, - i ii ... " i i . - "i .-.aaaaaaagttaaa . . f-1 : '"3W5 VU'BLl SHED WEE K L;, BY 'AL' L M A N'D HAL L Three Dollars per Anmyn. 4 T H UR S D A Y?t'. R U: AV R Y 26, i8or. fVol. V.,No. 216. 1 I - V to to I S: I- of of r Cil )tt - otn ire Cphgrcft ot the United States ' '.. HOUSX OF Kara. rttNTATj via. ""' " . Wednef ly, Ja..uary 11. . . SEDITION LAW. Tfnufe io committee, Mr. Marri in the cha r. , The refolution reported' by Hfie commute' wst? that it would be expedient to renew the law in ad dition to the aft for the punifhmcnt of certain ' arimea againrt the United Stat' a. , , Mr. Piatt, chairman of the committee, explained the reafonS of the committee for jrQpofiu , a refolu tion for ita continuation The only argument! that ' ' rsillrlbT adduced giaft-t--w-r)r at tO-tlitr COotli? '- tuttonalily and a to the expediency of the rnefure. J hat it wa contlHutio.nal, be context! rd could be ell and plainly proved., without vattriog into tfie 'qveltibn upon tVe ground and proof e,xhibhed at the period of the criminal -porTage of the bill, from the rlecifioii in ita favour, alter a Jengtfcly examir nation in both fiouTc of concrels, tnd.rts adoption 1 to a lav. Added to "thit waa the lolemn dectfton ndi concurrence-of the iudiciartf. After thefe "deliberate decifion in favor itj to doubt the ouftilutionality of thij law, .would be b fujdUxaiaoJ.w-un.ioaIUiecy oxiaJiojoaJlstw, - j .. . . - - , x . . KVpoliticl attociatei, oe. myfetf and thofe who u- f iitleman faid,' that all the od writing, were de fdal!- vote with me. . We are willing to-Iubmit our nroyea, ana wc muii pegin anew. acli na to pub fcrutiny er to rife or fall by pub lie opiriion jr tnac gentleman ana m- mmm in tend to aq honeKly,xwby do they with thia Jawito hide their aftiona.fVhy lay the- handa of power n the lipt'ff the people, who oglit to' have the right of- examining theiif political right of conduft aud approving or condemning it 1. W.hil lty boaft of hpnelf y, why fltuik ia darknefs ami Oiclter be hinX the feditioo law t In my opinion thia neither arguea honcRy, nor ia ominoui of good ; at all e venta thia ia the true difference between (he partiea in thia houle. That gentleman and hia friends form paTty WB5wl Rrt6"con5ciil ' t hU "pufel cajfidaa tiom the prying eye of the public, and who fay if yoflf jpe. you mall not 1 pea mylell and my politi- lai auotiaiei. ar willing 10 iprcaa our aciiana ue- tore the tribunal of the people, arul' to be tudgea by the n. Now let the world judge "who re t'ne honelt rpeus we, who expofe our aftiona tofKblic view, and fay to thetn iudge nnd approve, 6randemn na lor our aeeua; i wioie wno lay ae uieoi : we arc boveyou"; ti you op n your lipa, the penally of the law (hall be inflicted on you. " We are told by the gentleroantrornJj.ejyXgiRj tlirir' oppefuion to the government,, and were ac- cuftomd-io.vtmv tlre couduA of ita. warmeft adhe rents, tfii law muft be obnoxious,- and thofe yjio confidereTlhe government a blefliBgTlndWCT. thy tire protrflion of a free people, mud approve of jthe piovffion of thia law, aa one of the molt valuable inlhtuttona in ita lupport. . Aa to th: expediency of the meafure, the com mittee thought it vi a holefome and ameliorating interpreter of the common law eftablifhed to affilf the government upon the 'mod. ir and equitable principle. On the one hand,' tbe right of thego .arrikment lit fuppr of itfeTC ' tbji(kd i rhe ,? .otjierhat right of proteftiori ia f elUblifhed, aa . . rot to injure m he lean, the none it ana wen mtena d individual, buttoafFord him the meana of txcul ''i piling hrn.felf. al;houh engaged in fcruitinising mtafurea 6i the adminillration of the" government ; . lor unlcfs it can be made evident to court and jury Chat the thine wr'r.ten waa done with'a falfe and . malicirui intent'on, the precaution ia ulelefi. He fa w nothing in thia law, notwithlho. ing a 1 t6at lii been fair! sbout it, which an honed man ought ' to fear. Na govera)Tent in the world demanded - th putolk confi-ieiife nioie thri our, whn wall ad ii.iiiiilc.cd :' and iV'suld a government b brought ii.to popvkr difrtpt.'e wiih irpjiity, lhiouf;h the faKc anj; :nalirioui writings of thofe who peaceably enjoy it b!eflinr,af Hejtruited net. ,i The houle Rid been told on tormer occauon that t! r fun of Meralifn wai about to 'et conk (Ttd that he7vie wed with horrorthe awfnl night . that would lollow. But not wilhflanding that,. whilu ' he porTcffcd t leat in that boufr, he thought himfe'.f ' bound to leglfle in favour cf meafuies, to Support the governmcM: which the people had lionou.ed by their choice. -Tliit revtrfe ot tbiugt fhould never i 'ive him from meafure which it became his duty don ihe moft foUmn conviction to adopt, ftnee nn injuiy could refiilt but to thofe wh.'fe wilful ana U'.itual (lander oppofed it by Llfehood. For V hi puit he wa not-afraid of the new order of thing ; ie had nothing to fear f.om the exillcnce of thia law. ' To th!'e who believe the ruie of common law of force and tHt n the United State, thia law mult, be truly gratifying.. By the commo'a, law two practice wecnablifheJ, wih thw law molt cffcclually removed by it amelinoatiog proviAona. liift, the' commoa law tejefifed tha evidence of iruth in cate of Rbela. Scodlyt the couit had an unlimited authority to afecrtaia the penalty, ty thit law the tntth nA be given in evidence,' and the penalty 1 ascertained. He nulled thu whilfl tire liberty l fptcch and of die prefi (pivilegea to be piiied alrove ill other) were md lecure, the tiouCc Awould fee the propriety of preytniiog the nlimited abufe f this .bleding, fo iojuriou to the riefeivatioii of focial oi ler t an abufo whikh waa to be iudeid a lo it extent, by an imoaiiial incv prisilte by which ar?. fecurtd to every individual, na to the zoveroment, equal rif hi. Mr. Davit faid tha rcntlcnun .from Kfw-Yotk ud himlelf had ai different f eting at to the man nrr of driiding' the coi.llituiiotity of the law, a they fc.d of it tttil'ty. lfai the dectfton of the court been mide with I t e n.oderttion and fo. lemnity that uluallv attend judicial deaiAoni, he anitht aclwer htt there haJ been proceeding i.i tbe acu.it of ;hf tinned lutaa, calculated to ciiablifh the cott.'itution uy oi ihit law, a fir ajlheopi. .:j ) cf the judge wrnt. for he mult acknowlegc that the indie had the powrr of deciding tlx con fiiiutionali'y of a law on which they wet to aft lut he denied .that thola deliberate decifron tud been made under U,' that 'ouglrt to (tabl;Qi it at a cnnHiiuiional taw with ihe judge gerteully. Evm i Great-fkitain, wheie we are loo apt to look for imple, he believed fuch btfly adiudrcationt coitld aiot be found. Ht waa acquainted with Coglifh hor kiaod could not then ttcol!cct any cafe where the arcufed lid been futontoned, ind'Qcd bclort the m randjury, and tried by ihc venire or petil-juri, in there it to be a new order of thinz. . I belitve there wilt be-r:It look, a jf we fbould burnjill the old papera and begin a new. Whnrc-fentlemn n,ot contented witn Jhclrdi tion law to oioteft them:' do thev wjut a wall of nre around them 1 I hia law has been in force two yeara and what fMr. Davit explained that he faid it " feerrled a tko'ugh the old paper were to be burnt p and that, we fftould tegtnanew. j ; -1.Mi. G.rilwold then hoped from a due exaa-.tna. tion of this la,w, thia would be one part he. would vrilh topreiervej Irom dewruction Surely the in- Urinations made agatnlt the whole law could not be of force: fame -of its pirta.were cenainly onob- jeGicnab.e. The firft part provided a pni(hment a- gtinft unlawful combination to oppof the national government. I It is poffible fai l Mr. Grifwold, tbe fentieman snay think fuch perfons onght notto be ptraiChertut t do", & rrrayTypmBriTttie referiti8ii ol tht poryihoa u elTentialto our very exiltenie ..hrr.Jj5art is againtt perfonawlio rile in tnfar nlSjt.ifciCjwk courage it. by rouo felling an-St-betling it. . That fuca ?t Ihould be puniOitrel apMiis to mt a frlf-evide it proppfnion, whatever the gentlcana,') might thiuk of it, y?t he thinks" the lavjr ouh; not to be renewed. Surely a moment' tdafidertaun muft prove that fuch prfon ought to be punifhedi and thit their pun fhment ought not to be left to the umirriit d difcrction of the court a K- faid he muft conclude that the adminiftration of thia law waa extremely obie&idnable. AUhduek many, of- Uirfe perfona were foreigner, vet' they had not tke? Ufa ciai .i upon the justice of.'the coun try ; . jV rnarereo nqt wnetber tney came trom tp tropica, from the polet or whether they'Tiril jrew. their breath in thi country all men polT.ffed ao ev, aal right or demanding a free and impartial trial, an i to all men alike it ongiu t-vbe granted. ' ' It wa, and might be farther urged, that thia aft wuonly aimed t falfe :nd maliciou libels, tending; to defame the government. He granted it, bui who : were to be ' thf judge i .the benci them elves ; the" perhapa might be the fibieeh of xnimadveruOn, I-tit it noTTwerefhe ere On of "the 'perron aggrieved. By them the mvterialt:y cf teflirnoo. which ought . t go to the jary waa to be judged,-and toeeforo the principle it the truth TcntaV"! i'ie ievi dem.f was butcf litth; importance, if that truck wu not filtered to appear. .' . . ' The ' gentleroao fiom Connefticurhad adduced part of this, law -which he fuppdfed ..Could nut ofcjefted to.v Mr Nicho'fon admitted tbat the cifc o ttt' rredlion and unlawful combination agiinflthe haa been it effeft ? A few printer,-and a fcv I provifion ?; It, is that ifny perfon fhould Tublifti miferable uewlpaper fcribblcr have fallen viftim to unuuth agartill the government, with an inient to ffatute. ' 8 jt the moft efTcntial ppofiti'on aonesr tO :he gainlt taat part where Iibellrng the govemtnent u Tple of the country had faid, ought not to have been inaoc u ik.iw-c nu puuiumj.c. i rtn rni pan Ihiild be"oppofed by a gentleman whofe orderly c ndoill remove him beyond the fear of tHe penalty, he was mu h furprifed. What it the effect of tiiir it, and it difeulfed a large portion ot the Anieiican people whp have Wded your table wiih 'petition Lprtying for the repeal of the obnoxiua law, and wWv will voa .run a stifle the ouDJlC rtillia l.ic- ivtng a law fo loretjn to their fee ing and hateful tu their lights r .wilt gentierneq never yie.u inejr party view to the public voice, and dr p a law that has produced fo mhch diTcontcntV " " " If this law hid been good and conflijitional and but a taw people had been diiriiafied with ir, there would be fome excuf for continuing it : but the yei iceife i the faft. 1 am not afraid of the hw, lam not frail I fhaNse fubjecx to its operation, lor in my opirtioo the adminiflration, when it it prefrnted in the faireft forms of truth, will afford luffirj;ut; round for all . my . animadveifion. I can turn' to pag., and lay my finger on paragiaph whtck will authorifc me to fay more than l -wifh to fay , . The gentlemiri from New-Vtirk fay, thejr hate bsen told, the fun of fcderalifm would fhortly fet. I on a former oicafioa did fay fo, and I agttin r- ocat it : thi very la or, if it bn Cver done toy good, wa in tht way, I believe it ha halloed the lie-1 adminiHrttion to fuporefk troth il the eovarnmeni clenfipn of the federal fin in ed f controlling J acled in fuch a 'manner at not to bear tie fed of public opinion a it war-intended The oppolue truth, it certainly met itcd aniuiadvetfun, and witii effeft ha been produced men have Red up to heir leveiiiy .. To continue tbe right of giving truth ia opioiooi, though they were lorbid to fpcak..,- Youi evidence, and to keep the power of prefciibing a own weapon nave oeen turned ijiiiui you, you i puniincneni witti tne legmiture, he hoped the la find the public mind afting flrongly againil you,)w:uld bs re-enaftcd. though they dtre not (peak. I As a conttitutional cjaeltion, he thought no douKi The gent-etnaa from New-Yoik fay that thofe could now exitt,' -whatever might have been enter. who confider government an evil w.ll vote ngainft I uined before-he qn-fhon wa fettled onii prefc t ... . r. j a . . . , . 1 r. . r : i . tr i i ' 1 i i . . mil 4iw. a connocr eooa Euvcrnrncni. viciunz, i p. rnti-ici. tne lunicitry na arciaco it lo te t and am willing to let the people examine Jreely j liw etfeftoilly wuhin the conllituiioa. ' There might and fairly the. fik4f government. Tho e whojb- fome o h-r quorum to which tentletnen would wifn to mike it a cuifc, vilh alfo to conduct it out I wifh.to appeal j peilup they might be better Tan. of the light ot thole immediately rnte;til:c in it o ptrauon. Tint hidden way ol ( conducting the concern of the nation will n v:r be plafn'g 10 the fite people cf A.r.erica. Already very many ol thorn are oppofed to the tdmtniKrjtion, and while vou conduct thetr imoortaut concerns out oi tneir light they will' be jeaioaa, atid wiihdr .w their of fettiooa lion any adimirtttiation liht "Overtiment oaeht to be trnvi44 fnr. if iiusixe ot thofe parts, he would not have objeftcd. .tl,c. obieftioiiabje parf wa that .wh'icl) the peo pie of the country had faid, ought not to have been " (tnifted ht ; part which jlifija every invtftigaiioi imo ie anirra.oi government. It wa certainly trus,. that ths txifleuct of thi law forbade enquiry into I lie affair of government, for who would daic . fcrutinife the conduft of men in power, when they apprehended that they would be aftetwarj handled :' by a court and i iry fo unlikely to do iinoartiil j-rllice to th(m , It mult prevent men fayin; what tpcv tninic, mucn in what they kn.,w. What, he afked had the government t. fear front untruih ? I he publication of fallh Jodt mutt bt the -ideirce of nt twu infamy, dc would undoubted y meet iu d ue a ppraciatioa. Tht chirafter of pub- . lie men, in whom the people of this country had been wont to repofe confidence,' need not fhrink at tire apprcheufijn i the publication of falfhood, He concludedfcby exirciftog his regret that ihia fukjeft fhould gtia be. called up to irritate tha Houfe ; he wifhed not to have t tid anything upoa fo uupo. ular a lu jeft, but at il had been iutroduccd,, he mull jnform the committee the tcClutiou fh'auld have hit saoll decided nega itc.; ' . fTt be Continued) bring it into dilgrace, fuch trfenier fhould be punifh ed. . Is there-any gentleman in the committee who withes to pubiifh falfhoods, ani malicious falfhoods f He trufled not; and tl not, why fhould gentlemen he unwilling to make tl4 wilful oil'ence, pui ifha- pie b) Itatuic f there could be nogiound for alarm, tjnee t'ne penalty .wa only interided to affeft .the phlicatitn of falfhoods. F.iLbodt tended to niuch Vil , nay, tbv were evil in thernTclvet, a d it" was saecefliry to punafii theai, in order to preferve to the government its merited popularity; The provifion was exceedingly important, and he thought the i ddtsof his friend" fioin New York, muft have con-thaVr-b.1 weight vitli the committct. )t it a we) known, faft, that at common law th truth cannot be given in evidence ; 'U'Wii' e qolliy wtl: known, that the punifhment for-criir.es wns lef undefined and at the wi ', he, hd almoil faid, he ai'bitrary will of the court. Il-e did not ihiak (it right to leave thia power in the hands ol thcout, nor d:d bethink it rieht to flifle the tef. kitkaOdy of tiutlt in behalf of the accufed. He did not believe it to be the with of the houfe or rf the htd by appe-lingto the people, but he could not be. He beli'ved ihcdec lion to be made ia a con- Ritutioua! mode, ani was defirous of giving it hia decided fuppori. ' Mr. Mrhollon laj, had he beta member ol MONDAY, Fek6, i8oi. - The following motioa made by Mr. BiytrJ has been te'erred to MclTrt. Rutledje, Nichols, Grif wold,' Macon, Bsyard, Taliaferro, rofter, Claiboinlr, (Hi-, Davia, Morn, CkajBplin,' Bur, Cooper, Lhui, and Woods. Refolved, That in the event of there appearing up' on the counting tc aLeitaining of the vote giveo for Prefident and Vice-Prcfidcnt, accoruioc to tha ode prefcribed by the conllilauon, that an equal cuiuL-tr ol yctes have been given for two perlona. thit -t fcron a the Ta'rwc Hitll have teea duly de. c!arecVrcturnedAtn-tiie jouinal ofthirHoufe,t.htr thtfpeakcr, accompanied by tbe tncanbera of the lloutr, (ha I return to thi chamber, and fhall im mediately proceed to chufc one of the two candi- da et, Kir rrehdei t ; and m cafe, .upon the nrlt pal. lot, there fhall not appear to be a majority of iha States in favour of oae of tbe candidate, in fuch cafe the houCe (hall- ccmlnue t bailut for a Prtfidein, wUrroui tMiercMfti ' try other bofmtf until it ib all apprar that a freffieni it du y , thofed aad if . n fuch choice mould he m de upon the ft id day, the rtoul thaif lontwme o ballot aa aforelaid Irora day ' a -at the houfe at the time when thi bill paded. he fhoul d hte moft (Turedl ; eivra hit opinion that it I l .( I I .1 Jl -IIVl Ml. I. H HIT IUU. heard or (een uuce that period in the various exami Ivthn f. a 0 furt,' tbe rtloivh" Rtfi- RttOLYIB, Thafihe following rule be eblervad-ia tka. rromcnt a which the metfuit wti renewed, ie- J-mindei hint of the fuirit which tuated the fallen Mnr Tpateof a lew hour or one dty at molt, reotcnel, ar it fated by the (rrit poet of he Erghlh fpe Tally where the auuftd hJ rutJe tflidavit, thai,' lasgutgc whra ht could bo looger be iftcrtiOb, he he had watciial witrulUt b(eni, i htd been lhacafa , would evir.ee bit teieage. ,( iu wj trials under thi feinioo law, one at Phil. I The Irfiflaturc of the flue which he hd the ho- -Iphitrhe-tHbtr RnhrfKHrd Vrgatr- U thofe- axf-tatfprtteot, Mr. Rtndolpk faid, had gu. wei ce till on that had tifrtttd the conuiiutinn- UuCtmn to !rtr trpteiemttivrt and Ubtiotun con- iTTt f5mi ti wnanhvmtad anhrgtire(ManiaTii"crHii ppoT7"hrr r ririiT.t7r rr rrw-Tori, he bad latta uipptr gfoand, Irora any attempt that might be made 19 renew thia fetich it could be etfilv driven. Rut a judge of th; Ua If 1 Mite htvier drtrratincd the law to be Mr. Randolph fid, when he fsrft cna f.deTed thi naioK it had unde.f mr. luo not cc'ributedto ctr. 3 he mmtteeinppginted the Jecond Itlfi 'anl ..t 1 I ..... . . -ii'.l . . - . f 1 1 n leport. ba viewed it merely a the iu a;inent 01 au aiea doubt in hi mind i ponUie accuracy olthat de- obligation which the committee thought impofed Jci.,00 It had ever beec hia opinion that a vinuou tjpoiithtmby tkehouft, :od ht had fitppofed, that admiuiAraiion, whofe aftion'flw:d from g-od 11 wouia rive pcen luneieu to Mtuain u.i iuc muici naouvet. irouuca not rne aia 01 a iiaiote to oetcna without ov intention of bcioz called up. "In f,oi Ae attack ol flander. the abufe of ike no. He would not enkr, into, ew ol .the unconttu ler conded by the jeopW, and not it conltituuontl I hoice by the Houte ot Repretcatalivet ol a rielideut. tutionalny ol the law. Ilow Urongly loevcr the ufe, cw'd alone lear the ihiltOl reproach, tod pow- 01 ' united aiatea, whole term tato cooAtntnrc o genileman fuppofed ihit qurlliou to have been de- thus .ufed merited no better fate. . tht fouith dty of Mitch next. t cidedbythe congref who palled the law; he would Thcfc, Mr. Nich lfon faid, 'were hit ideas at the. iff. In tl.c event of its appearing, upon tht count- tell that grnticma and au ait adherents tnat be pruod when the bill palled. 11 it inexpediency was ing ana aUertatmng ol tbe votea given for Freddcnk had a Hill higher jribuml to appeal lo, one higher fo evtdct.t to htm at that period,' how much more and Vicr-Prefidtni, according to the mcr?e pit than they could produce he meant the AmerKtrv (0 mnii jt appear at the prcftnt time In order to fcribed by the cmhituJ-m, that no petfoo bat people. , Their voice wa more powerful lhaa that ctll thi to the view of the' commute he woild conflitutioml mtjority; and tht fame 'fhall hava ol molt count ana itia rrcuocnt, to wnora tne 1 bring to their rememortnee me proiecutioot which I beta duly arcurtd and tntertd on tht laurotitor genucmaa icicrreo. . 1 ne wu 01 ma peopic nan 1 Bid itKco piacc sinoe r u ouring ice two year of it MBit nouie, tne apeaxer, accompanied ty tne mtm been fairly and lu ly exprclTeu upon thi fubjtft, jciiflcnce, from which he cou d tnke it jlainly tp- I brr ai the Hoa e, (hall reiuro to their chamber. and notwitblUndiotktll interior dc.ifion,' thit ought, j par thai.tht tdmioillratioa of this law wit cxticrat-1 id. Seat fhall b providtd in thia H-ufe forth and thi ultimately mult te attended to 1 the people I jy objrctioaable. I Pichdtnt and membns if tbe Senate; and notiheatioav -v.iu v u. .av -viim .. .iiuih , nv p,,i liw lie mw. v wVS iiiaiEnniKni, I va ,u iiihs inll 0l DIBI 9 IUV ivessre. t wtt c ptdient, tt thi time, for the houfe lo (hew I and coviftion ol 1 member of tbe houfe. who was I ad. The Houft 00 their rc'uin from (he fenttf tht Cinumplcf the opinion of the people; vbe. tcommiiteJ under the care of a icveit keepei, 10 an i chain bar. it hcinr afcertaioed that the couttitotiaial . Ihcr it wa prudent lo infult their underiltadint in a I onwholcfomr. aud loaihfomt duogcon, tad the trtt I number of 0it art orcfrat, fit all immediately pro maoocr 10 apprcciatea ay them a inn law, aa m nimt ol that tot.r.Der wniiu to tonnaement, ia ( I cceaiocaula oat ar the perl n irom whom tna a period when they hare fo evidently dec titd thtt of which wtre evinced party fpuit highly on wor. choice it to be mice for Prefident and in ctle apoia. their rights Ihtlll be ro longer inlring.d F The thy thechaitft.r ihit tcuntiy ought U bear. The 1hefi1flball01tSertfh.ll not appear lo be a majority ia nRituuenal, did tot' bring coaviftioa Ou hit .r md. Ht flill tntciititrd tlic.famt opinion he had formerly rnifitittd, da ba Irclitvcd it would bt dif Oiull lo peifutdctht America people that the law vatiihfccn(litutioal pr txpedici.t. Thegmt't. mart frvin ftew.Yoik fy Ibert i nothing ia 1 ht l.w'ao houfll Bito hould objeft to. Why ihra d. tt .o houcft na like (hetrt hebii d it I W art 1 lound ol htin- iur good drrdt mtdt jublic. art rr en-c tiling oi baa onet. Atw itt Hit public taonlrou and drAructitt aft. Irom whith wert brunt even tpovioced of it unior.a iiut.onality of wUch ht could uat cmrrtaia a doubt, he felt hi 01. fell particularly bound to tipef tht opinion of that bat t, and to grva hit atrroA appu'.iiiou to tht law, in its fevettl Ht:ta. VVttt ht t tit tttcr-lhtd to li.hl to tft ( Aitaoay. wile, ht" really ought it) humble l ianft I t).R Anuihtr lcl htd otconed intcflimony, ! and tout beloit h ibiuiUd tud Ind atiii-i i.ci'r.ile m.titnl 10 ti t teltoct, but btcivJt 11 was 11 1 neU wtt ike calif ofapnaier wbi wit mtdt to otht ftttn in favour of out of tbem ia fuch ct Oiod hiltnal, but ootwnhHinding he plctded the H'-ufe fhall Cantiout 10 ba lot for a Prefident, the btcrrtit, ol pioducir-g evidence, which be listed without interruption by ohtr bufmeft, uatiliifktlL to be 1n1ie.i l ia hi dr lea. c, timt wtt irlufrd h n appear that a Prefident it duly cholca. to procure their t'ttodioct. lit needed aot rxpt. 41b. Afser lomoacocing the balloting for Prtfi- line, he prefumrd en ihe right af ery mtn o dent, the Hoaft fhll not tdjoura aatii a choica ba , dnniadf whrw broagh Ufora 1 tribunal pfjo tirr, tndt. ' " time ' pirn2ute itbf " m,ijiiJLh7i,c'?t,i TJl-09,. ?L! Houfe fhiU be clofed, elar- oronKaSMij iorihi iroarfta granieary oppor uniiv Jog 'iTttTbtlkHiOg, aajctpt Igaialt tkt o&ctii af lk to afford the mtt. tol dthect t iht(e were loo ei Hoa t. dent to bt o po'ed. Another inn.nce w tht oi 1 1 ,6 h Ia btllotiar. tha follovnag tnoda flttll ! w Hit pcrpttratiou 01 aa an 10 10 mical to their -BrucUiont, at we 1 aa to all ibt Utiiojs ai d god ftcft ol iht An.eiUso f topic. Ml. Grilwold fad, it would bt tv( ,r tt-t Iht -gi wh trttkabvatal anta slhst tMit'tat,it d tOauaaiiltttattMad !lbt wbajt ef tht law. Iti 1 procffdirf, hcreia iinoontnt. ufliir bay v. I oli'uvtd, to wit j lh rrprcfeatatavct of the rtftxc ailed, hut teluUd, hrcuftlht perfou required to J tivcfnci (hall bt '0 fttttd, that tht dtlegtiioa oftach, xrvt the rvtdrnct, wtita Ltia tflictr cf tht govern. I fl.te (hill b together. Tha reprtfcMauvet of ttia. v . - ... I k ii ... .ft.. A .1... a. I li... A .1, . 1 r l ' m - k. 1 1 . .V - I meet peace icu wn ii p in juigt snai p 1 wart uitu, ia rne run inc, vatiut oraonx ijstw ... ..... - . irivrt, an rer la tuvnaia tat ot a taat Qtt rfid it fhall he aliOwd,whart ,dcaaatd naatTary bf ihede''gti a, 19 "" ttt axtt t-trfoot af tl. tt.refHiiMu, a bt 1 tlltrt of Iht bellnia ', Aftft lb vott if tatbCtit k isctrttiacd, daplictte (hatttf rb 1 bt md 1 tad ia tale ibt vota ol tha fttit' of t d.lUnte. timt wtt re I a fed to prodtKl it, tnd Intl and jij f meat proceeded without H. Anoibrr aiut more fatal inlltrrct ws ihtl of ptlnier wh.1 died in prlfoa, vrbet bt Ity coa Ai d j h for out ptr'Ots, then Iha Man ( tktv pfa, bttttar tit It. Iita I view ei ill Uoft n.c, M. I rWt I kt wilt aa atck ai tht dat liaatet aaxl iatj It ym - i .1 --7 1 ..'V. . v " ' ' , f. J? car rse