- -: -. . . .;.r" .:-. t t- 'afe the ballota of the flat re erjtialfy di vided, then the word divided' (hall be -written' on each' duplieat e, and the faid - dnpftcatrt thail . be depofr.ed in 'manner hereafter prefenbed in boxes to be pr,o- ... vided. That for the '.conveniently raking tL ballots of ihe feyeral trprefentativeB of the refpedtje tla-es, th re be fix teen ballot boxes provided for the . purpdle of . receiving ihe Votes afjhe (taies after the ; . vdefeaiiori of each ftate ft'all have after. f ; taiutd ihe vote ot theftatf the fcrjejun at ariiis,'fliall carry to the reTperitive dele, sgations iheMvvo ballot boxes, and the de- legatiori of veach ftate, in the prefence - Mid fubjed to the examination ct all the members of the jielegatibn, '-(hall depofit ''-'ad iipliiEiite..oiiie vote of the (late n each' ballot box; & where there ii more than one representative f a (late, the duplicates -rftiall1 pot.-both be depofited,by theifame v perfon. - When the votes of the' dates are all thus taken ,'in,. the fetjeant -at arms Heifler,' Holmes, Tackfon, fhall carry one ot the general ballot boxes .Lincoln, Lyon, Lynn, Livingdon,. Macon, . to one table, and the other to "a fecohd and leparate Viable. "Sixteen ; members ftp If. then be"- appointed as tellers ' of the ballots oh of whoni ftall be' taken com TTOeacirttatry afWbe nonijnateibbjjdele catliwbf tve'ftat rVorrTwhtoh berwaj ia ' . fc a ' n il.. j'-; a?al. . ken. i he laM teuers-mau oe asviaea i to two equal fets, according tofoch - a greement as (hall be made among' them felves ; and one of the faidfets of tellers hall proceed to coun t the votes' in one of the laid boxes : andihe ether fet the votes in the other box and- in the event of no appointment or teller oy any -aeiegauon, the - Speaker foal V in fach eftfe arfpoinf. Whe4vahe-.VQie&fflCthe Hates are criunted bv t he.retpeclive fet9rP,leVsrih pefuft fhalt fcereportecRcM he-tusaleana ojlie be decided by the) home toting per capita, to be incidental to the power of chufmg the Prefident,,aod which (hall require the tleciGon tf the houfe; ft) alio deckled by dates and without debate ; and in cafe of a.n equal dtvifion e 'the ivotes ef Uaftcs, the qoeilion jhall be loft." ' '; ;,; 1. V . The houfe agreed to (aid amendment, A metionvvas made that the boule do difaree with t,he committee of the whole iiijthreirj agreement to ;ihe 4thiule, viz ? Af iet cornmencing the balloting (or Pre. fidem the -houfe .lhalLnotifjqiriji' choice be made." - On which the queftion being taken by yeas and nays, it paired in' ihe negative, as follows: Yeas 47 Nays $3. " ' We a s.1 -- .. ' '. MeflTrs. ATllon, Bear-, Bai'ley, Bifhop, R. Brovvn," Cabell, Chriftie, Clay, Claiborne, Condit, Dawfon, Eg gl eft 0 n t El men d 0 1 f, Ko.w-lerj Gallatin, Goode,- Gray-Hahiia,- Krtcheil, Leib, r ite by Mr. MorrI?, declarin g, tliat !n cafe f an equal Vote- being iiien for the two candidates for Prelflent ana vice-rreu-dent, the HoufeClJleprefenativs ftiouM immediately proceed in the prelence ot the denatc. to aeciae oy uauui On this motion, a long debate enfued ; after which it was rejecled by a majority of two votes. '.-:.2:-y. r ":. from -tne'fenteeet 61 a WiTii' il?Aff-T'f court, the inhibit ioq flould'be extraded famS the fejrillry of the high court of .admiriltV-iaV in London, within a year of jhe date ofie - (ebtence, appealed from. this rule the lords of appealhave of late verv-rigid !y dlter, ed. Several recent cafes .have occurred ia I which claimants by accident 0 want of infor. v raatton, ; bave .beenpreyejited froip ectennf . . their appeals in London wi-hin the limepre- fcribH by law have loll thf right and beta : refufed the libertyjef "apjpealing. ' , :0ut great care fiiould be uVen.br claimsnts' ipfet foftb uodtr oatb of afiiirna'tiflrlarly' WASHING TOMCITT. : THURSDAY, Feb. .12, 1 8ot. , ELECT fpN Or' A RfcSIDhNT, Tty elTeTdaTati o'clock the hoiife of Re p'reteutativcs repaired totbe Senate chas-Und fuliy'ihofe, circumftances Wlich kive?bpck. c;r, vftvere ttc oic iui ruiiuw mu taKo tu prer.cnineir obtaining trora rcgi . VicefcPr?n.leit were counted. It appear Qryjof the high court of admiralty in London,1 ing that Thomas JelFerfon and Aron Burr, an inhibition, within the nine or twelve months bad an equal uinber of votes, the Houfe (as the cafe iny &) (ivm the date of the returned to in own cnamoer, ana wuii cio-.i tentenre ot tns vice admtril v court. r 1 . " ' Muhlenberg, New, Nicholas, Page, Ran dolph, Smilie, J. Smith S. Smith,- Spaight, Stanford, bton, Steuart,. lalwlerro, Thpmpfpn, A. Trigg, 3; Trigg, Tazewell, varKJortiandt, v.ainum. 47. reports, aree, - the lame mvtii oe accepted as the ti ne votes of the (late ; but it the renaits difagt ee . the (lates (hall imme difately proceed to a new baiTot in manner -aNretaiil. . r i " " Vh. " If either nf the perfons"wo:ed for . JhalL have, a tnaioi itv ol the votes .Df -aH thi Hates, the Speaker fltail declare the lame and official notice thereofvthall be imViiediBiely uive to the IVefidentof the ..United States nnd to the Serate.- 1 jBih. Alt queflions which (hall arife af. ter the billoii)g commences, and which (hall rf quire the i'enfion of the houfe, (hall be decided whhourMrbate. " " MONDAY, Ytiu io,;iSot. " " Mr Nott obtained leave of abl'encefrom Thuifilav next. ' . The memot ial of -'Aai 00 ' Waif t ard Jerathamaet Peircc was prefented, and reurred to jo the committee of commerce and maitttfaclurfs. a - . ' The petition of Samuel Cibbs was pre- ; f&ntcd and reter red to the committee-of the whole; 1 Mr. S, Smith,' trom' th! comtnittee of commerce and manMlaciorei, reported -ia:ll the prayer-of 4hitiJon6fTuri pin Kilty, which reportwas confirmed by the houle, ' , . ' Mr. Macon .from the committee of claims, reported againlt the prayer of the pct'tioti of Thomas Harris,- which re-. port was cifi u.e t by the houle. Mc.-'Rutledge, from the committee a) pointed on the part of this hufe,; jointly With the committee appoj'ited on the part of the Snatej to-ofcertain bhcI report" the ro le o( GKautiiiing the' votes "given for . lV'ftlei:t art f.Vice,PreG leia of the U. S. of 1io;ifying the pcrlons ele&ed if lhif ehaion, an I the time, ptace nl manner of acfmiiullcrint the oath of ofike to the Prefident,tejr'ed that the committee liad taken the fubjed Jrrf erred to them un- uer tonimcf anon, uui 44u iuuie iu ny o greement thereupon Bartlett, aayard,rBtidr jCrbWn; Champlain,' Cooler, Craik, F. Davenpbri; J. Davenport, Dawis, Dennis, Denty Diclc. fon. -Edrnond, : Eans FojteV. i eeman, Glen C. Gdxolrich,.E. Goodrich, Gregg, urilwoia iirove, najrpcr, ncnuctiau, i' linger Imlay, H.-Lee, S. Lee, Mattoon, MorrisrJott.' OttfrParker. - Pinckney, Platty Pctwell 4jRjeeclf N. Read Ruiledej Shepard, I. C. Smitb, .Sheaf,, Tenney; Thwcrrerp Jr-Cbo.mav-Rft9ias iliyibIL!!! t ti. w imams, j i fed doors proceeded to the? ballot, as f ol lows t . . .. ; "-- : ' ' . . V hereupon, the ballots being counted j toe following was tle relult : . id Ballots ' -r .' ; Jefferlon, - 8 States, . Burr, - 6 ' ', '-..;. ' '. ; Divided, 2 ('V No ejection, .' q . iIpebruarytarqartef patl-3 o'clock.A.M 31 Ballots Refult 0iU the fame. Qti the firlt ba'ilot the individual votes were for. . - , " :jefferfon.' Burr. . .Hampfhrtre. MafTnchufetts Vermont, Rhodelfland, TConiiecltCut, New-York, New. liams VVools. 53, A motioir was then Penniyhania, Delaware, maae 10 with the committee of the whole lioule in the'r agreement no -the; 'jth rule, as fol lows, m t.The doors .f,ibe ,lonfe dial) be croled. during the balloting, except ' agaii'ift UIC I'llllCIl III ! "UUIk. 'On theauellion beihe takeri by yeas an4 nays, it palled in the negatiie, as tollaw ; Yeas ac N a v s. i a:z:z :zt:zz -L rr. Meflw. Alfton," B iiley, -Billiopi Ri Brown, Cabell, Chiiltre,Clayi Claiborne. Coiidit, Davis, Dawfon, Dent, Egglellon; Elmendorf, 1 owler,Gallatin,Gray G gjj, Hanna. Hciller, Holmes,! jackfoh, Leib, Lyon, Livingfton, Macon, Muhlenberg, New, Nicholas, Randolph, Smilie,4,. Smith, S. Smith, Snaitht, Stanford. Sidne, Steuart, Taliaferro, Thompfonj A; Trigs', T T,i,m T.T.ll Var r'rtrilam'.r. Vat. nu.n, R. ViUiams.-fc4j,' .. . i Arflx. Melln. Baer, Bartlett, Kayarc, f. Bird, Brown Champlain, CoopeCraik. I. Daventwrti Davenport, bennisDicU. ibntlmond, Evans; Folfcr, FreemaG'el', Goode. C. Goodrich, t. Goodrich, urn wold, Grove,- Harper, Henderfon, Hill, H.ngeri ilmlay,. H. Lee, S. Lee.- Liuccln, LinriMaitooP, -Morris, Nott, Otis, Page, Pirker; Pintkney, Piatt; Powell, J. Reed, N. V.cad. PvJtledee. Shennrd, '. C; Smith, Sheafe, Tenny, Thatcher, J. C Thomas, R. Thomas Wadrworth, Valnj L. Willi ams. Woods. J4. . ,f ; -The entire report was then afirec ;t by the LonfV. . ; . ... . , . ;'. TV1SBA.Y. Feb.- 10. , The. Houfe ot Heprefentatives patTed' refnltuion. that they would to-morrow at iz oM6ck attend in the Sma'e chamber (or the pnrpofe ofebcing prcfent at the cotintfr.it of the t otes for Prefidenf & Vice- FreU 'ent, and ha: Mr. Kutlede and jvu. Nicholas be the ttllars cn the part of the Houfe. " ' t ' Mr. Bayard moved an additional rule in relation to- the Piefidential tlrQion ; viz. that - tco tickets (hould" be 'print ed.V 911 Maryland Virginia : fcemuckv N.: Carolina "S. "Carolina ' Georgia . T'etncflee J 1 ,0'' ,67 1-9-"0 4 16 2 9 0 1 .'1 2 .7 4. "'8 -1- ;4 8 o -1 o Such of rrfy fellow citizens' as have fufferf 4 by iccent captures, andjuch Whofe propetty ' may in future be captured hy firitifb cruizersj ould with ihc leatl. poffible 5e!ay, aftef re- j cciving advice of the capture cr. condeinnition of iheir property, write to their agent or cor- 1 refondent in Lon.dotiV relating as diflinftly . a they cau from the information trtnlinitted- tncro, . . . ... - ;- 1 .- The -aane-of 4h-veflfil-ci piutc ijhni Her malice. -j' :.: : ,2.-. Of the owner or owners of ihe fame, with i clcar account of ihe property, claimed, (hats has 'been illegally condemned. j. The name of ihe ciptor.- ; J-.. , 4. And (as nearly as can be afcertained) the ' tubllance ot the decree of the vice sdmiraliy - court. - ' - . . This information will always . be fufficient (0 obtain an inhibition, and to iecure the entrtr of an appeal after which the parties as top- 1 ponumuci crcunt, may procure aiuntimc to V- : --- " Mr.'Sunner' fick. 1 f Mr.jJ.iiif!dtBd. -. 5 , -49 pie s of ibr p roceed f n gnf -the cou rt -below and rranfmit them to their agent in London.: . Ih order to obtain ihofe copies of proceed- ing bofoie the viceiadaiiralty court, the Jords ef appeal hold it neceirary that, the, per fon s applysnj for be Iffif,' (houU rrUcr 'payment (or them, other wife, the regiflers f ihedif. fcreia ceuits are not bound to deliver the copies required.. . , ' It is neceffary to obferve, ht- hat !has been (aid above is applicable. only -to appeals. trom the lentences ot viceadmiralty tcuurts r ti - n .. . 1 oe inuiviuui.vuics wn mc iuicrriinw I f fa v carMmnei. VJh.. J Wilms have cjceaGona ly floanated, withou. been bad . before the iourt,wuW .a.nfiority cbaiyg ng ihe general eefolt. . . ' (fch ihe one now held.atiCai e NMole, r E;ght ballotsj.re taken prev.omly. it. byi,f preieode4f)udjfr Cambit.d) oQ.appfali 4 o'clock P. M. yederday, all or whicl, iic. The; proceeirg, in,futh.cateare. cort ttjve the fame refult, -when the lioufcad r.d a. LA AA .k. -u-n;.. 5ournd for one hot.r--wf,errbe.ng ajju,,. ,h?ir chm: if) lh(J higftMt of ,.dmita,y jn alii i mra m w ni iiiit mwr w ' inuMn:1 n rwirwiii. w. . - fc : , . . " ; v .v --v I London. :lhcress no ptevjouvt to 7 o ciock on tins morning, ait oiwnirr reave the fame lefulc. The houle areJtill in ttilion. - : .' It lollows that as yet theie is No Eletfli- tion. - . , Wcflop thetrefs ti anntuncethat atQ A. M. Ftk. 12. the Houfe jdhurned it 12 o'clock, without producing any other rtfuU. Thr Senate' bavrpoffe(Ctbt ' Judiaary bill without amendment. ' - Z -', NEW-YORK, ; January t6. ptevjous time, lififlrtrd for ma king fuch clairns, ii ike ihterefl of the panics will natmally .iclne-every 'degree' of expedient that, is .prach'cabie. .The copies of proceedings before (uch court, ars toiiiidif penhbry heceiraryjVbul they 'may prefre-ufeful. Every' kind of proof in 'ine , pof.'eflicTn of ihc claimant, legally. auibcrHicat'ed, Ihould be for warded to' Lotidon wijh ihe lean dtlay pfljible. "Tdihrfurihcr -proof that is ffccjuently or- dcrcd byTihehigh- courts' of admfratly'and appeal;, and thai may be directed ty'ibe board ' ot commiflions, the errlteft and moft-Tiariicular Amettif t was receited frnmthe Senate,', which (howU be printed the name of Tho 1 "... ' .1. L. I . - f- 11 . . .' 1 . " L!.U fl.A.t,l L. inlo,iug the houfe that they ad pa (Ted ihe judiciary uul. A mefla'ce was'reeeived -from ihfSe t hate, as follows s " ' ' Mr. Speaker, the. Senate will fee feady to receive thr Houff of':. Reprefentativej in tiieSiia'e chamber on Wcdnefday next at ra a'clotk,) for the purpofe -ol being prrfent- at ..the opening and counting of the vtv e' for Prefidnt of the) U.'S. ' The Senate have appointed a teller on their ' part to make a lilt ol the votes for Prrfl. deiif.ot the VSUtes, as tbfy laall be det dared, " . f 'The l)0fe prfceedeV tfcnnfidsr the rtparf made an Friday la(lrfrom the com. mi' tee appointed to prepare anH report rules proper to be obferved in the choice of lrefidntof theU. S. "'The report-was committed lmmdirif ts a rmMittaf-theble MrMorfUi In tht-cbatr ; The romttmrcf rnfe and reported their acreemtnr to the report, with one amend. . Infett Infteid ol8b role in report which is io the words, (olloaiig " All ?ucilion which (hall arife after the bailor. nj commence, and which; ftall rronre the drcifiori of the hoofe, (hilU)t decided without dthae the following v or J 1 paas Jefleron, and jc-0 oh which fliouUI be punted the name ot Aaron Burr, and that the. members irtballoititig (houlJ be cocfc ed eidnftvely toTthrfe. - ' , The Speaker rerjueaed Mr. Kayard to modify his motion, fo that 6coT tickets flinM be primed,, and that after.Thcroas Jefferfon, (hould be printed, cf Virginia, and after Aaron Burr, i.f New-Yoik, as he ftheSpeaker) had cieadirction. to th efTetl, to which Mr. Bayard agreed. After debate ih3 mo. ion was. rejected, and the membets left at liberty to u(e ci. ther witten or printed rickets. 'A Billt reponed by the committee of revifal and cnhnilhed buhnels, lorcenn- ntiing in force the aclfufpendtng commer. cisl intru)urfe- with France as taken tap, and alter 'a worm, debate rejtvrud by a large msJTitfJll-toJL,. vlOajXhyrMayllMrCrajk frirv tie committee to whom was referreTtlMe. morial ot Thomas Kerty.'Heportrd a he rniation antiorifing tht Secretary of S ate to'Dtirchale ' conteaof HertrVdi. gelt of the Lawsuf the United States, 10 be dilnhuted in the manner directed by the acl intitoleJ " an acl in ad.litin to en acl lor the more general promulgation of the On 5a?uriay eveninc arrive ! in lawn cn jattennoo would be. given. It is-tiOftrfual for their way to Va(hington, five Indian Chiefs, le'13iifi(h courts fadoairahy tafpecify the viz. Red Jackef, and three, others of .he nam re or degree -of fcefunliirfraof eqred. Seneea Nation, "mi Saucorefa, cf ihe Til? :They. leave this to the iudtmehr'of ihtrclai- carora" Tribi, acrampanied by Mr, Jafper mant snd lJi council, : 1 f d i (ta 1 i fled wVh ihe Parifii, theiri In'erpreter. The main objeel fu'iker proef, the not unfretjuentlyemiired ef their vifit io Congrefs i?, we. loam, 10 ob- ft 1 1 further -proof. In cafes of thir li'nd," ihe tain faiiifafUon ' for the death of two' Indians', clairaniiliould,' wiiliout delay, furnifh ihe belt , who were-(hot lad ' Anjjuft, in cool 'blood, evidencf in his power. He (houM fend du- byMwo United: Irifhmen. iThere is fume o plicsies and triplicates of (his evidence, duly iher difference to adjull, refpedling'ihe coodutl uiheMtcated, by different conveyances, ird of the furveyor employed by the Holland Aiould fatisfy himfclf that one of thele copies LaoJ-compiny, who. it appears, id ronnint nd beta received by the agents and put into the hnt, has -taken in land which was Jhis proclot's hands. His.proclor (hctuld bt ceded. to thejeompany; ThefeilnJLans lef'lifeled to fulmit it 10 council, and have ii" own yeflerday ai l o'c'ock.. ' :J deficiencies (if any fliould exift) dillinftly- 1 Msssas.LANC &,Co. I pointed out. Ihe claimant Ibould be'adviled At depredations oit our commerce by 'rheBn j of thefe immediately, and Ihould fupply them,' liih lubjetti have not r rated in the well-In- in ins power, by the hrlt Conveyance. ''diesand as our merchsn s are oftea cm- Early provifconi fhould alfq be madt for d- 'baTraiTed to know what raeafures they oughr Iraymj the heavy expetces thaf itier.d he to purfue 10 regiia property illegally op- roftru.ioa if a fuit in the. Briiilh court of tuted fome extrafls (fm saaddefs'on admiralty. this fufcjecl, by Samuel Bayard, -fq. late The ufnal cod in l fuit before the court of agent for American claims in Londoo, pn irlwirahjr are from .ijo to jool.'and in tht the f.rQ of Auj'ill 174,8. will, no doubt, eon't el apaeali from ico to tool, (lerlin?, . be highly acceptable to your readers 1 -and Of thefe fums the proclors expect an advance ber of the afl of the latt and prelent Silliou AHa-ielioos which fli U atif after ' pro no fed by him to be publiflied. , . tUbaJloUi e.QiDtitetKCij nJ which (hill On Monday a motion was aJLn Se- sppisl iu oucdion. la evsryemf? of rjlf . . : - . .... - - . ' w ; highly acceptable to your readers ) . wkrh, it is believed, wilt prove ufeftsl to many fufferers by firitifii captores. ' ' V EX T'R ACTS. ; It iV now generally known through ihe U nited States, that all appeals from the fen lences 01 urmin courts ot vice-aomirauy, legally conOituied, mud be entered and pro fecutedin Enjlsnd. 1 bat regularly be appeal uiouia at inert coterra wiinm swt tnomc ot the dan i o! tke frntencft liViCMdm'ralty tpurti wlitreitUinrhiibren mjde,-andia t4sUe monihi here no fuch claim wasmadr. ; In too many inflances the parties have un foriunstely thought. ii fufficient 10 enter ibeir appeals ia vice admiralty courts under a per fuafionthat by this means their right 10 profe- cie the fame in the high court of aprxali, wst iccurf a. w sm msny mis provea 1 molt coiny error; . . The eUefl of fuch a flee, s mounts rnty to formal noijcecf an in rnnon to ptofecute the from one third to one half, and when a decree is obtained, a fciilemtni ef ihcit entire Iccouni. February , ' ' " Cspt Chafe, arrived here yefieriayi isforms ui, ihat Toulini hid marched agsind the Spa mm part ol Hifpaniola, with 't 2, ood troops. where the diuHrtlcd blacks Istcly ci mmanded by Rigiue, bid taken refuge tnd who had letcrsl times cemraitted depredations on the property of -ibe-peaetaVlf -difpoled lahat,A , ' -Tebrniry t fThe puWie were informed, (n this paper, on Monday tail, that the convention ith France ' had been iranfmiued Vy ihe French Cover meat to Cuadatoupe, and had been pro- claimrd there, ffom the following circu lar letter (which we received reflerday by Clpiain waltaca of the bnj Nancy frora Si. Tkomat it sooesrs that tht seney are rUkiff, the'iteeelfafy mesCf? (ft tarrying ' qo trTelVibi ' Itncles jh Hich it ia snaro ' 1 " . . t V a. . 1 1 '

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