TtLEGRAPlC ' ' V ' Weunderrtand that a Mr; Groat Kas obtained a patent tor the exclu five ere3i- r w-r i i . . v. , rtnnrru I n 1 1 )fl Of I eicgrapua m uu j rooofes t o make tW rxneriments. to demcm (Irate ' the L:i KIc fort :hv ftyz fta'flfit & - to be raifed on Fort ,1 n.dependence Wrf "R'nrt.hill. and that he has further in view the erection of a telegraphic line of 'i ' u.iron KnHfin ami Martha V Vine-vard. it mere are bo m- fu r moil ntable natural im pediments ; and or 1.11. fn far in that . direation aVwill i . r f,'.; ifnfphe receint ot news iron JV..IIJ I tencc. ... ' ,..v....:.r-; ' v : - ' December 26 v -. .- NAVAL AFFAIRS.. "Orders, we learn,. have been tliued :Oi.--tn fnfnend the e- j-iuiti iuv i.' j - -v r- . ' . '..;mrit rif our national lhips for tne rctolieil lb lend so marine from brs own uYipVand to iiifpaich the Patapfco n the undertaking. On the iith inft. th Patapf co entered the harour imidlt a very hea vy fiie from the r rench . baticnesy which 1 ronlllteu oi. $ or owsx pounoers. 'fni. me hat eiueredthe harbour'the ihufqoetry tlSjle.rV'cU"(whD were fhehered be- ftind rhe wans, ami m tne rrowies-eo moie; ah tfels, & tbaYnoneof them were per-. I forbesr.te ihjle any comiielni, on ' iKis xpla 1 to load with anyprcKiyce.Oian N ihe UL it-Ion being demanded of W'atkinti he I nited Stilei will-uVc the r.fcrTry mrafures rtn hrtirdJ" and had an ODOortuiiit v. ot ob . . r i , .. sv , fervint the conduct of .ihe; orhcery na crew of toe Patapfco, jt aflf.orJs me peculi ar pieaftire tb ltate their nthtifiarm ami cos a i. t-?oo tnis occaufln-ati wnen t is c(dhd-red that for near three hours wp were within half gun (hot of he ene my; 'who kfvpV up a continual ifchare, ot niu'fif'fiei'ryt'ic ;.."i3 as. fi ovular as fortunaie, t hat o'iy twie-ri..:n .wci c wounwt". -'i the litft mttaitt. caotaiw Qednes lent 50 men "oiv A-' (aid, that heTound it necetsary o detain the to fecare to the Amertcah fijg ike xefpetl it. TCfsels antil the reinforcement' arrived from merits. L- Taniaica, until a proper court of admiralty "1 am fit " - ; y,ti eltaWtftied at Gurracoa, bat after their ; Your obedient fprvantj . Ki " bnfinels was invented, Uiry fhonld be WILLIAM D. ROBINSON. ' fufFered to depart, and in ! ut are . allowed, jj StoidarU Ufa. Secret mrv of r ".:! . beca"ywarm"d.tin fhetpirit with which the l'atapleo kept-uprritan,i,cmaH..un, ... - v- , ; . , .V , ., r . .. , . tliete for abut two hours, Completely .Indies.- i nus were 'u.. , - LEUIbLATURE OF VIRQINrIA- : ( r , j (ileaced rhe eneniy." A !:was..apalle.nftef 01 war 001. iuic.H, Vpeplhwng Kejolution pojjld ' the boufer 7 oui Knowing ...c .uuc atn-... " "ZXrDeJebates.on the 32 " - k .y, v,,wuTw.v-.. hereav the General aflemblv of ths -x u . f 1 .. .rc 1- I common.wea ih ar their lemon, which commen- racoa. and capture all American vefsels no I - , , ' ' . f . -i ui. ..: I ceo in uecenuer in tne year 1703. nailed lun- - , coes confiCU and the Merrimack and tlaf ' 7 ""-7 j - ' . . ..c . r- A, protelt.arrainit the. act of Gdearefs. common y tapfco had the morttfication to fee two or r r. j,,;" 1; 4 ' iX , f thlee veJSels,captured.&.(enr in,,wi,hont failed led t.onlasi palpabk and havinC it W their pbwer conUcnlwith their J f10" of.lhe Conlhtuuon of the- friftnt tnpuaions, t. interfere 5, -; . . , v nr, r,;,-,,- commonwealih,. at their feffipn, which com- year 1799, rcPcat command ot, tne lieutennvt of . marines ; 1 preuim from fbe .fatapien ;; tncy were miqnc . a'. . S . . 'j l . 1-7 Z7.A hcahon of the ...reporTof a: lelVa colnmUtee. nenmpfi tor r.urrarna arrivca inric uui 1 1. . .... T - - --JK ,,JT1T J... I"!1 U.Ua. I v0 " iaHJ 14I1UII! From the GAZETTE $f the tlNifED ;'. . STAVES. . -. -Philadelphia, Dec. 19. 1 Nf , ' Mr. :-: SIR, , That the pnVic mind may not be mttlrff ny the dijtlerentil,vteriien.ts which -t ye been ' publvflied rtfpetting the capture of Curra- roa, I requett you to nvicri , m he codv ot a detail, whtcn i t atiiimttev1 i ili i-rtftnrv ol the- navv. on uu' arrival At litis place.- ' ;:.:' 1 haejince received letters from Cnrra cai. wiijchxenavile me to itU tiiat e fpecie WhicJirvWas detatnetl by capran WaikiiTsThaTeTrTinrtrrtt ritan t.onful. bv order of L'ord H. Se. . g 4 ' . nuiur. ' X. . , All American" veflels tbjjt wrein.;.!.. harbour of Cmracaa prcjird9o the ca; t. talatioii, he been' ccSnPeU'eU to : pay falvage to the. B-ltifli.-. x I am St,- - t-y : ' Your obedlen rr anr, ' a The cap'urr of the Ychr. George, downed 1 1 -k - i ri '" r . . . r r r s '. . fli ,re, wiuctv toiner wiVn ao "7 V,".;-" VV "V ' "I metlced h December in the itu cxiraoruinary tutuimidiivt i i l- fl " e; win met it lenom auenuon.- ' -V'"; f rc O P Y.1 On the 5tb Sep. ember the Frfnch forre at 'Curro'coa eo'ininenccd : ffeuft ve nts . . ftaioll,' .and pittcu!a:y inttuHi . tedrlhe7r defittiS (ay a ni uijfctio) aaio Ameriran perfous and property i O.., it. 6th, the A nerfeah coiiful rcqucll ;die t. fjo to St. Kitts, ith a pvcc-ir tume aG.Uvc hcmi the United Sva.ei !((' un that iHlifn. On the rh 1 arrive I Sr. Kitts, and foun theie the f-itae. Joli Adaan, and l;ops of wat Merr'unatk a.. Patjpffo To capt.'Crols cf the Jo. A dams I preferred my papers," and explain . ti the nai ure ttt my erran -tirjt-.hg.hiit . immediately ;to-to d6wn to Cnrracod hr v 'joined- me in opuuo'ii as ro the necelht'. and lianuWity of tbd rale, but. exprefle a delicacy at leaving his tlaf'on at tha tine however, he t'leerfully eave hi conleut for ihe.i.nmfdiil e dep irure of ii.t ivvo aloftmen'iione.J lla psf wa", AfCO'd - inly captains Br own and Geddt,' .(itil prompirute tint evinced their tn tor tiw fervice ) prepared- for Tea, and lailed tht cnluiuii day., O i the ?jl inllam we ap psarfd oft (heharbo ir o'fCurruo:t, Mhere we dpcoere V n tiniilh Innate Iuir tc w-ndaid of the port'; (he lent I er boat ; oo board the ' M.-rriatack, by which vr le.irnt, that tl.e ifiand .had ciiphuhted or. the 10. h inHam", to Kre lerick.Wa'kms, eftj. - commander-nl-Mhe tritfate-'Nereid, at that the American conlul ,wuh .his la mil was irHatd H VtEpt e, I-vimedtately went f-v i t h ,il ; 011 board the Nereid and had loVr.e confer. fation with the commander flal our con- ful relating to te capsulation, &c A' , ter which I went on (hare,. waited on tne governor, and other om;er, and --Haiti the arrival ot the two Hoops of warr whofe ohjeel was to protect tiie A nerican pet. lout and proprty, I ne governor repli. ed.that no effecTive relief cotild be'affordl el anlrTs one of the fljops of war c'tnie into ihs harbour. All - the offi.-ers both ci-il ami military hafiwj; declared that the filvatioh of tie iflmd- depended on the American fhtps tiflini; ofrenfively. I gave it as my opi uon, mat tne American com man f were not authotied by their Jn fli ticlions to attack the French in the pofi tiny they ihe hell. The Roveroar aud othej Tail, that nnlef lonnhing decifivt was done te inhabit tn'i in ihe t;arrifon as well as the A nerlcaat, would 'all hi (artifi:el. That ! nihi I Rai I on Ihore vwh view to alcertJiii the aclu il fituiti on of tli, mi, an I olferved that a ? oufi 1?K iiiue nu'iiher nr A'nerican citizens had v. Iti-itee'e I their ler vices. ia-thelAftsod were nUceJ at the principal hat eries, Trnni wiifn.'e they could not retrra' (ofcnurlfl wnul I have he'ti ferioufly fitnated, had 1 he French taken th clacebvltonii. Under thefe co ili lerr.tioiii I alvifed Mr, I'hilins'to fe 1 com.aend on of the flnpt ta be fent into jhc ItKiboti 1 he coincided in my opinion, ntid I went en board the -Mertimack, cap tain BiOMyii, and after ttatinj tha urpci cy atit) peculiarity' of the circumUiucf he .1 io(f ori one win a of ihe batteries, w in rtaCr'eif an attack on the lown. would ivebeen the firirobiefl nf rflTdttasanco conh IrnUy reported-ana eiicvea,.iji the French, intended to niake 'an allault har n'i;htr but 'while this, event was ex beaedt'li.e French cut? '. was evacu,ated. and takiiiixadvaitai'e ofihe tlarknels ut hrtiinht.-they preripi ately embatked Le ween 8 and i t o'clock; rot their cables arid made 'aw.iy,. On ihe inoiiinB ot tne 251 n the M rrimack Hootl clole mvi.b the hti!j and had the mo' iification to fi.jtl t..e nlace and which .the ..French velkls occu- aie.J the day .preceding entirely evacuaieu ; the'-BritifiVfrTgat e- difeo xVriuupJiiO nfee he cafe; immediatelv made preparations for ente I-,c tl e liarbor,. aiKl acordingly . lout a olock ihe 2Sth "mfl, caine into fhe port; anil took polK Hion vt the place in the nuMC ot mrwnat.iijc ..njajeiiy. 1 From this reprelenia icil 10 is ' ot vions. f' at the Brt ifli trigate Nereid rendered 1.0 -We t ' C all! I HICC l limn"imiii - 1 Juracoa, as -the'Tommaivder of, her 'did ;ht think proper to veniure the Oiip - rou 'h the fi e of tlie French batieriTi 11 en e:in Si4ie h p or, nor dithhe deem . . a , 1 a 1. . r..s l ptutie t'.O a ncK tnereucu priai;-cr, ' v- Honnn 1 lies I IV M-iucn a p'liumi hi rtn- e the eturrprife. VfiafliT5le-nnd ea !a it i p'eunned he id not wifhto n any rilK U'. il he iceied a einforce 'enl lroiHjlami'iajrun I merely kept criii !roj the pot t in vlevv .of the F. ench cniip and el!elffc The frmaie had only ln Jed fi ur leven ir,en and' wa holdmjj ..i'y rommuivcmidn with the Dii:ch jm vernor, which the French from thcJi' fpu ition oblrved, cbnfcirtietitly Infl no time nprer)atjr:j for the -;t Mi tilt ot the town A'hirh ihev funiin'tfed hottibjrdin:; he Anerica' flotps of var appeared off 'lie harbour, and on tliu . litoi r i'r had iclually arlvanced with a principal part if'rbeir force wnbia a lew hundred jardj T ihe-oain fortification, with an intention "o laSeit"by adult , ut,ft;eina; the tWo doops of war, they wee Jisronrerrc I and etrea'ed 10 their ramp; -What followed nril 'thrir-evhcu-tion has been previoufly 'tat'-d lr therel.oie appeals, that had nor he. American (h ps arrived a'.Curracoa on ;i.e 22 I inll. the ilhnd would to a erttain v have been taken by.lhe French', atd 0' C inrfc the caj.ii ul ttinu would l.ave been a nullity. The Putapfco atid Merrimack nve thetelore refcuel the iflmd. from a !eriou$' drletnma,- as 1 have no doubt lur 1 principal pnrt if theiohabita' t together tie- A' ericfn, wou'd'have bcei facrifi.ed had the F' each lurcecdl. Tint the (aid (lnps hve put cap;. Waikins in ?-ace.'ble poffrflion of the ifl md, does not i(A iiie a little to ihe leeward of the harbor I c i''inS hfe.payf. j;ejpiaia Watt hearing ihai flie was al anchor, ferit down an ufiicer anH. fome 'meni. took poflelTibn of, her and brmight her mt portihe day.enluipff an Englilh enHjn and pendanf wa'hoinea Knil Lap I Uari f.i nafi 4 W.v AM 4 ftl4 i uu uuiiu-ui uci"Hi'v mucriaiKi aii iou,ia It I- r - I r . V L - - ; ' " V . . r . O I n: I K., hprsln a rl if ml.l.nn t It : of fa.d fchodrier waned on Said Watkins and I " r , - Y ,VV " K !?"MU-;' l,Ul'" demandrdhi. reafomlor hoiftin lWHh h) rc P"' col,nfl"ce ana anect.on atnmg me .:... l.-.j .u. ...,.'- u..j.j mejnbers ot th UDIS UU UUdlU U1C VJCU'IJC., ilC ICUIiCU Willi reprefentiion of the realnrii.oh which thafit)eafiXre waj fotmd-Td,-afeportfH.ti the m mberv compofiniJ this urrfent Guieral AlTemblv lake Dleafure in expreilifig their decided approbaitoa, not only becawle of the pcrfpicuitv and irrelilli blvlarce of lac arguments, which' it coniains; a great, deal of hauteur, that he had good rea loni tor lo aotnr,. but. he did nor wiln to be bothered by them, and1 if they had any thih;. to do or lay, on the i uMnels it. mull be done' AtHQiigh - their, 'cM'Ll accordingly Mr. Phil lips, accompanied by captains Blown des, waited oh him, & alked his reafons fortak- polK-IIion of the George, without any invef was a damned hne fchooner,'sfnd he mufl V-V-,7 ' ft'. T A " X "r 7 f,av- heV to lend feme d.fpatches to EncUnd ' 1,H "7 WI .ini"clco i ' i - - i l. . . r ' c .union, is uniformly pre- ferved. 'x J-' . - . -. " - ', . .... And whereas recent occurrences have taken.' place j n fe veral pari s oft he U n i t cd S; at es ah d particularly in: this commonwealth, Z wliich joftify the apprehenfions exprelTcd by the laid. genera htitnbl ierad-wli u hp.pveJDat. tafi. fad ac't is as opprel!ire and' dahgerpns in. practice; as it is .crro.aeops in principle. ?-jS.' And whereas ihe4aid fall mentioned Gene v ton frora; !his ilate in tKeCongreis" of ' he U.n'ted States, to opp'ofe he palling of any law..' ' founded ort or t econtfing: the doctrine lately-, advanted that the common Jaw bt'. England is in fofce under the govcrnmenVof the Uiuved ' blaiea docti me WQich they truly .drclare 10 he novel in in principles and tremendous in itjcoiilequenc'es : and ihe "members of the. prefent General ATTembly, after the moll ma . IX. ' . I liirp fislllicratiiin ar -if nruniim itiii ih l.ii.-t a- the articles deemed t rciSl-"J' j l-'C. r .v..nJ ..4 r,nr.,.A ...I ,k -'.t.'.n 1 wuinif icnus uirc tu v .u uic lUDV.eruon or a ur ' l tr.n ' .L. . r-.!:r. I tundatitotal article in the conllimtion. namelv' .ion h .1 could beot was, .hat he ! would do VDi V c .c "J L' gm ' nt poneues no pow as he pleafed, and if he did wronff he muft be -b" are cxpteflly granted iinfwefable for it, but that the fervice required rlje fending of the. fchooner with difpatches to cngiana. vapia-n oeuaes ana Mr. 1 nil as ro ihccargo, he would " fend it to la maica lor trial, where .he and no doubt u would be condemned, as he had found corf iraband, articles on board ?" he was requeO-, rd to iia'me the articles he- called contraband', and he produced ' ihree bales, marked W. P. No. 52, 60, and 62, to f which were ac, 1 u ally an inferior fpccie of sfnabargi and the. o her ticklepuurgs -p-t.. fhtlltpjiexprcU- ed his lurpnie a- tne articles b nd, an vvatHiDs. uuiiu uu cucu ; 111c oniy urijiin.- , . . n ... . . ... I Ihal lh (Trnrral ,wrrnm -nl iu, nm W therefote, Relolved, That the Senators rom this ftate in theCbr.gtefsJofthe U. bta cs,bc ialructed, and that the reprefchratives be rcqoiflcd, to avail ihemfelve of every opponunity ra obtain a repeal of the fa id att of Congrefs, and tq(. oppolt any law or rtfolution coauining a' recogfiiion ot the faid doBrine.' v r N O T 1 C E. - THE fubferiber intending to leave this . Sate in the' Spring, ami to be ab-- (ent dining the bummer months, cartielt- lips look famples of ihe ariiclesTn queflion,! wh'tcf'l'-have brought with me.' .Other vef" fels have been recently. fent in, whofe fate is unccr ain ; every bale of goods is torn open and ranfacked, and Ihould'diere unfonuna e ly be any German li'nen on board ,whofetex tur-, is fufncirntly (Irong to make bat fail, the velfel and cargo will be condemned. It it a well knotfa fact, that the v.cfle! trading to I therWefl-Itidies, carry more of. lefs of Ger- ; man linens, but according to captain .Wat I v reqUrlU thofe who are indehteit to him kins s conllruftiop, all iticlearticles are eon lor to me late concern ot Lanndon and itaband. The fol'owing breach of hoaor will Giles, t( make payment on or before' the illullrue ih a very flrong point -of view the fiitl daypf April next;' a Unci compliance caarader r.f the faid Watkihs., . with wllch, will eiftible him to dtkba.i j;e Daring the period ihe capitulation was ne. the Quitclaims of hs and their creditors, fficiaiing." things were inloalarminea Hate on . " til'G.,'4. r.y. i Ihore as to induce Mr. Phillips 10 feek an I t, .1 ., . n . : . - . . - ... . C. ... .. .. . I Th ri Willi It mutltf r., Mt Tnnnl af-lotn Jor .himf-:f and his. family, on . board .! : , ' " ., " r " , - 'L .he 'fr ga e. captain Wa ki , very pohtely ' k .h 1 H. " tendered hi. cabin and - gave ever apparent ,f ' v, hnTV ' evidrnceof refpe 't ,0' .lr. Fndlips aAme. h5 f 7h 'f ( the Saw-Pits j k ..w .w.w.m'w. iu..nLi V It w "irdce.'uie pnnriiiuu in ine iiiuju, uucy iiui t . , herefoie admit of any, difpute, as the) ,n;",n,1!,vPr,c,e . . . i fit laid VVjikih . . f . I ; . L . . IT i r . nt'il- . man lumui among inc cn.'ui 'vir. i tun us i . . :.J - L....J-.L. t i "i" reinforrtT.ent from Iansiea had never uade ii t aprarancei in what manner the inerican citizens have been trrafd.lor hi efl.Mitial lervice, -will belt appear by ttie Inliowitl detai'. ' , ! In the alternnnn of the 25'h inll. cap tains Brown and Geddes wai ed on cipt Waikins, ud informed him.Jhai as ilieir nhjeil ot Curracoa was the proUflKn of American cllizrns and property, thfj- were lefirons that nil the A-nerion vellcls p.rt, fli'oul l prepsre for departure under their convoy. : He replied, moll certain ly, an' I that he had not ihefmsMell widi to tlirow'the lead oh'.tacle ili their way, hut that they niijiht fell, load, and depart, s heretofore. The A nerican capiaini were then adembled, and informed that 'he' Merrimnck and PatapfroooM ive liein'convoy thro th J Mana'partiee hi ten liys. This bein condu led, the laid Wa. iUiiiiUtfdjga row n'Vnd Geddes. ;Jiat he received pnflti e in form i'lbn' of mother cxpeinrmn having filled from Gm laloupe for Curracna, hid requefle.l t'.teni to n andcru'Z oft Ihe ifliu i while he .American efsels were tetil m ready fd'ihl r,g,e, 7" 1 'T " f crrjlng , , wh'ch he placed in the charge b.f n is -a few dayt after this, Mr. The Lkt f cafion io write a note oa fome ,l. U:m I i., of faid Waikins Phillips' had occa bAfiiiefi to Mr,. Corfer, his partner ; faid no e .was iruQed to .he charge of one of the of ihe fr gate, who broke it open and de ivertd ii toiapiain Watlins, the faid Wal. kint then informed Mr. Phillips that he re greitfd he was under the necefTny of tetaining mpiemenTS comn ete v fixed on the bnliiicls of lawtni tim quintity of timber oii bnd. No. at, bemc a VVater lot "on the Hill, i liule below the alorefaid 1HII-. houle lot. l ' ' i ' " ' R. LANG DON; 8 A go uheuPjCiCrhe nad.C0Lmh,it!,'a ,o hi$ charge' " anJ a Ncf Riding' Chair and Harnefi. Apply FOR -SALE. . 1 faddle or chair llorfc,- Co the Printer. 4 ERHRAIM PAU0D1E, ' . BOqr-and SllOE-MAKKK, , ' Rr imi r ubii i iniornts ins oh pui tooiera, and the public in general. he bd dtfeovered thai he ws to.icerned in bufinefs which was not juflifiible in an Ame rican conlul. - . j - Mr. P. a (Tared him 'hat by ihe laws of his country he was entitled to profecute commerce, and flaied his furprife at the viola ion ofcon hdence he had repofed in him. .This hn'v-1 that he hA iuU arrived from. ever wouUnot avail; the money was ftilf laiid.with'.a complete aflortment cf LEA- retained when I left Curracoa Among the THEll an I BOOT LEGS, and has re individuals whofe feelings had led them to commenced his bufinefs of Boot and Shoe, ufe foms harm txpreuMini.on.. the coRdtiA of Making' Wilmington,, North of the fiid Waikim, was a captain Lambert, of Sa Court. Hoste, and nextloor fauth of Mr, lem, wh"fe obfervatidns partook of more free- A. T. Browne's,' where he will be happy 3r.nfUlnnjOrreT i wit-im alHheme-to4fipl f-iir fea ; ircordin fTy the two Oiips went dered leave 0 iflsnd 'direfllyy'arid if he white LaMU SKINS, fuitablfor Free eut, and a tier criiliiteyUy returned altered a hngle infolent- esprefTion he would Mf,('' aroni, and afeivkei;s ol Mu. to Curracoa..; hut to the fiirpnfe and niat,haie him to the gang-way and flo?gcd Capt. fattnred TOBACCO, by the kecz or fmal- uucaii-;i oi mc nmcncafirommari ieri, ih?7 l,- was ot co",ne unaer iDC ncxcuiy ol depart- I lcr q innii.y. , Isarntthat'ar.trnbaigo wasUidoii allAmeri t$ frctn Curracoa . I N iv. ac -tf