. 5 l fc U r -K VH Tl I M A: N P H A ,11. Three" Dollars per A nh nm. !- n U K b i; a y, a f K l I; b. iRof. Vol ;-V H.v.. R.f,.TittvM.-.. ! : SJJrS L? i!f fe"?? i':" ? " M no .emtenuo. .nd PhUtdelph.a.Wfc., profe .w i y i , , ......... .. i ... .luivuii. vi i'n ui ui ine i vou a nnre.t. i -.. . . . ..-. . . . 1 upon me tai ties, out 10 per cent, he thought fuffiaient. ' ' ",': . I :.. tkhrfday, Fth 26. - Anift altering the ;ii Drift of Bermuda Hundred H nd City point, wii tead ihe thud ume-and pa'fed. A memorial of.Captain Philip. Sloan, praying to ke reimbuifed the amount of rnonics advanced for him by' the bankin hoafc of Bacris tt Co. of Al giers, to procure. ni ratifomfrom captivity, wai lead and referred to he committee of claims- Mr, Gallatin presented accord i g to order) bill ling the compcnfation of . receivers of pl-ic ifto iet for lands of the United States,' and regulating the mode of calculating Jifcounta in cafe nf Prompt . ytymcet for the id raftdi, which ieaX twke end referred o a committee of ,he whole to-morrow. Mr. J. C- Thomas made report Irom the committee appointed on th? petition of Notley Young, & o. there; whereupon refojved that the petitioners bare li eve to withdraw their petition. " This petition deftred permiiTion from Congrefi to. build a bridge over the eaUcra branch ol the Po tomack. ; . " ,-' The houfe proceeded'. to confider the amendment, reported yefte rday from the corrmitter of the who,e koufe te whom- was commi ted the bill providin. for a Vavaf ceace' Eftabliflt nent 'r fame : nf uhln were spread to, tad others difjgreed to. I aporooriated by theac"li of th i wnuM Wv;A MiYf-Md Ctb July.; liafThai. the lotti of J Mr. V-rnuih r.m;J.J ..k." .:.!:: ..... . lonrtern thoulind dollar weeni was 1; percr aotli Ma?, t-800V ' (Ordered to II on the table. Mr. Dsnnia reoorted a 'bill, entitled An act concerning the di'.lrift of Cqfrmb'ia," which was fid twice, and re erred to committee of. the whole h ure t omorrow. - 'v Mi". .Nicho asfgom Ihe joint'tomm' appointed to conitder what other mtafurea -orfghi to be taken for the accommodation of the fie'-dentof theUnttd States, ard to whom was referred' the me&ge of the Prefident concerning the difsofuion of the pro pen y oftheUnitd States to hit .fTffli ,n, m4 Report, Whxh rport was committee tu a commitict f the whole to-morrow. I ' . Mr., Klcho as from the fame committee reported a bill in addition to the' aft rkrng p ovifion for the further accommodation of thehoufehcld of the Prefident of the U. S. whh was read twice and referred to acommittee of the whbTe. to-monow, The houfe proceeded to c -nfider the amtsndments reported yellerday to jhs bankrtipt.laV ,.hich were ag;eed to, &on the ouelUon" of engrolTment' ior.a third readin.:, it pafTed in the' aftirmstive by yeas acd nsy Yeas in W i. The bill. A motion wa then made to Itnke out the dtu hinVVimr t.w iTl ua t.tr. - V . . 1 11, , , " r-..v.w . K.111U11 ( wriiiq ii UTOIleU to ICh IS SI jclSoWS ! .. ' fi, vrrnn.:....n..Vfl..li L- V - . . C" T Be ii enfted, That every rsptairt, maflercom , irundini, i'rrutenant, who Riall b in C r vice at .the - trme when rVe red uclta a jf . the.ni v.yfbilU a k e 1 ce . tfoiefiid, . while reinaining aoemployed, ii'lhave and receive" during his natural . life and contiuutnre in office, m,e half h a m iuh y pay", j. a;ree ihly to.the rank T hia com iilfiun or warrant' tin condition however," that lie Ihill at all times hold bimfcll in rejdiners to 'cntei i iib, jft iaLier.v jce, and 1 fn t pay on being fo ordered ; sod that l( Ih -Il keep the -;eereta;Y of the Navy advilcd of his lce ol tefideno- and of the neareft p itt town there to and (hall not - t any tims abfent hinfclf 'rom bi l'ce of rr fiJence AQre than 40 'djys wiihou . till having obtained written j)crm;ffion from the fi a v Ju e p s r t ' ; en l " ' " ' - And n the queltfor betn taktn Vv Yeas and ;-' Vyt it naffed in the "negative Yew 48 Nays 49 A motinn was then made to add jhe following ' frftiont Tht the Prtfid-nt. of the U. States be and he ia authoriftd to dif harge any part of the k Marine Corps which may be unneceffny for the nsval fervice." " . J And' on the qufftioo beingotaken thereupon, it parTt-rt la tbc a&irmaiic, Yeaijj Nt a 49. The commit te ws , then recornmitted to a com mittee ol the whole, who h ving confideied the fame, reported the difigreerr.eni of the committee to , the 4'.b ftftionj and bn the queiiton being taken, the houfe confirmed the difagracment of the com '4snitiee. t On the queftion of psfliog the bill to third rerl ir, it pafTed in the affirmative Ys 70 NVs 97 Otdeitd llut ihc faid bill be read lUc third time to amotrow. " Fr'iav, Fd. 27. . An iQ to retain a further fum on drawbacks for the enpences i cident to the allowance and payment thneoj, nd in lue of (lamp duties on debentures, w.s icsd a third tin e and palTeJ. Te aft providing , for a Naval rlace Eftablifhment was rtad a third licit and paled, by yeas and nays as follow.! Yeas Co M.ya 18.' rsAs. WpfTis. Alllon, Bailey, Bartlctt, Baiird, B ftip, J Brown, R. Br-wu, Cabell, Chriule, Clay, t io.r.e, C indit.Djvis, Dawfon, Dennis, Dent, EgkJellon, Ksns Fr:tman, Ga latin, Giegg, Gnlword, dove, Hanna, Heifler, Hill, Holmes, cVfon. K.lchel , Kutera, 3, Lae. Lti!?. Lincoln, .ion, l inn, Livinijlion, Macon, Mattoon, Morris, Muhlenbnig, New, Nithlas, Nitho fao, Page, PUell, Raido ph, J. Reed, N. Reed, Shepard, t nulie, J. SmiiK, S. SmitS, f pa g,?, ftanfgrd, S-one, lumpier, Stewtrt, Taliaferro, 1 rnney, Thatcher, I. C, Thomas, Thonit.rou, A. Tiig , J, Trigg, aitwell, Varnuai Wan, R. W.ilitms, L. Wil liams la. -- , t , mTS Meffis. Chsmplm,1 Cooper, T. Davenport, Pickfoat, tdmond, Fofer, G 0. C. Goodrich, t . C.nodr'Ch, Hmer, Imlay, Olia. P-rker, Piatt.' 1 -C-mith,Sheat; Wadfwonh, Vds 18. ' . m-(Te wn received from the Piefideut trsnfJ , mil mg A report of the feeVrrsty of fiate wuh fun fiy dorumcnis lelaiive to the fubje Q ol the rcfolu on I the Htu'e ol Reptelcntativ a o the a 4th i alt ant ', l .i Grifwold fiom the committee appointed 10 . at quiie ntn the etperditurrs ol money, made by , the commiffconeis ol the City ol WMbmgton, the sjifpoRi ion ol public piopertr made bv the n, aaa jntially into all the tnnf.aions of the coram f- boner-, which tcWte 10 the rxecutioa of Ihe truft cmfioeti lo ihem by ihe rreGdem of the U-ited c . . . . j . . .L.i. . 1 . - i( nnn was rcaa ana conli- 'fra s . hto years continuaficeiba4e pertuaI.', March 2. S firtl- IrhrA j.t.J .. F A ' f 1 m',x .nllt.J ' au. X.'.. 1 ' j-"",.r . 1 urnl,ure men purn iieu rait ng place. - , , , a Ci! " the eight -yearr of gea. Wafhing-; Mr. Craik hoed the fura of 15 er cent: ad . n saclmtTjiUrUion.'and he believed no comphints ' on vould be allowed. He. believed tftat market;-'" SIT ra ry we'hre f3'. ' M'c 'lofe of his pe- in P.uladelphia w,i ch aper than here, and that hVr . noa or ome, and before Mr. AJams- came into of-' exoences were hif.Serj for, from ihe dift.nce tho tfc lCZ . m :e tr 'Prfopriated, toge- ' bffi.ers were from G-o g--town, nearer than which "fP'it-jf tht. fale of fuch as w-r the greateft number of the 'ctfi'ks could not be ac- ' unrhnn. bleor decayed, le did not known that commoHated, they were often obilged to 1 he hacks the amoupt ot the 'alci wai alfrr.,'n.J k.-..... .j r. -1 .u.. 1 .t. ..... - acxied ilthe purchafe of nrw. To !hi, waa added believed tfae cl rk ow in ,t.r. u,... .J.-. '. f -. IIVA Mtui rA ;chqi ex t ended. He !wyi had luppofed that the whole of thefe fuma erc intended lolcly t,r tJjrproviding of. houfshold furniture. It appeared, however, that this law had eceived a different conftruaion by the Prefident, tnan he had hard given to it by ajsy gentleman on the floor: fir i. i the in.entorv Wfurnituie remain ing ur h .nd which had been f jpp ied to the houfe, Deuwan item of feven h rfes'and a carriage, and 'applicants to fill it from, and the public bafmefs ne eveo a market waggon,, together with harnefs, &c. . ver ;uft;rtd fro n if as h had heard of; He had not This plainly evinced that lo' .the h ufe had appro- 1 found that Jiffereiice of liviugbttw-en Ger-r.-o, puled 15,000 d'lara f0. houfthold furni'ire, the .'..and- Phila'de'Va wh ch fame gnule te, epprehf d Pre(ident had thought b.fmfelf authorired to pui chafe ed.. He rather tl ug' t U't li"iiig Wia foiewt ttruages, horfei, and ptihaps any thing which" his cheaper at George'.iown than af Phi'adelpMa, and tncrcioie rtii re cou.a te 110 ocelli 1 1 lor a:vjnr n hv Juit ahlr - tnt n.'W.rfcffi i.. wii i...... ;. ' - ; -"'.'ui wtucn me pi bnhrtfi m ght temain undone, or ouu. cxiclnefs. - ' M '.' Macon had often heard of the greit d ngr." of" loG''g.pei;(bnsof talcms and not gett ng others in tht pl.ic ? of them, it the filary was too low, bu." he be. li.eved the pi ndcle wai a Ulfe o .e . Ht believed " thfre never "w.s a vatarcv-'but ihere w-re oleniv of ' ublt-.. A convenience migh fuggelt ! Mr. Macon faid. the arguments of the gentlemsn 'rom .De.'wi"e who, had piopofed a fum. much inoit III! IIKinr. l)C(Illr It VJUt trl. uirnf fslaries from that c fe. He hooel the the T" iiung, oetaute 11 was let., went to I Viroyrttrer 1-4,000 doltaf rfrrufl beippMpriated cvfy : 4 years j out M?on th principle (here would be a '"hMjo-afe-reTdlved itfelf inio-smmhtea o the bui for the further accoWraoda ioa of the Prefident Ti T ' " ?toh bei-g heaped. upontacK o!ul " ""a - pp.vpu.iion ot i5iooo a iian part, he ws not willing to take awav inv durnit the laft feflion for turn ft,i U ..' I., .c .T. n" houf.-tomhW w;(i, ,K.-: y c aJ:JU" " vo'tft at been I id aa. heina fi f, V.rV L" 71, "L" -"1! " the remaining tun. in t.,u aa it 7 ,040, 10 Pcurc anaiurety thia - uAlr fufficient, thoueh in Ivi fuCh.. d5 ' furn,,l!re ? mi5ht.be "fl"y. i io there-would be no neceCrv for it? niiocr conirniict ih 11.. i,.in ..... 1.11 - - . . .- yearVby tn-ie NowTs for his of out, bui imo btbe hand. win mi tiiDUirnr oentirmn uir - . 0 - o -" iv 1, iL qunued with llir k kJ I P Dlnl u.i . I .. . .;;r;::L:T..'';; "'h":" ,e M been mentioned were fce,fin- t r 1 ,r. wh j win 1111 mnuffnt eer or fo large and fo elegant a ho jle 1, was provided pletely acquainted with the ror tiur 'mrpr. Th . . i'vukii viic iiuuic wii nri: nrr inn rnrniiur wh.u u.j i : i . v nun.,, iiiu urcn p.ovioeo com- quan ity or ihe. kind of for that houfe. larpe nor loo luniiifL iu urniin it in in t itii it Ham.nii .7 . -.;T.r:-r.r-t t i. t . . . . - --... . .. iiuuiuntr 1LCT.1 11 n'.ir il.n H t.i.n.x... II . L. m ght d fapprored of the manner in which th- rnonev had ra. rrrlup, he. faid, the old furniture ;.rocu'e 400J dollars, which aid. d to.'the 6:03 dol Kjaaan I . a A J L i ' ' ' l.rs, and u ihat addei udoU hT' ZZu l " J Vta f?'? could P nnm mnw . . . n . J . .1 ., . w move aa an amendment to the ui! l I IOOIO II m Ulth-tha l...i U j - 1 , , .. . - .... ...v !.. nvw- wuM.a rvcr. ne n it nn nr ... i. r . amount to ao.ooo do lars for furn, ure . hi-n . un if . u "lv tne uur believed was aa.fm.ll. . . u l".: . .,WM,wu,tt ,'c?a nra illt" tin. he would Quantity as'.w .uld he minwiQi m 1.. way adequate to that "place. I l Mr. t,n -.t. . . whole ol i: goveri'tie.it was one; had endeavored to procu-ethp belt poffib'; ' iu,p.iitan e. I intormaiion nf ih (l,. r .k. r.d. ..:... r, ' -- - . wi i .it- luriiu houtej, they were well fatiified would bs ng tiveil i He b licved would n'ot futfer (ton ii. , :X Mr-,-Gllat r,s...roov.c.d-to RAi.tlmfiixmU. and infert to'pcir ceU wi'vcrTwas carried, and. he me,n (menu greed to. ',Ttt fenaie"atterwrds notified ol tt ei cone feuc :in the am iied, .ent.'' Motion made to infett the '-fTillaot pe.ft-mifler e jieral. but from-the- fuggellion 1 u the fal iy of Uiat officer was hot fix-d by la, it wi. wiihirawn.7' -.Three hundred dollars addition was m tie to the falary of the chief e'erk oP thc oavy depar'ment, by which that faiary was mide 1500 dollars, in unifor mity with thatolthi chkf cie ks ol 'tbe'other de fairtmrrlis . Mr. Macon -made report from -the corn-fit ttrr nf claitnr foi the ""i-oftpb" ement'i i TeVtraT petiirJnsTand " for the difcharge of that co,r mttee. This wa greed to and the papeis returned to out o the pvtU, tioners, Joirph Hidgfo.i, wi:o prayed -nm enf-tioa for t'e lofs of his ,houfe, ( he late war office) dellroy ed by fi.e whillf o copied by the government. . The houle took up the amendments of I tfenatt) to the bi.l to ercft a m ufoleu-n to Georre Willii,,.. were tO"tli:l;i niv mi. i. oftl.fum mu Url Wn e. J and infer! monu.'em ; to Brike ut ?co,oj6. and i uicd by the Mr. N lr hnl, (!! .1.. t l.i . . u.a "j 'r. t wnicn .r g:.,t,eman 1ft up, .arr edthe evidence nt ir. u,- ton. The amendment. ure now in the nendeti imnn mhnhUi . L-.r-L ii f. .'..r-.. .!. jZ,.. ' : - .. . " 1 '.w-'o ? . r - r - vui v vi iiiii iniuirniiin mi nriirai. uitii mj.wuu luijimaiisi. an itiirfM -t . , t hi I m lai rva tfl . a I nrnnrf t kn .L... r - - . r . 1 . . r t1 band whicn the I..II nrf,-! Z. .. 'i' .i" 1 .V"' w' l"c roore on lor money proceeds of f;e from futh as might be u fit, wou d dc 1 peuectiy competent to that decency of ftt'e "..i.M ic ii.iiiicr 01 j vmir ot mat officer tould re jto be appropriated for the puip..fc to which that anceoi ine neada ol th mtirninJ n sr- jj n wa.ihi'i. Buthto. W fhingon, Tobai. Lear. 0 ght to be applied. He knew of no .oliect to oi J hn E. Upward, efui s', couloruioir the bill which the antlnin. nhf.. U.V i'.i ' tl,.r..n . ' .. ... . theiwile than ti evince his difooltiwi.. 1,1 I Mr uvu,.. BUI, lie lain. 1- MIAIIH It. ,mr ..I I .rOTin.. ; LI.. : 1 . - r 'i.. an.jreement of . ,;;,..,"" "L VT.wn,,.V-,.n" uPon .ho are ... r.e lena.e, bt without the ,t .v;r; .;;j.v ??ed. .howev" th : : ;ttf.t ,i'"' whi.hirw. j..,k.,. . ", V: " T'" wuu' "ol gentleman to w.th old, ve-ano,, an it :;:; me.i..re sswe e neefTaiv to tarrv into e,u.( whkh the Mr. S. Smith hoped the moijon would not re vsil. He could fee no neceffii y wiiaiever lor more to be appropriated .ban the unexpe. dfd 6000 dol lais propoled. In is yens, he f4.d, then had been 36,000 djllars ufed lor this oKjett." The pre fent furniture, with what this money and the sro- rrrAt r.f il.. f-l. ' . .:i . . . . . ' ui. wit. procure, wouia VltKt B .L. ..... .. a o , mis very improper. Election ol furnnuie, h did how. atua m m LI a 1 i u. k- 1 ",uu ,ULn P"" a e"f sppearance thaa at prelent. tho at me ol the houle as weie occupid, he could percei.e no , fent he could fie 00 dtfic ency P .y.ui.mc uur eiciiaiice. When Ihe t tr u - r - - - Harper. moved to amend the amenm!. nr retaining a.iytlem f"mewh.t fioiiLr upon 10 the hou e, after fo oitNre a d dilcuiTio-', he wlheda torn ., ta houfe had eiven the fliaa mini ,U.. t uonwhat ws already begun. t . prevail, in preference to a monuaie.it He obiea d Mr. S-ni h could not conceive how he ha: endea-' f' u or nothe ground, snl that Was to th- man. y ured unworih y to t.s p,e -?oo the fallen. He in which h eapeii litu.eH the ra .ney was to ba r tl tied upon no individual, nor did fe know who lu.i-nn nced. FirO, ho.ev r he would move 10 waslalitn, noi die he know the gemlerWa mean. 1 ke oni 50,000 doUr-, nd jnfe t k-cooo Ha uu. L,c. .uui lama oeen eneaef4 in mak ut was not poiteued ol a aerv amna r.i.-m,..! f .u- li: r " " . ' . exigence or monnm-nta, bui he wa, c.tuin thii futn . 11 ovquate too.oOi dlars w nld . f t r . . . " n man 1, one 01 me inadequacy of the fum, .e haps he wifhed to purchafe plate, but as th s v. s an 11. line Mr. Hrrei's motion l0r 8000 dollira nlW and iiej tivel. wir. oayara 1 ,r y w mated the f roe fate Mr. -.I.' L r. 'r . 1 ' ,v wihWi inv ium 01 monev whiiftrr miki l II...... j ...1...1. . . . exoended. "he hnH i. n..,A ' l' ... V.."""" "rr" " the fame r HVk ws ajipi i iu iuai . way, 00 Which Cut. tl Y M . VIC. - ,..Mr; ?Tl1 d;ffere1 i" OpJoioa with hit colleagi:'e (Mr. Saaith) tl.at he II. le of .he rooms now furmfh, cd was fucb as mud be defirable. Whit ihe could be laid hen it wis considered that the ! rgelf sod moft elegant rooms, weie not ye; lain toed f Bat furniture mu be procured for thefe apsitments be. for-'he ne it fell tOQ of COOftcfj. fenJ it mnnlA r- lainla O . t Baa utiieL . . . . I "-'7;n..ow pro. Mr. Piat, movtd .. infer, , 88c dolia,. lor addi. r;..v..b ..Mvr,. wssconimeredthit .uon.I tOmoen at on 10 n.. rit,.' j. .1.. . . . I .. . ' -iu MIC ririj. IE sod general p -office di'pirinieaii. " r. s-em i. .ed 10 flril a out iu r.. r- r.t withdrew the amrn n.ni .1 n gethe!. Th bil was engroff d and palled its thirj read m during the fclTioo. The amendments of the fensta to the civil appro, pnstton bill wera taken ur oufe in comrt,utee. Ouewss to infert 160 eJoilata lor the fervice. of 6ne extri. clerk in the war and one in the t eafurv epartnwnt, to upply the deficiencies of p,pttl, oc. afi'.ned by the recent fi.es - This wts psOel. Mr. Piatt moved -o inlert 1 1.88c doll.,. i. .jj: the whole fum was ycry little more than was appro- (AIM aW aa4 aauat a a ..-. L t 1 ' f n nopea gentlemen would ce.f. their objecltousto, he to.oo-. dol.aV. rop7fd. r.lVtdWthw Office He fi L-arirf M . Mr. Macon b-lievcd theium al.'rady approprsied m f-em them a d ih!.e(4 f , 1 4a' " 1 to be aoroaste to all the .ii'.- .d .t...L.l..p:i ?. 1 ?. ,h",0 f-ppofed they were la. fa..iilf taiuit Tm. L...-&1- a r --ivi if pan pc iouia ift i.j tnof t ' Mr. Piatt lAid tlit rlsfk it... j occ.lio. for lur- ifbing V houfa for .be Pk.Wo .0 coivS ! Ih.otbo e olthe he.d.onke.depsrnnents, il be lend . letter t. X IJSJ2I reoicltoi .0 U ? .hoie t , ,v r. fl.le l coc) doll.,, . yes, ws, qu-te eluded m the bill. ' " eU,,, ,c L io .. . . ..v- ... . n v . wuuiu pui ec n r in in. n. . . j L i .- . w.,.., .u.i.w.ciii, ur ucurvrr even t- erect rjioa'-. ou.neulol the feconH graae, uth at Wellmlnnler Abuy ws ado neu with an hundred of, in com meroraiion ol for e b i lint a.-.:on in a rap nn, o ol futie viftory stchirved by an i.'m'r nf a fl-'l 50 OOjrlo Ian w uld not erefl nvinuu et of nioreth n : wo fifures, .n il toa:y, ..d f.ue y it would r ot b- ded.aHoio drgiade the nai.oi, by 1 hit cor. duS, which he could not ,VLid callirg liul,, ,d unworthy ihe Karia of a great . ati-n -o carry dowa to polW.ty, the great aflio -s of he greVte ft man j, . , msltt ednotio the ame v. horn t was irun ed o corHmemorate, he wo Id ever live upon the he.rti fd in the r memburtr; 0f g ,lc J)C p t iof the credit of .he hsmop, wflo made Ike fteMe tt lempt, he wifhed o tvo d the cenfure hic fu u 1 f would attach .oconduet futh as tht j rtfptftio ."u- h" ftriu'i, G'i( ...J-1...1.,, . . : t . . wwi 1 ?r.:. ","aD9ttr P'V'h'P''"fM'seffni,iea.lil,n be the-fame.' It fbould f,...' " " 1 . , -r- . , - 7- -w v t iitv ua tadubiiably their . Tir yeas and nsys were tilled upon uriking ;o,oco dllsri, to mfert 100,000.,. ' T E A S. rfTn, Baer, Bsrlte-.f, Slyard, f. Brown. Cfii,' ,V Davinpoit.l) nnis.Dichfon, Evans roller, , C Goodri h, Giifwold. Cme, liarpei Hen. MeCr Dine an oen, . uoodri h, liitwo Id. Grove, lla.no derlon, Hill.Hurer, Kitm. H. Lre. S. Lee. M.- l. n, I'sge, P s. kney, PJstt, Powell, N. R'sd, I; C. Sm th. Shea'e, That her, J. C. Thomas, L. Vri.listw, Woo 134. P -' N A Y S. Whtrtufor ReMcd,Tnit a" cor.imittee be sp-' i .emlfmai ruin ed o prrpare ai d report" a bill to ab,fti the 1 be wou d oaid of commiflionersol ihetity ol Wefciogton, 1 fum wbatei nd to diieft that the bufintrs ol ihat bond be fum woud MeCrs. Alflon, By, i d. Bifhop, R. Brwt, vn.mp.'n, minify way, t-iiiborne, I. Us. prrnore 01 which had been t. . bered ths ihcTTcle-ks. wh.lH in Pmlad k . . 1j penoe.i, but new in addition 10 tbe 6000 nn hand. m.IB.W,.ftlt.!,.0Pu,'0'00 "" ooks, Ind.iherfoecie.ol r ,nZ TaLT' "T D'v,i UkU E,. er. ..r i.mst luaa.w,, mi enoujh, no huurs, of which .hey were here d,D,,,d I .i.,,. Y; 1 ;. H.ncr. Halmes, J.cklo., .ere but fuftci.e-ti. Phitadeli tC" 2. il W. a w ' ifvaiiaraj w wil,l.II tllCT ?s" V0ll ' ,D00lh- He believed thii lo.e the fsUr.es were ia..slaifrd4o the department ol ihe tiesfury. j kootd lh. haa(t "r;JV" !"d hr "V. be i.iadeqg. bet Relovtd, Ihstacommutee bespaoioird to I r-1 ii.L..i"77 , -FP'p'.ea anneri s.e .nd ,f,e,t. bill d.reaing the jecret.ry . the f.igh, be fbouid .01 be f a' t'nited itsiei, to p epstc a plan of the city of WaJh. irgtcn, delmea.lng the ftreeis, (quates sod public ground their. , and to irpori ike is me to Coo iefi in Dretmiar nit, Refolicd, That a committee U Appointed lo pre fine h retort a bill to am hot iff the tle ol the laaus 0 .he ciHrip 1 1 Columbia, under rroper trgulstio s, lo tai cibv n.oi'iti, fth.cH ni St any lirre ke due ad unpa d, oa c nuifl lor.the Isteol Inch lands. On the aboictrlii'utions MITii. Gnfv!d, .'h s'e , ftcujeil.i), (ink, sad Jr. ae .. tie' sppoisted t ltmitJe,. . A n'c(hti rertuid from the Pi Vidtm, irsnf. snut'iag, m p,i(u.a ol ihe nrUri4 oithe h u(e rs;e ta the 17th lull. lo i0(tfoc lione ihe sUmg " ., i.itiiuiivn, niD.o put acts, hea Mr. mid thruht l?at the chef tlerh U i . J' 7 ap.a-w Mantd. lu.ni.ure w.,.red ( vtfT ofhee wo.ld have not lWcd iruch modeNy nd7.i ,0"r' au,'P ' I.H U e.r.-, Oer. Tho.,, f-rtnled loom! there ... , h, in, f, ; u , T," mo.lf V ,na,.td A. Tiifi, J. Tiijff. Vamum. W,ol-r.h--a , V make the M.r. . i,u t.""': ' . VX- flf "tM Mr Hsruer the moved t , 0,ik. ... .k. 'J 7 , ,,, u iiw'i vivwkf uvna ne 101 ITOO do tar v.-. ki.k l .. . . . - . "'ii a w the lurouure, and ,.,f, lh ttL.t...y mutt be (ulhc.eot lor b,i e.yica! iTd ne k.l .ind to mfert the four h-sls i f the , tu,v. f p 10 ue Oile ol bia f.rniiuff. ' " lc,,CM "u e 'dtpsrunar ta atesf.n. I.r ihia wera 3 sdrquste lo ihe fi le of t6"t,, 10 lirrtg him u a. m & a 1 Mr, . pajatd wirhtd oo to.ritrod it fo far.aa the tent nam Irom (outh-Csr. Iiaa. JleretouXc 14,000 d'.llsn had bieo spp-opr sted, he w. aid j ropefc U ibis 6000 dollars, and foppi.firg the pr. ceedsoflhc fairs to imva 1 103000 st.Msrs. to add 0ww wuiiari, woicn wouio am iun 14,00 dium whlct, be oalidrrfd fulhcieoi. M . Hupei obieived that ihe proceeds i f the files hid ufutlly bee flamed in addition to the mo ry proPii.tt4. II wifhed K lWm of .0000 dollars iropo'ed.to be appropriited, hut.er a ot. tCtioni wt.e msoe, bcss milire i , ed!f it. .id ttukt U Icuo dallaii, wLuk aa iht U lboo irourSrA. -.MiOallatin was ii fa. or ( .ja:.: l.i '? Ih M.,u, -e e ol tmflUrly r.d,lo ibe f.UMrs.lih,ooghbeVoJffcrfo " i'i M ihem bad lufiale 1, but' at iwefent X T. V. mTn ' ,,M "4 Ja w, WdbelaptcArlodl; 1..' .1 ?l,h!'!,re " or.hef prerenl were from iko c.lt... t "t" coaiitieni .nr. ire conrlltaf I" . i w VUV, 11 IIIC ICW S ..r-l. 1 . L r l l ' t , J RtC.lwerc SI coo. Thf j.-:r. , . '--'"- ine urn ienon, it con a I lM'olihefei,etsrHS.J,ew,med i. r I. f. P P'" ol the L'nued l.aies' 'bis od.hheieiuo.w.doo, .!r:ffUVh,:e,hu.i;o: :h 4 .r l J I , . auiiiNW witrt nau em aa , . 1 ft " -.V i i-