?t T II E W I L M I K G TON 55 Z E T T E. - UIMIHH 1,IIJ1.. 1 1 - - ... -- -. - - -y W s - r1 t. :v i. i . 1 ... 1 , 1 v U awaw r ft? V IJ'r.wr.b'r ' Brr' Gatfber and Slitp.ue.1 JpijP5. jrinii , .Etqo.ir.v, t'..r! lbJ C;. ir lli.'un i appoint, ri for the pt:r;." -oflcotn pli i org t.h e in v t ,!t p a 1 Lou ov t b r trdsft'jettrcl to have hij itm of the la-e'-johiArmftivg'. mr on the ?d of M ircii, antt eot.oyr d -. on itwif part of the (ndi. .-i hi.c . related' to ihe two! ictiqtis to bah t?(m -' ; vatio:.),. a'--, p iw . . H ! :-Jpn.te c' will whole m jfs of per,:p. to is (,'.'. c Jit -'i: v.,t! 2 ,. ; ' f rfW i .J'.HIC, '. dV vcr ! mArd A, ;... i: of thv.' mi '. pi -v and on th 6th' to oft . rr.rv.V7- . v ttwiariip f opr. On m An f-ijtr v m:irU- bv c:ie per-. . 3, (I the warrnl H'ws in. Iv-rir': jcr, a i'imut ? try apparent irv-.vck or .v;;i : ji!t, .the -'c'"f!v'., ?!-.- :uriv "fi-ansr hat! in?'!-. 172O vC. V V , f,vtrV i- r;taJf tv r'r- Wf have .tin- hni'cui- u he, wiv! r t re..' ..d, yiur L cci'ei() 's o'.. ' :.;;.! n:.i to A&O'hrT IVUKiAT riiF.K, W.ILU am V.4.!'t f', Secretary, im a ''.ii'ifV : - I i at jjrii'e in 'he iS:h of um,J hq JTrceiV.: ' . '' .c:n tht .r r.-jl no: f. : a kfi R. FM!lt nl F . and -! curate f .. 1 ca;(i .. . 1 '-:. ir . , ..".f S, !)f p"! pj is Vf'thfl ht r ; r To'.f?tiK-xceltfify-Vin. R. PfViiT Elquire, (! - cr ' r, &c. .of the ihiff vui KorrH.C.tl!iu. Ti.c ho3rri of Conjtniffinneri fOT rv u j w ?ii d in iv i ::i r-'. j !t:'.r v: lias ? 1 in t'?e (fl.ee of ffte rate SAMIJKl.li PllttvrAMCR. cs'leriFV win i)rrw;' e, that h!'..f Cufl iro-n the . - ' i -J! fow, Euj. -the late Srcrttary, l;:'i!sa cutilp;': nous .place ; t.ie pr jc fices aftribuird" to Tiifii hy the Coin miiJicnei5, arft ' " pi4r!ups it rolVaUje: into the .following, i!i'lcri;'n:4,:s : He. h is illncd cftiplicate war rants, on the prefumption of the a-fi-Mnals having been without ioy pvid'nee to thnt effecTr, and be fore the Iffiiiog of clup'icatps h-a luthnrifed hy any act of the Afflm- .2A. He h? ifTtfc d two warrants to fi'jjnee ft! whom, pints, have accor. dinji'y HflWif. ' . ' , fJ-it wad ihe otMnion of the Ponr? TtMTTMtV'i''y A,r1tff-?Pfilf yon-r Fx have "been prtyy to their toronMh'oo 5 the nattie'irf fuch per!' his .tei ' tea. Sw&k rnt:i,. ? d ,.,ii-ff ir-rks en V '' tnc;r -P)iH!! in . t ti.c a rr- at ! t.,: !aiu!iuri!i qultyand lira'tul perpi :t,ateJ in ihej 5 h. A uVr.a!i;l,ihtit ocpartinent ot ihe.SecrViary' 't the fo, his jjajjie is af -i :,:':n.r.v v haniurt !" t uunt 1 rt 'i-!t ii s oreiui 1 4N! ;in n or tai tx-'l n:rh 1 .- 1 . . , . . 1 triu.vf arm conn ca;(i ut:-e o rn C ti .f 's !ihv bfon stiae hy ipfOrret f . 1 1 . . 1 . In I rl..in. I your Ecc,!!enc 'i Stair. in cue p?r ijo n1. li ts ;rds. eraiirfl ;coii!i!', 'V. ..: "nit: apji! -ri i j arii.fiivii oi..oute oUit r i.iiVr.ed, for mi t ted ! 1 vie :U 1:: 'h V. : '! 3'!. ' I tit,.. lUI4ini- it.il tkMlif vriinri.i pijo rsave now tr.t " v.xtv.,.Mjj ther to he a duplicate, and execu ted granti lor both. . 3d. He has ijued warrant! for the full. hoU'tfy ot l itid, 10 periont A'ho .ippear by the m"nfler-roll, to liaye inuftered only for nine monthi. ' 4th. He has Hlu-'d warrants to fof'efi, jt-l-.o appear by th inufter" 1 I hp rnort irrfYmiviinvifTiT rhrfe. '. v!;i'i r..K-v ic . 1 I in . !.i ,.i- ' ' 1 . j... . ....v. ui--. .-1. .1. i. , id - itviui uni . iv Ilia.1.'. ffatke'iti-C corjtjitrs a t.lafiih -ti,'t:j and gvn:u ifi'ued. Ste cafe, 976, ! :e ty a'uds cemmittetj I in ubtninii.j tlti , fee. pjfeate grants. ! 6 h. A WMrrarl SfTbe? to oe per- 1 be leave to rtfer the General : fo, t!ie l i.id it lurvc'yd for and Alieaiihlv io tKelc feveral report , in I'ru.ti.J ;o ihother, withourany 'Jifc which, tlWfe ti .inlai.1ion are ott.ni- , t ...my ivbateveri Set cafe 905 ed in a brief hut perfp'tT-ou and : &p, . inafterly manner and w.htle'ihe ci- 7?h. Iratffers have been very ti7en way Itnient that rrttnes yy-iiijj frequently forged, a frygy made lionotii pntc ionic rcpuiiuivT?i u- iiic i.r.?nij 1 r. . ini jram cbttttfy bavejbeen c mmittvd withini iIIum! to him. Saccate i7', .$tc. ir, he may theri'h otije hope t a 1 8th. Transteri iron. Vm original tbe chr liter C- ti.e t'ate w dl be Vin wnrratvees hjv beep termed, and aitcr ,1 ds another tran-.h-t.j back to the peri.'ii who lorped t;.( ti; ll tranf tl cBtcd bv 'he energy of the fawi, ard tbe nhie and fi ht.t.l invefiti'.i- lion hitli bw flow, bef'rt coiyrpfrted f'r, h j berg (tirged alf'o. Set cafe tinder the airfccwn ot tlie legtf la-i 593 cc. :i?re. j 6itfl A warnrit gertm'tn the hands The pritfctniM secertf rre .d"(; o! f fovveynr, who inifead of fur with the pap:r$ ,1 re' !oef;',t and dpciitntnt! to wlMCli t ev 1 t r. in tnc office i f tbefiecre'ary ttt the! State. 1 b .!-. w ' ir.h j have tie honour to frusth re you sic tarn liifd I y hHn, n rhe ofTlvir nrnkT wl; N fcrepii: thv wi re pi ncd. 1 have 'i.f honour to be, w rrc.- t refpCC. and co: ddiration, Ci?i ileinen, your, Ac. V'm. R. DAVIE. Halt : Sept. 10. yeyinjr jt for a perfon entitled, ftir rey.it for hinilelf, and a jrart iil'ues according y. Stt cafe 1746 Uz. 10th. (r.mts Vaie iflard to p"r Iniff eiinioj under a piece of p;ip?r purponinC fob' a warrant without I even tf.e ftghatnre of the entry-ta. kt r. dee re 1 235, r. nth.'lwo warraiti have iiTnpd on the l.itne entry and oranrs ha To Hit Lxci-H'i.v William II. Rah ;ch, June 6. Sir, Tht 11 uiinitnoneri for the further ittVflHffat.cn ol ir..uil fni'tiellcd to .Ti'ura Whiclt is; ;t t ttj tbe :: tt.-ir dt;y, ?.h.:..!.-!c.-.' 1 i'V i ')!';! it4i -i'.y pfaiits iOOVfj Ml . t cvjffr-o -i ana it iroi'Mli i ' ;flcs r.( AraiHru'i anJ in on w. an .1 .u .n :. '.et e.Met. 1 lw tlnvtar o' :re tin i.i.s been d..liieiiti nd .r .i 'e v re. yarded .bv tjjle lud, rir.d. :n ()(iii to omit nothnttf fty whirh it uti !v be accoaiplifiied, r!ty fate earii'ul exanpned every warrant cummi't.wed" to t'i. ;r ln'pt ct on, w ti'th rn:. ' !! r'o. hive,- deferred , and executed .e-utfs fo'othtrf at. the alliances ot lot h fo'dii-r. :tb. Ifr1 has iHued warrants t' loUhr-3, wiio have deferted, ai.-1 eVecu'ed a y.nvf to hiuifelf at the af Qgnee of luob fpldifr, . 6:h. lie h;s iflued wrranti fo DRrlopj whi le names do not appear ;. i!on the nurltrr-ro'J, and in w't.oie a'roiir no ct riiih .ite t an be foiurd.' iff reel mi ij-naM of '..this km.d would 'be:'' tj'.e tubjeCt of criffiwial prplet btion bey hav etb . avowr.ed t.. dd'ff.ver ?:ir p-rioin copcornt'd in them, Vhrf-ja-a. are Onabfr. to It .tr the-r.atiit s of a, I. Inch Jfff t,"t hey -are of ppin" ion, tha t John M Nees.," iV. t ha: L.i (V, . -; liter, Mole Shelby,--Vymf lixon, Min.i Phillip?, Btn'atnm S:;ep:.ard, Samue! Samford, I'humas Butcher, Jenin Price, Jehn Sheppard Jolhua Davis, William -Fairc!mh, )ie)h Ferrobee; . John Boqd,,- Aitfmr P.earee, Willobhby Vi!liams,.Jofj- ua Hadlev, StotkV Donetfon and William Tvriell, ate the pirfons who have been principally Concern, ed in making and f'?$ng the f!i't afninments. rt 1 The cafe! in which thefe frauds have been pracfiff.T--iwsir in nineteen hooks, wh'ch 'are sb . Israeli from book A. F.?rh book is marked ith rhe name of the peiTon a reUtiop of w hoft lorgXriesit con- . tHins. The warrant on whi.h i'hc charges -re founded, and to which each book refpeflively refer?, are collected bto leparare parcels, and each parcel il jllio marked with the name of the per Ion whotii.it it int.eni ded to charge. The w hoje r r tliiffii books and warrarniart beYessjisli'fent to your Excellency". As the names of the perfons tt whomranrj have '-ventriaby hf,n I. I. I . . , J T ineut wnntever. gnments, auj.Mint hun.lrfds, and aVin'm-tnv jnftrr;va they may have btjtfn il. .. , ,.. t , t;,e forrrj ot the loir afliwWut, thv ComimiHonen fho'trtlli w iumetf frrtin WIWUf thB fbrmr rr& uLL' nenat.uen warrants to lo;. , onteijue -. , ti1eJ ennfid.red with attention ever; tir.'1'1"1- 3,1 J Jr thtnM., P.M cuvnllaiice of fraud which e ult -.s arrant was refpelUvely connected. In the eji(?;ninat;an Jof tbe mili tary land v arrant, the cotifi'di;ra tions efl'ential for the obf.Tv--.tion of tbe Commiflioners, in order to en. ..hie them to detennhie whertier fucA warrantl sverefair i r fraudulent up. pciared to be two : Firft, wbelhtr the le'dier in htd ui'i' ' : v ar rant ifiiien, was entitled to the lam! threcled to be lurveyri for bin; And, fecondly, ife.it: tied, whether tc had received n j.rat,t for if acior j:i Iv. i he mulfer.rolls i d c rti- I t'.t4te were rctmred rn for the 8.h. lie his illued grsnti.on mi litarv warrant';, win re his own Tin. rrature'as lecret-ryVto the warrant, j 4 M1 ?- report wi;!; m infers has been forged. ' Hl wr names. I heir names orh. He has i:!i:ed grants to h!m-;are tionfd in the cafes in wJakh felt and others, on futmi of wamott, J areefpeaivejy. ioterefUJ. m is with .01 .my flghatlirr. "H" e.vrrv" ctrcumftsncc. tmm I . ,, , ' -a- . with fuch cafes wh'ch iiie Commie loth. He has iliued irants to lnm-c.n- j t , p ,mi1 . . tione--. deemed iifLelL.u .. i - t nn litili in !i;Mien wai rants, .-' .1... .t-r ..I . u.. f. u; . I uir fVi"iicc "i mi. in.i'irr ; w ruin MPirnincnt w take to have tieen for rd y him or by his procurement, lit!:. He hi ifi.i d grants without any warrant whatevr. Nn evidfoee i? rerhps rerriTar? been executed tor both. See cafe j ct rtammettt ct tt. hrft ; the i.dt w4it.i-lu;ort tlvHe chare, at, but wiiat 17, &c.. ditu.ver .hl. by advrrtmp r- ti-t r records on which they are found- i z h. Three warrant have ifftsetn granri idned on mditary warrant'. ; ivd, v II I. ; , y, rrtf st il the on ti.c fame entry, ami grarts have b whictt.il iftpearH vh.r'ier ihe.Lh irje rnnfaturd it N .Ifi. LlSiffah. h-:en execiitedfor the three. J land was granted io iht tbldiernjiilb whisjs tfMuy be r.eettljrv to r-rn-cufr :t. ghott llaBti I dt w-nn..t i.'ued or la u ll r. if ny ot S .r Uel Htla. 131b. Cirants have ifTt:! w-.hout 1 0 . jd-v, .. 11 c o'imjv of fUlgow. In any warrant whatefi r. Jte cuje l b' fe -rjrran, however, having oo-C1e. tiit Secrerarv iffurd a wjr- 1 279l 1 1 -ri v Iv-to tht? Inbicvtt ot tr Lu ram in fsvoifr of Iams Harrilnn. 'lh immes of ihff rerfon who, ai.,(i n en la'.io:;, grants .r a lulri ;r, v... nuifb red i wj the bl h.-ve brcn cor. mint d in il e lecreta-il avr hern principally concerr.etl in been (ou ! IINafl frrqnn illy iti h.ve i.t the warrant, -tiicft is an albg-. r.'s ifTi,, bad ibehonc'.tt to infi rm ' t'ne'V fraudttttftl tranfiklioni, arc nn- ' ifi'ued, ret in she Inld'rr blinleH, but men: from Harylfi 1. to James Giaf y 1 ur Fxtcllency in their note of tic L'-wn to the commiflinntri 1 The" j to fome trioii riaw g its af. ri,uw, attefieil ky Samiel HoPadayt V I. 0 M.-rchlali, "tht ihry iud V-ols which nctomnatiy this pop w'I! j Hffnee, by aingnniftit rr.dorled the t:.e body r.f t!je attgltniem is wrn-iti- i n thv th.rd of that n Mi:b, ban t .. ' t lojnur Kxt'.!rnv whom ; arrant. If loth rafrsif wif our leu by OHigow, the name of Samu- P '"iirooii u;t mininoti u tirro n r vuiiii n -in nnj uu. v iu enqu rr, nun mic ii, it ei iii., ?c , as a witncisio H, N i f ihe :b!errcf Mr. Grah- u, ano laid f t cncumliaticc which Itare in- I ad a; teed in mett ajfam oo the jthnrd M f ir lulpicmn. I cfh eAtf wt LTurinr IMS w.' . 'v'o v: or ry .j.v.n time rnr a'tention bad brn prin. Artubrong'a iKmk i4 rtiissea4i alh cirallv crnintd to the biseflh atinn ll t fi rwn,;t. n:i !e fiifnt',niwar- cf tl-.r irands rr'ctift d ' in iibamt:tf ' rano . nWstfvn " . an .JcJ. Htv! arrum from ibe office lately kept Conn..n.' nt r Would obferte, ch-t . U tut J'. ..... -- rf... . i. i i .i .. . . i. .iic luuurr wji nwjiry wy ioi- :nr gru, anti n c warrant na no lig ved and fiandulent rrn-ter, or nuiure. -Un thil w arrant ami a!. b John A r rajnrafll I in W I. and in ohiaiiiing lome m itaotei my occir, on icn i. .1. I ill... .rn- I H..I- i l-A 111 iiltl Bli.. ,tl 'I till w - "i I "ill i. .... ....-1 . ...... .vr- ' Weirtghi at tliat sitfii g of ibe j of rnnar' i ra r-1 t ry nathiy bi i Bt afd, I aVe pr feinted ihil pari " oi'd, h r-wa.t't I -rre pretifc I smr cf ti v io a frncb.fiiin. ''H e reSertiif ri t'-v hnt I- f - n'-i: . . i v. e bcr it w- ia: I divfl-nl i,is:finr..o' the Secretary iflucs a grant o nsct, or the act ol Ins If e.l rep- to btmleif. r'e. t. ' y,e yarin, nfrs falling within lu im k.tertjinrucrt oi rueie par- ti e toregoing delrnptmos and im. . 'i..la.i ... f ... ir lit.ii in '.-.. mmM . I . . . . - . I. .1 . I . i f i.viii.1. w.ii......... im.iuir, puitu lot:.' ) ir e lata srw , te the- arrangement if the former cor.ta.m d u. t!ie ho. k msiked wit lrarii. w nen we eitcoverrn a u ar. n act - v,.n. -he report, rant wlrch boee a l. ipi.n.iis -rpt.,.. -n)', ,Kc w-rf-,. n hich titer, wefclcttedcbe lame, and put'the il.arnet aie foundal, are alf'o'.ln in column apprutru to ,aikl JtM 1 nan e, a,. I .rc here- .m if h Ur.i io y .nr T.Xiel m . Utrd. With, refpecl to tbe Imfmrf, ,f John Armltrong's oriice, the Coai mifiinntis report ; That they have exarr'!"'d a'l the rales relnlting fi.-m the pracVcet in nut r.nce, wincn had not been .,. emighly inveflisjated by ihe former lioanJ ; and have difrorre.d tliat mji.y Iraudl have been committed hf rflbips warrants. forn!n .if. c. w r ii "n'l'ii i-.-nit. .tiI i vr ( i.t.i iifl. c ...... w 1 1 r ll. irjei in that oUire. he nature and narmet ol il .fe frauds may he delcribed at follows i trli Kntries have been mideby one (eihrn, and the sva-iant has iu fued In favour of another, i Vi ill-nut mv apparent trai .'er.eicept a mem itranduiN fin thf entry ur t;,r VMr. ram, in site fa: d. writing ( Arai diong, or bi clerks, that fuch a mr.iftr had been made. asl. tnir:es havtf n ihadc I j nee perlon, and tre wariam iflnrd snotWf, without even Itfch nemo, random df tram'er. 3d. I ransfi-r ot ihe em-rer't n lit lOtflhera, have been fretjuently 111 df by perfuiis fining as Igemi, n la) t.ci i Inch agency was author, (led. I rantfen have been fur.cd B auti'i.. ifm pei I in. i, iC, n. .1 m M ' Its ll e-..i ,vre. MU. ll f t I - J- ". .ll.la. al.A .ft.ll a t I '1 Ml , . , 'If,. M MA I . a. 11 I ll "f . M . .1 Si . .1 . . - .i w r 1 , i'i .n i ' "ii ' ii. ... -i , 1 it t ..-. 1 1 1 .i. ........... - - 1 1 :i n 1111 1 in"-, ii' imi mirr in- 0.1 n in 1 in imir r . . i i. A W n ..r.e.ham. si-v,. ill u 'i , r e. ,f 1 f ,.. 't. hbe , V . . . trr ' , e In-.e! ,r .1... it... .1.1.. '..!.. v ! . .J. V " 1 .1 ! , t , . . .- t j ' r "- . . I 1 ' ' " ........ 1 1 1 . 1 1 ii'i'i ii. ii in. 1 1 1 a 1 r nii'niiioii, vt lo.ie n-.r it .(,,,., ,,a, r, I". .1.. . .-...,!! i..,. ii i ir,i I ,.1.,. ii . n..n.irMii. .. . i.ii u. ... ..... .1.- k,, i .u-Il . aa j.. . ' . . ""c " arierwarrli ria- 1 i". is, iiiiiii..i. .i . -r. m .I..-. 1. ... w . - . p ... 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 vi . 1 inr par 1 I t petted hn ahiente, and luppn'i ihffn of renipoary peuti'm, we u d lt fMpeit.. n that wcudaVal our Itn-rd- suet og, f v 1t.1t . n nj le 1111 1 r 1. Ieari.lt .il h. pi ffi or i ti';'-; 1 eo,s tbl.it him to, t'cshi.c IE -. We bsve now pnov tVtoivh an invtlii,'.tii n ol -urh of the clr 1 - fx frttt the 1 rati it rs in f'e t 1 1 jt 1.0 Arpifln ng, nslt. Hi t lf f. rt "hfet te sib)eA tit part1 u'.r ri mu. t, we paste notsei t. iVlr y tin 1 1-td p-rd irrat.ed ;brf; but at i i. 11 1 v fh of ynir I xtf tnty thlb the iperaliui.t n ihrle Jn h c-mmencr as MM j poi' tde, f r Qfii the In ncur ! pr fpil v u w ill s fude fiicn'.i ( t.tir (rice. u. 1 r- I be nature an! n-antser 01 ll f freajali cooniied m be 1 rf.ee ' J bat Aiml.ir, w II pi.lei 1 Vp'. leifss 1. ). at haft . , ,y si m- be I'.nfptdtrl from ihr oreVi in w,hitii v e rr-oed 1' etp,,u; 9t rould. avoid it, as It nnguutciaJi '10 sontule, In '.. .! rs ka - r .t rar .artl tt est ll hrstrver it mould be prcrrar, tr have a nvire prompt letntrrt tc ti .' t warrant, iban tl f ir r-bni Of tier will .r.r. tl o"N'!ti.ii er t ur in edtcl , ud u t all htm t he bml.ty 'e-l. iji t?r. rtibii'e any rll liar.te rr itd.-rm;Oii ist ilttr pwwer, whuh- n-'ch itnd n-rte IpeeHity Msdtirclsi ; foeaj. bra e tbe bopclt ol ibtu -;ii t mt 1 1. 1 'eT? r..tr.!fhVrit wi'l o i. ijjjie lo li( v.;''!!!' aiV IM it .1, mjif ley l.te 11 n-plfhi! h winifl il bfk r'.lyuHu nl ln-p. by lb' 1.1 .lldered a tbe orinnnal hnn.ila,l ...A .1. . 1 nerfon bvwhojM Ike warrant w.as not be ' niidered a the noir jierfon t tcrted. drawn, ar.dnl lnmbo afligned it, rnncem-d 1 Nteny other pcrbms have ftih. A warrttif iffoea ?nfatce.r .... ... .... ". ... . 7 .1 ,nrro ai s iipaint, prrnaps inure co'- lOSHr pf n "i, the land ! I rt,,, I 1 . ii. a. i.l!i..neJ. Sir A .. ni fnrv.w.il '. .i.l- i S.'.M.i,ir U. I . 1 . . . . ja 1 r a -f - "fi p.ui, i...i. .inn ii. p-1 11 11 im ai.d 10 whom grai ed. The large land le ven hundiril tbnufan J aires ol nying lhil:and bsvc b. n fmmi'hytbt preler.t t tuard, 10 base been i r.nteil- 10 pi.r fbv ion, on military warrant!, wnufe l.tmk, tMjrVed A, lepnrt, ri ptlisSl hrfe .arr.iiis ii ,i un' iff' r rtm.ii il c l e whi le In a li t. hit .1 n i rv i era t,r-t l.ri 'uiiimg in u'tnd a i 1 n Mh t r I s e"i rv ttli a . n.tcyi rep. 1 w vil w.i, j.rl ; If f. d b w't f ft 1 ar.l led T mfii a ''fi.er and sftitnlf t frnd, ihry hive rot Ikcm ah e ti de.ignaie ihe ' Riby whufe anin v 11 was ef- fmne pt'srfe, hnsterrr. bfJC u!' have lies-r atiornpSi' fd wi-)i r,u 1, ttaincs hiift utduttsl the C 1 11 mi . e-ovf lo atti'ttife ibem 10 .Hii.ti tt tU dciaiit 10 "l,Kti aaHt iaul who luey teitc.vtd, n ll m tietintue oium iint ihe t ommd- y, wun hooers, eve r 't'enfairt drtir,l. The various dfsr p i n, of frauds which baee hrrn ptaci, r, m ntwtr htaty v arrn , eai.aliee r.f il oh? (M nbltHI ibfle ii ei. bate heen fulh , tied ami reported on by ihe lor. espial I by ihe fnnntr M-urd, Tlte t-r Boars!. c 1 s i'.:. riveted by ihe pre eoi in n -i.yof tb-fr cir, a b hough ( 14, ard, ctrretp d g wiihlfnb 0. the Ci rtimifioiiers bat i . rn abk 10 ltrit.titm. ate rnntainrri in h . k and ire ttarraiiis on . ih llieh irautt bevfl ien prtciiinl, are h're-rh fe-u it. iuia . The mnff fis;r. -, pithpi"Oie noil nomerstVii. rtrineJi i ihtis .rissJi, has been ht iriitu, jh tne 1 .Ii ier tu nme 1 : . autj gr3iilMta another, itl,.,ut any all gnun'U ssHiaittveri. ;th. I' at s'eri In m the wrrr. it iiate been t rrv itriw 1 ' v Ndrgfjl, a fuivey mine in behaif of the want. Irree, and giant lltiird toVbanr, Ilk. Ir.i fffs ft, ,1,1 sir vrii'. -rv tee have ber, rorged, end aitr arris art. hTnraiisftr bneh lb the ,peri. n w.iti tospmhied tl e in A forgery, net been ffiji'il a In, , . t oh. A w.rranr ton.s iun ib Mlfl t ef I r w -mveyor. I ip 1 " ' r' ' git lo the ptffssp ' M 'i In f.in.'fh, ar,d . a gr.t ,. . , ol,in . rt ttfc&ltvtyt ' t'"t mutt t .f(, iii-ng uei'tsr v.srratt, In ni,,.', f ' j bo An. Itr - ni, ffm .1 ;.,iv.f ,f. , Onri oare iiivts,' 1. nerTena . a (Hf I. if. aaV .. at.a.t-1 0, I-. t. 'M " - g s.. 1 r j i.c: t paj t. p, r- aa-aa.

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