LINES ' ".-'. Addrefcd !o a Society for. tSat'ti h'WZ: a' y Literary JrunJ:,-'. ;-?-.' . "Ye. friends tf Genius, friend a of hnrmn kiml, .?VhbflilOh"e throbbings of the wounded m'u.d j Ye little flock, felefted from the crowd, ' The ftefn, die vain, the thoughtlefrV and the f rosd, -JTo Pity's ha-ribis ibr'toe your offerings bring-'. Afflifled Genius it a Jaqred tbirtj. KcrTaThuftani"AniftiW-ttal hcvs' ' Anfcr. '.Alt DVnifli innaDitants and fane! wilt not 'be forced todo any .military f;:!:cft -f. f.ClTltV Tor criics as well You ftiffer with the mi of ftudioaa-irnod, s Who ftarvea by labours fortfte public gqod 1 WhoTe'wifdom forms os, and whnfe magiq p'i, ?ofiCu'i oar heaita, and tirin us into men. : Roufryfans of wealth, whom Heaven iu anger feel, SlieuH'on "your fophas in the pomp of ejfe. Who mark t he poet's or Hiftorian't art( - N And praife the truths that eyar reach your heart. Who author at you quiff chimpigne To,warm the frozen blood, and fire the brain j . And while the flight of Geruaj you admire," iew the fcorn'd owner in a jail expire ; Or lke poor'C'hatterton, rcfign hia breath, Slf-murdered-, to preclude a lingering dttth. Route font of wealth, when Pity calli, and find How wo of, fympathy exalt the mind : How oft, by frnall relief, in feafon. given, We bjild.inouowS breaft a little heaven And whwben fuchTtiWirne effects arc known, their perfons and as the free exer- fcifeof. Religion,, provided ' they do not tiidfavour. col hi lively to coyer property LiA the enemies of ." 3IK- Ire land. By properties-.Jyo be undeiftood goojsjind merchandize -oow on ihorc. X. Arms:and-ammunition to be deli vered by acommiflion con.pofed of offi cers of both parties, alio the magazine's, i he has fent to fee the Britifh troops. " WEo7 but mull feeTtt'rifvng" arrived that he was how no more.?7 t?' t the fv6jeB-cf the ifland and of theUni I he lacy. was lnconlolablc, nut ine tea dutes ot Amenca, uattcnjiyir me found it prudent to Ijfle hejgrvtr,, twt. ine mig? oomeratc trie imaiicu ictcc of fufpivion. ,' . ' . VV hen inc. had paid every, tribute con HQent witk'.-efleaion to the memorv of , . f.- her'fieparied lord, a ge'mtehian was' pro pbfei by. her parents former approbation, a iiu the goodj?ld people lo prejudtced in favor of the per lo n they had " introduced that they gave their daugutcr. to lander ftand their happinefs depended on her compliance. '1 he young lady, who thought herlelt entirely at liberty to. commit a fecund t repais upon Hymen,; ahef idme little heiitatio;i coalemed. ' 1 he nuptials were ce!e. rated the lady, if not hap py, ; was placid, and lcrenely content ; tie parents were it-lighted : the bride groom was f enraptured ; and all were I j o c 1 1 n d 1 1 w e r e f p r i gh 1 1 y . ror couple at length an lntermtttng lady : the -phyficiani were baffled, and (he to all appearances paid' the debt due to nature., anerwas;t)urred with pompv and every reverence (hewn to her me- duty, but they muft take the oath of allef glance conlormably to the aojwer to ar- " tide loth. .;-y-;.:., 14. The-preliminary articles W4iuch this propofed CapitulatH)n' . depends that -. the:...fctrl.ccrsifeivt onbttaYtftt fleet afccr- tain the number of Britiih to be thres, thouraiur leaft. - " -' . .. cnfv cr . His Excellency the Danifli Governor is hot expected to fign theta- , piiuijiiion uniu me return oi-ine-0JtLcci5- and provifions. and what elfe may be ... 1 . found in. the fort as it iliall be lound to day, according to returns to'bedrawn up.; Anlwer. Agreed. c. AH Danillr ofiicers of the garrifon, unaval officers and failors, toTbe conduc ted conveniintly and fafely to their na tive country, and thofe that may defire to proceed to America and elfewhcre to be provided with proper palipurts, i. In the general-claim ot Daniih . and neutral property to be.refpeOed, as , belongihg to lawful pwners Is alio com prehended the vcitcls and all properties afloat in this harbour, or what' might arrive during the time the Danifli colo.. - nies remain in pplleuion of his Britannic Majelty.' - "' Anlwer.- 1 o replyJ.o the third pro- politioruadditional, all , thi;forts,- milita ry ports and vefiels of war be given lrU were fprightly.V ' . A,nfwer.- Thegarrifqn m.uit be con- ry ports and veflels of war mult be given four: years this newly married, fidcred as prifohers.of war, and fpecdily up as foon as the capitulation is raiificd :, lived in perfeft harmony : but ! as poffible will be conveyed to Europe by the Commander in Chief. . 'th an intermitiny fever feized the I as and every indulgence flicwn them. l6 It is refuelled that the military A fsINf.ULAR TALE. We are about to . indulge :oor readers mo'ry. the cuftom of the country would with vmw findulnr. -hut n verv true re-1 admit of,' . lauon of an affair w hich happened ome During her laft illnefs, her former ,.,ar n-:o.w.fKT?rM nrovnV.rrt huuband. whom we left abroad, had re- Ainarrof famton-TTard his-sidr elfeT-Ta) turMd-and-afterlcTTTghenff n,'!. u,tv ratilr anl Hiftin- enquiries, was intormed or every cir- an(nA irr'f I cumftance we have related above, As there vvas a Darirv in vcars. in As he was unwilling to furprife her :..f,m.ini.J nnrf in .fitiurioii. the bdv re- whilft (he combated with ftcknefs, he fr-ivr.1 h.r unUant with thci cuftomarv had employed a trulty perfon' t .make . condcfcenfioii, females feldom withhold him acquainted with each particular of from thofe whom they are taught to pro- her cafe ; and the in(tant the news of her "nouncv: upon an equality with fhcmlelves. dcath reached his eari, a frantic wild- nefs-feized hi foul, and he refolved: to 6. No military to be quartered in ana naval orncer inonui bc nermi-.tcd ei. JiftnfM' hnt in harracks. and- 'decent thcr to remain here or -to return by the rooms-toDeaiiignea oy-tue- uurgncr j " jr-j-tAii4ti! iicUii.u ;. Council, and a commiflion appointed to ftate and 'hat the private foldieis and . . ' . . If 'I . . I. IJ l . . ... i 1 L n that purpofe. i janors lnouio ueproTJcea wnn;pauports. "Anfwer,' Agreed. I nuiwcr.-, . i ue omters oi; ine - army 7. The Danifh laws atil ordinances priloners ot war on their pa tn rrrnain in farce! all roiirts and indi- e Ot honour, not to ierve till exchan- riartfflres-icTrcnSTF;i hv ih. nri-f.-nt gH "and will have, permillion - to depart - j " i ;- i ' .. .i ! '.. - .f officers. In cale that no appeal can take "K "'". tonvemcm uianner wun pan- nlace to the hiirli court of itrftirc at Co- Pors "x "leir Itay here mult nor exceed penhagen, one is to be ettablillred here a c uviwmumuwxu uni- by the Englilb (Jovemmcnt, to conhlt '"ul I L,c y"Fult;u U1 llls iviajcu ri( llirop if . tf rnnfl oll r4 A 5 1 inll" UlftCt. evcrlrt)in'whatevf r motive, difaVprovc'd recetTC no;manner of fuftnance," ot the match. I he ucRtiemaii pleaited T r ' n- 1 but in vain ard finding it importib e lo oXercome the aged bbltinacy of. the parents, he rcfolvcd to folicit his char mer's confeut to enter into the holy banJs of matrimony, without any fur ther confutation With the' parents, who feemttl fo reOdutcly to perlift in a denial. Having fully cXplaiifrdhrmfelfTJfTihis . a 1 lieail, t!ic vwirg lay, atter recovering from a . co:;ltiti; n winch ever tin thru occafions. is Viltblc amonult the 17' It is under fi coil it i:; linped thnt ilaves belonging to the DaitiOr fuoiwas or other firbjccls cbniidered as neutrals. n virgin ; thev fair, ciMifcn'u'd to become his wife were wedvlei and the marriage kept a protoii'nd fecret. It happened after a few years had e lapfed, that the h'.ifband was cbliged lo leave his-lovely bride, being crdUd ivto a foreign country to adiufl tome fmily an.;irs, wiiicii- rcqmreu ins inrnciiiatc pcefenccl. The neccfiity was no kfs ur cent thsn difaizrccable to both raniri iuwever, thi-y permitted their goo,! fenfe to opera. , and after avowing mutual af lcctt':i iiii'l nneiity . pirtcl in certain expectation of fecttu; eah other ,at time when fuch an aitciation ftiould take place at might nfT.ird tiicm an yp rorrunity or living in a manner every vjy becoming an lianpy k viriuotis pair For f. mr titnc they correfponded ; but the hrffband bcinrrobligcd -to-crofs fcvcral tcthpefltKnis fcas, did not rccvivc fuch frequent anfvvers to his cpiltles as be had rtafon to expeft.. This he' at. tributcJ to the diflcrtncc'ol dimate rtn- dcrit.g a regular corrtfpondcncc alto gether impracticable : and at he imagi ned his letters had mifcarricd, lie revi ved forthe prcfent to dc lift from wii tlng i not relifliing the idea of having his fentimcntscanvalied over by indifferent llrangcrs, or perhaps captious enemies. Another reafon which induced him to . lay afidc for the prefent, all thoughts of was ttte profpcA he had of thortly re turning to hrawee, where the preftnee tf his amiable vonfjrt would infinitely txcrctl ail idea, interviews, and mie ample amends far every pang his heart kad umlergone. It i now time that we would return . lo the lady Ai (lie ifJciTcJ tconridcriblc ftiarc cf ycuth aud tiauiy, it was not to be ; fuppofiJ (lie could lon remain without a tram ot admircri. Her patents who never dieampt about their daughter previous marriage, became each dav f more annious to fcleft a perfon whole mental and corporal endowments piht in rnetr citimatiun, Tcncf rum worthy their tavourue oatightcr s tund aiu tieart. r t It - acverii years, riaj now roiieJ on. bury himfclf among the mould which lay lightly on herbrealt,-andihus-pine xym thethort remainingperitdof his cxiitencc. Full of this refolution, he repaired, the night the was buried to her tomb, and after digging up' the earth '.dif- covcred the colli n, fetched a deep figh ano was aoou-t. to ttretcn ins wearied dimbswhen to his-contlernation ilhmcnt & affright, he perceived figns of lite, lie lore open the cofhn, and found it even as he fufpected.. His wife as at- molt luitocated : he lnatched her iif in lis arms, conveyed her to the houfe of a neighboring triend, had her put into a waim bed, and in a fcw weeks (he was erfettly reftored to life and health., , As the had real afTtttion for her firfl huibirut, flie made no Scruple of choof- uig him tor her companion ; btit as the ttir loan made a prodigious noiie throughout the country, the fecondhuf- iand, who adodoatcd on her to dcllrac- tion. no looner was intormed ot the j'xmiculars, than he attempted to force icr to live with htm ; the prior claim ant as rcfolutely per filled in keeping her to himlelt. in (hurt a lawtuit was commenced ; the nioft learned advocates in Trance were employed; a ridundancy of erudition was difplayed. ami, ncrreing imgatej tor a conliucra- blc length of time, a folelrhirdccifion was given in favour of the gcnilcman who iiri 1 1 law and two rcfpef-table citizens, ac- quainted with the Danifli language. Anlwer. I he Daniih laws and ordi- nances will remain in torce as at pre- fent. rB"t the per tons filling.civil ofii cers muft be the approbation of their Evcellencies the Commanders inChief. -In the event of appeal, to lie nue to perrorm :;u ir o-; vuty to his Britannic lvfaicftv in Council. wllh the fafnc .nttiori.ty us uuckr the 8. Tl k'ma'e nml nnhlir" : t. -n.rn. 4 Danifli Government, ai d with the known all nublic book keening and account S. ulaPcs of the tlo'ny ? n. 'a 'i i."" . ' Anlwer l n,i nmlrrMhi-ltmrU nf ih rvfMun lOtllCrWIlC. ofHcers for mutual fecuritr and ulV. . 9- Hie property afloat confidcrcd rr. r are, to be conltdered as property belo: to t he o v ncrt. , . iimt t ocont in uc as I ' ' Aifwf-r. - Ai'rrf.i : I &.' "Shall the poiicc-cf- this il; Agreed, ttniefs oidcrcd Anlwer. All vroperty belonging to : King, or the government, muft be giren up to his Britannic Majelty, and all public records and papers bVfubmif- ttd to the intpcCtion of .the Bntith,. and the records , and papers will afterwards be allowedto remain m the proper offices. o. His Majelty the Kingot Denmark havingadvanccd a loan to the planters ; the laid planters continue to pay off ac cording to the method regulated, uiitohis laid Majelty. 1 he King of Denmaik, retains the right of mortgage in the laid ellatcs with the exception that the own ers, in conlidcration of' precedent in fa vourable commercial conjunctures and the prcfeht circumflances, make no pay ment this year upon the Koval.loari which has been effcdled for the benefit of the planters. Anfwer to the 'all article. But with refpeel to the payment tojbe made tipcrrr the, loan advanced by the King ol Den mark, to xhe planters. Jus agrccd to be left t the deteimination of the King of Great-Britain and Inland in Council, had firfl married her. Tkia work, which ia contained In feveral folio o. how they are to be made and-applicd. ki. fi t.uie ceir.. " The -4bov very ei. l0 N0 inhabitant thai, be compelled trJOldimrv IflltlOa ft irnltd ihrrnn. tnvrlhtt wilb ' ... . -ii -....- j . ".. . . In nrrv irmi nr ncrmrm minrv rtn rv ii int ipbuc ina wgtnoui argumenu n cJ by i" , - ' " oppwHtead o.atcifor iheirTfirat hutVndi So that when lie has made his OJtll ot military inc;t (m ot nine i'oudi oi ine iruiu at nirrauvc io obedience' ' Th.,flL.fctomUrhiu.i, Anfwer. Agreed to, but they will be that to Uv ao imprefTionoi in Oulh upon tlx mindi reqiictlcd tO take an OJlll of allegiance i our we mail morm mem ihat ihe .entn exprcUlng that they Will not Cither opCH- Uwvit, have leUcled all the faano-jitriala. with the ' r . . ' . . ' . deofioo; wh,ch have .e. 4iv,n ia ,h.r cou ot l J6" iU 3nV hWlfi holtllc to the uruiiii viovcrnmcnr. II. The Americans (hall bc permit ted without rcflralnt texport -produce ' C tiM f 1 n n . t nan.t a atuiffs tmT ' Art. I. I he illand of 6f. rhomas : tl. h.i..u:..M.. Jr.. ... n.: ... ftliw .iiiimii.ii.i miw iiiii' ivr lJICIlca. tcri nf yrt. CAl'i l ut'U ION Ot the Danib IJlinJt in th' IVcfl.Ud'ui. rithout the lady hciiirg a fylUUe and St. John's, and their dependencies, ire hereby placed under the profcc"tion of hi Britannic Majelty, until by acon- clulion ol peace ii (hall be fettled whe ther they arc to be DajtiUi or hnglilh propeny. ' Anfrr. Theiflan l of St. Thomas ind Si. John', and their dependencies, intuit lurrendcrtd to the force of his Britannic Majcfly, on the conditions as follow t . ' a. Militiry lionnrs are to befbewnat the ful u tide r. The officers to keep and continue to wear their faord. Anfwer. Granted. 3. Alt the inhabitants of the Mandate to enjoy t! s iVdvil fecurity for their ,!rerfr.i and property and tuhcr righis, ci ts c.l as .1 a ir:r cxcrcuc vt kuviuh. ..! Tl. r. : I .,.!.- A ..1 Miiwcr. 1 ueic colonics-mini trane under the fame laws as govern the Bri- tllh Welt-India iflands.- 12. A lecret audfrnarate convention to permit the inhabitants of the neigh bouring iflands or from theiaaiu to tra e thiiher in order to provide the country wun irein provinons. Anfwer. The aflirmationto this pro. pofitionmtifl depend upoii the declfions of his Majcfly the King of Great. Bniain and Ireland It. The free coloured people of this ill ml fli all be regarded and protected as heretofore under the Danith Govern' ment,' aud they, (hall not betJrccd to do any military 'duly. - Anfwcr The DitiilV free"cloure I pcuple wii' c pruteded at twciofOrv, k - 1... 1... ' . 'i .1., n (IVl II lllill UIC HUKUS UI I.'IC Dlll.'l.l I Comti;anders v. iM be corJidt itd,-' i? :s honed, as kit under lcuucltcatio'ti. 1 1 lot bc difpofed ot, but ir caCc vjj a detlaration of war, and all fiu Imm-.V: t. y to be treated in me laijic manner as wa tibial, in cateot declaration by Biitilh cruizers beforer1 the prcfont mifut.der- flanding between the Briiiih and Daniih nations. Anfwer., The property afloat will bc detained agreeable to his Majcfly.'s in'lrticticn in the hands of agents .who arc tcfponfiblc lor their conduct, aud arv only todifpofcof pciifliablc articles. It will probably be found expedient to fend'part of this property to Europe, to wait his Majelty's decifion, 20. I n regard to the twelfth article of the cnpitulition,- referred to the determination of his Britannic Majelty, it is hoped their Excellencies the Com mander's in Chitt will give a j tovifoiy order to admit all traders with piovifions a; herettdore, beeaufw- thiK-ifland-from immediate wains of provilions mitrht bc cxpoiea 10 ipconvcniencrs andluhnirg. Anfwer. The Commander iu Chief will take the niatier into cotiflderatiou, being eifpofed io tlo what may be ot advantage' 10 the colony. ' 21. 'I Jic King's Surgeon to th car- rifon haviuggrcat practice in this illand, will bc furt'ered, it is hoped to remain uiidittutbcd as a particular rcL'aidtd praclitioncr in the colony. Anlwer. Agreed, takinz- oath of allegiance. . . y zl, ror the itlc of this- and other Damrii illands has Veen illued by: his Dinilh Majelty apapcrcurrchiy, where of a conliderablc fum is now in podtltion of tire community, and as fuch nancr, money has hitherto patfed to the great ufc & convenience of the inhabitants, it is hoped that it will htnccfortU bcordercJ to pafs as current money. Anfvter. Tfic Commanders in Chief permit the paper money of Denmark to paf current fr the convenience of the colony, but . do nol mean to conij el intu hants to tike it in Urge payiicfd or EtiKli''1 fcamcn for their wages, bt. 'I'homa's, iHth March. 1S01. -t. M. Von Schotrcii' ' Frcd-Maitlanl.lJrig-Ccn.E.D. King,Capt. R. Nvy. Katiiitd, I John Thoi. DuckwoftU Ii. Ad. . Tlwitus Tric, Lieut. 'C'cncad. t JEx! and vai lend ma ef Ism red, ao-H to th!( bu: barr of 01 wan bh bce fceee , U oayi an u e vl petio pridj tnarf the meu Hcte I n't Itnoi trom K: rnat dor Virg "COtlll care they titmJ tiona It Ffical nted F,ii'i "i U.t tea frhui D the find thou Ihcii hfUC linr.l .H icaa. Al the an -a fwhl land folll Ami Vi.I w.i cf tl the) tt, i i Ij .f poll, cf hi il inec - ra Mil , tion ft tii r 1 id ! n r n -r ......

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