1C- A tu rrt'ngto be t wafranf, .-baling to it,ven the denature f the Entry-tester, iith. Grants have iflued ft-hfeow 'ny warrant whoever. 13th. Two warrants have sfre rpur.tly ffatd for ons entry, and gram have been executed. foe both. I4th .Tjlvrefe wrarranii h-twe ifiued krone entry j' '.'and grams have beep leveraliy executed for ifie three. The book of remarks No. i,con iins a ftatf ment of all the( caurf, SrP,! tig from the frauds "ifju4sifi tce, .,m .r. t.". !. iu vim 1 cijj'iijrni in j ui u.ciu:'. . 'Sing defcr.1pti.0ne, vv h c ! i have bjtec ifco.vercd by the preterit Bond. he warrants to Which each talc :reiti tlated refers, are fele.ctrd -' - nt, together with the book, to i out xceifency. The book No. 2, and the book . 3, contain the names of tee per ins who, in the opinioiv.oi the Com uflt'oners, have been gndty of, cr interned in, any of thefe fratidj. .nt traiitatl'wins ; and the remarks thrreio are alio dtftriprny of ie v hole procel. rif eafch warrant, from th,r time of its itTiiing to the ejfec tmtmn of the t::!e. It is highly probable that i it form Vnitanu'S the Covomiilidncrs may have conlidercd and reported againlt lome warrants as fraudulent, which in Lcl IX werejair ; and- agaioft tome per- fens as concerned 111 the filjiuation of illegit'.ma'c ammnenn, who in truth .vere not concerned. It. ' certain alfo, that they have pafied o wer many warrants as fair, which were not fair, and left unnoticed & unitnpcitched many perfoni who had been employed in cheating rhe fo' d:,er and the ftate.- The I'c errors ' have not-cret in from inattention, Wq'P03-AN''1''r'vv?, me mass. fc.tUKen re;lu .anlvBe duVe nr hum Pihu : -, l inS friWr are the .fruits officer,, dtfeovered :h perfidy. of V I K N N A , 02? ofec r 1 S. Lcjtei; tr;m hi ,.'.;,! "tiigknfjs', , ; A.rc'oduU- Chariot. ' " Head-Qjar;.er, UonauetChlltgcn, October .7; """"". ' " "Thq;"n::ioiiti!)te occurrences in Svt.eri-i:ui oem a;iea .y no- 1 fir'iei'y c ", I (ball confine jajylfel'f at prefent mere)! j to .giving the otttlineS ol them, and date life vents Which have taken place ::t;cr." - ' " On t!ie 25th tilt, the Kulftan Uarps uncle t A .tie-um rjnjnja enjei iC" c K j q n . a k o M , on -the ""L. imnar , .nid the cohinva of , f ield Marlhaj bifejtit. Hotz.'orf.Qie , Liiithr mar Uifiach, were "dctrateil by the. ene my. T'e farmer letreated, by wir of Ky-H'ftii; to'the right' bank of the' Rhinei and the co'uuinot Fichi ?fi$W i.:cot .'Hov oil tjifi iOtlv, byjSr. CU, into tlie dillria of Vo flfibcrg. - M .1 uld 'marlhal r'rsnce buwar row wa at uricren, anu .uen. Atu- fenberg, at Sttsig, oh the '2 5 ' h or t!:;--j3y. to number a in an niaKf mm crave men 1 he: Rmruas , have ;taMta:.v kil'e,'.. I known to vou a tile 'ho naoit dfTf iiiznillieiv dch he was the agebt u r e ) ii-pctm y 4nnf.i fict to ,i.Uh nffMuret citizen iCenrc- that they have Ukewife Kcpiililicanjrfle-'''-, Lord. Chatham; ute" hro tlitr ot Mr, 4. bis been voupo edin the netr. itie eheTn'f ee- ncWtf&i t lie battle ofRere.V Was not JU. Ki.ox, it Waethe R-nf' fian li'euie-'r.ant- g;ierl -Tetipjjtir, th? Iscoad in cor.iaanJ uhd'a Hr- mannr" if 1 be Stu f -of the l-rt army in Holland, to citixtn DuVtis Lrutuff ftihnfkr at War-.' ilead-0 natters at Bevcrwick , oi f.ntatircs. received i hyrs "of the army of Egypt. General Btrthier cifeinbarkcd on iheVh of this month .at brejus- with tlie con namLrin chief Euomparte, ijfkeral lLafnc, Mrtnnnt. Miirat, awd AndrLO.Ty, a,nd' citizens Mpnge and TerthpU-t ; and , (iate;, that they left-the army in the tuoit l'atis uctiir.y pofition." ; , October 6., ' , " Ci'.'f Mini iter1; . Th,e 1eneajy,,att ackod ns PARlSy Offi'rer. t6..: f J ml!;t0cy'$cer wHtymJ' exandria unSrr ivitt 'f th -z'-b Tbtr- fnimrt ( dMMJ I that vr Wiry. Smith had nearly' 'h'f eii taken hyt fume, of om r-dravwns 'it -th'-battle Jilru? and lb 11 be thre-bvvjelt into the jett, ubfre he -tins furfued. for a futrter i-'1-rnftipi 'ber ; The , AnAdaii Wtfatfler at from,! he Sr. I cterfbnrrh Trmmmrrred avamu the prdpolvtiort, buttrnR-vatn. was made iajfldifpeafible point by knffia, who" was ftipported it by 'bnglan t, "an I the c-!."('ei hae been t!;e t jt4l4feat ot th allied armies ! "... . October 18. 7. By tlie .difpatcllea wludrThiijf ters received n Wednefday atter- noon from ;he TexJ, we learn that on Saturday laft the French made an attack on the advanced guard of the allied armies, which were under the comhiand of hi royal hig-hnefs Prince William, ofVGlc'mcefter, and were, not more than 100 in number. His royal highnefs made in theTird inftanceva moft fpirited refiiVance 1o The, attack nf-the Ine- mOrnin at 5. o clock along thai f On the aOihi field MaWhall wc W Lieutenant ...Linck'en tlffeated the fnerr.v, and took piifoncT ,.tw:p - bat t.alions ,d 1 ,?,oo mi.!, with the whole ot the hVr arid oiliir o(!icers. ar.. II I I f . 1 ' -O.l. two Itanns i co on rs . Uiiinc iom he advanced to Glatns ; but not tic intr ah'e ;o bpeh a crjini 11 .h':;;t1 : :i . either to fherlgh"t or to the le.ftjhjf law hinifdf under the nneHit to withdraw to the Grifon country oti the aorii. " Fie'd Marlhal 5uw.aa)foVf ha-, however, according to a CTPC -ill letter whidh lus been roc ) Vjs d u.h tnorning, defeated ti t en-twy near Glar'-ifvaudtakcn toco nriton r.. whole Wne.:'. The afmr was im'--- cifive du. ing the greateft' part o't a o ClpcK the cmiirtan. I'-er in cnier cnine, at u:e tican or Lveral lottaiiort's ' advanced, and a loiiiid fo-CJUte deplded the victory ; Ln- i 1 niece; ot cainnn, atrn I'.o 1 . glilh and fcq!!i;:n pritoneri, ' manj killed, almolV all RniTianv, an a i;reat nutribr wouikIci!,' ivpic the rtphics ot this riorv,- for m " rc. tluin eight hours e tired grape (Wot. a;,d the ft re oft o rd on al! ti-eir ljtti tf d WsiieV C.eiirrslSt. Cvri VfM-'-'ik'hprfeiiied tij -Hpfy "f. ike-d'-tr.y of has il!i''; viand ilrivfrt tfa-'enevy ftom f'U ".nh'.l'-nt lie ri; f.r of th Ttn'mti Wf are jf ill Crani o, tbe 'dc:ailrif ifVS ai1mi- 1 uixiY.iioii, i it-. 11.1s. aciiiiireu .i.wioi it eftm itt'd fliLcr?att ,ie army of ns conduct. ah-.nt 01,000 rtw. The tr.nilwitf !o 1 " ,,w ""'?; u"im" .. ... 1 '.. . - ' - j J 1 Cefs fn' . thews' the menu -arp Ami, 'VJetcil it ww ror a mimcni re.-ureu , - , :1 my , and finding tint they were great. iyjuperioT in numbers, he brought off his whole party in three columni with very little lofs. The 1-on. odonel ' Ste,wart, brother to lord Caftlercigh, was wounded in the af fair, and fevetal other officers. We irejo'.ce to hanhati"Prince William on the orcniion, as well as the affair of the in.h, when he faved the Ruf- (i an.s f ro m t ot al de0 ru dlqiti d i fp I ay - : it xpcSmWt Ti nrmy: j I.iralth-ahd rsTpecl, (Si'H (S igneti) hot 'froth their not -pyffeMK. the , rhe firnre rjme; t c '-it mn o! means of dilcriminatioii or detection, in fo:ainple a manner as was m-cel- fary for the ddcharge of fo ciifitult Tg dtnv the I in penal ItiHfan (jcncral Ko fenberg ro.-le tooof the cneniy prifoiiers near M itt.-n, and I U:r-l ii -d vaiHv' ; tin took ene- Tb records alfo fror. the ftae of. my's bo's in kil ed and wounded on caflQU, was likwilc very TegnelFee not hav'nig anive.-l, a?cHiis occal Mr. Graham havittidedfoed ac.;n ; oo;!idcih as ConarnHRoneTj may luve ten kd Iti:! nore to prevent our reft ;:U- prongtTeiflual, or otjf-ftateiiienta torr.-ct. We have the honour td b, with realrel'prit, yn Lxcslicncj'!. obedient fcrvnn, BASIL GAi rHF.R, SAMURLD. FUUVT SMCF.. Raleigh, Jimrt., t7;o. Copy fr'in the ordinal, Wh li am WniTr., Secretary. (To be cantinutd.) FATETT1VILLR & WlLMINC TOM - (Signed) ' Cm a a i.i.s, Ann Uka, F. M. STAGE. VllO M p ' , .? PAPE'IS. PARIS, Octoher to. A grand difeharge ot artillery jnnon reel to tne citi.eni ot r,a' die rmnoTtBni mrwi ot vi.toiies o!- t'aind by t'v. ir Gnerall in every (inarter, and which were confmu mealed la. the conncn n me la6c mm the LJireciory. Mffjugt Jnm tie Direfriry the umniil t, tivt tlun irea. IJ R ('.-.'! Oi.AN'D,. AMnie c-'i . "1.1 p - ' or ,'Sc Gen. O Vo' r 17. Th the Gtt" f, ot r his da"-, th'1 P'- e i- 1 rertorv id.i a me it aye to tn tv miih Wi, in vvhicti tbry Hated tbtt, alter the firil defails v bich tame lo the.. di,ectory the dijfcK'M aitiuhs veiiich took pla i from tbed to the icm'.of ihis m'onth the t'i.i; toff ot tlie enemy amounted td r,.-;t ban :o,ooo men". The RepiiMh cans had devclohyj in thefts dit a cocrave which vTas!:i!l atto'i'Vhini', UovwithflaQiU4s many daanplc to bravery whiclib v hal pTev;'Hf- y gren. 1 l.e rYicitageth n eti ites Iron the Liter of .'! obna (wl ich our -r'earlers will bi.d in VVednef iLy Gav.etti . fcveral ol tUs Urikin exploits pciLrmrd by iii army, ami tnen prifCtedl t'.rs : " I he army (?l the Ruwe nas ohtaire.! ..if it pari an atUfAnlagC UitcKiling 'he enftf.v, t te !: h ctoi y was ini irmc I on '.lie I'jtb ir-ft :frr'r fhrabfoiftle iowt to which A-u-jrv bra.-ich.es of the fervice -wire rffhiri'A. -'.-.-f'c .'tii.n'trh-rli'v. r.f Frfjus went "r" '.(--the r-;il Ic.vioin, -Burnt!-parte, ,tn eo.tr d the vlfei In vj'ich be ten itie if. I frf.-ft tb.t fear cf fulling :nlo .' h 01,'t of Ibtf&tfgtijb in endeuv" Xftt'tn'g t9 1 t;$in ihr h.r.'.w Aht onion, 1 1 1 '.' 1 f".. .... . .rJ. iHttUtya v 10 at rnejMf nr 'v; mi rd a r'Virf, and iuus -tf. ted by t-i ber yeffpj. Irtijiieiilty 1 b V' He tviis ' 'V 1fbr tfmfii'jSh ''."-'h entering 'li 1 in. It rt: .-.! t'a fen days r!.rJe nr. 4 t ' t-j- J .ir,-.!it- b:'f. health is fait to 1 1 h vi;vre I. it it tvtugtlt vie itjjiil ; ,.--- r'.m 111 1 wit U'btn " v hmJtd lit isA tkoff tiki ntem"par.yH h'm kiffed with tranf- psrt i r ' It'.r'y. 1 he m(nf- !r,i!r trli inhabitant enfe'tattied the iViuJli itfts traVfltefs, - A ifih urnce ol cm:-: r t'.tfSu'f, tie trutp was I "I- Rariili iihminsti-J, r.r.d jty 0 the V tie aay V.ierv, 4heM vi J,n v hc.om.-i I in Hie'evcmnt ol the la.'t be a d'.l- aHMii taiihtul to the riaao! the lit -' "c nymhig tenor : on. . ,c In agypt Pwonaparte ha dH. ff'jl i r. t !', he de'i cr;,ca. termtnea to purine the advantage they h:;ve obtained, and daily .pre fa .' on the .."led armies in their narovr and critical noliuon. It'ris dated t'hat there is now in the Pexe! a ' fufiicient number of Ihips to convey the troops home when the embai k ation is finally refolved. It is dill relieved, at the fame time, that inr- nillcrs are bent upon attempting to ret aiy a pbi nt o! landing in Hol land, and that a detachment ot troops wili be left upon the fpot. A letter Irom H ambu fghj dated :bei(l inll. fays " Lad nilit vlie famon r N app c r T a ndy ,' yh h" " "hji ihree companions was delivered ver by our mapittracy into the po er of the Ettglifn; Odlober 19. It is at length confirmed that the Whole ot our army in Holland is to be withdrawn ; and it is laid that tranfports of all fies are ;epared futlicient tor the porpole pt bring ing them oil Ry one fir.bardation. Ve trult tlicv will be able to make V v.ts eettir at fit wito fs'gs, mujtc ana dancing, an! P,n--,.tbu-te mufl bav fu-rreh d.j'.m bis hrp aJen,e bad mt U n tnrjhed -.c,ir,nvih rk'tve iy Frenchman bit jt fonf'enltrtaimfA it- mm tVaw t-if',ni uy-rtn tat Bumi' p.n t, -t ; 11 .utbt tvit-b him atrr.tt I pe,.t tvtth the Ottoman rtr'e, I t ll 1 toftint the ceffitH cf with " Maveuce is tel.eved, o,ooo eafanta have been di fanned, and 1 n I . ... . . ..... . . . . I ... f I . troyert iht 1 urkimariny ; t!.-:8,ot wu "" " "-KJit refer.; . i-:, 1; tiibutu pr mric CTAr,P sw'.ll , fni. ncnwnivncoMipo.eti me arm. or.nc VT Xptrtuntdhi . hie I V ' ' ' :cni-ir.v h.-.ve been all enher ki. .-d or I ' -.'"' ... , ,e i he lttdd,i ,t -..learce of .... .,wr.W(. . , j nan. X iue prelent, ply onw a wet k 1 between rayettcviile an 1 W ilmin tnn leave Michael rVrollon'i, at fayetievi le, on Wednesday morn iut at 7 o'clock, k arrrive iltrnejt pjlj at WibningliMT leave Dorfry 's J Imcl, at Wilmington, Sun las nornmg, 7 o'clock, and arrive at taken prifoner. " In Hatavia, Brune ha' beaten the huglilh and the Kulhans ; 1 he rrcmli army difplaycd the greateli rourae acaittll an army nun 11 fo. pe'iior tu them in force. i'be An vlo RulTiant have 1 id a treat num ber kllleo, we have taken 15' The crv of Reonbli his K 'TV. a jviaiiena liaiai Fte'rvit)e Monday eftermwn, by prifoners aad elevjen picii otoan .. .. !..,,, , r im! HUik rivr i n 11 i'i ....... nun M ' . t i I i rare lor pa.lcngcrs li x dohar clear ot ferriigei and 14 lb. bagiia" Trite ol other bawage one dollar for every 20 lbs. wrik-ht. Seal! may m engaged at FayettefluevM M. Moltonj and at Wilnjing'inn of C. D. Howard. A realmiablc charge only will be made for way paiieir geta. Tlie Prnprietorf. Wilmington, id January, iUoo. FOH t A L ET A NbGKO MAN, Cfed to Flam;uion work. (;n,wn' nd " ri),ng " ' Enquire pi the Printer. January 9. Mooiuletl in le'tjti't tf tie (xeentive DixeSiry tut avn i ti coo, lith Uefe- be 1799. C t, Brtfi Hrprefi ntativti, ie E.tu'iV(c L.itl' ty are ' riiicd b a .Uilpaub from I'riMH, ibalhc Sola nt lac Ku'l'ui 1 ui t.n: i!ir nt K. if- jUlt V8 tf r in tr It. (. ini m f a V 'iantin inftvml mtbt-p'.rtt H-er of vrenchmtn if, ftetn tt ttnjiim It 11 J ii fi in iNOTlCK. T W I Ml to rent my llollf-ShcJ. X tor Plan:: Hon in po.nl Tenai,!, ((r 1 term off ivcn yirt Aia C'-rn atiJ So, k I'lantatin.i, it i not ti te.ior o anr in cwnaii9ier "inl ft Kin away Irom rr' abort tbl t do I ol junolail, a N'to fit flMrni bitnli'iny !e 11 ' pru!td o 1 lurking ifcotjl the plania io:.i of Major A. I). Moure end Oeotif 1 1 . , tfmiite. 1 t I Dollarf to ary petlon w'n will dr; lieoa him 10 me r i i)w jain ir " Wilmmatuo i Deeeeaeer It, 7 9 w " in iieiveiui ure are a'lo Covered with t3 telegraphicdil, a b Irom ol vefteiday'i dale lv, I have coitijiieielv .tovarrow , hit .ui..y is in rout." Anoihcrdifpatv.ii thi morning u tnnovwcifii. ' 1 he KiiiTian armv lo loll at . . I 0 0000 men, iwo general, aou a great mitnver 01 nine nt ratiinm and of it;. Ltd, onwa'r.tow ha ri-ueitrd into ibr cotiatri nt tlie the tnountama. The 'oirei of ihc ttcpublic in thete Ulhrtf ill a lio art 1. nt i on. Ttdereble by thetr number ; they ate fn bv the merit ami braven win. b diili guiih all 11 c Ropuftm cam that compote the hrtmh ar miri' i ARMY W MAT A VI . arum i ttmral m Uif it Iht Mm lei at far. , flead'Qi aite at rnick, Oi- tret il ai b. 1 9t ttLf f 'f-ienet tf up ft tbt Vf rder,ft (the exceed the ti r ft -t tinns that )ud been r.ialf, iu I 1" .1 1 : j e .... tu a te r int. an I thev arc not left t'onl't. tiiab al die oattk I I'.cr . I "Citiirn IfinUltr, I had wtd lorclern 1 w on I 'C tiiCTiv, a; -hem a to? f-ur imjii 1" K ' tsii ' v beaten j"1'"' be Fell by ta enemy in a pan itcmar ouunctt cm actoiial ol the humbcf o itfli.-ua ihry have In L f I he 'HirueiHi ot !.n nr tor y are in ti iht.' mn the 1' (Stb; the enemy heat a ten it , the Iter lioaa army putfne.l them, and iL ihougb they bad the ilvantage of three hotira march, we wound-d ''."a m.n. Pft mnL ..mini. ii.Ta. nert. The mg'it of the enemy wa 10 precipitate, .hat tht ylcfi behind them a pan of heir bagigr, milL iarv Horei, a veil aa nrovilioni & lothf. Tly were - liketvife k- ged to leave behind them 'a numiirr 01 women aid .intJfen, who hid Lti.le I hiiI. the Hnglish, who pro bably iium 'erel ihcmfffltm aa a! tea Iv matter nt Midland. In a !!, theCiieny were unable 1.1 llop the puffin of the Kfpnb'.i mm, butbf pmtecliog themtclvcs by an iimT. I -t a u The I. i t. Ik, who eeJknbN mute Mjm the t aaVlffio than ther "i,Mg'f hal fent Irfajoi gnefal Dnnn with a ac ol to 1 la not commend ) cnnlill ' nt maintenance I . 1 epit - 8th year, with ihe t the Kill, tiadrr the Ihiona,) trie, it 10 2i2 men ; the m whom wni coil I he, e are to be j 1 1 i.muhone'rt attached to I ho armici, who will cod 2,tob,ooo htiei. t l,e i r rcircat without lofs ; but by the attach which was tgide on t'!-; advanced guard, commanded bv Prince William of CJloi.-trr, is evi lent that the enerm. a difhotad to feize orf every occiiion of annoy- nr; our armies. ISo further adi ce, hwevir, have Keen received r 151 tictder, and it is therefore foijfofeJ that no new attack haa hec-a nude. October 21. It is -with extreme conesrn we relats , that intelligence v 1 on S , iurday receive I at, ;he admiraltr Irom I'ortlock, by .i inajelty' fitio rrowty communica'e I, by admiral Mufti?!!, relating the 'olSsl lofs it La I. mine, of 32 (HUB, on the oimr a k ol the Hy lila.iJ p!ra", m ! the night of the 0V1 inll. in a heavy ?4lc, al N. N. W. La Lynn no the ftmc morning (the 9th) failql fro n VmmoMth roa Is with tVfi al ul 'uts and 140,00 guineas r tht Teiil j but a (hong Ice I Me rendered every etTort of capt. Jikyn nr ?( avoid lbs threatened dar 1 un ivaiUble, and it was alike im potHbl luring the niht to receive any alliflance either from th Arrpw or the Ihote, loom vhenc- feveral Lhfxu's wetc ia readinef to ro to that our hi uatfive ire. The 4 them. W c I sc been righting tta-dav fron 7 n'rWk in Xr to the qoem w ho il fulti'i n bicb - ! oa an I jceery vow ll Ihirt jCriail i "jid v hVr A was a LONT UN , ( fXL i.i.l virion I tar1) i aononnceJ pobiical world, in .cotifo of 11 . Stil'llt - - 9 I II It. I. I no f..ii ii ' oi iS Li Jct.awcJ J)aciL'. Wrt-lcr low biraitr IIiti ii .U4lel nviib 'o :fcr.c nt ffirionc d powers have ic jeabnifiea by niivii'ifel. 1 1 has 1? niurt nf Vicn rial m t i-Lrs in c hobght At to a n, l ist the-mry. - ti-'U of pr .Hi e i.ftr.im Swtjaer to 1 he wiihca ot ary . and Iv t.irccd 111 He impottnniiiei Wu. led ' liroa. 4 K.ii -a. nr t Sf Ii 11 t'j in It im c ti.wenr 1 aui .hief c'l'timn l 11 i Vi Mft li Ji s L,.ljijjjb,'c. ai btiry rf iirf. , t'la tin? ud 1 W I Hi iiiwn broke I, a L- - in vait bKiked for ; Ihe Hie to pieces, and all on board trifhc'L e.xcenl two men. svt-.n fcrcpu iifd up, and one of sthnoa a-!;;Kcdi? from the fatitue ho had enciuntereil. To ibis account, fo full of rala-n-, it it is ad id. thai Li Lutr e waa to have proceeded to Hamburgi sey to relieve comaieri! nal pla e. 1 1 is even 1 lonfe m that city had fent and that th" wrintc fmn, t went t.i the feottfon, o ba'l a mi'iion, of which had been inlu'red. prcis i-nt 0v a Uyc bt . at- it- he ena-t ft 1 with 1 rcd.t in t that on? I 1 3,re L wb h th am in rd 20.1,0 11 , so eti wtich 111 1 1 imhur launre st fra brings an a count ot nt the linul nt Wn l an I ibtjicff , .,1 the gfj. ting h i'i( iii I'.nrope. seven have ;.t a Rre nio, ele i 'if, an I : , ,,: ;n at Afl- t'n. 1 11 11 e 'as aftcSL