i v Wt. Tfo'pnnciMi! erp of the enemy wai poX-r Three for leffffi f.)rt-Mr. Bi&op, Mr. tea earizoinr; gum uaufc imc , varnum, rur. jjincoin. Khode-Mand. full battle irgan lh i'4ih, li;le' ib fdoa with or ngbfiHi-rtiidf i the command ot-Jieurerant ge neral Lecourae, . The enemy had -a numeious artil lery, which foinewhat ii commode 1 our troop( yt thy renamed fura -in their - p ifiiion."' Towarda t o'clock the tfiernoOi) giiera, Drcan waiable to attack eueroy on the right-; he drote.thein io the Villi EC oi oci hhu.iu, ifiituuf. ii'vi - . i t ' , - -.!..-. ,..r k., rti!fi-rMr Davenport, rdr. ; cn which fodowed Decao on the roa .i ot Neuinatlt 'Mr. "Two for Burr Mr. Cttamphin J.-Brown. ' ",: ..''' ' ' Coon-cVtcir. n v .. n i r ! j ' i . oeTrn.ior ourr Air. v?. ioaricn, ,tr E. Goo InchY- Mr. .GrilWyXi, Mr. Dana, inoud, Mr. J, C. Sttllltt. er Linti;' uVy tenrea therefore, .In the nihtot the . ., . t VcHVrt.OM nth. .On-Ue-isth it drawn at day, eeneia; JJ-tan . One for Teffrr(y4-..1r. fJ'v on. 'fin far made with general frir.bn a acmo.iilra ion to .aid ! , vfr Mrrti -'"" ' V.2burgiiiii.ei.tele'.,ateiglitinxhe morning, hat Vv'5 ; . fine-tit, the migtftrato ot-wVoT iuUened so Snug . 'Y 'S?1'lV- or5 v -.r . h.m.th'e lie) : General-.. Richepa:.(e. In lh Vracan .Six for Jfffrton Mr. Baily . Mr. Hmf, purfued the enemy -.ooT the ead of Neu.nart, Trtompj(tili,.Ml. Li viliirltoo, - Mr, EJjnrii took Uverai prilouersind nulhcd his advanced potU-iL Xr -Vaiv rArit.nkr t : ? W one league from Neumark. We' are now mailer ot . , '7-. c a - u ' n . '..'..-... , e. . i ifiiiir lor rivirr -Mr. Kirl. Mr. LouDe . the Arcnbilhojrricot 5alzburgh tour or ne league r . : . --- iiom the heredi'vry ("attf the Tyrol is : i.o our re r.UVIi". Gieiiil, Mr. Piatt. 1 All the'brMr of ih $t arc in o-r power, and iherf . ' New-tcrfeVi! eoirtlnunun ion ia elUbfilhed Thu! i the relult.ol . Three f r Teff ;r(bn Mr." Kitchcll. Mf u9 cenJeran wiiliout refrrfV in ifi licrefey jhe ..Cr;trattHe'dare vefumptiioufly D i-nvade 1 ilit ptroajvi'f hlT CrejidT; a due ienle of iht irifirmiiKS. iBenial..aiid corporeaP, io whtth hinin nauiic it ;jliabiet will iiillruci" u'h1 a,Mlpw; being of nni'.y rrfptilable character, not driven jo dtiperatunv b'v ai.y i-onldoufntl of giirii Or of iiiilondtittj, bin nSfiidcd un hapoily ii Jiii rtitroidiiQ:i t,f Uie vj'.ue of e- jiftance brutrairiir huTufTo'iie v'VtiriiiirK .hV mediurn of exircmc lti'ibrnv ,: mcrTti la-her For Ncw-yok ; ' The Sfjhoqner JOHN, Benjanun Giidntr, m .v 11 t;. . V fail mi Sun!a,y next. For ttt&e hav. ' r inp g..d Jet fth-inodaiu ons:-' annlv-to' v. - A i?minpioir,; KlVri h X2. : .the adin nofihe 13U1, 14th and ith To-moiro are to advanc ' : H-1 NOiifULiv, reo ; The nr,p Hampuio, caot. Le, hns gone ujitbe rav, alter a very lhorx patl'te trom Coivlir, Mi-. L' til. : Two f jr ; Mr. Ithly. li urr- Mr; F .Davinport, Nine fiir jHWr Pe.uifyiania, - Mr. GaParit., Mr London. " It is; rtDortcvT that, lhe has Gre&j;,- Mr. Hj h . M. L;.b, f.i. S n-li? " hi ounht accour.is of tieconinieiiceineiit ; ol Mr. Mntilenbcrs.'Mr. llcufer, Mr, bttu hoitilki between ihe EiUih and IUL art,. Mr. Brown. v rdjxa ilr1hle4iteFfatearf--Hnd ,thas-o Jr .- -mar. rn . EtipHfli frimreitiave been captured how , ra, -V . - " . . : ... J .'V- :i I rar me newsis eiuuieo to creciu win uc Known iii a Tew day as lhe is ftippofed to .have 'reached Biilwmoreon Sunday niilit. Caar. KevnwUis arrived here yelreraayj imni Port Republican; iiforiti that T.iuf -! Mr t Aiin- bad nhaiuett the 'entire noi'seilion of - K" ' t he lfl inct of S: Dri.ninfto, but not till ?tf- , Craik, Mr. Dennis M -. ter two ohtttnafe ntVionS, in which it inun- j : Viimi? her 01 live. Wi;ie;lo'it. ' , . - , Mi".ThoniasrM Woods; .... I ! - - U 1 ivvarc, O n e f 0 r . JJ wit M . I' V a id . iy M try la" d. . Konrfor JeiFerion Mr Snnnirl Smith, Dent; Mr. Nuholloi., M; C !r.a e ;ir for Liurr M: .-J. 1 iioiinis, Mii I'tui h'j.unisrtiely Idle ill ulJ.txciie the trr uf TUST Landed from oh hnrVl'-iU J vv "ion, Liipt. WilUamj, fron. 5 Bales wrapping Paper, v 1 Ba!r Patna Baftal . :t 1 Laic Linens, ; -.... r, A f'W pieces Rufea heetinj, 2 Pipev Country Gin, - 14 Barrels CiA r Brandy, : - '4 Barrels Cuffec3, ' . 2 Chdh Hvfou Tea, " . 5 IvgsjR.ailinj. ;- '.' And this dsy landing from on hqrd tht Scbsane'r Jtkn, Copt, Cardnir, fnm ChdrUfi n j. . ' - . $ Hogflieadi Mufcbvaclo Sugar, 50 n.cxrt .ai, 15 Pieces Cotton Raging,' ( For late by 1SAACK.S & BISHOP, If ho huvr hird cwrvaiferai.on, than tjuf his nttinory lLouId te itfgiuVd vnh iej:roa h T ; "', .'."'"'..';V J , . . FAY ETTF,VUi.tL, March 4. "f "Every icllii..on'v of ielpc.i has been fhew) orv -tlie repiiDlli an Vi!i2ens-ot this' I own and negnb''-)tii-hid.-Vrn -hoi'u u nf 'PRtS'IDET J Ef F LRsQM 7"arid VILE P RS 1 D'LNl j tSU.RRk V A if r dinner the followire toads and fen- - ' ' j . . , , , i.DCnis were ara.iii, and ievcial p.itno 1 aid lH'0Pi,at? 1 w e r cl li i g ;w 1 1 h e u t nu h j it 1 c iee and"cafitt. A' e ght an illuwiiiaiun'iook I niate, tiy iji difulav.ot wlii.cb.ifFe name of oar l.lliittrious Chiet apared 4 conlpiCtrouv uina men!, j ' '. . - . -. lA!ljl:-B?p.V(ifaiit i4bi; Unit-id Siaiet my they ever lemcmbcf the lyih of l'ebi'u a,', 1801. . ... 6 cheers, a. 1 iiuims Jefferfonj Prefidem of ihe Uml- ea D;aiei -T tne.choicc uniied millions. 10 i hecrs, . Aaron Burr, yiie-Pfidt-nt i .he U-400O liLUllelJ" I lUk V Jlland Iiiied biaics a choien Seniinel. 6 the is, I , . " ... ' ' 4. Tie Stair of -jNjri)-.Caro,lina free, fo-1 r'-Baies -Indii Cotiom,. vereiga sndiridffpei.deiit, . 6 cfv tfu. 'rh, lome Configninenti of Dry Goodi, ponrfeen in V31 Ki' lv for T. fFc.rf(v. M Nichola,' M;. C: -.v, M;. C.ii.eli. M . D. w. WlLlVllrSlLrivJiN," Gr.y, M . Hohe. Mr., Tt '-ion, M MAIiLH n. New, M . livida'.),., M A. fiiti:, Mr. . . - .'fK.Tiiuu. M 'Tizewell. . . . . ,.,.,... .. . . The riffiilent hai-npminaiea unaertne juaiciary h nr. tor lit rr m lone baliOTS, two bill, palTed th.i fclTion ot Co.igreU, Un 1 H .0fAVi10.n vote'-l oi the fint billot lor Tt t HiLt, tfef. of tht Iowa, and JosifH Clat, tiq. . r , . . f ... . . M: m.:to beladitiiUic hkh Cuca.t ot ..he ' te. fn-Mr. Lva.m M . H.'-Lec, M - - - O J ! .11 J. lll. V . . II 1 riigc, mi. r.iinc-1, m . 1 owcil, Nortii.C.i oiina. of: Six invar'aMv for leffji riTrTA.flon. jAMjA. UAarB, a..n.llcr Plenipoteiaiary to Mf" M . Stautool, .Mr bo.ie, the. rrctith ilevUb.ie,--.. . . f ' -WcuadMllaud that Mr. flayard will decline th,- Mr .11. Wi'.lnms, Mr. Spai-br. appointnieut. . .1 Kou( lor. B trr in (ouiif buHots. thfee .--r--rm ' : ' of who. n on :ue li. ii bailor ' voted- for On the 18th ulr. a committee eonfifl'nq; MiJ.irc-fon Mr. Ilenderfon, Mr, Hill, of Me lira. T. i'incktiey, .Jazewell . and Mr. Wklbn, Mr. G. ore. Bayard, watted upon the P. elilem elet't. Sourh.Ciiroli.ia.- notifv him of his election, wlucti they . .r. bumpier, tietn lick, did not attend, United i-tues. The Senate have conli. med - lhe nomination 5.. In. - Hicmoiv ot '.our. departed I'nend, (i KN EKALG LO .ijGK( VasI 1 IN G,t O N ---,.''D-vut-eri i.le Teh in oni rr.i.ii 'Jif te give puce " to more exclli.c lilcne,' ,' ' - A fo'icmn paufe. 6. fhe memory of -ie drparicd Paiiiois who fell in delVticr of A'.iji rican Freedom. . 7; General Lt Fyeiie ile came m iKe honi of dinger. " f - - . 3 clicers. , I) it fan jQouoiry yoin,;n, 3 ,1 beers.' "9 1 he niiMnory 1, f Bctijim'in Frankl 11, the ve nc 1 , ablii- Pn I a n Ikodi if d nd undaunted A-' -..r ter-of .-inn; H can Rights. 2 10. Tri Freedom vf lhe Pirfs Mif Hand. mair' A ie ns an" rnC Scourge of I y rains. . ' 6 chefrs. it. T!i - war-worw Veterans of thtRevolu tiiMiary Aitny, ', ' ' . " rjiteobolumBellifafib." . . . 6 cliecMk It." Miy me Untied States of A'm tics be which they -will dilpole of on reafonable irrm.s fot Calh , or Country Pfoduce. IViUs 011 Cliarlfflon and Ncw- . -.York;: 'Wdmih ori M-rch jg,.;rJ, : FUlt SALK, ztr,d, the iMomcnt liis vote cot.ld be o hi. y uf A llA, ., , . l,..,. ! Mfk Ro de. Fhe lit tiadon is lo well known. - - . I a 4 r at IH!1 k . nkatlA ,1a f ,i!al. - It Mav ih? Eleflion of thi vrar lellifV , " "cin .jjhoh to ib a l ll -l'J t . 1. i' ' I I . .. ' . . I.... .I.aI I K A ..'1 .. . . I. - inn, ami auureucu unit m mc io.iowini wnt mimic w wumu .innrt at ryerv n.i words The comi'Mtte? bee leave to exr-rfs avat Tlie individual vttes of the repre th"rir wjfhe for the 1 profptrttv ot vour Is tattves of this Siaic .nr? not arcmatt ly adrattiillratio;i, and their linrere tlelire that Itnown.. Xnr it is vei.e-l!y believed tliat ! j, :u1i ,t ,n;iy promo, e your own tuppine-.s anu r r .iRer voie-i lor ivk. jclteiltm a'J and oog.V 10 te the fnpreme Law of inc Land. IjII' XIUIC Ul IMH VIHM11 i s-m t;v " I il.tMIlT, I 1 t I To'wlucb tht Pr'jhfent aWV IWJJ ieJ. Harper, voted for Mr. li -r... Mr. Noti's ftdtt ni:1t. the Juil.uifts reply t . aoie ii doun.ful. Hr is -inn-hu-.n.'.' I receive, Gent .euurvwith profound Ocornni. il.anlrtiiirir.il. thin irltimoiiv f confideiice. i One f .r J-.fit r't n-;Mr" Taliaferro. PHAT .jmfjiien boofe & lot on Front Itreet, adj ininj' Mr. Jnhn Lord', and now in ihr otcupant) jd Mr.Ahraham Trie hotile irvt clFLuiltan t new, ai d on. t li.eback p:irt- is a- briTk Bake-hooTe 'bttoI Kitcficiu The finie will be fold abargain For. icrms apply n ' NUT-T'A M. LEVYY Wilrinrtron, Mar h A I So I . ' '" i' OR SALE, -1 v TTIIAT' valnahie Iloule ai d Lotiinthes . occupa :cy ofWillkings A Scntr, aixt an A Jvl'.un for iheoriprcKcd Son d L.teny! he ''"..Store adjoining, .reii eil tt w..rid..l,a. M,c caufr of R.epuhlicanilin I l'ie buildings have Utdy bceij repaired, .1 ;an,l dui ;he willol .he Majority re now .euted ot'6;o rollari per . - J ' Aflniini . nn.l , iiil.irM1 in I ....!... t.. litf , 9 t iieeis, ti. Th- late Llectori (f Prefident and Vice Prclideiii, for die Hate of Souili-Cara- ina. 8 thcrrs. ic. The mainriiv of ihr. N'nrth.Carolina . Win. NUTT. t . 1 - ... i. i. - i - ., ' . . , , , ,. , ,l s uiiii'M iiv oi uir. .Morin.waroinia . g n u.c i,ui ' f. . the ureal Ileprelentul.ve Cout-nl of Mr, Jm.es. ,s dead ould have voted pf.;g1 .,.. nJlhs '6(4 Qoj (U yf )he y Vjae- fold by t cur nam 1; It tin up tne ineaii re m, mac i "V ' , ' ted S:acs. r ; 6 chci.Uv4l and tellmuenrfd the late" Mis lane Annun, tin I infared in London iur.iis years ror terms apply to ' tic March c w" . A I) V E RT I S EM E N T. y ot M trcii next, will c executors of the laic rratefnl 'fUlSljtt oil which hid already . U(,,-M'J,v leC',rJderivelirMii lb? fulfracc f myrftl :"Two fur JcfTrl. Mi . Davis audMr low-citiens tben.lelve, delttiaatiim me as Fowler. dpe ot tliol'c to wbu u they were wiluna to i Tenr-ed'ee. - 'romnaii tliu charge; the o(t impor'ant of One for Jifl;iiou Mr. ,V. C. C'.a ll others to them. In lecidiiii between borne. , ' iheCandi late, to whom their equal o e prtfented t.iryoiir choice; l am teniiide th.it n-e has Keen refpefie I rat ti'.r than uiore ailiveand ufelui q i ildic.l'.inr.s. L PORT OF ILMINGTON. r.NTEKED SISC tUR LAST. t Sloop Ktwer, Godfrry, Charleflon, . i i ..... .in:..!.:. n..:.. . - . i i t. " i K'inw i ur iiiiiiviiiiiei ui tuc ii h"imi i o l icuacm, na -Ki, . 00 sshnh J am called., and feelv and ack.niw. Sally, Bowe Georgf-Town, S. C. Jeremy lii.oioi-eenut to Ibem : l.ut R,, bi.Kkh..!in. k.g sfli, n. Banholom w ...i .. . . r... I .....I ...I' . ... I, .. . I .. . . f r ,, . wiiaiiiiocr 'i sii'-n i ni'imi', w niuiwtr vr ot diliticef wlMifopvc.r ot j'ttltef,-or of aff clmnate toMcern tor the I appinels ot man, it hat (Lafi i Pioiden:e to place sviihi? the ciupAl's ot my laci.lties, (lull be called (orth for ih- jtiirharce of the d tirftconfi led to me, an I for p'ocnti'i.1 to my telluw-tiiizf u all th-. henrfiti which our ConUi'utio-t hn j'ared under lhe oil irduniliit) r.f the (iovci n..' -nr. . Guiiled by ' lir w ii lorn and patiio ifm f t hole to whom' U bcloii, io fXjrel the leiflnive villi of the iniinn, I will give lo th.t will, a t jit h ful cxecut i.:t, . I piay you. GemUmeu, io cnv'cy to lhe Hono'nldf Holy Iront wbtc1! vi.n ae deputed, lhe lioni.i;e of my hnmMe be f tov-lrdiientf nts. and lhe frpti'iifni ot 7tt itJ fi lelitjr by which 1 flntl eudea. vflur in merit ihele prt.ntl ol cmdidrnrp l,t n i le nation and iu. leprcfrmativn ; t l 'accept yourftUes. ny paiiiidar llmiVs li-r the nlliir.n terms io which ft iuve been nJeiTed io commtioicate ileirwdl. THOMAS JUIFLKSON," I th. :o, . . i .-- 1 Cfg" vSngar, Rum aud .Coitwii.' ' B'is'JJ' I "rgfoid, , Chaiieflon, SchV..Lucy, Carr, ., 1 do.'.. John, Gardner, do, - Plly, Ma ihews, - do, Delaware, Cuiter, . do. - - twi.i unit, uaoa, Qo. Wilfon, W.lliami, -- Miry, Snow, CsroUi.e, (flirk, l6.-OarlMrrer -FuTiiment to exilhng En. ga;eincnt, bat no moit pcpt. utl Treats. ,G ihi-erj. Volunteer The memory of James Iredtl, ' Undoubted Bills On NFAV-YORK, Atlliort figlit, '. For iooo to 1500 Dollars. Apply io ' JOHN LONDON. WUmintHU, M ifcir IS, J DANCING SCHOOL. Jones, a Hoi k ot lloppi. Cattle, & Sheep, a c.nrraoe bod, irpvuky of Bacon, I'lan ta iqt Tool -, &c,-A!fo, on the 14th dy cf March next, t4 .the plantation on Topfail Srtund, b tely the ptoperty of Mm. Jane JfiesrvvitltelhtdTlocVbf Hopu,Cati)e,cV Ionic PJanta; ion T.oids The tei ms of thole tales vill be ct.fli ti t nil lun sliilow five pounds or all others bend with jiood tefc eur-ty, payable in fix mo:itht, witii intcrclt from the daie, . . 27th Feb. i?ot. . TO BE RENTED;- THE Hm.fc and Lei iil Toomcr'i . aJLy, formerly occupied as a Ta- Vent by Mr." John Nichols, afterwards by Mr. Thomas Howard, ami lately by Mr. Gfillet. PullclliiMi wili be jviven on the a$th itiftant. Alfo, the Dwelling if I 0 IlL" I If 'I . r it. f f I .Mcw.ioric.i. 0 -nc ninicriner te'reatunr ir. ormsi..i 1:.. s, 1.. ... : ji.i. . ' j .11 ..-:..i. . , , aim itji iuiiiiwiit ucciipica uy iir. o ni N.ffau. N AStN iS.:'"' .!' bricklayer. -Alfu, the Diana, Sm, Ncvu-Ca.go, Rum u.ur. a DANCING SCIH)f)L. in ihi-' Prn, l. " . " o .K'CttlcI:!s; aoJ0,n- ind Truij.' -' . I i.iwn, fliould a fnllicient number of flho Ship Chaihiiie,' I.ee l, Liverpool Cargo, 1 11 s apply. lie will leich the moll i'jU Salt, Crockery vaie and Coil. jiwaMe ltep4 as will as lite figures of 5htp LetUy, Joiif, Kinnon, Jam, IComIIiois, Conrms, Country UJnces, ftc. cleared ,' Time and place c-f anention ma te Sdt'f. Union, Delano, Batbadoet. Inown on application at Mr Howard's Siomi Chamiing Mary, ennaid, Chailrllon. P-ggy, VV.lii.imi, .Su.Mi.y'i . , A. W. SOUlilES Bog Mary, - loHitt,- St. Thomai.l AVtlminitton, ward 13. fiieiidlhip, Grecn Jaoiaict. DEATHS.- On Sunday liil, at 'ne feit r.f Co!. Si, mucl AfiSe, tn Rnckcy Point, Mr C. W. 1. h.( aft . b ttk 1 MMaa mm m I . . . J..A ..I I ! " t. t ! im :in iiiuiii irjriii lill MUMS 'U liaui ''iii iiT.r iriTCiriniinti I .k l-.f... ,f l;. . - SALE AT AUCTION., On SATURDAY EVENING net, JU.lJij.'J'i.TavermU Vir-rerf,- a t t tvef, wr p'e'rnt n Uatemenr, f.ew-Hiio'pflnie. .Fot r f,or r irr Mr. Fuller, Mr, Sheafe Mr. Te tmrv, si d Mr. Firnuau. Mil.'tbulftt, l lum f,.r rtoti Mr 1 S. Lee, Mr. Out, F ir, N, Heid, Mr. S epstd, Mi. rhaliher, M 'o-ili Mi. L. U ilium. r. ... .... ' . 1 0,1 1. fti. Miicu.1 Mr. JilciJ, Mt, me p eannc nit a quatniancr. , lie wai a r.ai.ve of Surinam, and, as we are infor med, 01 one of lhe moll irf.ettaHe fimi lici rfi'aai f'acr, vtherc fit hai left i innihff 10 amtPithe v f arT only fwn. On Tnef- l!ay h bdy was brcut'u 10 town, tmi drpofi- ,.J :.. 11 ..m. rL .'.I'.i.j iu 111 vniiH 1 vn'iitii- 1 ami Silddenlr, en Mnfdiv"lfl, Mr. MAL COLM MACKENZIE, of- this lown. M . .i. . . . J ...... tin in WILL commence the Sale of hree Atortmcnt of Valuable BOOKV. Terms Cadi. ' At HALL. - Wi!ininriont March 11. ' FOIl SALRf A LIKELY NEGRO FELLOW about :j yean of Enquire of ihe 1 1-inter, . ini'thc hridtfc over Smith creek, formerly cultivated by the late Mr. H. Toomer. Lnquirc oi Dr. L'c Koliet, or M. M. TOO MLR. - , LIVKRY-STABLb.S,, T te tenteJf ftrunt yar rFIIK new Liery.bubles,1n rront.flreer, f- calculated 10 occoniniotlaie '40 bead of boile, with a new Carnage Houfe, oitd) every, neceflarv coiinitciae beloi.ciui; therrto. iafulielSjblei-Aear-iiot renttu. out previous 10 ih ei fuing Coontjr Cuurj, It.? rlKrcrn:e'rwiirTii;rirres at iIleTne vt to cents each, for every" 14 hours, which hull be led with Cort, Oats and Forage, and well attended 10. JAMES RICHARDS. MsrcH j. tw. - " . : Haywood's Jufticc fait ky the Piiatsr. , . MiffH f l. ' ' , " Adver iilemen.s unniid 18 w day's PiUrV wilt appear in our wcai,. ' R 1 r, I! Kiviifiaui, a-si -ja y mi. t mm yif. Mauo II. , ' 7 A' ' ' 1

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