. '2) ; i J B!,U.:fl,.yi,.en lifted In vain aernftinei " - Vel ew.y totmAanly grief-; eer .:rv'..harb;nge, of cm An UATio Qeuvn - J r .7... t I MX. t R.,llrn h.HW1 chew dea.H wa .noui.ui .hey.are nappy. !!ir an'-inary u. w- " , ' " " i . , , AW on .hi oarricu.ar Wirt. I arrirtf wah ihr srimcrnl c oc bt our Cll.jeni a "" ----u . - r '.k.M s. iwii ii:ioi'v war.' inn (ft the of tuty, tgoo, a...-.. Jn.nflrnf p. bv W ;.aam V iff. The r.tffr rr of an. all-tVy Ifl numerous tl ,;C. AUah- rd:ir oflfec. event .IIU 111 I . i-'v - -, :. , . " , .1 .. V-rrcn had faj ten acre nc and inuling -even r incidents jjcjcvbi r - in dca h a Si.; n nd ihe foal of Mpn gum iv had i s fi i cli i f oro-..ihe phii.i'of Abraham, i ' .hL..ft the ".rrtAtKMl f. - a-d wv. ch I f ct that- wnen Amrtxr-.-aroea a nrp oy we,.?. - . , . . .- 1 i j-:" . e - a t.. .a, r i . 1 . - jDjI O.aV-CU III r,n .. . . i 1 4 - - -.. ... i.a - i uihi n nvd f v n jjit ii an rt.tr x jiiiKi u u a ' : 'ffttwhicrii -me Wuhrtbfraffni?n C far Jink ... o con.cnp. and dcteftaa-n. ', ' I .:, 0,.r 1 reg, ShaT my fcoo..ai- T.n. isjhe dirauonoi independence. ' .: ' k .I e fo m Stf -hi. invnwcsl n. of (he energy & .nagrva. railed, 'I ra to resrtFTh-ir my ninnty or,r ncnyan . ; )T"" " x A . i i i i.: r "J f lip ine dxitir of ccminromiie was liiut toi. rer v 1 he rnina wmm -.- um , - ; j. p KtJi.s m..y t : c . . Tk k?i rin wuhoat an army, wuhoiffih' Ifuaed to du i i nice i" ui; uy. v , ' . r,-r. l r r .,u ,.f iVrifeia nances .threw herfotf mio the theatre of war, y ovnaui uk 4... jvj 6.." " ii' i.rr. ;.u;.r .., in fi f-'i fiff l flH'i'iiii iimww.. ... , - tat io ve ir-jin of ihuuerrt andlfi' ,i;;nVi OMf-ns a faivey fo V va fo dl. piUs-. ' and liVwedFiT 1 1 poi rrt5 if or 1 hp con J ;T , r .' n ,c ;:w. intn f.lrnt Amr i ica knew rhat , re,u-main cQnlilered .. . .u . m ihhw BMiins wnicn 11 war ajrarnll rebeis ; that, therefore 4t would' be waged again! h?r wnh ,nrelerting ieveriiy, ind thn (he was not to expetl from her sn.agon Us any or mc ulual ngntt ot. war She knew (Hat Gtefiv Brttsu-njwoultl now ot-f-r 110 lternU'Ci but abiccV tttbraiflion 01 Itnpn to of. all We ait were he fulFe.i'i of our Mtnfs, Ww deep :h- eroa-.f of bur csuhv ! Bo the G'M ot r 1 -the woild ever kne.. i he i-ibp ct, air .xb. not ' "Aiticliea only, 'but Afi,yfttvcite. Hot "does jiTiefc!y?nibface.-the prefefH- poiVure of lia 'oian aaifi,-ii p?'nt .-he -mind back-Mo an ... sa trArl 1 h darkne'f arid Er a.ul prelVn-s in ppel uftlfft-.-ex-erntnattofl f: that , ihevefr of a ou Im s cir.v.-'us an clvhan rofpeft fiil'defeat the g.,bb,t ordr ae.y r-Wned wnh e.en.,1 light and beauty and -would be her portion. Ut undadntei by , .l.Tli,n of a -.herbyfo 'he profneFtof conlrqon.ces - and r.e.yin SfcS y a -.tc.ous weaknef, foWy on die jnttice of heaven tt,e..UHk tV idi-tit bnt'tet me rot dei-.a.r; aunoogn 1 v,u.y... -v.,r-.r y.v nfeebleV.hed.vi.frifiscloq. It fpeaks alloniflied at lie rante- be Wot? unc . . . lC . II K, the heart in Hrams heavmly and enchfrniVg; j Uuod in tc'ar.tin expertauon oi ine inue. .. ' ' ...... . ' . leflions weFCy .whether AyreAt - !.: k k.i in 11 iU d 1 i funnlv I.J .nc crrat qu . . . - " - .1. i .f :a. aj t".Ktiiv nirn inn im my aetecti, nnu wucu 1 - Cimvcrfary of Amoifun Independence, ev( iy bolom here &U jhfbfc with cmouonv as irong as if my lips were tou.hcd with the hJlowtd firrof tloq ience- 'IV f-n.imnt-is corrrR that the happmch of man is known oivy by coitraQ... n order therefore to have a juli rf!:h tor o-ir brefent feitCtty ; in order 10 g ve t this fellival all the advantjffs wh.ib belong i', we fhould ircfll .he fiaation.of our cWntry pilir to the revoluum. There is , kind of mo iri.ful 1 ii. l.n if 1 1 (It-.. fi finrn i ic ilnie 111 tue rcctn.c-uv.1 v. w.,....y- ... -v.chwc have rfraped. The peaceful j.lia.h of his vine becomes fweeter in he huftand man, when he rehvembefs ie arin. of war which lately d foLued his field and Bred his cottape; and if a -conlcioufiiefs of our morial rxillcncc lhali f -llo us'ir.io futurity, the ex tacy of ths taint in the bofoia of his God, will receiy.e a felh impwUe wln he looks back upoti the tyotk if Hfe from lnch he is dcUvernU . . 'J- it impnfbi? to tik this Tctfofpyttve view of .he' Am-ican h;ttory without being U m h k,i is the r-i.ience ami .haiJC e I . ftnink bv longfuff-rimj, W-ich ma-k the national h ' irr. 'l his ink was difpUVed by the Hrll m.rrams front jSfat-Bnwlin A Nor h Ame; .If.. ThVre was no obligation on ihcfe fufftii inir Chnflians to recogmi. th?authoray of the BfMifti monarchy. The idea compi-ibe iw-ea the ioyereigfl and .he f hjeti had been d-lf-lved bv the viola-ton tfl on Bu part haA'refufed ih.-m lt p'O etlion which a luha ir.,ve Sum ihe only fhadow of claim to tl.r alletf'uhce. He .iad lurr inlrred llietn tntoihe BiMCilrfe finffof Clinll an Bigotrv. hvo,.pr-1io i the.m ll direful, bcc.tnle it w 1 op;' iiumbf re .f.m and c nfcience, he VA i.-rina-ed thuiitobc forced fiom hn cojQs; fuin .heir native land ; their tela tio.i ; "hew Inn d, and all the tender con neciiom Imc'i bind man to life. Innocent titd on ff n i.nt; as ihfy weie, lie had c xpotVd them to a piin:flimein whuh ihc in ft amocU "c-.i g'lt fftily tnu.d jillify ;o eiuoon rr'the fl.vm of winter, oil leal unknown ; to frrk an afiio.n u a tlrn,;e nd in 'lie. bound- ijirarroin?; Vho can evWtotg-y how wi-n his little band of bro'!irsdetiit'te of every comfort and couvep'ieoe of life- wi. hpQt f cod or rausicnt-rwortf dowji by ineofhnt action marking withhe blood 'of their K? . . -... w i . 1. r .. 1 the frflcn gcoond ov'C wti-cn, ttiev urgea tneir fleeplefs march, hcvatched ihe noiy gmefvOi hhenv. and . kenit fromexninrig -? Vho has forgotten hoc, when, winis and if6rolties, and dangers iniefcribable prelTed ihick around ; wii.-11 ,.h'eir;n below nin tremoiea unae iKp ftm. k hFba tie. and death' di eteined iljfelf fo, aythoufttid fomis, his "greil' mind rofe iij "perior Toconfu hon-like the fun-, 41 if f imtmi' of lo'melo'ftv raouniain. around whofcale. j1uaerm itt -'.t in vam. If the aiw eient feniiinent be j ill that ihe niojl 1 plealing fpettac-bio the ruler of ihe" utjiverfe is a brave fhln gieaiiy ilruggng m . the tcrtior 11 of fate, tKen ihe fortitude, th- prrlevera.tice '.he ca in-. nets, the magnanimity of. General Walbg toir, were Tfuch as angels might have- looped froia Tieayen -to.wittiels wi'h rapture Bui hi is trone to ioin them: and from the bowerT'of eieVnal beatitude he fmtks, upon ihe profpecl of htf count 1 y. , ' And have we not rrafun.tohe happy too my f !,low-ciiizens ;? Has not..'ur gieai ontiiun. em rff.-d ftmf its (hameful dopendance upon a pet 1 y l (1 .1 n d , a n d is 'h e n o 1 r i h lig r a put ty 10 her nmix r tfradf in the fc ale'of hat iotis ? HaC vac not gain d fhe-giahd obj tr.of ihe tevolu nun. twiffhi ot ihe neout: to govern tnc-m- ffdvpti ? U'ji rfoi this the noiar (lar wh cl ui'fl d us ihrotii'h the hmntane of wa. ? -as 11 not io feclire hfs bieflfng tg .he people thai the blor.d and tveafuie of Amenta wtr . pour ed out ? Do we not enjy it. and (i,a!l w not Itrxtiiinit ir wt hout dirat'tUMon r Wny ln.oi; we e r abandon ihi-s right of flftule ? Have v not pr.orveir th'i faUaiy of that godnc p -liTititt that th pei'ple of a 1 10:1 are unable c rule iheinfrlves a pijfiiion whuh drgr idvs ih favorite creature ui (i d, and d ags him dpw'n f difcord and dif. raciton --biooi and carnage, auJi!ne are in tbeir.U-am let us l:i le to ic. et .tKia ii'OOt be o. ; to our chiii ite. Patre, meetic. oberality, foibearance, Ujottfcrly hve -Ifi ie form the ipiedid 'ei.- nlie'of libeny .ih. 1 let us tulilvt. tncy t- 1 1 f ' , 4 ailorn ana oiut. lunn innv. a;.- u-ppv"-1 U foVever briN(-cn thiouW ihe and derahce in ihe notice ot Jvurope, 1 nfs now to be difrncmbered of the mcvll-valuafble part of their dominion ? Wn-'her nev powei w-'aj to be erected. in the wcuein world winch was fit re to grow up foQn ino inimeule1 con- leq ieiice and produce. the mnlt inipor:a4it ct- 1'tct on all iue cpnrerns ot'ttie eaitern r . ' But a ftill more wrercdu.g qfiefliort wlfiy whether a new aera a.s about to take place in the h.ltocy of governirnt itfef,and A merica 'o exhibit' 10 ihe worl I the novel fpctt.- le of a j.eople ni.M'y lwaytrg them- felves under tiirtns to per rect as to enlure h.-ir feli'i'y? Theie wer- the grea.t poiojs in coniroyrly. 1 he Brn 1 1 la cabinet were a- muhd vrh the ctvmencal .jnojeft, and jiiu'urd ai ihe idra oi awcor:lh: -bc-ween the ... i' - r, a -,.,),. ,.f A menr j n, tU far nwH 1 to a level wuhth; Derails :!t PCI. Ih a potlt'Ot. "7 r l . . ) C JJ L.l . l rt . f . i - Btfttlh lion. Shallow poiiticiars 1 hey d-d ! tuunaea on in- to.ai pioiiiauou 01 i.c nun lV;iTvk. i..icy floutlflr. it is iiiiptat tu tne olid thai AmeyrXct' nli1 uie ta lk)Utll, J-of perfection 10 that, cxauipl-. w ;mh Ihe hat fet mem, and which they aje begtutiifg to imi tate. this work oj imitatuirttbat b?qd8fh nor fli ill s maufpi ious com:nen6erniu v tingnlh in 'iny bolom the h. pe of a happy -i'ffoe.. '.-.: ; . , -."" 1'tuin my eyf towards France "wi'.h einof tions that licken rne-, For fourieeo cntUTie Were ihe people of that devoted etiuntry boned in ftgVtian darknrF" and fcgypnan bondage,. -;- t 'Or tonrieen centunes oad asteiles ot etnerriz. ing ,mo.narchs,. fuoporteil by ah inimenie nobi- rtyrnd a pffpUnood Hii morefitoirf-f etter diciplined, and invincible in all lis operaitoni as the phalanx' of Sparta-tor torteeo 'j$j$ cs had I m trfcmen(,ou cbnibi nation of poiuical an teltg outry ranis hee,nJiig;ng ehatris for live people of Kra.ice' ! I he elfo. t to get looie waa 1 tperate &. jhnNitetied o convulU r.e wdflj Out the ji at ion -.-had caught fco.'n A.'iu-ricaj-a glim pie of i .ib? r y they were enf.iptuied-by her e'luems, aiid determined 'o put every ruug' to tae haz.ird io win her. We ail know -u e i onit q lences - tljey were'dreadfl - yet let- wi. nof iitiptite hjm lotai y deform)1 m.; .liberty lu r hrlf "N, IhV 1$ oil innocence and beamy d joveliiu-ls No it was ihe everii. I fo'ttf which iili-d iipoiuFranre, and wiuch aijlf mptcd to arrell ue career of. her revoluiioii u, waa ihi? prodmed ifii fe frigli. ful mocki which we lead with ,horror-hut;or this, ihe' nation triigHr, ttfer the Hi II cxplol.on, have fettled peaceably on iheir founda rm. But ncafo.i, lulu rettton, and riot floiiriih Under iha l.-m j.otr.ii A ov .r of fore'iffh o vation ai,ld Wiaui ... n - . . i i . . ai j .... . i i a .ii . 4. nine uocs u net oni i If -aSi inn in I . a . i. '. lay ai Hit- dour ot libertv. c h tri,,f, hi -U. ,.t ihcv see themie vhi. wntcn they are ihem eivcs ihe iKm. i - . . - , . ........ liut they uemVe at he n.ime of l.b'env b'eV percevyed that (he was adv.mc tvg to dtaw adds tne curtain, lie world thry fa .".to expole their an.jmina'ions io Hot I k now w I at wonncis trie maic name of berty could work ! Ttiey did 11.01 know that U poured heroim inf . the. heart of the cow: ird ; thai II b-accd ihe feeble arm ai o lent 10 u fpring and a force as irrchtlihle as Ihe 1 1 1- t .1' . - .. II U . . L liOil Ol lieavpn, lnis was iciion wpicn iheywere y 1 10 learn in the Amen, an tho , 1 be y did learn it ;r d il eir fin 1 If of con tempt wasih ng:d into tbedtRor iop of tenor. The notm began. For leven Ung yeari the clouds ot iMt hung up n our uuo. Anni the li'ence ol ntg'ni ihi ihnndcr of ban Ic was n'Btd to h, if, aid dim-'.lie re pole fl d far a w. iy - The gi i lie I 0 lojns of the ncighbO'ir ing fair were chilled with diimav. A father, a 'brit hT", a hi (band, or fonie oljeft d ar 10 il n fear s m ;hi have been ire fi&imi of the cxpU fi-n whirh b y had jufl luaid: and . ii ft .1 J : . even hen iii'gm De r:''inp on Mir piain in the lad ag mics of d tiilijiioii. Ihe ibotigr.i was bono- and diQratiion. Ihe moming Ct m s ai UR, and a k;ne more afll ting pre fenifitfelf A I ttojuid out in ant tow In and i, Ug s and humleit fmokmg in ruins the manith-d bodi of our CJliteni pr ftiate in ihe dull poufK C out h; llieam of life on lio- face of their be oved rounity esen in the i.ill niomcn', hf.ing from ihe bio d llamrd miirl ana he nuiiian h art. ie, our txptn cut e has evinced tha' the :evc fe of this poh- tion is true -it has evinced that ihe people of an enhghteiied nation are competent to u cr j own Government. And that ain.d 111c imtin 01 . 1 Ml'. & I. I 1 . . peace and trai qtiiility. Am.-nca nas neio uj n't b flile out .h:ir cms 1 he v '1 II o rcnaer libcrtv IK Ifi of defpotifm cracking in luins ev heard ihe anci- a- I . . I exerted Ifkir iriveunon ha cfjtl. to the woild lliey th. v miiiht . r , ' udeavourcl to refill hrr conrfe - -11 1 ' L. 1 . ft E - ,s wen nave atternu.cd to loo the nlrn n -., , . ' f . J 10 'he World lhis ness, this bntliani Ipecaule and does it rot ifllect new I u lite upon the d;g led light of. the imptuois coin; t, or bid the mmenjc plancis roll back in the tr fpberei. Y s Llhe K. ... po forth anaved in ail the .race nd dignity of heaulfV lie nations of ihe fore lis of A Me t d.ci rX'- leu ih 1 1)0 ll IT ringing with the icrri pres. or echoing die Is of fivace ffnu Yc nity of mm ? For my own p rt I am prom I ar.Ji lliall kmdic under he l am of her eye jo declare that upon I:is fyllem I Hand fall a-1 Tyranny, with, all tfii Isorrid apparan of uj.on the;rork of ages. ! believe in the piacl hams and racks and tormits, Ihiil leap f- i abtiilv of a rrnublua.i f-rm of governmtn' ; flighted t mn his throne a tic r approach : rink i lie expi rrence of America iullifi s that belief.! f.oin ihe foblimity of h-r mier, and hide hie 1 .. n t 1 t r ll. ..1. il . i r . . 1 . Ihe n in 111 is dear -o my near -or. aui- 11 i- 1 ic.esiaoie neao t r e :xr: 1 rn-n pole 10 pole the mat lor w .mn o ir n ners to- gut anc otu aim 1 1 tar 01 uueny inau o- icen Cilo ayed---Lnder ... .tii- 1 i til. rf' . 1 died and Decauie 1 Dciieve it one iiievpniv I 11 1 en gn mini n r-l!ierrtnmiii4n. ihe chaiac- one which it compatible wah ihe d gni.y am i ct ol man lhali lower 10 i;, Z.riith -ilie facul- hiiipiiiels of min. Vet il ihere be ;m igl ie of Ins mud Ihail e xr and and bloom in all the nr' country men any who hold a d Iters ni dot Irtcbnail ol luxurance the rot-ghcr jafl'.oi.s of irin" who thwk 1 z tveramen: of nob es who rm nature fli a I be fuftfn"d dov.a--arourd hit ihmk a king, loids and commons mattrijl tolhcan lhali besm tin ner living radianre of 'he'uppinr fs of a nation be 11 f -h y helvmue ; the nrrow and crook-d roic, of the 1 r . L '!. 1 L I 1 11 11 I I . . . " me lame ng u 10 tneir opinion wnicn we navein nr,ui.ui yieia louniverlal c. pttae iee -pre. 10 oun. Jpdw e and diBirfClion Mid bciUiiv it a- 1 e loll Hit (he God who made tne g vrn me ihelm unbiMirdcd affrrhoi , and ihe tallerahem f privilrg of inniroulmg lhr j Vgn.cn: ol oih-ts ? H my bio heri mj !c me man bui lo he mad. is ho d ffer fo.m mc he gave in field iheit dyu 1 arms towaids htaven invok: ccitain rig's 1 as a human being, but h gate toeveiy . n-r unman ucng mc ..gnu. - Shall I then prefuiii; to arrga.e to mylcll r , 1.1 r .: L:.L .1 mj tia'CMs on ine no:y came in wwin oiry had fa. en i a'lirg down Victory on their furviving b.c hren and lh:i in all ihe 1 -frr 1 mftii h ic DTI after f.enei of I fwcet Tftem'y ol virm-, breaming bk then ll ....... 1 I U.w .... . .f Ih.' v m ilr mote thr I-""'.''""" vww. . - 7 than the athial ihe to ..ur hcr s, ve matyr- in your eoon'ry's inn of N v- mii It blcedi g. wa.df infl id m Inn;., r I lai I.' L. I . .'..llla I lulU 1 or.-i, .111 n.iuiui 01 .-- ir, i..drii-(i v..i ni'i.:'v e-rri . letsi.r in o a CoWittVf and with a bvcltiv, n in millakf, hiv amid -he wilds An 'h: ftahdud mf ihal g- iiore IcottTgc :hey were yH -rou . l ' 1 whit wis ihe.r I a it i ll. I l.UUCfC - CaH Iter) the 1 1 (. 1 I voice ' cenupi 1 wh'ci rapacious Jr the Did 0 11 omrae r d" pe n ' w .1 nor We c'a 1 y6u 10 wimejs ihe gia'cful inwhi we are d.lbmring, whiie we cyei over ihe field in winch ye werf in dea-h oile filem placid win', e idiano Hois of Am-rita hovered b v you, and b.r tear ol pny flatted il rough (he 1 mie of iroimph. Lung long (hall yur nvmary fie the b lom of your del ei dan thai nauonw uih and rach ihe pu.le of glorv to beat tju-ck eive thai be 'hfo 'be American hcati. rrom -your mrs the Piiori.it L berty has fpr.mg. rim ih fi amic J in Muf A hrn wi h finu eyci and g 1 1'.ii liHik, litandilF.n g aloft the tor.h of d'lcord lt d fattlun and ueflihpcr not the ftuno-ii preif ne'er of Venue, trirkrd rkl in the snrtii;iciout iinlcl ol nltociary, lining one file of ho"in b inga 10 hcam, and fink'Hg 'be Wh-r 10 1 f'd.il"o. lui L'heny, genuine laheny he .fe f, pore, icrtne, hib j,... , 'gojif balance lvrland flrady be- loie N'tdid."' K hn imiiei rqna ty iti'oogt mil ih' pre-emiiirnip, ol iul' len r-1 r ymi air wrm'C ! oninian aud pie. Ni Ilea nran tLall be th may be it.e cnt nmfu : and in I in ihe prmid largnag 1, to fay to n y ucighbout, am right -renounce youi 1 Biine, or you wani piinct an forbid ? Ever dear torn) hofltfl Am.-ncan, what. v. 1 cx il n of his fn.-cuiaiive Obi U IOC ll '. m p'lde 11. a I rulh w. h tanfprn in ,t- u--r.i a . . or in ir ner or tne wen. u ! wnaiairan, fmoa wii! tint be from ihe prclen Hate 0 a' fain ! Will it no' be at mag uficerl at when at ihe fitt of G d, .he cat th fj .ang f otn chme 'r i JM f f-HHl wf h 0 The m 1 .i. . 1 vl Ani'f i'ic 1 m I l.. it ir Ani' t. t at. ne lor iu original cu 1 Brit, n piniamrni in whh tnenca wai n t beard, authorise uf s. und r lie prir jfi of , UT'-rtd bluDir, . pilings ih ir i hm Ht pocketi of A-ucii lid Amenta rondttA he f if un d I'. 'ii of Brmib barbirn. ? e tpnng io arms 10 avenge the fl dft fianonal chataMer agin, f -ibe 11 all meek add pmei.t ia deed, bill 11 11 n ih? nd . htim!-le id iur hi II. 1 w.'b inn '! ' ai t a petiuJ i.ld up. y 10 I ,1 0 ot m h t.it ty. atdctwrig ibe bear if gSi of 1 p moil, howcvci deiy u may d.lfer fim my own, niy vm 1 I am, lu.h as ih- v are, fh I be ever railed defend him, 1 will nrei him indeed wul. f wcapom of reafon and argutnett" -11 mi all o:her but 1 will mee hm a brmlirr ; no' in lint of a tot, I ai d er coiitlulic 1 bit i-tdgmrni (hil'con. dart l.i.n, thai rontlulioo (hall be he id (aaed and ini-iii a'-'e Vv me All who have relic'i cd on mil lul jft, hav- difenvered that no mat.' can control hit own opinions thai in ine for ma ion of ihcm his mind playi ihe perfrcl iy rant thai it attt upon tbr evidence belcc 1 and in fni of his wiHief, draws 111 concluli oni irrrnflihly. .Shall 1 ihca, mt fuali any o ihcf tna: " -;,itr from 'rl hi "w treaiuie ini oullibi'itiet i Shall we demie.dof himio mink do whrn fiom ihrong cor.fliiMiion aatknels, imo a Hood of l.gh, md all iit beau ic burl) at'on.c upon ihe It la of iti makei ! I Ii ok 011 1 the glonoui ptclpcct in ipecch- ft ex. racy. One? Hundred Dollars W.LI, be pa d ro -us perfon ot per lon who priffictire 'nGo.l io criiiii NVgro-fellow .7 0 11 n n rt lliti.Dgto.'. allied bom I p.itchafeJ tr m j. hn Wadsfrll, ; twelve uini.lii mo. lit js u niq. arvi'i: el'o.v co 11 hcHei ? and kaa I fi g'h II loine 91 on-ill .0 at d the pe l. if ti-1 fllirn htor, i it.h wr owe 1 1 V' W b,t ' nth 11 t'e .n "0, ad wSn fwra b. Suchh.f hii nil ire h ii obbg d to th lorKa le baonhiidgnieni dittfU J No--1 no .Uib'tali tw. ie nuprcjjtib e 4 icmt ibe mofl a .d oaih.nica u ci ' " 1 " 4 ' J l(Mi u"aif -me ptin?iu trtt.c t liitta aid itt Hetv ta 4irttlM t untrue v( w a llr ih? t'or. ac are it writ torn. r..,. i not betotne an American. Pwiitnal and re- fipsii. im Irranc ate twin demon ! Jik n l. nili v m n If iff ifg asei r 1 in 11 ty the m ll ft -. (Oil 0 ti toe ttat ot an ogle 4 g i.ade a ad )oc. .1 g ibe niHl of lie f in'w 1 g'ganiic (I wrd at r tad hr World nf mm ir p'"'. - - ihe uih wnh unhallowed loi ih Oiotri of the' country, 'hthith oacd her tiftdeacc. They ate dw 1 .I gin - abrn feei to or ,hc att'l tl-HI made, h a fore rich. tii.D f'ii,ns. Hn SttMeribcr iuloru i In trieudt and ibe iiahlie in peorral, ilmi be ha re- I hy M. 1 novtd 10 he (lore r svl.rre be olleri lor file a GeiiCa! Adortmeat of Dry GontU & Groceries, Oaite mofl teii nahh" ir. - Antonio C. Silva. V'il nine''. Prtr f 1 I s A U Aupoll y. "ib P 1 i tt t i n e-0 Hicc SL .tionary. Alt.. an Foil -1 ) Elegant bonking by WiiLKiNGt Scon. Wi'ioingt jo, Auult 14. mi