:o a very iar;;e smciir.:. u:x the pro perly ,!m by, the. govt n r.', and wnich iflTOw onhai. Ui'at. d on. ibe BU calci?::onv at t..rt CaanOC Oe tnndcrete lour millions ot iilar;.. I tie v prefpefjy mtht be coi .ftdered js ccai Ting another iwa. lit tiicic'.it of the general account of debt, but ths to'.iitn'tiee him liOf tfaOO&bi it necrfiary-to iriclurl it. and 'hive noticed it rnriictiiarly at this time, tor the 'purpofe ot ex a i 4ii!s i line, wr i nc iw v I . . , r ik hibiune a moVe General view of the I pennons, cath in the treafury, calh v . . i t r, . . . i t t r i i i i 1 1 i i r i ' e . a u , et a trd'oary eavpenfe H'ourrea b the government, and for the purpofe , ill flint" i r.l .', i ..1 I 1. M the j'lMv iii,: ait kimi - - i; Ii rt'.atiiin in tKc which' Willi - " ' a -Ai -i .U ...i..,. ih. kAufc a.uratad to an- n eniinaie m me va.t.c r?- r :.. , ..,'-.,flMfnifi' 'aci'.rr "': :it being oar'am 4V t the old and new Hot, tnm,-r rhatcfci opinions may be entcrtw & tbe pu.-chaf and re-i-.:b-..i .- I reipearng the tn-reale or dun. . Ktii of To much ot the fame a h ;ooofthe ?e u debt, in coo4 ,ca already uiSi.hart.ed but i is'cjUsjoeJ of expenditures wmch I wiih ,t the commit v, tiu ; ,sn atsuiowiou mc pnoscm ha eminent, inert can De no nirtK. y in determining the frje (la'e ne" fads by yaitich" thofe opinio, nwft be luf potted. 1 a :vr the honour o be, With perfect refpec, .' :. Sir, Your moffrebedient ferv OLIVEK WOLCOTT. The honourable Roger Grifwold, Chairman et a committee of the Houfc of kV-pr emulative. ie oavments iu fpecie, which I .iL'n made under atohff itv of uircc ar'ticaiarry rtiedC rml the asgrtgau iroiitfh.t into one view. The committee Ukewifc reqwed fc1 ai count of payments for military in the bond ot the COllcCtOlS, am', an eitimate of the current bonds, a cuitom Itonles, dwlucting de benturrs and eltitviated drawbacks. thus fii property acquired by the prefenij id on govern tbent, is like wife AlelireHn pjecrate Ihe ureal and uicre raUi'.ioa. .U --iiii!r an.J rin BtOVem -thirnoint ibe eor.vmitrcc Mnnot tor incmd.r the capital emp oyed in Wtb remark, that thtf-progrefs -ttadmc houlc light houles and o ot too government, in it's fnet& biiildngs, pu d.c ftlips on.rano fnuib affoRa Ibe aoit "Knals, rnh their contents .au fl-ieV.r;, p l.ges of itfutgrt ftic- fortifications.. . ceft. if ihc fvtterit iS,u: fued-whic.h The amount of extraordinary ex lv,."i:.i H i.. .C.fnl Dcnle ir.cmied by the govcrmnem, ft can,,-! ..ctlir.ly be nWr.bt of confidence of event, which it B'iien win i:ur uc r-uc"'") j hnliertn p r rar!'. -hit ten year's..lae BQi it til " t!";rt ''.triV- : 'fcttn 'Hrcnty -i.o'i:.si!Vjrv fd iurt'e.'l. U'l-ier this- KesH vvi PHILADELPHIA, Mav 15. E x tract of a if t tcr to a ref pc t ah' mrrctntile honfe'in this i.ty, da ted Lifbon, March 6, 1800. -" We takt the eartieit epportu nifv (it intntntiMO v.ui that tl, ....j ... 8 j , ... . n - U cat anlti cri-.hno tcarcitv Ot pro 1 P311 ilioHa-Vlttt ind-jcid nnr .,. . iwrfW exp!ofionr aboot a -e, of 110 guns aui. "o n, THW ItM 17th of Mrch, abf leagues irom, Lgbrrn 1 Tt&tpttjlfcii hut 132, ho vie j ' n iip by the boats tiora Am- r n fcelfsls. ' . schooner George, C. Dn. 1, from Kingttoii. S,toKa bi; n Cbarlelton bound to Fort He vican, wt informed us, th. y had- fpoke the -4rigate Jp tarns, going in with a prw iuoner ot 6 enns and Oo men t . n off Cape Hatteras. Fxtrait tf a UtUr frtm Lcghtrm The Queen Charlotte ot in jus, flag fhip of admiraVkird Keith, 1 this tlation, exhibited, on tf idrning of the 17th iuftant, or the molt (hocking and Urcaflfull, tereRirig fpeftacles that humanit) in be xxpofed to. SheMughl fir fore day light, tun irter Having weighed anchor for fea, and the lames in a little time baffled even xertton to fubduc then. Abou with i. VI metit to Open thi$ poftfor tb iivi portatioii otrkc, for one ear fron us date. It would r.Ovv Diifitr J. r L .. ...l.i,,LUl. avnni f i if trull i-C( li" l it .11 V tA ll.lll hi r" wttli the'Medtteirahean poweis j'dt.llars per qnintaU clear of tCr LfrH tWjriiihlurrfCtiana 1 1 s reiVinj l- expen e. vvntani now Kiiine.n ' '. . '4 . '. I., f-' - A Jit v , s id the war wrJj tt.e inaisn t.'ie marxcr at 2 3-8 nouari p. r 1 - L . I 1 fU" I I . . - J . . I ner W!tn ins ex rao-,uuinei. iiiomii wui 1 i- onn, pt ..-i.. . , : -;t .-. ihoft . .: n comhailed to ' cjv.lei d -win. .one exsn!3va..war ot: ihe frar.v.rr, with rvrjoi infurRQtions in ihe cetjtre of our own conutry, end iih i.e pfedfitfan' and holtiiity From the na tiorts of Europe : that thefc cmbar rair,nnt luve neverthel efl bren fi ced by the govo rment i mod oi the di,ficirfti.- ''a-'e been fiirmoiuded : the de'ots hav.i been l;q.iidatcd and dittiinilhcd, and fhc nation has (H I in weal tn aiii! tormcr exah - '14 fU iciirred in t lie rin- on-met ; nour 111 pronortion ; rror lf 'il ". ) ' t A . 1 1 - I 1 V . r H'tncM's, in noes n.wuuiauon 01 tne marKts 1, i- : r . 1 . " 1 ..1 r .1 r ;v Mtnt u lptites any 01 uie cnujirrics wnicn uiiiauv ' 1 iTi.vc ot tin, & and 1 :rnilli,us wit!) tp.ie ncceliary ar r " . '' . ! .1 . iI. . .. I . . f -i" JO .14 : U.. jlicies permit il lo lopx iorwati Ji . . . lte be fj'IsfaCTffry Willi ax i.of.e oi having them cheap- to it 8 cOttlaiHtte to pc ndortaed, er, .rip; ives navc-oeen lotn ai whether ths s.uirncd debt, initfn- 151 rcet . ;ch, heuti;ig 160 dollars, rics we never knew dri,,; the ir.leiell which KCu'mi lf.ed per '. loo, t on the .'jnrie to ifjy clof oi 'he ye.i hi toic was not chaiced to ths ujr- " i he ahundance .c.ieot - - - - ? J7 . 1 1 - - , i. . . rom rience, tn run , view i wu itv. Ut the crew comittina os oo, tne captain, principal winters, .nd about 700 tools, perilled fortunately lord Kxhh was o; hore. " I am perfuaded that you wi ie particularly gratihed in learning hat the boats ot the L-aitor anr Pollux fignalixed thenilelve on s lamentable occafion, and faVid hirty-tyvo fouls fronialmotl inevh able (hjitrticitdri 1 he larticu'ar thank ol lord K-iih have been ve ry handfortulv given as an at know- iedgcmer.t t or jhefe lervices ; and ",ioc1ama,"or d.:t c-'.he cd'ertr.. .ifch 14) in which I e txpatutc a ther br-vtry and uffnings 11 . e-es and aflaults, and p.ivinc ar xample of b-roic rtfiftatice alwve i piade after rrprefentiiig. Truf int aa a ryger, ,ai a dread mcnfWr humin fiupe,vho, not contented ,th aiTaflinaiing abore 2000 parlous 1 the environs of jacqurroil, and. ifing to br OA)t tromw a cannon or owned, an equal nw&Wfatffajftj ctims but actually facrinied 7000" T hie ownmen, and Was ft ill prrpe ig t.o exhibit the fame hYaror m ? louthern dpaf tmeuts- 1 e f-ys, Ba; I Iwear by thotr incJ:floiub!e es that ought ever to unite us by iat energy, IPC enters ei wnirn .verc rotated to him, after the hatiles ie had provolud, that it hf has the Vdlv to undertake to xecrsbhrTt- rojeft, his hordes flial! no. r ene rate two leacues in this department bflnre they fliall be completely en- sloped. 1 he hrft of all la s, is thai which didates to axiv the ok ant of theit own prefervattontbat nature ". created, and that every free ; unflitut'on his rei!i)frd laired ; il'fp lhall dired ail our efforts. Let .ill the true friends of France r.fe ' mafic, acd tlen let the three headed snontltr, lhat ha betrayed ipsinj EugUi.d, France and its iriencU, beirayed even the onigranu tuat he nfhr.iined or inviied to .St. Ooruingo, ihe aliroci' u fanttic w.'o tecdi on Ihe blopd of men ; let him :hei, pre tent h'tclf and the c:irtb Dull he purged of fd great an abo. T-nation, and nature corrected ot tit eirpr fhc ccmmitied in giving mm a human forai Cit:z.ens of all colours, and of every pn tctlioii, let 1 r r or itutiiai tu u ar ta'e'. in the tettietiu-nt vn n proouce innmenra na induce Ihrm, aid whether the tempor ry - !. V. coniinutd to incr sale pnnirl ition bi vu: ai 1I1 . and J ho'iikii t!ie C'o.ftteil in 1 . o which, we arc now Wigag for a 'hTt pt xiol, filA ' ex'inruiihvvtr i Uleh , h.irs c'tod'trea fmalU addliipfi 10 tint 1 , r. pcoiilc to nuke fhipmtnt' ii 1 t L . J ... I ' . - 1 l. I'.ans winch tuvr ccen upiamca.tu mu r.-k.c, si ven 01 ncmp a from the hank, have not been ob ;COrnai whuh wilt tvc very lj. tJinad on ti.e principle of anticipa- aaoun';. ling the revenue. M'i' ns" every sppar A Ritement of th account wiihanceot ue war cor.nnumas w. hi will b extended to the fa.ors for "0 ini'-oriant an excttion of their a .umanity and bravery." 'ur nr which air-. dy exids, ye H cannot je double , that whilW l n.htain or der at I me, no cxetr circn n flanccs can h"- V ctc.j .iimi nilh the increaUTig rcfourcjS of the na.ion. m it. 1 ""l.i . i.; uii j . -ir.. -r . . . t.A.. u. , tnt oanaers 10 noitsnn, on tfi. laicii ivpci hi ui n:. r reuig. int! n.. adiunnent and a ceneiai a enn-t neiwen vour tout, iv -;.u r rant' r. 1. 1 1 .. l 1 1. ... i:r L'rlfc .... . a.. ..1. ai ocnis conuatnu ami n-: :ri . i- mi oiiiui in)uir. we i ivc . ucjc be miu time for len' wi am In charged annually, wil grat.fy the 'hat American Oops will w i9ict of the committee. fought alter from tin's The committee do not will) that ward, ihe flaienictits from the treafury "881130001 per rroy ; mould be txclofively confined toons, ,3000 tees per box j the ohietts which have bren parti- xS.oOo rtei per pipe. - So . l- !..tlarlb delaP.pJ : tKv fnbnait la dullalf . B 1 ei ' esch . Or PWHWdMir VbtAffri IW. yourjuagment trie propriety Ttur- ce m. oov par. hxchange 01 c. niihtnii any otner natemems. wtmn Loneor,,oo per 1000 rees 01 2 1 'i 1 have the honour to encVfe the in your opinion, will elucidate the per cent, -bove par.". r . tr..i nSikt uf er.uuirv : the take the li-tl , t .nv ot a rcio'utmn wnun pani-u -.-j , . the ho.ifeofrteprcreniaBvfS oulhe however, to fnggelt, that if -n the tune can be fpared at the trea- The . nrnmit'ee who. have been t might fee tifeful to obtain .nnointed. in ourfuance of ihis re- U"cri' account of receipts and fdl'uiion, have dircflcd me to rcquelt expenditures, from vu fuch a flaiemcst of the lh . . ' ... ... .t, A. Ui p:i IC accounn.rciaiins tu tin uun, a pecuniary reward it is fuppoleJ, J M our OA.n prcfervathjn ; the fafety ot the toHihrm drpartmeni de prnds thereon ; we fhail fave our pa-, rent countiy by ufing the 11. cans to protrcf oarlelvcs Let us repeat t ie oath of hiel.ty to the pr.fem ga. -erna.em ; uoioli among o'rfelvet, and c laflar.cy at our polia, let us be faithful to t ur oaths, and we lhail be victorious.'' WILMINGTON, June 5. from the commence. ovcrnmeni. I have the honour to be, very refpeflfuliy, Your wbelicni fervant. (Sicm-Jl ROGER GRISWOLD. The honourable Mr. YVolcett, bectciary of the Treafury. u wfllenabU theia, with ihognat ell facility and accuracy, to make a rcoi-rt 011 thj fubjett. The ptincipal ohjcll Contempla ted in to afceriain with prccilion, how fat the public debt has keen m creafed or diminished :. . t the eftao lifhment ofthepreftnt government. With a view to this objeel it will na'nfll'.iy "fcur thai two ge neral accounts are necotVary. IT 1 r It an art aunt eihibitin? the ..... f A.Ut r.r..rr..d the-hcrnl IrorO I 100 III c..-,tederatiou, and with which ihe'" prepay! tn (Mfl'i If nr.-r-nt aovrrnmcnt has been cliatC l"r ,tMr ol 74 ' i 1....1.-.fif....s... wbkI I ruR Wi'l fa ,i net tJ tfia. v iff. , i-iif i 'n: coutin .tu jo I 7 injurs Difartmtnt, Afril 29 h, iKco. S in, have he ho.t? t in iiai n" BALTIMORE, May 16. Bri LitiUler, capt. Diifcoll, from the Havannah, 17 days Lap'. U. on his outward pal. face to the Havanna, from a!ii ote, 3 days from CapeHenrv, it t 1 .1 - . at. 33, 44. "ng. 75 w W ,tn, at day light (aw a fail to tf.t iouthwai.i and wed ward ; at i' . M. perceived her to be a wieck I'hc wind ahead, could not fe'ch he Tat ked 10 ihe fiMithward and caM 1 a.. ; 1 . 1 ft.t wim. iicicrmincu ig kiiuw ir inert ass any perfon living on board a 10 tacked 10 the weftward ; at me. here Willi fun -rv flan if, the Second, an a in 4 'cb at the l:' t p -hich it S refii Bed ih- firil lav A jn.iarv, lH In rrrpet to ihe ar t t f,t. t co $t is ffoucft-t tuat ih' who e a'H'" i't oi th: t.il .leb', n' f eery dei .tp'ion, miv W gi" . ana gtd midw diflitsA anl ropvr h. J, a ihr fame hs W-r f jtsj, ftffumeJ, liquidise! omihwtw. al eertained, by idU of ihe t)Mssa mnt or feitlem-nt ot ilr trtafuiy. 1 1 s however dehrvd, ihet w co -ni nrst be lo flated, that the. in tercfl which accum t'.te I after ihe commenceosent of the p'cTeni Soeernittnl, and which hi in my tap brn nterted into capital, raiy c'litmcvly appear. Thf intcrefl h -rein particularly aHudrdto, bll -erue-l upoijhe foeigst debt, upon Injn ofBcecenincatof , together wiih other evidence of debi fSrior to IV firlof finiiiy 1 7 . ,n aTimeddtbt, prir to the hrli of Ijnuar itsL difiinsulfbt)! how ever the in'crert which enumerated m the led rear, and oa t date 1 an certain ere lift state, 10 tlteclofe of the year 179. In refaect o th- 1 t w w be oni",""v' iMyam'c 10 lae , n o 1 1 r . r i'i ihe houfr il r f.. t a 1 . . . iinumri, miviii- ifdiat ' ' UfM , ... . .nnmt- k" unment of the U Jia- 1 on'trr the prrfent cnafliu'ion. I netra ev.ry reaf to rUe. thai the general rrfnbs ol thefe llaiamenit are mutely Bssth 1 a. am u won Li in at any deft ci in i deiaili re lirad by the cammittee, except id rtfp'rt tn the fu.nsex- I ended on fortification, (hi; ar J a. a i.-.i Uf. an 1 itther hui' t-n , b an re h. ft of mmtio Ifljd MVa (tores. t he taais Hated nesatu trwfa heads have been ncceilan. founded an eAima'es, as a pfti account conild only be obiaine Iftim aneaaminaiion of ihe tram action' ( ike Igftvta employed t each of the eietuiivc department' a valustioo of the prepcrty no reraainlesj in tha pnifefbon of tl joetfimcnt , I trul howe? r, lb. I am not mi.lakeo in amwing th .ominiitee. ihn the value f ' pub Ik property htt ool Plan oter rated. If ih dcnmtnfi now Ittafittil tr f.f fhn ihl in tS . mon of t r ridian came cm fe ernuuh to pet cite enr boy on board, ihe wr htf bciitj; mugh, preletrcd runniu ahing liiie 10 tifktng a boat at. cw i thes fuctcrJed, hove the be lobe, whi hhc caught hold 0 it t. hanird him on board, r line George Ceach, 15 years o l'Jb vas ihe Jnllowing ft int : ia. -n or abrtut ihe 24 h .r 'I.rvb, let G.v't-ToOn ( C ) board ihe Ichooner Tai itha, 01 v' "-H'-'i, fCtnio) bound i. viartinivo, ledaa with plank hing'e, ft , t4 lived'HK, o ha fcO'iiiea wpfei io a gale . md m ab (iult si ream, and th' v 'he fame fi.ne ihe .(i.ai.i, nia k three men were drowocd . om . an and USe boy hr!d fst by ih. f!ing, two days after the man was valhed oternnard and drowned ne bov renuieed on the bewfpn tl 8 days, wnh.-u any fubfiitrnci thiever 1 the fthtM.ner brl..nr. 1 M f, (i.l a.l K mb ?. G.tjro. Nimbly, Cornell 1 Reynolds a tier, allol New-Haen ; rap atn s oaoe J.iin Knhard . Wt onjth Becker, male : frame- lhn Ward, UjvII W-d. Ictcmi. ih ktmbty and bheala Paikcr on ir arntai H the Uaa r,a. tie bo ok thippmg and ( cd .for ia NORFOLK, May m. The following cooy of a circular k'ter, lefpding our connexion wi'h Algiers, was received by 1 he brig Greyhound, from Ali cent, to the mailers of the Ame rican vclTcltin the port of Ali- cant. The underwritten conful for the United States wiil thank vou to be intorniM ot what velleis Tare ore- ;uring in Philacclphia, or any of ne ports in the Unite States def ined with limes for Algietb and Tunis, anrj particularly relative to apt. Smith, of Philadelphia, who ailed train Algiers in April lad, tcitined for faid place and whom I Xpert (hortly at A gicrs,,- Tl is '.formation, if favoraUr,-wiH;f of .fential frvicc to the alLiii c tha Unitrd States with Algiers and Touts and be thankfully received by Sirs, your meft obedient ferv't. RICHARD O BHliN. cauTtox. If our stipulations for Tunis and Algiers do not Qtorily arrive, the .mmrcc of ihe Uni.ed States, in his lea, might run a great Hlqm ol being the fubjeex at leafl of de- aniion. A!; ers, Feb. 15, 1800. t it.. Ah.t n the roi ntttee reau tr elu d. on. tbctr strlt of, januaiy .(toe, it lH ' cotiiaiaadi Wtytgpumm 9 'thai the BlilinS fhip Qoeei: Oat. 1 rtn Capt. D. foVc the Pick' m a ace rrnm l. I i Jape liatierai.on iheSihaf May 'V-t.ted yester'"ty, brig Two rwtiiaf, capl. lonoav, ) da r m Lcarwu Cfpl. C. mferm eT. tr 7 J UtUr frtm MrTri. C C fax Jtta- Stmt, deltd fmlmtuth, I ttm iter, , ifoo, fa 0 meremmtitt . vbf I" I hit Utrtugh. 1 he feicit . a.m.if-e of the 'o iir of Commons havemnm-nend. I mat a2t.vcr1.ment do grant a boon. IV no onea Hiur and rice from thr Q Med S airs of America, from and Iter ihe 2nth n il. until thr ifiv' 'let hel nem, vt. ti itrurt hib mptrler tf rice gfj, ptr hundred, bat l, it ihe avuage price of the narkM be Iffi, govemoieur to mtk ood the dehci. uvi and de.hr. inu'd he under c t per r.urirr or Hnt f.'ur 9.. ptr f-nh tf fwaaaWen 'If untrtd, to make wood the drfi eny. A bvun y is alio etoeAed ot. 1 j ' ' r 1 .a rcorr. Wheat ny now be Quoted at MOf. a tar, per Kiprlitb quver of I.. IU...i..k.. .. .f AA. ,.1 . " HitiiRft oomciii t ,ne r Hsor oa. a -f. ner fa.k. ni ana half handred. Rice gW, p,r sw, r, a', a j'l.'jper barrel wtS4od pi titf'tce looking op. r.trfl of t letter frem G. Sfre. E. Vue C t.fu. of ibe I .Ie of rn'r. to a crnlcaa in lelfssj Bated rf.roary 31. tgoo. " Mr.Cooorr. aernt frtm, ib 1 ' 1 S aies to the gnevot)f m .,f tnr incur rtn., h,, rt:ir 4 tha -01 of bis iB;on.M The fthconer Fame, from Charlrf ton S. C is taken by tsie privatcef Hebe, captain linrniu, and leni into lieruiuda, lovb May. -w Various Ve ibe reports atfl con- tclures refpecling tha cauft and Manner ui Mr Rickermg's dtfm.flal trom ofhtr. i be mit prevalent nu h. it authrnticaied reaur: t turned it, i hai the P cfiifent i.tver k.i l P.ckerinn'a o- refpt;Hdeiice viih Ctn!- tiolm oil 1 e puMiea'itiit thkir let ters in ihe Aurora that this ii.duud urn ta ra .k r-learchea in tLc c.tiie of the feneiary of fta'e, vtbrte he eund indubiiahic atidrtuc tb lOta vtnea H ai t.l U.e prrp.e't el Inj Itrn.rr albroon, that Biuitb 11 flu. aca h.d been cx.rtcd luuefsfuif; n he Uoittsl btitct ; ard that isji. p. 1 11 1 a 'patches irem Mr. Murray hrUueeu nithheld fioiu hn mtprctt. DO for fcveral months. Upr.n ihi., it is laid. Mr. Adann intitnt". nrouj'h ihe met' urn of friend, that ir would be agreeanle to him il Mf, 1 mi ring wouxf r.tign : in l.n bread him Mr. Ptrk-rng rrtotr.rd no arfaer Mr. Adam tber wrote it h n on the fonject, and Pitk'ii. g replied, thai ihtih be forsnrrlv had n mientinn of rcfigutig; at the pre- lent Cfiia be tliughi it bit da v, fa lrcr bis refiJiiaMnn till the a'' laf Mrcb neat, when they b-ifh tn gut rctign trgeibrr : After w)ikh, Mr. Ad.mt wrote bim ths lacamc r pi'- le Sr, ynu are no longer fcr - are ol state." af xmnru pprr. Rt4 tyn. innl rf S 'he "'p m 'be '"Mhocai cam-r.a idef ill chirf-l ra rlr tt in.e, boSiCJa Tt tkr K'Puklnin C ilium, r fidrmt J Wtlri'tMglim dijlnfl We have the pleafure of enroot ing 4bat ibe ir'ed Mrrivt and Utm triend of Aoierir an Liberty the Hoi . Samuel Afkt, willlerve, U be ftV u'd. obisin the lufracci, a, an tlcW td Prrlidtnt and VKePiefidciti wf the United Slates. Wintra Immediately, ASTROXG ferv r.b'e He. A I beral pn.e w .!, ue g.vtn ,n cab tor futb e one. June 5. T. HILL To be Soldi iflf tke mftrikfi tTlarf, On Saiurdav the 14: off j; I ns C4RG0 f,d rnth , o a a a. a WW m ine ioinei rian, Capt. A Co,.o foi nt . uoaetV C JOI N 1 a" , y 1 p, J j 4, ig vtir ; 1 1 1 r

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