiilnh coooty, wife o'- Levi ! 'nch property ?fi (be may ,n a."t to jm ,1 1,. 1' ;f a i 1 as. lit eM. -Ai liiliing a 1 1 i' 111 ... . ' 1 1 j t ' i r r v r t. . 5, Aii .! 1 to repeal .part or , an )l ( .p li'f.i" iii,b? ) c;ir 1 79;., cnti led, " . ri-VTniakii.s.', con-p. iif.it ion tiul)tvj f urors ' oV H anovcr, 'nirr v, Slo'-.es Bunclombe. nbvr!Jnd,'MorttJ;yiV!'c 1 .ir r, 1; i;kcs, ..' .on, v jr't-ici, 4ju1.hr, i litr.ond and it.an(!o'Dli.' 6 An act to trahtcWbc certain nt:ieof land in Blatfen county. try. if i.cy , of bitter uufe 2p An act lofth.t hr rtwfu 1 ay tion of ti.e .0 vj of Wa.'hint-J... . ,28.. am acl ':o amend an ail p illed in the year 1795. enntlcd," " ah ait j;i diitUj trje in 1 1'liit-nts ot the 2d and ;d r e e: i ft e 1 t st s county -of to an. . ffiP-a -1 ,'.-.0 ;crni.. igrftTir. r. the .lrdof- fehti .breed, fm ihr Swamp C.wCSnvT . ' ' .County of K .co-miH. ... . : An art to Iket tfce rame of 7 " ns'n'- ' Glall'ftw CguHty to !hat ot t3 iv!" t . v .. 1 n tne pntffMjpuiLJparat elections. 2orA:i a:Uaemrnver t.be couttty c. An art to alter t)" name? t1 Ctvtrtcs and BaSJ !.'-a !!ii -v, "in i) it SKiries aiy Rnfii M-an'.y, of the C-"rity of" Chith-jro. ' 52. An a t to nmenfi an , paifed"" tt.a y r-. i-.,.cnti:i.--l ' M "ai, rt n! tfi I1; '; rt a 'Jem rate ttcdliniVun .-.be Couth fi it xifihi Yadkm ,iffve.r, tbe GiTi'f Sitrrj, unri to eiu'jjill two otlier feparatfi'etons o;v the" iv.rth n.' of . the Yadkin rirer; i rt fartJ;ourtTy'" c. An act to attfr" the name ot Jbfi Bryari", ot JoKhton Gonivty., to that ofJo!in Arior thv:;nt.... tyi Anat I'rrn.io i-Mitr thr'Wvir .dens ot'tbc Cptinty f ;i;;i;-fi:Ti to let out the Poor ot ShrtlL1 Cuiiin cc. An a't to incomings Sia rerfdiM fter inerin itwnirtnwi """rK' tt t i';er 'Ui ", tS !laineXbtjk4"4girbnate cerrain- i.cr :on therein menttoiwi. 7;. An act t.v divide tS" Vi'i'i.i !. An acit t v a nteii J an Ad, f d,.-' n a;:. tor tV bt J 4 aon "k- the Ln, Ji tK.fliorf eXtrul'. Vice an.' 1 .n-H.'V.Jif y.' "!02. entitled. An acr to ar. " .1 a- to of liutherford County, itn.. Cii rt-f fever! I'-'Hr iioniry L E 3. . 3 - I".''! IliO: 'iinenfs, and ft.-ntht CoiafluSfll ers to liv on a phre to er.-:i a town, and a wareboufe for infps.'tiyi n Tobacco force in ' :jit State-, pafi'e'd iu I0? An ait ' . V- ir and pre tre .1 : . q fofnre-th.; 1 a, ,l.:on, and dJ, ii- WK "76. An ft tn n5 KphratrftiKUeriri d-:.: - ptioHS ol cla.ins ;a.-f Kotc, thjri."tof the County of Ivd,; tinH. the Sfv -4 r tbr yir 179:, and the Adr.ini-i j 14. ' flhi-a iVi'pvltViJ.tne ditf ' pi. .ic J aiw rs. ar.i.O f . ' 1 , :v i'ST tntr.i Vt-'-.(.c. xw State; Jffira era-C'aaVisntS r Vftr'tes tn . e S offici i 4 jot 1 1 Arm,h.i;;i(T V, 105. -Ait acr to r-ti.re' i4:eft. :irators of Zicb. ipence'ry ttecesfeti, ler'i.J.untbe year. "I707, tfl CbHect . ( ...jc ,t ... rh. ii I 1.1' U'J.- . 1 jTgiUvy: , tor yem 77. Aii !3 tof nrx) vfr kich.ir KanklrV l-te heriffbi;,tMcckt:btrg county, to.-od-t tbenrretrs .of taxes Itfo'hbnfW the V years- 1796, 17,07 i-ri;l act t amend an act; iA n art :o itntTrnvc ml'- I.I It., n' 'L't !d nn.inU'i' 1 ! i.' Ml. vigation f Cape rear river, andot. rv ;.j 1 1 . ; " 3 8. 4n aeuto ainend'an a:', cnti SlloL " An act loam'etul an act pal- AW l i in the '.c ar I -oo. coin k A Ct tor l.r.'in.otr a tovvj'., X nup:-..- ttion ot i no. .i.i.o, v.w Y tJ'.Uvr modi:U, a. or near I be ioiii'i;e'i.-fe - of Dfitn and II iw river? a It 6 tvtc E ittief act enTnind. "ah act f'r 3(3. An s& to make proyili m for natural bopn children. , '"f, A'va.'d t'f reulatiorr-tbe duty of uicrilti dufing the fining of ih tubtfrior cotfns, and direi'drn.r thorn as to the fervice of Scire Facjafes. 2. An ait to empower' the Lire cor:imi!!i"or.ers ot the town or Rock ingbani to h U tot No. 70. 3 . An: act to: i'tcrihg fbe place of'hold'sHg the tour: in, Pal'iuutank cnenty. ? i. An : aft euUrgtng the powers of ovei nor in tr.e appoint. n.u: i! nptarie! puWtc. a 1 c vr t lever r,.',.'. 1 Vis. oi uic town : ami 170 1 will ... -, - ., . : ...i'- - it owtWiokWwn to lay a t.x ot EiBlton in tins 7f '"" Carry into e.reot nc4;toif rrenuit W".".W', "-v v-- : part or thu Court - , '.b'.i- a-ul ; the eou'-'ty of jdmftot). , ryrr.dl'imo .-.n.e n'incf Cotinti 79. An a i..n.ivg. u.e r" ot ,..n at, et.'.ure.u " A" ct mi'uu- ri mL tne coinp'i 'i' lei !! u.-ic mi lis of the ofijctMij . the law I I ! Ii rs rail-- tor 'be .pforectton, -glf -ct. lily to pro.-ide t.-r t" it i)u'-n.n county, iukkt an au rC . , .r n f.., .P. uv elt U-Jno. o-FJ y rrot padetl tn the yoitf ! -i;;4-c-1. A'n act (6 e - iWtifh a ria'r.v ol !ar;ii-., . the I' aveitevil e. an i to anen tor the r ""tiatrbn PaVfttrevli e.-- 1 . . : . j - l 1 na.e.'l.ro me rmlits an J pnv iJejcs ?f ; ot a ree C!ti7.eri. uii. ,wrc( c rr i:.itff t-.r je 1 V,M"- EM Si ni- ot town of dinij'd tue to vii 01 pi 'ayettcvili m the year 50. An act. to in - o p 1-ite Jem- 1 7 85. lalem Lo djje, Mo; j'5, unhe coiihty ''. An rtft to fectirje to Hr.ch.iel of Caterer. " 'llarr, ". r.f Mjr.naduVe 11 ir e, ;i act to fi'iwver tne tu :t ci..;tc as mcuii ,iu-ieiit.i .- Cooiffy court et tfi Mtxr 1 re 4 Jiafj t fe MA oj the Secreiarv of State, and of rh iijj cavernor s finvaie btreur. .acaife's. to?.' An act to receal the frb ant r , . 7 . ' 1 01 'ectmirt of an act pit I i ( ,1 e ltittftfc :i itt to am 1 r 1 . r : t : . . -. u ikied, a 1 act to carry into 1 t bf,Co:i re!"s, entit'ed a in, 9ir n M t.-.ro-sjh uif t Uni'd St itei. nod to rctx it an f -1 . m 11,1 at Favetfv ill ! ill 17 30. 1 i t tlee 1 1 1. 1 v;o; i a to av ar. i qtifcT addiu'j'.ial'ia.x to ti -.-.iv tt cxjvocc of biil'ding ' t.inr!r v. itoni inis uaie, o . a doutf-h. tkn at til ib'i hioj' 'he M 'jfia ii jC isKtat., at d itlier pui p fVs." . K i$. An aft f'o amend an et, etiT- . . r.- . 1 . ' . ,-ftr hi. All r.cz. cr?aung tongcr ..iiwgjp ; An A.t for r'vum iur.;i 1 eojrity a tas Rfyttfg t.uFand cflabhllr.!, a ffnwt facy JetfiiVit bscetlary,. to lay ad-tnfm.vtiorr'if t r.-;.-.-, it; - ,vt,,. p -'he money (ouit iiror t'tlier c'omhiouities;. at or; hear r;-, tVactto amend an act, eo- 1 act to preven; vice an-l j fcfifon's on Decp rivtr. in hd:-4gti hatn -coiiiny, 1709. (1. An act ro 0.. A a led, i :n lat.1 1 to mrvry centm un.n 11) tnrs r.ase, I dr,;r Pr lhat- an-l ir.'.Hra: i t t ;j j and n.nhin tiie mautter in wh.icbjjj-,,,,, ja;c jnr flavci dlU; ,,,ar. laft.. ;) 60. Ao n't ro aith:)f'. tbe War.j entries ol .claim? 10 the vacant lands) fcUj,emj. Prior ui. r. conorv. . ot un t 1 1 djiT. , ot U VV ;ke. to .'ay ai . k'-' 'tooa ttie Diirbore or ., I a. .. 1 tbi 1 t iv for sot Hit j sup ifetkc ycjrji...,'r3r::yj ny ,piir'dling exedhvej of thePijor in laj.i m :y- date Ih ill in fut - re be made. tirl.1 ftW(i the judp.es of the. 1'iibt.ribr courts t(, meet ttetber to' rtlequHtloOAOf Jaw or r.Uiry, t 61. Alt actriing c '-n wv alter ti-e name or a- 2 n aurhonfinrrtLcLoiir, -- - - La eieitee 'i'ooie, to that ot J l c : r g Irwin I note. 11 n to tin counrv court uiots ct I , sot !lle V, II. Ao net to cnab'.ifh a to n at Por oar Allen'a Fcrrv m. Pec Dec r, in the county of itfontgo F5:!!: f- "12. k'i act to divide ,t'e T-'iliiia jl r.P'nrke eiKmty into three lcpB . '.r.e batabon. at'd to ct'abuti , 1 'e ;. in the fail county tor alioTl n olli rs and reviews, t ii. A :t act.to remove a'd obflrtiCM Ej..iuns to tie o-.l'a.'.c of fifh optlie xoiiinjj rsvefj, in thecoun., o;J iwyv filter. Ij if. An ant to cflablim an ac.vI?- '.r . . l'....i!v , in 1. c i.inity oi ., . in'i i' on a circuit ;.aa to provtue in r.'.e K.iintT court ' ' " I . fc'""" ,vw...m t ill .1.1. ?U Of - r h. 11. An ai 0 evr," ,ni- an -a i ' cr.t ti d An art ro prevent an- i": perpn who tiOv does, or may I.e.-. f x afte hold any 'tti.e, apooiutim 1.1, L. j or ait'm-ritv.under the F. dera' - feS vernnent, from binr euioie ?o .. .'; feat in the Gener.it 'Mifnhly of rlu , I 0.., . r..f r- rT -. a 11 . ' t . Ht , , ho) : luperitf WWt W the HfMVniiWinwrtcifinii arWofHceor J l ! Till 11.-. ty Court ot DrtpKn, to grant liber- j 61. Anwn .m v i Rt ra, tv, to fucb pcrtons ai th.cv Ihallf titled, An ace m r4aobii ' t- n..u.r tt frll li.-iinr and. oara 1? elfctoo in tr . nrovirionsontJic Courf:Houlc lot.. Wifre.," and to ed.'.'hfh " An al to compel the of Anion Count Court to ke Omee in Wadeflibroucil . M I i .1 . - ... . ...a .1. ...I' ' 30, All act to CXtcnu to ire' 0. An act 11 iiru-iu mc t : :.. c 1. ,io ir-rani iriu.'s. 8 , An a t to.ahwr the tlines fc lot. v; ir,-.," and 10 ett..!'ih n it 1 ' ' '"Tr"1- ipo4.o..ie..i '.ir-:.. . CI .kl.tecr.oncmihe tom-yt A'be, a I '; " 10 the.UlStuc, Moog as they co:v n); f ' cphiaifor other pnrp.,e n'l.'bv m ti.e' i-taro.ina,gedjcal loe.cy. t,,, jjj or MMCiiC any pfSce or ip 1 laid cbontUi ol Wilkn a..d A he. j A fP W .-a 'o ; n acl. ntmpm.ona,r t,.r ,,.,(., . f tne .Ui. " a. . ih u.irl . ' d ' A 1 -rt for the diviU .i ot ., ... c,,r(... ,(,...,.?. 1., - j 1 i . 1 t j j' - - " ' 1 n art for the relief of a reW nsbluT t . tooi II. (.' 16. An a.t 10 nuthorife iHe Wa'- L4 tens of iIk LSiorl'T ibe rountieof Ijj V ;-.re. 'WT.n 2l.d Ui.ptili, lo la) f " 11. i'! ef la 1 1 17. a' net to fmiff to Nnnev towel!, ot Jobufoit tiMinry, wile of r-il.jo P-v.c!', Inch die a. ll.c C.'.unri. s ofHvde and Warren, the in or baolioo more than one S " , 1790; 4 to rjfleafe all t!ie en 1 ; provitions of an act natTcd in the a: the lame place on ii Ume' dayj An act .to i....or.: i.,e c-.nry jf $ who upv artt.s ; -yjtar. i-96( embied, An act to in the Btver Nettle, nlmve Wi hrp-t (ort 0, rH OTreft Tx ot il.e 0l.f mei'c compcflfatimi to th owners Ferry, in craven county, and Great c' U ,'V ' '.'' i' r''' ' Ited Stales, vji-ho.it rcfigtta x- . of ou.iawed and esecuteJ Slaves, Co:::entney Creek. A " 1 a"Vvl ' :c Siate appom-nrn-, fro,. .:...,:,.. . tor the Counties of BUdcn. HW . .0 - ..ow of an a J p.-Hcd -t New-.. )jc$ b,.dce,H to h ,, ....... . I 1 1 11. : 04. a" 01 i-v a ero ui IT f i on. n in aa lit ... .... ..... . , .... im , ux, i.miviiir. um i"-: , nCHof(!, (i,;t ad VtLh'hVm ,d and lorCSiV i ,rt i . .a i i ... . i ' . - - ii e't ne -.t 'i ui an . 111 rri irr ;ii . bita'nts of the County of Halifax, t:;e n I ' v i ' - w i - in. i, ,. . . r ' v I I i ... i tin iti.it 41. Anad .:ra..t.i-iot..e rM,;vre AWr . . . m r' .jt.T. .t ... r. "T lit VVi v .i , .iri i .w . . v.i - i ratn tnrril 42. An a't maKiri4 com tion to tic hirorifof tb- County ri of Wake, and for oibirput in.lts. 41. An art to amen ! an. art paT- 1 .1 al New"1'- ro, October t'cliibn V" 1-7-, ..liiiid, " All art 10 pie-' fme t vein abufes in taking up Itray hm- im .1 w fe, (.attic, ho,;s, tVcrp, and other I US l i.t r.aoer a.-nuirv. 1th,..: . i' .rciii ir.riitiorvu. 55. A it 4CJ : ieitorc to ere tit f A An a.'l to roreat an art, paT- i ; . a:ii, of the county of L'.n-; t ! in the year 1:9c, cntttlcd, " an . ' 1 1 - I O 1 . - . . . '. 1 ... 1 1 1 , .. r 1 i", ,wi act 'o 1 nmproLine ci.tk n i tn on proper pi cc in wejvoun4 i:rt ol I 'baa and tJuaiier Sf- !iv nl Wi'.L.k ami to.cn rt thereon lWiJ . :' :co-. :v ol !b .n.loft, to a Cnrit.uofc. Tu. n .nd lMJckr " IjrftY.tic in -.belowu 61 Wufli- foir the ofe M laid couniv." lwi. . I 4c. An art direcline 111 what An a't nfakmjj otnpeuia- ', V IHTeiiuhiw. fOTThevi-in ? ...V ' 1 "V. u-. r." onniv 9 - i"p nrfir, iu tutJ ni-'iui iiiiviiit of certain inhabitants .t! 1 1 1. An art to parrfon and rt Rore ;: cf toireJ.t IMijali ueun. -. a 111. An act to auiRirrc tne.-. f : 1797 a,.,. 17 ;3- pnub i't d from Hnvry- Ei.iUie . Couaty Cu-rr ol R .b on. ir I iv . . " 1 (u An act to Irmre to C -Inr oe Mnlbih, fo fatal it ufpert. il.e Cpwiy tax for the pii..H..e o r--H IaMwu ol Jiurph I).,.., ..,.1 lalciofconhfcatedlandi. ' pu-U bmUnh ui l.wi - nijMootrtvaa Ibeiiif be oa-i'itril 02. An at to extend the limits of IComtv . II-ft ix : wn. 04. Ail a.t araniinj certain pri act to vy; 1 "'pa'e tcr;an v.: K III h.-rratt r ano ti e .1. ii '.nerein ni' .i"on o . r ait lo emporr Wtlbrn en") Wtt.umi, and nhibtiantf on the oaj Kier, in the . ' - .1 H3. An SCI to fcitrr'T naor Gwn Carr 10 'h.,t ilC.ften . niiins, St.d 10 eii'ttle tiiiu to liptt.e fame maoncr as it torn ASOlOCX. ' m . . 1 ia. An 31 o aoniri7e Mi 5T An 's t to feetirrtn Dance j manner rertafter a Mapillute of ' Nn.ei. e,. svi .1 j 1 f ftUvtlcV, P-fie-'-ibali be ctccled loi ihtUmn' i Js'h ciiau att Iht may iV-reaitrt tic M tiwry, Md to dllreA' the tinn OliliC. tor sstich crnmuiiuone,ri lot tic 21. An. act to feenre t Sarah 1 tosvn of ViliniiiL-toii dia l be tUc- fr ; . ,::cjt eftala al Uta may i eteaui -J,, An afl to'ahcr .mt rt U ittVquire. certain per font i herein n.u itiitht t. .nU. Ar .t t alter tlw tima ofl ai. An at lotxolatiiariart.t if ;V ' g !e CoMfll l I 'ci an 1 1 led in 'Ii,eiitisbtl " at to mm ml S'i.-nii Lcilictis Ibr the louuty vtlan a.t cao.trnlng proiim; UdV, 2'v.fin. - !-il i.a v . LettvtV ol a ImiuU "iiil'? An act t).i A awiv o.H pro. jiiat:on audio pr.v n f.t: in I ia ir uri, she emtom unieh i i ?-rnIi.aJ;;;-iit of l-nfetiifc's tf- ie - prevaTTkia ttubtati of pfr. iirsa rite S wik.f unbe. (linoll iiU- inr r?.c es 1 1 n, j -.Vt M. : ' I Si t Lilln f . til- i it u...i.aa- ... An art in rereal the t;tli ii"W l an r, awtWoij M -wtl a " It a a.4'J a t ... .Mas... ov LtSM&i '" Iter if ol Brnui vkfcl Ed. Hanh, Ibtfl in '.11 of I unit;., ic I W Iv, late i;i of Nafl' coui.tv ; Jame lkile I V . Ol, ItteruU ol tin In ii. nd univ 1 and the admin llraton ol ai,,. s Nclfibt, late lUr II ol Car. icrct ou.iiv. i cnllacXti e aCVar I uxr aitilih may be doe rktintCr iheyeant79iS 179; t7 it), an .vt to lecure n. Jrnnv Jartelt I iio-uft wis ol CriaUr 1 I . . I. ..m . 'a. . . . I .11... , A t iA 10 am ' I fin' r.-,l berralter aupore. ri 7.'. An i.t it rt biitate John N. f.MoiiMi i i the rights aid privileges 11 ... . ... . i V '.. , '1 "I i' l. I ' l.'c a- 1 -r.i!i 11 t' e ' v 0 h- t;t, Kt tri i ifJ-mion.-J, a i t ipir r v. iWs tlM f i iti Af III A ... ?l. AO Ml 10 'oc-rpoCB' fr. fr ir -in 'fir t""f -I iininathtf llj,' nirti.nL fje.'ttm,bv ih O, i.fae tJ-1 f e Ibimlboioiih ( r.nk.tn Ivhr.i , the Tin-eral Allemtily, Acha tmt A )?" C - a . . . a I iuii M. cut. tl me ejection lor u.r, - . i'0!ICC. fMUti Z. An art toat'criabi H - trim I of me teituuatc l.bi wi t!f tt-'c. da An act to ft,ieal the liiili tec'. linn 1 1 an t pal ed m hc y-ar 1 797 rum' d, aiiacidivvl.il,; " n. aj-a . ft ibeVtu ed aiae IbooW pe au:luni.t.iil. and tbtir noH.tf (4 TIJF. fubf.tibaVrc'V toib:' ' elf and eety jtifonor .J; liat-ir, liom ImmWfy of tVai Iirh os. r anv i an d Ml Mi--, .lot tit p n. or on po,!ril .ii, sng a" a'" ' ' in i a pajrtoeut, fctl-r a it Mpei:. Jat , Arad iie !Miud iu - '' Ibcnif., irrit ik ot'tte rt4oerCNil . . periorv court awl WHwfer, lot, .The ful.i.filHr navit) r'fo i . .ml N iMiu'.t oi ihet-te. ipm'wWNi iw waaranj irra I Ii AO clb-toe t'if of N" 'aid I l.a l wn , lo L,. ('., ,.i . i:.rf nd ItHen ntUi 1 a I . I Ir.k laid lawt tfllll the s.rtiiiau-onit-ltie ol m.bn. o oi ifiin.'e, ssio li.'cberu bi'lrd ii. the In i if-of liirWioted. Wlie '-("I i . -. t . - itfo lot! o in a.i in i i w i'. irdM I kiwi tlif ti' n aire, .r tm V vsi.. U n'k.ots- . . . I A. M '1 3'I n I I'll,,, l,f. ill .. An O r!lrne-nfT rrn'-Vt ' .... .. .1 vooiuy ; SoW m Vcock," late UteHff x,erJtl ,. -d. i1" l' ,i,f ", " ' ' ...,L, .. . J . . r i . 11 la;f L'.uniy. w w sear 179. t Ciur iuca tounf. j n.m t ! t . . r. r the o-tter r--rul.i . Iredell county , Wward Halt I,,. 1; Ar -a w i, ,j,t ihVrfl. of ! c , .). f f 7 . ., . i nd Pcrmninons coumy ; 1 n i-1 ,a,e io tpiuto tandawei torj ' ' R f & f'i . I'm 11 La lata Hi. (r . h H ..... ... i'-a 1 ,? .it- iii iwat. tWtbodMf&Uiilfl. i t.! dcaiiah. nlm lufr... . v Ills -st of i.i'.l'f JlMl iit. ' V.ANW1 l.L. tiu li-i.iai, u ftie lio!;,l or Mace Nhi Jl. l V. I 11 1 1 - - - r " i Dcctn '. ii it . ? 2 1 d. . a. . .v. . . i

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