1 t f. c 1 il L r- it i e 4 is of I" it ,10 e. hit) 10 1 Jiree Dollars per Annum. T-HUR S DA Y, A PR I tv;23, 1801, fVpr V.NoJ 224. , ADDRESS In aufw'er to the G'S S P EE x K I N G'S S P E E C H. The Addrefa to An' wer to the King'i Speech (which iialway. iu'rch having been moved by Sir'W, ' W. Wyni , f r. Gr.ey ptopofed an am-ndment, wfrcrj he prefaced by the following eloquent ob frvi.i nt '-' IMUST'rcinfefi,'' Sir, that my feeling are ftrong on the iirei'ent occifion ; but they are not thbfe of defnonde. ncy, Unt father they are fuck, ipprehe on a '.he p;cfert. Uate of the nation rnaypatur.illy xcMe i the molt confident, - 8uch cor.fideite 'has . nst been increafe.l in me, by the tenor ol, hi Ma ?p; i.r whir W I perceive n hope rttld-u.it I a charge in that policy wlich hat brought upon '""I""' 'he mflft unexampled, celamitiei j and lull le!s caq I hW for peace, when we are called to truft t the time declaration of within for pcic-, which' from year, toSear have difaopSinled i .uJJOI"' o,wfd' the c.:Iam!!iei of war. I agree ?ir, that it ii. bettor not to enter r prcfent up. on fuljeftt t immediately before th: houfe. Cod know,' thire ii enough immediately within our. eonrcron'atnn. But I wiul be? th.it no improper litfri)'M mill U m A,mt I,a. . 1 r I ) ,...... " vii.-.i 1J.U111 my iiicntc, 11, thnnh I o; pfed the union when it became a fub je& of Par.ian.eiitary difcuffion, I now cwfeffed my former crror. J do not A ilh now to enter into a dep fe a to the policy which induced .that meafure, btit (hit I n.uil fay, that notwiibitaodirig all I have heard and ften 01 the fubjeft, it continue to be my firm an 1 confer nttoua opinion, -that the molt likely union to-be'iKr.T.jne.it U ad uni .n bf heart -od af- ftft:on, formed "on the bafu of the adjuftmeotof 178a- I have neer been able to trace the evil t. ted aa the caufe of the neoeffity of thia union, to the decljiatinn of Irifh IndrpCirde.Ke; but J tr .ee then to that fyftcm, which frorri- trie moment that the Irifh I idependcr.ee wai derlarei, made the (ubver- 1 1on of.!hi irtdepe)drnce the object of all it mea. fwirei. " The goorf elFcft of the meafure of union ii argued from the quirt of the peep of Irrla.id ; but let m- pfk, it. tint -hr quiet of ..fFeitioii I Or have' we fhewo any difo'.fition to repeal any of thefe law iu wlmi. m,.u, 10 ine ou k 01 tne people of Ire'and. If, invi.tue cf the union, any oKhofs fevere law vers 10 be icpealed, the fyltem of imperiou policy to Le it'ixcd, and the blefling of lljeB iti(h confti tution to be e xiendcd to people of Ireland, then indeed w: n.ht a-gue from .he good eflVft of this Wtaluie But litind Wa quiet even vear before the un.ou m. accedfd to. Shall it then' be argued on a me .furc To rtccnt, and whilft more remaina yet "'e-''-?',Sl '' "!' P'oofof the fi f.ttiou ofilie pcupleof Ireland f I im, howe.er, incl.iie l to look forward rather than backwarl, and I mutt fay, tha I heatiily wifh my opinion to be aniilikcn, and jlut all the good efteS! miy refult from tin, union which are argued from it. One ,( of whit h.1 am peHuaded, ii, that the belt moe calr ilatcd. to produve' thofe effeai,' ii by a dopim,; ! yli. m of iibetal policy, which may tend loltdtC!ij!t.i. a of people in Irela d, and may impati t - "Lei. the bentfi j of th; aiiiifh conflitu. lion. The honr.aru le -mover bioied fomethjng 'of a JubiouMM dencv,' whence talked of fecuring the '.ibcr. iei.nl ! aod, by maiiuiining the proieftant lcer.dncy. On thi point l ean onlyexpiefa mv Vope. th t the extending to Irifh Catholic t!.e pri i e-r of other Itifh lurjecli, will be oncoi the fi.lt Bira utci ol the L'niird P.rjinr.fi t. If.e o. Kt .opic adverted to, is the melancholy fi. ' tuat i.m in whi h ll.it country U now placed, with lefoeft io the war h wh.cli we are engaged, and whihimow e. ;ri;r. into a eonteO wi h almolt tvciy ower in-rau.pe. nd he e I tl ink. it ianoi ' Lt to lacehrco. tuftor the court of Sweden and itnmr n level with (hit ol ibe covit r-l Ruflia alTumed by the Britifh nation, never had beejt dtfuu- , exercifed toward them. ' L ? 5 ue Til T h. t l " h" 'h,t ''Hwri! be gracinufly ted tiil the;end of the American war but I fifid it convention h, dually befn Ganti bv thVvorHr tX 'rfe:, i nvent an improcerit poweV.f .nib, tjie only alternative' i.. cither to.toTaJ-?m0t ProU abandon ortffert nn..;K, u... r ... -V..V-' aua. !ne"'toroM'e convention i-We are told that it a propo VIIb" "?Hn U1C Brouna . tne convention 01 -rj : OK-i never heard that queltomd in the latter end of the laft centur v, a well aa in the year 170, hy the then King of Pniflia, and affo byiha Dutch iin'i6a : and toward thec'ofeof Whe American war, the contrary principle to that'pn. wuitn, wc rcjtej, wa maintained in a convention that wa then fiened and afterward known bv the name ol the Armed Neutrality. The more that ttiil tlcmen examine this q jeflion, the more they" will fee, mar 10 tar trom the right atT rt-d leing a clear an t cVrtain'sHiftcipIc, iti neto he fuwporl " of which 'hey ought not iin mediately to pler thcmfclvrt: The firlt enquiry vaa, WJ etherUour xjaiui wa loun. dtduyn immediate Ijtriee' ? Fr my part, I. an cftuvi.n. ed that thcie can'be no true poii :y iocompa. tfbte with juftice: It ta a regard to thi which make all thej difference betwe n a-found, enlightened futeluiao anj a tricking politician. But I fay, that whatever (he advantagea of our fyftcm nny be, they caunot be - put in "comoetition 'with t f.i-Wr-itnl vindication of the claim, acdompanied with hoftility toward other na iom ; and'ho wever rr.uch I parti. r..ti will . .1 . . V -.v,, uij yuuiiirynicn mine expioill 01 our pwy J fhpuld e forry to think that Our maritime i alt'Clld JMCv rnnll A.nA .... ,U' ' r.i 7 . .n.uU vuu mtij llllll -irtCO' 11. ! ent.with the right of other : and - if we could on ly maintain it by fuch M.eifuies a mint make thi con try appear odi u to every other power in Eu. rope. But. if I do not fuccced in deprecating a de termination upon thi point by in im nediate addrel of thank to his Mije ly, it is but juftice to wi, inivw iiL.tcBi to piove. - that. even ou !f Urn A- I - I- rectedto LM North, that he did not gj to war with thc"r.e power in cor-fequence of thi convention ; PITT4 The Ifon. Gentleman ha advanced Hition. which rait 9 lnt nr-fV.,.. .L- c aence ne teem ta feel in. the argument urd by him thta night t Imean tbe),ropofition in which hi llitta, upon the authority of a dTttinguifhed member yet. Lord KirthVeondncT in ihi.r " 1 ,"u l-??.?" Wo"ty fpe.ka the fenfe of played .n the progrefi of a' jnoft. arduoui ccmclt in w ,),ve not lucceeded to our rifhc for ine nap country i, . u.wc nor lucceeaed to. r .pp.. eii ana tatety ol other, have pkced thia In my opnion the Empnor ol "RuOia ha been em!, ty ol an ttt of g tr-t it jultice.'.and aiolcnca lhre unity, mt f detent on ol Urittfh (hips and ful.jcclii aiondurl iwdirecl violit on ol ending lieat.Mj. nterr.jUiiing ample icpatttion aod (a. tialictton.And ftt -1 carmot giee with the ko. nouuble mjver, that hi M.j fly', min.fterv are free from all blame. The rorduct which l.ai produced l. lente.rray We cfi.foab e. I have fcen, J.r, a niiuiltihi b the muit ol KuiTu, containing an a le Kt .ihat hi. tMijtflv' miniflcn luvc broken a pre. e.le ri,ui tiwn t Malta fhould he furrtuderrd to Ruiria.v But d.lpufed a I am to acquit miniQeii, )ct I ihuik the fubjeft i defr rviog coquiitt and railtculaily wheher the Aipulation tav a 1 or wftti .a tf ai'ciproca nature anj 1 nun fay, that if they rearp-i7rdof the pe fot.alcharafler of the Em- ptror n Kbiiu, ton the impertat'Ce of an, alliance with whom muth wa formerlv im',A rk...u airohaveUcmk pr.de. ceJ avoiding a dilute with him, by toKCfdmg to thi power port in (he Medi. unanrant lor luuh I coufrdei would have been our trurpo Kv Oui rHon to p,efrie the balance of pvwer in turope, have ended, Sir, in Mil deOroe. t.onolthlkal..jte..Hi, M,jfny', mimtten ought l have confidrred how ihey rould have lound out rtitlhrr r Aw.r in k.. k -L . . . . - r--" iMw4r, inioinc icaie, in OU i oni.n u.e canrcc. sh a poer would have fcteu Ri (Ira, hich, bv getting 1 Lot ng in the Me.' urwai.cn, py tne ctiiign ol Malta, ouU have wn'itaince 01 rra.ee. At all evemi however, hJ.e mi. lUaia bad hrrAtn ik. lion w.th Kudu, 01 whether thry hid fniQkn the il d to r.ti Uftron. But iy fi,mcn i viii.gtJ.e uhet po.eri, nt not Gmiir to ti of uh reg.tdu RwftJa, Nothirg m conleqatne e of ....i.r.rnHaiH M'ttr power, CUlhl 10 hlt Me., d art jo lake rae.fure. Deum.rk and lrdrn, whien we n..Mi;d not have Uken indewn. rmycl ihed lleHMte with Jtuflia. I (hill ntt rfid.r ori,0ii wiihulpea lo ihtmiritime ghi of natinn ou,4 iy U,( He b Bfp a t. U alivmi. t a a I.U, tf.t He conducl ol if. two until e. pn,.,. ht been fh a diitil .,fllan. a ojithly inuu.Mti, in an open war ajl.nll aem. I ..fci,,rtWe abe to find M' wf le,.n?. ...e ,.1 pi pat,. , 0f j,, lfc, iuinm t i m tut W Wp, aaM, ij J,k, tj,;, a.mti t.i . ..nee we nan aecaMed to this demand in the cafe .... (.ra,ri(.n)e power, wa if a fuffideni'caufe ofwarto objea to the fame" dom, advised bv o. ther do wen ? - I made' bet. thi. oZrv".V Z ZL "7.SSVwhic!' fplendid cxim oewedforer'treatie,. .;i;; r' T" I ?7 ZJ"". n.on.r we.e tbeexrlufive merit ing of IIrtic !K the r roVlVice of Zl Y' ' v u, '."' 01 "'. ". anJ the honl Member cnemie, m,;e.'iiih: r!d infer, . that ajl thoie n.y be' fd. that .thi. r' . i.5 ne dlIe" oppofition toihe f; ... : ---;-v..wv a uuuK ipncn nv a we Denmark and Sweden with Ruffia. wi.v ,k. have aoolhnr diipute, fhow the hoflitity of the mca ... ... mcreiign.tuie ol a convent ion by two cowl m miiii ,U;.J ...:.u ...1 .. ' . . ' " wnou we are at v.ar, doe Hill aTIUia:..A I r . " " ,r f J1" grouna qi at ack. It may be alfo cairn, i Fr"-rrw we are not- nov-Ttrrhrsr ftatr-orwVT e-Aijie riran war. t vaiuao e u is, may be over-ruVd. fmr th K!nJ t neu a we utm .. -r.i. ' . " f"w cuueni muit btfipcne to ! favat inperionty-: It at .nri'n'--d.yd 1 matntam u. I peifeftlcein-fentimcnt with one I weare.uot ,?,ae, ,0 din th fl rW whoaa refo cfa .le mf.mK., r.t u...r. .1... I France A Xi -.ui.. -1 i- K 1 1 " r of - . . . , ( j, .-v. , .MI4h .If 111,.' .ie not we could never K'a i.i'wir f,. .. ...... .c.lk.i ' in the intraJ d.u r .1, . . , . IT 0 l''r anytime) inCul:te ceryjoin. luc.rance. anJ In imi.i ....... (..n. . . 0 tliel Lrrnimi. r .L: .1. l: , . rtghl ; elTcniul to ti.e welfare of thi. country. " V fliierf aTCTy im: o;itic Fa.t,a,,d areinvolvine y. Sir, wr ; ought . to make a lober efli-nimate of l,'e coutft.y in gre,t dger. tt!1 ' h n, : : u ..v.8.? u:v 6 r Piy? lM . .t-t;::!"!' ':,a. nr .don. ng'it, anymore than for a profitable wr ne His nce aa f Mjjelif's min.fter ought t? fbew wherein tOflfiUtd ! c'pIe'o.; the utihtyofthii right. They fhould prove that ii, in "1.fl f " Europe. There it ..no.her tonfideration ; I meao, exming circumrttnee may be fuch a ta render i rieht acknowledged u he Turk AAint nf jullice ar.d gen Ya' utiiiiy, and yeterrnt way Occur .,.uui.e a paniat inlriugement uf it, and lht the danger of inlifting up9n. it, may be greater than em the derehftionof it. If we could attain fom dilcuf&M of tbueWm mhe prtfrut moment,' every kind of rol,cy ought to have induced o, f0 to do. The injury f,0m a:lowing the claim cf our anemiea, would be that of the carriage of naval florc, &c, into the po.t.of rnncet but I fay, that under the pre fenc.rcumft.nre of the . ,l,e d.ntjer ,nfing from our not afTe-tiug the right of feirchi.g. w.....d not be h gre., . that 01 infilling upon it j lor, Sir whenlconfiderihe p.efent rxhauBed Oaie of the French marine, I thifk. Ou could not avail he. fell t.-e connivance to any gteit extent. Even in the convent.unol ,v8o, in the declar,tio; l the Em pre of Ruin, s tne fight ol fupplying , biockided po.rwa,.ba,ldoned. Now, when confider the piele nt fl,te wf th. country, and the clofe blockade dtftrefi on lb. nation, jad the mi carrUge mac. itrpcflin Se'clum. Hi can be e.ptaed lrrtn fuch nvn. but that .f, n.ii.nu ! "r" aui (nt alter new. ...... mi wc rcancra ia ttm r-.-a... c donjou when the ibandonn.ent will nenetiml. to r.flore tranquility to Europe and I ,11 C"a -hi'' "cited fro-n alolt every conn-ry of Europe (ilthpugh at firlt leafcueT w th agl.o(t Krnc.-J. not ,ing -but hatred an . revenge. But thi, confederacy againft u. tculd not have been the crk of a day. If mi.iUer. fore faw it, why then d.d .hey rrjeft the overtur., f6r .uc y auon .pane lalt year ? AnJ if ant , menu of the people. Such a're .h, rnnl-..,..;' which tr,e argument, of (he hbn. Member lead., and ucn thecompliment which ht would piy to h m lelf and hi. friend, at.the expeoce of the fenate of the nation. I do not beheve thtt there are acy of ui htf';''!! fcfli?: of the Parlitintnu inrl ffiffuffefT all ihorelnpic., who will now Wo the op.mon, which they, then formed, and hare huh mo rnaiot.incd. I ,m th-rcforrrjuBiTiecT-lnfuppoirFg" iTon renr l' Co whi I, i hon- tent cman .flume., that the prefent i. ot. the aeram .which he i. to cxPeft a re., ifllon in thnfeex. wn APU ,0,r0.'l"fc'PtiIUpl IB Which ...... .71 . VklU Practi or rvtiv nn jhn .......... ... l 9 00d in Eurone. 'fin : , ' r ... I ... luiu if t , TfT. .-..6-...v ... ucuv.ng mat no Icntiinrtit i nore like- ' . w i..c approoition ol the lu-u'e, tha.i w.v, u.c union, that meafure which i the two countrte,, fhould be ma.xed with inrreafed energy and v.goor. Now, f,r, with ,eg.,d to the oeec'h ?.?U fd in' ,h"-Gen,lm.n.. fpeech, and which l.e 'ay, I ave been- ahead, d.fcuf fed, and are Ij be d fcuiTed t n..i . '".. . not ror nour of rteprceh i. the q.e.i.on'relaV n f m U fi.; V.". ti 7T.r",e ..P'l .incd by ..tii.ii uuTcriimf . in ...... . - 9 lail thefe reifcn. trouble .he houf, oy draw in,: 'hem .o a deba e, ,d paru.ul.rly a, the peecn rm amaecd r.V- n l: the dining mimWr. i v; " ! "V" Van a , fcumcni in tit r, 1 hrre a iwn j . . . rr . .. . 11.1,1 ana principal poun. in yolved tn .hrellion hkh he UyrheLtein. aaouoi, ti.e jaliice ot the oucd - - tt a a 1 1. wa .i I mntmmii ..w . . - .1 m .! t.: 1 . . . " M Which ll rmh . ... .. I .i ... i , 7 " ,M P"cipal port. Ot fiance, I feel Imle ar no nn,i,...r. .:r..r- i .L, .n- i. i .. . i-f iwn ariiinr irnm ftft.?M t ohf.'' vnt" Bt f"?p- ling Frir.ce ffvnuld be enabled to im, ort the flore. ofthe B. ticto l;y amoun', that w.,uld no. enable her to r.ife ma r.ne;uaa,y,,o0th,or.,tar. Ba the coot. .n..i ' .k fl.-;eU W' 0UrJ"ew from Arch- MRU to the 4 ,gu. and from ihe T.gu. to the Gulf ofVen.ce, .h-re w.ll no, be. fingl. por, 0f oar own Poirafuoni .where a Br.t.fh flret can take fhelter and bote I do not except N.pie., 'which I confider 7 o-qed-nia Portugal, nnr Turkey, wh,ch,h,f0,e,heen4 .,M.lf, wiu b; :rnne fed with our enem. Will ,,hen be poffible lor our ovy, With ail ii,ftill and prow-fa, t hretch along foch an extent ol Co. a ? Or ilrj, pvem an attack on that valuable pan ..'eX empire, an union with whuhlia, teen the fupjeaol co0fratul..io tM night .Areentlemen:oonfi,lent that, with iMrnem)i pow.rol.ii.cking Ireli .d, loth from North and Souih, We Mil be able fHrh...l K n our guird f But great hope, miy be catert.ined of . upr.uy oi our nay, and olthe defiru.on of the tr.de of our ene nte.. lut for my part, I have painful ippiehenfinn., that Mining ill f much J ,, ,nJ ""oa," " rade, m the new war. Vi ill nil in.l. Auk... . i . . ... . v,, wll dc apie. airaoit ens tuefy to fhul pi rut of tl.. .rop.an cai.kett t We won d coofider alio, wb.t we got from them in lb. article, ol n.v.i aore.. And i. it not probable that thefe will be wuhacld from u. No dependenic can be placed upon the iriumeni. that h. f A.. .l.:. inteiefi would fulTe,, efpec.illy whe.i rh. thir.a,, ol the Emperor I'ael i. co-hdeied. Add lo ih.t the b.ht h,ch we icceive it pre em Irom the fupply o gr.in f.om lb. B.ltie, Ac. Thi. fourr, ollip. ply will be at once dried ud i and I .a ,U. L...r. e wht.ker it lU tl encfl d.vrH the country, cf .n, ,.r..u, ,n .ci. wa rcicnt the recent in. iury, the aitional hnnnur ill k. Aaind.i here it will le rceffanr fi.ll to ere.u.re w,k.r mieiaer. by the., coadud have rot aclaally pr.voked thi, ,.. g.eUmn? Their former io int and miiioni Hit jewardiCenpi.Copeuh.gen, 4c e w.,tm.m. . w "' '0"thU keenq-iiied whe.h. . ..... u..f mini boi n ( tt9 ar.ided I In th.irwildom ' From detenu n of the 'hat ti.nrrnl ..t .A:., .l. mn'i iil.il L .1 . . V JeJ.Pi, " .u. Ar'r. :. . I V -...... no uouDt. NOW thu Power w..,vid,nt, nor were the Ictiment. o P.uffia nrich left doubtfuU Minidcr. thoucht laft' K"HAl 'he .0,e"",e, m,de bs to Au.hia ...-. wc cjecieo. Aultrn afled accordingly, anJ what w ,h confequence. Ur th.t by their idy.ce, a dreadful charm wa.occaGed f.am the ma. ol Europe I Nor wi, i, onc 0 ,b. f,a fatal tfft, i our Po ,cy tot.rd.AuH,i., that AuUr.a herlelf may entertain hatred againft p., and become a pmi to TiM' mt K k' l 'efufed to neoci.t. Vith F.'.e when bankrupt in credit and relourcei ; and f , W- " Ue fech ,h" ready to .! dV,hr,hCenemy 'Th'h'n' aranrelVe" nted..Fofit.on j .1,., i. when Pr.nce i. refiored in ,l.,;Bt'd,t ,B4 lhf"u'lio an invi. fion.whilft we .,e deferted byourillif.1 I miehl advert to the jntem.l Rate of the country, but fh.Il only f.y ,h.t, cafe of an alarm of ioJ.f.on, i, i, mponibl. not to regret ti e cnnd..a of minillen, in Initerrng ,w,y , .a d.pofng of hj mi(. Handing oice of the counuy In the manner they h.v.dane. Add to all thi. ihe depreciation of thj p.par currency, t burden ol '.ie., and a fcircity jttelhortoM.mi,,, yt I wifh not lo difco'S the country but rather th.t we m.y Irom a iuft-.L r.. w.. turn nance, in which we are sla. cea.inn now n extnc e ourfelve. from the dtnrer t mutii ihi.iiw and ,.. . . i I . ,T 7 we, " our rcfour. der to th i, a men i. Orurlos (0 our ctuiitri mi ht km bn (eft. lent. t , poluy wui4 h,,, lfJ0 lur b UaitiVe mioiOeii .o have avoidrd thin d.f. P-u, i. wat the polity o Lord Cfaithim ia 4 Jiud byUid Cambde Tte Of-niun o.U.i Cinibden wnh i.la-oihr tonduft to tenutlued toward .riii.f0weiia, tk.ir tr, muS U cut oH to the utmol tmn the Lp,u ft -itii lorn but ibit great C.-IU.A fWd be t.km not le lei.a el vflioi Mfcuil pwui, thit den MOi. cei were mi confider.ble. I trull a f,a pf .fl.ia fk!."lm' .JI !'k P'!" ' ' IW'lh cipend j -, and lr.h. LIoU-rr,0C'l if. the fpi.it olthe peop . e i. noteatinguifhed, tad I trail th.fout sis r,unV " M ' profoMion ,o ur d"'" Inder fheVn- "min ltfehei pndihe f.fitng,afU,,otwifdom, jaflice). and fh7f.re BnUt 1 ,h' every mem., hive brutghi nothing but difrracr.and .i.t.. rY;.'" m ,wi"''i ..J,7a 7 ' 1 ,h" I':em.n will any .1 th' fame T " "'. bo, i? We ol. It had keen lee., I. . ' " r'T'' " hii inii inren. ina. ia : . : . . . .Houf,h.ifpeke.ihVia.gu, ; .UhTiii, S.tKri?1 "II"-,h" -tl voie of thia 'ZK(f lentlemco lament.n k.k.a k.. i . . . -" " btc ion, ana .knc f,ri !k "7 rt,l ,iBd- " h i'miMtion. io nid. their de. -wl"""1'" rn,:f mend. , in Ubflance. toaji. W.. -..t.ri .. .... ... Jjjr. would proceed with .1. poff bf difpV, h u wo wnh lott.gn power, i .ad toWe kit m.ieAy Vn j l "f ' '"' kich b . m.j.a. had di. llOfd tn b. fa d Lln. 1..: . . ; .1 . ,. -- ''! couri.inoiiid p paa- - 11V . ,0,e " tf"oa.io., .n1 .bat the .Pir.b,li,yol ...mrnbl. e.juUm., fh.,,-4 n- ro, would givf ei rf,ppn,t,o m.U,.,n h jtt i-lku, 4c. in tht iv4 h,p, it0l .j.,,,.. j iliniicTii ii tl I. . . .u,u f'ovca " oft complete ",on' greatnel. and yonr gloryT nay. your very ex.Ueoce, every thing, fh.t made'you nation. tir-,i-A. . . . ' " thoh 'lh,er,py,nCn, ,he hon' eIna; although h,. minJ i, not made up on the" queflon. doe, not hefttate pofuuely to .Rcm lh'Weould not inviiiably .dhcre to it , nay, he goe. funher. for he doe. not fcr-pU to hofd out and f Z aim th., we ... left without the power of protei 1 and .nt.,n,pg,i I do not think thii correWdn wuh what hethrew out .t the.nd of hi. WhThat SiS iSW,fll d'fl"i'. crdifmiv I piefem . the hon. gentlenwn. I Jeive it to bimfelf to reconcile the leuor of h,. fpeech with hi. pr TefGofl,!' I muB now follow the hon. gentleman in ihe and courfe , .hich h. b.. treated th. SlSaS deSite. I fh.ll begin wiih hi. doubt., ,nd thel comaiohi.cert.Mitir.: Hi.doubuoo thofe roima S U MCt C' "r ,6! COr.viftion, .ol hi.ccr!.1niie. where .lone there ci. be .y ,00m for fpecul.tion.or dinger ot error. FitB, then, with Xtd l;hVUttiCe ff privi,te which wt contend, he lay., no claim fhould be forced 00 n country at i. not founded on joOke g.-,hu juil.ee S!l l Pw".UJD-,0t,'Lrjr olher "ofide.itioo. No, I think I hd in inother pirloftb. hon. gen lleman 1 fpeech, tbit hen of opinion no euefton of c.feof Auar..,.ginfiy.h.:he-conceiyc, ihe policy fthUcouotry. UcryofnSno, irom Ur. t ev) Mi. Pitt continued. I think I hive nut miu.ted t I kowever without Jwell.ag on that obieUion. I find the hon. gentleman only '.ffert, li. doubt rJ l-J r h.ch th.t doubt 11 f.uoded. Now there .re fevei.t of rnoi-eQy. in d,Bbt,r,g when rt in wifhei te ton c.luta n argument or conversion, by confetTing he ii notfu. y mlorn ed on the fubjef wbfa bl. '."""a h' un.formly na ir.d rna.n. c.incd ,n .11 ou, Court, of Uaic,, U.n It ha. be k.oaghtiotopr.Qic.inai,, ol twtttn9. whtch iheall.ir. of thi.enun.ryh.ve from lime -lime been ttuBed , and when I f.y all (M. au-hor. . iueiidi(nitnonet arc before hit fM, . d0-bt ia not mo-.By, iti.fomeing Lite th.t prefumpOon cifm. I will row irkwhe.h r, ie ill thrfe od. ad wm 10 wh.ch I t.i.e illuded, it hM . ' known in .hii lloufithai pu. courimf law hn.eT.Vl ted , pchi. princijl, t II I fo, I would afk Jen. kt.hu in .11 th. gtoend. ffi ,.,,ai ,n Aenfo" which ingentt.tyeyirfaae.d4d .n difcoyerint ,n h.. Iloufc, never occured lo ente.ui. dou if Iku p.inc p. or le .,, ni.a.. lor glvipl ! .ken nn.fu.m fupport, .nd acting epoe if f If. I T.y be lpefiaouMn4 piem.ture ftTrne .n u? o an argent in f.vour l thii princl, , ,. il Ia I kiv. not yn h, d t ft, lf g ill if . - s 'J. - .:--::ir U i. T- (f:w Tl 1 1. 1: if I rT.lv" II 1 1 .li -7M i t f J a . f 1 .. l' v'' -V' ' ii ii ii. ifca gm i L t

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