I A NEW " HAIL COLUMBIAN? 4 ' Intended for the approaching RtuiUcan HOW Al THl aitlTT tULLSM, HAItrCmWtiippy land I Hail, ye patriotic n& , Wkp.late oppoa'd OppreffioVi law JUd no Uaad hrft in f recKonr cat :! Jtejqice for now the; ftorm i's gone, - Columbia win hechofW foo'i v The Hjll-of iightl (hall be our botft,'' And Jefferfon our fav'rite- toalU Iver grateful for the prize, ' I rr nur voice! reach the &ici. -A- V Tirm, united, let u te, a '". May it leavei b'ertprea.d the world,- i. And, tyrantV from their iWone be hurl'd, v MI. ' 'Seethe Hamiltonian Fed IJau iUu k.nrtkrir iaw.lock'd htldt I JLIllVln? rouno nc vim . w "'"-J vft , J . Moaning now their, fallen chief, Who; with to army at command Thought foon to jtiU thi happy land. But now theft hope fe11 deltroy'd, Their wicked fcheme are ull and void ; The fed'fal. rati have left the (hi p. And we, i tarn, will take and trip. Thro' the rough-" tempeft'ou fea," We'll fafely guide our Liberty : .'. SWpjheJeatheginclear, AdtoT peaceful h.Vn ftccr. "''-.-""viii;- found, (oun J the trump of Fame, Let JRcrfon' great came, ' Ring thro the world with loud applaufe, Ai the firm friend of Freedom" caufe i Let ev'ry dime to Freedom dear, Kow lillcn with jo jrful-ear t "With honed pride,-and manly grace, . He fills the preftintUl, place X The constitution for hU guide, And Truth and Juftice at hia fide. ' FIrm, unite'l, ler ui bej . , ; ' Rallying round the facfed tree i ' Mav iti leavei e'erfpread the1 world, - And iy raU trom their thronti bi hurt'd. lepub'.ieani beVold your chief 1 . 1 . t- ! t. . ... g... ...... The rock on, which th Arm ha beat, Who brat'dvile Faftion'r deadly hate, V? .1 - J a HOW lim a Wiyi Viniw, mm inic, Looks for fupport? to hcir'a an J. you. w . When hope was finking in difmay, . When gloom 6b fcuVd Colaabu'i day, Ha mourn'd hit country' threauu'd fate, lot'fav'd kcr 'erilt grew too lata, ! - 1 yi - Return ye Britifh' agent home II For .we, an tun', mill rule the toal, ? And make a JcCifonthe toaft, - Fromahe Cabinet nrinted at Walhinirton. Official Fire. OnTueiday evening lafl, a few minutes af ter fu.fet,the City of WauStngion wuarain illuminated wiih the documents of a public -office. .We underlland that iho fire brke out in the S. E; corner of the Treafury Office, in one of ihe roomsoccupied by the Auditor, on the lower Coor, - . It is but 1 few week Cncf,th;tunder ery extraordinary circumllancei, the building oc cupied by the War-Oirsce, wa confutned. 7 .Our fufpicion, that it . was done by delign, were very flrarif but fearing that in fome incaiure,,iney migntce me iruttsot our prrju j.r "' ft perate factron, and an ohfecvM.ee of their.pat'. . -' Collector,, during me cecsae. ' villainies, we ware cautious in communicating II 6- Pr0(" fl''1 "poMfi, themtothe'pubfier Such circumniocci, how-.P'."?.0". out of, the colony, except 'ver.hadbeen mentioned, before this laft .iM11 futh Pom flU be dcligaated by the ..Jumin.tioa,.shadripeoad,hofef.fpicioa,ino C ' ,...k!..:. ..u:.k.k Tf,e unaecc-intable-manner in which the ere - fent fireosiginated, the extraordinary cicum- ,hc " U,d euBom-hooiciyhaH n. . ..... j... Rrm-Kr .hai uM ""led in inch a mannner, ibtt all goods is ihe work of fome unprincipled incendiary, jimporied fliiU eater at one gate, and iboTe ex It i faid, .hat the re originated in. room1 P. ,nhet,0Lhcr1- For 'P0 h . where no lire had been kept for fome dayi . That thofe who firfl entered the apartments, difcovertd Hnfai quantities of loofe papers upon the Moor: c wthave the names of three .enttemro, who went to the door of an apart ; roent, wwhith- lha Gre-had nt fumm'i ' nicatad, with an iniamionto romove any fur tiuuca orTpiperrJinrtr wght W JeUta4 a it ; ihey .found thcTaor lacked,. and faw a light ihroevk he ky hle ; they immediately forced the dcor, and let the reader judje what wisihfir illomfhmen, loiud three raeoqui rlf clofeted during the commotion,. and raady , in a, rp'wnefji, 10 opeo the door, and join in ihe kuille ; thif tri exiinguifhed the light . Itf re their perfoni wen recogoixed. . -. We (Sould be g'ad loknnw bow ihii fire jlU(Tft i&e-foliciirdirvvcflis'aiWa of Oliver fc Wolcou official ctouttf ' MORE PARTICULARS. After making the foreeo'mir remarks I re. ceived a communication. bv which it appear that the three gentleman who made the horrid difcovery at the lime of thi're, have fuTH flaniiated their alTertioDi Vith the fclcmnity. of an o-tth. before a majri Urate ; and that another gentleman" f veracity, is ready to teftify,that entered the Irealury-otface; that the fare in the fire-place had been apparently carefully put together, and fecurcd by-the fender and that rje had difeovered a. brand of fire in the room, as leall fourteen feet from the fire place 1 1 iucumftanccs-butit is Imy duty to pubUIh Theie are horrid difgracefuT dammaj a ' i - . . L!:r them ; and I h"pe, impelled by the fame cqnj fideratton, thCxeduor of the fcderalill, will publilh them alio. . . , j ip I LIBERTY. "... EQUALITY,' FRENCH REPUBLIC.., ; ; '"' : R&CULAT10K. . TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURH. General in Chief of the armyr of StOomiogo, to bis fellow citizens. ' Mv; cohflant folicitude for ihcwelfareof my cOOntry, having brought to my knowledge, the numerous abufei wtiich are occalioned by the duty of one fourth of fubvention, -I have determined to convert it into a fun pie duty up on ohjeflr-of impcm atiefa-pMiatieriArl in order, That the taxes operate otjually on all property,' to create an, impolt on the in comes tif houfes and feveral manufafturer, eput- i t ' ' a I n I a n . I I. ' vj lent to tftat whtcn is elta&uihett on tne in cotne'of plantations, fo that the aggregatee venue may be lumcicnt tor tne. payment or tne army, and of' the public funttionariesr who have a long time been there without falarics. Buti having never Wert able to procure an exak-nwv4edfi&fUhjiaHioujat DrelentJadmirjiRration. and the dithCultiss at- t -t - tendins the colleftioB of the1 duties ; my intea tion Deinff to procure cotrtct miormauon as to our refources : ihe-itiethod to attain thatend, was to frmplify the bperationscf the adrniniTlratToo, which will at the fame time free my feHow- cstizensfrom the expenres of colleftjon, which arc very, con . denote ana prevent. lu.uiuuc rj. if' . .1 01 irauas ana aouics. 1, nowever .menu, onci , . . , . , -. f li k..:..4 ;..A,7iin,vf v.-rte fonhfeated for .thejeticht of me republic. "yy:S vuia" nrnditurrx. anrt jririnf. tn antrment or-flinil- . r ' e. mi mtntio. Qut.es, as w, wi, w.v may require. . . i v -i "i T'lt . . - in coniequence wneteot 1 accrco as ioiiowi ; a nc- . 1 ,. , c. VI--,.,, the prefent declaration, the duties ef one fourth, one Xjjtteentb and one twentieth of tubvent ton, laid on the revenues of plantations and receivt cd in' producevare abolithed. 2. All produce. exported from-the colony, of whatever nature It way be, (hall pay a duty of ao percent. a. Oo the firtl day of each decade,' the tri bunal of commetce for the colony, hall fix. .v- r .11 i :.i J r..u : jet. to the.export.du.yl Af.er.whichi table ' ... . - . . . lhall be ade otst and fent to the ordonnateur,! who (hall; the' fame day, fend copies to all wr"- " 1 collftting of the duty 'of twenty per cent j The faid tables fliall be officially printed in the . . . ne w fpapert of tha "colony. The low ft price fh,ll (rvm ...tk Kil'.. f.Ar lk- ,,ralm nf ,u.A. , It, Will w , , . , f 'l .1. 4. ah goods or merchandise, importea tnto the color.y, ofvhatfver value or quality,' (hall 11 j t J - ' Dar an entrance autv 01 twenty ocr ccdi. . 5. The tribunals or commerce for the colj ny together with confuls of neutral nation1, fliall fix on- thr.Srfl day cf eaih decade, the prices current of a'.l merchandize, imported into the colony; on ihe lowed price of which, the duty of twenty per cent fhall be laid. Af ter which a telle (hall be made out and fent o the ordonnateur, whs (hall, the fjmeday, fend mpies to all whom it may concern, tofeive as the b alii for regulating the duly of twenty per t -nt. Tlie faid lable lhall be officially prin ted in- ihe ncwfpapeit f the colony, every (ult day of a decide and Cull ferve at a rule . -! II t. - t - .1 I I Xn.houfei ffi.U te eQalliGy'd U ihe U. definated for the import, .export, ' P0".1 H iMhe import, and exports man uc ciiaiMiuicu mu puunv wu.i Tti. unc whereof lhall be efpicially-appropriated for importt, and the other for txpord. Hie public fcales fhall be placed in the ciiOom-noufes. 8. In each of the port, defigoated for im ports and exports, jheie fhall be appoiaitd a vlleflor of cuflomi", puUic weigher, a ftarch. r tind a-jt-mpt roller. It ihall be ihe duly . of (rtTfl named TooniDl!y"IiriOfeTfer the bofi. ttf of farmar ihne, . .... 9. The import and export duiffcs fhill bt paid in fpecte. For this purpofe. ill mer thandiac or produce, entering the cuuom-htyjfc, . ,iv wtl a (.IfHation it obligaird K pay louiih 01 ihi income of hn ..matum to the go rtmment, and fuch Derfonta ' io poTt (Xaon el con. afcatt plantt'iosi, by leala horn lha government, cay one hsutinth. or Iweaneiti ol the iaevm of luck pUnlatioa a mf have b) afttcd o,bfidt the lent, TkitbarieiKh Oil m (ourtk,OM ba uteJi,orai tntik oflkadtftf el fabvwdoa. 1 r l l r r oouiiu in ine mcari nine iu iviuiuuinv iu ut whom it may-concern, to ferve as the bah for;" uuw '.,:. ; . e , . , fcill be -wtwHed -or'valaei, A. thtilcCoMt ck 11 aenverea to tnc propnetor, wu wu.tu he hill then repair to the ireafyrer, and dif. . " . . ........ 1 i charee the duttei. The laid account" Uaii pt .$ T of tbt cuftoois fro he certificate of the weigher and fearcher, and mauertiffeTto hi true by the conipijrofler of the ctiltoins. -No velfel thiR be permitted to fail or recelvaclearance, unlrh - the re ceipt of the ireafurerjfwcHng to the account of the colleftor of the cotoajs, thall he pro duced. . io. Fvery prrprietor of a Teffel or hit re. BTfentativewilL be bound, from the moment of hii Janding, inoneof the ports of the coto riy to deliver unto the ordonnateur or admi niftration officer, an invoice, of hi cargo, filmed and certified by , him. The ordonnateiir will immriliatelv fend fai'uhful cooies thereof to the c!leftor of the r;ultom-houfe and the7 military cem nandant. The officer of the-cul- tom-houfe will certify if the cargo is agreeable with the inyoice. All goods which (hall not appear on the fce of the invoice fliallbet con fifcated for the benefit of the republic. I r. All goods' or produce taken in contra vention to the regulations ofjhe prefent deda- ration, lha 1 be Coahlcated tur the beneht of him, wfi6 having djXcovered- the fraud, will make jt know to the goycroment. " 12'. Every cOlletlor, weigher, learcher and cotnbirOtierof thrtufl on houferwha-feaHL-he conviQei of prevarication in the ejcetcifs of hUduiy. man De tummonco ociore a council of war, and if declared guilty, fhall be.judged and puRilhcd m conformity to the laws. - I he trace from port to port in tne, co lony fliall be free bat nogobds or produce (hall be permitted to go from one port to an other, unlefs the captain aaveprclpu)' " tained acquittal., , ' "Zt lt!jyetypori in the-coiony-excepl thol defighated for imports and expof-s' (hall have fordjiiiniftratqr only a receiver of the nation - II property who fhatl be appoinTeTonrcTciyp the incemeof the lequettered ellates, to receive the taxes "upon houles and manufaftu'res, tQ Wtigh .h proJuce, to fli"liver rrreipts, of duue'i and to lurrey all goods, or produce, coming in : r otPir oni 01 ui uun 1 r 1.:. ....... w - -yeGer-loi.d.:o fraudulently (hall ; lnconfenuenc9-whereof.evcry officer if admi ....... . . ,. . nitration who may know ot any veliel not paid the daties.vUTiuthorifcd. to ord r , r - t -.u- m;iT.,.. , ( cefs.made in prelence ot the commiliary ot i tne unitn lie mutui im iu imiiw 1 . L 1 . J ! ,l.'.,.Ar ani. Iiiu. arlKlt - ntc or SaViUnr'VnheTraud , r. ,i.i,.r. .v. ...u r , ' . . .. . . . ... . .. r prcels to tns triDunats, in oracr 10 nave tne conulcation oruereu ana. in caic pi ine zrauo not beinjr proved, the eood or produce lha be re-cmliarkcd immediately : by the govern inert. . 16. The A!ilttan commandant . and muni- 1 1 ii . I n.. ..1 :r. .1 cipai aaminiiirators are cqtiauy author ift d rhco.ererh7 -y.-VU?, . rii.rin m u ii 'tn rniu 11 . 1 ni- aa mini lira - " jr y : " t- -- tion officer to have hef unloaded.rThey fliall be 1 1 j .1 . . ..; .v. , MAnar.i n r. . 1 n. piniiirn it i rir iifria viour. . - 1 7 . rnd,ng P1 17. All the hoaferin ahe icities, towns and aces fhall pay a duty oi 2Q percent rtui I nf ihpir rents. 100 the auioui.t of their rents. '4 8. Durinrthe time reouirid by . the muni J1 aam.niurauon to nave . gene.-,.-aatc I ine nt-made to ferve to the exatt. payment o i j "x . l: : 1 .11-.- 1 . . ... .... ihii contribuaon, erery iahabitant or . hoofe holder will be bound 10 prefent during the firfl J.1 day;, hi leafe indue foim, unto the ordon nateur of hi department, or the" adminillri tion officer of the placa. .The price of the leafe fhalMe irrfcribed on the fpecial rcgifter, and the twenty, per cent, tax on the, prwe. ot the leafe-ihall be paid by the tenant on account o ihe owner, in three equal terms of four months, As foon as the flatementiuallbc made,4t lhall ferve a a bafu cf this tax. , 1 19. Evtry owirr livirg in'-his own houfc fhall be bound to.rrefeni hiinlelf before the municipal admioiflraiion of the place, wiihio 15 days after the preleni declaration, intorder to give information refpeftinghi ho ife. The Mtisicipality fhall proceed to the ellnna-ion of the 'value ot. the. rem of tha laid nouie, and P'ocf'fj 'f, (ball be addreifcd r?f?V.Teft,matfd price, fhall be inferibed on the regider for ihe leafe of houfcir and fliall be'the bfi on winch ihe to per. cent, lax fhall be, paid, in three equal termi of 4 months There fhall be no . .' 1 .1 - - j aueranon maae in tne engagements cmcrca into with the rebmfders of burnt houfei, who fhall be free from ibit tax, litl the expiration of their leafes, aa welUt thoCe who may. rebuild ia fuiore.-' -' 30. Every owcer or tenint of a boofe who inay have not obeyed ihe two foregoing arti cle f thi declaratiin; ift tbeiirntrprcfcribtd, IhailJtiufXlcifiae of ay per ccni. oa the amount of ihs rent "of h'it houfe' tl. Every manufaflure of any niture what foever, fuch at diflilleriei, tannerjes, lime ma. nufafluret, potteries, brick kilnrand the kiln, f which ihe maoafatlure 1 ufed in ihe colo ny, (hall be fubjefld to a duty of ao percent on the value ol the tAjett ratfed or maoufac f tired thereon. t2. For ti e more tlfy payment of the tax impolad on manuflflmu, an eflimation "(hall be made of tie value .cf Unir reveniir, be teen the proprietor or leaanr, tie eomptrol- ler of the navy or hts reprefentative, & th com miliary -of government appointed for ihs municipal, aamimuratiort or hi lubuuute ; frpm which ellimation the duty of ao percent. (hall be reeulated. In tonfeauence hereof every t. rt n i ' . ' manuiaciurer inaii ma ice nis declaration, in tns form ca fubfeription, to the faid otdonnateur or officer of adminiftration of the place, and the pr'ike paid in thiee equal term of four tnomhsy "' ' '. ; i;'-' - a 3. Du ring the" fifteeq day t foi lowing the publication of the prefent-declaration, every owaer. or tenant of a mahufi&ory, fliall b ijeldcrprcfffrrr htmfelf-WefdfKe-diiwa oraminiuraiionurncer ot tne place, to mak iclairation, of 'he tnanufaclorv he is in nof- fllon oCVhich faid decraration (hall irnmcdi lately be fent by-ihe ordonnateur or adminiftra tion officer to whotnsit may concern, m order to ptoceed to the eltimation thereof. Kyery owner to tenant of mauufactory, who tny not have obeyed this prefent article Inaube fubjeil to.ahne of one year's tax. - V . 24. Every - holder of a plantation,; Whofs Cafe was granted by the" adminiftration. and" who W free from the fubventron duty, (hall obtain adeduftion of one" third of the. price of his leafe 'on account ofjhe increyfeof export duties ; thai: dedufclion (hall take place from the date of tne publication of this prefent dc. rlarafinn.; '" X- - V " Thofe planters who have renredplinraa lions, w'hpfe leafes were given by the admini- (lration, on condition 'of their paying befides ." the r?nt of the farm, the dut of. fubveniion' after adding together the price of the faith and ' the duty ot lubveition, which lhall bff lull at- cht-d-fhaU receive a dedtiftion of one third of the toial anUBg from the le two fum, by ' " . way 01 inoetnnincaiion tor' tne.increale ot the -cx p ortil.uty'This'dedufclign tha II likewi fe v t'a k e pi a ce trom- the-d aie-o t ihe- poiHIcAlIo ihe prefent declaration, ' . 7:1, aelc regnlattom Lhall -oe-printedyread, - publilhed and polled, addreffed to. ail tlvtrivif and military authorities and the execution hereofpCoiVhded to their care and. vigilcncc.. All good ci'izens, are invited to inform the proper authorities f fuch abufes nd infracti ons of the prefent dcclaraiion -as may coina - r- to their knowledge. X , - ; : Given at Cape Francois, ti2l-fl Friniairf,- ninth year of the French republic one and . f ' " indivifible. : - --'i ....:-. ' , The, general in chief, . -- ; (Sijjned). ' - -; ; . i . TOUbSAINT LOUVERTUrlE ... PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30. . V C OHM E r.C IALLY . I MrO RT.ANT. LIBERTY. - . KOUALITT. TRENCH REPUBLIC . - tc zt, ' TOUSSAINT. LOUVERTURE,. Central in Chief , cf. the . Armies tf St. DomingS' In con(uenceoniiejuU reprelenta. tionf, made to me, hy ihe Confut CeiTefaV" for-1 h e - U m t ed : Stat cs -of - A in e ri ca :( M r. Stevemj whofe attachment io the colony ' is well known to u. ' Being defit oua to. maintain the commer clal connexibns exfftinj between the-con- j tin nt of Ancrica. and of the feveral iU lands,- tntdirg witj'. St. '.Domingo. Wifhingto pve them a proof thereof, by t a cili taking the feveral IhipnitiM daily, made for.St Doniirgo;' Bein alfo clefirous to' fix. the ports (in.' his colony) for the admiflion of neutraU' and foreign vetlels, conciliating foreigner'a imerefl with that of the French co.Ul in trnders, for whom Luiuft alfo'.Jhjw aj folicitude. All maturely confidered, we decree at , . follows . Art.-.r. Our decree of at ft Frimaire lafj, -fliall be executed in all its part .with the following mollifications, A ri.. a .1 All . good " i m port ed Jnt o t hit oMon y, whatever he their nature orvaluc, are fubjeCted onlyto a duty rated at to percent.- Art. 5 The laying of this dnty fhr.ll be eftahliflietl, agreeubly to our declaration of the tilt Frimaire lafl. ' fjt. i. The porta definated for tmporta . and exports, nre as follows Ftr the Northern Department cf lt..D mwgi, Cape Francois ' Cape Nichola Mole Fort Liberty. - - Ttr the lVeRtrn D:partm:nl, ' Port Republican " '. Gonaireiand Jactnell. , For the Stuthern Departmtut, AuxCaye, Si' Lo ail and ' Lince-a.Vftu. . J e preTiirdecrfrfhUl be-mlmeJ.-fto the number Of looi copies) read, puh lifhed, and polled op in every place that may be necefl-ry, direvled to all ci' an I. mil tary atthoriiie that it may te carried into complete and Hrfxfcntton. Civn at our head-quarters, in For. RepnMIcan, the 10th of NivofV, y U - ytit of the French republic- Ji5nfd) ' 1 . ' : T0US3A1NT LOUVERTUHf.