If V ' . It ' ' J; - S ' V 1 ) -t 1 9 t f 1 - 1 1 1 . 1 ' 1 - I J t 1 w-. rr , . ; t . I--.. -.-.A . 1, . 1 I , . - ' Ii ; : ARMY -o i- EG Y PT.- . )The foHowi ng ii an abridge me at of the contents of the voluminous dtlpatches brought from Egypt, and infrrted in ' the Monitcur, relative to.the arihy of the cad : .'-.-- On the 34' of September, general Menou writes to 1 the fir(l.confuj,jhat fevcral. mem bers of the national fnftitute had departed oh a feconcf journey toUpper'Egvpt ; they'' went i far.as i ,o leagues above '-D'Affaun-,- where there are ruins pvore confiderable raan thofc TjTT&eT"aW"u ed for the journey 'air the rejui(ites in his of ne ' tV great precnon, teflathepancial efefl- preafuresAf -the-fete. ' jSTuics , of-.AmcwMi ;They in a particular jibeeduction miae. f - September -Menou f ives an' account manner -apyrecia-e, that patrioiifm jvhft.li d.f- - The prefent naval rft.bhftmeat jc.ocMU power., ' ' ; The chambers of the p ramids hitherto un vifited, and ; which" reaih ' fa r"Je!owhofe aT- ready "known,, ate, to be trupened,- while others intend to reconnoitre the weft fide of the Red Sea. The Arab farmers have afltej and obtained permiflipn to-cultivate the canton d'Owals. , The .Nilf,' whij:h this yeat 1 rofe higher by 2J feet. and a( half than it has for hirty-feven year, ran even clefe; to this canton. Menou has rectified the.divifion.of '" thofc provinces w'v.ch .'inre'rfected each other, ' and ordalnedihat the works of the learned be confidered at the p rope rt o f the" public V The fame-date, The array always "con fiders Buonaparte-a ijs father. It wculd go the end of , the earth for the public good. "A national garden of plant? ins been raifed. He. relquefls td'havo'fenr to hjnr feeds of potatoes, " hop, ingrafted-trees. Vnd two or three. good gardners, three or four, carts', and feveral ex eilent labourers. , . - ;Thc - ath ai .Q.'iabe.rMeDoi praifes .-the tgo-)d condufl of citizen Eden?, pay-atafie.r of the army he -is apooiflted director gene atTfEvrprfrrfhvatrcTTv Thv 23d of Of'tober.' Murad -.B?jr, fince his treaTy with Kleber, hid', behaved very wcll. Bv that treaty he is only tributary nrince of, Girtie and xi'AlTuatv under France. I ' v " .... : -Anglo-1 urktm -crullers jidve ditap;)'-ared foine - linibcforc'v Ales:andnaan4rPaT tints of the-cotintry to in the iad Sept. ot the flate cf the artillery. It is all in perfetl order, and each divihonjo regulated, thatji a quarter of 'an hour after deceiving orders, it is in a - flate of giving batileV A' part of re ferve of ijoo camels is. proyided.for.uofo -feen wants. " He Wilhcs the - French cavalrv in Europe were as well mounted as thofe in Egy pt ; it is 'impolTib'e to give an idea oTthe bian horfes. Thfy have adopted the bridle and .faddle of ihc Mamelukes. " , The fame dav-Generl Menotf ann'onne. that he hadj fent triplicates of Kleber's alfffi natiph;7 Iri fdye counts of the good fnuati'on ofjhe colony. He fays, " I ought to obferveihat the tenth part of ordinary dlfeafes that arc in Europe are not he,re; and .when you have 100 frc!-, oat ot the lairtc number Ve bav? net ten here, j oth October Sevtral letters. One from! T claimed competition for the,Prefidenital chattj with that 0 her eminent character who has finally ' been called to it, as. fetang a juH va,. lue upon the will of the people. . ' By order pf the TOeetinjj, ,"v; v. v-ru c5M' I I :n P & Y. i A A RO n B ujjr , El. Vice Pi '' - r dent eleft of lbs United $taUs . Qlmsrica 'r : .;. : J .,-. " To which' &l. Burr-hve-PreJident, e " left, made, in fuiiancet verbally, the joJJgTvn'.g ' rtyly ? '. . -.-".:'. .-. '- , ' i . ' Tha t he fel t ie n fi Ble o f t h e h oh of d 0 n e hi m by the ciiizens of Baltijrh'orcj although heiiad not time to gratify his feelings upon this oc cafion bv givihg a written anfweir to the ad drefs prefcBied to. him if he had, he might. DerhaDs. have departed-from his wiflfes-r-he i-hnnpH J tsft.i'rthf' cf tKflt hp miuht be' nermit- Abouktr, a.i?g that-on -the -2 t.,oJA-ugu It a I tfd t0' exprefs- his d.f.pprobarion , of address Tufkrih .VelTel-Tiad . been. 'thrown' upon the .of (hjs j.lndtl1Cy )lsd generally been c.ftcem coaft ; 24 guns, and her crew of 500 men, I '( mv,cr cf forra-; and in our time we two . of-which were French, fell-inta their bad '.-een thsm made ufe of as engines, and hinds. Not one of the .crewHias . bsen in-1 p0a;t,lteil to particular purpofes -That he lulted, nothing has been .pillaged. . AVhat a fel( grrat latijfaction at the event-of the late contrail between the , French military, and j eiettion, not that one er two particular met; their enemies, who continue to torment, w Lrl-ftfJ. hut tecaufe it was 'he iruimph the mod cfucl manner, aid-de-camp- Beadot. of princ,p!c;' As to h;s -Stepping between the r ....-,. lWMi an8i vtmes. 01 .me pcopie, 111 .opuuuuii war, aiincuauie 01 ;vi'fyan. . tti that crreat aiid cool man. Mr. ettcrton, to 40 veflels of various .fizfi, viz. 5 ot 44 guns 2 A 4 -3 ,2 5 3o, ;3 - 20 to 18 16 ; 12 ' 7 oaiites. . ,- ;;, Tlie annual expence of them,, as flated by tha bee ret at y of the Navy,,. amo.un-titi.-.2,-80,449 dollars." . '" . I ; ..,Theb!ll pa;hyrh tative,'teduces ihe nayy to ; -: ' 5 of 44 guns v ,; " ' : 3 . .36 j- " - 32 ..- " -' ".':-r.:-':':-.. - Of thefe fricates, V.of 44 ffuns anq t S guns arc to be kept in a Hate op readings lot '; lcrv.ice tne otner 7 are to oe jaiu up. ' The annual expence of this e(Ublij(iiment, " as cftimated by the-Secretary of the Navy, is it-:'-! BRIDGE l4rs maj-'fly by, arrived in mixJlzHm one, was hi; (n inccoTivoy ot ine r lf h flm. and to thole principles . London tk-et. anu in coni-quence oi t::eiroe. hich hehad always tccn attuated. ' -it .,i-ue If from" "the exijling eipe'ncc, vijt. Be taken the future annual, expence, viz, . 1 1 r ' dolls. -3o,ooo There will appear to '. hi the annual. iat of t.OCO.A.iO - IUW1N4 rebrutn- 1.. Immnr-v had fond v ocpd as ala feldei'i it TTi. i- f.u . .- I . -r s fh.p BoWcte.,, cap.. Nni- ;for t!l,;r i.bcrt.eshe lU.dKino,h3 loTcon- j 1 UTgiWr Catiille baV on; bunday morn-; fl(icr himfslf urt worthy of cd'nhdence'iin2rate.i . ' V 6 A' - , Tor irtiiMta. ' . : . " The fame date. The pen bfhiflory hav i'ngeng'aved inlcttcrs of gold, the pacification 'tifli Vender, ih- re cllabhlhtncnt of the fi- B'3ncr'i;thrcrnt'id,j'iice of.the -Frenrh, the paf- i;3g;'s" of the '-mountains tne battle or Marer, ' g', and the torqueft of a" grcar. part of Ger sx.anv : th firrt conful wouid not torjet that th; expedition . to Eflv pt-. wilt 'undoubtedly ca ifor the c'vilrzation of Africa and' Alia. The 'C?! and .Vizier con imics at El irifih' the Atabi ptliags, his-convoys-.. " He ha wri'icn to me," liys Menou, ' feveral letters; 'half mean, half infolent, demanding peace. 1 j tnfwer him that it .is only at Paris' ha mull treat," The captain Pacha, criuf.'s from Diamictta to Alexandria with iwenty-Hve 'veird, whereof ten or twelve arc of thel-nr. He.js ihc-fworn enemy of the Grand Viiirr and the tnglilh. He f.iys that. if the Porte is not fupportrd by France, Ihe is loll. lie is defirous o( a treaty.that would augment his importance with hi msSler. A great deal of poli'cnefs has been exchanged between him and Mcrou. . ' . I wtif," fays the general, " to the mi rider at war, details of our fervice and our polition." '.The Divan' of Cairo is converted into a tribunal of appeal.. Fricndlhip is ef. - tahjiilied with all the' neighbouring princes. - Th-? princes at a diflance of fifty days journey from F.gyp' demand the frier.dlhip of the Frenrh. Caravans, at rive ft'um all parts. Suez will b;com? an cntrcpid of commerce. The 21ft demi brigade is it; Upnrr Ejyp', and his enrolled more than 200 Egyptian trtulTelmen. - They make brer, clo h, wine, . . , , 1 1 . i'a 1 - . " 1 v r. - wsx csir.iiics, giia anu ui-r icc, nn, pc. Th crps of engineers k.f, bridges, of flreeti and tha. ri pengrapny, peiiorio ounngui.iiea fervice, T!ie artiih'ry U on the belt footing ; and, the -tniiv. reveiff uai'y py Ac. G octal Menou had not-received his nomination of cohifr.nder in chiof atid'he it rminates his lettet by faying, " if you fend a fucceiror, T fuall ob-'y him with'tne fame zeal that has iU a animated me f r trie good of my coun. " Ityp and the, welfare of inr. republic." -The 4 h Dec?m')er. Gen. Via!, charged -with difpatrhcf from Kgypt writes from the road of St. Tropes, thai bfingundsrcjuiraiuine, lie was not p-rmittcd the fvisfacViun of land ing bimfclf the difpa'ches from the govern mcnt. He kai confided them 10 the conun-f. fary of marine at that port, to difptuh ihm bv a ex'rsordipary courier. He adds, "the ' chief Wigide, Lizoufky," Hull piiiike with tne ihe honor uf prcfentirg tognvernmrnrfeven hctci nils, marks of the dignity of ihe Grand Vniff at the heaJ of the army, taken from the genoral, on the defeat at Heliopt'lis." The itt comptimehtary da. Ueneral La jr-inge wliJiVerrtl)TTbf?rOpptTTr thie of the ItalT, give to thi rr.iotftera prof pOui of the flat! f the army, and the eafy means nf recruiting it. 19th S'P'emSer T!i:i is a detailed note given by Lagrange on iS; order obferved in the fete of the tirfl Veodfmiare at Cairo Jifiharg?s of artillery, IpetcKofjhe g-peral, dinner of 100 covers, given bv th; coian ir in hief, tnfls for lUe glory an4 profps ruv of the republic, water works, A:, in the prrfence of an immenfe co-ieoaffe of Spc1i torj ; a ball g'vsn in the cyn garden ; evrty ing feparated on the 14th Uecrmber, was lent . . H- aain repeated his thanks to ihr citizens by the convmodpre io cruize! hctweeti Ma;eira ! cor ;lcii." aJdrcl's. afl'urine triesn that Baltimore nd the coail of Portugal, for the protection j u$. inhabitants would always "claim his -. I r 1 ii : 1 r ... J . ot thcdilpcriea imps, aua torinntciy recip- b'etvlFe"s7irhd"feffUctmthem turcu las AVUi!.eu in our -iaii tne imps rtu- , uf ,... exertion in his nower - l&ould be rora' and Adver.tutcrthrlantr-ot-which lns j not yet, arrived '"'On Thurfday lafl rhe Bcmr- j ,1C 'pr-fptrity of the Unitcr" State?. , dclais fell in with a fqnadron of.corveu, to j j.. js not (fiC-mb;tion. of this papei to be windward of this ifland,"and a fun fet brought . ,he organ 0f j)erfonal panegyiio. ' But the ttie. iarge.il oi.tuc-;-, uneui.,..to anionaifepumixit cyprdleqby, cation, ar: ic. conloriant -to the prniciu,c;s t 18 16 about ten yards d:!t.?ncc the others, foon after cnminff.u and entering ' into-- the i.contcfl, which It flf d for more than half'.an hoiir, when Curieufc ftrucl;, ar.d in tn- minutes afwr wards .went d'i'.vn by u O'-rn, the ot4er t wo at the fainc tiuiw making off -with dll fail fer, eaving cantam INar.ty, ar-a n is. imp s com. ffenuire reutibliranifai. that he merits the tfanks r.f-all its true friends. A fftvile fpl rit of adulation is at all times and in , aM coun tries difgracefd. Of this fpirit pc-rfonal ad die!Tcsarc too generally the venicle. At the pr.;ient tufl', rh;ch may be cornidered as 3- the triumph Kof brihtell aras of uany, liumnntly, excrcifed in rcfcu'ng the mon the vcnciuidicd felfrom the cncvitable dellrurlion orinciple, and in this Country, whole uoliiL which ins watery c (;m?ni icemtu 10 inrejirvi ca n-iiitutions acknowledrr? no other j-reat. ihem--120 priloners were taken up, and it nefs ihan that derived from talent and virtue, appears (hat jo.mtn were killed and wounded U becomes the enlighti'd friehdi of repuhii. en .hoard, the enemy. The Bourdclais h d canilin to cling cxdufivtly to principle, Tid on.. kiliiJ and 7 wcuid;d, including the firfl cemtnand not mc:i, but ineafures ; iniprelfcd lieutehari and two middiipmen ; but wc are with the great truth that principle remains for- extremcly roncjrned to. aid, that fire alio ever the fame, however, individuals may lolt a midShipman ar.d boat' crew wh:le en- charT'?, " gaged in the humane al of faying the Tinkipj enemy. - The above fquadn was difpatched front Cayenne, by v i.trHngiies, on the ill day The bill for rtdufinr the Naval Einblih- mdit of the United States, which pahed the Houfe'of Reprjfcn'atives on -Fridiy, may be of Januarv, 10 truife for ihree monies in the conf:dcicd. after the Prefidential election, cs latitude of tail illand, ami confided of I. a .Cu the m6(l important act of ihcfelHon, Moij of lict'fe, a national corvette not two yean old, the other meafures of the Houfe have been of igo torn, mounting t S lonir o pounders, h'tittive oues. It has been attemnird to and 168 men, commanded by nptain Gsorge continu: thef:diiion law. To the honor of lid:'et ; La mutine, a brig rf3Co tons, 16 tSe nation the lr,tvtnpt has f.iiled. ' It has long fixes and 156 men, comrmnded by cap- 'bi attempted, to renew the sfl prohibiting tain J, Raybaun ; L'Efperance, a fchooner commercial intercourfc jiv! h France a the mounting fix 4 pounders, and 53 men, com- i very pet toJvIien a treaty for.u.d and fanciion nunded by captain Haymound ; tlie two jat-' ed l;v the conftttuu-d authorities of the nation, ter of which alfo fuffered cotifidcrabl'in the and which rejlores amity und commerce be- artion, and arc fuppofed to have reiurntd tojtween ihe two c untrics, had taken' olf theff ! n another (jtianer, obligei him to make thi lrnvr'h brt 4 eTn J lnut,tr'tnriij57"C(T?'' rcltf itoT.JrTln attempt -.Haj a!k-fti$edf i pplicitioti.- Vatt, had both his legs fnot olF in. the ac- tlionah its defeat was no' accomplillicd with-1 . . A. T. BROVN'E. ': 3 a S '. . : 7 Gallics. 7The writs? cf "thcfe-TCmarks-has-notinime- diate accefs 'to documents enabling tiim to 'is t ne ca'if'of thefe vr tie f15uTiyoTirrtaTe,nr? po'f' of the Sccietary of the Navvj'-.i,-ft fr, :a -other information in his t.f HVfJioii,- il.cir ac tual coft appears to Lave amounted to .alt'"it i,OOC,CCO 4 dotla'.'s" iOf lnci I'lig at t iclcs "'of Uodi '7-" itch nave been conluincd. .- It is dvlftcult to ertimatc the proceed?, "f fales at this uvn? ; but they may be cacu!.:ri . upon as between one million and half a nn.auii of dollars. No remarks are made in relation to the marine' corps," as the meafures of our future ! ri'lKiCtii, on whofe dilcrction its corviniuante is to depend, cannot yet' be afc-ramcd. National IntcHt'tricef, DAN C IMG hGHUOL. THE ftibfcribrr rrfpctift'ljy inform tlie it:liabi(i?u:8 of wViliintoii mi d i s ncihivlirhr o I, tl.ut tic i - er.d opt niuj. a r-AN'ClN'.i SCHOOL, in this town, .fhouM a ludicicm nt.mbcrol I'tl'.o' lass apply. He will teach the imoI. Ilv ionuliie Hep, as veil as the figure of Cotillions, Cotiios, Country L)yiicc.vr &, Time aud place t.f a:te?iiio)i muy.tc' known on application at Mr Huward'a Tavern. , . . ' A. W. SHIRKS. Wilniin'or, Ml'cii.t2. HiE l iulcn'BVr" nm under itie nce of leavir.T thii pljce (in ail next mumh) mull again fulicn th(f indebted to huu, wilt, iiot fajt to make pavmeni of their accoutui a m mediately. Bt:fmcff requiring his attentir.n fo to I ; : w i r w - (un 1)1 H i:ctl trnd 11011, but -was aticrwarc.t tiken on boud the 1 out a bold aDrcal to fintimcnts ot natiouai ho- Bourdela'u, Ahfc he "died on Saturday : arid i nor, and an expufure of the principle cf an ycllernay the ptifoners wcie. landed h;re tnil !aU that lecded to crudi every advance that had Comm'tttd to prifon Xfllcfaay arrircl here the Spinilh rngan- been made to cihci!iii.n and roace. But in the atl rcfpriling th" Navyj'txtf titc St. Jufeph, cf-tured by the Salamander ilhin? is a dually dont. Millions are faved South Sea Whaler, cant. Ho'pper, iIF the -j nvcr 1'iate, laden wiihjcrk beef and ul.w. And 'hit morning the alarm figna!s an nounced the approacnof the remainder cf the London (left, which to the-number of 7 j liil arr ved in CarliS; bay between eighr and nine r7!ni!t. The fl.ip's Sjvern, Va fo ; and Mmhi,- Mall, for this idand, being among l hem; and h'l mijefly's (liips Andromeda md G ifgnn having thn nnd?r convoy.- On b.nrd thC'Sevenij came palfengers, the Rev Ri. chard Aullin,Mi(s BiflDp, Mrs. and two Mifl (iardncrt, Mift Sillnn, and Mr. and Mn Anderfun, 1 WASHING TON, March a. . Yederdiy arrived in this city. A a ton to the country ; and that fpirit w.uch was haf tening, by rapid llridc, to Ir.itrv th; Uni;cd Stair-, into i mrafures calcula'td to embroil' her with the maritime 'powers of Eur.ipe, it arretted. . v . .... In a .lli'e of peace, ytndiiluibed by lo. reign alarm, it may lationilly be hoped that our citizens will coolly eftumi; the controlled bnchts and evils produced by a naval efUb lilhment, - - - - , As in all the meafurei of government the great intcrefls of the community fhou'd bcr purfurd, and is all legitime partial inter-Ill condantly haroionize wit'i thefe, by this rule it will be proper 10 determine the propriety of naval ecbbiiihmrnt, and-th: degree 10 which it Ought Co be exlendol. cf an alluiici WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A vnitr. man of good rc of aitena-ri to the bufinefi iloufc. Apply as a!ivf. , ' ( Wilmington, Februry 19. FoirsAf;;;, A. LIKELY N EG j0 FELLOW abou: 25 years of age. Enquire of ihe Printer, March 1 2." . MOLARS Of the bell qMility, for file by JOHN MACLKLLAN. r rei.nr v aiiicw .For ti e SchV. Collector. Teims iy te known by nj plnHi 'A above BwI7'rjr:ri,efidrir"tleftof iha United j -At prtfes't, it rinnot be denied,-that g'eit. States. On his arrival in Baltimore the pre- divifiun on this fubieel rxiils imonr our citi zens. Nor it thii diviiion alrngfther the 're rcfult of thofe dominant political principles ceeding day, he was welcomed bv 1 general faltsie Pom ihe Obfervitory -after which a number of patriotic citizens having atTembled at Mr, EvanV, it wis uninimoufly igrcfd that the following iddrefs Oiould l prtfented to him : 'Bj!ttmirek Feb. 18, ltal. Many of the ciiiiens of Batiwe, who have i ill now heard of vo ir arrival among iMng in the moll fupetb manner, and cnnJl them, beg leive to eongntulate vci and ihem- 4 wita tne jreau4 cecy. i ae mniot isitci upa ws lucceii otihe U'.e ciecttoa 01 jhat feertt generally to dcefminc the erred, of politicians. Many ot the lederilillt are a gainfl in extended navy, and fome efthe te puoiicans tar it, . But whatever varitiy of opirrion mty esifl is 10 the eventual increafe or diminution, ii is believed thai it ihe prefenl periM ih- t body of the Dannie wilt fe:l 1 feVukncnt f gratitude lo ihdr rt prefenta:tvei;f)f relieving then from a grf it and heavy expeace. v wi.i cuiiivwur, vvuaut attefflpung Match 19. NOTICE. THE lubfcril- intenOinc to reT0ff from this itatf Hri" fliori time, wifh e to make a finil Settlement f the rc tonnts Ac. nKthe Use Mr. Jn Gee ; rherflore rerjueih all perrons " dem inds aginll tlie eilnte)f the ltd der. toprefent their occuuntspropertv st'el.eJ for payment ihftfe h ore ii.'cu: thereto are ftKo ter;tic!le.l to n'uke Im-ne. Mate piynient, otherwife their tcconS &r. svtl be place I In Ihe luit.'.s ol an Mm lomev.for co'.leclin-s. , SAIUH GEE, A4o) . M uilt 4 , balll Sitl Hlxl WjI adr Crilti Dent Hani Lfibj A Varti tin, vmp 1id wold! Ki'iel Rut Th.:d WalrJ .i-d .S I tin I on tii '. ty k CumII A' lion! Kf '7 I' .-...Her at 11 f iter. I..C (i till c , f.'f III ly, tir-n The lorj. lth til id lr -Tit, T"i r m- , 4)M, unl Ml Tt-i A Willi 1 i i1 f otntl Inr bMhi 4ttti 'flu I jiiit,i ii It'.l'f J A. Id '"1 . i