TJireeDoHars per Arihunl. .) 1 .1 h ' CONGRESS rnecy i V. -' OF THE ". - U N I T S T ! 7 E $, Housl or KiKri(MTATivti. ' - " W tdiuj'duy, Decimbtr 31 , 1 80 1 . v (Uminata frrxm our lall 1 rhe gentleman trouiVi ginia rcdvrires r XT 7 o- 0 rV : o .-r rr r. ' time, ne mums we are not ore pl&red to legiffcuef -B at " t b if (Mr. HY.) uiii were auojMC'i, mere wootf be .no. otxahin fV.r,this. The territory has laws ; hu.-,ki."i;'i ' r if vi 1 -a 11 B"t : - wiieveu meie inwa won d ..Mr. N.cnolas U that, he Ihould vole, ry,w,U for fifty years, withou for t ,e conHmiteer.h frmn a d.fFer.nij giving Coreis much tropic t'0 Iuo,y ntomeJrutn that -which actuated th oen?u . b. " w muiuv ej.iW irruharmf. . He hoped eftnhUften of a jicUrVi . t4. GotU ovl4 bi fofficred for the pre- u, JLw 1 0,1 , . " f tv ? ntVih ir . . at L i ' ' w ith reguMitp a, corporation, he was a - r?' Cr ' "tee1tpef,CTt lD co,1aiutt it at prelrtt, Jd did not thiai it !,n if r'f J""' '"';,r, ed 1 nl.i ever be neclary; ' : ' " t anatifolotc .cJoty. In reply to he; Mr. N-'choia. dicottonGdlfkhc power inarm the amhot nv iven bv h rimitCV . . r-l ..- - t . - .' : ' imparted ov tue corjlitiitioo aSnm enuive tutiyn in relation io ibis tertuorvrditTtfred 11- 'it-.r'' n . 1 v ' f , (r n n ujruimcu ne iberetore could no: fairly btchafitrd -trrt. the other powers fled in comrrefa f . if ji - r ' lJ'-v'-' , u : 1 --y " 1 :,s 1 wulr a delire 10 device fro-n mcf efi. ns inaimucn as me- tormer invn po vcr, had "couiiet'ted with it the word '- acluJiv ; - whereas i he - latter had not. iFridjfJanuzry i, .;i 801 ..; "to this word, was altogether different from tl.e one Kw contended for. The conlti mtion vloes not .fay rnncrels fltall podefi tKcljfive poainr cf tkgijlation : hut that thev linl; power ot cxtrciin txdujfjt U if alien. '"--'- I ite a?t v of eeffion and acceptance, con. layied a conllraclion diredtly oppofed to ' that nor made. They -declare-that the ot" Marv bnd aiul Vircinia fli:ill coH- tinwe till cdngvcG Hull 'slier them. Their ceu.irmn is ma?ie to aepend on an uncer- t'venr, vvz. whether ooncrefs Jhall Jiifion iufiimied our llhertv ; in art r.r ....... p- MVIV load. . t Whnt would be the effect of this law on vkhe tniiabitants of the Territory ? . It ' f !dd impole on thenv the laws of Mary land and Virginia, as they exiited on a particular 'day without ally capability of iaiprovcmen:s Fn :n the improved code of thoHf "ftates. : , -' 'Mr. Nicholas had heard oF no inconve mietices which hud nrifeh from t lie linn. atrunption. ot' wer7 hj? Conprefs.-The people uiyne territory ot L.olumbU had lJn "Ppypiop Tjr hipre tl an a rinndied years under' their Uate ijovern nieiUK ; ahd he hid no doiib'c would remain y .in without he interpofitior of Congret's, who, at prefenr, were unqualified toacl," After lotiie remarks l.y flel!is. Harper .and H. 'Lee, the qacllion ivas taken on the comihiuce lifing,' and canted without a divifioit. . Tue cntMinittce rofe, the cbaitthart re. quelled leave to (it agin, wn'ith was iiot ytat'trl. ' . Mr. llirper, then. moved tb' recommit the bill to the fame committee thtfc in trolnced it. . t '. A Mr. Hirper. The objei1ion mnde by the ieiitlcunn (roMi Virginia to an pdump. " . Ikiu ol' power by Cimref oe 10 fay that ' the conlHtii"on.d prfivilion. th atfis' ol ccfli.m r.f 'Maryland unJ Virginia, and the aft of oc?-epfancely con'(re(, Ihnll be all a dead letter'; and ihat ihi lerritory ih U continue, -at therefort, tinder its, old ju. lilJii'tioil." Tin's was lo.oll intents and purpolcs the ainttunt oi'. t he gentleman's remark. He afked, whit necejlity for the exercife.ot .pover by Conrtfs i Ihd not theritixftiia lued .happily lof a Itu-Jred yeartt tinder the lla'.e gverjime,nis Tbis Mr. U. did not iJiljmc. It was prnbally tme ih it they had hied as happily at other . pot tioii) nl citizens under t he ltate govern iiient. 'B it the ptowli.m of the vonlliiu. tioden this fubjet't ha I not been .male 'with this view. It was mnde to" befit w . dignity and indepeinleitce on the ove, it. r'ent of the union. It was it om luch outrages as had occurred when which Was a defence by governor Sargf ant of himidf agaiatf charges preferred ugain ft him by a. member of the Houfe of RepVticntadvcj; being'a lefter to the, Secretary of Siaie:- r,UI br him into the. hands of .Mr. N.i, n . ihe niher, UC prefentment pf a grand jary in rt.. Vy Territory on charges . tliade aifin 11 fIti.Mi rivu.i v : Tfcra papers were 'cad and referred fb the t f inquiry into the pfRc'al coquet $ V - 5 ant. ; as was a nelTage of ttie "ienclifing J iOpjof Jws pallvldlin that Icrrt.ory between June 30 and De tember . ji, 1 -). 7 . , , " VtMr. H;rpcr ui.Ved theillowiRg .efbiu- .""'." . were rcdu. ana rrti-n-ri i ift .Umtoiv of ColiiAKia : V ' Rcfolvod, ' if I v . rr" -.-r- r': ... r . 1 or -otH of it framers. The pwft- vas like. a i Colbmbia. ; V uur,ldlttloa P cpat' of ''armour,, intended .to' prntcf.1 the t.r;t..j -ri " . , ' y government ia period of no, L J h or Virgihla 4d io be worri at ill. times-far parade A ' aT T" Pff'he f.fd nw .. : :. - - - ...Sd.lhutToniaindAvHhut the-ifm ts of thof. jnaie. .eiuta.w.y, 0iig,ic.,6 be con inuid in ' 1 it....... 1. 1 ' ... unco, utiiii von?rcis lha!l K:r. thr. wholi. Mr V.i!l- i .k- Lw.:: -jvi fintunu iu papers ; OnC 01 j "c ' ' JUDICIARY Bt.l, Remarks ha 1 been made to fhew, 1 '.'' oignity anj mdepei.dence ot the "ovetn. r.ent required the amtmpnon. . Air Inch arpuments when iVt apainft iheTiaobinel of the people were in'toncluHve. Mr, N,- 1 t a naa always ueert iaugHt to cotifider the true dignity of" the government as indif. Ipluhly connedfed" -with the happiiiefs of the people"; and waTuriable n utileain all thit' he had heretofore acquired' 10 this eir.-. .,.. ; : I lyir. Craif: agreed with the memoer from South Carolina as far as his remarks went ; hut he 'did not think thac they excen led t'ar enoughs He was himftlf friendly 10 the inlliuiiion of a loctl; grtvniment for Jcat pMrpofeir, leaving all federal powers to Con grefi. If tlie hilllheuld be recoinmitiedhc would be prepared to ojlei: a plan con for ' 'luaW to thefe ideaiJ He ft 1111 aldi-in at tU doubt i fngeiiedof the vliditTot the laws of. Maryland Virginia. He believed tha; they were, ltill io iotte f and did not think there was any abfoluie neceflicy for Cdngrefs io al at all at prelent. Stih he thdKght that delay would, only mtilti-ply-the. inc.invenieitces-alreaHy eXperieH' ced ht the formation ol a plaiv of govern went; A plitm might be fb framed as, to prottcf the general government, as well as fome. iegre-?, the inhabitants of the jcrriiory fioni aiiy tyranny that fome gentlemen luppofcd might b' cxeuilcd by Cougtefs.. . I : : " i . He concludeiHy expreffing a hop? that a completely organized lyllem wight be formed and 'adopted, ,Mr. Dennis coim ided with hisollf agne ihd.:riririgaii allini.ptiori of jurildiclion by Cori.rels. But beforr he committed him llf by ,-vn opinion he wifhed to fee an entire plm fiibmitted.- As to the bill before the-committee it was little more than an abllratl propofuion. MrrDeimis beln ved ihat the aOItmprion by .Conjjref would be agreeable to the inhabitants if n good fyllem were adopled. ' Mr, C. Goodrich advocated the fecom mi'n: ,t of the bill, that a nAire complete fjllcm might be devired.and fubminedto the houfe in a more direft way. . The quetiioti of recommitment was carried, and t -, members were added to the original committee. . . The committee ol ilevilal and UssAn'ifh. ed Bofiijels leponed it as their opinioi. that 11 would be pi op.r to continue the ir lition Law, hich exrires "win, tlc cT0fe of lbl leflion, for two yean longer. Ordered to lie on the table. ThurfJaw lanunrv f. On moti.m of Mr. Kitteia, the houfe una. provivip dv . iaw. RclaiveduThat,f Jte admiiiaration of J.fltvc vmliurlfis-faid dill, iff,- there ouaht ipbf ehaDUie t wo inferior., and mi .i.wi. or coiul. th Inf.rior triurts to hVat Alex- naril it ih Ti i.l A . il ... Si 1 I- i - ' . . . . The. chairman proceeded in rea3ing tbe -ptra'gfaphs antil lje came to the 5th IcttloD, wbich . '' : I .' 'f Mr. Eggleflon-4aoved fo to amehdit'arta" prelerve the plin at. prefent cxiilirlg, which edablifhes on.c court for Viiginia, lAftead oF dividing the flaie into two diftiitfs, land ha- . Ving'two courij, one to fit at Richmond and the other at ErcdcritkfburgK, as propoftd ly the bdl. '' . :-.:-- .-.''; ':". 'L'bilthotion llengiUy debate enfued.' i:Mre(rrs; 1 Jackfon and Macon fupporteil, atid MelTrs. Grifwold, Harder,-Bayatd H.Lee, & Otis, oppofed it; .' .;. . . - ; . Thofe who fupported the motion "conten- dtd that the propofed alteration Was UBwarrdri ted byUuyicbaiTge7whtclf1)1id't;ke! placein Virgini ) j that heretofors much bufmefs had been dofie in the' federal court from an accu. mulafi.n of niifatiified previoully 10 the formation. of the' federal cohllitutioii ; that thefe .demands, for the mod parts were now.feiiled ; that the rxiflirg- dminds are few, ana which ' one coJrt w as : fully eaaal to attejiding:to'; that the fa& was that jufitce had fecen admiRiflcred under nW,. prelcnt fyftem with the greatc (I dispatch; and that at the laft term the dock et war In rnm . plcteljr ,'cleared, in a fitting, of ten .days, that partiot the fauI d.llHrt nt lie on the di (fete tit ' lhcol,rVoi l'atisfied with deciding on fuita fides bf.jhe river toiowTc fcfpec'iSvefy ; which" had one'. through' ihc'ufual.formYjT hai--tohayc a hm'.ttcd civil andtrriminal jurifdic-: u.'J'y detided on feveral returnable to the. ' it was diacrently fnuated, u,f,uit WM . m"y relolvcd iit, each member fttould ,,,"ee of ,h whole, and carried by Yeas and i:n..'. . wear crane on hisdi-fr urn To... .... .L : ' Kin.. V... . ir . ' n. . , . .. "'" 111 1 7-1 - a i -, mil -i j, teUimonv 01 ihur rCnn 1 .1.- .t.j. .t. 2:1 . V I IAD 111 rfBa H...."'... . I ' hnfinni. t ir a i'L j .1 I i' ' I f , powers aim to tie com-, r ,u''5 ,", i ,nai 'ne aaamonai court w? polja ot three judges each and. .he Supreme ' n d'hred by ihe citizens of Virginia, whof to have full powers as a court oflquity, .ori ginal jurifdiehon in all tales civil and crirrii nal ni within the jurifdiehon cf the Inferior cou.Mndappellatc junfjiion from the .courts in all civil caies abo7e the value if :e n--t t oUiri 1 and 10 be compofed a Cuef Jufttcrwho-fhralfo be Super mtendant ol police for the fjid , i. ilirut with competent powers' and two alfociates. Rcfolved, That the falarie of the 'fa Id jud ges ought tobe't-nablifhed by law, and to be paid by the United States. . Refolvcd?,That provi!ionought to-be niade for the appointment of a matal fr the faid d.Urtct, and ofi clerk and othsr ofiicers lor the fatd couits, for the prefmation of record, ahd.lor lJ,c ,,ue confinement and fecuriti- of perfons commuted or iinprifoncd. ' Refolved, Thn for the better ordering of affairs io the fatd diflrifl, it. ought to" be dt vtded iojhrce townftips, fo ,hat one town. Ihipfball include Alexandria, one Ceor?e Town, and one the C.ty of ; and that a corporation ought to be eilablifced vtthih each of ihe ii ed, JfL,tleuer of perfonj annu. a v e erled hv ih fr.k,.IJ. i ana io be veiled. wtth H,tr to pro jrifion their retpeaive lownfhips, by bye law, refpefcling- flreell( high'.ways, rrl.r. keu, and othrr matters of a finilar nature to be particularly defcribed j ,hc faid bye. laws lo be fub;ct to th; rcVifion of ,he Superior court of tl.e dirtrid, and o be annuied fare by, upoo complaint by any perfon or perfons lo aggrieved ft notice to the proper ofheers of corfHwanon, and caufe Ciewn. On .motion of Mr. Grifwold the houfe went into a committee of ih whole "on ibe Jud.c-arv Bill;.thelhoufe difidiPg-Ayel 44 Noes 33. " , -Mr.-Rutledge in tfie chir. TJje bill was read through, when the com mittee reported progrel'v and attcd and ob. tamed leave to fa again. . 1 The repoit of ike committee of Revifal and unfiniflied bufmefs to rontinue for two years the Sediiiori law, was taken up. w, niaac 10 rcter it to a com. M llhitnr rniun.lnr liiil'iiin. ......!..' and judicial piwet to inluie tu fl fVIi re f- Il,t"non'l ,0' re,r refPfS 'r ihe memory of pcu.,viiie thgQermneiu.Wds under r V "emD" the iuaiduufiip of (late laws, thole laws e epgroncd-bill "conmtMng Ceofie tUre might eilt a fpirit hoitile to the JKjrl0" r'- 'he biM , general fctnerninent, or at any rate indif. ' Mr. Dawfon moved to i:tommit it Lofl, . pofcd 10 give It proper piotec'tioii'Tuis ye4jl Noe. ' " wH one Trenfbn, among oihers, for the ' ' Mr R'ndo,pb moved 10 refer th bill ( a provihan, of the confl tii' ion, confirmed 'C,J(.1 fmiitec Ufl, Ayes 3a. .. d carricl iit effeft by the ofls'of Ma. ,r Spi'ght and Mr. Davit thfn'aC-ncd ' ihiid atwl Virgii.i.i, and ls tl.e aO 'oT '" re,rVni for ong agstt the I iir. . Co.igrer.. ' t ' ' ' Tl.e q-ieflton w4, then taken Wlheiafugi i'he !. 0 hflhe gentleman wa, ?o de.of ,,,e b'11 Carried, Yea. 45 Noel 57. feat ac"M nrd nil thefe an .nsc 0n mouon of Mr. Harper the title w.-s uei.tsiii fuhvetficu rf tint troviHon wl,HV'lc,ed J 99 to.reai An act loertct IU MiAiwAiiilUA fade, and ot lbi wuwUum fcr GeorgciWathirgtcn.' Made the order' of the day for Tuefday, . -A.b4loukiog appipHo-fof the-year 1001 was read twice and t,frttA . fimttee of the whole houfe on Mondav n-i MeffM. Davi., Now, inuClaiborae were ex cured from f-'rving on tfce committee ap rt.inied to invefligiie the.oHicial coi.JuU of VVi'iihrpp Sa'graiit, . iM.iDivU moved ilutihe committfe of i) and Means be direued to ei.q iir' into ike expediency of itiooimin m tuckey and ihe N. W. Tcmtory to pay peaH TSe 'loufe rcWvcd into a ronfimltjee of convenience, fo far from h would he injured by it for" that the plan of having cine court held at Richiuopd, .and an- other at FrcdeVickfburg, which were not niote tlnn fevcrty miles apart, would place a largo portion of the ciiiiens at a' greaiei diflancc , from the feats of the courts,' than, they were . at prefent from Richmond ; which was; be-" fides ihe ci pital of the flate, and iha dce io" wfiich the cin?:ns very generally repaned for the trahfaciion of tlieir ordinary affairs f that ' it beheved tbofe gentlemen who lecbmrnend " ed this extenfion of the iudiciarv fvfl em. la lhew the petuliar nccclfity , . and :adyao tigca jj Ul II, ' Thofe who ODDOfed the motion nhOrVrd that it beiamt ihe government of the United jaies 10 organize the. judiciary in filch a way . as to infurc an obedient to its laws; and 10 : iiifure'ihe faithful rBllect.dn of "revenue Tihat ihis Uil'wbjccl could only be attained by the inflitution of federal ccurts, not fo remote from each ottter, as to prevent the convenient at. . tendance of profrcutois, forties, witneffe., andjurois at ihe feats of tRe couits ; that" ihe recovery of duties dt-lived frorp this fource could only be made before the federal courts, and if the places at which infractions of tha revetiua laws took place ,were very remote., however, ardent the pa'iiotifm of ihe citizen, they could not be expected 10 encounter ih great expcnceand lofs of time that would be . lequiied. in attending a court three or four hundred miles diflant; ihat ihe moll folidV. objctlionio an extenfion Kf the courts was their cxpence ; that in Taft the exienGoa would brobably be an economical arrange. Jiient, as ihe facility trJ" recovering dues to the j public would-be incrcafed, and with It the produUtvenefs ol ihe revenue ; and a confi derable funj Would be faved jp the f xpences, defrayed by ihe public, t)f a grJt.d jury, which from its tery nature mud be drawo from all ' the.pirn 'of etch flaie, by ihe connatted fits of the diflricl from which ihey wer taken ; and that the fame remark would appry in a fmaller degree; to commorj jurors, witne(T, .. profecuton, Ac. that fo far lroaihe flaie ment made by gentlemen being correfl,- it was undejflood diatTeveral fuits in which tl.e public was interefted. had been nrotrafled for ' fevrral terms 1 thn iU kiifini. tWrarA have been brought before the federal coutt tf Virginia, was the mod condufive tvidence of the anconvenieacei ltiendififl' the preleat P'"t wncrciy oiPg loine, remote niuatipu oPiTie grtater'part vf ihe diTzensJ iftejTwere .J ...) .T r a 1 f , . " ' - trdjced to prefer art appeal to the flare, ir pre icrcnce 10 ue federal courts, . It wa further declared In h vfrv Jnnklfd . , on rotiflituiional ground,, whether Congrefs could delegate judicial towcrs to the Itate Conns ; and if ihcjr could, it was a delicate '. tjucinun now iar iiate judges were amenattic 10 ihe Uaited State, lor a faithful dilcharge cf their duiv, inafmuih, i if they X'v,tu ' ; .w,.u ' Ine uni'ti iJiatenhev were not , fubiffli of hmrnt bt csr jrtf i Ih-'f'iC'anj fate, tb jra tu'M. m 1 -1 f: J ' a T . ... f mm 4 1 ' - . I . r . . . " ' ' ' j 1 , , 1

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