J . i i 1 i '-.. -TJ,!. had be-a into the Artoni.h.m'i F"l"en. tn i!.r?r und l6or,in .he o,r0g,r the idjuft aM r3i,e,iccoon-.,and faed wuh hit book. IDC pj, . wSith wee 10 inoie ap.r..e. . T . i .Jt...i..-.ii..r h-fiie. meafure. w tl- bau.iniiiieoi.mj , j ken to'ecufea reneW.l of the molt neCelTary and trrivrtot dctuAx-itt in in poiuDici.c-.. .- cr.r:j r.n.rt Vae llrc.d v been renewed, ana foi - . v don-Tr.unicitmm of importance Itom ina V. ri.tn ert, reiu-md and copteo-that addmont to jhek aalliU ind that the m.i.at.pn of the cS, io I. foAervtce. in ike Vwfc.n.. -I.eoo -eoinerua'. -eftibliftfrtie t, dutft.d by 1T, though or,!.ufftn'td; ii expected foon to be.nlheufual . l,rU t proton..- . - , ' Th-t lbej'rtry, wtllCH wis eiipry v-"1' J (X'enftve, and contained ny nvluaiy woik. ot re--'leb'rtty,' wnkh t u fewceT . espctt. Uotd, In o,J;r, however, to effeft fo d.l.r.Me an otjcftaa far . may ? e.the 'ecretaiy h. added a propo.i.on. tcfuir tpjihe eft-mated appropniiion for the p.elent tr, for. the f'l pofe ; j-t-.-vjt-' . ' ' ' , ,, Ihauthe' cjint ipr u'lni.m.. , - France, French WcA-Iadlei, E85 . ! 1 . !.tL..4 h F.nelaftd In .rydelerttrs, is to dc cu.p r - - o inn avainft the l cuam. 5. 23433 Spain, 4'743'"S TcnenrTe and other Canaries, 303,630 Honduras, Campfcachy, &c. - 9l7.17 Manilla and other Thiilipine . ' - - -14,"? Snanifh Wen-Indies. 1 - 8,370,400 .... - v s J ' r j -,660,606 Portugal )ldUCWl4 lhVthe ciniun iVi vw.,,,. ....... - . , 1 1 .ndt. tbeentr;e of h.c. err by the aft of .d 01 f a M.rch l-CiO, lifted to lhe;firftdy pt J uiy, ' , ,00.,..,.- y " n -j.-he chea. Ibd book, being 1 lott, a g,. ,t d.ffil v will oppofc ihrenqwingthe.lTuri of warrants lorthore ana. ZU feirefiv h f con-me'l to ipphranti. 1 at . .11 ' claim, be ftHed at the office belo.e the day on. which tl. above" mentioned limitation" wdl tak pl4..e, in " otitt that the eMmitfatjon of tlym may .hereafter Je " ,,de under fuchSegoUtious ,,av;be judged mo I 'p.Aber to (-cun to the x'a.vr.a.,b the.r hwjul rtgh U, and' frottft t'hl United State, as much af pvflible, , . from fraud and iiuion. ', . . . ,: Thti it ip,efumsd Un apyeonfequenceJto tftett ' the a IjaPmcot cf nn'fettled -C.ountf, . will follow r u. 1 .r. r 1!,, naiMS of the Sccretary'icrhce - the orisrial -lireaions f r exper.dau.ej being, it is ia.po W, to be ob'airco n the" entnm -n of the c count, gro ma nom ikw , - . r- - . ' . " , .1 ..,.i..,,l.l tVai art ft. which, with', the -enuwu 0: uie .h..., lni'ow,vit.- . . ..;..:...... RtlHtlnn h tb". attounts or tfe icl rriy . d other Azores, Verde Uiands, 522,728 56,868 237,700 Ti . .AhMhiiai rorreiQonaei'tc oc tween the powers of the North and the trench Ifion of territory, at the gUVIIHUIllMl . . r 1 .: I trtA Hire itl exDace:ot Ottier tiaics, . i.i,6- ' Bavaiia. isthe p.rotterea uu . . ,v A number ot liritun .ini.pr:u tmUr.i w: Uk1.. had cot; away, and K.r.n,...' and fr'om th? dilpoUaon of others, U expected many nwic would f Tmnrial caorice have driven nearly one third of tha inhabitants ffoirt St. Peterlbur?. . v . , The prizes taken in tnc narDour 01 coa, are, fo 'valuable, that the Iteutenat.ts of the Nereide frigate, arc to lhare trom, twcivc 10 fourteen trfotiTand pounds.eacli. The- rmr.eror Paul and Louis Buenaparte haye had an in'tervtew, -which gave rife to many curious peculations. lfTaed onjert fWtheofGcerVafftH Jitomin - tions to repair on that day to the porti f . Brett, Toulon, tiucutort and L. vyrifnt,; a miiU be molt convenient, Under a Paris date of I tn. 1, UiL that three erpeditton? are' now ready tor rej tn the port or brelt, viz, one- conv mrlrt hv Vice Admiral G.twtenumr. jcotifilttpg of nine fliips or" the liw'.v.' iecond comtnamieii .by, vice-V'jm,irai La rouch?. compofed ot five ihips ot the line ; A ' i . . . ... . ... 1 1 1 third comfnamiea by vice , Aaonrai bruiK . compofed of lj S)anifh and 15 French Ihips ofihtJil?. ..The camps ac Dijon au4 Lyonsj -as well as :he fine, cor.)i ot grens , diers la'ely at Tours,1 have beun their march tor Brett, Bdorueaux, ana lloch. fort. 1,165,844 Morocco - Italian ports, Turkey" (in Afia) and China and E(l-Ihdies generally -Weft Indies generally '.. . Afiica, .'.; Europe," . V North-weft'coafl'of America . South Seas Total . 73449 3,682,968 ' '" v " 047,385 115,631 366;6i8 .35689 946'53 70,97 1-780 fummwfoflJirvafaf -phtht-E ptrH-iMmX 1 eacfi mate. - . . Tlur" contaTn.rg-.crofiHl.-Snd-vo ,cher. of funflry n . . I in, riivin? trOOD. ! 8ld O.He tite cmtsi! i.g ii.d.vduai .iett ement. made by the lu pn'j. ST'i and corntDillioner of army ... k of u'e inthe exam'nation tt tbinn for lervi rior- to theabiaW..t of - -j J i-.vt fnrrlrtfcci hv' C ll Hi- ir;i J air en ..... .idri ln(a mj 11 :mHoic. no mteruhv ofthp-Uaited -t'.tei. r , .'h . ;.. e : hitPlieS attOtf lot At rCont nniier'nfrifril . . u". r,.'.(.. . ,'unit a. rontraftwr for"'tr,e 4UV'V. Nw-YriU, from the U of Jinu.ry to the aiil (,t D'fmbrr, 1 79 V- ' . ., ., ,, i o Kmi Um:' a , ount a co tiaftor f r Noith-t- l.-i- .. f. . f... lii tnr..:nini in 170 ). and 1800. Ifiitr- recounts had 1-ren exMnmeo an I the balance. z r,...! t.i.i K r! tir.t bren ent ted on the pun- .... U V. nwnv ni" ift"-rncet ifl the liatement. cf the ct.iinanti snd tho(e made it t: u f frV e, of wliich tilt y hd be n informed, but had not hnaiiv ' a ..- v,;..'i;n . Ktr material ineonvefi- ence it it thought tll 'anfe isom tlcloli of thcte ..... , . . - ' COU lt. ..it. r r.- -J r,.i. account, a. ontrattori ' .1,. fl.rr.of N'ew.Yoik, M-ifTachufrt s, Rhde- in.nl and Vevmr.it,' hom the lit ot Jniuaiy to 31 an ' , x r This tco. nt had not be n .x.rrine!? ; the amionts are thude only known from the cl.rfint;i . wn VrmorrtT' Malfachufetts, v Rhod. lllatid,' . Conoefticut New-"V oik, New-Jerfcy . - Pennfylvania, Delaware,--Maryland, Virginia, Noith-Carcltnai" -South-Carolina, Geurgta, 11,336.876 '. 1,322,845 HP45i79 . jf,q.iq,6fq 4l,0Q9 NEW-YORK, March 6. fif.or irt 'at-i-(Vint fiom Conftantinopie of the-lOi-h of Decemb r, a feripus q.iarrel had k,,'n,.(1 in that camtal beLween a part ot th: ,.,IU. rtf the Turkish and Rulftail fl eu, i wRB-romeolrkers loll their liy; Tii Porte iminediatcly offered any Vatistaction ilia; in.gnt be required ; but theambaliadfr from the court pf reterfbitrg wouia not accept .anyjj flruffiotvs ft om' Paul l.tp whom nau v" - . 'he difpaiched an . exrraordtnary courier wi h an" account ot the ctjcurTmances. ., , S.wiral accounts tlatel that. therjKaU'iQl fpverei in 'wlfU pfCiext tq juaxe. war oy itw? PAr.iA If ithe true, that the- emperor Paul rtasiratrarttceskEgy pfcte,ihg:Ffeiieia 1 n t h e IjQ naow pa m Ufm 5 an likelv. was lntenaea ior mai vui i-.v, ... - - - ' - - . r ' it L'. L .U T).....'.o It is added, it will be a ereat furprifeto the Enilifh, to find, that by the dole of th: firlV feflion of the ParliatneirT, Ireland will- be feparated frin the Bntilh tjoveriinienr.; General Bemadotte has dailv contnencea with Deputies of the United Inlh at Pans. .There are novr in Hampton Roads French trigate, an American frigate, and 1 B'it'lh Hoop of war; Tlie following new members wer fwora into t he Senate of the. United States on the 4tV. iii 'Mr. Pgden in the room of Mr. Sehsremis. Mr. Stone, i.n the room 01, Mr." Blood wotth. ' . Mr. Tta.y, rc-clfcd. , r, M' Mun eiibeig, in the room of Mr. IMrijham.' Mn'!'AnnUrOng, rceleted. ':' Mr. Shi'ifte, in theioOm of Mr. Landon. Mx.white, in the room 01 Mr.. Latimer, atrepunye o'Hite-ce--totfaici-Jod;-i tnc (utinvi ui vuiuiiluiu. --VVilrH rfTTtlphnmirf-of- Pennfrlaiia" . "-1'awi;SM, Dollars Drefent -critical fiiuatien in Which the Pone is r . . ' . r 1 1 : j . placed, a war wttii Kiiuia woun piouucc mm-OHS-confe q tie nces 10 the . 0 1 1 om an em pi re . L mv thi 11 (t indicates, that the flames of war which brgtn to gleanvin the North w'ill (pre ad to "the Fall. According to trie Uit aovtces irom von llaniiiiorrle, no accounts hd bee n re cri ved o f thaitoVaiance of ht Rabh Abercrombie at 1 ', -.L J O' C. . .. l.i . I. n : . . .1 r n r I' 1 1 I I J I 1 1 1 1 1 . .Illllfr 1,1 1 .1 . l 1 V . v - 1 J ' I UJC UlUW Ul "'o UHIUI..IV,.. . j- m",l,1' r ' .1.- f.. ....... t......, tli h if W7?V ICrs IfOm U1C vyuillincin, uui . , - Q&6&5 1 9lini!J.i gce had'been received of his faf'- arri r2, 74,i68 j ai Rhodes, whence he was foon' to tati ior I Egypt ! ha heet 3(1 cncui , 111 tiie room or jaicia itienoii, wh'O declined: This nomination Was made. by Mr Adams. . - 12,264:339, 4435o'9' 70,971,780 Treafury department, regxflers fifjtce, ttb. 3, 1801. JOSEPH NOURSF, Regincr." OPERAJTO.N b, IN 1 1 A L Y . " " , Hireiice, DecmJer 9. Admiral K?ith intimated the following to all the cor.ftsls of the neutral powers, re fide at at Beghorn ; By the cxprefs command ot his lJritanntc maiellv. all the ronful of neutra powers. ftjtemetil. winn thiy vme r"nc 1. -j , f. ie hoM-ht i.vat 1.0 fttilemeni can be moe uoii! refident at Leghorn, are ordeied to fend away principle In a I f-C i-.rs. aiv ujc niijJ ui l"y icip-winv iiuiiuiu K.ix... .Um aih l'fimaiM. Aiihn rvmralliin of the laid term, thofevwho fiiall have difobeyed this or- der, fasllbe coirhdcrrd and trea-.ed.as enemies in the op?rattons which will take place. ri i 4 i r : - . i nn miima ion wnic l icemi io announce a The latefl : ..accounts frem St. Thoma9, il ncA UaLail M ii veil id by ..I W :s B' itidi rrip i es ii 64 juns eafhi who capuu 3II vcjlels boiind tkitre aiul fend, them into. Tor tola. A. I) nifli vdlel loaded prihei- pauy wun uo.t noons anil pics was cnaieu by tiiie ot thole mfues hue came io near " as (o i'der the DSn'ifli captain to fliike br lie fhotihl be funk by-a broaditde ; . the Duie defied his ituter, and at rived aiSt. Thomas, a)"t?r receivtnn fcveral flioi, in n fitattered and diiaided condition. It ia reported that the itouih will attack tha PHILADELPHIA, March 4. ' F.xtrcB ct a letter from a ,'t-ntlcmir, in Lind'.rt, to htt Iruna m wis city, a uca iu.is. . ,. January U. liters from Wpoo), datrc - ir, S nee the Auftrian ratnm.nder in chief, ' Prince; . uat-y, Jttate, lha!loard. and Plank, Char!e, deminded fn-m Ccnerar Moreau lbs r...)4.u,i4fU;rly I'trte, arc til nem.illit anil i' t w tr Ih nild take place wt-h Ruhia (as ..1 . . 1 : t 1 ... 1 1 .1 . .. -n m;flite which !. been concluded on in confequiice yt tl.e Authian defeat at Holieu tnden, a great vidto y bat heen obtained' on the sjtli December, by the French o-.nerai urune, wm mnon 01 int itny . ' . . - , - . Italy, over th.t o the Aallrian., commanded Uy lire.U ale 10 all Uim ot timber -and naval 1 .n.,.A,. Tha fiu. t of ihi. vidurv on the i Itrvres. Svtvfi are (lull. The nrelvfor (ide of the Ficncbr wa ai piece, of cannon, 400J p-,-ce of logwood and tillic from America,. 11 witn.i ot likely i lead to one with alt the- NuViheru pi'wer) it mull cmife a ery . .. al. . U atl iifl wLe,... .Hm.tii 11 contractor fof lUTtiUn .int. foii, belu and f.abiatd., per comratf in Lppii ex m'nfd, owing tot want ol vou Let L upob-hie that duphc .Jet of the ac(0U"f n be lurmfhfd, and lhai tioin- :i ..!f in the felt ement P. t -.f the v juchcis belonginS to the piymifler fet.e ac.Dunti. ..,, " 5oi. oi the'rn.er and r'.rol' thu'aicount we.el. tt. bH heycaii ill be repl-cf d in. on. .i.ie i etui that o( hig tiea mide fiom da-pli.-c a tl.e pi.fTcino.i of the pay matter general wi.l ati e. , , , . Allv b'ch iiiffprfifullv tubmitted. SAMU a, DEXTER, j . Atti.ga Stc'ry of War. War Department, Ttb. nth. 1801. U,A;TJT VCTO N March 10.' 11 A fu"im ; 9 v voluf nnA dtiihalhn of 1 in vn ni mi ir.c uk rttuivii'i Dollar, To PruiTu, . , A nil r tatii (lain or mifline. ana 8 oo taken nrtfonci. - u a, , Th .t.nur (trlcati have comoleaied the humil ation of theh ufe of Atitlrta, which, from it. fdejity v ' 1 1 . j.r . 1.-.. ' Its engagemenia, iccmca uutnnnimu. Betoie I'rfnce Cil lie. had firnrd thia anr.iaice with Moieau, the euiperor had been icleafed Jrom ill fvs enjagcm.n with our gove'nmcm ni talc ot fu'J'e n.ifn.tune i and th uph the vcrv extind'viA of the ......v, -- 1 a 1 m vrroment frrrrud to . t .1 the- will of the I .M .... ft 7 ? -11 . .. infu.i.1. ntf Ihp mAri.'r.iiAii nt r.i - I nin vuiui, i f r ' "J . ... bombardment, will make It nccellary tor the j preliminary conditi ni of the arrni'ttce, Hia . neutral p.oweis to remonnrate. - Uhas no views of tiutr,atu.e forthr., .'e na.td ,o f.i.. 1 iAni-iXnn than what were i,tcl.:r u.rti ottjr ill-" battle of Mar ngu; for by making me 1elt i nk ut LONDON. . ' - lllf ...V r,.,. n'ifll. P.. .'u O.ii. . i I kn..ii.m..ii..pilriiii. Dnminnl u. rriiifliin nic . , ' . I So )ar fo good, at far as the mperoiS C.mao tr Mr. Printer, I ritnry i concVned Hut, on tne lide i his .fTnts Sir Various renortt havinffbeen circfilat 1 1 ita'w. wh JBt deranged ana endai i-red. there it are fo verv low. that, added to the txnectttl 1 I". f 1- i-t... l' .LI..1I . increaio ot ire:jMS, it may rc.uonauiy uo . I . 1 Ml a a xperted ineie arricicssivm oe very nifjn in Enilaidat)r'it July, if the inieTcooiU 'jetwm Enghn i and Hamburgh rontin" u?s. Tar. Tuipenttne, Pearl Afiies. Oak ind Pine Logs arc, all coohderayiy iid vitneed. innr.leoaence of the the relative iitMation ot that coun ry und Kullii. The tollowitm is an exit aft ot a letter iron a leipfrtible houie a is unndou. to battle of Marngu; lor by maKing me leu inn ut I , , ,,' . ibVRhioe the bound.,, of the iw-h Repubhc, country, dated IJtil Wentve wrirrcnto you under date of. i!l, io h. 14, h it.il. In the firll we re i. ' w" r, - "-t o- - - --- -imen".one'i mar, as nin a price .as ocs. ted refpeaing the unfortunate Bntilh fubjetU La f.y ng wMb.afTmem. ,i.e.i. no; i h.tje to . rlD.rfi,e flu ' arTi iu' irtJulT., t iVnd vr, ,h f.llr,winrr .u. UoHtend wi'tS.Jo..., rie hti al.r.dy 'deo.red , ' f ' lor I ipertt te Hotir mt oSa. . ' ' -"A."--: r;n & tethatvia-nvi Mli ihentic information, which I requcll you will inlcrt in yo' r paper ; . ... The pei fons of the Britifli merchants have W herto remained u'nmolened l and what ready money ihey had in their poirelfion has not teen . w n . ....... - - i ft rr that vl&.jivi -the miereO ot Earooe oo.. hoi " . " ........ .: . ; How the emperor 10 put m, Aitge,",oi couiie, Mantua, c.nn l be tetuned ty the emperor, nor the t riitaij ' between the hint oi the Mtucio tod the AdigV. ""7 - . a w m . Count Couenii,ihe tmperori p t nipircniiry a t J 1 . - J f. . J..Tk I mftnev ihev had in their Doiieiiton nas not teen . r. " . . ? " j L. -r .r... V, .1. ' feized j but their vare botiles are fcaled and I lolhe rren It plenipoie .tUry, that he,wared leiititm ot ihe Ledfltture. it has. bv fome tl their proper-y ti under fequcllration. All lo totrr upoo i.e.oci.uoo for a fep.r.tt pe "Iminake, never teccived the royal "atlenr. 1 n :..n. il!... ...J .1,.:. r.:..J k. I r.i.ir The liench oecnmrnt ie I . . .. . . . .. .. . ...p.... ...... ( w . . toi fine do. wsl'ecured to the im,nrtfr. !. . I - rt. t - I I T.i r - - 11 nc 1111 j-nan ciearcn nut troin nnienca t.wrni the loth ot Jano.iry and jjtl, M irch ; and which we extViifie l Irom the. vo. rs of the 11 tule of Commons , but we t. 1 . 1. . . 1. i. :. ..... ..,..'.. .1 . I'm iii.u iiioui'ii it wai ccitiilll'V lllC in. 24,8 ;a. ( Sweden, SwcdiUi Wed. Indlei," United1 Keiherbnd, "D'i'.AVi-fl l-diei and Ame ncan coloaiu, - on in 11 - j ... -1 iu r 1 the Britsfli hips and ihcjr cargoes are fe:id by 1 with trtnee I .l n..rr. ... Ik. ...4 I out. that whi The (tench government five. me interior OT me I . tt O.-uSlie. fh.ll be iraateed..Cuai Ji .ut. w - - - - - - r - - - - u j 1.0,1 1 crews are marched into -u 1 1 . . . . - teou.itrv. in companies 01 one captain a h.k.kiM nair iA ih 4 ill. U.t. w i ft wiiiirn in t - - - - t - - r - - w . . vJ " w - " " c6a.68s ' ten or twelve ff amen. They ire drRnbortd in I tonfequeme of lh itloij 01 genettl 8unt iu Italy. ahove a nttnorea. to one moutana mnes on- . vn '" sir l -.1 tl. t it - wh n no doubt, the x tie l tTfou will rtuder Ihf 4,371,964 .ance from ihe cap.,a!.--The Rullun govern- rt Utufa(1'. iiiltlfi ft( wh'itb , wi . 1 mcnl allrwi fr their hibfiflence daily, five yo,Ht ean.etl adMcet." I,39&,o$8 'copeacks in money (about ihrct halfpence) a m . Ifmall meafure ofrye flour, knd one of buck Tl ALE1GIL March 34. iSof. ... . . It ismtntionecl as a curious tact ut a 5,669,016 'E.'c'and, Mn and Rfrwick, .15,856,160 Coernffy, jcifty, bail, and Aldemy, . Scoilar.it, Iteland, (libralnr. Ca"e 1 1 GnrvJIIocer" llMtifli Fall Indies, -BritOtWfll lndes, . Newfoundland d liHfla 60i '' Brittlh American colonie- a 1,0)6 1,6-8,600 1517,867 065957 130,4b 1 6,404.5 - . 40.3 6(4 118 i J.J9-aS9; wins. a.. 1 1. . . .j f... .I... n.!,:n. I n .1 . . . 1. t . ...t 1. ..1 . iUl o'o"",'j v-usi AJiixiii 1-1 jjdiion paper, mat tnc iccwim unnio in li .. c. t.'.'.. n.... .J. .-..j . ,. f ........ ;.- cnanis ai ui. ' a rnuiyg, hhii.uuui Hit rfencn 1 rcaty, capungcu wgr 40,000 roubles (aouble is about a crewn) Senate, was inlencd' at jhe particular for ih. if better accomin'daiionf fiorn which inttance of our Envoys, ami cowirary to 1 r a.. 1 ....... . . : .. :.l . li.. . ft . . .... t 1. ti...:.,... ne lurniinru j vauiini win, jja ruuoic. 1 mc willict 01 .ine, ricnew ntit.iaiwili for the ufe of himfelt and ten mer, and bo'l r 1 aaa m 'I' mm a. a H for every man 4 ibeeptkin coat, a lur cap,' a fifhJibair of (?love, famf wirro lhat, and .rrL;... u.k:.t.. two pair ui iihMia;i. iiuii', ivmniun 1 uni, Vapi. i'luiiiaiau, 1 ii.'j. nvui u tarn of the country, ire brought for the tap-1 Orient. In her came Citizen Louis Andie 1 .11 . ft A . II t i l...,. ' m . .. 1 . taint and tome 01a men pftiants furnilh horlet &t till November. e tots w.re thus difpatthed from d the teinainder miftake, never teccived. the royal "atlenr. 1 ii r . t 1 oiiu niuii 1 in to tnc i'miii 1, u. me rar hament has hnce been Uiltaived. MeaTurei may be taketi tf rant relief; but for fear ir mould not taRe place, vc wiiu jou to . af i . i.aaTl at e mm .ipprize our incnutoi tnc nate 01 tne caie. The following letter from Dnn In.nnm - -w j---,,-.... Girri.1. Governor of the bpanifli pari (,f .-it. Lyniio',o, ii'i uccu icccivcu oj tne . Pidi lent of ihe United Stacei: sir; . ' " The jreat humanity (the oflTtprlug of a magnanimous bread) of a miiiury of ficer of, the Unite! States, diferves the .a A .f at . r4rea1e1t.3pp.an1e irom me and my whole nation, 11 was tuipi.iyen 111 mi recent conduit towards two numerous .families. .. I. ...... t. . I .!. .. 1. . iiivii, aiM vv I kuinintl lu.nil w II II llltl UUI . I ail II IIC, coat, a fur cap,- a On the? lolH Inftant arrived ot Norfolk, j who were removed from this city io Porio wirm thai, and he Frer cli Ifijj tie La' SemlllAnterof 55 Kico, and compofed of tnaoyTmall cliil biikas,or common ouni, Capt, Montalan, 47 lft)i Irons4 L'ldren and ladies of quality. ' Imperial ports Uu.lMiii Biltnep, etc. JM47 8,013.846 altar their melancholy journey. frigate mention, that the rnolt aclive cried out fur kelp, .10 fave themfeUes . (signed) preparations are makinr-sii the mai ine Iroiii becoming , tht unhappy vU'iiins tf STEPIIEN SUAlRr.' dipartmert 'i general rtview of all the the temptll,- or of the want f nsutictl ft... C... L B . .... f... . k . . L . t .. . . rft . . . . ft..aii.ub. i.ua nn 9 lA A. .11 ISl r 1 Ml din rhrillUn flrtnmna m Orarj-, with a' Dutch corps of cfturantij and lof Jtnuary. The Mintllcr of -Matinr Dai c, who. in the harthitli gflla heart,

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