!UBAISE D:wi: eklyTy.al l;m a nd' hall ' ' " " :"3s . or m TI 1.1 X" lit iiis 111- of iT.tf wtlt hi till it ion i iricl M. - Id kh'r. Jwifh Lac" Iiuve dec. btcd iUUH, Congrefs of the United States ' ' IT . . r . ! :.. niitl K Or Klrl I II NT ATI Vltt- " ' 7hitrf(luyy Feb. ig(ht 8pj , A bill makin?'aoHoprtt:oris far' he fapport of tovernment for 180 1 ; a ti-! -making- impropriation. tot the military cfUWifh meat fori8oi alfo a liill to emend ilte ft to provide for the a!uioa of lands nd clw-l'injr houfrs, &C; alio a bill, lor the, relief .ot Natnimel Homei, wele read the l hi id time and Jfcl . ' ' .-. 7' : . A -retmon of V. C. L'Enfant, was read. V" The Senaic itiformc! ihe houf that tley had pff. ert "he bill f4r .the leiicf cf 5inuc! Lewi feiiiW, with an amendment ; o which tVe7hou(e immedi ately Jgrftd. . ' ' x C. G.codrch made report from the contaniitee appointed to eiujuiie into, the olfic :t. conduft oi inln op Sargent, which wji relcfrcd to a com, Bfiinr.r, of the. whole bu MoivJiy. ' I lie repot' is lengthy, ami concludes with reCorrf tnriidi'1 lie following tefolutititi i " ' ,, Ref Wed.'-, that there (iocs .not appear raefe for fur., thcrfrocofdintis on the 'matieis of complaint for mat adoiiiMfh.itipn ng-jintt Winthrop Sa;geot, as governor; MXU&M l "nrV.- : - t- I, , ; fJMfMwow?ih foihwirrg addrtioTiatTfile" ,tt-i.o w t tooMh-Wivrrt r 1 tie 1 , re a lie r I'lic aowri o!.t!v Id! ei or cliairman of ihecom. mittre of ,!hc whole !iall not be conllmed to extend Ue fr rrnfeifrTrf ThT" hoftfc or'in thecafe ot dif rdci!y ; hehaviour) to the expul Con rl any perlon, cither. from the loLfey when in troductd bv any tr-imber of ihe houfc, or from the galicfy, wlirn the fame is generally opened. Mr.- Htil, from the cmmnitiee appointed on fta-e JbaJJanx?i,lff.oi id AMLreleifins ibctatej ,ir am ihe pavmcnn oi balances due lv them to the United tutes, which was p o i t p j5j i 1 the third of next Mr. P art, from the committee nf rrvifal and un c.rfi.. i i ..i r, ..,., -,j . i.. ii r... . Bimiiru i,ui,ii, fivmu I'm iui Luitimuing me cl "ciKraily denominated the Sedition' Law. whirh was rc J. j,., I : A mot on wis made to reir ftthe bill, on' which debate enlutd. On the qurflion, being taken by yeas and nay?, ii was rejected ; there being Ye' 50 Nvs49, and the fpraker declared hiijfelf n the cigative. . "The Yeat and Nays are as follow 1 - V YE AS, .McfTji. Alfton Baily, Bifhop, R. Brown,' Csbe'l, Cr:Hie, C'ay, Claibou.e, -Condit, Divis, Dawfon, Dest, I pg rOon, tlmendc-l, Gall. tin, Grav. Grcgt', Hanni, Heilltr, Holmes, Hiiger, jackfon, Kitchell, Leib, Lmi.oIo, Lyon, Liro, Livingflon, Macon, Mul.'enberg, New, Nicholas, Nichoifon, Parker, Randolph, Smijic, J. Smith, S. Smith, Spaivht, Stiiiloid, Stone, Sicuait, Taliaferro, Thompfon, A. Trigg, .J. .Trigg, Tazewell, Van Conlandt, Varrm., R, Wiiliarr.s 50. NAYS.. I M (T11. Bier, Baitlett, Bird, J. Brown, Chimo lin, Cuiw'r, t ra;k, Dna, J. bavenpolt, . Di vnipori, Dfi nii, I) ckfon, Edmcr.d, Evjns, Fi tr, Fircmar,, Glen, C. G. orrich,- E. Gjodrxli, Gril. woid, pove, Uitpcr, He dtrfon, HilI, Imiay, Kt-"eia, If. Leer-V.-lee;-Murris, .Matnon, Otis, P-gr, P.ntki.ey, Plall, P.iwcli, J.. Reed. N. Rcd, Rulide, Shepaiii, J. C . Smith, Shi afe, Temiry, Tbaichir, J C. Tlnui, R. Thomas, W.diwouh, Wilr., L. Wi. Fr'id,i . o, 180I. Tt-e pftitimis of Ma jiias i.hioyn, and Margaret CuiLcittor; wire pitfented and relerred to the com. mil''? l c .'.iivi. A petition liom fui,di tri forts, icTidijg n lands tc'!oi.g'i.g to the V, S '.ying litwe. n Mulkingum ud Sf.o o riwi , i't. in i he ailowcJ a prr-tmp. t an t. ihe ui 'hirh t'.e pt,tiionris are fettled on mote lav. uial'u t.'inii tl.tiithcle lieitiiforegrai) 9'. by l . ; Ktl.-rnd to MrA.s. ' Diun'ii, M'Millan and . CLi ifiir.r.. ,;U. A mntion being matte and ferondeJ, (hat the t.onl- rtn fVtiir in i'i li.lto&Miif rrlnlii'lnn 1,17 Rrloivtd ihai le Irfjkrrol tliishnule, in dirtfU irg n e seij.-ani 't rm oruer anj eipei irom the ..'lery of this houfe, Mir.ncd liar ifon m th. a ci . -r - " ' - - . .... - ...-.,.. J . ' ilirA V.im l.v -,iii til liAiif vA V lueil t.l ll' 1 II ll Ml. 11. hat fT.lfTirl hnwif n r I I , ... ..... i.w.v, WW.. 1 V U , t.':c (aid Samu I Harrifi.n Smi;h of a lifcSt, which 1 ( t.n only be lufc trd hydlfoidcrly behaviour. ' ! D-iii.. L!r. In.akri. rr w intrrlinn ii in i ill for the trfol'itiort laid on (he irble by me the o l.cr tiay, wn.ih iciaies to tlie conduct ot the fj.rak.er to nnMt. hni h a li. 1 before 1 call in the rcfolu tinn Ivil) rcira k that I luve n t Ii lirducid it wiiii a view o afford tr yf If an opponuoiiy pi vein, i.-g i ivulnrs nr peiloi.slil ri ap nfl the Sjeiktr. Ihe di e icl(.tcl of ibis houfe foibiiit a act ol that (nit. The number of days the Speakri Ins (ten. (mpttej w it at my ovr, loihidsn. I contend lor yn-cip e; ai d U.ofe who d.fier Irom .e in this pirn, ntp.mim, way meet weonih.agrr nd it by .ItlhsvcUAUi. dofo I fhall be ia.i f.ed , is 1.11 fee Ire well gesMe method to me. But il Cent rmsn arc dilpofed to introduce afpc lit) into the tubaies, I am ready to if pel 11. Ri loliei urinimMifly ihsi ihe fpesksr, le extef. d (mri d iidw'i whdhtr the (s:d moiioo is in oa derci not . - . - lh nurnirn was then taken, " Isihii motion in "rdtr i" and it tralUi in the neitt ve, aeiul ows, Tfrss i Nays ja. ' Y f. A $. t XU'u Alilon, Baily, B fhop, R. Brown, Cs. be'l, Clu Hif, C y, C.ribot .e, t oi dii, Da(on, Unt 1 I rl'Ht n, tlmri.di i', lowlci, fcal at n, (iii.t;, Kattit, lleil'.tr, H"imrs, ' Jackion, aVi.'t'ct', Leib, L)u Linn, Livirtlon, Macon. Muh.it lct(, h'rvi, Mduli Kuha lun, Randolph, liiciie, J. I,i iih, f, Soiiih, 5'aia(l,i, tianlord, toif, SbWkte'r, Sua, I, Talilfeno, Ihorrp'ou, A 1 a t. J. IiiJi, Taiwcil, Van Coilltnd, Vi. Mutvi, K. Wi Inn. 1 49 We!Tii..tser. I n'eit, )srd. Bird, J. Browr, C:mpliooPerrCrk, Dana, J . Riven prFi' rd'a com'mftieeVlrhollr D.venpo.1, Denn,,, -Bckfcn, Edmond, Eva.; Vchalr.on.th'e (tditL L, ' U Lincoln. M tei And fo the faid Vnotion wai nnf inm.l.. ' j. t . I A rtioaon wis then Riadc and feormded that the hoofe do come to the following refolution, via. Rerojved that the power of the Speake or chair man of'the cr.mmit'ee of the whole fhll hot be conllrued to exiend (dtlefs by confent of the houfe, previoufly obtained, or in cafe of diforderly be havi -ir) to ihe cxsulfion of anv nrrfnn r hrr f. the lobby when introduced by any 'member ofubt houfe, or from thcgaUeiy, wkea the !me is gene rally oprned. . - v . . Tl .e previotj queftifln wa'a eslled for by Sve mnt berj, vib. ' Iball the'r ain qucltion to agreetothe lai I motion be now put ... , - ..v.v..... Mie lam quemon Deing tinker COnii- ,dj;tAJflur,UMMgftoiH-4iaw.adfe' flr!jitt-tTi tmitriirpn Ar- w,l wrr-j-rr: - . r piwi.rcu debate-tbe rrratir que fl io7 and beingTRc. euon'tal ii.vi ar me iucaicr uriJ. ' . - . . - ft mm -"a.I fi x a.-f- i---s'V- -" - - uuikuiiui me ipeaner. and on the ryeltion or con, unr.g with the Ipeakcr in his laid UeciSon, it was nf'ilved iotheamrmaiive Yeas 6o, N'ayi as follows : - ' Yeas. MefTia. Kaer. BrIrf. Rni,J n:,J i Trown, Chan, piinj Cooper, Crrlc, Dana, J. Da- c"KHLiiYenportenn4V-l--iAfonr Edmond, Evans, Foflcr, Fretman, Glen, "G.ocde, Coodiich, E. Goodrich, Gregg. Grifwod, GroverHannarHprHc.e7fbn, rLlV Her Imlay, Kitchell, Kittera, H. Ire. S, Lee, Lincoln, '"uu, iin, viu, rage, rarkcr, rinckiiev Pla, Powell. I. Reed. N. ReiH" ntA. ci.-' i..nuUu, aiorrr, vus, rge, iTarker, Fiacki.ey. Pint, I 1 1 f T- I mi r. . 1 ' P'd,. J: S::.uh, J. C. Sm.;!.. S! afc, Jrcfl. ),..lu cher, J. C. I hom, R. Thomas, Varnum, W?df- wotjn, wain, L. Williams, Woods. - (j3.' Nays MclTrs. AlUon. Kailey, Bifhop, R. Browo! Cabell,. Cruyllic, Clay, Cia. borne, Concit,' Dawfon, Egglefioh, Elmendorf, . Fowler, Keiner. Holm'ej Jackfon, leib, Lyon, Lir,n, Livi.igfton, Macon, Muhlenbe'g, ew, Nicholas, Nichoifon, Randolph. Suiilie, S. Sm th. Siaicht. Si :in(nril Ct... ..'... . Stewart, Tslialerro Thompfn, A Trie?, 1. Tr eir The previous quuiion upon the moti n heingtherl taken, in ihe worvis following, vix. fnjll the main queflioii, to arce to the fan.c be now put?" It palled in the negative Yeas 50 Nays s? as follow : j 1 YEAS. McfTri. Alftoo, Bailey. Bimot. R P,w bell, Clrirtit, Clay,. Claiborne. Condir. n.;. '0. Dent, Fg jleflon, Et.-nendo f, Fowler, in, (.ray. . Gif ?r. Hinm li7i-. lackfon KiiChcll. .l.eib. Linrn r 1 Livngfton, Macoil, MuMcn' erg, ; New', Nicliblasi Nicho lO'i. KiPdcl-ih. Smili. I c:.l ! 5pnghr,5:antoid, fctone, Su.npter, SteUxit, Tilia- : .v.,,, L.jg, j. .fii7f jaeeweii Van Coitland , Vajtnum, R. Wi!l:ari:s, Wo dt, NAYS. 50. MelTrs. Bser, BsrtlcttV Ba.atJ. Chaa.plin, Looper, Crsik, Dana, j. Davenpo,, F. Davenport, .Dennis. D.cklon, Kdmondi Evans. Fo:le.,Fieririaii, Clcrt, Gcode, C. Goodiich, K. Goodrich, Cufw old, Grove, Harper, Ilcndcrfon, nutr., s.n.jy, smeit, n Lee, S. Lec, MatlOon, Morris, Otis, T.ge, J'a.ker, Pmchney, Piatt, Powell, J. Reedr J '. Read, Ru ede, She- V.'.' i' r: .,honu,i R-v.Thorass, WaiUonh, Wain, L. Williams $3. " A meffage vr. s received l;om the Prefulent of the j. oiiie,. aa lo.iowi Griiilerrtn f the en?te, and X . . GentL-meu ot the Hsufo of Reprefeniatives-;-I tr.uilmit 10 (nit.ifli a - ikiiiiii inn moiinng from Ellas Boud nnr, t,. direk'lor of ihe Mull. Odleil Flirii.t .w... ...1 1 i the 'tueiivn-and dcci.ion c Co.utefs leforr ,he tlofc of the fcflion. ' lt . " JOHN ADAMS, rr.ited "la es, ). Feb. 10, t8ci. $ , The mrflafe and report ware read, and ..a'A j to lie o the tstle. Mr. llir, Itnm the r mmln.. .f ,I.T .1. report on 'e pet'Mon pf C arles Tomk.i.s, be hall ol Arnold H. LMirman a d tth-n ube.e- iifonieumeu i.-a. ir.e n.fidar.t if the U. Staly, be auihorii ed ta jiLe a p.ient lor Ihe tgt lwafhip nihr 7thrae,io Arnold II. Dohrinan or his Ug.l lepiefenut.ves agreeable to refolut.oo ol Congrcli ofOJober 1, .1787, and that a bill Ve biou-lu iu Rrf..I. d that a committee be appoin-.d w hint n , bill 10 irvive and con:i( ue Aa ifl . . to ir.it encci. 7,2 .A i . 'V01 Uie 1,1 e' M . .w . .. . ... ,aan icioitneni'.eei Mary. la d palled the so.h ,f Pre mbei 170J, lot ihe ap. rw "' J Hi. f f Oidmd thit the eommiiieeef nvifal a d na- ni.im.o panneis piipg in laid bill. Mr. Pint knev. from the " t...i that aurpofe, re-torttd thai the comm 1 ee ln .u.a on the P,,tA,nt m ik it t . -" Thom.rj.fie L u ,,',t Th houfe" .efumeJ the confide :,;..J, I.-. -I.j nent enoeported ,e(le,dty,r m tie cue oi the hole to whom wtt committee the bill to amend ( acl la reiulai il. rnii.tu. 1 .1...... 1 ihe aft tud tonnare, whnb were agreed 10 by the koufe' tnd the bill, ifier further 'tnicidmett, wtt oracicd to be eogiefltd lor a third rra.ing to rhoitow. Saturday Feb. If. ignt. , A ifpnrt was read f ivo J J, , B lm. -iT .P.,u,.M a I rk, hdJb -1. 1I0.1. and a.ie.d.J "4. "!!?..' cl? r. toLsTdu, . tTill ii 7k .V. Xr::!r:. "I otoi.oduea a.lito ,Lu BaA.-Th. Kh"rI T" .w w... w . ' the 1" .? d4cd in; the' negative, and of ' 11 ' ' IHl.iUIII, HVillJ, k as. v- 1 1 ITU i i m m w n m i . . it I w l n goiter, freeman, Uien, C. Goodrich, E. "Goodrich. '.GVjfajold; Grove. H.rnVi! HrnPi.rrrt t Kiitera, H. Lcc,S, Lee, Muon. Morris, Oty, Page, Ptnckncy, Platowell. J. Read, II. R-.,u, Kutledge, Shepard, ). CTNSmith, She.fe. 'Tenney, VCr,,l; (C Til0mas' Rmas, Wadfworth, V N ys Meirrs. Alltow, Bailey, Bifhop, R. Jrown, CHie.l, Chriflir, Clay, Claiborne, Condl Dais piwion, Per.t,-EggIefton, E!mend9r.f. FowleVGal Vni.oode, Gfay, G,eg; Hanna, Hei ler. Holmca lge., J ckfon, Kitchell, Leib, .Lineola, Lvon, Linn, Livinc.fton, Macon, MuhlenburgN'ew, Nic! o Itt, KicholfoH. "Parker. Rindn'nh. Smii;' l . S Smith PnaivSr C,.-f J c. c Jr S. Smith, f paigi.t, StanfordjStoi e, Sumter. Stewart! .-.-r wprarrn-impv, t 11 1 im mTT itt The houfe went into a committee of the. wh Ac on cue a n trom the lenate in re'ation ,0 the Territory F'ogtels, and alked leave ta fit auain . Morru in iaoaexuiiMaameTrfatte4ngd'ihi ttoiitaeain. : difcharire iifr f f.nn, .v.. ,i. u . . ? . J t wraereo trial the committee to whom was refrrred t'r-e mrllagelrom the Pre!idcnr relitive to the dif. "pofition of the public property in his' polTefljon, be diicharfed from the confidftitiin Q the fame be -eferred to the' joint committee appoint-j u" ihh-.xo enquire wtiat lurther meafure ought to be taken for the accomraodatLn ol the Pe-lid-nt of. tho-UStates.: , An aflirai. g the mode of efli.nairng ceruiri re;gn coins and currencies and of making out in- oicts in certa-u cafes," was read a thud time and pilled. . Monly, Fib. 1 801. The bill decli.iog the contjL-.it of Congiefs to an act ol Maryland p ffed thei8th c Dec. 179;, for the appointment of a health offi er," was rcrd a 3d time lad alleJ. , . A petition of Notly Young, others of the city of Varhintcn, was read, praying ih at the onfent of Congrels may be given to an aft of the General AlTem. b!y of the (late of Mafy'and for ereaing a bridge over tho Eafiern btaric'h of the Potomac river reiemd to Mcllia J C. Thomas, Craik, ,:d D -nn s. The bill feot r0in Senate entitKd An. aft to eftablifhthe dilriia of.Kittry and Brrwick. to-the dilluftof loitfmouth.'was read third time, and parted. . AffcrgoHig int committee 0 the whole the Houfe came t the lullo wing rcfo.utio'n ; RefoUea, Ti at ii ia expedient to augment the fa lanes oi in- diftritt judges of Malfachufetts, New York, Pe nflvania auj Maryland. - A . ill tu thil eHrcl wat llirn nrVl-rJ V. 1 in. which w 1 immnl.iifli k . u... ",J t,' lw0 was commi ted to committee of the wKole tf-'r.orraw. The houfe refolverhfeTt into a co'mmillee of the whr-leon the bill making approp,iationa,for r,hc navy of ihe U. S for i8-ji. when icveral amendmen t were madi, repotted, and agreed to by the Houfe ; suj the bill ordered loathi.d leading to.mo.JOw. Oidred rhai the commi tec 0I ways and meant be autborifed to report a bill to amend the aft to cQablilh a llamp'.mce. Mr. G a iswold immediately rtpotiedab.il to that eflocf, which was i?ad twice, and commitleJ to a con.mitte- of the whole Houle to-moir iw. The Houfe efo!t d itfelf inK a committee of tha whole on the bill Irom the Senate eotitlca an aft con- ccrmng me uiiinct ol Columbia. . ' Sevcitl arccnamef.ii - J koiuinnice and reported to the i We, ai.d gtted to, and the hll . aa inirndi-.l. nr.t. .J i,. . .kl.J i . 1 i" - iiiiiu icaainr iolliOr. lovr. ' . 7nV), 8oi. I he Bill from :he fraatt entitled an in -r.-. the iliflrift of C olumbia wat read the lh,id time and puro, icas .sys35. , . The ea and nays ate as follow 1 YEAS. MefTrt Alfton. Bear. Bartlett. n,rA 1 Rrovin, Chtrnplin, Cooper, Craik,. J. DivenponV. , -. v ..,1, -ivm) b inuinu,' fuller, Freemen, G'.eo, C. Goodrich, Cr fwo d, Grove, II ,t- ter, Hendeifon, Htlmrs, Huger, Imlaj, Kil:er., S ee, Lincoln, Macon, Malioon, Mortis, New, M tholn. . Ol'l. P ie. Paiker. Pint. Prl tat. 4. 1 1 f D..attJ J Ruiledge, Shepard S. Sn ith, J. C. Smith, Spaight III.K.UI,, j, s 110 mi (, k, 1 noruaii Wadfwonh, Wtln, R. Wil.iatnt, L. Williamt Woo it 57. ' KAYS 'MtlT.t, Ba.fcy, Rifhop, R. Brown, Ca' e'.l, City, dabon. Condi', D.vii, Da fonfff'efloo. Tow. le-, uiiiann, .ny, urrgg, 111 na, Ileiller, Jitk dm, Kihe!t, Lib. Ivou. Linn. Llvintll nunoiii.., AanooiL-n, ?miie, I. Smith. Manfjid. f .".'"I- ln" Stewart, A. Itigg. I. Tnir, TiacwcU. Taliaftr.o. .i.i . .. .. . l. ,? . N X iwumn imimi rrumcni ei the U. Sitlet be di "fle4 iol.hH before thi. houfe .0 .ctouJ ohhe YM?ST'rtt r 'i-B.il.i ol wliicb vnut. , . , '.' !01, . Mr .fAICIT S n.clinn. 1. j 1 tIotd ,n Par.deni of the Unite, fttiet - . f'",B4 "ufe ' 'F Ticei to lay before , ' 1 F,.nuy, the raoditBr.i o ' mo"" rp'P"Md by the efta ol the ionh M ' of Jnl ethoufand ftteo handled ""y lh. 10th ol May one thoafa.J ..f,hthurH..e-,1r .he.yrpof.ol purcU.g e.nnon k'"'l. "t fm. ,aed the at rchtfint L"nn 4 o.4a,ie. snd ;rmo.ril ZVW """ " w W.4iti ld .rmo.rie. intwiac utcquaaiHT I Ctaaoa and airas ni.it fc.f-it I ' or manufactured, the founrl biilhei, a:hd what laoda have been purrhafed for the purporei.of erraing foundaries, 1 together with theit icfptafve quantities and fituatiotij ; alfo a lift of the warrants drawn oa thefe appropriations, fpecifyiivg in whofe favor each warrant wit drawn, and ft what purpofe. s ' - ', . t Mrutti, , . " , :. ' - On Jidte Balances. : , ; - ' "The tommittea appointed to inquire into the ex. -pedicmy of extinguifhing the claims ef the U. S. for ceitain balaoces which by the coeartiiiTioneri appoint- ' ed to fettle the accounts between the U. S. and ths) fcveral ftates, w.rt reported to be due from fevcal ot the. ftates, (o the United Mates, . R.1,0rtthafthe CommilTioneriaforeraid.oil tha -liquu.tion of the accounts repoited, that there wer due from feyeial of the Hates, certain balances, tfcat ii io ay : ' x " ' - bolls, 'v-'-': Froai New-Yotlcj,. . :' i - 7 y Pennrylvan,,, . .: . i., i, .. , .... lC0,j7Q NntiV- P.r. That Congref, , by. an .aft W,d the 'r eth Fe Wv ' .u i - :'.".'" !, o-in engagement la lhV,r!? of. " 3,'Sl(la 've aft, to be pafTedefori tha . " to pay at trie trealury of the U. S. within five Vtars. the amount of ) f..m ,n:....j l.. the U. S. in the debt of fuehjate ; or by expenW ill? 'nJi!l.e nou.nt within ihe time .alorefaida .-- y -- .viiiiiviiimi,, nua me lata act of CoYigrefs provides furlher, that anv payment or ex. penditute aforeraidfh'Sll bercredited at the treafury. to the amount of Hock which laid payment or expen diture is eipai ta the purcha!e cf at the market price of ftok That the Aate of New-York palTed within " the time limited, the Irgiflatlve aft required by the 1 act of Conerefa afoiefiid. and lo. ':. j credit t the treafury for the fum, of ttz.Sio dollar 9cents for having prevtoufly etpended Jn fonificitione the fum of 136-.533 doll.trt 8a cenis Tt no other llate. has acceded to. the terms offered by the faid acl of Congrefa " -1. The Commiltee further remit, that by the immc ' diate opeia ion of the (aid aft 6f Congrefs, and of tha legifl.tu.e of the ftate of KcW-York, that llate waa exonerated and releafcd trom a very confiderable part olrho.alance reporied, to wii: Aefumof 891,199- -dole 31 cents jibe balance reported Jgaind theftat. betng to th.t amount more th.,n the fum fubferibed on the affumption of the U. Sutes in the debt of that (late, the "urn fo fnbfrribed amounts (o 1,183,716 do laia 69 cents ike fuat of 3'jj,i.9 dollara 3 ctota cxcee.ls the whole anioimt ol ihe balance repor. ted to be due -rom any one of rhe Hates, and tha 1 ar greRaie a:nou of the. whole f l ii,V k.i. - - ... -i.ii.c, wiin the exception cl the balance rrpoited o be due Ifom theila e of Delaware. - The Committee, without ecttring into a diKtiffian of the princiolea whe icou ilii (rti r .1 -- vi.ivui ui me ac couotibythtc.mmi.noncrswasfoMDded, remark that ' -nunc 01 me nates iiut the Hate ol Ncw-Y oik. hat mai.ifdled any difpofition to pay the balaacet reported tpatnll thci.i. whether the 0.r..i k.. .uL i.r j - . - - ...... u- i- ,al(J aft of Congrels operate favoray or-n.t, and none . n.vin i.avc lurtej t3 me juilice or eqoity of the claim of the U States, and no means exid of exfti.if i")1"""! " iccma un-ue 10 neep alive a c'aim whicd cannot be enforced, and miv have ih. it.i ...1. dncing iiritatioo and exci:ing tfifcontent : and at V. . . cur'" " "fed the Qateol NewYo kfrom fo iarre an arnnnnt .t.J ...wt. - - T- ftU IHIWIVIi that Hate, with advantage, to difcharge the refi- UUv . ... 1.. .nut irpu.iea 10 ueone irons thai flasea tbecommirtee are oloi inion lhat a releafe of the aa. -lances due Irom the other flates it expedient, a d lot iki" mil Diif ifrAtl Wi!l .kW I. 1... .... r ... , . j,.,, . .,,, w.mwii i lunmiiica. - f .c rev' wi made teK 1 9, 1 801 f and the cini.!eraticn thrf r.!r,,i . the 3 day tf March next, : Ri.rniiT. The cFllrg S ecret aryftt the Department y vrt m weaitr.ee It the di reel ion cf the Utuje tf Rffrrcntativci, exprejjed in (heir refolution of the fecond inja,. th.'t he cwnnunicalc ta the Ihutfucb iij'.rmaihn as may he in his power, in .rdathnto the Jclrutlhn of the bttks crd papers hi that dfp!rtment by fire it(i&,ufi.g p3rticuUrly;hat iltjcr'p. tk'trf ts'ks and fapers has be(n hfi thereby t and tvhat the prtbable efletl cf Juch hjt -a' he in the aljuflment of the uneted accounts if the Un'teJ States. ' KefptflfuHy Reports-. Thtt he hti ,ery little doubt that the fire wkitk 00 the evening ol ihe eighth of November Isfi tnire lydflln.yedih. houfe then occkpitd by the De.trU rntnttrf W ar, wat communic.ted from Ihe adioininr K A Lilt it aaiM k.A M 1 1 - J ' . " i 7 . '"" ma norarv wnirn S'l'a? d 'Vt1 A'y b.. Of Ihl whole width of the houfe (twe.ty.t,ei.r tweo ty fix treit from the only fire place io the apartment in wh ch IaU fire place a lire not had been m.dco. f si in' "p"',dlt ttl ,h,,e ftk immediately p.t. That ike rspsdily with hi h a l..(. i:tiiy tetsded tbe flames 6 the adn.ifTion ol frrfh an inn Ihe rooan,CMirely precluded the pnOtbllily of ftvire any bo-kt or papeit Ihai were drpofiicd oa the ftcoflj ar 1 hi 1 1 Door the L,.Je oi ihe former, and one apart meat oa tka latter, the bein occupied at tbe Secre ' lafy'solTiii. Th l out ko- k or paper of iha ofT.ee waa fav. t,p, 0.e volurae. in .hicb the eonuafta a.J A.. 11 ' 1.1 ua. I.j ti.- -1 . .". T 1 ihii vsikfa aiana ware itorea - -V f i y Y "'ij-iflti 1 If '.' ; ' '" ' ' 1 11 ' 1 : 1 v , - at .. - -I ' ""; '

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