ia jwy m . 'I J Three Ddlnrs per.Annnin.. . T H U R SD AY, "a zi;- lRor. fVol.-V No.' 21 r if r -k' ;-jCy -sv1 N U A cogress: temain as .tha of iilon ham- OF THt MOUSE Of REHmiCTATIVIJ " Monday, Dec 23., Tt' rnttrtn madr on Firiav V v r. Davis, t e ftt to the tommirtee o whom li.d, bee r.-f'r"1 )e morialof'rhe nouk- r. RepiHrnt' iv.n ol tlin M'ililioi Tl.efirpile wi therefore f- iTh " mt qMeaion had been i-efoie the houfe tt tne rlo!" o! ! th-lail rtflion; It hadie-n I lit A nlfrv-rl fin f - vr v lafl day. rt h'dbe n laid tile. Till f.meci c 'mWej, thenexrfling, attend it ftill, ,:jt 1 in erently thfffame. 'I he content! of the refa'ution had on forth tn . . . , -;it.. v. -i i'.. "ur lie till the w rid. I hiy ha : ca.rtcd ith them ihat weight -to Mi wifhci, the relol mu wis d-iv-d f.oto their having been offered by a I he d.fmifled. he would lra.h oK.rioUich,r, ,nrt tbi rtf.ir of I" ! 5 2 fe'eft "m'ee than by thu hour..1 0?.tUn tfut .hofe rharea were tilfe Mr ?ti u x? ' C- rc'olat,on; ' t . Vvr tllr r.riTi nAi B-- t I. . r( " wmthropS-irK-Mt, hoDed .the hn.,r- .u.i" i 1 V wve to ttnSe woun ?Urle another cnurfe;, and if .V con or mi tv ,7 ' . VJ :,mDle "d ,0 !"uch of th refolu "Tevriiory,on the official coodiiftoI.GqwernnT'.-.a'.jtit, and injegnty of a man., who to the a ay 0f (jf, the followine r- lo!uin ; (ron'ti? f-cc firn' y,3rt fi-.'Ui rd a irmafter. . not only uhimnen tv.fix , V. .1 ....ii J I... k.... . u: i.t i :.i . 'I' oi ancnnuuuiiMi,i awi r,ni-ii m u m. rv ' i-i 1 '"c mn-fi wun irnay vinu??.- ' Though thia cooitnitton. - with lK"e ja-1?', if (an dry?rw eharafter may be tmpaued by more recenti'ici Vnt, re!iif e aftf .comtrfitud by b'.tn) via, fill 5 ce,i.s appa ntrrvent to the g .verr.rntnf of't'ie" Midi' tSattle l.wn (T-.d !y the Gvsrr-or and luf;K ;J-!r?ite.mory, cf which Mr, lit. per was entirely. he MiiiiuT' fV. pMKion . on nro "M'W a me cret Mw mU were .,0. j j by f 1144141! thw--)niiifpv the prered tiz aft of hh hfr. '-' t i roep ptf wi'ta ,.'' 1 the d cuinen! re at e therHo; tr'anTmitted tin fubfl coram con ormii w imief nrrtnr.r to enquire imo the- officii r,;n ' r ,.r e.ond.u.a. of Wmihrop Sernt, which fh ,i and repott ,o ,he houfe ther,fal. of their t 'S ' ... 'l' P!r;n, Tr' lnd 'd. .nv n,;m., ::: r-' 'v n" to bin ,t cut tht tint foiJowt, aa to make it t.a' i Jniiallyuhouih-not verbally correfl) ,ht arc a ' eiir.crt. about be I Upon the whole, if fcrnnrr olan- l. inf.i.J thetefident pf ths U. j;U(ei', Vwaa lead ofai -tiirio; rh-le rcfo.utroM Vy ,a reference .1.1 X . ' III I r.,m 9 I" m v.. ill.. . . . L i l i r MNitiimifc my a pfJinten. who- miy af er reaoriiitf cnfjuHe txtcniveiy into the fubjeel ; itfn-M the iut.rma ion ihev tan colleft: ihi rr . frn.n rrbm.Kentuckev can U his, and a j t(t drr.if,0n he. then made. -Thi condud will bn.more .aoo'dW briate than any implied addrrli to the Prefidenf Far iffh chjtflet are true., we fhould be Io' to p0- i"$r taken up and pto the qncli:.on o' refcrrenre, . I j Mr RAMDhLfB, in a tone of voice. w"iicbdid mot 1 rF rmble turom ou? Tetnoie futut on diftmftH to 'p.rr jto fttC j Kim,' o,ado 'feme, tenhrlta on the nlncncf of ikr memorul of ti: Nouie ot Keprclentative3, oi tha Mifl.fia"''t tcri try fhfj r'aAKElfiid:he quefthin 'Vi on ih refer eorr ofthe,f eio'ii'tiai.xand "ptth- tt)emona:( Mr. R a K'DpL ea teprvdd that .hi obfefvatibnj had refpeSed a .refelwiMlfoMded o?1k memorial and reci "-(ted th; t it tbould bevif ad the RraAKia j Qt ti.e uefltoii' whether' if (hould be trad, -which 'vutr. ariifd f i lie'wr.ii pt tiw rcioiuiwnv sciore ii;.e nouic re ft . . . i . - : que;tra ravin? 'rn iKi", . - 1 ' t mr . 1 T r .l . .1 1 lei I ot fpropbritron i pfciicaied on the roto u'iona - rf.the ftrtli f.itizehtof the M'iffiijp&i lerrUo'y ; and with fefoeft I. J to the other propii, iopj, which ,;em-irrrtni lay. may I , I t-oflibl be tru.'. it :hev would I'ive thrVifelves the Irv .1. kp .' : ' V . . . . I . , - Vr." - ii..iti. r. . . 1 1 .. ,j - ,.1 ..,.,1 iA.il. m:r r i ' j . i j-i -ri Iiiippi lerrJtoiy, whuh hn.4. been Jw. lenr -.em mlome of the c ha get were made erlion'Wde ii ihele pro rfitlsns 'the truth oi hi, h rr.v nnt he . fiibnantta-teu Vv . everv member J (iom "thf doc'umri -be'for'c the' hrkife. The fitft ),!( t hi ,y An iar- ;on.. (fie. V1 r .. ri. k - ri.e mcmori .lon which ei iva:iab ciiade . T-r lef-irnr . ; ""'l'6- - " , - ntad in r.fiJ...: nnrkiAVm.... .... '1 . ."""" Mr. Macau n-ovJ si ' . . .. r . c. 1 . . . i , 1 , . . .... .fcf.Mjuuui "i-ir m- 1 1 ! acs nnw.. ffniM. h.. .k;..i.. r.- . , J' ..... 1 ther will find , -cWtfe lo.udU 06 then.VtH ,t Jdrefcd to Con.tef . JZT,TT.TJi.T't t S T1! Sr'T. d V he,r-he complaint, of tl.e 11 wa rairto luppofe that the Pltfi Such 1 rf.il apprioocenfrdUw'rh th-t.'onfJ Wring of P-.mbJea.which P ef 7' ' P , p;cWrolutl()nv .Th.re were eert.inm I'i ? "'i?1 "V f"d.he ,! fcJa a- .- r" i ; nt 11 1 1 1 1 C TO ill I faiz Mair.UT-. the 8" ItlliU nub ic nmh ..... .., H.irr jfiouna ; ir we did y the eprelfn)n of fuch cenfure to eff A VilerlMiomnem, .ndmpe cb th. flagrant ntot-l SUh a tt- w ,ul be imorot.?r J, ! " m .torof u,da.y And I ple.l.c m fclf th in j'vtd n it the eteeeifc of Iwer S we V T jc"!! tvent . no othr mmVv-v n.,i .' . .. ' r. f - v.. .4 P''wers wn.i.crt we. did. -not '.l.. . - . """ . I"'" ne ot tli.-eentkrnan . nr.,Uw.A ever entemin mi-hif,.,..i:..' ... ' ! .. " ! 5 Mi 1acHrrfit . k... k. taught t--, o.jca-of the refolntion ' m p KE f,,4 " w order. it'eJ ,-upr,p,r He derell to knovw . " nf"r;.I"" , ''hold in rry band. , he rule, l I. U!l H M Hid n 1 nub he' n L,... . y i.Mt lijTr. 1 in 3. 1 Kr nH u . J . ws k KER r fomc hefuat 00 f",d "rtin,y a.rf"KRUJLlD';,E r;! tremenallfeeme toark' to the clfence ot the ca e but to differ n ,k. "V. right tomi.ive ernftil-P nn fci a ' . .. . ,.,Vnr ' " i'e view ot the mo- er.of the t. folt,oo ? He ha.vnot laid that hi, o.efi tot.npear.h. On the rnmrU .1 iHcal inteeti'lv. and 0.n.,M k t. ! I-i..' ; . ! '"m ihuboBfi ., . .- .. . ,.f uMiuiii, 11 wc i"'iujnoi neircen u'e e an, e d - . - h-t.er tit thUhluk Should nOt"indu!?e. - f oounr-with inw " r..T. ' . ' . I he gentleman from South Carolina wiMiiMU. ..::.;.. .. .VY' 'lV lirfn a n iL. i..l 1x1 :-..wuV .......... cn iiirirnm oi wntcb i-reM Hethoght ihemn.nre rrfcTr d to bvih tX fr-r, NoMh.Ca.ollna fdly ia pom,, K-the, agnnll him I , tha- cafe a , ommittee had , '"u xp.dui n. The rc('o!u: JKJ U0jittm mAt f r m br utin il . ..... ....I. r i 11 . . "uci.ir. Ke;l -mftftvi f .. 1 . . '-' TO'W',,ca D? ttl.? " .tution to re.; : ,.f; "VI " cf' or ot"- rebreheSblc e entangled by the rulea of the mode lecomraendrd by 0 .mi Flint' 1: ... . -I"" i. .nun;n ,p ma ... ..ii.' i .i . r ! inn eeiv'i, , nd mheu faws.ibar K .-r.. i "t-"4"' '"OTC ptevtooa quettion.' ' . i"wf -. rue nmi nn. - r.-,..u, Harmon wai tht -, putt v 2. "-k.H i Ihe-niaaf durttton be HAW Tin ' me vviilfK .it.j :.. .i r.. . Noei 42. "MrT Ci "a taoTiS t. "-T cannM iuhferib tn , A,. t.orjothrdp Sargeaont,.by the gentleman rw nniwiMJi And when tbat t nt ema u. v, j t.i y!(ly ten nim uiatMuch an opi '.,vw(rv.U4i;i.iin. UUUUl Vf7!Cff O lll-f Wff tir 4 wnr " . t - , . a - ... T ui onim.ioaject i mult forbear, for with the whole n- mber of w rt or vyenem Americ I hnp (.-ii.. ,.-, . i j .,. .. i . " U.rv me ,o .r expreflion ofentimtnts which'- a Thil waa not the r.V-L Tk-.'A.Ji he-maitfqurtt.on be now , wnicn lulled .in the negative Ave 36. iiiaK Lnrn mnuii - . . v t.w ui'ihc 'otco'mo1 etely fobflaot'.a ed v- -V i-i.iv; I do not c,mr,dr the refolntions as covr risg uu' 1! d'tit wai ii.rquainted t"".'ra.na ...w;if n ne tr4 to eMOuire S .11 .1 . . ' ' ill nni U!C com, t'to their truth.' I a I . 1. . . . i nr i.om.oit:re, wimwnnointed. en,.,. wttli hi coulenti.. F.ir hiA ' the chiryA raarl u.iit. ,. r.A. ..... ... ' . r : it were to- b,-h-.a r. tM. 'J ',: - c Pr0veq, and . . ; n'i cue ." vrunpari;.,n. m .ke ireoort' and will . -crivwcw ,f.wptca r c open 10 mmioartan, revibon- and lllflr tl'Mn. , smor.i'n... . U... s . 1 . 1 . r . . . . . . .- . """'"" 1 "T v mccn ),'t nil in,. . OijS erruid, but avrefli' e noon, firm tacls ; nJ.h he k o vn them. entleman.from Xentuvkey, who i troduced the( fk.e of vindicating rtfo'utions, owcht'tobe cootemplate-1 dif luihe wduld have removed 1 1 . . I. . a7 . I ' 1 " . I HI t . . i juiS nil oiuy i nic.mrr 11 imi iitoii ar- .i u i v i c Kcui leman trom OUi h.r6 in r and 1 Miffi I T'i enit iai lr ...W i. r - ' " ' ;,ght,c;t;zer,' rnda. anebou, to ihe.op .jJ ch.feu. deciate themfelve. tv,SlS wilVd ermcrv. ThereUn-jmitarpbed feelme expreffj the relo utmni. teft bv tth; (Uk..tA . r. a u . . , ,'."."' taajvtl,. with. . - . ' . . - . - i . ... ' . - live i ii Li'nn ' ix w wnr r in n trtr. in 'ncrcioiunooi : oiht wmury uiry co:iain m-i wine cnarr-i Lrc terred,. Bur rfn.fk k..f. -..ri' U,a,a.,ai..j -f lj tionii lto-tn rrov mitioo loft. MA XlTCHltL moved auadi mrnnwW - I - THATCHIA. if we aii-inrn-rill Mr. wnen we me then, what wii be the queftio.i btfor. . Whir I tben tethe .juedio,? ' AVnere will u i-e t here (hall -we find it. -y . MrAHA,n called to order,' on motioai to id. joura there couid be no debate. , M..tion" fwr adjournment loft. " U" "DVll mini-.-l i-A,,,m,, .... r . . ' -1 u ' -v".iKai oj amtnoment wore thanah'tractpiopniuiu t. l tvu't, tbrrelotl tne tactile? loth in a tetitio b. ,.r..-. a. ,r..4. .u. L'..r. , . y-e4A . i. th.tthiibofe, wirttmped.,aaU,ih,wl thenot.e ykiCCl w ''ly true, lb.it " ' " . . -'- J y;iH,b,re.,ued rcJ of .(certaining them f Wnnr '' ! li f7r m U ;ye5..the -f,-a..r that nclicanvnutteev. ill preirnt t ly ? Wai fich a refolntion or . .i . ...."i ! ,w-i...,. t " 7 " ""lcu " m Tu. " 7 i c .i , -..i.i- .1, " r . f '"'u una I auna i " ".n'mti nu icca i:i :W1, that vinlarrt ik 1 . , rroiij' oi UOirt- Iri ..:-! bcfoie the peojlcai.d thc goV--rnmrntJ eer before on ofed t .If ; u . J ..i . ..j- V . ... V c .. eci , the i v'rlL-sA - . av-rrnainl ,.ld inn., if it ....rril .W, k. .U.' .V.l. " , W" ,,p5 . " ;'""" o?'reneO t pOpis, without 'n iroimt t.O ... ' : . i .. -. . r. -y-l. . f I . ... ic louna to oe n-1 . j-iiessniieman . irons. saih (-ar..ma 1,. -.n..t I ' r.aiiiion laid the vote r ai- iid cecuive reoi'ia. inc ecaurman in true, tne inveili?ation will irrwini. ..: " .lit... IT aar'"'.. n,i-.fu-etia ouht to ro-on-raie in the aco j-6nHit ot this en.:, wlihoul involving . in Ut. "ii n cor-fsderat on of.fe era Hi'oi ot.whic a, iw coniiaer nimtcit tt tne prunaiy oib, and o . .nl n . k fat 1 " i TrI ! F1, ." Mr Otii exp!airf. d He bad, trade no fticb tCIIC- i fin;, eiihri to hi .life?, .r the emt man '. f.om r- ' . 7- " - . . V ....... tgt'ey, of w" omlie, ba only fpoken ai oTone v na'iited a faielnts roea- ioj b; tbat phta e ''anboLh. I did not atTert ..wbet thel '-niea. I fid not fay the gentleman cuy ' ' .,y, cor'nlrr him eif 4 tiie ptim.iry o it ho ife.-a ter v. hat I hav f-t'd. wdo '.jr.,. t fnlied Lv t!ie drciaration ui this" .fa ....... . y I , 1- I?.. u officially dxmraunic ted may havefn nsffeS. I booe that in anvevent. iffeflu l niai will be ato-ttcd. v.li ch full not evea uoan Jrj'irf tniflinefi of gMi(lemn V. nen tm nlhcrr waa . ippon tedr th le c '.ie ti lde and fuppourd, the un-onniiuticn tlt he waa ai mcU and toitlfied wi.h d re j-. ..... j . Sir, fald MrTiiniUibh, I never wifh to bl f vcfd of jufriieby dirlin it againfl -arinsee' virtue. I wiki is ooiy lu-nrij ajiinii iiic cn The ojjeci ol thi rel iutiona ji . to acquit t fiargrsat, it innocent 10 convict nin., 11 gun notthitlatr; H it t.ot honourable and ou 'tbuhoufe to pronio.e it f M HAiraa. ! aonrehend that the hon I,.jr.H4 n ;f lu tota!v mittak.cn tkecourfe of ttaf j ticli. lie waiwontd wlien he tofc butP'll ''a i pit.1 in mot. The people who com la i'C f o be heard : ihev wii behnrJ : they will an . . ' b'J :'"" w bat ii the obirit of the motion 1 ift emhract ttr i' ol rrioiu'.iona tta.luciiio public flTtrer i Thi wai the cbjeilof it. . T 10 other ol jrcl. It there bf anoiher, wh "He motion 11 ni in the form ol ana dreliiof ent,k efirirg from him ibeiemvalofBollho .it! violated hit duty 1 bfit ii.otf. ri you a I of prei'wbl'torr fligttifirii remaiki, and cpd-i with di e!i' cer'ain la wi, ailed rd t6be unjit"- opi, to le 11 antmti rd ta the ririment. I tne efi lent want thefe awi he igoe-rant em ? d hciot theat betwia we icceived thdom 'tth- i . j, & I l'ri,tlf. J the Mr--ii lor t t. At trinAiaa-ai . I . l I . . . ' T, ...,.w, ., me otner h ind t.Vy are ptov.d ! be tr e, he would p ,c--d further, as far a. ihe . jentlenjan fro 1 Ooth-Carolina, and ap,ly aronfti, . ta.,o al coricfiix Ry conRitutidnal orrrft.ve, I Te m"nt " whuent j and he would nM onfy j rja : tbia man imnifhed ,$ a tyrant, but h? would h"tld ......, Ku.,i nrnrni aa a terror -a othrri. - Mr. Gat iwotia The remirka made br the gen tlemengo to fhew an in ,ifhof,tior .in members of a l-r ",vcn,6' te fubjea. This ia not the fatt. We Tay thar the inveaigation ia in train of t.-iog made. The petition of t'o We. and the cemo-iaj of the Ho'ufe nf lnr.....:... .r.L. h it b Ihr II lurgca contained ii the "refolutioni mere a(fr Mom. . Mr. D via denied th truih o!th "remaii There wa not . cllare maHe '.tint wai noVprnved!' If he had told the hufe that h had hid hold of the tlueadi- of a eonfpitaey, he might have b. n chsrged with making ; mere aU'er ioni.- - 1 Mr. Ditii was nit acquainted . with the early chaiaclir 0' Wintluo? Sr eant. 3ut he wan ac. rjair ted, which waa more miterial, with the late and I'.refeiy chirarter. He did kno-v tht in h'n recent actum . he had exhibited the charader of a tyrant, h w-a very probable that before he waa cotrupted by power, he rut a virtuoua roan But with rim at t lavitft mna -n I kaaaa . t t 1 1 Mmrippiterutory, have, been referred -Uader.th efe ! r, than he afTumed the ch.r.fter of the tyrant d tirrurn-,i!r--.. r..u:.A ,. n . r . I . n- , ., . ... v " X'i, no , . " ' J' " jenrauy ia oetoie the uioie wnom lie bad ueco apcointt committee. To gi fu ther at prefent, would,, we lay, pe wrong. For if we do refer alio the fah Aa. ted in the rafolutioni, i,ke it for graced that they are Irn. anI ..I.. .1 .. r j lomctommiHje tne cap dieney c adopting an mferrence from them. The faa cnarped might be true, for any thing Mr Giifwoid knew. He' knew not whether they were tr.ua ot not. He knew nothing of "ttHntorop Sargr'ai.t j he - wai no aeqoi.ta:e r,f h a. But Mr Gnfvo!d faid, he wi iwavfd by ht5hrr mo ivea than thofe which were petfonsl. Mle knew that the houfe had no ri ht to pill cen'mc upon any man, until hia conduit had been fat. ly iimtligated ioi V. Criminali'ty ptoved. Then, d .hen t niy, had they tit 1 3 pronounce upon the chrtfer of ny rgan. , r Never before had hs feen a reTolution prrfictd by fuchi number of whereai'a. on! inJi-,, the ihaiaaer of tl.i, rn,,, up0B the fatkt 4 ThU waa Dcoinl! i-i ,.n , ' fr: - - "- Mr. b. cued botlitilefof the prefen- fate ol bii mo tion ; for let tl.e fcoufe decide at it would on thii day, a proper d cifioh would foo-i be hd. The reign of terror in this country would 'fbon reach iti end.,;.,. -,t.-.. ....... rlraiAC.N, -The fubjed lreiedT0t noifmllce the contc ta of thia icfolution.' The mem .rial from the Houfe of kcprefentativei of the Miffifippi territory only relates to the i. j.Wafhington county, ,and iheconduft 6i the eo- vetnor an leM.on td it : whe-eas the , cluigfl on which thji refolutionii faundtd ate numerous and difiif-iilar. t . The fuajeft' had been, lattfefnon, introduced at a late day, and hi i from that circMmftance been laid ifi:e. He wai than convinced, and Itill was coo. " ,n? nrge true. They e foeciii in rodurini! art old Brinrinl I . i.i. L.ki.i. i. teaii. n.,.j ..j.r. " .... . ' , "? 'P1-"" . i ... t . i.. . i ... . . - - OllM inln tm 1. .... C. ...... . I.. .. t ... i. .u L.i ' . , , ; "viu.uiu me '",-", " ui com n utee enqn ie into their K" ! body, but wi at w. -.r. .l j ....s.a aa n m , . I" uuo meir - i it, i rita idc mmn, . t mm uiouia ipey pe found umrn wotion not in ord;r, gcauiameo Jioai commmee. tha main cueQioit-'r -.'. the man pn, h i if id, 1 hi. I nVihf Z nt'rran, v.l,ril.er, r it li Sa a tf 3 J , ilii itii nun. VouWi thei, tiu-h Few memb . u.j r-"n: " r;.iH. v;: '".v .,"",n. v ""n,em 6ob' ?a,y n" , - - inran ia ' " in iicnuvc 10 IhCIC Ciiareei bic i way as to form an honeft eonviaion. If they time frcm s teirdorj, uorepie fated in oJ lb ill-appear 10 be tftl?. after a fai kf..t .-,!- .l.i emi.ril. ' T r " lu ,u tomfe piopofed by hia fiiend from oui i.r.M in. i Centlcman fav. l-Kf..A u.. f.c... ... I Mr. Rsodolph thoutht the A m .1 I..' ..l ' , . -..T- . .....,v. v., in, a ruv-rra II fUi-TW. I .. r : r w - .yno criuca. inecuipiiitrnutd be fummoned brfqre the bar of ll.is houff, asd he , fhould te ien ! peached, . .aa. a Ate we then by thti b le wind to hint trOTs- ptsched terUinn wewifli ih tove.nor ol the tppi Mr. Grifwold eonrludad b. ,u.. l riiwy r-moved t U woald be ir.otntki h - againll tb? itfolatlnnirtifit biuf-; w.r-.-r. r-; ' ietdraioth Hiourtxpteifcd y tae Jnt e from an .nveftitition. but bera..f k rt.'.-.r-. r... irginia, io'c-me I wrard f miy and sydvaViih any mm Lr off-.ra n;rtn:..,ij j . tuch an a 'drel'i. S.l. ,.rnfu'! would V be teil. f " u"TO,' nvfl t but U.ll it nvfcht te rih, I . -Mr lUana here eiplaiaed Whit had fa'lea f Thele v,ne no- the plat", lair mena p lor Imn in a Mevi.ua mrt of th ),),., n- u.u . .a a .. , . aaa. . I t . ' . r " - - - 111 IIKJL the a tsinrn-n oi anavowra rne. i he oaweie . liid.'rr. it h h A LA. i, H k... a.:.a..- .. fceiv il.f ,ir Tk, laart ffiU1 ,A,.. iTlin,. . I., ,L ... .,. . , . .7:.. . ..... utnja io , " '"""' r - - j - " I ft IIICIaT rrin lllinni laWS J I all an4 a a aaa. a I Wibii hife r-fapubWuifi er. he ha,iatr of a individual, but thatVeh w,. The ge.tlrmit KjniutXey had Cilldia. IHerfHrd. tie kiw ,u, .k, ... .u. i Wirrrf.hi. M.tiSwteriitniv, M!er hrj ie. olthe mover "" " ,7 "1 R?" ,rV' ? i 1 thl?"7f' V ,h' VCV , Mr- topght the queflioii thru before fhe i ,.1..idid not aj faer I u pi.rpole Jif it il.e houfe an improper erne For v.hetf.er J,.A 11.. rt t . " ' . . . " ' v r - - pr !.)', tt wo d tnUeqtiite'iy ftp efs the opin. uuwi mtmbtfi, On thc oue hand. l" lbI-b 'Ppropriate made o. ldi; ' 'LjT.: .A , to this tflcO, than by th apoointm.nt of . i V?Z" c" ,n.e lennem.n miuee.on whof. r.por.ed fTiiemfnt ol hflMhe 3 T'T' ' 1 Uif. wu i.!n.c.j:..Ai... 1 "Ui ,nc wY be as blind ss the en I It. IS had brm ll. itrt.lApM. t.l.ii . wl the T. V.i t.. iiivuii 41 na i own prac tifed in the cafe of the failure of the Weftetn eaoe. Atiinm it.J.. r I - . . - - .... ... -.. ..v. Wi. r- n commmee, had been ap pointed to enquire into the lubjea j though he gran, tea Ihat he did not tecollea ihat ih wn.j .,k rjrucl0e!il'.0?.lnil oifior) had kern their M If. V Nhing had he m re common tfun to ipooint - committee, and then give Uiem certain inftrufiion.; ihn refoluii.nl iass nothing motf, f ut we are t Id f,r V"" ll?,t onno P,r b e(olution ithPut JanOioning the charges and (lain ng the charaQer nf governs Sargeanl.- ft was not fo. r.en. , A reference. Involvef no" .J i-in.wT.oiner man icai a Jubjta rosy be tettir in, had been on previoar.qaellton, a d not the main one. The 5-iarkr acknow edged that it whs fo, hut dec.ared the propbfi ion of' Mr. Deot out of rrder. rht qua Hon wa, taken on (diking out the pream mni'Tf0 C,fncd 48 nicmker the uttt". Mr. lliuti then moyrd.to amend the conclud. ing reoiu.io.i moved by M. Divii, by Itrito'g it out, a..d tf-trorturing, in tta robm the motion al- tedy fiated . -im-de bv Mr. Harper. . .. Mr. Randolph uefued (0 know, whether it was ' ,m o.dcr to m..ve ,n. ameadrpant to.tha aaiendment cl the geatiemanfiom oouJi.Carolina. The Smaki faiJij. wa in order. . Mr. RAKOotrM theo moved the referrencTto the committee of .the la 1, documents, and other pa ptra accompanying them. , The friARi faid thar appeared to him to be the amoTt of th 4tiig"nil refolutian, Mr. RtnooLfH replied ihat the original, refolu. jjw for the nanf.i.iirtun of them to the Pre. 1 -Ule sJlckaowledgedihtLiLwas fo i-and R.ited the motion of Mr, Randolph. Mi. CHAMrLiNuhoughi the motion out of or der. . - Mr. Hash rofe to csll the rentleman to order. The fpaaker had already dtciued the motion to bl in order. , The ifriARi egaln pronounced the motion to be In order. , A dcrultory detnte tnfued betwrin Mr.' Rindolph, Mr. Gufwold. Mr.' llarper.and Mr. Kott. - , Mr. Harper's motion under confidetstion . -7 Mr. Ramcolph wiohf jay, bow er hataroai the remsrk, that the heyf liad'rever been more ' iciy employed than on this rccarion. All the gen. tlrmeoj. who have fpoken sgaioft the criginal isftw liitiAai m f il J v m irom ctur.ky, lay they ! t .1 ' ft' 1 ' -if g, out incy fltieut with, we poini'put far accora. V we proc'rd, thc t inre- US at everv 0n 1 tnA iK.. ,ka n.;u. aa ihey : baffle every motion, whofa obieA it a f.,. .... 1..11 - , . , . W wt-m-n mm ami aa aa i aj u 1 our federal.; inv.lligaiion. . '. committee propo ed to la. trom S Caiolma. umn- they ire to inyefliatra llmH lkamr,la. If . hdrtherrfortnhChoV " .'";i imu mar, - Mr. Rutledge was ia this flsge ofthe bofmefs op. pored to ihe smendrr.CM pt the gentleman f-001 VirgiPia, though he had no otyflioo to sgree to it, ifitr the mo'.ion of the cntlemm Irom South-Ca.o-" U v agrcej to. Mr. DA?iisppr'sled to gentlemrn, whether they were fenotii 10 wifhing to fend for pc.fons md pa peri f could thrveaora to wn ikm A.i -th frffioa from ico.it.yy 1)00 mi eicrT Tltff f rr.Atia -.ailed to order. The main aorftion was not keiotethe houfev Whatever ii f,l4 mod be oh the icodmeot, , (Su tht UH, Page.) 1 i ;. - - 7r I II , 1 71 ... ' -' 11.1 : . . (I . - -11 ... . 11; .... i Bl I : V k ... - . ft). ... lapPaij3l 4jw't11 "