:l E W I L M I N G T- N G A Z E T I mm l Doilars UT TTfilUslll. T H UK S DA Y, - a. j- -J published wri.Y nv allma-nd hall." m i - AN FrS T I M A T K, ' Jkej'irvicis ij tie jry'loW hundred atd twenty thrte dailats, and r ihirty tewi, 8,i62,e3 , Mr man L 3 - '"Rf lad, iFiio t -tie. f Mr. MTTald. rhia w as a fuMcd locate ftie 'J'afne." wcrv-f?f .... Aftft Wi fried i6r a farther del.iv he yir,ni-l i.ii.r.rt!j- iu i:n!'.i(j tid th third tiiru: and ',, . r i wt)u!rt no r ill cnufi Ip.-l inn I . . ...... . i i.. i. T ..; "vi.... ... ,.i.!'"f r-l i r . . fill Will. till .1 11 HLd T tS I j I V . llblllJ li t I I If - I . t. , - . v I " T" . ' ' The funds outofvk r.ijirfrijitia- the tabic yeiU'iMay Ni o' jrCtt raid he Would of the icUm,..,,, wkh ne 1-.US. j i-:r,.u-ty ;0 tKfchar tne taxes ,oi-', to the bi.1 entitled " An tl.e table yeilM av.- . , wr-i : f . i ' j j V.tr.c United States, in r pec't fully repons Kept t ie. natives ajates i That for the frrvke fff the venr one tbotrfanrj eijibt hand red th- fd :. ... ..AA.riii'n : n-.i :ts dc::i:.cil :n the .donate:, he-ewitlv ttanfmi-.ted f hundred, which fun. it by law np pear to te neceiiary. -'..:'!-!' quantity of which circulated ii4 inhabitants of the: Unit i S-.u,- I 11 -if i PI. HI I i.C I - ' 1 III. 'i - " ' . . . . . Kl . . i .. , . j t.Tin ti n i.ii I ,i. . ,.r the U Htvt -;'-teiin e n.ciu nneu, ;n e ,- - -i "-?" lMC ize v ; . ,,i- Ti,. ,in n k hiini rn t 10U- 'hic tnn i r:iicn w i) (II Mrriv i U nn i....wl .tlU.. f iK nroifetlt cl duties .vt.e a jait.ft, hcfirlt w..-.- I r- e. . n- -1 . ; . -'iV : .iv- J H - vsic a ji.."tn nidrfi licar USii i,i ir (:,,. per currency , ii auowcu u oc vi.iuii: ior me -eni!rner4.' to.i. -t act i'iij I,, nut ttate ttlan anv otlrer in union and conceived that the 1 f Z)ar. For the C;viJ Lift; for ln'j ori t i j- vncuicing, the crtinitu: the euni int i t ex -ptnees of lbs federal depart. merits and uSU TictiS, tlte fom or For the pajmcivt ot an. t nit; c fml lamtf, F-r the lupport of the ' Mint tirabliihinent For the expatues of in tri coin (e wait f 0 reiui; trine !, hiclu. t'n- a iuni ;reqiMi ed (or re-iiiibui fiivji to Coiil'nh of tlie Uiii.. ted S;:nes the ex pence of fippporting Claims to captured p'oj Jrty , lor aid to 6iki tiled iVameii in ,1oieiti countries, : Li .fioind aditliijce alter their an iv d in the Ur.i;ed tyMsi, excli;fte of rhe pin fiuaT pf6'pf1ati()n authoril'ed by the act ot Match Kjih, '9S, For the payment of expttxes incident to lire treaties w.i h Great Britain, Spain, anil the Meditei ran.. enn j nwtrs, For (fefrayiiig the ex petices, incident m ihr valuation of lwelliiij houies nnd Inidt, and the enu meration, of Hives, puiluant to the act t ot Julvth, 'Po, For i lie Military De pattnent, iitcladnig tfie pay of the ai my, rations, clothiiift, hof pital orjtance, qnar trr Minder at il Indian txjieim s ; the llelt'n li v c protection o' .he (ictunrs, and on ii enc'n-s apree-ldy to the ellnnate of ;he been tary l War, For the payment of mi" luury pennons, For the Navy Depart aent, iucludtng the pay ! fat liltci ce of the bffireri hiu! men, bolpi ai and cnii. in jutt rxper.ir. i: I the ftppml of ht torp of Mumci, tatlttC e ot r ..i me ot huit.iinp fix le cn iv fun mi Pmj-s, ao IBorUfd by law, a Jt'ejiiy in he rflW. in t nl ii '.rue aiy on iiMtiorts "naid tounace. which will accrue in tlie year one thou and i - ,im eih; hundred, which fum it by law y"; 5? ' ! '1Ut 3 W)r,,n!t;ee be annutdly velerved lor the fupport of' aP?''".lc l e.. quire whether any covenTiiicnt. IgiHaove prqvificsMs necetlary to be ' ad. 1 ne -fm-plut of the revenue & ,,e rui" "'e parpofe i carrying L,cou.e of the United Stares, whicH ,be 27 ankle of the may accrue to the end of "the year .ne V ea-!y "f A!),,t Cominerce and N'a rl....11':.,rl hnnrlr-rl. nf.r ft tic VW' '' be'fwceti the United Stales yViftjj the objeifts for which appro"- "." ' f r' Great-Britairf t and riaains have been heretofore made.' th5 th irP"lt bv h.U.or other- 562,275 9? . I 13,300 o ' 3.1. 1 ne poceeus or luc'J.ioau as may he iieo.ot i uetl in put liiaWc- of tp laws w'...c h Cotiri.tefi inJJ he plea fed to enact dm in j the jteirn; Jef lion. . ... , j The Secmaiy alfo tranriinr"a , ltatetnent ol the receipt and cxper.di. j tores of liie United Stated, in 1 year prior to the hilt day of October jlalt, beiii(f the laud period t-o which, fan account Tan be prepared. . All which is moSt refpectfully fut- j mittcd ny OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of fiealury Treaft!ry Departineni, Dec. I ph, 'ov- 1)3,000 o cc;icki;ss. Hutfe if Rfprrfentutlves. February 4, . "ilr. K.jtera, from the comuiittee to 24a, 000 o 2i(',coo 0 4,1 67,200 o 93,000 0 wile. The t efoiiitions were then Agreed to without thrUtte ; and a efmii i;:tei o! tvyo-.ltieinjtrs a'r)pnitite.J to wait on the P-retid'en- wif-n.tbe lecond one. . . in vuiMn ion tne cotnui;trr tevifal at.i wnfiiuihetl btllinefs. re r i;.i . tA ' ' 1 1 1 1 , ... 1 i .... or . 'V ""-it" ectinu ine tvw.t wlora was read a liilt and lecoud time, and canim rv.i to aco.r. iiiiiwe ol the whole ) 0 iil'e ;o morrow . Mr. il rpir- eMrd up foi cot.fi 'j ration the ivfoitiMii which he laia tut the table, for ex. eudinp the he nc fi s of 1 be at't intit aVd " an nt't ?o proTinte th; prare6 or' the u!efid arts," to f'.rti; (rrs who fii.ill have relidcd lt;r a limiud period wiihin the Unjted dates when Mr,, Lmiibui moved to .amend the t via utioii hy addiua " and to the executors auJ a-lininilliai'-s of the in enters f nfeful arts an in-' whom 1 .elcired the petition of venuoms, wn may i,4ve nicl before Lar,dner, Clark, made a leport. re-: a p;ent( was obtained it-r Inch i.. couinietrdinjt the adoption of the wntHin" Which was ac:ru to hy follsuvifsi tefolution, viz, ; the bonfe, au .h re tn un as a- Ref.dved, That inaftnuch as the ' mended tdootcd. povernor ot the Nouit-VVell territery A mell ,,;e . as rcce.vod froOl the' has foil power, iim'.er txilUnj laws, Pefi.lein of tin U-v. , sa cs by hii to fettle and adjult the claims cf jWrewry, Mr. h;t., infi.rtiiinc the Larder Clnrjc, and to rai'it the houfe, that he I 1 1 approved and )rayer of A petition, if in jultsce he HueA a 'dolotimi atitho4fin the is entitled 1 hereto, the intei ference Secret aiy orSn-e t .- .,.., cer. oftonpieiiiin the prefent inflaticcs, "n nuinter ot copie. r:f th Uwttof is therefore, uniTceli.my. V'e v-'ited States, to tne Governor of l'he laid refolution was read a fit-it f ort,.Lar ultna. anti iccond titr.e, at.d cot.curied in by ' 'r" !a,Prr- fM the eotrttnitte'e the boule. j"1 ;Va' 'U!', v,tv V .nc.f a liilj Mr. A. roller called up a refold f " " -' ih a Oe tion winch he laid on the table, tfce Uf'M 3tmp Office," wineti wagrratl laif hfiion, relative to the tied ion of 1 ' Ui 11 i'':''1 ',e, and m d. the a frcliileui and Vice Prclnlent of toe United States, to be reioiMinesided to the leveral ll.tn for their adop. .on, and on motion it was iclerrH to a committee of the whoic iioufc on th.e (I ite of the Union- Mr. Leib laid il.e fe'.lowir.a refo For ti e felHiratiftfl f faiuTii ,-,f ? Iw poult .Ir ol am munition, tor he mi. luia of the Usiued bate 1, For itia fnppnit (.( I 'SlnW"OViltt, beacons Buoyl j hue 'ttrt, bd other cflal'itfli MClill lor the let 111 1 j cl tiivigation, iiulu. dnij( 1 he tkpfltcd of rrpaits, and the font unVxpendtd of an appi opt union heir, lofnre n a.!e fr.r rr e'fiia a light lno on Cap KMtafai and a beacon on Shell (..I I If Ifhnrt, svf.nh iil rpte at tfcl tlti.'c of (I.C pic- f' ii year, for fajifyinp mdrrl Itiuont itaiaai lo g ilr laUanrtt of t i an 1 inn., hull V ij hv frit led ai 1 lie TrtaftiYp in Nrfd u.-n- .i wn an 4.1 1 . Y'T. 1 , ,1 ll'f I i't J- ol Jy Antvni. inintl t wi iM oechl h ill . 1 t hn ifitd 'ai 1 liM) ttatl.nU, i.u.r lution t u the table, viz. ItcioWed, That lomniilfea be appo'oted 10 h,.' n in a bill making piOsiGon for the. icmoval of thr troops of the Uni'cd Suncs, which may be (laiioned where an chef inn is held, and thai Inch lake place at Ir alt two day pre loo s to bull election, mid 10 a d ill ant no: lefi than two n ilea. Mr.Smiili, fiom the coinmitiee of comu tice.tnd r ran lltoci urea, repoi ttil a hoi to Continue in fotce an aCt, intitlrd an art for ibe rrfn'.iitioii ol Ibe.fifheitck of ihe L id'e.1 Utate ; for Ike I'.ovrinuieiii of :be lifliermeti em rb')ed t -erein, an I for oil er pu-pi. 1.5 J 91 3 99 fen akh waaread afi.fl and ie rond lime, nnd commtMed to a roin miuri of the whole boule on K tu- la 1 ix. orer ol uic oay lor t-n l-y not. Arljooi ued. 1 February j. Mr. LiviuUen, Irani the eonimit (e'ewppoimed to wait iisthaPrefi lletH t.i the Unitetl States, w.tli the foluiion rrqueltioa; informal ion re lair tt the lequifition for, ami de lively of Jot. .than Kobb'in. uu4cr ibe 27 h ar-tcle ol ti c B-oifli ncaiy repssnad that the! cmumit re had peitotnied the leivice , ai d thai the removal flnli ' rcu"r"1 u ,,u,': their 1 f-tcis turn ronhdera 100, a;.J ic urn an .n.twti in one fcoJtMi " Mr. SjieaVer laid betore tha Houir a !c;.er Iron, il.e Srnet.ny - tne Trcaftity, ii,clofiriif two Itafciiftin relative 10 ti e pef aaaneti'treVeiiii ..1 Ibe Limed Siate. j which w wt tleretl to be printef. Mi. Cfit Lid the follow in; relolo. liau on ti, i.rblr, y.r.. Rcfolv tit, Thai ibe ibefmrnT ofihr asmaW, and Spe..ler ol ItM lloafc of Ururcii Btativaa. he an horlfH 10 dole the prcfei.t felfi'tn. tne P- " J II I . I i." ' . L t ei.veii couiu expetiueu, ior ruppdn ot i; 'oops of the 'Utntc-'i States, -villi as much adantaj;eTn that llate as eKcwhere, and ; of courfe would not opera;- fnjuriouf ly to the revenue. Mr. Harrifoti fi'o'Tt the cointnu fee appoitited this day, reported a bili fur-giving fiirthc-'time-tp u lh.8 holders ot military vvirranss to re, filiate and locate the lame ; which ?cnr through the. jtcce'.ury orderso' the Houi'e, -and was directed to be enrolled for a third reading' to-morrow. ' Mr. Claiborne Lid, thar under an ad palled 3d March, 1795, a liim of 50,000. dollars was appro priateu for the . pttrpofe of e, tab- iiiniiijir.a trade wuni tne inatasis atnl wer- lukcii nit ' no. ft er.ti ' .i., a 11 ordered t b- referred to t'ure Cu.tt nittee ot V iv s an LAI ;u s. Mr. Harrifoo prelcue ! a r.cmi rill ot , Jundr'y, -tnha'-'uants of. t.ie Little Miami; puj;chafers of rinfis trO;n John ClcV-es Sviu ns,'p6jfy:n a conn 1 .nation, thereof ;.i.fv.re I to the 'o nmtrt.ee appointed on :!, 1 Mr. ;vl.tc.).rt called, up for xpnft-x." deration t b-e relolution whii'h he lai J' ou the tajle t or at referrence to' the Cominirtee'iif Wavs and fcfearis, to conlider tfic ejtpedincy of atkh -riling 1 life collector1 of the DireJ: fax;, in the.lVne .ot N'ort d Card v na, to receive paper itiyncv of tJiait -(late, inpaytnv'dt when the fcibr iu'tii ta ataftrrcad and aiegalle aves 31, Hues 4(1. The Jiiufe went into j. Com.. , inittee of t ht Whole on the tar; M ! 1 rcqttc:8 . 1 f .1. r -r-. 1 ..' I'.. . 1. . r t on 1 ne t mow ilia- tsuion a iur-i prov tointf tne means 01 intercom :c lltet htm ol 1 $oVo J. .liars was a , hot ween the United States and. V- propiia'ttd, for a like-)i,ufp ale, to be; reign nations Mr. Parker in iht expendesj nnd.-r ihe-ttTreiliOii ot the ' cjiair tnd atier making fome j-rc,. Preli.ientjjf the Un,ite Saie , that 1 greis therein, role," and obtained j.n purfuativ eTofhele a ts, 'trading leave to fit ajjain. hotiiVs had'heen t-d.i'dtihed aim per-j A written inetTage va? received, fons ap.oinud to fijp-.-rinte ni thetn, "rPm. the Prefideiit of the Uoit'tjj tor who!'.- i;('ventm"nt an a4 tor- , Slates, by his Secretary, Mr. Sha' merly cxiifed, which had been fit- -in ihe words follo.viiii;, to wfl : Kttntiemtn of the Hotiii cf -Rcprrjtntativfs, 1 n cqjiicqiien.ee of your to me, conveyed in yc-jr rci utioo. of the fourth of this mo;;:h, Itlirrc tcdlhe Secretary ot" State to lay Lc tore ire, curies or the papers i 11 rt led. Thcfe copies to'je'hcr wiffc his ruport, I riow triftfulil to tl.e rlotifii ol Keprefentatives, lor tLt? cor.iidiraiion ot the member's JOHN ADAM;. United . Sratcs,! Teb. 7, 1 too. The report from the Secretary cd State to f.c r.-eli.ifut of the Uriir. t! Sta es, coiitaini the iolioving pa, pari. No. I. Cojy of a note ftonj Knbgrt Lillun, Y.U. Minltr P:eni,.otcntiarv. &c. of tlie kiac ,,f Great Britain, to the Srcrctaty of tered to expire. In or ler thr-tore to know whence the tltabl'llnnent of this trade lu I been beneficial, and was necetlary to be continued and with a view to obtain a (lateifdv-nt of the expenditures un der be at'orefaid acts, Mr. C. mo ved, a refolution raq netting :h-; Pieftdent ofl4sa U i:ted S aret, to Caul'e the proper o:ti ;er of overn metH 10 lay before the Honfe a itatemcnt of the mantel, wliich have bee'p expanded in -pnrftianec ot flic aits .Mithoiiunj the appropri ations above nidjionsd, A 'er a tew observations froin Med. iLrper, Nicholas, and Qui, the further tfon fi-.l ratiin of'he re folution was rlcie1 to Lc polfponcd 'i'.'. to ihtrfrow. On inition of Mr Griswold, the 11 oule cut into a commit tee of the whole oil 1 he bill deviari nit State, reotiedino that apalivatioa the a'Tent of C Jief to rertain "I'yht be made to the Pi elide nt rf aits ot the dates of Ivfa-ylmd, Rlmde l.laod a.d (fori. -Mi. Par r in the etuii Wheti the bill was amended by finking mil that part .vlii. 1 idrtu m K'-iode liUndtha act aaded by that ll-te havine; ckpired a; d ordered lobe ngrolfed and read a third into to uaorruo . 1 i.e .'!! inlille I an ( ref- p Ailljg llltj Hli'll," Wm taken lip luvojmnltlee ol he whole ajrc d the United States to ilfne his . : 'or tor 1 he delivery of Thomas Mailt, the Judge of the Olftria v un of South Carolina, iiidjha liorney of iht Uniud Stairs fur lliat l.dii.'t, Iiavin expiolfed, ihi ir JoiHill UMa ihe lubjecl, and wlllled lor the in. tcrtciencc wt the LxMitiv. . No 2. A letter tro.n Ihe Srcre- t try ol State to theHo i ir.Sl. T -Bee, Judge tt ihe Dilri Con'ri of the United Jii- e:. tr &'uib Carolina, daiirtjj i: 10 be tie 'I 'iM Pi the Prdidcir, to wijivuf ailtn dinent and or- 1 dcreJ lu be lead a lllitd (i;UC lo inoi- -v. jmai, N-Uioov.1.1 uiivc givftinp un- On mot nil ,.f Mrs Rarrifon, ihe'tftr if. artiJc of t' liiittfii Iioufc w.iit into 10 1 metc.ol hf !lrWr ii Upon due llf7tigalioii it v hole on tne bili in ; d Ittion An an . liumid ite lound. il- u k. 1 ! ....,' act "1.. i:..rr. Ton, from the roinmittre . It ipeejive nou iapn:hi:nl to tot ftmrr wi en er anv ntn r. " AP'1 or x 36o,ot0o and a hat llttraiioiit art wtctflirjr to The Honfe wem imo a( be made in ihe aCI rrla'isr 10 public m "mie on me t;,l in . ... . . .. . . 4. 1 . .1. i 1 1 led an ..ift h-uIj;!, g nSe' nntlcd ih t-iime ol piracy and idjsornf '- .ami a( ri p.ufcd lr mi-.i,l:i the mat, net imputed. un.'"- . ..... ( . .. . . . I 4 K' .. Ml . i on iiuv' ?nw( sou: tor ne locieiyi 3. a ic-.ier trmn Ju-'a Due, 01 liv. L 1. ltd ISfeihii-n tor t.u-.;i. . the S cre-cr.iv ol Sm. !.. ... - - I I -j.w.,,..i,t.,,j - ol hi-preceding in rtialion loi.;.- ( in lor piopa 01.. j the l-a- I.... ... uooitt s - hill in adiliilon m o an act imi'ieo an 'l M m dBaM.flA 1 I I. ulu.i m . at a It p.ii'l iitlll eilaw ail irr-iila un. the '' "' tai.-i apptoni ia-r.il jr Mt ih. 7;.. , Sis . t, of lam. appt.ipiiated lor mi- ,,,,ry aernea. and lor ihe I.h ,ny ad -BBflftj , . ;,.,.,,,,. , . tll, , , . f..a.y femcwi and for the faciei r Ui.ued Ihetbren lor pro,..ga,loa H "" V.K" '""'it;S of il.e I nurd hinhren lor , ,he Cnfpel among Ihe Ileaiheil4j tin- il.e nnit.rl an-onit tha nanuliMta I moved mat (he . i ue ' Rtad a It. U ..ml fecoad i.me, and rfe. and alk leave 10 fii a-am, wl.ud ; ftOIWH t. comn.iiien 10 a,coiniuitte ol the """""Wi ll aaaaaaan 1 tuug in lua whole i-oufe on e.I1oay nes . . Biiouiative. 10 Ik "'( land after maki ; ' ;i n.lry amtniT-T 4.. Ceniftriti-n'f lite KUet H-.-rn, -.nl iwwi. tletk of the i w. u! Udlibujtf, ir. thefU.c ol ( unna -st:t, f roving llul ihfle wal 1 1 la iwly. or ifii. eni, of ihe name dj RolbV(,i ifl i;u, xoutn. No. $. Kxlfait of a 'eiter f ; . . . .1 a ..a a . ' DavU mnve.tiial the fu.Mel i. ' U.i'u..,ea,Ji.U real 4 ;.t.l 1 tune 10 February 6. Mr. (.01. Lu. tafrd wp I"- .fnlu. lion he laid ou the isi le on Friday wMt when ibe '.. n.e w auierd to 111 the w-oidt lollawine. wii t ll.foivert, lint aowmuie, heap- pare and report a bill irvi K lunher unci 10 n u ue v-ienrtr any a ir 1 . T..5tsi III w iiw in-iwvi m Wt lllllfai J I B I lJ warrants lo tt-giiUr and - b.eaie f- f ... II.. . . . i A nuUaca fro n S nafe. br their fetrciary Mr. Otia, informed ibe Iludfe that the aei.afc had oaf led 1 lie bill tHrhling liaftha aim- On motion wl Mr. harrifun, mfri!MVt Jnhatlunli filtt U-m rotntoiiiac wai appoun an. pre-jp,i u will lum r au.ci,d Miit mrndments ai i ctelUty 10 ta.elt pail 21 t.A. mi i... ..1 : . ' -is warr.m 9 1 ..u.n........ ..1 ...'. l-HKai:d leave waf mve-n lo iIk : ipi- mi, wa iw 11 ! 1 r 11 Ul ..on t .nm f!i n.r.l odi cr ar ""minee 10 iit.uuf.n,; mw luiu.g tu. Febirus 7. iriiHsin'i'i' td An aA in iJ. d'l olL te an t'i.:iiacd ail t n 1 1. at tiny rctmtt Iv Jf " I mr a M t a a rrf 'iVMou on ihe i-bb-, i . lallon of Mr. S wih. the . f dsrd. .Thai lit CmihitttT MUltd III f.r 1 J O alil'g .rat.lt of la- Vjfpft pri. L,..dit i..r .. . .- 1. ... j . ...a til the llouli t- ... ... 1- , .iiu - "...' . ... .. . i t .i in.- . 1: . . i t. . u ii.aiiiuy ten n t.v t.:i or Other- iir. .iika.i .am ine mnuw. , i..!i.r it.nt.aij, n-isi. rf .m ... 1 tin loeitiv ol lb. L- ,ud Uinl w . t . Ou watn-uniii ee of tin .0 ihe r r-olhr in ht a no 11 1 ee of the nl Wavl &Mr..nt be Inl j ... - . .. . e -1 ir ' ''' u.ii i.,i il.e rcitel n ..1 ... ii'.t,i't "i-- mi -i. a tt u! 1 'th a ihiirliTn lh; eedn u I . itd -.Mf. It 1 a . a IttVIIHtW ai " 'Mil -4'l Haiti r Ihr L1 11 k httn i.-vii c . .? . . -v Ui i f .... I. led up, Ihe rom..,i.,et .ch.'1" ", ,hf V V " . 1 repmujJ .heir iera.e-t 10 ii.e-0 re,ve N? -f ' -: ti ld aid.. w . dneif naie in paynstni w; ..ie 1 i-x !' . and tiad I ti.11 J luae and lhal lit. Cfdfti a u' wf . . r wile. I III M.'ltl lit if I Adu.iia-.-ir Hvda P.rsrr. ...ud Purl "myal, t.iMt. Litlon, HaHm that N 'III had bet', il l, ruhvj- ,,t V 1 iia! in vhaitu and llutl It: coif leIKu Inn 'ttil 10 be an ItiJhni-. N 0 Kx'fisl of a'l. .f i...rn Dt'itiaft'ii. M. i.dv, i hit Iii.s arte Majern aj Ci.-il d. to?lr l.litna. 44aitf'bal I, bid written to Admiral .". L T, a tm j ol the fmuu rd di.e t ooP Mnial',-v wbieli .'1 i.a.f . n tu ! -nl,! COidaitofrg ..o ,ij Perkvf a answer, thai P ' s ptK .. htv-MtrtpLMiPL.lv Wn'l'hv f I I all. 1.1 ill VMagieu Ml teliaiu -ett1 -tt--. ..:'. ' 1 . id ie lt.1i a of Man a. .1 .n.-; C iii.lat.d ePI.n ,t in..'..', m 1. -11 .ia, at J -!.. e ' e.i .r .ri . 1.. ..'. I i- tr ii.it' ei fini s .0 i.v I - 1 11 ot Mi . ,t.. .... j . J . .at . liinl.i.i. ii rpinp.iti.g lit ijoi; l jiooiiK 1... llraltTTa ' ' a lill .n utL . An.il tvfp iii j ?. fit.i , ' ajs" eltt wi ., h Olll ei.ir . .1 .n a.i at. '.'rt-, ti r un i- li e utd. Ki iff' ti 1 ' :lt 'h (l . 1 1 1 1