. X. I - : 4 I i :. Kit ' me m m - - . 4 t .1. , i Whitehall, March ins, - ThAinel.as been oleieat tott-n riahthon. Henrv AdiiflKion ..' i ll'B.,1 17 . '- CLmm Thvni.. Kid inanes .Milan ryuwi, . j . .. !.. .,11.1 t ,;, ,i Jtlir?2- Thvnnef 1 and C.n 'Nathaniel fiondtErh. t tof he comm-ilionera tor- w,l-.;" ' , .. .' fexxuiin2tWttfficcoftreJefof bi m.jeCfiexchc.. 1 her is,, however, anotnsr. report to which truer The- and mutuil afTuVa'nces na oibeV occafions fpfoceedecTto the' flT'eflionof the northern nf.i'u'.e nd appont Belides, that afper'uy of language Vihichufed ,'nhn Smyth, aocl to beiev'ei'ed at tVis country in "the French ua ui laic VIVCU DI.VC IU V VUU J : : ; " ' : i we attach very little credit, viz. that Biiona e.&ic his 1 eeh pVafed to grant to the right j tartV hai delated Vi termination to treat Von H.n.y Adeiington.tr.e office of rhancel.or .nd. . -. j. - ! ftflintiion nnlr wi'h KjiKia, Denmnk Sweden, .Spain, W fc ' ' ' ' I ' ' 1 0 1 1 w " ' - J - i . Aifj." to ioooiot the fgiitrion. Caries Toifceto bc'tii raajiAy'. lcceaty '.at fvtTr.. , " " .'";,' his allies - Itis faid that Denmark and. Swirlen t.t.rJ HawUrfljurv hii adoctsd a WTertnt mod of . diipoled to tiHen to pecocianons." and mat cornnraaUt-tini itb Mr.''Oit ilitu that pial;fed new roiniilers aie reaJv to convince .'hofe ;by impredeccllbr., Kfead of rnptoyiniKfr. Hi r- , r$ fh(. -wij, Riin ,ofc byreibrting to mondaawriie h t noici, Ltya H'AiJicibiry wrote a r o . ;- u,,-!.!,. let cih sown bario Mr, Otw, acquaiaung him ' pacific arrangements, than to thofe of 4 (ruble ofihe fufpehrion of the prevmH or der for apiurn nature, elpeciaily on a queition, the principles "tren-'h tl h'ne "vcftaU; : -Wr'v'.Otto baa tn.e:VtV ned .t.h; of which, are interwoven 'with the exiflehce atte.ition in. hi. Co ,.t, and ha dec-ared hit re. Wal 0f our navy, and of courfey with :he fecurity' jfaViftcation Hthii inftaoce of civility. . J ,..r. ' ,:;.ru",MAn" VJ"' ? Difo uhca have been reeled .at Loid Hawkelb .- ' c ' " ' f ' Qv ryVofncefrqmLoid Elgin, at Conftaa.-iao; le, dated ioverntnent received diipaiches trom S.tr February .5. Th-y'- ate, that Sir Ralph Abercrom: ic--R.- Atercrombie on Timriduy night. ' iherc had in all probability failed lorEg'pt before, that js naihint known of 'heir contents beyond time ; and that the m .il .favorable hoprt miht he which is not favourable. - , . . entortai .ed of the expedit'on ; the ongmai plan ot M . ' . ' r -c . , t -trnnn. attack had been cbanl for one lefs fa" jeatV i cU Niplcs is jo be gamfoned by trench r oops drnta. and mnrc p.ompt in -xeca i.v.. Tw Turks' usder me preiext ol repd.tng . any attacks of were t-- cocperateon the fide f El.'Arifhr- .t the Br)ij(h fl.-ft. Tiic ry.r.p-afXonde--is-au A j-urkithwir is tiie gcnfrai topic or tonvenainm bi dtlb.atided. The French armies have near . J,'l UV.C 1 1-y uy l riv; cut tit v 1 a 11 iiv..t n y. , vv: 11,1c ii.;' iui;umnnn 01 my mwh. :gf.uy, . jpcgituefl ir'e' bherc' v as hi her t o-.-vt? ' reafciu. lo tall in lon." T. ierfcthe fpciub vlft " flllSlliU'l lilt: liCLUtlrtllWl I1HKI" W I f, ikf,. 1 v. Ih. Vl.nrk kKrvtr! brought-to a faVOTa'vrerCOncluion.--TKlS ten fufpended her vengeance lor repeated injuri.s : .'OUch'Jnifht fay, however, that Jthc I in fhort : contradiftioino th6fc principles ot found r? . v-,, ' ., i 1 -r ' policy Vr huh regulated mv conduclia fuveuin it they propdicd terms inconfiftent with 1 I " 1 I I 1 L r-e-Hiiaher ctrces at Vienna, nn an ittt pic- . ! ... .1 A..11 . L 1 ik, ..: in.hr firfl olace. laree , Our government, it is laid, have receive lrj' .zinf-ofcofri arc'tonlmg ".h?.th at.Croaiia and ! an . in lunation from the Prince Regent 01 ror, Banmi at t"hcxpence of .hi. trnoeri d Court ; tne , tugal, that he is deli. ous of putting .the iirgzils chiet rri?gaiineii to be at'Ag..,.: e0'';'l!J'.. Gcn j into the hand during he haza'rd'tiis warfare Kie 'mayn, h feved vwhli U. much diltinctior. in . ' . . . . ? . f -.w the -I.IVU -will, the -rorka. ht bn nomina.ed With his relation the King of bpun - chb? of the 1 n9t.-i .i.'iok in TraniyWania. and I I here was a long and .animated debate great nurbtr f I m m rial troop con; iniie to fi oi? ; Jn tle HoillVof Commons Oil t UcT"?. Ctll , it lame time to . . . r- 1 1 to'Ht ccmules: all iht tlicin wit( two v By a cartel -rri reptjitcdtiiat fou hai 6"naDcd O'lt -I ve v '.fYort is ufe t at tht Imoe.ul rei-b nts and rciotorco -V - " vy " f "'fcJ;' v tdiimenu' of borfe ' , " houle do refolvc iilelt into a Lonvnutee it Pi.-nout'i from Nantz, it is cf (jie w,iole to enqui re into the Itate ot Tr ; S ! the nation:" In this dcbate.the lpca- that ihc Bielt UeM w jjre inVinR for f-a ; but as a-.ls- rriiral Coni- y in :tfr i4"(!il-nr-thte-Sk;-ra.iid ore eighty 11 lh ; ; n ti'iliat poti an : ilhe in fh.ire fqfndion,! ei S : Junei r .t.fiJling Dt;.ln fail of 74" befi tfriRite & i were within Icyc 1 oroi l.t in. ol.Hr.-il. on the :tth mil "n ia . ; iiha'oi'. tin- h-Y .' ; 1 1' Out U-iUi'TC ived, e f peciallv aa the " .f..u d 1V.11 fn. ltvi the r.felvea" under ths :over of 1 j n-V, l'he re flirt add, that they aietiedi.-'ed for' th-: t ' I : th 't fMbip the li,4..h JsJ.btffR.hu'j!:dJlio. p 01 board,' .and .the frigates proportionate na-nber,' Lofs of the Invincible. It U with ni jch concrrn, we announce the total lofs'Ol hts nafr fly's ihip Invincible, of 74T;uis, ap ai!i R-.i f-, at the Norfolk CimIK The.ridg? of "he lahl on which his mlanchol'v atciden harne.l, 'is' called the kcrs were MclTrs. Grey, Dundas, Kl lifon, May, LordTemple, Young, Pitt, rox, and the new Chancellor of the lix chequer. Mr. Grey concluded his h i!i "the following wonts : confederacy, and ilcfcnded the principles ou which Britain allerts itr , ' . With rcfpecY b peace, he faid'thal ho . ' - 1 r . 1 t- c t coniicieraiionoi tne jorm 01 gpventnert Under fuch ctnndflancirs, narlrfibauRf i every means of gcntlenef -having comptetcy acquiited rnyfelf ef all the dutiri )m olcif by iheTiea ut blood and my arTetionfor tbe pmces'of Portugal -con- vinced ol the inutility of fbrther flTri'irta.nd ntidiriz that the pnoce regent had forfc.".ef the fanftii. f'hi . ii- 1 - l- T . J rovaj word, given, on varioua occGon fj.cafi.ir in' t ranee woald impede negociation. 1 1 lpcaCe, iT,d had-thui compromitteJ my pr, m,fe' to vvould be a qucllidn merely of terms ; affd i ?;i he' di.frj.:fi oh that prevailed on the part or hisfniajtitj was receiyed with France arid this to graiifV rny entnty, n'la n d I thought i.hat a fu-ther atjn efcihce'ou any partV-pa d A be inconfiflent wiihthe welfare of ray peonle, i i ikJ in mcir property py an unj'iu agicltor, weu d be by a which' Juu4g as y crrbadAitif . 1 . .-. the honor ot, thevcountrv Mr. Dent fpoke itvfavpr of the moti on, when the houteUtviced--ior the mo tion (befides 4 tellers; ifis: againlt-it 2.91 majority iso, , TRANSLATION Declaration of war of the King of Spaing 7"- dgcir.l ike Queen of Portugal, II amnion rJlbi g. is titua- lei about 1 1 miles f-om W imcrtt-n. Dread ful to relate . the number of h inia-i beings who , pcriHi:d on th's cccafion, am mat 10 upwards CK 4o' iti'duJin the captain and the greateft pari of tin o'licers; tqj u'.ly, out ol the whole crew and pafl-.peis iiaviw b"'en laved ' fram th? wreck. Ro. idmir.ii To ty, w.io wa proceeding in liii iaviuiiV to join the North Sa ll;;rt, is lup;jiiy among the furvi vors, lis arrived in town yel'rday after roon and i-nmrdiately. v.'aited oiuhe loids of tr.c admiralty. -. March 25. Letters from Conllan inople, dated -Feb. l8 late, that tiie fc'.ng'.fii fiie hictl3ttcd-for-t . TV!):, and that the Tijrkiih ile-t would lad in aj i iy's, It"i . air'fted that Grn. Ab'tcrom 1 bie hid olfcrfd Gcn. . Memut a t lionouiable capMula ion, it lie-wou'd rvacuaie Egypt with hi rronps, jnd'e-urn in Trance, but had re ceived, fn ih-ff I- cri, a pofuive refufal. The Engl 1 l!i expert hs ro op.-iation of 6000 inenfrym lie ait Indies, v hich will give cmolr vhitc t i ihe French on the caflcrn pirt of Ey , while 'Gen. Abrtcfori.bie attacks lhc.atiuy.a)ailie-nojcdietai.a.J wcllv'toiides , - .M.ucll 27. We find I'n' ih Dmch govrrTmi-nt have f,-n. a Com, n (firmer o li-f.inn tx Ifeat wnlt ! :he H'ic-h r Pntue of Oja n.e, ur.Jer ihc nied anon i f PriiSiia. lefpeuy the indCinni ly durhij U.rvly, ' for he U" "Tcflt ration and Tlufcimrs of 10 ir pmreiiy in ihc United Province'. . To what t xtei.t ih s ind.mnily miy reach nnd -r ihc mi dia'ion of Prctha, is r.a u'ally il.e ftiljecl of much political ipe olaiioni ' v; Mifch 28. . WV'n alrradv Ha ed that M', Onolud From the Madrid G ai e t t e. " MAniu-S Marcl-i. The King has been pkalrd to ad-iefs to all his Council! the following decree " When I fortunately :ade peace with the French Republic, if. was o.ie of ny fivlt cares to factlitaie to O' her powers the farce advantage, having more particul:irlv in rnind thole with who.e PiinCes I fiund my fell conncfled by.the lies ol blood ; and the republic oftcred to admit my goad offices' for the tormer.'ahd my mediation for the latter. From that period I have en; ployed repeated and atlive en. d'eayois ij pi ocute. an advantageous peace for. Por tugal, conformably 6 "the rcelva ion in the faid Treaty which I always kept in view, and to the e ceflity in which fhe Uood of a trancjuil admiHiftra tioii., In this, befides the falutarv" end which f mote immediately propofod to attain, the advantage of Portugal, I had n view the insulating her from England, and framing her from a Country, to -vtiam Ihc was fc wUaltle li.om her maritime pofi- tion, 11U i'ui camtcllini;, it prill tile, taac Louutry to make a peace, delired by all Europe and which lire alone obit nat.-ly p'revented. My repeated si d efft ftual pei (usfiffni had a, -parcntly over.oiric the re- --r j c' i pugnanc , winch The-PortJgucle Ctbioct, governed re ' 1 mult , by' that ol L'iian, had always fhewn to an accom modation with the Republic, and their Plenipoten tiaries in P;uij, hi cd in the year 1797 a ir.orc ad vuiiagc u rcMy thsi pouid 1 avc been expected iu the iclaiiv fit .atidn of the two countries Hocver, Er.glaad iceing that it In etched out of her band; an lultrument fo ufefui to her ambitious views, redou bled her ctfoits, and abufuig the credulity ot that Ca binet will) idensof chimeiital g2randiaertcnt, made it take tl.e 'cxnaordinary jc.u.uii jii of withholding tts Mtilicaaoi., thus fruilii'i g my h .pc;, and lor ..1..:. .... a ... . . 1 ...u. . ..... Ollght Ut hive a fair trial, but I Will PV1 !oue to my hi'h mediation, a pLin Cafe in point : Suppoic my pri- j ito.n thit time me enndurt of that Govrrnme t Vute affairs ihou d be rtduCtd "to a'lta C0i)W more marked charade , and ot .atulud wi h luruiiii.iig iy encuij, tng ana, wnn 11 t:ie ntcans in in poc: to attack, me and my a!'.y, 1 he Fieoch republic, us dc:;nuji l.aj'cven gor-e 1 far as to in- Notwi hftanding, before i fina ly tefolvcd in retort 10 ir.e paiBiui extremity ot war, 1 was dtiirou-, tor ' the tall time- to renew my prbpofitioils to her 1110ft faithful niajefly, to whoh II iccoidi,ng!y tot piy arubalTa-lor the duke of Ftiai, who, r.v cwing th; different peiiods of this pr.o'tr..cled neociation, e pre fented to hcr'majefly how dif;efpecUul and uv.'vjH lurcondud had been, difplayed to htrih'e abyfs wiiicii threatened" her, with the only mcanino avoid it, by a treaty which France would Ji ill be difpofed to hf ten to, out of rerard to my mediaiion. V -The court of Poriugal replied in the. fame terri . aiierctpfore, and fent a ncguci.'tor wiiho'ui fufficient twttHitHtlie--ljift tHwa- TjeUfljg wy tt4r 1 mat um Wr-erefortt being f effential tor tke trai quility of . Europe to corjipel that government 10 nuke its-pea c With France, rndsjo obtain for my bchv(d fulject ihoie indeinniFcatrais' to whiih th; y have lo welt founded a claim, I haverdeied my amL-ilTa.li! 't leave Lifbon, and have given, pafl orti to ihc Por'u gucfe aClaff.idor for the fame' p-urnoTfi relolvin. though with p-ai'i-, to atla k ihatSpoAer, by unittne rr.y torcjrr witti thofe of my ily the rehu lie; 'whole caufc is aflimiiated witb i,inc by the ccihj.remitment of my r.eg'.eitrd racdi.iion, by our com mounter elf. ana lor latistactton ot ray own wr rigs nd loliu eft ft, I dechie war asainft her M. f. inajcfty, -lict kingdoms and lubjrfti, and; I or'dfi this deiermiiia lion to be communicaied to all my dorn nions, t ihe end that all mcjni be refortrd to for the da. lencc of my beloved fubjeftj, and for the aUack. of ihe "enemy. Given at Aranjuei, 27th Feb."i8ot. : fpee; " With refnetl to the which may be offered aga'inft enquiries ariling trom the change ot iviinuicis, 1 know it will be-- laid, do . noi . prcjiiuge Uu'in, it would be premaH frankly declafei, I cannot give them my confidence-; their principles, are noto riously the fame as thofe of- their pre dzreirors, witli a Hill moije inveterate avcrfion to, civilor religious freedom: their tcfolhtion to perkvtrtiice it? .'the fame fyflcnv is avowed, and th-;ir talents are unkitovvn. It may be fal! that tiie WILMINGION, MAY 21 ' 1S01. of enibarrill.Ticnt, and a inan, ot whofr capacity I was totally igr.o-wnt, would offer to manage mv concei !s, he would naturally fay, " don't pnjude me ;" but I would anfwer. 44 I do? Lrwvv you well enough totrufi ou ; on? fail ure might ruin my property, an ; 1 can. not therefore afford to m ke the x pcri mentof employing you." J ul't.lo. with the gentleman opnolite to me ; the na tion's fafety at.any lime, but paiti.uUr ly at prefent, mould i.ot be rilkvd or experiments.- From the late cenfu s i t app ea r, that New-York;- contains more - iuhabitynti - - than any city it) the onion." The late eleftions in the flare of Rhodo, Ifland have terminatel in favor of lha Republican candidates. No coimter-decla'ation -has yet been re ceived from ihe Brhifli cabinet, -in anfwer to the Pruflian no'e of the 12 h Feb. Private ac coynrt, the amhcn'icitv of which cam of beaf. cer aincd, fay thar7 Lord Carysfort liaJ rer Ceived inllrirthons. to open tirgi.rii ions be 1 ween Great Britain and the powers , of ihe North.. ' ' 1 Ttr follctv'tntr co'rrtjpvi!e-ce has hceri pub ; itjhed by dipt: Uainbrilge. jure d rectiy my lubjects nud to ofie d m'y dignity by a p.iiu.aci jws rclitnce to my talmary-couuleis. T -us h'S ail tu'-rc feci its Pons fcanda'.oufly be to .10 he'lito i)iu .;ofViie er.Vmy'i Iq iaorons and the Tiivin'ac u l'a;io)s h.-m mIi.-sicc thct r cruizeii rug' t viotiiably exsiiitc hell iity ?g n.ll'n.v velLls ot tho.c ol ..iy al y tiie r?) "b.ic. P01 tugurfe fhii-s u .ited wih thofe of tuc rneniy have been i-.-rn lotm- i,.'.. ..1 brovihflj.. .p.iaid:r,2 them in all t'.i.ir lh,t ,!;e ' bitraiy Dcy of Algiers lia-t de dtvanj. .t-.ai ...s i.l war agrinft .me. We hae fern their th'1 :he Ln d AP Jtn WaHimn m.der-; the, and cicmuI tbti, H.ij.s of Aar infultrg 1 Cf,"d, fh'uld carry hi prtfenu m th r.e-fii citizens art ibe very. pit of Carthage..., and .G,"d S,iftl r V Coill...tin.,H'e. . y inetsiuttot ru'iug 1 unci. 11 nirn procrcjiri uy ? D' 7 . Sl, titers, jet!) Oil. i S :o. I wro e vnu on the 5th tit. ii.forr'iinj I'hc Chancellor of the Excht q-icr ad- ilreifed the houfe in a fhori fptcch, ol the principal points of which a very brief fketch is j;iven in the Mrrii ' Clironiclc. He faid that the new' Mi- niftcrs had been charged by Mr. Grey ! wirh" liavlirgat!dpTcd ihe"prfncipTcs -iiT' I) item of ti "eir pre.tcceffois, but he acr- red in lii own name and that of hi'c(U leagues,' that. as' they would not adopt any fyikni merely bccaulc it wa that ot their prcd.-ccilors, much as they refpec tcd I hem, fo they would be . "mucti lets dif-iofed in retract a fvUem which fur fo jniauy ve.irs bad received the approbation ! e r ' ... i .1 II.. .I oi io threat a majonty ot rnc uouie. We know no fylUm.'faid hf, but that uhioh, unucr attlhe-Tircumfianc ol 'rmr ritinitiii ilall aiiieur hci calruh. -cn olf dilpa.ches io Uionapar.e on fjtur., , 0 rum0,e lhc hol)ur 0f lUr f0yC. dav risi!it fl : they wrrr f.iwardcd f.im , .. if,M,nn " i j .i. i n sviin i wen a i iiv nit vi nvvwnn lt..uir tr. Atiintit? in trniri'T. and rtJC led Pa. I 5 . . : . . . " - - rti - II.. r -. 1 .1 .. ...... I..I.... .i uy. ue i a in iii4i viuiii i.vi- ' r . fihil ty )ii flfenty rcru. fii ihe Uuite-t f'atci at ctnn itted fianilar ou-..secaiu.i mv own furiecis . ,m V,nhtf'' ''hc.i?(i lor.e d into u hvil.er" Buonjpsrto re"urncv ris on Tticfdav n'ch. ' : .. i an arifwri on AVed'icl.lay, w'nttt arnvca was a al;fubjccfl which had given life to much Ca'.aison Th.irfd.v mo-n.ni;, f..rm wh-.sce it tinpuje at various times : lur n. uWn v..j, inllintlv tunve:rd . Dover in a ,flaj of! part he d.'fired only ctind'tuuonal con. truce, and reached Loud. n aho.it mijnithi. I tidencc that conlidence which wis due ti can lilureo'ir traders the cin'ents ot tins totholcwh i vterc appoin'tu dv hic un anfwer hive noi iratilpired ;' ft ihat we tan only lUie ihe repvi, whkh wa cuff eti ihis nt.j'nirig in the bell mform-d political circle yliifhuilui oegociaiion on lb-fueil of I rate will be opened in due form ; and that at fg it the P climitiaraes are, fettled, Lord t.i. Hthnis lo trpair to Paris at.jiiir Minif lerrn hf occahon : peih.nsit is unneceffiry to iddha' ihe privlia and public thai atlcr of this Nubiemiiiflands exiremc'y high on ihe conirent. T.iereare ninr circumdances wVch tend to llicnh'n ihitcpfi.' The pairic lan gna'if thr rcw AdmitiKlffion and their .friends in.ihe Hufe of C.smmQns he per ' f jial aMemit'rt of I.o?J f keTb sr jr lo.NIr, Oiiii.boir.' r:Utive loiaeFrcach hlerotro, doubtc4 prerocativc of the sovereign, tinlcls where fomcpcrfonal objection ex illcd to deprive them of the benefit of it. He jullified hirnfclf from any imputaiion that might be fixed on htm by the obfer vatiuns of the honourable gentleman op. nofitc tuhiin- He hid not conduced hirnfclf while hs had the honour of fjl- linfihe diair, in a manner that could pcrmita fuppofition that he had fieri fi- ccu tts uicnuy or uu nwn tuaiautr in th putfuit ot power or place. To all fi lei-and all men, however he might have differed from them, he had obferved, to thiiufl of his judgment, the Urtctcfl imputulity.. lr. AdJington then ; m r ! t ' ' J v " a i iv V I'hs ba bout i-l I'onuRSl aic be.-.'-mc- puhiii mukcta (or Span fh and Fretth prices mrie on ih-tr vnv Ciaft and i . fight . f their f.via by tlie cne..-yi pii vateen, nay. their adnuraUy 'even condemns p.i.rs which my ubjetts hive tsken on the high teas a d h e tiir rd into their p-.ru lor f f M fhijis ol witr- beirt-wK a cold rerrjrTnintl!f r purU7 In llie tivrr Gudia'i Poi;uurf foldie'rs have cin milled ounagea ag.inlc ny peace-ul fttjidj, filing on a. d wr.undiug tbein as in 'i e of war, without the Poitug r e G ivrmrient having fhewn any maiki of difappfibat.on. I. word, Pouugal it may le faid, ha under ihe mafk'of fnenifhtp, aclcd h f lilrly againll mv Kindr.mi i:i F.urope.nd the .Indies, and i' e tvnei cz ol her condua d.lper.let with a re Irrcore lo lh multitude ot lst.it "which mihl be died in fupp'oil ol ihe t!.ar,c. Aol what hii tern ro'y cn'ucl in lha tmdft o( fn many ou igc I Ihe FienJi htublic yt& y of lendci with Pot. ugal, intended to take, i i!l Ittil. faUioX, nd her .mis, cvtry where v'ti'toiioui, would .-. tlioulaiU-ixeifioDi,. hwft-If read dtfoIatioA throa:h ut hr piovi icm, il my fratrrnal rrgjid fr her mof fa;thfu nojefly and her auguft children had aol ImheitJ u.llarticed the Republic, my ally, to laf pend the JWw t .the Frmeli have in lat alva checked thenKelsrs on the tint (hold of my med'utton. My pttrraal !oe lor thole Princr. man.ng me tur ret no every ttccnt injury tlmfe which had prcrrdeJ it, inipirt mi t itn in iu vi ..i.n' iiiy of the fucce lu-s v the French army to purffa-'e T-.-lugal, 10 te ty gentie mra i, l? rrptfrcnt to her in lively colon ll dsngef. to wl.'.ch.fha wil rxpof ed, tad to employ, in the. Iu I tllufun of my heart, the inta-cQint l.'-guaje of fr.'.'isal love and faf (he hi oil fi rriejliitr.ufliip to attain that objtcl. . The ublliMcy'of Po'tugsl b!igd ie, in ihe fe. que!, to aftu it a more .fTumin ftvle. aad with wel. fou ided admooiion, with (hirsts nl my ti.gr and with iciia&aiioQS Lh'uh ouxht to havtbeen ifl prfled, 1 lougKt lo bring Ur.btl u her t ut b ligations. But the toait ol L Ibio, alwiyl deal i-i my voice, only fought lo gun lime, mlg id!t prornifei, fft dmg over tgiin plfnipsten itiiet w-,tH eut porr, Or with limilcd onrs, prtftct.ng t dilavfCuiit, and rtforling lo U ih miserable fub letfures o( a I sift md t-oftridy po icy I Tht bind atfi ol the prince ffrtt hat crn ort (o lir at to rtil- im kmc nl Crett.Brr.tin hit aiiT. in irtei er ol the Kfgeurv. . Evrrv ifl irt iht w.t duu'h to fig-Til, bat been auemptcd by Cxifu )'b..ea and itiyfcli td obv.aie i y g ing. , Au Eughfh ftiu cl tar a. rued heie .nl olT--cJ td carry the rmojflV j but licr the would not aeerpi, 'iipj-f.- li ey would leu.ider la. a o1 g tons to ilia BtHifHi ; The light that this Regency looks m ihe ted S:lft it exicl y this ; y. u ty m: i-lbu e, by iUt you became my toJ thu I have aiig' t tv Older is I p'ra!?. ,' . , Did the United Stiles know the rafv atcefi of tJa barbarous cu.lt called 8 rr-.ry, hr weknels '4 their gaiiifjrs, nd th tfTrraiaiaiy f th- r poplf, I -. lurt they iuld not be loug ir.Uuiary tj lo piu..l a itceol infidels. ' ' Inclofd you have the'eurrof R chard O'Brien, E'e. Conful Ctfia', of the 9th of Oftober, it ine , on the bufinefs p this emh ily, myn!ei, awd h.a tptv, by huh you will fre that I .v n3c',ia!v in titling, but am (ovrnicd ' y lh tyi.ui. hrn.. , . (!oiful CC.A,,,n a.idjiivX.'.f had a vrr warm df- puie With the Uev ana V.miiiei of Mjii-'e,(liTib is very near c ufi e a dedar. iu of mnj icl(An hoifli-it the lu lTiv ll'i; the Crnfui and inyfeli in. fi.lrcj Ibaiilllc D.y loieel us to g", t wear our own Hart, or if It v.ai a ram i a tn.nptiinrm tt t lv Min iirr of Mifiiio, l' I c.il it .t the tore-top -ma'l. head; but no-argimemt wo Id avai', their tifpiiic will mult le ciigrrpl cd with: Die Mimtter "i.f Marine, ctmt on , boaid with hit' Idmiral" and fevrtil A'f,,na eap'lins, who went ii.ta the main top, and hau'rd dtwn lb Amcmin ptrw dsn , and hoiflei ihe Alserine n.ifliin ft-g. ,- Had we 10 nr it (rigatrt tad fl'ji in ih"ft fess, I lit well lomined it my 0n mind thai we fhoti at i.OI tiprilrnee thou moi'ilying drgradtlrt that rni'l l-e ki'.tmf i'i c r iy Amtiivin v.Uo pul'. le. ta lndrpenjfft f. mi. ' Thit toff'd crui'e eompelltd by tht Dev, wi I cofl 1 4 or iC thMji.nl 4Hn ia ciencrt lor pay tad ptovifiart, . 04 slier tRrtlfd vr.lt htvt atlrn. dfi ey 'o tinmjit the inir.e.l ol t' t U itr jj Sl.t't with thit Krg'nfy arts not in (He rttu 1)1 tts jf e'e it trird toy lavours du.ito lin by a (hriUi.a aai'oii. 1 hope Sir,' you 't'. canldfr l'j ty wp'ftfart fi! H'mit lb I 1 vl fi1f ti-winf ft .li'ftlll.V j but timpiiinct or vat . t ft it u flirc y lo r y. ni tJ ... whieh ht tddrtlf d 10 me hm Imtitiof whu hf ! ftll and ill t"di my 0w i. w -1 owed to the. ftnttitf ol bit ties w-tb mt, 1 ,diht fff. J Isrmirg to m but tsUts;( titnmjr m tfft jtQ due lo rny peif , nd that tsUin tn :,t ct fei, i-tt wnil 1 till a turfv i t? tut t !!"- oto.it bit wKi h ia IrutS wtl no;S;ng rott than an indt pirt en a- s unt ol our twit hn.ug cttilril lajaitol tnt toaie 01, ip ai.crtainry a.v ctguaa tts .0 to f.ro.euiu ui.td ott bin. I a t'eitty kef icum fn. S- Lta;t 4 i 1" - "V -"''. J. ' 1 i" s

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