': r, r . f Kihert Lilon, the .it. 22 : Jifh nnnifter, is now ar Norfolk, from which place he in- r tends-tofail forifngland. Mr. J horn. rton '- Tetnatn's lifthe charider.of Charge ,! ies Affaires. . JThe Senate' have confirmed the nomi nation by jhc Prefident of Samuel Dexter, ,1 as Secretary 6f the Trea fury r in (he room of Oliver W o'cotv retigned. ExtraS ef -a -htUn-fnm a memhr. ofVen- rrffi, listed ' January 8. ;The agitation refpe&ing the Prefi. dential Election, xhcr.etof ore io diflent of tbe two Governments, Hai-af.TinJiSeli tjriior of Frr.ee-f teifoiceAeaitqilie trOdJi which occupied F-tncoii, Rush t, Bay .ria, h( Go fonf rtnd ilj.VrJbe. WhilU; tke preliminaries werein difculjioo it Pant, a fecond army tEreferv-; , was forming at Dijon, i Already was iron i i miict to S.witteWttid. or father it bad talten a raenaCiu( pofiiiuu iu i!.e Tyrol; Icr that, province bafe mounts! i ftem' toi be tfce bulwark- of the Au&iUo Manar h ., ihe jicys q: which were in the power of the French ' By he rapid ; etccuiiJn of t' er con fcription, thed.rpa7tm'eiu tjad prepared, .'ldiers for the rew armiea of re fcrve ; Francc7ljrnilhed tren, thecneigh-.'ouriog ..coi.n r.ei fupplicd provifi '.ns or go d and the allies, the Swifi and the Diych, h evi'rthry plight be tired of the war, were (till on 'll'Vco'Sot . 6f flotirifHtrtgv it by -tlieirTTnean'.i Jfht 5 fa, above . slf, governed by forms, and bySaen .lL3rg.mQ;e lecejahleto the-'i, were to fcQd the'e efforts in a military point of view, whilft di( pafitioiis vjeie made to, make even fedraont concur to the luccf fi of the general plan ; wh'lit Spain i about to realize the-attack fo often menaced ajjaioll, Portugal, aud iliuj orew thither the fuccouta whioh tnghind had de'tinrdrfor Italy ; finally, whilft E gy pt , under- Miioii; (till occupied the 'be ft part of the OitoaYnn oices, aud thus rendered the alliance of the Grand Signior ulelcfj to Anuria. ,. . ; '.. ., Stmge in linir own mens than in thofe of tpei'i ajiies, Aufhia It fiance we e about to difplay all.theiT relource:. Aoftria, ! iwevcrr wanie . th ' prefence ;l Stliatt,' and miiiv ob- ! ,llt, rt ,iu'' Chiles at the.head.of tbe-irmy, fi r. : ... k-. i;.;. I?.. ? ' " me. in oi, aTi.o tnc return of lo.ue men ui jeftions are fatdto be madc.o it. -Bn; I ,;uie,,Wor byof amcj. ..g themfeivM toh.r deft.ny. France, had the ad antge of pofitronsi and the In- cpui(iiig lecollecu n of her ece t vitlor e. ' t OniheherHieRttlTiardwiHiaftru-cltjrith the dangers in whi- h a pflive attitude mirht nvOive theoi, appeared convinc d that their dignj and t ic'ii lately ru.pouo upjn them a greater .degree ut ac tivuy. ... . . . ;X ;. . - - , . '. ., , ; Il il rare to fee greaivj'erfonarei in motion without at'rib ting them drtat int mioni. Time tonie- limea (eveals the chtfnera of thefe Vre.at movement i. py ui clou. g, -very mail caufei; &h wait bus hat jjuruey er a young inonarcn two monl a- igo occa pica io rnticn or the poblic jas n a great degree fubfi Jed . r. Jef ferfon's friends, h a ye e he reafed exed a. tions of his fircceffynriefii'rt ballot, al though the event cannot be afcertairjed; " Uncertainty alf;- (lill atiehds -the . treaty.- No vote rcfpedtiiig it has yet been taken" in 1h;: ttill continue to think it wijl be. ratified -4m2f o c b a-wa yastoo p err the iutercoutlc ' .With ,-Fraiice, and its dependencies.- A Contrary conduit would be attendcii with it? many lolics, expenses and dangers, that 1 cannot believe it will bepurfued." The Republican ticket for members r)f congrpfs has fuccendedin New Jcrley by a majority of about ioqo VQtes; ;, , -.The-fecond Wx-dnefdayfwJiich is.iht I i:h dayof February, is the day ap pointed by law for counting and . t ""fcla ri ng hc voces' for PrcftJe'rtiXnU'Vlc' y'Prefident. , The cotnrrtittee of rcyifal . and' unfi rvifhed bufmefs," have; rcp:)red to the hotifeof repre'entatives, that the fedi tion law will expire on, the, 4'h' bf March next, and that it islxped'en't to re"-en"ad and continue the fame. V Thelofsri wli'uh the prinrei of the Empire will fu ft a in by the peace with France, are c&'.ngutcd' at ' 47,00 fq iare ni ei. ind t,14M9J men. I he Ec clefuit.'ctl (ta'es will lofe i,ni ooo frjajre miles, nd 1,844 6.) men. lnGer'tny, tjo 'ned. are - "leck'onei to' a ,quare mile ; aud 89,000 men lit the Ecclcfiallical Itaiei. By an arrived at B iftoiij-jondon pa per to the 27th Ottober, have been rc '. vceived. The following js a fiimnury of thcif contents, as given ; by bqc of the s Boifon editors : ' . Accompanying theBritifh king's fpcech ; was the correfplindcnce beiwecti France and England, refpeding peace ; compri fing 4j papers By '.thefe .it appears, that Citizen Otto had piopoled to Lord Grenviiie, an armiilice by tea an ! land.; a free naViga ion to the veflels of both - piatio Lord : bencrit of E AnpShre ldltlyJcnified y : Afr. An-' dcrfon' ' afew doorijuulh of the Court. - Huiif(t have jutl tpewd, and ntw fffr far J alt on the liw'et ttrnit fc'r Cath, or 4 in exchange far Csuntryi Produce, S r BROAD Cloths CoJlimeres; Plains,! Krelt Cloths, Kerfsys S auljwn,! Cpa.ti.ngs,' Fearnouglits, Negro Cut ton4 Baizes, Blankets, Wbrftcdliofe, Cali manc6s,;, ' RutTels,. . Durants, ;4 Linens, ! Cambricks, I n W a " Cot o n s , Muflins, DiYrrities MarJelTles WaTlrcoating", Ginghams, Calicoes, fchintzet,- Camel's tfair and MtTflin Stiawh; Checks, I n dia Silk H and terch efs, Lad es' Kid and Morocco Shoes, La'lies and Gentlemen's fafhionable Hats; Gloves, elaftic Suf- penders, Tape, Thread, Buttons., &c. Sec. Ice. I .' : .' : " -, Crockery V are by the, crate and aV retail, , Glaf? aqd Stone Ware plain and japanned, Tin ditto, Bed Cords, Lead ing Lines, Soal Leathe'r, Shoes'. & Boots,1 Boot Legs, Caif-fkit.s, Saddles. &. bri dles, Gunpowder &" Shotr, &c. - , ' : . ALSO.,;.'-: -v .; ' WeftndlaJc-Ne w JjlfjLa nd R um by the hhd. bbl. or defs ' quantity; Hdlr land" New. ETnglahd Gmj' Lo.f Sugar perjhiindrcd or lef4 Biown Strja.r per hhd. or .'barrel, Molalfes hy the hh'tU ntM J Hyfqiv & SouchongTea, Allfpice, Pepr thj per, CddfiJli , Window Glafs b,y "the box, vor'iac, .VKier dj uyu oo.i. rotatoesj IV U Jice, on Monday morning lalt, . my Apprentice Boy named ALEXAN PER. BOURpEAUX; 17 years old, ahout-ijejf-lb; ihches-Jiigh, had qrj blue jacket and troulefs,1 but.will change? his drefs,' having with hirna number of clothes. ; I will give Five Dollars '"to : any per f'n w-ho vv ill inform me, by ivhorri 1 faid apprentice is harboured ; or QNK CEN.T:br bringing him home, or lodg ing, him injall. . A. -HALL. -j a n u a r yHtir1'': ' ';' ' - Li1 of Letters f emaining. hi the PoI- office J, - arWrlmMglon, 1tfanuaryt 180TK ; ' SAMUEL Aflie- fen'r. 10 ; Co!onei: Samuel A,fhe, 1 i;; Major Sam. Afher I ; sjohn Anderfon, Fort lohnflon. 1 : (Edyardrmftrong, Dtiplin, 1'; Elifha irtict,- r ort Johriiton, 2 ; Mrs B. An ders; care of R. Langdon;- Mrs. Ann Adktns, care or John Ntchols, 1. - -John Barrett, 1 Herald Blackmore, -Efq..i Beafer Barrow, Efq. 1 Henry B"for, Smithvillei Samuel B:ud- '. worth, Efq'r. Marfhall's Affiftant, 1 ; Francis Blake, """i'jMr'iHiim-Biirlihgliarii' t,;: Sarah Bowies. I ; Beriiamin Ber narq,i; Arabella. Brown. 1 d we attribute to po icy appioximatjoni p oduced i' ann'.a reVf, boxes O.t JpanilA begarS. wtimington, January 22. by charice ; and perhaps tho'e coherences at C .rl lord, f..jtnuch fpoken oi "were" not Vf Inatim porttiTce Blanks, 'i. Mifs r .Thomas Crofsy 2; Thomas CohneU lev 2 ; David Clark, 1 - William Cog ,an 2 j Mrs. Coxeter,' Mrs. CaU horda.j ; William Cooper,; 1 ; "William Vwampbeii,- 1 ; Capt. iiavid Carr, 4: roLrgc D avis. ! ; Thomas Defame.' winch was cenerallv (up ., led. Evcrv lUimr. how eve,, tnatcaied the i?rr' atteoiion which Rcrlm nA -Pecrkargh'-tefiwed'ponhe-eenefaF-i'atr'-of- Ptivate views might, i fo6ccuBv . -and without doubt (till OCCUPY HuiTn and PrniTia. Th. -.itiwccii cuguno anu u,i m i n nat Lone titrated tie ' moic wuu mvcucnidiiuj tfKainil ine laid aiie,mion of Europe upon the pretenfioni of the Bri-1 elUlCi arc alfo dclired to exhibit them ttth Cabinet w.th regard to :heuttal Tovkers. The 1. ' , 1 . :,t.: u relltiution of theFreP and h convo faved the V?)r atelteJ, Within thetime pre-. noi)or oi uic iJ nun mtn Out tlie or visional m.-uiuw uy law, iu 1 re Duncan, Edw, pough. r.. tv. i , '1 t f Q -a I ' -EV ! : MrS' ' f''ng. 3 i Ferrall, T; 1 X John 'LevingUon, deceafe.d, are. Onflow, i. 'deiired " to ' makeidyrpavJiient;!;'.. and Mi'ri-.SaiU n;K-r t . a --.n. W. . , , ' ....... w . y w ' " i ri . ia it.iri. nery i ; Captain Joltph Gool ; Mrs. Elizabeth Gale, I ; jyhn Galloway, Mifs Mary, Grange, i. . g'gemcnt ol nol'convov i ig merchantmen has dtisfied at leaft for a time, the pretentions of England. . Tlie rrav quetOB ttowever, remat a unctec tfed. The i .viuba.go laid by .Ruflia upon Englilh flvips, he mo- mcnt.me was tntoimed ot the coma.a.ma oi Den. N. HILL. Ex'r. Wilmington, January 22. A O V f. R I I S E M P. V T maiktina the piomp.itudc wahwh.ch it as.take. TaOM & lont .nliliofl' off. as loon as the convent! n with Denmark wis P-ft- . , , v f , , know-, leave no dcl.bt with lefneft taVthc inteniv -Tr,"Ul5' ! Ul A;ie 1 f . Lieut. P. C. Harris, 3 ; Robi. Howej 1; Mrs. Eliza Hill, 1 ; Captain Wil lia m Hall , 2;'- Mifs M ary Henry," Captain Henry Hofkins, j ; John Hcn- rv, i. ion and the In- find ntvfelf inca. r VV illia'm Warts' Tones, 2 ; Tohn Tones - .r-"v 1 .v . . me uviiiiifiSK.iA - s tionspf PaulComuuridtngone lea", the .avigation'i l)abl? takma the t.cceUry care & charpe RiHarrl S?llt ' of.hlch the tn l.fk ire to iotW.ed in prefervtng, of myPlantation Jiafiiiels ; I have there-1 at 1 2 ..' y -nl able to iriueuce their re atinna with the co ut- lore de ei mineif Ui .lifttofe of all mv "il8'ane 2 Dnhcan Levingflon 'MV'T r'mA 'to the qaef,Lindg -olVa Cl.et.rC(jf f I ;. Captain William Lowell,.! ; Fran- .h'! h lhe ,,e0 ' longer-, oavatde bv lidllLnu U..li cis.Legfbs, I ; Bernard' Lefndvrp. 1 .1.. r., '.1 . . . . . . r ..... - - ' - aft - upo a..e Manner nave txwtenced By Isnfl, dur- n ATT V JiVMP. PT A Mr AT-ir.it In New.liiiiovfr couurv- lies mg mis war. notning but tne trowns. ot t ..ituoe. The f ilure of their nempts aai It Fr-.nce, and more recently, ag inft pain, .leeins t?. i id the n con, hr.e th. mlclvci to their proper c!r rent. Nuurcap. j cars to bve glVi.nr thrm he fame ban icr. T AMERICA, . . v . A well a the Norihern Powen, mull' be inclined 10 cbntell our man line law. She is. v is iue. bound o us bv llromi tir .. . u ... . 1 . 1 117 I...:.. 1 within 1 of .Land, coniainiri about, 2000 acres of Corn, ce, Iiidjgo, and Cotio. t Land, fitu. aic bet ween IVinre Oetrjie'.Crcek aud the Nonh.lialt llivcr, near lour hundred ' cr. i ol cleared t Land laid iff in fuiiable lid 1. 1 ......;.' . - George Mac Dftnald, 2 j John M'Doi 'ba.d.'rf AulyM'Naugh-o:i,- t ; George Merrick, t ; ' illiam M'Kerrall, 1 J Daniel Mallet, t. Alexander. D. Moore 5; James Moore, P. AlfcfTor; i; Mons. Monhruni 1 ; Mrs. M'Farhne, 1 vMifs " M. M'Leod, t ; .WiUiam Morrilley, 1 ; George Morriifey, Duplin, 4. ' -Mil's Na'fhV 2 : M nips Nrnl t held uielo;.d -by' bin and railed (nr Ivoert Nixon. I: .Mile K ni..hi s . - - ... w.i 1 " T-N at . ' 1 11 r p r r it stria r.nnairii.in nam . a a ii kiati vuiiiivviiuii fcv TWII I I1C IWni . . . f a- ' lrniinfriit lit. miitiiiillt,l -. a 4 u 1 r. r - t) Tk..f. r 1 l-J.. vw . f" ..m...w,. v......KCutn, UUll t-.c. inciu wnc lUiiii K-icihuv Am - .,wi . a..,.;h l-J ' l M'uu Miiu raiici Tcnrc trom t reek mil)! nc ev I'lrrtlh. i huw P.m., renvilLvas calculated folclr Jo ,n iraJi. ,u ft, ,.,!d .h,-,,,. ..f Quiver. pn Nerk of.landand iVaiho .Robert Pickering -nrl m; W.-fi . ranee but! 0 cviikc the tU file; ffiitf Uiii.Mn ..... "'ls lamcieivta ttuaae. cXc, fo-a ftock of' Rrvan U.drsc - 1 u u..s. ngland lo commence the work ot the Convtutitn, the fyttcm r! inland if v , ' P , g,S , I ; Mrs. I Mi Richards. 1 . . peace, nc cropolcl an armilttce wmch he ' adhe.ed ju, .v.i.1 iHllibly produce d.f omerit fiV .v ' ;,uuvc or-a vy Cap a h Jofeph M." Saber A . r confidered reciprocal. ThU has been 'on the o.her (,de of the Adantie. Ind,ed 5? f If tl,i, !VcntoS Simkins . Denn s setene reeled by tho kench governtpent ; and col ,tt oajifers w. dc.and re. 1 'SS Kl 1 j 1, anovera.re ha, been made .to the court ad con.roul. If we-conhder tl.e. exJ0;,. h;u d b "f p; 'S Stanley, 1 : Captain Stanley I GebrJl Lon,on foralVp.arreaty,which Great B:,.n true to. her engagements , '" .7. s Cry. a ove term, of mntnt. . Wlh Ai'iSri I... r-..rSA -.. -, M'liwu. is 10 ino I , , . If iiui.ud i.aj ii.iLV.lbU , I Well. India lflj.ids, which dfpend. for provi lirttis on the United bta es, rnnfl be fen fible how muth it U onr ii::refl to treat tbe United S-'aiei.. in the nmll liberal manner d -gainll every danger of a rjptur, ' to . . , London Courier. AM a-. '.k I-..... ; a,.in away ilv'lll I II C lUJlCriDcr, a Extra.? if a httrr fra-n l-fhU d.ttei AV. vtmber yh tt 'me tl the fiijl mercan tile haijrs in Pbihtclphia. " The plague conti'iiies at Cjliz, Sevilh-,' St. Lu..a and Me'ji, anl.is getting fait into the interior ot Spain.''' 5Itu.tVoj of Europe.. . " ... !lVNe8Rm4l. FEGGY, B,- the ie t Accounts,. . . . ; JUJ ""X MUUren. Jack, a- Ti mon-.hi iro Europe lppeired to Vein a (late .out H.i. years old, Simon, about Three we perceived notljin bu prefabs ol war and bloid- ,"(,,,tns 0 , ; ' "Cir they IliVC been fhed. Now, hawevcr, qait aid ftieni'y fetn t fven near Wi niington, and that my tin- m.Te, and ever where we hear the cry of price, dutiful wife IS at the Brick Hoafef the Yet nrshi.tr his vetbei do uvnnA m . hiks. iiuuir, tlie sanlt ty have ', ed.ate relation ihaly nuy attempt to lend them aWiy, I there- rauisiies t- ti BJe:, wii !t pjice intercits treaty tor-lorwam all comtrandcrs ot vclrcsj duf.-terijtfs.or uth.-rall En ope. We rH.Hthrre. and others - from buying them - from r1 of E.iopcWuwbeisrfincetadAuaria'liidsbeb-ii.' ,hc ,a,J.Mjry Sclfiqns,, or taking them uf peace in them, dt ol prepsri ions made 10 live away un her requelK under oaiu of riav- .new energy to ,r. . - vj i,)g ,,e rijjor 0f ,hc w j . .. ft The tel xms. for the mo trt wife, which Auf. .l. is.tc . ... - at'. f,nu tri had nade a i.on k(r General ; . the levies or dered the 11a is-v. Bohemia, .and io ail thole count ie which have f-s often gi.en ihtir forrip . ro 4 1. if ahjutliUi Aral lht )MMy t lit perorntneai.aici; the c im jH id of t "t tTermsa aiM pro.iiifcd Is an Aich-daVe, whofe bravery wsi iIiaanU4Alie kope, IttlJ 1 ..uqjbUMsaj-a ir,4o(ati2ible egi.ns, thittJey would faoa feeitiirs at iVr head the yoatg eio who ft olif.i leJ ibe n ift sictry j iheauxih iie iff the pay ot X.iland in C fn.iiy.and thofe wnicb fhe pro uled to :ske into piy in uii ill 1'iefe ntsns induced.! belief that tiw Court of Vie ni was dclarmi el to ntj'e.1 to. IH Of thai miUi iontriourt to its f.(ety"sd U tii sittpS ' ' . , . - - On theotherhinl, thf Ch ef Coo'ul did not Oam htt uidffthf laurels of Mareno WJ.ii.l co.iriers lu:,eed M each itVr With rapidity between Vtaana ld I'jri ctr'Virtg ho none ctniitlca .)amly .an-d-es i!iiJca-.ioJ?,'hprtutifiva t she itT.m tbt 'i r - ' , them. I alfo forworn all'perfons fiom naroouring my laid wile or afiilting her to keep from her real home, where to mc lie is atltl always was welcome,' on any pretence xr means whatfoever. If at- icfltbu.is not.pauUo-niyivU CftHtiorv f win toon try to get rcdrcU by tbe laws ot tny country. - ABSALOM SESSIONS. January 2i. " mmmmMmmmm -as aasaaas m " To be Keiitcd, A Plantation on the Sound,' on which there is a well furniOicd Houfc Liujuire ol the Pi inter.. Wt!min;-un, Jan. 8;"ifcr. At any time preceding tbe i$th dayjj llayt ; WILL BE RENTED the h'tgheft fa'ddcr, forjwi cr three years, if not tffore fold at private fale, That pjeafant and Voinhimliou VII.T.A called THE HKR.MITAGC, perhaps one of the molt healthy fituations in the ftate. there ig moll exrellent water and a booJ areimfor a Saw Mill, and all the atiparattn ready for fixing. Ther e w1 be Hie-wifeold nn the fame day, V POi oesre aijpojej 0 at private file' ' AH theLuid 1 yet hold in Ul.nn' Quplin couiuiei un the before mention- ea credit. t yla .... ine lubicnoer will. fell a: private fale, oei ween tnrs and the h It da of March, for cafiVapout Tweritv Nejroci, n.nonn which are feveral young Fellows and fame iamiuei ,ior the jealous firll mentioned. It ... J.'BURGWIN. Hermitage, Jan. 8, 1 801. B. An bferfeer is wanted for about ioiNcp;roes, to go on corn. None need apply but whocan De well recommended. c-vvii, vv given; J. B. To be Rented,' ' nnHAT valuable plantaiion. known JLaby the name of Old.,Town, to the Ifl ot January next, for particulars enquire 01 t - , BENJAMJN MILLS. x own.rcck, Jan. 7th, 1801, or Patrick Cronui. John Taylor, 1; Walter Torrance, 1. William Wntinfon.-. 1: Timn 1 li v Wadham, 1; Mrs. Sail; Williams i f Gloe Wotton, f ; James Wmht. Du pun, 1. . , . TftE Mail arrives at this Ollicc . 'From Fayeircvillc. on VVednefdaVe t VP. M. k Saturdays . P. M and departj on Thuifdaysia A. M. &Mon-, days 7 A. M. From Gcorge-Tbyn, on Monday' at jo A'. M. and departs the fame days ' at 1 P. . . FropT Newbern, on Tnefdavs at tr A. M. ahd departs the fame days at 3 .'The Mails have half an hour to make up; and all tetters that are. not in time, remain until next poll day. ; The Mail that darts 011 Monday morning, is nude . - L oJ01iN0RD. . 7th January, 1801. " iOBETRKNTEDr" from the frfl iaf cf teiruary next. A I10USK in Krontdtreei , convenient for is Dwelling lloufe and Store. Apply to the Trinter. ' t tj January 8.1 Sot. Blanks of all hinds ( May be had of the Printer licftof. January 2t. .' , . v.. ..k. ... . . . " " " " ' - - - - - ' . - i -'JT" - T, . w.-TB.sg -st'. xy 'www . H!'.. AfV -rtu ',;.-- - !? " 1 -trl&i t- . II 4. 1 i f r, r f, IS. ' 1

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