P" '". :VWJ L' N;Gr;o N, Jar,. guation. , Itticedhot be recalled fyJe Itmon w-" r'Vd y(lerdiyfrrn 'S. Cr9ftfr!z w?fftivt &-he-fsU wing :t . Fxira. PferCStTd STtiirdavr'Df renewed: within the fpace of one year V-Wiih refppcf to the cargo, .thre proofs fliall- be-1 contained i rr vhercert i neatc s hned by the officers ot the place Irom . "-i i ' " ,t i i I 1 : . . . it The fdttcr w?j this monii ,g favorrdW,.h a Lc.dcvn Hhcfe Certificates mail ppi, bv pen ;"esan ytio csme upuiuvefiii'.g Iaccj(jen be deli ro ed by or ae!Tavay"by. force, then ia, trom u.-tcn, W v. h oe 'toiiowifg ilic defeat is to be . fupptied by the means Tieatv bctwteo rnve ana iirc-unuea au'.es, u , reiociea to oy ine genertv uiageui pauens copico. - " . LONDON , Novmber-a; " CONVENTION Pthvetn thk F. r e n c h R fyp 0 b l i C the Unite d ';fc.AT es c America . From t he. National VeiTels, not mer chantmeri, no other proof Oill be iefeuir c i than the flicwing of thtfcir rcfpe.ct.ive C"'Tipii(Iioi!Si -This art ice is to have ciloci from the date of the tWeferit Coiu Convention", contrary to the f..trit:ot. this on oir'bjcftire'tt s iti'-pu-ifct idoi. are know if, it fh all be. immediately rcltored,. ' V. Any debts contracted between tlie two nations; or belweu ."individuals, ' The- fft Conful of the French Re-. pii"biic;"in the name of the French pii- j - pic. k the Prefident of the United States ni-' ArVtr I '3 ". '' ll CI h?" Q tial ! V dc fi rd 8 of J "termiiiaunv; the-"difxculit.ev.,wiuch have j nl'IT'e..re"cpverable,. as - if noixAiiw&j- occurred be wcen the ivvt nations, nave 1 ftandinii.idLikcn place. Tnis.af ticle, r,.fnf-.Mivf . named their PlcnWot'est'ia.- however,, does m)t .t-xiemi to any uiuc-m ries, and'-bavi? f;iven.th.em tu'lppwc'rs to . bring" tnofs inferences rzn end, 'viz, 1 the Hr'.t Co'.'.jul, in the 'ha me ot the hr'.t vo'iju!, in ihc . Frehch 'people, has appointed as reni- f.f.eht4.ries on ihe part of the. RejTiibC) )feph. Boonaparte, a.mbaiTa(iort fronv :-f 'ranee to Rome, 'and caiuiltUo? of Ua te - . G. I Icuritn, Atttmber' ot the rational' inilinite, jim of the office L.o ng i ttj.-je iiiFra net, arf cow h ft 1 1 or' t . ItateratdfTL; Ruederti, meaibt-r ot. tl.'e JtUtirr'e; couulelior .of U:ve, . and feli'iV.nt' of die fcioiiTf the interior.; :jr-i.2-.i?xcfidetU-of-' be. U ni i C'i'"Stat cs' of Atntrlei, by an ! With jhe . ydvice a"" ; '.'COttfo'tit of the Senate-, .has named as l:e ' )pHftnHft'Vi Ovrr fT4ivttrth7ctret in.ti.ee of' ilv -Uiiited S'au:6--Win. II aa enemy's porf ancl. if their carVo is facl as to furniQi. ground of fufpicion,' Cvailbe obilvrj. Certitictcs" . '.' ''.' '"' - '"; ';.ta' XVI l.-in orn?r to prffv e n t-cltpt u r es oit in iy re fult trom tl.eiiie, u is agreed "iha'i v'5ie.ii ". ope' oH'e ."'parties (lnl be at wV.r, and thev6t..her neutral, the vellels heiojfiii. to the eut'at party, primde'l wjin a pall, poet as dclcribed iirthe 411 anicj lli t' l be allowed to ptls withb it .nioKitaunii. 1 ae cerwftcates Ihal, ' tro wf vt-r le. fo n'r vrt t & Ws to ftifw t hat t he v tia v e r. o aft 1- cles ot a conrraluni natire on lioard. . If 4 h efc--i r t U; I e' Jlf' u Id f 6 r m t ! i e 1 1 4 1 1 e ir parr attiiet'a in thetn.thill be'aUavved to proceed upon her .'voyage-. If a v f$?l be iound Vr houi a proper cerrificuei or pal'spprt as abovje1, the.t the ircu-mltances are to be- exaniinci V the proper " tribunal?; If the fcaptain ftojild die b4.'the.-'vy3jer his ftidcellor lhali be entit4el' to t he lame iiniiunii tit-s. ; XV'DL it the vessels ol e'uher n,uion ' faith of vc- ttie eyeril . KenipotfMiariel ha'ye Tigrted- tlieir B?mes f o the tnicles . abev ciifd. in the frencn aoHC.ngii.m tanguages. : - Dqnc at Part- Sept 3, -1800. : A t . IV. R. Davie, y W V. Murray, : y4. Busnapi'te. P. FforiettSl -(A true copy.) ' . ;. " : -i ; . ; C. M . 1 ALLEY RAND. - " DOMST I C OCCURR ENC ES. Su-ice' the atteirpt ta let tire to ttiis to the "Citizens hax eltabiifhed a r;g 3 WaicW, which has, iiotloubt .prevented " " Viln.eefttfta.rier tiearioiis dtfinsas'feveraiTKts wh" x weTe" kindled,, have beew extinguilhe and, on '" evening lall, inan w.c lliot ar, far beiii4 in the jtreet" aftier iin o'clock, during Chrjlliiias Hollidays. Oiv Sa t nrday J alf , w Sj rrikffp . p under t he V A GRANT I ACT f JB ttbhtr D ivie,., ri-devant -governor. of N. Caro 1 1 ill in 1 W.' V. Al'irruy, niniUer ot the. Unite J States at'theiiaguc. . "Tiu-fe miiiiiters, alter hsvipy exclian- niiies clai.mcd 0:1 cither fide". yi Tlie commerce bwefn tne Wo na i ions. "Hi a ! I bt f r eei T heir v c lie! a nc p'rizes -'.(hallf-bei tTe'ae'd In 1'heir llvera ports vul-ail "tlie-.refj'eCl which is due to the molt favored nations -VI I The fuojecls af - the United Sraies in France, fhall have the power of Hil'paitncf ' of their propertv bv will, anij . .- ' . .- 1 he f fetich Inbjects ju Aiileri'.a, lhal 1 en- joy tlie. fame privilege, . 1 be heir's bl perfo'ns inteltatc, lhall inherit wit riou.t heihg.u niter ihe necellity ; ot- jaking otit.. le'tk'rs , of natitrali jation, and wiiiio at in y -tax or impoit whatever, ' X VJI I. Ill 'pj-arecdi that if War fhoiiid f biea 1c . ctwv bc-tX'-uxn-U'Mvv-o-Ui-mH-h Mct'c hap" s ' and C itize.ns, on either fid., tnat'be allowed fix monihs to withdraw ii jtiipiuc . 11:. 1 ii- w; irmtet at lea bya fbip of - or priva. VIA'V":?"f a ir'""V T''- ' ..-.! i. .11 i;' .1 i'...:- i:.'!.-!. . ; . 1 pt o.e1 lire,. 4S a Ii'Iniciol), tl. laid ihetr v pcrlons. cc thqsr-prupe tufnitHed with ilnece'irlrylpalfpt-to: ff1)? Pha.v aonexed lift . 1 - . 1 or Inev'iit'.' Hc' is not allowed ta breuk nd rW-ir v-f-fiu'v nn-vpt s o ., f . r o, i ena pie tneili to, return in lalt ty. to neir ( ... . - n; , . - . C'-ii tn.tr T'-iiCc.v v poAeis, aaa ai.tr j . y op'i' aw c'ut!s. trunks, or tales. or m 1 i-r.. rT 1 -n ri.o.Mit.-(i- vir.ri. 1 . . lov.i and mature u:inuo.i, rnTyercea 4n tne tollovvitig articles, -viZic-;. ..'Art, I. There uYui be a -fi mitt ii vio it is - reloeOiveiv agreed. )"rv- wit Hint '1 v. .. lh"4!l aik be no inore-t.htin l.o or tlute. men. Thefe lb all d-mand to leeihe palspprt. Bit on ro account lb ill ijie former be compelled m IcikI on .board the . vifitinj velse Air th-.e to .nake aiv exhibition ol vi papers. XIX. It is expti isly 'lipMiaied, thar thel'e co'K'itiohs o be nblervcl by vetVels at, iea,1 rsiate on'r 10 inote nav-.annp wiinout convoy; If tliev oavinatc witn convqy ihe lUj; ih'iU ta eery :ae a liRciett n 1 ert on evtfn fro ' iu'ip'xcfiiin';.' The verbp d e c ! a . a ' o . ' o L' ' e C- ;i 1 1 1 1 ,tu I a n t t W a 1 1 h p l'e veisfls brou his nation; and tba: tlie v.' have noiUiiig orit-ahanii u bo t V t fl 1 1 f in all rai-5S"'lt; CviTi '' ieu!,' T T.ne Vw'6 partiet reciprocally cnac-.theml'elves, not to Jti We mi l rr -drr rFTCTrfy -TT'i" se15 h" eT coirnbTicl or deihtied to aifhollcilr po't'l XX. h vefjels (lioo'.d be takenr U?ived ue'der aby pre er.t ot convevin roiif. band, goo.1 the captor Cull give; a receipt MATHEWS, Itavinc'a d-ficn er intention of br faking otn a jidir Trunk, the proper. ty of iviiss , ,on the Sound, Qiw;xaiiii-.aiin bejwas .'difiinilTed ,.- by the .Juttice j but in confeqnence of his lettiiig ott tor tne sounu . iue oay aner, another arrant was ilTued ngainft hiiii.; . - i- i i i. : 1 . I . me cvenc-or wnicn we nave iw icaiiicu ; There is i eatoa to beUeveJhowever, tbst. bis pur.ifhtiieni will not exceed HANGING. LaftweeU a Wkitt wan was killed on tlie S'imd, oy two black mtn . lor committing depreflations oiil.be premifis of a ncgrt Woman. .- ''- 1 able,' a iff ai'ieral pt-JvC, l-etV.Tr.'-n.a II i lie ' fr.bj-.'ds of the United SYatc: , svJ. of tlie French Republic. - ' ' , 1,1 .The minUters of fhe l a-'o cohtraVl- ina iHtwer.?, net bcin;'-blo at prcfent to " aree yvi!hif,ef;.,':i't; to the treaty of alii ance of-Feb. 6v 17"8, or to ihe treaty ol r.'ni'.y ai 1 jLom'n-rce, and the conventi m dateti Nov. 14,188, or with' regard ' - to. ihe" imiemtiitief-' due or clatinvd, 1 he'fe . points pre referred tor f iirilicr tlifcufTion, a ad tbtTr treaties arc to bc.cojificrcd fok . the jir.efent as of no eTivl. Tiie relati ons between the two nations are, "in tie rrv-ao tiirp, to be regulau'd in the hiati i.er l do-.viiig, viz. . 'Y ---.--III. -The national vciTels, taken on be '' ,V r . ',-.'.,' , -Iregnoic ai-'V part ot tne ca. tit.kf. intbe ., I A., i lu-fltuts one -trovn n uv.d'iais; rtrH,,8 t ,e content i-ifoers i .- .. 1. it. - L. .11 : r . ; .v. . xocai .outer, man nr, .in o nu .iLiieu XaI.: To - prevent any !anafe to the or any national uirfj-ite, tie naiiit-ao.ctij.'.n,u.;or'.cartiot ft leaf ion or feo tied rati nit ".' Ttljv ar'ic e 1 17 af 'TT-e'a'vv nr ;'.ca pf ai ir6r"' comp'rizes equally their property in pub fli.d! remain -a b.aril uiuil .ihe p lie 01 private, funds. "' ' ' - ' ' Tefpeei-i-n.i Hhe cap'iire.kvclst -Xi T1ic': two Ccr.'raaint Pariif sl1'1 ' iite!v dpci-ii: , Tti o'ficers,. i, ;- Ken calions,, tthtr fide, or which mall be lai fore tfie exchange- of Vhe rati fi - iiull joiiiii dijtcly be 'reUorcd IV. iThe property c?ptnred andnot ypt'ctJ'itmic.!, or whi;h It all betaken , brfote t?Te exehan.JC of the ratification, 1 vccptf; contraband merchandize delli 1 d lor an eatemy s port, fiall be um idly t llorcd or, fltc fo lowiilij; proofs iie i. i! nriude ot t he property ; l'wii. and prerogatives raual! v with thofe'of tlie r.u!t tavoied nation. .. ' ; X I .. Tjic ' 'CFizotts cT the. French Repnb'ic-. (Wil i:ot pay in the cii ie, arbours, cc. of Aa'.encx,' any iiuties'or i'opo.lls be-yo'-d tjic fubje ts of the rr.oll f.vored -naiiotii Flilv- fliall allo);ive tiie fame privilege.' to tride and r.a'vi irate. - The Citizens of he ' Unitel States are to rninv t hf I.itc nririb- jf nfV(rij nirl nr n. h n-tu h ipmiAriiic in. Lilt one. All. I lie 1.. itizens ot the two Ke, land u. inflict no ioUh ii)4l.llfi s" .each,. I XXII, In eyt-rv ' afe oflifp'iue, the-irat ter is to Pe yi-rd by jtie 'rliibl.llied rr.biina!' of" ej;b cjtu:tiw, ibe j i. lament of whic is "to be d'finitive.. The copies o( the arwnieuts; ac.j . motives ot loch ju!p "oe'Ht to . e .1c vereil.jto either party re rpiir'nv them, oiijpayineiit i the. ul'unl CTtl'Il'-S. . - "tr 1 - XX LI I. For the further fu ret y of the ci- 1 ot the two contrau;ng parti1; the Or VfT- ' nl WAr anrl nnu aiprc ar 1 bound 10 ahdam' fiom every iniurv wl'.a!ever, or damage. 11 incy An licltorfpeaiiomuchifthe ftveral Laws now in force irt ibis .bt.atet as grants - Timer tilhi "Trujlees tf jhe Univer Jity o f , ' Nor th-CaroIiKd, to letze and pbtefs, for 'theufe of ihe fuidUnixerfity dnyechea , ted or canfifcatid Property. -I,-. Be it ena&d by the Gen eral A (TembJ y of the Stare. ol North-Carclina, and it is hereby, ewaclted . by . the auilorny , of the lame, That from and after the pr fling of tlijs aft, all acfti on claufes of acts vyhicli l'viTe heretofore grai.Ut power to. the Tttiltees ot the Univetfity of. North-. Caioiina to leize and poflcls any efcbeatetl" r coKhkated property, e I or'perfonal, fliatl bc-and the lame arc hereby repealed and roade voi,, " -' ll.,Viid be it farther enncled, Thar all efcheaied or.coi.fifca'ed property, which ihe laid Tndtees, their agents, 6r at tonnes, nave ' not lefcnHjoId, by viripe , ot the faid.lawi; fliall fif;i hfnee revert to tl S ate, ami bencclorth.be cor.Iide'red as the property 'of ihe fame, although fuch lawt had never been palled. A DieiS Ai his brothci' hbife, inKay ettevi'ile, im' ifie iiioininot CbiiltmaS dav, of an it (tarnation tipcn the Ltii'v, Mu r abom f irr-fiitht hours illue's, Col. ' Richard CociiraM, of theVounty Mt Oit.g 'H': maniierl were mild mle. and lms(tuntl)., his hnbits fol er, tempe.,, rate and it-.tcrret, t-unuianity, vutue anu I 1K..II I;...,! : . ...J . ' ! 1 r 1. ,1 1, 1 , i 5 r.iic . li- I I. : V, ocaiiuuiMAvu tovu "vcy.a-t Oerv-u-, iney tlull D . r.lponlib.e w.11 rjlrimilni were his priuciplr. j u:eir veins : mcrcnai!a!2.e icoiitraoamrr.upren. ror in? better iecmhy in this cale, ,fnderi.r t.nd rfledtion fpr h't only loou. caicpieuj in tne pori 01 au enemy , -.my i-p-m i pnveei3 peiore receiving , r)ai)ohter .could onljo? exceededliy Ids ct jro.ai nr.e ererny s por tm aroT!icr,.im-i tw,,"",,,,W, lu riuv' iccurmcs 10 mc 1 vViie. UetectMved hn blueauon nr the ! I T.. (V. . ...1.1 l. : U f 1.1 . .1 .' I . ' finlOUnt 'of ri'-in dnll.irt nr' C i,ir li?r nr 1 ii I r I .1 1 .-U : . i . . ff.t Uneacli pji't the proof-ot the nronerrv ' 1 U",,1M LC m a ,l4 c tMU ' Kd x' rr , .""" 1 .-V , ' Volienge oj.,rmiiocipMi;u ami quaiimn ve'ativ -i to intrchant eiiel -rrc-l or no 1 't '-mcr uic cvciy ver.ei liian oc.f 1 - . " :'" ; " ' ' Jinoicii ior inc yirti-m-c i i mc w j imh arm.d. (hall be a report'," couched in I "bVx ' t0 change -h-r dti nation, "Wnl1""- J hc a'"nt. 'jf dhri,; or cvcr ytrfvti ir as a , profefiior. - be was rillo cool.n. jt,;wit flhj.aVo any. dcaiol 1 73i640 ivres, .repa.ry ...juries. .ofl.a.d frn. f Retirement and experimentnl ' i I It 1 ' t Po orvonhl atin of h -r ciun 'rnn tl,,r,"S ,h'",r-cr,,12M ani m v.olittot. otihe plofophy, his Kriulitii-n vtas geuerwl nml V.ranwhon it marctrnteftsT'.u;1 ter.nof lhlr conveniiorr. -ievtfuti ie-hut-as a-Mathema ician-and V,owr,, that lacnlty and permiin..,, has 'f1 x f XXIV. If dievelfel, of of cid.r ofAS , Veen i-rsntd to -maftcr Of oni-i ;cls V- " an"10-h',c .lie com riclirg parties, or priva-e (hJps war,-!the f(,lt iu A.betica. ' H.sdeath is -a par. i-undtrol the llii., o.ilU-d -,.ot the! Voxt,wc,ore a blockade i.dceiard,iai Ihotiid en.erthc poris of each' o her, they fliall tlCular lofs to all bis friends, and acquain- t-,r.vtiof , tit nrelent in l' l.-irW, ! n' (nV" " depart at discretion-. not be called upon for anv particular taxes. ' ,.. u i.eral uud nnblic la Is to hi f.f' h.mri.l f.'.i- ...!!,'., ! 'nil Th..t ihis v.Uei h..win,;;i...nOP!r"bi:it?- . r t fiTf iiPir n ar tnher f,in the wader ha.made oad, ; rw0.d,, f;abhardv pffh,!,, fadlcs ,f.!r caval.y, thai t..c caruo lthe property ot on or! h,fnep, cannon, nv.narS- and, "nerally dl ,inoie Inb.rJsot ; tliathe lha h inllrmnents of var. All thefe af-icles are ii.d r t i a 1 1 1 ni 111 1 1 1 . . f . . .. 1 . . . 1 U' . . . ' . c i" . 1 .1 ' r 1 1 - " iMmiiuv ui,ii;c 4iiu r.' 1. 1 iiji'i,- i rur.niciimn. out me, vti ei Dearine Anioncl' (roods 'lo be ret Ironed are to L i irclailed nn'powet u ta'ion, and prnvi le hitrfell with ant. Vhid lill of the cre.y, e ,f Ep'e) svitli their iii'Tif -ir-n 1 in..- 1 llul ihtm Hi XIV. It it tlivi!a'cd by ih prefent ueaty, be ill fi barred. with their. tta'ncs. -.("ir-nj iu-. niici-t if1. '"'e (Ju os liill.hive fud liotnv ol bittb. an I a-fo ol t! nilC.ii.r,Vc t.iw t,4' c iV lff fliirs a-e.io be u'"deifloorl .ate not to be admitte ! ithonr a Ib.-ria-'l iS ve1 w u:bcKM,:? ,( c:,,,cr nation, even Ti . . l.'l.H' Cir? iJli bel.tntj enber wholly or in piM ,10 ,m limine pnwrr. . Thiv freedom is lo be extended to all pallcr gcrsj" excepting mity nuliiary men, atlually in the iefvice ol an enemv. XV. Il ia?rrcdf on jhe 'coioisry. ihat all proprr-yf hetnrijii-Ta-Jhc luhjfsJ7)reT!Ti r r'l-n the otTie.cnt ah rnvntloncil. That ihi'iirfiott llial! bMxhinitl-d at every pnii. where, i miy ioii,;h, (0 u,0 proper o.ljc-r",. he, te nuder, m-iking io,the(h a - faith. In I rcp.;t of a!! that. has, occurred .iUtitij" -iitjji;iitat.-,. h-. liMrit ;slfo-the ar.ns a:ilcri'i-os .,t 'licU iiied S'arcs, or o this. ' wr haVe (iicd thefe prcfenti. .11 !, -i.ii" 1 n,-n t! he cou-vef nnet. . li t!i.rj;j Tic f.-jlof our-ar.ns. G;ven iuti," y..;ir 0f Grace, th- cav t t 1 it 1 t 1 111- country, f.wnrl on boa'd m hollile vdle'l. 1 " 1 - - .... ' pi!T, ri mvluf 'iik!r;bV"f.:fR. tu h n I i a t . i) i t .1) .. .1 . t, m- I.. L 1 1 1 1 , 1 fl 1 1 j niiinn.f iiwi.v.iiu. .pi imii imi 11 1 xij IIIH, llljil DC .: .r.r i. l 1 ' ......'. . ("'incaieji, wi n ue exc. pu rtVnlyJoUT g- ols being put on hoard previous to a dctlaratii n ,"r ill? oiOvledge .f f,itii Hn.Uraii.Hi. 1 4a m mihs are to be allowed on each', fide, .uti wiimi iiicijjiinrancc or lucn 1 awlJiaiioii is, not tot b? oieadnl 'or acceu'ed. - . - ej -a iSi nor UmII tlie validity of ihe cap 'pre be tailed Ctnti'Uy.i but an irreparable -one to his in q.Rllioii by ihe i.id oftltepUee. The -fj nil v. Tie was about lhi::v.t6 veai' olficer and' crews of fuch velfels, -fim.'iioiied of ace atd U" is l.mewhat reirarVahle P.ro.?cr conimillion, arc on no account ilaat he drew his n-It and lalf breath in the 10 be dciainedor mo e ed. . XXV Nj privateers bearing commif- fi . 1 n ions from any liate at w.irViili euher of the contracling power, fliall' be allowed to arm rr to provide ihcir.felves, or to oifpofe of ihe prizes, in any port relpeclively belonging io them. . XXVL, : It is fjrther agreed, ihar no pi tate flult be received in their ports, rojdi or hirbuiirs, -and that no protertion or allifl.tnic HulUbe given to them by ihe fubjefls of die refpettive power's. 'All property piratically tented fhall be, jinfnccf .ately retlored 10' the an hyrizrd jgems (f Both countries..' ' XXVll. Nenherofthe two nations Hull infringe on inc ii (Aeries belonging to ih o iher, or which either may acq lire on the coalt in-iNewTOtinuuua, U ihnjTjloh oTbt. Lnu tame' apartment of the lame iloule. 1 1 1 1 Pert of IFihmngtW. ENTFKfl) 291H, Dec. Sch'r. Experiment, Barnes, Ila- . vaunau, i CLEARED 27th, Ech'r. Albgi'or,- Ilrchcocli, St. Crn'x Anfoiif Iln'ibrook, Jamaica ! li:Jufry, Snow, J Boilou RALElCil, Dec. 83. , Hie Lrgiflaior of this, flate adjourned on Sat urday. ih-zatfLiDll Mx. '''i' "i .11 1 1 iij ii ; n 1 :'h. vsi fi 1 -l . . . ci,,., 1, , ... . ' .' ''", AV I. Il1" T-rclu'H hip-, be one Off to Vl-H CKI.I, ,o. h4aildiil -u v tin.- ins ,,. ,u rl ' ! .r' 1 . . '7' "s'1') i'-."ns lecher of ih; c9iwra iin pow.n, if ,u::ing to1, U L. J- V-! t-j -. . '-' . r V " v - - rente, or ell. where on the coal)s of America, in ihe north of the United Slates., The whale liilieiy, and ihit i f ihcfja calf, fhall h'owevc. be t.L-e to ihe two .unons in every pari of t ' Jt woilJ. . '. This convention ball be rat fi:d in due (irm, and -the ratifications Hull be excluded wiifcin fix inotahs, er f. ontr . if poll.bl '. In WimiiUf-Ji- A new Hrij; nf ffio tons Burden, for ary part Yd t i c ell-ln-dirs r.r Kurope. bbc will he ieady to it retse a mrmi in . t'oi- ie;.i Ml;,.iy io u.c Printer.' , i V ! i . . y - . ;. .. "i.: v ; ;: : ; m , - . ,"v . - - ...1.- - ..: J ff 7-'- --"w-V. -.v - - VT" : ." .c ; -w-.--... .''Ti.-""""-'"" ' ' ' ;' 1 II 1 s M i

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