I' 1 talryjo tbe.cm "- thin daysand the Captain of artillery b the" Jihe.fi4 ' Adju. ant ir Saga: Brigadier of the diftnct withm thirty .days thcreafietod to ti)e ccmimandiag ftcer of his Tegiment in three months under :be" pe ';:. ralty of five pounds to be levied as he reafier directed.. Aid every officer; Comma sting a rcgrmeru, ihi-tt aurially raaketwo returns, .-.one o 'iEcrigadiSriGciieiar-ii-hMibe.'. Infpc Qor of, the Brigade at lea fl two numb, before -MJC annual mceti rig of the General Af. TTT feoibWj'Wder-the'p ' poundjj. , And u-tHall he she fluty of the - Brigade IhfpetW to bring fuit fori the-detin-r quency againft the Commanding Officer of the regument in the Cputfof the couy where fhe '""delinquent tefides, and each Brigadier-Gene; ': ral"fiia!l make his return.' to the Jlajor.Gene.. ral of his divifiori, one month before i' mcef. in? of the General Allcmbly under the tienaliv of ihiiiy.h've pounds;.;, and the Mij Vi 'i l- -u-j. .:r. i.,h ..... ienera oi eacii' uiviui'ii nidii maxc or return 1 ? jhtifrfmenlr biJtalwh, tne Captain cf ca, j rules ' ti Conflables iB iVsl eafei, and fluirbe tte fnal y of iwwjy-fcveppundii to be paid ant ir Sttgn af 'Hull in aiPcafc,cnpaoie, Tof anitlery-andHropsof-bpr4e rxake due rtturntto thv-t.xt Tutccedinff court' rnar tialr Aidln xat'e of failure of fuch.. Ad just or Serg.art io do the fevYral duties as required of thim by this atl, ii coliecling and accoun'it' for ilhnes, fuchnAdjutant or;Set. geanl',.as thepffe may be, hal incur a penal. tyor,-fi:cof double the amount that futh Adjutan t or Sirgeanpvas lb bound to collect arxKaccount for. J . . r' riXlf, 'AhcTbe iitr her enafted, ThaHhe commtflioned oTficen of ihe crrnpany, or arty two of thrn, rff.cr each and eyry ai'tiitr of thereof, to i'ne Governor for the ' time bciiu on or before the aortual meeting of the Groe. ral AlTembty, under the : penalty of fifty' pounds jad it hall be the duty of the Com. mander in CmeT of ih.eTTaTe6T3Tlftf-pTOJCf abflraQstttbe made thfrefrom, and to lay the fame before the General AlTembly, wiihin the firft two weeks of the annual meeting thereof, Vand he Otall alfo make an aanual return of all the mili,tta in this Rate to the refi dent, of the United Stares. And it 'hall be the duty of the .G overnor ft, the tiroa being, through the At orney.or Solicitor General- of thii tlate, to -bring fuiti in his own name as proffduior, in. ttiv of the fuperior courts of this ftate, againft all'and every, field and General Officer, who tnav make dtf&ali of reiurn by .him required vnier thin act. - L . ' XI. And be it further enacted, That-when "anv. Major-Geu;ral lhali be chargea with real. , practice or nt gleet of duty, the Governor for the time bcii'g lhall order him to b arrelled "Ttnd fu mi ft e d wt ill- a t; opy of- h t ha r ger a od " hall order a general court-martial for hi triil, to be rompofed -of one Major. General, two .Brigidier.Generals, and ten Field Offiren, on half ot the nwmbcr of whoin k:4 De'uf -.a ; .tTcr'eni' .!ivifion.4 and for the like tharff" ag3in!l a 15nit'ier.Gcneralt tlu Majoj.Ce. ncnl lit a! I trdei him to be ariellcd ij:J iurn'lii d with a copy of his charge, and hall onier .i coiKt.matita! for his trial, to bo'comjo'ied .f a Urigidirr. General and twelve, tie id ChS. us, Tixof,whoni lhali be of a different hiij.l ; and in runner ;he Commarii"j O.itei cfcai h brig i.lo lull arrell and appoi.t ;.:uft. r.i.iriuls for"e trial of t l'"iel;; Ouiterj of tiie fame, aJ iitill wham clurge- may. he cxi.ibi'edv.'hivn cruris hail be cc-tnfoicd .i; thir'tfi l'ic.ts, noneul '..i..m ihall tcuiver, thj r?.ik i)f Obtain, and a 1'ieid Of&cer CulL ptcf.a:. Ub-ll refpcQively rnullcr at leaQ once in three (iiths, at futh time and place aMfce tapiaia Oi Commanding Officer of "he faid conipinres roOpj ihi r-i ire c ; d ; he comroiili on c d oncers' of Vath ccmMny of anilif ry and liLop of horfe, as a ipajority of ihcm, fhalU aid they are htr-by kuthorifed- and r-qnircd1, trbold cuum HmHatbeaylr-lujcxetuL K t3c couipany: inD'Vrs, jn odcr (o liifoice tjie military laws of. iisj 3a;e, as far as Tefpeft- he-aidprps And lliJLJCl0.i mandii-g Officer of ibs regiment of .cavalry the company' (hall on the fame da v mee in"! thdlt od!r-J rcgunsntal court-martial to be corr .mjr(iiL airi nrnrrrA ; irv anl Serer. I held at-the place appointed for the injuflcr of mine on all tafes which may come before ihcm the:fame, which TuallcoBfia of at lea(l a ma, ion ihe cqnyitLipnofafty deitnquen 'he of jfr"y of -be. cromirioried officers f:'here fi'cer higljellin rank p.L-f.nt, .lhall en er upjudg-! g'cnt, or. more if the Commanding Oiljcer mtnf, iind ilfue'cxVcuiion directed to .he Scr- j lhali diretV one of whom fhall be a held of "geant, who ball proceed as b 'fore di retted nC, aitd two of the grade of Captain, aod and 'fliafrmake h reiurn o the nev company he. oflicer highcft in raok' prefent ha! pre-court-njari lal i Atid it ffialj be ihe du-y . of fdeat ihe c'uurf, to be warned to that c!u: the P-ymafter Lo demand ai'd receive of ihe ' by the 'Adjutant of ' he regiment, and hall AJju ants, Scrgean s, ai.d o.her rCTuers who ' proceed as other rcgmiei. a! courts martial., may have collerted lines and forte'tiures, and XVI. And be tit furth.cnaacdrhat each dribule-llieJaajgreftblejQ jheireioiiCol'1"61 of a rt'ginietit of cavalry half ap: of -he .cotir -roiriial, and feiTte'hts ucounisVpoiru j)ne AiirTp7lnrgTbfr. axnualTy wi b ihe Judge Advocate, forNvbiciu y " be, once in every year, to aitend fervic the Tut mailer, hall .e allowed a rea-1 'rtJ0P, ot each county at their .company lonable comDenfation hv ihe murT-mar ial I mullers, to be ordeied bv the Caniain of the And in cafe .hre : fliaU be no Paynjafte. ap- Company, pievi,ous to ihe .regimental. "Ml pointed "by -he ton: mat id of any reE'mien'iky Vhc Colonel of he regunent, and hall tb review then and train the faid -troops igrecubie to the itiftruclions of the late Gover nor Davie, for th formation and muvemen' of ihe cavalry of tbti State ; and he hall each (root) mar.ial af er beinircomm Ginned, fhall ..L. '-oihe v.olonel or Commanding Oliicer ot th ai d uU ribc the followiri it ofoflue, iolu'Si,n1 P evious 'oihe ieview of ihe legi he admiuiftercd in pvn' couri by ilu: IudceLITU:,-' d)' li'liiniy fuie'of Ihfln'and in .har rafc. arb Cnrr n,.l r. : (h ,llTn i littt X;rClie peiforin and exK-ute- the dutes of Paynutter as abuve required. ' ' XIII. A.d hH if fiir'hpr enzFirA- That every "officer, at the firH rning of he coiir;;. j report ihe Ha:e and coiMlitiort of e ingcomm fiioned, ball .ci,oine oio,?el or commanding Uitic open Advoca e: "1. A. B 'that.I' will execu e .. lie accoraing o inc i-af.s t pliiie'and -he? h.vs 6f rmy abih:) , f f 'ihe miiL'ary difci- iv S i:e, ..( -he bcfi .he Ti e Co':imm .1n2 0:nccr of cjch rcgi n'rt or ba.tahon liiali oioor a court.manul loo- Wd at the pljrc ppj'nied fot the mnf trr of ,!,; f4n; on 'hr day -aficrthe tegiuient or ba.iaHotr nuller, or on the fame djy, if conv.Nii.eiii ; wlncu court ihall con (ill oi a ma jonty of il (iflicers of ihi,reim:nt or bi tali on, one of whom ffiallbc a Field Oliicer, and two of tl-.e grii!c of Captain, and the oi. Ji.t-r h')e!l in rank pref- nt lUatH bePrefidcnt. 1 be coiHt Hiai! be waned to their prcfnt dii. t by tbe Ailja'ant of the' regiment or bat. taiirr-3 by a rrhcr to be by him kept ; and the frd lu'itf, when convened, lhall appoint- a Jidgj Advocate; wno Ciall himfelf, in the pre. fifceof iheia Jruiiri, takf tht following ctl: '.I, A B. do f.vear.thail will wett&ttuly petform' the du ics "of Judge Advocate of this court icco-di; to the ML of my kill and ability','' f.i .t '.p ne God and the Juge Jdocic fhjll admiiitiLr the fallowing oath to the mcmbtrs of the cc-.irt.nnnial : I, A B. d f C4r i hat I will t ear and determine all ha'. I v.'i;T lupporl contiijuiiorx' of he Uui;ed S a rs, and of his S-at, So help msCi.)d;" ai d aifo he fl Jvvir g oa h': 'l, A. B. do.lwcar 'ha ,1 will, l, the cuyri-maf.jal.of jhe i;o.7;pjny to wh.uh I beloi g, duly . adfn'pifler jiit'lice, an'd apply fi:.cs a;id iH'oalties'acco.iliiig o ;he bel of ,uy abtli y, wi houi hwair, .r alfcction, or jur ;iuii y,vto t.eip me God," Aid no offuer lhall be -milled .o li: in a r-gimcn !, ba -taiiori, or voTDpany . cojr;8-marual, unleU he Iia'.l .iave taken and fubferibed the oa hs a forciaid., . XIV. And be it fur. herenaacd Thai if any regimen1, baitaiion, ir company muf tei, cour "mar-ia!, or company xf the officer iheiu halt te ny delinquents ei her fot non-a-iicndan,.', or lo being properly armd and accou red,, or for diforderly conduct, procla mation Ciall be made hy the Captain cr Com nundingOirKer, calling the names of all de hncjco enrolled, that ihey anend he iriil ar the ; following courf n-arttal, which fbl! bed r.vci a legal notice ; or if Field O.lficeis, 'or oScers of the rtgitnen. al ft a If, fi(h noiic i 11111 i -fli i t ano man oe en'itiea to the lame l'wear ifn as Brigade infpeclors, to be paid bv the jTrtofi ty at this State, on the cer ifica e of the 'Colonel or Commanding, Oflicer of the tevrimeiit to which he miy b:ionjr : And in ""ca.ifcTwaich may ct.m- b.'forc this court, and -that I will fat'iifuliy report alt delinqu?nis that come within my kniw:cdge J that I wiil ar Mt ii in an sinri aul torteiturr by me o ?icd or frived, and in all cafes tnforce a'du; extciniwii -f ihf m htia las of ihis ftate, to ihe befl cJ-try knowledge a .id ability, fij belf me God," Ttity Hull enquire into the e and st'.Ii.y of all pylons that come be. fore tHem bv appfai, ti exrnrpt inch as n.ay be jutye I inrij.blc of fifvicc and a'.fo try a n l decide on all perfons charged witli omif. ion o' com.iriTion, as well by olficersaj pti. vatp;& the faid leimenlal , Or batulion court, tnirtta', (hall h;ar and determine alt appra's frm i!iC C I'Dany Cii'trll rairtul, and toot. 6f and (I t Ipole of all lines for buying druni, fife, and irhvr implemenu if war for the life cf in? co mpany witcuce ihe fam lb ill arift, and fr f tppli"g. the miSuia wub. arms an 1 ceo Utim.-nt.,ai.d Oihar purpr.(-M that will f rmnote the g d thereof. And the Judge 4d?ofic fhitilb: allowed a reaioiuble fala. ry o be paid out ohbc tines forfeit frrv ice t ; ad bit duty (hall be to wilte at length ihe pfu'ftJipgs of faid co t; and for all 'iii.es vkiib in iv be imiofei by the cnurt.mariialjhe itlitcby auihonfcd and rrqured c enter up ji"!.nctt and tffie eaeoittou, which .if a gamfl romm.Iioned dfrtcm, (bait .be dirtied to t1t" A'ljjtant, andifaga nft nn.cnmmif. fu.r,J t.fucet or private's, fltall be direQed to fi.h Servant of the company to whuh the dc.in ju-ni be rgi j and ihe AJj uanf or Ser rri'ulhJl procecJ u Jiljrrfi and fell in the una anotr aui una:r tk: fa:s lai and if Iny Brigadier-Gneral ibail fall or uegfect - to 'appoint, one Infpcctor of-'hi brigade, it - ' fhallje ajart of bis own dutVlo didribute all Orders and blank f o rnu wVich m ' gh t h a v e bee nv " tiie laty ot :nc cngade lnlpcctor to diitnbute, ' . XXII, And be it further enacted by the aitihorwy, aforcfaid, -That in cafe of an infur reciion, it lhall be the duty of the milijia of- ''' ' ficer higheflin command in ike couu:y where. in ,:he' fame fiiall happen, rmmeJiatejy to take ' .... r : f . r re . r t i ' . maiurcj jor luppreuing iaia inrarrcction, ana tbive'iDdi.tce thereof -.to the riearefl General Officer,' whofe duty it- fiiall) be to fend, ari csprefs withvut dflay, to tjie Commanding Oflicer of tbr SiaTc, fonmin'htnff.ihs11 fame, and the nature and extent thereof, ami to flic mean tims-ihs laid Uenrral OHieer ' : Hull immediately purfue. the next active mea :1' ftrres for fupprcfiing the faTd infurrectibn -and it is hereby directed that the faid militia llull appear furnilhed'wiib arm, ammunition, andvac;ctticmeBts as required by this1 act, XX11I. And be it further enacted. ?iliat every ofiicer who hall neglect or rcfufejOit, -nil r r olorcn tv.a . n ' . . . . ' 1 . van yt uiaini iu - apjjydr 41 lUtU t.imC..i and places at'fiiall be appointed by" his Com. manding Officer, he hall, on due cctiviction' before a cotrrt-mariial Ye cafltiered, and ren, dLjed2riaable of ever aficr holding a milita. -ry appointment' undTrheulfiofityTofh Hate, and b;. further liable to pay- the fum "of-. tWeniy pound',' to be collected as heiein" di. reeled ; had if a non commi fiioned officer or private, he lhall forfeir atid pay live. pounds. ' And if any perion do not march ag iinU the . enemy when commanded, by himfelf or fubi ' . ftitute, or refufe or neglect to, do his - duty or :' . ' pr rform the fervice he is pOt'oti by his olficer or quit bis poll, defert, or "mutiny, it fhall anu may be lawful for ihe Cominauditifjr Of ficer of the rerimnt or corb. to order a coHrt.maniil tor ihe trial of fuch olfenders. Th6'inembers when met, ffiall. individually,' before they proceed, take the following oath, 10 wit : x iwear well and - truly to try aud dciermme, according to- the evidence of the tale Ia4r-Aj'utant- the flaw and ihe form his duty r he hall frfci; anl pay ihe ltJ i)Cu,nrt i OW '.,0 .De ,r,cd Io heT rac God r; of rtn pound!, to be fecoVered as' ether hues, by the rrgimental cour. .martial. XV II.. A:id oe. it funher cnetted, That 1K9 fines of the-cavalry - hould be as follow, 1.0 svii; That at a regimetnal mufler, each Field-OlF.cc r rliat fails to attend, or attends f A T. t V , M J-nh4-.. I . iiiA.i, uu nidi ana conviction, order punr iffinieni on ihe offender, according to the ar. tie'es of war cllab iffied for the. regulation of the coniinemal army Provided tieverthelefs, That fuch" pufiifliment" lull nor extend to'fen.' " tcuce.ot death, exccptih cafe of deferiion to not properly equ.ppcd, ffiall forfeit and pay enemy or. mutniy.r ' . . ., . th fum'cf fif.een pounds.; each Cap ain five X5 And x ' futlIlcr enafled, That pounds; and each .commidioncd officer under' no ofiiecr or foldier direficd by this acl .o ap--hat grade, four, pounds; ar.d each non-com-1 P-ear and milllcr a. aforefaid, lhall be liable, mi ilioned officer and priva e, the l'um of two i 10 Te laI;e" or arrc'lcd in any civil action or pou;;ds. And tor every lailure or neglect '" 74"-t,iu ay men peiton or ai a company inuler, every oflicer and pri a e ' reMon, " .r 81 e . ai,ected to appear, or ixf 4 (beg letting or failing yo appear equipped a. J reatonD,e l,,ne enher in goinj to, continuing' ge?able to law, fliill forfeit and pay oBe'"' or. "e'tfr'nirg-frora the place appointed to, half of ilie above f unfa.' to be recovered as 0-mi,I'eror nPPc' but every fuch arreft it thcr fines impofed by this aa. : he.ehy declaied-to be void : And every .per. A V.lll. And he it fur-her enafted. That CV,,,CU v7 ,w" aci o aucmi mallei i and every commijfioned officcr. ot the infantry of j ?"T2 co or eurning from the fame the hiiliiia of ibis State, by appointment of the! 'ba:l " ,,'"e,td lo Pf over any toll bridge r- . ' ' . At IaII atfi.i... K J I. 1 I L ... L tonimariding olhrer of each regiment, ihalli" l" ' -"7 "!' oe put over any meet orirc in every year, at fuch place a may nave ocen appointed by law tor holdn g re or omccrs or tne rtgitnen a tan, i'K i noiiu i ' i . . . . nriemr of anv mil krll.-it n j j ihall be given by L CommanJ.'og' Officer c i V,ewJ. Ru lers ,n;her reip.ct.ve J " o" reuf I oc fu 1 n7f Adiuam nt hs Lini,;n, Ka,,aL ..r f.lcounl, "clufive of the incennMon the day 'V r.Ctu,V PUi vcr fuel. p,rfon, they feiy without delay, hee from'. any charge wtuifcever And if any Ferryman or pro. pnva-'e has an excule to oft r r to he cnuro; tnar ial, he may fend bit affidavit taken be'e-it a civil magi 11 ra e, or produce a wi-nefj, cf this acl -llal1 forfc!t iai Py for cvcrY f'ch orTence . rr ir ? . . i Ijf CVIDIIl to each cri.rrat mull-, it m ine omccrs ailcmb'ed ; and it any olncer or r i t X V 'fo tv hilling ioh.,,rftu. ,n . ( Af r Uu av7 aaii KTa 'u MC CVUVC CU 4) r A I MTaL 1 j r ---.'. i w y i f i fii ri , 1 during which funs thev fhall be exertiied by ; 'f0,n.,l-ll'ce of ihe Peace 10 ihe fo e uf ,ihe Adja ant, or-in hi's abiWe by il.c C-m , - . he may perlona.ly appear and make 'w, i. .t .S Ta U ' 1" U T .be Maio.' Gene, .V J 71 f ' Z n he c.ufe of hi, dclintjncy; and in' allcUcV J," "d Tu' &'r "wh-n ce . Aether tor n.glctl 7,r failure of be ofaU l"''" : 8,1 ?"er f ? t . " i"" ""1? l "in" ' k-J t i. - l . . i ' r i a i u ai it ip nnc act (f dni to t nc I v II cm which i iue icvciai iiu unf c vii ic"'ui.-ni- ur ra tauon mur . . , . . r , ,' . . , icrs, or appeals ftvaHi':he compuny cour.-rnn. trQl,J mI and ill o her cafe, of whic h the reirU h ',hc' 1 'r mcu.al cour s.mar i.l have turifdia'ian, their , V 1 i . . 1 n ' uetl at the mu rr i dc:ermina. ion lull be final. XV. And be Commir.ding. Officer of - be retr 'i ...r.hc'r enaOd, That ,hc without being atle icer of. herein: of Ar- ufc,ln A" lh! 'nr it v r o 'ii null nrr l nl i i i r. n t at et Dc cllauMiicd by the 1 ;,"-'-"" men ic. cd b ates ; and lor eath C'"'" 'hctr refpect.ve counties, except neglctl to appear equip.' lht' (irg'i"enf of. cava'. y and companies of iU n(T,r,.. V. ,rrt,A:.V rI,Ile,)' Vvluch ihall be mullerrd ar ihe L I I , . .... render fuflicicnt .!ur'-n" ot 'ticir .eipcciive d.ttnets, ex. rtgimcn.al court-iCfPr " pC'e.n Mo-e exeep e ; and he fl.all i n i ' a: icna -ne lata . rew irw4 ni.iiv. iii. .. .e m 1111 lis; iu uc una urn liirr nil mmirr in.u . ..... ..wV. wnLxiianv iii W-" tw, em,ndi fir7'nr nAod 'hc AinJier ol e.cK-b.i. live founds, once in, eery year trapf. vtv. Ani L ,i r.irA;.7 mu. a reiurn ot laid regiment to th Ma. , , . ' rV , , nytwoveaM o'dr aiulrw i .1 . i 7 sneennir Gcnrral All.inbly. Ad tie Comna;dnj O'Ticcr of ech nd every rgunent of cavalry i . . . . r . nrnnrr in tpmn h,i r, . ft. k. n.. t,. ii giue diitritt cur t oi Ue dillriU o which r "f In 7 ,""""' 7"' ! faid ma cfe. ir Ihill be at futh nl i ccovere as beioie -defci ibed. " And puu,.t,cni .; and that if any Maior-Gensral, w,cn Fna' ; " J upon field Of., UMgidicr-Otneral, oi-fielU OlEcerftall think '-. - uou i. a.icciea Kr ihe iuis.j iiichui, nciimt man oe recovered by information of the linglde Infpcctor b; fore a regimental court.ma-tial, to be ordered' by the lirigadier the judgment of whicia cart (lull be canned into execuiion ani'le. vied by the Adjutant of the i cgimcdt at bete. tofo'C prefenbed, XXVI. And be it furiber eaacred by tit authority afarefaid, Tlut iu addition to the ' "fc.i III SUM , m . " . , a iwcn. i , ....... hnri hfirinmiui ha K. r......i tc r. . iv-Hvt ooundi YtMA . .... ,u R,ano 01 ,nc citxbon, brigade, or regiment, " . " r r w ,,,,,'K" lor e.,np!nfc, of ArdUe r aiS t,Si ; umil lhe vacancy, occ.fioi.ed by fuch uGgl' n0f n legtmeotal ofiicer. or impanics oi Artillery and troop of borlt r,,.,' . .. . . ' , . nrivate tut not lurmn .i .. Calf, wheo afend.ng .be general" mu Her of H" "... ' . ' P.r0V,:l ,UC.f or b. ..lion of inf.otry ir, ih. : " .'V.r 1,1 td region belong, excepf fuch drifl. as 'ffiT .y have two regiment, of Lalry, In vhich f to V " le " "T f. i. n,.'i w. r.k .:t. make returns, of fuih hH rcfiination. and al- i.m iuiii im.lc ii nic VWII r .1 C L te . i I m,.ding wfR.er of caval.y ihall diieft, under "J; " T ai omccr i commana, n- ,,cnilty of.weniy1iye pouod.j and (Hall ' ,K rwor fuch mher officer, lo onJ ... .1. : j...:-. . :..n hon retorni from fucb fefignm? officer nor v,7 time, lit live li i j i ii. ir - . l, ur o .i,,,it lo'ilh. Bris.Jicr.Ccr..- "''. lk.lllhrr.ori .. i g offii the neccliary nrcr in com . ten or reviews, ifiil in rr. r.K. . r l.- I , ! i" k i n mfaoiry in ihe l0 the meeiioff of ihe General Aflemlly. and fin.e ofno ,cfl ,hln lwen,y Cv perc.nt. mr 2 N return, due'frofi hi! diy!fion,l', ".7" lf"'0. V require!'. r.Acst Sct1 .ritrCcted Tb. )s in i radr. nr ra f? i ii r ih in k a i. AM kAi- i i r a ii l a i' v iciiuiieu ft v v akl'' ta aaiaiiB iiayc 1va.anuii iu uci n by any Gcoeraf Officii, iha fud eawilr- mall be under the commanj of ibe offcirt Of Cavalry only, Aad it (ball be (he djy of each Colonel of ihe cava'ry in tKii State to icview, orcaufe one of hit Major, to review, o;.ce, every year, each' tro p of cavalry under hn coiomn.d, within the counlict where the faid trat'pt may refpcGWely nllJe, voder Ll'll III. abfent from hi, ufual rafidmce two month, or morr, it fhll be the diy of fuch oftcer to notify the officer emitted io the command, of fuch bit intended akfence, and alfo ike neat faperioT officer in command, jnder the penalty f twenty pounds, to be mocrcd ai other hhe. XXU inl be it further tnartcd, That to call ow the Clerk of the court for a copy f u.ei.usoi iiaoi ptcperly for bn compaor in each and every yc'ir, and upon fuch appli. ca ion it Qiall be the outy of iha Cieik ta fui nith the flme wi.hout delay. -- XXVII. And be itfrfnherieoactld, That all faoctaod foifciturei by tail afk directed, ar.4 sot beriia finicuJirly 'rpfpfrtiaud I ' , - -, i .A

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