I I ! I Ml lil 'l I " ' " ' ' I ' - - - ' - ' - ' . J - - '. - - L-J A 1 I -Tln pollars per Aninvnv. : T H U R S J) i.-AJi,;; 1 80 f . Vol.-V. No. 2o8i 7- 'eir t CONG R E' eei trwf' the ;g1ffwtf,fc-M.ci '6 h in rela- ''".-..';'' Or THt '--W-'-r- UNITE I) s.T J T E l. li ou it o t r r. p r. s e XT a T i . " - ,THJDY, DC Speaker informed the Houfe -". v . f. v - i. . . For what purpo'ia va thii great mafs (a be rife"f He fi w no good pur'pofe likely to be anl wered by lt w-ulJTe f (tri; 'O mke. -demr(id.;oV uref mob or by a.; fet ..f fchool boyt. For Sit !partt doit Ty miking a htftor? of the life of Wafhing toe. who bai delervcd lo well Of tiou to the number of applicsiiti, pertectijjJphimeT- Una. (Kiuld be adoptsd.uTbe monument: pVopo1fc jt viu nc .uj.uiy . . .'x - .. D.y ni'ur migni pe nrorten ana n-ttroyed bya law- Vi i i wcH n' uvlC l;iOJ'aetrj, a;tn fh,?. woaTi'tioTc fe';ti rant fucli a inonument to Ufchool-book. Our children then will lera aai X . wou a i!ie i-nM fcw n's .,ic ni Kvf" live mtm ry i, a m io who ha i dele TUe SpriVer inforii.cd the Houle thai the f KjpJ 'm had propfed, if. aRtfcable' to the hoiie, to .Vd e ferv' v; ?iy londay i:i ter chamlrr, "Mr. HtLt prekiited a mfrnnrtal - from Stnuel them. It wu knnwn mhe b.oh e,,that aVphiUde' phi the ranber i f nal' (elio nnfore than iw,' id often nol 'm3fe th one-pefcvsreil darin; the fflTui, ttioujliTa Eteiter number appeared on iia eartieft jiayi fid audi, e perirnce,. therefor . der Ait ifoir Smith & ' Th -ma Caipenier,: .ienf44i , Warte4ahe -fallacy of Ibe danger uorehcaied i, t l,d'u,i..itakew t.i rt poif kahj;, D b.te :rm thii f juroe, . . . . T ,-fe-,.v ' , ! VweAiw! of iovicoceto the m nbeik fW hk-- feleaik'niMei. 'uid- wwd.'l?;:'Naei?i: HZ v iS.'u will . i-.r Dr. wwBout vnun ine wc unan e to- ""cj,,,!,. Sm Morritaqd Hi, wai appoioied lmI tv t!tc oiotecdinc hd Jf B1.crT."a!M . . . .,; iw; - ;,-; ntj in; th pi ruiilSon of the. lloufe to - be adiailtcd kviiliin the br. ; , ": ' . Asfoon at t'.e memorial' wit read, the Sr 1 4 k e a rofc tL'nd oUlei vcd,Thal feeling ItimTelf rcpobuile to the Dloii e for the faiihlul .uncharge oLthc lutica att.iChei to liil fuutioi;vii thought u jpropor U flaie the line ii conduit ha" had puilued in jhii bufmeu. He latdit-hc-waippifjiVto byette 'oii lie firfday ,f the ftlGoii bv Mr5teart, requcft 'mtpersniihon ,r. r. i , s, edaftedYv'tlhe Senate and lloufe 1 .uIc::.a i . W-,." u. :J.i:c.j-' io occupy plate vl-h.n the bar; f-at he if neduie!y ... Df Reprefcute "f the Uaiud. State., of. A me-' . tft. H. tailaid. ir it were the- with of w,ule.,,en ,ftklhr,fq.tejlnto confderlon ; thH-;jn the mean ,. rka; in tongrefa lT..nSle?l, ;,Tbi v Maufotcain 1 10 8Void the a-ia-jtion of meafuret- com ne aorati.e .intiinu.Wrcjuiii w of the iret mart we iiave lolt:i"i-5ra' I--finbrerving the naurr8irrire. ,0 icll ui To atone? r rZfii art .apgtmemottl.rt Mi....re, it ai once iP!,ereaio ,. f a pMpoaio.te heUlit, jhail t: erett d w-ieTr:. he faw little dift'-rencr Wtveea . trte' adoocioh of the V,,C- - wtrt. f.e difity of .the nou., tim,viv 0f ,htl6ve aad gr:itude.of ih citixena r, ,d the rejedtijn of. every plan. prOo-' b'y mob o fchool ' thr-convenient r-'oP the memben, to arjnt the . -t ,he united. -taus: io Georc WxiriiNO'foiii. r-j i,iut'.M ih'n.W.n. f,;j .u-.-.r. rin""""1 .ia .o -ii ; . ii n . AUtTON, alter tot!-: remarKa cat? i.uc Mr. H. Lee moved tiwt'h lliufe dd i:o a co-nmiaee the whole on the hill difemi? the eicciion of a ufjleum to Gio'ici,AVASHt"&T6B.V -'.-tin which itiotion the houfi dyjded Aj'ca Noes jjt;-. Mi'.. Moa k f$ tolt if,e v.hair, ' , . ' The Chair m ft a 1 1 rea t in -he . bill throo proceeded to read it by paragraph! The tuft-'fee- ttoo uas tii vwi : a monoraent hit true,.' that hi sountry.v . .T.h- bill propofed the ereftion that wo'ifi itan nnimoaired for a?-s R win not nerpet ate trie taie.ot VV.lhtngton ; nil (aw' rqiired nothing which we couid'do to give uriHtuitv ;' but it Will perpetuate, the .grat'iiud .ih? .rt.uury. It will be a it roftJe that will n Mrei)t.ct ; it wu .tie pointed to by uf chtl- enter'tt with reverence, at the aflset. of thi .great' man it de-, t wai udouhtdly i fubitft of frntiirent : and fubjc&rof "fuel) aipd nult be ruideJJyfeeliW. yriu boin'.d i, ihercfarei-may. naturally be eit pertcd. H'l" .opjni watithathc national fcokf. roet TTattedfor the ercft ; on of m i (hutture cor df-p-rt.?en ' ftttto tue char after of the mau to whom tt wja railed. . Th'! encral outlines of the bill jui :ht hov be a- doptd j. and if there ex'tfted a vaiince of obihioo, ra'i.-eJ 11 rd the liecrfTiry scciimrnod lion"; that ie pofiti or-fsierd 3 -he ea 1 in. onvniieia to iM'l.oale w.'-k uliiii vhe window frames; that, in hit o.imoa, in podn,oi w ;;d not be areeibl4o the blcuogra fieis, it iUz view nf the membcra on (ae oppofue .'t the houfe from either window, would be !it.?d ! ; hit if a petition '.wat al!S?ned in any nher pan of tlitlioufe. thejienojapbrrj wou!d be betvtcro the i hair and fome of thi meraben, which n.iuld r-.uder the prcfei vation of order impnthij'e ; nai 'ie had iWir-l t eft: reaToiH, and informed the . -....r ii 'i ftui eani ilitt.,u aoireaoie ,to Miem,ne wonia 'llipti a place, in the Gwilrrv, which Jhould be 4i't ipart tor thtrirKciufive ufe; and that he considered U ;:'o be th: -.oiie igihle'pnii i ti He coricluJed ly iepaiin that tt wat in his opinion ablolu'.ely mpolfjU'e io cielei ve the dinny, ot the tnule, and o inain.aio the convenience of tl.e m nibcri it tie rou tied petmifS n were'iivrn-. Such was his firlt. .hu h we T:n-rtl Lre. there is1 not a tich man irt Earone wSa were unable to hear from thei emotenef. of our p fl- f l0fe. hi 'mi' ,ff',,that doc hot ni c a trophy "to her tio, mov d a a .am.e.idment-' to: thettrii-. fc'dioa, , mjm0ry V Ja4 (h 'U be" Tai'l th -t'- we, who haVe r'hicl was,' in fublUace,' that .MomuminC ot jtiiied liihe mo i irrepatahje l'oiin the death of .marble be ereitftl-'n the C iiiiti ., at the Uiy ot -i niir thi. i; (Kill it be taid that we refuffe to' nav hi-n WaihV.igton,.cu:n HLrmoratLve of the great, event,., of 1 ho.iors wWicit are bvilhed' fo liberally upon fuctj'..in- : ihool lofe bis tuittref' without raifwi' a tei -in .object f I! you do not mean to come forward to her "memory. Wat the yentiema.) fetio the military . and p.ilirifol ifeof Ctoikc i Wash INtXON. - ' Mr. H. !. fpoke for fcveral minuter without our beinir able tojieir in c mneiion i tingle fen tence. The a mucin of Ins remarks appeared to. be. ihat'during the tail fe(U )ii the houle., after ng de- b u.'i had -declared ufclf iiv taor of Mufo.eum and that as no reafont had been , aiTt ;itd t r a elu.ig: of opinion, h h ped they wouid perfcvcie inihe deliberate jefnU ofr.fheir jtdgmeut. . y, "Mr. Otii ,'waa ready. to a-Jui jwled. e htmlfun. acqminied ttWi h many of the circu.nlti'iices c n braced by the fubjeck. He, therefore, wilhed ad ditio ial information to that whir n" tte had received. ' ... j;.5!t Jim It W4i umttrd---it waadtlt Ltr,,- prefnt oatntoaVai th4 a Mau'lbWrn we prei khe fime. ' ferableto a 4onuaient. He acknowledred t'uat 4 it imitate hia virtues Thi wili be rendering thehizh- eft tribute t rhit fameby.making it the inftrument of eiiUgKiening -thetnd " and impr iving the heart - , . .'...' V'-. While 'there are fuch rati-nal modea of diftinguifh- . trig the memory of Wafhtngton, caa Congrcft fo far foiget the iiwereft of the nation; can they fo far-tor-gift their t?w itvfy, ai so expend MH:to tt,V. " u i cleft and pernicious ofteuiation ? Sib e the1 my n. lion of types", rn'onumentj are good. for ncthing. ,T e recordtof hiifoiy will reinaia -long after their decay or deHruflion - . - - ; " c V: We r- told that the beft mode of perpeloatin the mem ry of VVamiigton i to' erett a Maufjleum. I , have heard,- faij VlrTTMaconJ of Arifiides, I have heard of Hamden ; but J have : never heard of -nonu-men a rifed to their menorie. , Yet iheir virtuci . fhine as'hright now, ai they did while they lived.- t I hve hero'vof place called Wrftminfter Abbey, -full of the monu nen' of kingi ; yet notwithitaliog thefe me norials, I ' hive heard very little bl them alter they left thii world, and I ju Hirn very much whether any man, let him '. have Jieard what lie nvy, if he vvtrn to go there could, ttlt obi ot litem fityri the other. t . -.'. 'rv. 1 . . '. . .. -: Butt'tt is 'aid that the monument, , pripofed tif ' the amendirient, mty be thrown down and detWoyed i . 1 '... k ..... . . ... bvt ijod t irbid tbat th.s In uid I do not briieve, fa d Mr Macou, this to be pMlible If it were made of glait, 'fiaii aa it ufil wou d be" f fe ; all would revcte, all would; rtTpeil it. ; . .. ',;,.,.';, . . The hbulvj it; told, by one gentleman, who advo. cite -the M.iaioleuin, that a rich man in Europe - moourricnt fertout wh,-ji he. on occaitoo, lay to tueu . we liial uiiaeritaod . made tint remark? Would he place the memory the ltl'on. o.t otjpuUi'on to the ground taken by. this . oj '.VaTjngton oi a footing with. that,of ;ich roan'a houOr laR lelGon. As yet no r.ions -had been at- i miQrefj ? Betier,. Sir, (aid Mt M icon, far better (jnfdtf r abaiKloning it -We t'.tVn deJared that We Would it. be,. more honorable-to tbe-overittMut. woaU aci.-rWi exlubiied a (,iiit wouliy ot the and more cou ormable to the wtfjs of our deieaicd im ottarrifhtn;,:(Jo," worthy of the iliguineo cha-1 friend, to devote the fevrmy 'thouiand'delUjrst de. tacir of this tiojlc.-- : . .: , j finjd for a" Manloleum, to the education of lhejtoor. Hu fh io d this honorable f pir it, kindled by an i 'hen indeed, vve might fliticr our telvea" v it n havhf enthwittfia iu the vi lues ai.i ufents of our' depar.-f extended the Ithp reof hijyirtuei, by making thofe led beetac!or, lubftde, and bejkilled by the'adooti- J underttand sal , iml'atv theui, who, uoi,olltiiAed,: Onot the ptopofc'5 amendiiiT he would conaole '( c-judnot tttmpreheud them, .. ,: with I'm houfc $-. and wuld rather they ' wou d; hsj r It lie lho.Ju that" by laiftng a marnificent monui ei than; d.ifiiice ihemdjivei and their c iinttvvby to iubonimaie a . i it-ini. Sit. that tiic ce'enritv" and trie cr orv ot Wr . !.if K. 1 it lurt tint th mrinnrn nt the1, t : ik,. I. . A ' 1 .1. ..... .1.1-.. - I - . ( i ... . ' . - . .... ... --..... - . -. .. .,,,.,.,,. vi t l ... . . r. . I W .In nirtfUi . hinff n'll OU PI lUOUS rnuorv wt i rjri. . n . ... r t. n- . L. . . . r- i . ...... -r - o . .. i.icuie mu.i irti twniinnn iniereu in n.ving lr trie judgment oi tiie : committee wlnci? il t c-1 tr,r i. t0 polt-ritV" he hi re at hit fa ne &i Irlcoa rs.ii.ken Wiln ,b eluy. It the d.ates- werej comn.endfdit. li was indoubtedly4-fubjetk bat -h trntaraime'i piiv. It U not in ojr ,. . 7 p.rvi.iH. ,UIC uuaeruooo.. i ne lorm.nonota proper ae- eithrrto incrtafe or dimmifh it. Bjt.Sir.'we ivnn i.iotv uiciu uiwm.u vi o ucuirrru 11u.11 ic yen cilno- aepenoca upon a concurrence ot teei at Cir. I jinjuu vHUes and, hit great example. We iitKtns ui imiiuj ; iuunty..-ror ivpu , cumitances, upon.a tomparuon or tneexpence wttii l i : i ltaPno .'d noi.d Ice n the ;ncoiivenience allcdaed to exiH. ,.e V1i,ie of the obieil 'o' be accomo ifhed.- Bfides I'i'dtfk, aiii.ch it was neeeUary lu admit within the , tj,i, jt had many pcnu.ia. teat ircs.no. co n rcheoded -, w oui.:nvii prow ucyonu inc winnow mmc hy rtrerv gentleiiian. He Ifioufht thtle CoulUcra. i as to t: e remark ot the Snckker iefuecing the tloni fufftcient to induce the h Mile to d -cine vht nionfi:rnct ot fach a pofition to the Stenographers, j ing for the arrt'ndment, whereby the pUn of the yjs e u y oovia ci ay inc conuocrauvin, mi iny ( COtnrni tee, who na I ir.s urcly conlideted lite (ib !?;eru!acv which might orcur in th: tej.ort of ihe ; t.ft in. all its relatio.is, would he -fru.hVaied, uriiefs i- . : -1 . L. . . ' - 1.1- .1 . 1. . ' i . .. .... . pa-'llnri wi.iual who look luirni onori; fde of the'ehair, pro- ihel lure.l rnnq hejll l.iutfl mid he checked by the reporter fituatcd on the lift fide. . ' - He thought the dtfire of the memoria'lifts oufeht not to be p .(Ted over JijjhJy. They Haif a rigiit to the belt p'ate mhich the houf: could afllgn. He moved the rcteience of trie inemonal lo a lclect coTimttfe. ' - Mr. Mi L t obferved that as the memorial1 contained tioTssth. mjuiied the invefttgation of a co rtmittce, and the hrnle poliefTcd all th- information lint coi'.d guide their oeulioii, he did n. I difrern thr fflptopntty ol i lit propo'ed? relerence." He had trfprcpavrda rr loiunon,' wtii. h, it tiie motion lor a ictrrcr'iCt- were wiihdiawn, he would ortrr. Mi. - K chola ! in, nird.iaii.ly. withdrew.. hit inonon. Mr. Hill turn piopoled a relolutiou in' Han ialK lo this effect c that Ah." Speaker be rerjisehertTo' airier placer1 withift-llTe-bar for the icros r... mi v. ir. (liongT realoat wcio laned than tie had yet heard. . . " , Ma. NicrfotAi obfervod that the. bill direfted the erection ol a Mii'folcum of certain dimenfion , lo a fee na in the expe.ico of which an eltiraate had been made. But. that elli uat: was not lattifadny. t was maoe without inlormation. ' The fmi to be expended was not fix.ed. It might va'dly exceed any f un now coivxrp plated. TtieMi ifjeun was toconlilt ota huge ujly man ot Uonet he pcdupTn one a.iother, to raife which a heivv and ;il Icfs rx- pni'e would bemcuried. And- what was tne ob- tt i It was to rerp Muate tlit mcinorv ot Georve Wafh ngton. Was" be memory jf that prtat man to be ceipetuaicd by a heap of large inanimate ,ob- jttii r - inc eii-wy tiifwnicn nil - itTie-COilld- 0J piefcived, . would heby bringing his afhes troin, the place wh'ie the y no la ybyd e po (ki o gibira ll U CO 'I lU ofj fet C'J Bri'.O m. wi Lrchtl und ras tV ItLCI HI power may are deeply iutcretled in holding ihcn (o.th as tllultnout modelt to our fo'ir.. Is lliete, thcu I afk -yo i. any olher mode lor perpftUJtiig the memory oi fuel) tranfeendant virtues, :o fliwtti, 4o imprelfwe;as ilul which we prjp The grand -ur of the pe, w wifh to itife, wiU urtprel't a lublime awe on ail who beh Id it. It will turvivi th? prefen generation. It will rec-ive the homige of our cnildreu's clii dren ; and (hey will leatn that, thetruelt way to pain hon r amitti a Ire. acop e, it to be ttclul, tobe vinuout ' Thit will not be the acK of a i individual . It will he the aft of a Govein-ncnt cxprelfu.g the will of a drat Ation eie then, I piay voti, fcu wuh rapture the ' ccalion that is no pielenied, thanklul to the Supreme di'pofer-.of cvenis fr givin. you an opportunity of ittrtng lone tuture- Waihiigto). This :a a great i bjeft ; trown then upon all the mile effort's made to deleal it. ,'K . - ; -. . It it itialy tiut that if yo V ercft aMauf deumh vou mull expead fotne pu jlie money. But are yoij not the guardian of the public, trea hire ? Doe n ji the leleftion ot the fcett pbj'fUio which io appro priue it, devolve on you And ta i there he a gei. trr, a inore-painotid purpole- than, ibu f . Ij.ji. not your -great dutf to promote the uibHc. good ; and . . i i . .. . i . v.... .i :u; to ."A MuHPton-, haiould eiv duration, to bit time, or carry kit name into a f. gi cuntry whicfc . it had "not vet reached, he wouid give the cliare. hit fuppsit ' B'tt n .uch ttf tea oti.d be produce.!. It might indeed adom tlu Ci v ; aqd that wis tr.a only plaufiule argument ia favor of it Eet rc gentlemen act m thta buhiiets, let them look- to K(ypt ; l here they willbeh )ld piecedenti in pro Niton ; men rnaJe god, and ttaiu et and vionunent 3e mauf leu : a covering the whole face.of the count ly ; but wti .re wt I they find tiie virtues or the talents ot the men they, mea.tit. to c immemoraie ; Kow it th time to m.kea 11. nd tgaiiilt thit monument mama. Wafhinton t adm led and betoyed Tjy all. No one can be charged with a dcfire to dimi nfh hi fame by .oppiifing. a ufelefi. txpeuditnie of monev-The- -precedent we now -cUahltfa will be auspicious to our lutuic miafures." If. we deel.ne ra fing Mau- - foleiiiU t Wjfhmnton, ini -inaiiwno fuceeds, h m, can txpt(9 one uied tola memo y. Ontheothci . hand, it we now taif one to ., afh.ng'.on, every pre tender to g'r auielt will airri ..ai.the lame djt i dVon. Mr. Macon e me u id by declaring hynlelt h;iuie to th; b'l.nd Inendly io the . amendment, becaule il prop i(ed a plan tint wi more isuonal, more eco nomical snd more co !ormi';ie lo the reiolve. ot the old Coiigirtt, thju lint contained io tht,t'ill. l i e OW'ii'ttrc then -role without coming to any decifi 1 1, icpoited rrore.s, and obtained leave io (it again. - . ' , , , . , - ... , . Mono ay, pic. 8- . ARrportwai niale tin! yoiab e t the memorial ot S li Smith and X, Carpenter, deuitag acmiihors in the capitol at the vti I of the nation' in inter inc th rn'ni luch a manner as had never heretofore been done, in p acitir over them a'plain tablet, pn whuh every mn could write what his heart. ! elated lint, a d this only, was tne balit of Ins ffiie. .It w-t not to bejbiaaoued by hgures Oi re, refentatioiu or anv other Icit. It conliUed in the undccavin reco'leclion of his virtues . It inkilf live on the am tionil Ice'iin?, and ibis called not Iqr ufelefi expnr.e- ltny m un a no nn wu at co rpclmt toils cxpeaceiH at. lo hundred thoufand. lie hoped, therefire, the ameiidment would be fdoptcdtni that ihttennt w h'.ch. related to military and politi' (al atchievemeatt would be omitied, Hs hoped t plain motiumenl would i eretei. . Hit prelerence of. mono ncnt to a m'ufole um, a ro:e uoUyatn any innilpofubn io telebiate the me' moryOt pur American hero. He chiH fay it much in his praiit as a y mtn. Heither a committeo of Congiefi, northe four SecreUries, on whom the bill uevjlved the (iiperiote idaiice,. felt more scat for the character erf this jTiert man than he did. - Ma. lefti did not ufc'to cjofa ne the rime ot the comin't'ee by going at large i.no'an examint- ht-be-fifeplellv-irommei4H-Vo'h the bar t like the drbatea. Sltn'ir'aphcit. Ma. Or it waa tony the entli-man fiom Virgina t witiidrawn ti:s tio'.ionto ieier .tiie m-monai to i ctmi.iiiiire, a he llioueh the fulijct'.reqi , vxai!ii.j'.iri btf .'te a drt'ilioih was mtile. There i't) eared t" '.i:m math wcignt in ihe idess nf the .prR.ei-. vxani, tor nw .,aKr pi argument, i.ut V. : nr pertons may be accomniudated a' the wmjjws ' !it.incr! not Ue oilier a, plicitions f VV-s any . - itlr "jan piepaied to .fay how mt .j womd be ,;de r It the pti'i.'ion were o'nee pranted to one ftnuld it not l c ixccffnv t.i extend "it lo ll Would rv, hi-u'e flitter any individual ti have an eicluftve ..i.fi t whe itty a Ihtn ol authimicity would be 'fixed on i Ins i:atnne;iis f . ' . ' The bufinels. in one fhace or other, lud often ' l.e.-n f e fic the houle ; and all conveilation reijtct .'I. .... ! t l rut it rto iwii rpaca in irtvinr it to the, icitu- 1 ti,.n..f ihe Sprsk.r.' 1 his appeared lo him the tier tfiniiiaiion it could icccive. Iiom the attention he , ha J paid to the debaiei icsmtcl thit fcfTum, he believed ihrin io l heTer L tnnn accurate yiaaen, than they h d etn on l.irnut otc-hon. Thit io iiiin wisprool that the ptefent ! llon u Ku fubject ; but to cxpltia the reafoiii tor goju one. liir ii.e vote he meant to give It htd latt 'clii .n ro ackriowlcded at the Itine time, that the ability ! Cpcra;ed ikoft c eerfully i all thofc meafuret which with wh.cli the dehaiet weie laken, entided thofe ' had be n puifued .o eiorefs the national frnfibi ity vho took Ih m to the beft iccommoda ion the houe , lt the lot of Hut great and immort i! charafler. In cm.ld ,tl id Ii"cj"d JMiJienewintiethcljeingj of gratiude which hia.terviws axtlud. Wo1.iSoIaierfu.i.eTo aTcIeacomm.iire. T no mtn c.inld outdo him. Among ' other' meafurfi i niy.-n Asrcpnea tnat no erbate had taxen he had been trie ndly to the ereftio of a maufoleu n. F'Jte wnn.ii con.u ten ti.e .ccuracy , ol the ltcnoga- Rt on more tef.eft on he ha r, m "v jr eoci irnce r.e ptoncuncfu tne He did not believe thai a 4tz maUol ftonet wou 6 i.tuai ion it preterit occupied utieily ms nvenicn-. ,dd to the leputation r Walhington 'ci te more ... ....ut u-ji .met rtmsrurn ma oern ( cxpicllivc ol national aliettion than a marb'e mm ii iiai-o. tie wen nr.ew" thit tins did not aide r. .i t I sii way; 1 lie; turn alkca it ; icvcmy tiioutana oorari, Who cati fhew me in what t..ii r manner the lame coo l on be eiircled bv lo fmall a lu.n f Bui, it it taid, that the iill veftt, a difcretion in tne tecreuties, and iney mty .exceed the climate But. Sit. are ihe Sccrrtariet unworthy of confidence i Do not we kiio that we mav falelv lelv upon them ? r. r l' ' .f .' I . . 1 1. .1. - ... IT... - . BCi.aetf ll mountexpciicni, inc cxpenuiiuie raiy n Umjted. . thus lute y, without prodigality on the one hand, or pjrfimony on the other, you may do honor io yourltlvet and your coun ly, Mr. Macon did not pretend i'kiow much about thai kind of thnigi p.opoftd bvthebill l'he SriAxax "ntormed the Houfc that it waa the intention o(I. CoNor, ihe pr fent tleik to give iu hit itfignaiion, wh ch. he,- underltood would he done to moirow, nd fbt:il the nectfli.y ol theie upon yroceediru' to el ftion o a new c eik. t The report ol the Cummittce .of claims oh the petition ot Oliver P .llock, which it unftvorable to the ptaycr olihe pctioner, was agreed lo by the Hou'e. - . Tut oat, Dec. g. . The Sjeikf r read i Letter , from Mr. Condy, the nrcfeni clerk, inlonnin: the houfe ihroath Mm that but the Hate of h'n iiealth did .not permit hit caulinu he believed, from ihe liule he did know, thn fuch i nce M,lhe orhce of clerk, which he relign.d "wfth a th'mg had not been litem p ed for a thoufand yeat. i c xprcfliom oi tegiet lot tfie neceffity that napofed thit The ex pence, attending ihe propofed meafuie, had : condutt ipon hi.n, and oftlianm for thekindnefs been trea cd lightly. For hiiutej, he wai not difao-i ad indulgence tltch lie had icccived from the fed to confider fevmty thoufand dollatt a ttiflng Houfe. . fum. He thought it a gr .at fum : and - believed I . The Houfe then proceeded to the Election of a eveiy martVin the counrty thought as he did. In foim-'tjleik, JdcfTijv Chimplai) and New. tellerij who tnj hit idea ot any ptuuular turn, he was nouariied having , counted the bt.loti, reported there tt .10.- away by the vilionaiy notiona of fpeculatioti ( he looked at the laboai it required to ptoduce it : and he web knew bow hirdl earned was the money from which this enormous fum mult proceed. He lurther believed that no man could tell how much the Maufjleum-would toll. The fevehty thou- la d OOlUiS was piooaoi. onty a ceinuin' ; ana wb.nthe object was orice beuii, experience tell it that we mat tinffh it at all events, tct tt eo-whar-it miehu The bale was fixed at a hundred leet. Why not decide its other propor, ions ? Did hot lhefile:.ce I of ftve-iUa4WW yeim 4hwhe ignorance of - gm llemen I Ail was doubt. What Urcngthcard Ins mcnt. ,nl opinion ot the total want of iuiormation, was cxhipiiion la! (tQioo ol two ellimatcs ; one of w ihe hicu Thia tiring llir r iff Ii nr.l....i . i. . I.....' . MM ll... Ill.l.llli tt .f 1 ll. . a . . I - .. A. . . . . . . i-. u...r . ..I iA r " . ' .-" wi io vuiivvxj , peciuie ii wit sue icaa tXfiei.hve 'il occurred. Me knew him to he intelligent, I Ma GattwoLD hoped ilea ame ndmi. t ' wV.uld l.l'or Cafahlcol conceiving and "c.inveyint the sot mev il !t mil the o'j'i.A f il.k.M. ...r. e.unig ol any lemaikl w nch coi.l l be mdc in a.monument which fiould llll tor ari. m.t -kitli Ml'tl-, nil II iroie llo.ll 111 i ll'IO.l. IIJIII lh.ni J S . rrMii1 m..n...t nt ,k. . ... J. .., ' - . J .. . , ., . - .. !.. it wtUIiale tj hrdi.: ' - V... " V., " ' u " u""V I?: "'w I r"naattt teit.in.y (Cot..u not pe true. 1 lie pio ... T""J' ....... i . -vii uw. wtvur, ii inc pio. L.Ll;iiv wit t ut nctltiet Cou d b.- deoended uuou. in. Vi wat predicated on a bafc of fixty 1eet, require i f.xiy (even ihoufand dollars ; the other was picdica'ed on a bafe of o. hundred Icet, .making the Siruiluie neitly tl.ice timet it large, and icquiied only fc- venty tlioul md fdo (an. Could -1 .it be conettf A III low-: Vor JohnC. OIwald, ' fvutei. John Bcckley. 4a , tone. C. OtwAL-o appeared and wu forn ly the fpealcer The Houie then to k up the report 01 the com tnilice to whom wat referred the Xjetnotial of Simu- cl Ii.miU and rho nat Ca pc iter, 'tfinng ad mil lion whmrrhblron3o-tre-tIebIte$na mo-: cecdingtoi the Hjfe. . J Wit report is in lubittnce thit it it not expedt- enrthat-thrilrofe-iticic-it ua.e"i;iyotd;fcgihey memorial ptcfentrd. . 1 ' ...... ,1: will .be recollected by the re !rr, (hit Ihe on-s giuil molion ruidc wu by Ma. Hi tt, wfcilh wt ii.atMr. Spcakef would be iciacll.d to admit ihe Ste-ogripheii within H.c bat Mi. Cittitrst moved ihe lelc.encc wtbeiepoit to a tommiitte f the whwle. . .., Mr. CaiswoLD oppoftd l ie reference 1 " ii ' The hou.c divided ; for the iftebcc 43 'j afaiait it 40. i - : i ) n w '4 ! i .J,.... Jt ' . , , i H.t. . 1 .....4. .v. ..... .. X. . - -- "w ' ' . v? 1 . - - ; w; --ft-. '4 - 1 a 1 ' . ' ... a 1 . . .- - J - ...

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