f hi " I I t h t e the Uf xecuturo of the Hwi rj,.froiwlu(&rHiv fnolmfr; ct.KIiA, bi an imbecility in the !'jrarjiineiit would arifeJ L'nnj' Macon, M'shJenberg, NVw, -Nicholas Sum'f r J TaliifcrroTKcnefoiv tAff Trig, J. Trgg. Van Cortland vr'Varsiutn, R. lh- more ftai as ,ii affeQei the viwl pr.ocip. of h adm:niUranon ot junicc ,imn. doubted tha- Viginia wjldbr Well fan's. fid w'nh ne 'cturln preference to iwo, or ,b op iun "haieer tn, preference rp one ; that it would be wifo-in or.grcfVfo -cohform tt VeV Hf v -otf'J, li;cwf nVnce.fia- U h tconmv,'in ..be" idear'adtVptf d; by thejeveral . (Mv Well as the efi JbV fted principles of 'common WfUich biotight. juflice hmeto ah of mv ''man r (hatt wtwid-there. ' r, :' I . . ' oetn: were -tuji Willams. 37 v- too rcat, 0 divide Virginia, not merely in n inut in nam uihjh -'1"' . ' .. ' (,,. avifabl.'i f 'he ex too great, J 'In two but court -in 'rtch.;--rit was fUame arguntf nt? nW -kauTeTwe ct tihUnot - da-U thai was ,.n.A we rflimiU dootbin? : tbit -aj to ...; .i.rZl out. that 4he convenience of f, riflti.of Virein'avc1droot reqinf in r adiiticnil couml nras entitled tp.no, weight j v as the 4 id'riot.aUo'Ht- wouM not be in It i tu -';tAMMv for the. convenience of V'gtoa, k... I. -.- r.nA m i u (1 ice tfc forrierte s .... and" -.. the Mieos jjfjoihec Hates ;and wtnfiirtims: ,r!;aB;;v and indepcnde'.ce' of the governiEtn't. ?Tt wa funhef obferved that if fbi'divinon VvC VlriJiia; toni'emDlated ! bvr tjie bill, was inennfenient, it Jnjgbjtf V theretf ; bough .it ... m 1 . I 7 Wai "behaved-wat-. lire The fdlU.wi'&a,re:ihfyAni HAYS'; on referring to a CTOirtee of res who' Haule the report of the Comnne on rfvilal and unfinilhed bufr.iiifv-, rei anjfnending for two yearshe contirudnceof the act cuintnuoy called the Sedition Law ; : .h-' rMflYs Allflon, Baer. Bartle'tf Bayard, ftird,'-1. Brown, Cbifri Yn, Gr ai k4 , J ion aroie iiotn a . want' of: gogf pktcal( kHowlgc;ih egea . t! i n uchii made it 1 ;' ' ' - In rnlv to tbef rerB?rk, it was faid by member." Wh prefented ibT Weftcfq d'if- mfl f Virginia.' that there had been but -one fui carried brfore he federal court from his TjV Hate for -teu vear.. and thai at v pre lent there waV not a ft ogle irntt pe ndi Bg thole wli' avowed that this additional coum vrav not intended. o aiifwer ttie convenience .of the cituens of Virginia, to lay .whole con .venience it was iriiendeo to'.fwer ; that ... 1 . i - - rniwrthnancLnff-ihe contrary drciarations o - lome Fenilcmfn.Vho on this occafionj bad ' betrayed, the fame ignorancf of tbc phyftcal - flite of he. countrv.hat o urevulls occa- fiofts hev had manifrfl-d of its; moral and v.pt)l Hcal.ftite, the new.i.atranjeisnt- would T if., f(p. inlltid of dimiialh. 'hs ebciltinff tr . - rof-vrnienc i. intfrnuch as me ciiitens of th . counties' of: EITex.' Caroline Louifa,' and O ra-gr would be removed to a greater difrance frcin Federiik(burfih, the contemplated feat .court..- han thev now wcr iroiu :'U i"." . 4 . . . : '''ait t a... . ' .1.. 1 f.- ITitchrfl Left, thai f ig ant officer, -nJ-l tnk? a ws pmreeaiap ""'. beliuiion in declaring tnat to jir; ,; mi-v,-. WMW. ordooW. rtoi.ia- i like conduct has flfen under my own it hi brertfflarVed with, the flrtclcft probnj Mr.' Lane infurmed roe "bat he hadcoq falfed ih one or two members ' refBeSiiig his iiealeLwho ' AvWght he had been Weai with m proper, fcVertiy, but hejiid.not rame any particular ru-mber. I hive- endea'wred to ft re every cixcumllance that took place on' -this dtfareeable fubjeft and hope my cot'diid tnn mv he iinfAtorabiT conftruedi fo aj 'to .... , , , , x lead ta tk? ffrialeft lulmcton that 1meapt i off(f;-inv'ivd;-gnf 'to vihe.:freprcljr'ntative$.of this mV'naiive.countrYi or-any;; or its. oni,cr$i 1 reicain, with fentiments of du. .relgctt, Your obedient ervjnti,, " . . RICHARD FORREST. m inner a concurrence of two third 4eir whatever, it maittc or iftferied. , " ' ; Tbat iki votri to confirmed .(bill, by the houfe, on corwBittes thereof, br re dated to Uie foriti' of a rrtifiaiioa with or without modrneitions, my bive beea decided, and (hU be proofed on arub. rep eat di hcn every one' (bill again belret' neve imendmcnu, either by -iiifwing or 4eji out' wordi ; io -which la t taf;the queftioa fb.U be, ' Shll the word ftiad p t1 of the rofolotion I And M both cfei the concurrence! of two-ihirdt " ! (hi I be rtauifue to cm v the ifnimiiivc ; as well to iot tK tioat qucllion to advife mi coufeat -to the raiihcition in the toim agreed t,- .; - . Davenport iFlPayeoprt V0ennjs, urn j ;!enn, C Goodrichft. Goodrich, Gnlwold, The . fojlowtnjji nhe letter frp the Serjeaht ni,- ,u.uA,C M. . Ish .uiera.T - at mms. r lo the tionr neaoorc ocu.wu vl.iijuuc , Speaker of the Ilpufc of Representatives' of ihe United 5aies. Sir', S. Lee, Morns, Not , Otis, FincHney riatu Powell,, J. Read," N Read,- Rutledg J. C. Smith.' b'leale, lcnnv, l-haicncr,"aj. V. -A R. Thorn i. Wadfworth. RWU- lismsj L.."Wiliiatns'- W.ods.47 . - . NAYS." Another RULE, fafid. DeC. lldy .rtoo. P jolt id, That all contidentiil conimur.iCa ti.O'ti, mde bv the Piefident of the United Matt thiSefif, (hall Ue, by the me abe thereof, kept iawinl bly fecret; and that a!l treitie whuh my hercafier'ba laid before the frnatc, Ih'ali alf be' kept fecrcj:U-itU the fe ate fh'U by ib'eir iefoiutiou, tike OS tut JU!cuonoi lecrccy. , ; ,t NEW-YOilK.: Tannary.io. ' i - . .. a (. . . r . 1 . L.. " , ' . V. J .V a i.,?- -.Wo saniroavatteraoonra hck mar. cameo nua 1 conceive n o w-y - -K" u-,!d o.ku.n i. to the fto:c of Mr lobo P. Schcri for the informal ioq of the Houle t K-eprele'i ; mj,hori seek' man fl.p, and uffv-red it M. ,lalf. ;,M-KV.''ii1-leRiM4liiftie."Ctav. tative. the ctrcumltances wBtctl. attvnoa an, mM who aO.ended.the Rdre-amaernin? tbe-o.-u 7;k.rr'rt;,'?n a,l';!e' Iftwvi livi . v ' - -..1 rtft " '1 I -.ij ,. - n- . 1 . . . . ..f.l.4 .. J . , .i.a... i. v 1 tttA - -M. dmf,Go,Gray;Greg?, Iia,na, Jfckf..n, oVdien v: " u.ii I r M-mn. Mi.liiribcr&i foo-M-ho had -been ftftltv ot coniewptitius ,and . .... , . ..,.-'.., k f...,.,: t-i!M. -,tb 41. li Lankily, xjtitij1 w'imi ' r - i f.wNicboUi.iRandoJ"Db, Sm'.He ' J Smi. iffht . S't a f b r,d." Sum '-e r.:' Palta fe r wcTU'Df forr, A. Trigg,, J..""Tngg; Vrf Portland.', Varrtum 33. 1. i - v 'The hotife took tin the report 'of be .cm m'rttee '-.of privileges on the Jetter -wf; Jufyh Whcuon, beijem at arpis, wtucn-is as 401 The rorhmittee of pr'vileges to rwJiorn: wav :cirjdLcU.ecr ...frotn: ; jofeph' VVhcatof , oerjewi at arms, report, ; . v. That the rprcfcmattt-n madtf -byMhe aer. iean at srrm contain a-corr. nacmrin m . . .. . . ' . 1 - f.vfls ac.d tbit be, in the owjton t)t the com mittce. " i to be comniieiidsd .for the pr mp"- ' . . . ... 1 It" tuic and hdelt y with which be cxecutect t.'ie dtf.trderly.'Oe'haytotw tn UC gallety po Mon-,COmbuUble matter,' wl'.ich 'utft ipmed ately " "into Cvr1hr"tld inltr4J-r.PflCC.t;8iPfi to .cue ..atlaw.e. In tne urm which thueirruiniimceotciu- alrv J fu"d foal the dilrdetly perlon was onea ihiuc u.ie, me i.er.aury oceK b .j.s unf iire L-ane, whom I acrodmgly. af A letter from Wafbington, received at Philadel phia on Friday, (laiei, n the Authority of the Secrci tary ot.tVr Mavv, that the fiizi c IuTur:ente unl ;"Pi k ling have beeri loft.- P41ucuj.il net meotioo. were ordwed, we believe, uS Catenae, PHILADELPHIA, ,aftjuar so. '. .. ; A C A U C V s relied, conduced Vo the 'clerk office, and irea cd wt'b all poffi.ble civility, until th-'. ad journment of the houfe, when he xvas rerea- f d ati'f! 'f('h;red to go wnerc he plealod. . ; On .'he .Wftinrfday morniptf, I w.av apprh- h'nrfed tiron.a wartanl tlTaed ky Richard, For- Tdtrqr4-iha-4uac JtitlJD.eJia T Ma r y , uh -rvirnan'i).T 1 nomas. uartoo . morris or D ir.i mirfMtlh' hOflV fit In entl i.ii'uiiMrnn1ciuicrJO u. lur j..r. t.. .... .. IN 11. 11 a I w KCi )t - " -J - J r . l . -1 1 - , r .1 r . . . . 1 1 1 u 1. r i a Kiowtcce 01 me iccrei m'vv.eineo t f a ' '"j iML ....... Jf. I ... 1. icmrninn v ninfl ufWii ni. ; . . . .. .v. -6 7 l0 be th,. ,uft t.)nt,ce eh..n. Ti.e pic win fore 'tbejaid'jllice forrcll, Vand was de. ! ffmtnbcT that it' arfb rieveloping the m'rvemeHU ta'ned aprii ntr trom - 10. OclptK- in trie of Caucvs i thi city, -that the SrBaie,4Jwertai: guilt y , of ifideccnt and- dJ"orderly" condu'.in v The committee have reifo'i to believe from the beft-ipformaliew they can obtain,' that thj- pcrfon who committed the ditcrder, who has hnce ablcotided) was at me hum wHoxicueu with liaaor. - The macidrate . bv vrhofe-arfot,Xthe iferieant at arms was arrefled,' and.held in I t " I f- I I J ...--.I v.Y2..A ' ' ' " cullody.taraucnargingnncuiy mine prxuiucs -i - 1 r .1 1 I . nl '.m'A k- .rtn-J.irt in ' lrfpr arclSnr It was fjirnef contended mat ic naier" Ajyr,, .... , - .r.--;- and was a-ier'2 Q'l -nare'iJ occauic uc 1 . .L. 7 .. ? . ' ' . . 1 fin u. cvrr. liiiT" inn rniirj 11 rr at airi wa-; iiiil 1 nuu- foref.fld Lajie did not. at peat . to prosecute. b 1 e.j.4n ,,,e fiv;j inflate by the Jifcve,.y of Vtat - of thrij comi tattii. I ive'th(' honor to; be, ., ''faithfully your obcdie.nt tumble fervanr ' : ' JOSEPH -WilEATON.-' Chamber of, the lioule bf !lepr . ieMatives,D9c, ;30, I800. Cnrus, but ly the timely alarm taifed, .and conic tjur ,t oefcat of Koai'a trrbunit-il Bill, a bill wlncl pafTcd the 8 na e, but was thrown but in th-- Houfe of i'ejjre tentative, ar.. whirh'-o ieder -l m,ioUer of. the Senate and a high fedrrakkw officer declared t be at daTini an attempt on the ledrral c nftnmi;n, courts were Mly competent to difcharg". all .k J.iimi . iditfurd if eni t- and that in Vir?i- .Um r.J.ral aw had been cti hcc iavari' 1 conjulted ai v - ' . u panyin? this report The fuffelliarr rnad him, that any one member ot this boulewa' Ited ftlattve to ihe profccuitonQt' the a (hat .fehich Buonapart: thad accoanplifhed oi!tlio '. f ren Cohtliiatioo. , , " ' We have miow to -advife the rmbl'tc of fjmi!ar . ". 1 ... , , ", -, 1 . 1 Confpirac,and a finulir.dcfja on UieConftitu toa : Mr.' lMcho'asMhoob -ihe report et)wainedbyrlbe fmfaaico . - ' opinions that " it '-wotuci oe. improper -inc. wt htvebid- experience nder the atiniv houff 10 fjnnton. It nnplicdly cerjlored ttte 't.utratton oioe eral Waiiiugtar.anu Mf. Adama, or comioa'of a maturate,-, who did not-appear' y.w.y...8 iis 1 , . . . p- 1 1 . c. k j net a to pe-dvea prctidcncend eidai rrt hioc vinttrfl his hhifial duties.' aS 'ht frad - .. . r r , ill iiiliU m mi" Rrr a govern ' lbfvr6b-Ve4r-rntorce-i--MtUl0pLrtljp iut-, uj-y vW.......v. r.v4r..ir. . I . .tpem, wimout ine. luipicion arcomuTie oe w ine ' hofttii'V I- t- 'tdeial government had ap"W-tTOfeTlitOHlJ4mplyM fe-jraf. m ecu,ive. 'Wcknow fro,ni Hac,il..,o'a ;V ooiii.i j . i B . r , , j-f.i.J ,.r ,11 r.f. f fnnrypl -bvfh fer eiint- fif the real na-U reef-enouth -id faiufv Sheiioft -incre-la oti of ihefaft. gnata againu n wnen i iauu. , .n. r--r;-; j . , t -.1.- 4 T i,A -ih-".--.,-;a"r iA forbear Hion o: neutrall y, the ranhcation olthe Bntiitt tieaiy from tb remarks of tome gtn-lemen, 1. rrally comempt for the honor and dignity of thr fd. To ( xp:ft the maiftracy-to ' lirb?4r "l. fh oUnciU of General W3hif.ro. .and .tho appeed, as if t'.ey wa ed an.'additional Uufe. : 1 ca tng to account ihcr olficers of a leg.fl 'l . ' 1 I TL... .I.U ....W.-il,. (t rnrlinamani hntvinill ralM ' Vrhaievef. WOU Id in VOl Ve a trrnl Ai i nmni l of t mm n( .nini ti'ir. M military Ljudfe. andktiew no wnei uitocaie him. nwr-i'Muiu.n..- ..rw. .nw,,,.,,.,,,, ..... ---- - -. , , "if ' 1 ko fliieiSon uii ihrn taken on Mr. Etr- ol-cn ot:;rer or tne-notue-or T,reienniiivca 1 HVli'J-" v' 7 "-et"' r""'r"v . m ' . r u 1 a I . - lie que ion wai tarn taken on, mr. x.g; 1 . .. , . . 1 ... r - I a. Trkkt.:..V.rrtJ .u. tT,:. V.-.f,- tresloaableacl mave oerfomed without the pn- lof.n act by ntm. periormca in usiervice, -raj mr. .v... , u.., . wu ...v. . ..y .j s,i...r .i.. ri' ; ..... r.i.. -Ml pleRon'a motion to- flrike oat, and loll Ay '39 KoeA.44, .. . . A mo'ion waMnen made that the vommi tee tifc ! Ave 36 Noes ,39 . '- . M. H. Ieemovr-dlo oairj.d 'h ferii)n, . as to prdtic? a d rifion of Vug tna, 'aseially inllead,tT 'ongitudinrily makeb.aii'i on'in fttiad cf.Ftedericklbirg, ihe 5caioC tJuRlce., .....Catned, Aye 45. a h gS btsjch of .in privileges ; yet as the Ipeaker 10 Tee to the manwho made the-diUur. f,ftion, guide'i by Hamilton and hi profl fa inasill ae' in the prefeni cafe feemv ifc her to banccin the gallery. He knew'cof that thisordc eiewi, haa frcretly opera'.ed fo niucn.difgr.c reprtfentation, gave any authority to connne me man. ite. nJu'j"n' er views, the had not h mfelf been prelent at the tiiae ,' ,?T. have been deceived by lalfe tha-i . 1 llucnced by improrcr com mi tee cannot confidcr his conducl as a ubj ci of anirrtjdverfictn. . . - TuefJjy,, Jdn 6, 1 to ... The cemmittee of ptiviU'grs nude a rcpert On the letter of the. Serjeant at'Arm,- the preamble which approves the cnndufi of the Setjeint, dates the, individual who unade the d.lljtUitce in the. (ja'.lery t have'.be.-n-iti - ioVca.ed, and to have absconder) ; and the magiHiaie who iffutd the wariabt on which the Satjeant waAnertrd, ib havtmtde to the ccmroittee faiisfatlory explanation in axienu. tion of his conduQ : afxr the preamble the ..report concedes with a rcfolve,kthat il it'not expedient for the houfe to take aoy order in -the affair. ' . , . . On agrreing tothe report a long and warm ebae entted, in which Meflr. Bayard 'John .C. Smh, Dana, Harper, ICrfierj,' Oi..t Huilcdffr, Nott, and EdmoodVrupportcd the ' repotf, antrMelTri. Nicholas Dawn, Smilw, Macon, Allflon, SlaodUrd,VarmaIl.iJge -flor?,' ir,d;Kiic: ell, oppofed it. ,.i The report wis finally agreed to by ayes and noes. The followlojr arc the YEAS and NAYS. ,as taken in the Houfe f Rrprcfejifaiivci, onl '. ... . . ni . .1.1.1 r.-i--.r- .I..JV j ,.n.j k.. ik. "s h.k"'"" r.ii,- and m eLi-nce Jo i s order vmu.l tx aeetnro ine nomc, uie icrjean nw wnu. uku u..,..,- .. AjiJ know fc-'hat am ihia r v m . . . a . h. i - j .a... -j.ia.. - . - - . ate ad- race and America, and conutvcdtJ puiita moft (er- into placet of h g'.i truH. r. . 1 -l : . . . .. . -H .... from the ciroutnlhticei he bad heard Hated, i ,ltrtlt,0:. . u-. ,-blictn he oroft which'hat been did not bliev that: the idea if arreft' and fecretlv maturine and carrvi..e forward. . They are therefore of opinion that if Isnot I confinement had entered into the head "of any 1 It will be recollrfled u.h tongitl had a week'a expcd.entfn th-- houf- to take any further man. But the conduct of U.e .lerjea.nt, after ,., m e recent a.u.;ay cnuary cr I . .. ..... ' I . 1 n 1 ,11. l.j 1 ..ij ..j. ulaee. did not ttopuere. v nau uccu .o.a, anu uari. lh,t recef . fooe of the charafte.i eonfpi- hebe ieved truty, mat Hie icrjrant, ater re.Cu0u, jtt tU 0rme. rr if hiefi, aiT.nbicd aot in VV'(hin,j on city not ia Georfceiowu- but at Judge Cbjc!, at Ba.cto.oie. -'Here it w.i d term.ned that at a!' rill, in af . . ill. " . 1 . . NT ii... . 1 . L - again purfued t!.e man, who was in the llreet, goveplflm.ol nllhe h?nll of lhu li3tMOt . and arefied him a fecond time wh.n tiiere was Here t!e plan wai laid aod mimite detail inaeged, by. which 4J1I1 ulurpatioo -was iopolcd to be a'. order on the letter from Jofrph Wheaton. movine the man'from the gilety, had dif. miffed him, and bad returned tothe. houfe, when on the1 fuggeljion of fome mcmheti,he " The following is he letter of the Ma.' pi ll rate allude) to ; .' Citv of WaJbingtoo. Jan. j, !8ot Sta, . .In rnmn'unr. h with vour reonefl. I will endeavotit to flate what ?ook-place be ween no dJlurbance, and held him io cotrfincmcht. James Lane and mv fell relpethng the war- wrthaut any autnority wnatever. . rant i granted at theioriante .f the faid Lane Tlvr opinion exprefled by the com:nittee againtt Jofe'ph Wkcaton, which' Ts in luhftancc ,,t,,e "P"ance; if they (td as follow! I 'tor go to ctuuiiui iiic.ii'v'i'i(lll7 Ul On Monday the .aid rultlrrio, fate tn ihe miltrncv of thia coUHiry toenoire afternoon, 1 was called on by a young man tmo f. f rordtid of nieti,-lto mifihr. be of eenteer appearance, whole whole' name he faid lK'y t .nilcon.ltut ; of that .namiacy was Lane, and informed (for the fitJl time) we n'. 'ep! ,',: 6r" -. that e Lad .been arrtfled' in the, ralkrv V"' for our moteCtint., Coifgrcfi bv-the? Serjeant at arms, afd by him Mr'.navh M.oveJ toreler jhe rtto a confined in one, ot the committceironn fon.piiurc . r it w,.o.t the paffage of the bill toerec't. a Maufolcua jr. . V . . . . 1 1 n . ior veotge wawit gton : .. , YEVS. : , MelTfi. Bartlett, J. Bremn, - Cbiinplin, upwards of an hour, or fufpicion of clipping a memler of the. houfe of ,Reprefcniatives while addfeditg he Speaker, which charge Le al that time dented being guilty of, lie alfa dated ibat Mr.' Wheaton, after -kee.ing him confined duriog the lime above mentioned, difcharged htm, and that he wasartellcd a fe cond time by the fa id Wheaton on the -public fa. a a re foros dillance from the, lapi-ol, who wrcllad irom .him bis hovie '.without .vmi. .-.win, j, uinwiiivMiHyiiiii' , 1 i Le ' 1- Coopc,, Cia.l, J. D:venpof.;r.-DlvThDol., Prfuc,n 1 r!ie.D,au.hpt,.y f.on. he 6P'aker V jWni,, Dent,JvD.ckfon,.,.ot, SvHtt Ctcit o'-ny other evtdccco to ,urt. -T,m-.w nw-r. tr n j.:.u p ttfy his condot. . 1 inrnirht tinder -fucn- cir riatt,'.Pow,ll. .J..Rt.d, K. Rad, Rutled1tr,i?",:,fW.r,,n. 8'-.n,aence ana u"tncf. 1 r c-.t.w CE...1. nr.-..' .. 1.1 siued a warrant 10 nave Air. vi.raton C. Thou,... R. Th.ma.r VJfwo.ih. .pprrhfpdeo.sthHh w.sfervedby Mu bpald.ng " a..... ' . " a ' 9ta v .num., w oods. AC. ' MelTrs, Allflon, Bailey, BiQiop, R Btown, cnuli (ihe Conflable) on the Wedncfday. Ilowit g, by whom Mr.'Whe ton Ias brouri.t be fotf mr. On hearing hi d-frnce, which was t . - 1 1 .1 1 . r ' t ClavOaibMrne. Condit. . Di... V wnrri no were .preicni, 1 l J3.r.. n vu.j,'f p... tnade.no helitaiton in dilchatgieff .mn. a 1 Mr. Smilie honetl th tt tbe houfe, before it rommt.trtl i lell by aity' juJg'Metit, vioiiU eirtjutre by what autiiority ihp Serjeant had ncled in tlw molt extraorntnaty trait Cictiott, that the titin'mtght in futore be pro ectei from outrages limilar to that itow-oiiocr iiitctHiion. ' , (Ttbc continued.) . SENATE, Ihe Ullvowtt RULE tofjtdin - ' January 6, I ooi . Aiiolvid, 11 aDiadlnf role, that whar a treaty flutl pe la d before the Seaate fr ritihratiim, it fh II be rtd a Jill time for bloranatio only j whto ao mjJoairiynrTVtlVrirff-.at whole'or any part (hallbe received. , That In ficond leadiog fh lt for caofidcrauoa, tnd on a (ubfequent day, where (halt b taken no a ia 1 co ni'tec of ihe whole, aod every oat (nail bf lice 17 moc tc,ucAiMa 00 any nkular aittc't' lathiifoire, Will th Senate idvifc and coofcut I the rtlifi atina .,( ih afinle f" 01 t prapoU a atendaatai ihneio, either by iofetirt 01 Uaviag out W' ida,U which law cafe lhaqu Am nll br, MSIaU be word Hind part of it art'ia c f" And in ever? ef ihe (aid tafia, lU coacaritace ot two ib rdt af the enitori pteftaf (Lall bt i fu to d ciao afFitaa.t.:y. . Aud tua tkWwjh U.e bolt comol-flied It vn determined io the Sift Inftaace that i ter forne pevlo-4 movemcn a a bill fhould he brought in, uf-Onut plan o ttoat's Bill, whi h msutd .ut into the Linda .J tho Senate the power of ibu'iu a YnHdcat iiwdc'r certain cue imlt ct,. 'it wai ti wined, irt otdcr that tl.e 5enate might have a orevcal for-Qitiu .looirer titan tin ordiiwry lirne, it Oaould be anovei to p-Upooe, or put ' ff tiom lin.etome, ibedecifinn vpun the 7reoch Conven. ti i fo. that the Jenau m gUt be a pairaaarm body on aaj after the Jhof Viob. ' ' t - J.'la order to pollelf ike principal cScet of power, the lita'uryaod the chid Juaictlhip were diftiiba ted ai we Lave feen. " ' 7 " , In order .0 .ccutt the ufurptr wh uouid be ulti tnatcly p'aced ia the chai,, cootr ry t the oublfti voice, U wai determined t t 'be Sedti.oo Law (h it't be renewed ( and it wai ttited that 11 it-ouU aod miffct otriouflv be ariued in fuppoit of lhu law. iiaodiMU lotbe ayei ot the people, ht the fup?ori. an of in renewal were aftmx CjufiUentiy and that they wifhed to h ve the ftuara rrcfiitMM iua from cenlare ai the prcfenu . ' It wai determined to liter the plin of le'ifla-ioi , (or the federal city, aad to CiU if ic juired confi deiabU a portoa of the Matiocito bead ovaricu ia convcaiently could be doae. - ItwuiefoUed to carry fotwlf4ehb -tnwW-celcritv 11 oofliye. ikeiudiciar btl.whicU wialit lalfciLoa,irj Older ifltimef.ii luck f- looi 11 inouia oc iiunm auive m pi wuimi.'.' kroitfl O u fur oat too. . ' . " V V muQ oblttve. liowfver.thittW; ii but ia-it- Mne, t.'d that lh(CaiK0ii4 wtucb wt t!li. aHelbtt otifewdtf,Hte chua te well koown. Itvdrclaratiooi iaadoatiht federal City. W ! Lie-ldcmblagcof Coagrvfa, JuflJifl m 'L bancvo.; . tlut many priUni Uat cmeud into t na wi " picf at; aad tbit iheie art fedctai tbanCteri iatWa iityipfrucd olthv deuga. ' 'Tut the public fhould ait la at a !ofit Cora- priiirod me I'cuaa 01 nope upon wnica n - IUacy U lauaitd, W rv 11 Ul.iJ U1 U.te at. - ' .. . I 1 , l -1 1 1 ., - t .a- t

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