.V,r'bit.x.fC!; u il ly too 7 w I orUcn-1 We have taken pofeOion every bride oetne .damdtfon of the pU and on jianeteto the txercife af thst fpecies of li At fro.i. whoa i! " I iecc ved nlor .mtum t . wh.ch ! Po, rscept ivacor tb.ee Oa ihe fide of P acemia, ey would pav iw I -ft of - r di, - ,v'r,- j ftrhich the enemy had nm-io deltr ry. On she 13 F oied, (May .rtthenolljiJj, j "-On . nr gth, at foui in the mornin', Go. Lan- i c in a'i oTtmT bl icde nt Gciovl appealed , a ' nea occupied the celebrated p fi ion o f Stradella, and i-.cbthe fuLcr I have f nt to t 'b oorrfuis, to' thai cureft the Ojly scan which the enemy had I i or joicc vei v cfieip. Gen Mc'.as wrote to Pav4 of making their commnnirat'one. Theenrmt feei- i to a woman he hetpi " I know.it it tepoited in . jm hardy hat 1 Frcbetr yi comiDJ. Farno . . : 'i t : I fai'o d you to go " VI wclve hours afie we cmercd Pavia. We are at bertv which be had four yeartage uiveu - . m- - m, r au . i i , m 4rthareat inirepiltty aavi fkiH, bote pent, w e narrer.trictvc. inac we n,a 77 .r a ... 1 nnnr hncet on h ta told, in rL..n- c teamen and uoopn, aw m, . i -a,- , . ' . poll ion papcra, ws ic iuiuki i cou cr hob ot the Ctiief CRiu! 'hat thele journals ing the importance of ilnt pofitiod, united theirf vera polls, ond attacked .General Lanne with the greateli irripetuufuy. -Jhe ttth demi brigade baa been co- ered Hii g ory ; (he enemy waa put to the . . r - l3 ' jl.j .:r- . . i.j1' "U.i. Uie ad?n. al puara fct Moncey a nveu at i lout, eoo aeaa, yo priioneii, aa many wouiwu to.i, and we arc afTemblitip boa a on -the fa and Iook waggoci. . nwy nave retreated to riace , hofpit'll in I.OMbjfdy, with oi 6ooo utk ii.d wounccd. havi fallen into our hano?. XSijnei) BU (JNAPAR.TE. . Mitatif $ Pr atrial, June . The gen. in chief, Bet Chley, baa caufrd the-cbrp .lijxgen Duhetme fCifivett the Jot reft of Piziigbi nne. and tajien pofTefli'n of Crema The chief .on y! hai aiVembled all the b fhopi and tia. A part of the French army will be united to fnotrnwi :.' v trade! la N other refo rce remaina fof Me' aa but a battie he baa no meant of retieaung except thioogh Alexandria. . uGen. Lolfon' hat proceeded to Brefcia. TaSe Cifalptne legion, cw. .t ided by Gen. Let hi, took poffeilion of the ftat i ta, which il.c .memv had on (he LactfMadore, palled the Aadr at Lecco, wc.t to J U ot oi.It one killed 6t a few wound d - -I- .a nkCkrvvd (kit (.HP lit e nave aircauy uiii-i. ..- -w- MeSti of ihe expedition was lOfimer rata trade from -the fool hern ponl. chiuppUed the combined fl-et in tbe of Brett With itores ana pro that obiea appears to have been fat is- rV.f accorapiiihed. 13; coaftmg .1 o.Vll H;-! ftnrl m saorueaux, tica Vv..w. , rient, and ieveral other ports or Wiy r.a.. an COr..paciclT iVaaiid an mb- ,nre of this Ticorous check ; and the -- .. .... . SLtO al P. 17 will Uitt allow us u r it.li ier him as the fuiaport of the couveniiah in 179?. and the : .-evolutionary aent of the tlneftory. in 147 ; and thai ihey will at leunth do J..itic to the-rviil mi foiefight which our minmeis -dirpUyed, when they ihe wed that they were not to -be duped by mere profetlions, the complete talfcbood of which waa manifelled by fadit. The Pnns papers pne no informa nt of neceflaries ai Brett will be fevetely I lion refpefting the. pofitioo pf, and the Wytne French and Spanifh iiauadroiis, - '1 . Ti r r -r vtht r?ovrnment. which mull be at a Oratet, and announced to them hit intentton to , Bergamo, and took 5o prifonert, and 4 ct.cca ofj If COfilerable additional expenle lr0m -aiintiin the religi ua ellablifhinem, foch at it was a her he crunirri ded at Milan. He mac tue.a take Kc oatli oliidc ity, dec. ;.w '"Akxwder Be thier$ gen. in cief. of tbt &ny of referve, to-tffe Cijulp'we people.. Miran. 16 Prairial. rune n. 7 V I The French peoplf lor the fc ond time n .w break cannon. ibe neceflity of haTinc recourie to land . " A corpi of the enfmy, in attempting t tetter th rriaoe. raftle of i la.cutu ihi dav, wai LrrPunded add ia ; Tune 10. ben. y XT rC .u- - U .nUn.Z -1U 'wk ftVKk. meafures adopted by General M 1 is ; and ir is nnnrc0irirv tn inriititlt. ll.ai .1. 1 : ir... r..o: 1.. HT uiing uo nu iii ciuinc luiiaicuin ICCCHC to lupply this deficiency.. By way of mak ing amends for, this lilence, however, the h icnrh innrnalii rnntnin n mreAt iinmlr reports refprtting tbe epilations of Ge 9. m a f at . . . . . ' ; . aV a l3SSSKTSS3a da. ,..trdiy, .h"e..o fir ,Wl, b. wta j of ,h. M - ... y ' .. . I . tlun too prifonert at Puccnt a .'The dtfpat. hca of Gen. Melaa to the court Virnna announce that at trie moment when tae v:u' cftainu. The i fancy of ftatei it f j I jtClti.Horma 1 der arnvcJ for Gen. f5t to raife the blockade, antfwciiTjtudea. 'I he mi fominea you have expeii- lent fent a me (Tae offering to capitulate.' It -i.ved will he ufclul to ycu ? You have learnt to peara from the letter of Gdi. Melaa, that Ma anprtchte tbe fnaitt laid bv the enemies of vfur haa eiven m Ge iO', i ut tha. hit army has not 4ij-oi .f ruy. I hey Drilled ot ttieir letpect -tor pro- maae pruonertot war. tr .r ..... i h.n h . um .. .i fi r. i minv .m .1 I rr-i Y 1 ' 'J HI. J li T. JlUIIU.tl u ...... J . . ... 1.1. v 1 I V J prrtci ded a wattn eil for religion, and they have . . ... . . .j. . i 1 given n j it? v 'n norcrct ina ev.rrij trmucit. Ciliz. n of Cfialpiiwa, fl to ai mt, form your na i nal uatd, and fcu e your towns 'rom the incur .'i i)i of .he ent my '1 Can you be mlenfible to the fto-- jry, 'il '..xming an itidep nd ct ni ion ! forget then v nr ausnert ; "let yodr unanimous drftee for con f ' i dating a'lree and power If.1 ffate. I mall acknow 1- ? none a theTrienda ff libe.rty, hm thoic who o! fete the i'ws, extinguSh animofitietsmd 1 onr misfnmUM Cffjloine people, vhneer youAteni torv is detiveied from tUe enemy, the i epuhli; fhall parthre of Gen. Melaa from Nice, has re captured that city as well as the Cbl de feude and part ot the RTviera di Poiiemi. We have great reafou to bel eye that thefe different pofts were voluntarily abandoned by the Auli-rians, and we have behdes to remark, that all this was anterior io the furrender of Genoa. Of the tftcd which here rneanifed upon ih firm Ic-undation of i ligion cqu 1 it y and bood otder Halle, i that moment by I tour e.ttrt'. -(Signed) ALEX. BERTH1ER A.Beuhier commander in ch ief of the army ol ReLisei to the hiti C'.njtll. M lan, June i, . t it i.en i.nn . I 1 ! have to tive you an arcnu t of the move- ITiciva il' l lie ai ray irnm mi-j'iu m na y , in upc- rulon . n i ol in want of bravery by which it hat .fiitiAamith d itli f. ' PeJJ'igt rind ( cnbnt f the TeJJino. at P... ' 1 1 . . . . ' . i i . Mm irrl n t K- .111 rtl yMW "'..( ........ -----'1' - q -- ' lay, pro. ceded to th? I rfl'mo, which he had ordeit to rioft. He difpoled hit c v-hy in futh a manner, atc har aistbc 'i-my on lht river from the lake m Com to beyond ViKevJo whilfl Boudct'a divi 11 n, whit-n Wn u d r hit orders, appeared at the hf idg- of Buff I ri heie ! e enmy had withdrawn their lidce ol boats, nd he padagt of which wat ddendeti ttv f .-i.e piece, o. cannon. I had lent this J yi'Vin tn Vieevan 1 . " en Mural msae nnp m on., in " i uiKi b wii. to oeiluade the enemy that his inten tion was to d f 1 the TefTt 10 neai Volitgio. Inform edthai he Ud fome boats onccaled in a Imal nm of the Teflino, heord red hit aitdleiy, a part ol tht cava'ty and the 7 nh de i-brigade to aopear at the ii. ni flavlaita. in mder to furb'ize that otfTa e. On the tin MiV. at Uy breast, he 70th wa at the t a' ! Vj. lit sir, wnicn me erirmy one oc 1 win two howitert and three eleven. pOMndeti, which km: no strrv watm'fc jf ttapc (hot. General Murat laced hit artillery in a proper pofition, and 1. turned th' fire with qa vivacity. During this r the y tth fsrnrd 'he bottt which weie in the h.u I aim ol the TaaVossatM liert esriied ll-efe hoaia mi ihrb !htlden,-' Md p IT'd them vcrto tbe other arm of me river ir.ic ' t fhwei of (apc (hot, la ej -fcqoenc ol ihe or leisthey irceived. the grent. 1 'rt, vovf Pf'r my 11c waiici, un winnijr lie, mis ic'.i tbev tinsld keep up an adniaiout fi e of mufquett y. Crnesl Jtfnrtt ordered ibrtrtiU U iv 10 prroaati hi ruder to lake that of ihe enemy in fi-nk. I'.ider tbe protefimn 01 that fire, and by tbnetl oitwob'tis, be raffed tbe met, and tsbligej the (tsiat 10 vfi hdrsw their an Hm. S vetl final boat oallcAed on tbt oppefue bank, ft .r -ir . tba metss of pattg over t bnulion vr n '.. j. .the r.a-alry, and profrclsaj ISM atTage of the drni bngadt ; thai tbiel of bngadt, Duio , b near b g dtwnd. Adiiiitoi geneial C' trd pslttd wth the fftttooft The enemy fell b -k in b V'Hge nf TtrUigo rtreived connd-rfbla itV r nr nil, commsnded b; g taxis) Lsual a ui par.'et , tn gen. Crrtrd got pofT-flionoftKeb-idgr m loi I Torbign, md Oppol d ihe fjr.ut which teen m's caetliy a ttwf ltd in male tgninf) fu I ,1 niy Nigh spfDSth d Certe.al Mnrai. Ire -'t't tisj.O't SKt ol dri'tg the issemy fiom tbcit pofnoft, tdeied g ftal Mouaieriom.be a warm rus k o firbago. TbaH gcntral. atcompamrd by 1 fi Voetetl Pi sn, giltebfd atitb impeiu-fiit ftdsktics) the v ll.ft at ihe pent of ihe bayonet. Ah-r to efiai"''i'n r he bilcdsoo men, and tok 4b; fxilonrrt. W had on our T.df 15 men hi led and 0 woundH. Gensrsl Murtt iHan pro. ed -eBosTilntt, vtbathtku tnovtment fo ted ihe enent - iiu'ing he na;ht t employed on-ftlv ' ii'd ng CvngbiUff. The n gbt a.iJ the bole of inefiifi ol Jm.f r fpessi p ffm; 01 , di- fion of fVvsnei, 1 1 i' , aid vAn, th prote rd iht nt.i da lo Mi-ao. S go, M I'a .til tail' iks keys Et totant immrdisuly the MsWlllI lb stilt." ami we alio received Paris papers to the h inflant. The latter ore or the x . . W1 - . r. . 1 f Umporiance, aun onng us tne pieaujng an veatonaote uueiiicenceot me ran 01 ucnua aiMaiTtfna bejiaivto capitulate on the 4th of T. . a wr a '-- ar". nil one with lorn isattn ana ueut. cen. v" nd on the lame day two Eughfh ships ol Genera- Elfiiu, who evacuated Nice, hta nwar a.nta-red the DorK and the Doll oi Lau beestabietoeftecih.iietreatbjtheG.Ho fpmjn taken poUeflioB of by the aW.ltbis event will produce on the whole of Z A, SaS 7. 2Zmtk. Pn the rth the, eapitUlati9n was the eperatlons of the hollile aormies, no that Gen. MeUt will ta (belter in Genoa, if thi cosnpltte, & the aulwer ot Wafiena to UO. firlt events aie unfavouiablc to him." hh narre that Genoa, To lar from havinn i . . June 9 i been vidualled to the ijth iutt.a as Lar wwigwiMj .here f had puhi(he(H onder his own (Unature, iuu' u wuim imuic iin i6i n. vi;ii. luiihc ndS Of 1 , i I ft r 1 tl' rrj,,,!.!,,.....!;,,!,,.,, kp ...i"ikftaa noi rcuivca ine ieiii iiiimiy. 1 7 Y Tr("' .' r ' .L.ttr I ar - r nn a-aa- who on (h-ad 'nd ,3 i took 1500 rrif.r , tetTcurnltance clears uiir peer irom me tune 1 .uisttjucin.tT. ere irC ivioreaq pet lining Gmoup has loft his ar illerv, and e J wresfoerfions which had been thrown on its! in hi pfan of niacin,? UU riuhtbtfiwi.cn icw md. w wjui, iiKwumaiiu vi f " t vin,y,nc- ancj nrovef that me tan or ve- 1 Renerais Aray anu iieus. it was wi n a noa has Wn the refult of its activity and J view to this, thar pet era) Lecouibe look its good fortUn. The fame eiicumftanlce I poffeflion of Au fl Jrph, qo the 28 h pall- olfo afTdrds a proof that the veracity ol U'd the Lech, and on the following days the prefent heads of the French coverii I ptifhed partib as far as ihe Her. The menc is not greater than their predptef- j right of the Imperisrl auny was, it appears, has taken. Letter frdm General "Bu'naparte, FirI ( onfui ef the Republic, ,o the tp Csj. fills, duted Milan, June q judgment can yet be formed, nor can it be felt until towanls the rlofe of this month. Although the intelligence fom Genoa a nauch lels important than that from Italy, it is neverth lefs f coi (t lerable J - Jt ' rt r.i. 1 ' . ? r I - - --.-r- j , .. ..r "T')u will have perceived, Cititesu ny rs, and wil!, we tTatwr ourrelves, be con- I en ihe jih mil at Lln, and ihe left at In- . a a at -1 . 1 " 1 ' SL annr y.'H ta(r. . ' that the 0. Ii'iered a a reaion for withholding that 1 aolltudc. .cctirdug to Irttets I row Ratif. K U. r. n) M Ar ai r 1 j wSirh w- annexed to J . . I ill I Tx to r,ife tb blockade .ifG-no. reached general implicit confidence which fom? of our pa- hen ef the ?d intt. the French army waa s . ... Jja . 1. - . a t a !! a a A a ' i olt gen. Maffena waa o'.iligcd, oH 10 u" ' P'ra eiiaeavonr to ootain tor tne ruiiuaty nut on tne laecn. n letter I re in Mi utar.l, sni at provKions, to demand cspnuuimu. n rotpancffl ot our enemies, we may nope 1 ot tne attn, would lead on to believe on a p art that general Ma iTena has'nioo -omiitttnu ; tQO (hat thojp wlvo were every fay rrpre. I the contrary, that the whole ef the French cups have, tt I thi dt, unit Keneral Suihct has nearly as nany. ' 7 T7 nl:H(T Rniianarte as hasiino fortune at ar.uv had nmrrhedmmi.d.ili fmniiara f ...eaneiween sjnegiita sosk: - - . ? 1', 7 T 7""V. . 77..' lavooa, they'iaay rapidly entfr'riedmoot oy me 1 . wi"ui aui aw ua-mg uiiuikukuu ajnm, auu umi me niuujaii wmj nan in naro, tnd be very ufeful, Vbi.e ihe enemy forced to leave fome tioop 'n Genoa. The ereatclf Dart ..t ths entin f ia at this moment artradella. We have a bridge at P.aeen it, are 111 will be fixed the refult of the campaign by his I out in purfuit of them. A letter from Jiiraf. plans aud hia'&ill, will cedfe to give him 1 burgh of the 6th. Hates, that en the pre credit tor military miallibity. lcediiigeveni.gtherrench had beep attack. nd ' 1 - 1 11 w a . 1 a .0 . . . , . a aVffim. o"n li. Movi. Brefc. and Gremont. J . i ne rat is journal, ana our hht to" I ea y the archduke rernmand. but that You will receive with this Uitterent oui etitt ""7 a-wnmin auuijuam onu -.ij mttui ut and fevertl letters that have been intercepted, aod tails refpecf ing the operations ot the chief 1 - lift. which it will lppear to you nfaful to pu ' I faluie vou " BUONAPARTE." I ARMY OF THE RHINE. TKI.EORAPHiC DISPATCH. 1 hey. had vigorously repnlfed him. In ihe mean time, the acme and able ceneral conful aud his lieutenants. Concurrently I T refuel retook the BrilsiM from the Fier.ah. k , m. m , . n. as I a . wtin ttiotf or, Moreau in oermany, they I and completed tbe cattinu ftf of the com- comp.leudy develope his plan of Can. paipi, I municatton of Moreau with France. Tho in which lie liad been fulnciently fuacefi. j militia of Suabia were again heir.ning to f al up to tne momenc when the furrenderl arm behind his. It will be fecn that the of Genoa nrcafioned him to loleah the fruits holttle armies in Germany were refpec of his labouts. and difiinnietl his mdi anxi I (ivelv ffil! ill a fituatinn m ilumilnv na ir The Chief of the Stafl if the Army of th on hopes. After having entered Milan on was intricate. Rhine , tt the Mini der at War. 1 the ad, he had ptifhed on the following General Bernadotte has ptibliiliesl an ar. Hsninovsh, June B. : day, his rijiht towards the "Lower Adda, count refpriftiiis the auemps id oar fleet On the 5th tbe Auftrians attacked the left wd and on tlie Fa, and hh left towards the, on the null of France, uliich mav be 01 me arsny i inry weie irpuuro ano complete y u- ijglio. The falter having occupied Crema, feated. 1 this atio,. eight pieces of can. ... v. ,h Q y fc fletfion of h, j, , ibeu waggon, a. .d furniiure. have fallen into ukr J' g ' I hand.. A gcueial aud 1500 men have been aaatc wv ... aaww.M v.. aire prlfneTl.,, i8?hafaraa Brefcia, whence it diflodoed geufial Laudon. At tbe fame tiaae the. Extracl of a letter from the !eul marten Italian letioa advanced from Lapo Map- I we haye already made too long. VV have e . . a b s afi a . . I 1 a. - f the rlill wing ef the Army oj tU f,ore w me LBe olmo na putnea tu- 1 neen i.nced to cpniiic oarlelves to merely . . 1 asaaj 1 sn m .mm anaan m at 1 inn a . . .... a 11 s or . compared with that of Sir Edward Pellew. If we may believe very recent letieis ffbm Hull, another difembarkation has taken place. The pretlur of e her matter pre. venta our esi ending this article, which aWMLn .Ills. Aiaay offceVv. Ml I 4". l V r,s.' I.-' aria. H,tsi pail' the A Ida at lodi. io)k pJH ffitn of Getsnena. pnttd s t)l l ?.Wt6kt4 lori po.IflMoo nf O.b H s (r f o. Ilrentin. fee SttOO laof sye4 ibe P l tt b)4g psj'fn'4 the imtmy llrsf she team I !.. fa Ledo ssroawded by a 000 or sooeaH e 6 m t, ft ibe Otpofr f (est. g the . . 1 I gao Mt svShlif toe -y b.d in that r h. ' sfog 1 c o ibetf, s 4 ot )init nt -O SO feftaj' 1. In il I Place Ooifet 1 sVestaf Mosat td'teead tewwit P sOsssJs Tn tsstmf sfffceted t t feesi ot ife: ft .b g'ttttpaSiaaila; of Mtllltrt. It Wt IS- kf parCft nt d by M rt uncock bs IBS sfOs, a s) e wot avfeo rf aaietd la trd tht p 1 fane, tpaaj euvt pttiotu ar 1 Kfitne. ' Asrotauio. stay jt. "Ontheayth, Lec u-be pasted the Lerh si La. C berg oiiho.it meeting with refi(inrr. In ihe ess. ol hit divifLn. tad diiperf.d he enemy, after e charge it the head of KM caitbinecrs i bt eoiertd Augfb irg ai eifc-ht m the cen.ng. lo a fc day a vat skill lake a -uo tovtrds Munrh The Aulir ast mult be bmugbi to t gtntral action. It is w the vnw of com ellirlg the m in fight one thai Lccourle made hit bc'.d mnvrinent. The P. iuee of Hshes lohc d ed ai Dim, in emfedornee of the w or dt I ir ' v d in the laic smion. Tafterday we ma e a feu (Tart prifooers. Wcatetvciy sabcta sU tUKsJ byibt itbaUiunu " warns isergamo. in tn mean time tliej pivlng an aacouur of the numerous fafta centre paflrd the -Lowsrr Adda, inaoQd I which the German and French isanrra ihe fortrefs df Pizziailietone. and took I main. " It will, mnl.at.lv 1 1 Mfirraatest tear w m -w -p - ' jr p w,. ' potllrrian of Cremona. The risrht anarch-1 he in our power to tako a mm-r oei.eml 1 . i I . 1 . A m ' ... lass I A fe . O - , a an - a n la .asm . ncmatavia . ..v.n .w.n.M.c,,jj p.,., : eaaioiipthe l eitino to Use i o, l oi c fd ilieliew ol aBaiiri. Some ofour cotemrnra. Itn and f n,ik at VS .1 . r a rsl K r k .1 fia rs L Ja I PtaT a . . . I Sss7-;ta.lK;fV.i.kT !' ii'i ww . wmmmmt .. wiiuriwvn nm one pi row toro-rert, ami a "re ot afincenza. On the 6th loose r icnclt I than one mifrenrefertation to retiiv. troops palled tint river, above and below I ms-t m ootmpjtapoaiaa mtm the city, and went to take poUeBien of tbe I DifJolutioil ot Copartlierdlip. port of La Siradella, on the road of Tor-lr,.,- rn.r...th. j'tcs arif c t ir inn. Tk.,..,... .h...l HE Copsrineilhip of ISAACKS, I.E. " m. VV in il SHOP d,fT..I . .1... A, Thofe who have any demands agtinR them are aeouefted 10 prefent their accounts for an ad il C : S-I a tr . .a i luumrni ; 11 oeng taioiuieiy nereHary trial the PAIS, J ine ift. The return fed Buoaaps ir t P 1 t wat widtia iktffe ft days mentioned, but difbeiitvod, on the groaaal 1 feat I e wat not 10 return w bout bringing home o tern my of ,etca Tbe encuat iftftce of list rusue it 000 repeited and tc.rcd.ird. He it to tnura by ihe r4 of litis m4nih, bm with tbe Oifjlmg can ntudenf an appfotrhmg peace. An Amerfrsn fr gate p 'f4 by the gnvrrnmrsM of t' e Unnd -lites, at ih dilp'sfal ol then mteswavl n cniioUMitrt, hat entertd iht rood ol Havre, 4 Tseocb p.! 1 smai ' 00 bot'd leeees ft her ioso inn fearooor ; bat St Use s ibe t4h sV remained ia IstJ laaat'f no pnttfr. We Ni afTnetihu ib nefnelti.eot wtb the snsC ni rs art ihe tUsattd Stain of Am sr.t, an Uvaouog radaa. teea in cable csaciaaot. LONDON, June- tl The London natene of lafl nifkt or m(li ft at with thefShl efllcial svetonnt sjf the proceedings of the fopasjton under the comnanJ of Sir tdwacd 4?eUew. Tne oparanrsna ol iHe trrsocn emharked mm this nreafioti have been hbheno enflntd to the namyence tASd dtHlroclsw of ihe enemy's fhlppine and tisngaair.es, nl the a rciipt mt le epwa the Mofbahasa the eih iisfl. fwrefedeal in the fMMMt Mi bum, n ef the bvcral vflTeli, tad the tona to Piacenta. a warm engagement, which we fulpesft to have been unfavourable to the French. On th ytli they continued to paft the Po . on the 8th, ahnolt all the forces united hi on the th, aimoti ail inr forces united mi , r t i m a 'm t ' liT the pof.tion of U St.adella, perh.pa to hf, 1 1 T"' ewrch forw-d on the fallowing d.yra. JHLa i (h a!' to eodea-our to peaetratt m.o tie Apen. '? J , pruei rate mio the AN nines by the valliea of the Scrivia and the Trebbia. It waa at the innmeut that the chief conful received the intelligence of ihe furrender of Genoa 1 and here end the deiaila of which we are in pofTefion, ref pecling tbe operations of the army of Re serve 1 the latt dtfaaichei leing dated en the 9th, from Mi leu. General Moncey had arrived at Valenxa, and the fmall corjs which had pafled the Si.nplnn at Arona. The neat dilpaithet will inform es sdbat rhanpe the happy event, which we h ire aK)e announced, will pfWsMssflRtlst see defines and the pofitiof) of the hi'M tut It M,rl sswnewr that, alreatW dil gulled by tbse difappointmei.t, at. the talk of leading hi own army, he hna refnlved tn reiurn to Fatal, where he was cancel., ed tn arrive iivday. We cannot, however, leave him without noticing a circemfUnre, t imeaurtom in a political, as tb event which we hae capitulated are in military view. ...The firH ed which this innwable oval ui inn iff has 1 r. has beow to rr eftablifhed the Cifalptne tepeblia, and agaio to call alt tbe .uhsbiiania of the Mi. Abtahatn M. If aackt or ifsac B.fb"p. ABRAHAM M. IbAACKS. JACOB LKVV. ISAAC BISHOP. Wilmington, 3tfl J tly, iloc. Ira Their former bufm-fs will be carried on ufual by the fubfrrdrrs, onder the fira of ISAACKS and BISHOP, -ho folich coniinuance of ihe fsvouti of their fr sends snd he public in general. A Ik AH AM M IS A At a K m w a w ar aT f ISAAC HI SHOP r 10 BE LET. THAT eornntodioiii new heure, avi in in inn iho hnaafr of the rtjtifrr.hr . h has attar-hed 10 It a good honie thai will anfwer f I a kitchen or bed rooms. It may have e fmalllot lor garden, if re -sjaired. Apply to T. Jennings. W'.fmiytf lets, ftlly tO. r lo Rents' THE Houfc and Lot now occupied by the tubfetiber, in Toomei's A'.lej . For tertoi apr'v te THOMAS HOWARD.