" ' ' .U BL1 S ii L u 1- A N O H a L 1. Three 1 )ol 1 g& per Ann ntn . PH U R S D A Y, QC Q B E R 23, 1800. Vol. IV. No. 18 . i- IIBTTT 1 Mil , MHMm JWMra MIMI 4r- t'tW "hr ' .U;flrtu ' 'utv of 16 euil. un -iti ; set-MUni : ' : .. i a- ',( j Orderaate i.Tued rto thr pvivateere to refo ft di , :', P sf cipi, io r.g ' ;n ' ' t'-., - ' it ". " , - J rtetiua . m. jn'intr w nch i nr American IS Hrflnut". :VC!1 ...... v' 1 i , fit. V. , 4v In li pit' . m n . , ft- --3 mi lMeft ilia, fl.i'i ,, wl nnl jntv de- r .nuni:...'.-.-. jw ' d rtoa? fili nMwtvP! V-.n.a-v' 1 t all. Q t r.laiV- .C U l 3- Important News, Necoci ATtrtSf better) 7a State ed as thifp of a friendly nation in o'&f courts of w, .; on the wrifrjate til Ufa fto tnr prtvair-cr w 'tipu hi nu pj rieiur.al :ies. fini winch Ine American is nr.floutv. even w edly the ,T,oft numersu, av)f" American velfe's rrThis 1 a y r :e.ife,l bv the courts, with damage agamd the own'ci-'jit tivitr.'-- rhcre are vyftM Hhout Hftv ciuiesbef)r: the Council of Pues refpecling verleU taken in i he. Kti"oiean feas, ;,jid,th ife of tlic- vefTeli which rrallv bejo-njr to Americans will allured !y be rrftoredi. . TV fite of fiichbrjivvever, ns were; f 11 . - niflied with lefers of maique, doe not a,-, pea x to '.oer be yet determioHi It it t,hiig''w;!ut f:!-- be :iv.-n without fanithni tig tlt C'-n'ii)Ct f '4ti- 'aei' Amrira'is ii armmd' them, unlefs the fcRHu ion ' fiffoW' thouU rtfuU FrOrti a ni"w.n;eaty ratti'uy. ' t.put ih "ftje preceding paVficulfrs! . tortgh -rH ofii'ia', ' tiJi.-i; hive been co;nmu icattd by tne nioil rciceCvbie y.vfr, at: , as 1 . 1 U iJ cu tU prom if add'ou 'utv of tj giU ""'ij.t x ' t dy to - - jl; "f a duty whlvii Utotite proh'rbilipn 6i wheat fiom hit auth rity. Mr-. PARIS, A'irr,n 6. -' Te rrern.ce op-ned t Paris with the envoys f the U.'Stei ate at prrfr'rt fufiendfd ; and the'e is iitt'e hojN of tbeir being fiirxefiful! v iefi;md for ,f-.me time. It aDoervrthat the powers ve'.trd in th .r.n, .re tf.n li irf'iTer, to enbfs them to conclude m trenv which fhillive t'Me fsrne advantageTTo the Re public as 'thof eraM'td the Knglifh by the treaty mad-.-.. - - i- . c. r-kAeiTo. r.ii V -r to decline tr I tJ nclioirtV. 5rivi. The Parii panen have, c rotej frsm . lj'j. .u... I,.... ,.-r.nr,,; t,, her - fS'mv . ldetrt pajJW, in accO"; t of th' pre' i .Ute e's wi .; n Mirv . 1 . fc. .v. . ... .. r a. V.. ' - t 1 . r 1 1 ri fAi . 1 neor.ut:on comme'icro et -yee 1 t"t i"i , te J ,.'-, . . . mprjean minilfcr at Pans, -.It .$ . f hr.e"er 1 ". . .. u..k.i k.. .1,. .nk l.thi tH. rec:ai." are broken on. a the. aiit'i r$ i jU , r 1 f f"1 Nt Ht S tlU t 1 I'll--' ' ' -i y 1. iv, ' r - ;:.uf,li t,e,tv'm,,tuallv ftWVate a free en'ttft Kf.that article Hate nor thu th y Mye ever heen in ' - " . l..TIm,.A:.. IfrntmaJ Th. BetaiU nt that artu ! ire ieli.:e i?l,.eeV. kdVlM of .war ofrtrTtWo -counJ vetv in.crunte, even With relpert to th: cmon:, 'ir.es. tTnti the pme v ,kcn from their enemies. Ai.d I andvdtes'of treaties. .. . , Si- JlournaldePans r.i-lr.Mr r,v na- ion at war with eh her of iVi " A'lrtif 1 6 ;.r....r,r nifties; The- treaty of 1778, between! A letter from Anglbn-e of the nth gn(( fty Fi oce anti the United' Stite.1, having been an lled Uht in lefs thin a foumght .here wilt be a Co.tf bv the--Iat.cr. and 'now raried as if It never exifted, j 4t A.igiWS. V : , h . . .1 . . tUm r.r.. . t d -r nive been ligneg e - lhev conceive ry, (r 1' . ';,,. . lhe Bi.y 0f.AI 1 f r.nrn wit.insir II1I1IK I'lCM tivwvy ' 1 WCCil ri.ciit.ia . v- v. v-. urn iPt 111 - i utv-. " " - - - . - " A , PTn"land. The FienehRepttbUc'dni-s not fetm j glt.rs di'p-iled to-tattfv, her" own irejudtc-, ...r...r' of the Kn'tt'Whi Vf enenvei and proreedin" fo unexpeclsd on the part of the A rte-j ind Bcrtin. rirhi. wimv whom fbe tccemlv made a com 0' Swaaen, b Mti.e atrir. ' thole ve y ene : ies, airectu i to. u.c ve-Tune object for w ich France hclelf ts now at "v,ar he attainment of I'bcr y a d tiwlependen e. It is unfortitiine th t the U. taie. fo precimtattly iu-,n led the treaty of '1778: Tbev themfelvel, nov re en- that tVv were in weed to take that Ocp, as it nVorivet ihem of the power of u)n in France, r-r other er-iintrv. the Ivn- a ivantaec .....I...,. ...ifeieH on the. E nit'. 'h. J ''T v .,..'r niit -vtir) ha e v,.til tc the i- tcreil of England 1 vnva ntt (rjvea wronj; inter oreTafion to their in. ftruftioni and tHr t.eatv a'.l'jded t ; ft"4C it appears Chit Fran e. rcnouT-ingtw claims (he mav hive Um lhe oti nitv f the treaty of t77$, now offer, to ' treat wi.So..- dema.jUirnr any other advantages than thoe.nVvelbv'tbf Kti'.itm, and whtchthey hm exe.ril.! dii'-ne the ore et.t wir and the Amhal tidOM mnft come with ave-v bad grace .0 oegme :r .!,. .re not vLllei wit'.i oower to acccae peitrt 1 1 1 r - I tV fi !t,M. I jf? to aetj'-.nnr for thl nnesnfted cW-' harve V in Polaid iiu . t'it t'rufTi n C anaric'.'h ve been t r-Kd V -'he oc naitot irom tasa ana v' .i, or whether the ietel1 iience hti Tpf.r;", "f rtjie favourable c!.ntic in the i'r t!ie If itifh CrQ-pj. nd th t lie hid v or.fit ffM iutn-, eenft e, wt- kr o' not ; . mad' a mticiai tmpreliion 6j i.e cotii vcherdiy, vvheie mdfciu whe t ail 1' per ',ujt t-er . iree Monday ''H. :ViplfSof wteattufft in he tame yfroyi'- q t r -( a Vi , tat', tfifi in Letters from Heriin, rate, i"" -76 7 :. t ,uitV, oiVour at Patli. Vtenn.i ededil t! Piullii, "I Denmark, vith RuTh, lahon S to 1 n C . I Europe, or at. lean t tne rmen n uua'ny u niiuii . t ris, Vieuiia, ani o Ite w.ht;h 1 fir aip o- The Knii ol in; ano perhaos the peace of r.,ni.,..ni jnri to ortra-tue an .1 - k..,-r-n SWa.ice and KnsWnd U to c HI-, v a 1 r v" " 4 Con. ieis arrive evctv da ton o....A,.r.. Th.. r,s that nenocuitons arc enterea on a'. Gulelbad, a.dthat Gen. Baurrouv.ile will g the c f ion. From the fecond h-lf Vfr of the vear 8, the rents and neitfiontnl ihe W are to le ad fpecie, 1 . . ii r .1.. h ...I, it : H .1 r L&r M V Ili'Ui f: hied. or , .Ur..ul. tl.e medi m of the Bin olrrailce.Ji -or tneir tn- VIKNNA, July 30. lord Mint", the . I...I'., mirtiooni. LV ll'ltv . . . f t,.. u.,Arlvi in wa Acrnrd mr tne r.rt 0. 1 r ..r--. --- , the eeivloc bmediipairhes Iro n his court, dated Ju 11 ha l a Utj u.nfcf erne with Biron Thugut, th mtnifttrfot lo,eiKn affair?. Ii wa faid tht th F e f .1 r,e..chCmril6'ne,- 0,1 ! ,e X'P01' !0-1 '."V T t,Mty Of l 774 rV' H I' tn lO'CTJ. II Wil, U.USW, bwU to fttoo fe -hat. thet o nations nev r have i...:niiiir n' vir wtth each other, this treitv CMild n($ have b-en annulled VfUhnul the content 0fln,hfl Attic and in this point of view it w-a th.t the Prendi c -i-nidi it.ers OHefM an ino-mni ftCaVion ta the me team, bv ii-ntt'ing the prinu pie ol eomoenfation for ! efal cantorea. eeded fitlher ; inRe d ordemsid i..r..M. .he a.merie.ns. the id fi ;te ciuantee. fuch atiopeirstobecmHiMedinihc InAruAisil W rf.- ,.e.l,mt amSaTidors, arcotd-ni to the e pv o' the n tvnb! 'fhea r,v C m- cfs. B 11 te .Ameeici I ,,cr nn u ni'UCO i rrnew 1111 ii-iy. ier i't enr'.inf rr ari!t r-Cpr-flin' the u- ... V - u .Am Am fa ., lhfr.1 up. rantre. ot me rrrntn - ' j k. r if nnit T '.m the " I at"sn ot con.r-i.fsa ii; - -wr eo pn atMic lor ihe tai-ims tne tHencaws then, felve hivine. v A-o a ;-c the treaty. de'ryed j - h-fis on wbuh only t'oir claim cmoU haae been lom-'d. Jt th is aonean '.lilt the otiauon turned ihttiy n .hree joints. ' 1 . The rdaiinmnce, in f-re, r the monineta te tl ol the i.taty of '8. v' point, in confeqne ceofthe affoianco of ihe Am iicsn P.nWithat ih'T could noijert-w h. t, Tht errinamle ol csm,eii.i'Oti lor i'.lf"l p- rhu 00101 Fniue oneie4 in anmt 1 1 11 r.n n..U ihtt ike ueatv of ivl fhou'd M Kaam aai a t ' .l i fr r-ed, with lb tnnntfl.'lioM Hat'a in tnr in. fi i t ons bv Vafhininn. Thetu'i uiKltof the trit bet wrest the U t'eJ Vates ani 6rtHrM . tf.fe 19 the o. 1. i nn aranfd in the atmed MdeU of tbat nttmn. 1 . r il 3'o..hl- 1 f,Uup" e-ijoy.nf the (ae dvmtafCM loii it poff.ited to bet mjiy by krr fVliltt. TTett t anAtber nrinriole w 'H Fnn e is inatoot H rHab tit t "d on ibe .Jofiinn ol h.ri (he hit ptitv.iple Bnt fh am aifador, after re- v the .1.. iwiniUer lor I'uciftn atuirs u - B-iiiin calne.et vav not avetf: t a g.-neial oeace up- 00 rc-foisAble itrmt, bu' refolded at the I ,ine tune to .nake every f-oth:e to induce in a. ie to prole- cute the want the French Houl I be etrav.gattt 10 demand!, lit that calc, Ai-ihn mi -ten "t- Ie,ed :.ew f tbhdtei 11 the amount 01 out mi' millions ol n .rim. The Aultria:. cabinet continoeo to-imoiove 1.1 ill pafi; dil ofttiani, and expeet-a r t 11,.. . ' r o rec.'ive the teirrn ol- peace trntn r . whic Count Lehrback vmi to be fe off 0.1 Au no ivic midun. The arnii.ti- e n C rma.tv ant .... a .. I laaaat. a Ita y is alio laid to have teen "'" ""t," """" ma 1 t.f '. he'1 E me, 1 'are Id Eflgfji W iie, ladd. liU'cf) I" the -.r lary P. Cgni" prevai ' and oi Marl mi ifi i 1 lhe. Great null I think Ii ti err, it 1 fent the It vein A that "c. -set winch began idling " M-i i I iv, ' ere vert.idav 10 d : ..?'ie ol Hamburg aid tde nit. .... it 'c ihitoitr ti'iai.ci; orter 10 1 11 iii'duce.! o. to BOntinue 0 'Act., t - mai at (i in Ii aly.' kit 1.1 .1 ttOfpS) 'n ;tiot to 40,0 ' ('j ic.'i) Mt'Oi iieice. fo . litt an f j J'l. " 1' I fiMaK-'-.-o. iiIib" geu .e 11 I u ,int, ion, and thu . i pit all. tion in the pton e oi Fiitice i;re d to contai, -d " f o e 1 'fcivrrt-.on, by Whi;h an offenipj was fef ' 6r tfi c- un.tr y to IcctijFa oat; f in thv tlii'.iiTi ': 'm i d..'.. I've f..,ac- ; tl-.ol the.de'o fiie Of .ihe ttvpe and-the 1 Jio- r fmri , tn a of theuju ral puwej, parjicuf. tX,l I a 11 a , in favour of a' gen 1 1 peace I a i biought.ix-' 1 i hu difp .(: ion ocorp hrnd Ihi' . "unti y its lhe kie- ccs t 1 be '-rtue . V d 1 not ive tljii errt as one iltat de '" " tr.uch Ctt. , It l 1 is a, d a tl a 10 d omcw t! at IpVu a ion', ir -Ite'l h ; the rien Is 0 Ml. ii'e., as it ihev ' Th d thvm to b,- tr e. il Mi 1 ill ri ii defo, fit.j Ui mle.'vrs ifti ily !o d in the attempt io fpiril i tuc t m-en.r 10 ihe conii.iua-.cft bP the Watwif . y find tne Kfcdtatliig IV.tia ea ger' to dil. m . 'jkL - t h -j c w-o are aveJe 10 a ee- tfttye j ytrtX "pacifi, t y tn y. I.e ituJ.i j d. at leail t my,, try the lei'.mict" , neeoor livn tuber for P ace iy, w.rch (if mfot-iunatUy ;;v ,t .atfaT.e : 01 for nofctuiMg ' ", j the c titeh if it v.S, 'vcttffu lj iji .s.fitu ti n ot Biiornpai'-: j af&irsit mull he th- . r.-(, 1 $s narrow f-ol:t.f B'' C i t u f.'tra wi'lin. to Z; ) i f;u; ooU ? f.H- IIV . ATtie ., J-rk.il .1..,, to mvc re ittCv. to ;m: th- csuacity 'f Ca.Tjrtiif. s. f per it IIS i r.- l.i ' I 'f it. 1 jniior 111 nuLJ u,!1 wnra, 01 a'l'tt tv-i r ' . -Wlr eO ' ir Jtai ) . ' 'Jm a-nd'i'-e Maieltv, tu tirdcr to lake 1- i. die at'les of infu'ior lination ihal , 'hat army, elpeciallv aiming the gen raU rC ol th: fl ff ; bufit is fa d mat the FieW h.is declined accenting th.t iinouatu eport that i-uonapar e rrUles to artraT it-10 as a patty in the ri g.iciauo:, tor peace, iy be without foumiation. He never could a rtjeafure fo fl 1 enng to our " high eou- ii" ol iho b eluSia o! war. i Baitl 1 iiti 1 o. ai net- o'-iull.ee I . will 1. ,. linooitan e nil fcerta.ri wlio aie the real c- cm.ej to the I'itiiq ii i(y .-1 'Evrtipe ; and therefore neffhei fide will vrn ure much l ;ug-r to avow a relucttnce to litgocuee, wiiuo t tJtttnpKithtfi g its rbliact.tr and we lt'iiing, its .. eii It either .he f.n no .we. "nv il.e other bcave,lcti. p-ace, the Oppofitt p ny w.tuld oaiuis ant con Its. iv Ilium nir ,n K, 1 - - - it en Iv fuppole-t tint ihe French will c-n r.iiiorati'in ol the Bourbon tace a'tout 1 u-c that ihe Dj ch .accept the ancient go- of tlx llou ic of Oi "i e ! itciiai (a,er oi yeltctday confide 'tiy affrrt , eitini..a.tei ot eace i.eivaucn riancr ma tht 11, wee ei 1 tier It ,ned, or rfini lively ar nngi! at fans on ttie j.j h u.t. we iiivc repeat edlyabj,ed the probability that fonjc geoetal halts ij. h .. leid.dotdn, which Daurac -cotnpaniett C ulr St. u ten to Vienna fin, Hy to adju.i, Tt.c p. ,,B iu quell. o.i hat no uih srhy hclidei .he pro UWa ft 1 l cs..ir. I it iis Itaiemft'i ; tor what ad dmiinil c-jiih' m it'on is thcie in a pitieuded piivaic kittr frooi Hauabutg ? r'apturo of the D.inifh C nvoy. T'.teptccife manner in w'-ich the Danifh convoy u- s '.lopped' ouht to tie arcrrtatiico. In oidcr 10 rcifin upon a l a which is likely u Lave cuttle, qoenctl o imooitini, we ought to kn w the en-r-imltajicca aocuratel), as tin , ate reported by the D net tit m.cl.ri. as wed by our own pc .ulc moniffi, diimg vslnch t e ngoetai,,' rre 10 bc We undei Hand that ih:y iWte the calf to ue eictly ..tried on Tne new Spmtlh amhtfftrtiai o the j a fu;,0-i : Porte, the Ch vilier Uotai, nia nii psete-i u ... the court (J Vienna picvinally to hii dep.ilifie lot CjQsaMtiiinlle. Ve rday evening bctwveo ft.e iu fit oM'Kk er rived hereec aiet, bona oo,r OMOta. r at Pa C iuenShimrnelpeonini. lUuhe n'edtng 1 iiell'tce, . .L. ..11 f .rut hetwico in 1. 1 in- ii'f'-.iii.ii . - w . tilt 1 " S ,.,r.rr.,r iiKtif ni It .nea V and H erstti Pie-ich R-pub.ic, ate already nao.e eft in t rlicv ol tW Ante stani ,tn ici"v 'jno ft-dhl ,y .t l'ie cat " neji -iin -n r ..n . tad tne in'' at I I fay. fun-d on the eo.b o J 'y l i to have ..rift baita in te.iy t tampo roitnio. A uill t. It the fuiin which the da-Lein.t' hody W M t ncu m n j i-t wi read, and as 11 n p elu ted r.tat u c ... I.e Maanl in li-'in oanei 'if DCICC 0r n r- ...t It.n.r j r .at fncotlile Ot ipcri' - ai mi in the ion :i,am ittl tl the re Oi-'j r- . ... M .l.ke 11, iber 11 r.i't ne heatd wnhlbe t npliule 5 it lava. U the f "ot.u ti'am?i ot in v. - ,rk . ami in ihe ..Uaea ol Ma.ii.tu. and u, ton tne borden nl the O .nobe reinirnnea the Ho I ' ' and il tbu hid been .onar used Ov the fut(eq .eol if ro.fti.c in luly 4 Oetinv. the imt.aei 1.. . 1,1 ihe picliottnary baftiol peace tn be efioeiai d bciwetntbc hauleol AoAria nd the Ptenrh Hepub Ik. figned 00 the ctenio ! be 10th oi I"' v will gt M 1 err. am t'olaWt t' at deutade pi CiAcaHioo Will at Imgih, tut n end m a deitioflive wit, Mleail upootbcco-ti-nent " Tho aIajeac?, fo tftreable wee " broogtn ui ycftetday by I n. Ui .1 fh fiira-e Fieva. coinman led bv earn. Ktabi e, ii viug ac.nv y ti fix Bitrchantnaen, waa met on the a jn ol July by 1IX rnjrl.fh Ihipa us wat, comititiid d -y ri. Haer A.i t it.Hh olhc we t n Dime nc uamm crmno ote o Irani t c dell nation oi lhe envoy e i it itfied ai t. 1 is pot t artoidtngto 1 e ell i l ftied ufihe ; loon alic he. mined, tinit'it pemi Ih n to vilu be 1 die4onet)C coo. e-r on. pie.etii them ftntei. ereeJie-t m thu inm. atnely, th oenttal bottoms ihi'l coniiistsie oettral pt iMity. Pteoeo bowrvet, booot o do t th pe-rmoftSe ttoftri tn rftibl Dt thu hftfm, 10 bc ei idtej I on the cnei n( atbitU would M btgb. Iy injeanofi to tn li tmvi e. bo fa f create ee have b e,n t ndifl d in tht ovt enticeble n-iaorfa b)icc only a" nptelsio ol rC f , ,i.i h . .. . rtpaibklf 10 itmc fbc difr. N rh btd oe. .tredL ptat leonc'cao- Anbaffa4ore, dcet ibth fcfW it otd ee Par, ' ac been tteeecl 'h f0ic n-rTi fct me h ol rr7, ad nUej ell tbe diftif3toe & Lit aL Aiias. .1 ... Ait. . i I" pe nciple eo4 frcan of rriof to aa mA ffti ptOta the liw l OltidOI. ad c HgMe I awntfaliif H linbe (Motd IHN mt l en. end 1 le'ArC -Hidnfl ' be 4t. e"f '" I ON DON, Aogyfl laV taft nltbt the rtama mul a t-ved but el ion late en h u t . fcdriirf ibetefoteo l lac bctote w tbe Pnh.lt J-wtneU, wbeb-l-cf fee coniein the idle fOsinwfi with wbUrb ihe pool c ensiety 9 pee. m 1 eb -fed ytHet aiT, by (o te nl our ee pfinti. Thu it net flMdww 0 1 c-mbebitity the eeiit'c coiivny, which wis icl l:d. liUn bu lite fci gtlfh hiz'lre a u o thtd, as d one 01 them nrcd a th i one nl ibt Uainfh vnleii Ih. Uiu lh tapi.ua ie tuined the compliment by flung tat Seed o tnr t- g no in.p tuc r.ot.i.n omn.ua t ttc'o tls de and .1 villi Mie i.ie com . : a!,uk u lam. ti .led i.y the Dau. ro munnic, who at the tinn il it.. I h m, thai ba iTe.i had 11 thing Contiaiiud nn ned ( but eddtd a declaration, iut n w u u not (uffrt, arcoidng to hit 1 rndtont, any boa on I'Oard 0 the veil It u-teer hu pioicrlion Nul. - thiUndtntti.u tl, .-. 1 , a boat wt. cen me.i, g iti may towatdt the Dtuih vefteii, u 00 whit he fitcd a fhot-ebtid ol the boat siihOot touching iC Upon whi n tat t. il th ommodote red e blued, die ebiih wo.ndcd two men on board lhe Danish I igetr ; he then inn ncd e brnadfide eoJ an eng. jr. ntfi.t ucgin, in hirh the Dine longht not only tallbtht Engli'b roManott, b.l wiih (hire mher vrwTe.'t. end being, hat ovcipyweeed, he Irnch ni Ra. Cept. Rieboe see cattud on board the Bit nfh enmmodote'e fhtp, and the too- s, aa Our reader e know, tas re ncd otheD .w Tnte we leant lo be iber eecount ul the ireofee Hon. 1 1 doi not as tcrtally differ from the fiiff tj.innenl, eafpt that the Da ..ft inmitionej t in the fttl plec made a dealer. no 1 at he bad nuib. mg com rat md under bu pr lection, a d that a. forced in 0 on loir f on ihe brit IB tin n Of h dtp . W- aij-- at .4" as 1 aa the lett ere We can vtneie aioder t-weny. w'.t b lor m am . - aV.A a Ada an. afLc aia J a.at - ao at 1 nr matter neneJe m it "i and la I lo long t time und.tliand Lud Whitwoith hti itprrte mqiuetioni to juM.fv. 1 ht rcprrlentaiirrn be will nttac 11 ciidcoily to to tc c ndrd b lhe Brl 0 etmnil lb(on. whchhai filiuwed hi n m ihe M. rib en, nd thus ibovfh ihi pttlcot ie not nciheM the mimnt w tm we w t w Irons th Hie'. It u.msnifcft. th.t wb. ee r o r ti -. f. )lien brought t Pi-t. -i wet not fhnu d have rl.ofrd to d. tats the gv t ,( rHiae, nor (mraOnrv 10 the thief tejlful t ant item nb'eev .own osifleri fecen dr re wined to Iter the f at bvc in h tr fine bc di(ubed S i ronffinerMel t h. c .r.n.n in be .ee ih, airvrncti 10 thii .end', rhaaged 00 doubt, with bit ultimatum to, affair, 00 no cdfieey eo te'll eua tam wei d Vicltni. Mr. Dnrateonld not err tt ibect ti'l tbe t-n-tracly tone r'H Tbe Dimlb Crwtt avoided ill bn nr cab inAam, end act bv ibie tetageefh (rami trpeniunitirt n Sweden tm tbe pm bot aa ftr ibe Itigne. re anc'im-ntrtea wrt fgncd mPi'ieno ae her own drrlatiti ft onld en, m( tct 4- pneae t.ierl ir r ghi ol Rmsm to (raub litis vnOat bet elfccfua ottieiy inr pe cc t'.at woulJ It vc no C.10 u but rc uciart advanc t or : vowsd ItudiKty, In ;hc ere. Ie i cii.umlU.H-es, D oUm cy will lanfatkall its ait for Inch advan.ag s, becufe vth:ttver be t e proj cr, oicp iiffnrn, the vcae of the people in all l o:ml i s t lor Peace Ycllerd-y morn ng ani. ed email 'iom Lifb in. tnoiight over in ihe V Ifingham packet, after a D?f. age of n daVs. Several ;ii,v te Jtttcre ofthe . nd 7th 11 tie f.n the PoitUguefe (J verrment a .ot tvithout anx v w.,h rtfpecl to i!iC ,file de i;nsof tne French Republic. There j, s rrn! ate a fir.vj r.t i tetcnetite of Couriers be 1 w er A Pe ie St Midi id, aid it was irponei hn rinh. detabie c .am.r.ie t of cevatty iniaaftty, and "ar tilleiy, ss forming near Cotdova in And una Ureit ere be. been reccn ly t.t rn in die pitHinc :he Potiogeeleuoopat and fu r t uhfii end tie. man ieng nctie hava been 1 ifbuiicd toiufped i.e Ion iftcai lore ef the f o, tei towns. I he to lowing litt been cnin.iiUiiirated to ul by a conelpoude t aaihe aval ll ength 01 tile. Not! eru oowe l. We h.vc n t ihe .fe n. at th-a .,..., r... ol vei lying 1 e llaicm ni, ut we conceive 11 t be jr.eaiiy ovtr..tetl. fcveu vtetc thu .'..ue rH fl ve. we il.ould 1.0; ;-e ve v much alarmed We 1 ave It 1 e optnico of the rfh- ei.ev ul c. i fe eiar-ei citner by fee 01 land ; if a tuked with v eoOr and ivllem. tlry ae oeithrown bee u c ih-y .1 nil never atl with vigoui end co peraiion If. lorot trreaf.na than th ic ol d.lburiitt in ut eompirati e tational itiengtn oy lei ai i.,e relent r . m .h. we m n d rrgre' any q urel with ihe N r her ,0te . We ihou d beglad il any clout t, u.iaatg ttotttt wula the navel Uirng h. .i.e Me.ei ei udeo to wo. Id en ahl-us 10 rnrtcct what we no w pr lent : Ihe lot oss iff, ate thrfhipsol w teioogitg lo tho puv.ei .ol tbe Noit 1, 'I he Kt.lHa'-S tt.ee in the B.'lie jjul bc I nr ; the reft, imnuniing 10 67 mote, Me wUm black 5atidihc Mte tu- 1 aticeu. Ol 1 hi'- tm are at Cronfledi, ibe reft ei Cop ohi grn ai d the Caitigei Thcfngiiri and fl opt, Ac. ottl.c Ruiuao oacy, ate It. tea at ,60. The Danes Haveteedv 37 oft, c bne. 7 ol wbib ate three dVcbe'ri ; a,c, ol so gune. lud ta ol 7. . he lu- nun imaici tic ai ul th nv iSrte. The Swei.es IJavr. thitty.one fail ol the line, and fitly ibioe fri gafti, lUopi, aVc The Prufliat Msve a grrai meny armed ,fiV 1 n Dtnitlc. I bOf( StttiO tit. but tbere it no ctett balai ce nl'tb m vet. Tbe Tanb fh Amh Qad .r frt off 11 3 o'e. b yeff idey r.o mng Inr Cot n.pu., safe ti( ,t , ttit,. ed hoe. 10 Nndctukc ibt offset el mt ijicr ol lutcign ifieln It it fvpetflu ot to it tut' the psibli nine! with eraiuir etiutuibc oltiud ont ol in.b.fTi.Int , of Ibo dell neliO i ol entsncmt Portanticly in. imeta 1 1 fi 1 1 ei i bet be 0 e te ed ee k.i . I k A. . . t.M..- . . - . L- . . I ebctna.ivca n( Lord Whiiwnrtl.' con 01. (Turn, J" .ibt oti'iic win ob eve H feotilaot m'.fft. eg ej "ff j ibt aw ah in 0 of tbe .."., or in itt p-tT'ie Ot I akr- -k k. n.a.-ka. .1 it. Ml..- I... I k: . . ' . . , ... w. 1 ... m n . is, w'f. ft. 1 1 v embtrr.'alo w it, nod t ecety t 'cai pi it, d.i io' "l pot ostrnoco m pelt it in of tbe hoc netce of any trt. nee t eb met biae keen mn'hM 4 Of pro - ' nn eg ibe ortiftf o powcte tcliM-c 10 eo c u 1 fwn iibe t'tviirgce ol the new. tl ft 4 A rrbif'lnron te pen nl Denmi'h 10 at IrUfe ibcft m( m m rnald be cqiaatfrt 10 t c 'ae4 tm I Bk db-B mnm A mA ' men "tiny, aoo ,mrt , ( t, , hnowied(eri.riH wf boOm imtmi-Hii end oreware. Mtont op 0 trf pi c in elfeca. "f ' s "i.n,, te A oei. nj, coounot lb be tf'reU. oU he tfh oil, A iblll p t lt ! ei p. tfCUft tbu 4ap tebat (mptefnoo ibe D-th eiet bet made on ibe K "rshesa Cnnr e. end what probe blt-y ibetf i of e r-i-vra'C fnm or pcifi'toa m tbe rfbtn rir.b ell attteM endet ibt oooiil llg I Th!fit"i frm lmi-rb, bv '' ovei 1 h"S I tttttd wo lac tally, Rett 1. at tbt Rbg ol r.-if.i tbai oettoo). It-. .t ! b.i der '.ted. ibtt u . the wilt of tba. I - peopb to bene a aVOfl anaj aabitc tho (.id, bet Il (t eg oc loildieg. fe at it ie mm 1 ajtj by wtiH ma -bv bar -i, r ftw.iil pdp'f .1 a.' y,l, , r.e me), ad e. - s 1 .. , . . AUin to. g, Vnceota, lb- K I b. d h It tl toot V wall fr Prcotb pepete oor ibetttnbsag mail dart tbrte clamor atr 4 fu-oHior ' apptof ,9 oe very boper. . .. t t,t.i , eanfl, with irrspaj-fwte, . A ma t, il 1 ati lot Ibe Omn tod tto 'ealoo ""n '-natac tar r'ttttlt ib arft j n i u i f niUliw f ffHh pr ay loboott ponibeCataiajiatt. tyuU Ian bo it lai , it w.l bjlba.,t sl.l.het ptOU ftrd.