a:; ' - V. n Mafamsiaa; owe?t w 'doaneeUa wuk raffing i Ona ettnpmnt ?rai a Brftiflrfutlect 4 -. ...u-: .-. . Zj.-X. .,:':;a!!.--Vi' . ,-5.,. tW Vot ed. Stages.- He is the declared tni- my ot every newly Item, tbt letrodactton of which night-be attempted,- but he it a greater enemy, of a kingly form of.governneiit than v omi :. v i iic4iiy ui uuiaioo. mat i!je preferit conllitutloB Ihoutd be-carefully pre.erved .and defended again ft ill infringe, liroti'ariGng from the (.retch of executive power - It was framed, and accepted on re paWieaa principles, and it is his wifli that it laouia remain a republican conttitution.' On feverat ccaGpns," fays the duke, I harr Ke-rl Kim fnit uiili Jp.r.a 'Wtajwsiaf bc preGdent.f, and in terms v. ft. . '. . ...... 1 a " - v" oan nd unerring judgr merit. " .. - But. . continues the rdnle. u tk-Vn;,;. of party is carried to excefs in America : men who embrace the opinion of Mr; Jcfferion, a'. facie -their opponents with iaiDutation.- no doubt equally unfounded. . In all oaov nmL ceedings, neither reafon nor juttice can be expeftedi from, either fide, and very iedom iinijrf- wiiM icipeci 10 me means em ployed to fcrve tbefavoTite caufe one caufe alone appears good ; every thing befidds is deemed .bad, nay criminal, and probity iifeif fcrvesto miflcid .probity. Perfonal rr femmenti afTume the color or" public fpirr and frequently, when , i tie mofi odious alh of iriiull ce bave been . m n -ww, . H 11 the molt, atiocious eih;mni fnrm, A . k... . . . . b Will tew members of ihe oa iv are In id r--. aiulMwlh3LllyarelJeu in- ana talie reDrefeiiiatiofv. Th. It pnyiog, the CaT!inVie trade afiorda arpaneot , fl,trd in this funie fcrerr,hi: the confui of in ftvor of the toiutra. well a. c -, Free riding a! Charictt Vn. in SI Ca dUha )( in favor of the niueas Well aa tkit of the U llhery 1 and tmtwt WKipptw w f5 " .v , ' ,twrfca ,r I w. . . vtK7eA tit . fui, f fcj j Hrnrn Irtltl V Mr lKp f l.in ram it.llfita. ( : fti.n a' tna day par;in n iwctcu w , ..... iviuwmi -.t..j -. J -U-: r i. . ... i. j- . a . l; r 3c v in inc u iuw.il! hhiui : " w . uaver nor riu. Blacky vim tfc w t democracy in Mr. JfferfoBi wkich lb .. ' ...i.-. n.-i, J.. .L-; r'l.... - ......4-. i - v Ia'1errKWrTC.ropc - - lu iuwniv numii ; . u4e noi IUIj jyj; ao o A " ny . ,hiic o. .uV-. : Cf laence- tni ine cais nat nappenea ; oat on . neafure to'be ioticed concerning the. prei,-r.i fueh an hypo hriis, while wC uWd be difpofed - X-.V( I iicv v vv""w. 10 ich 11 111 MMianvE. i tu cuu; in mar :ar 1 786 Vo 7 8q. Mr. leffcrfpB 'foiraaed , it 'men- tn ihe .pjriicular offi cec, 1 we ft Aald rel v: literary acquainfancei in Francis, to a Unie rj prevent a repetition of the infults fy piirr corlewith lhb.m-. chiefly devo ed the p,;ipo;.. , . v; V . ; ; v j'L lelfiire jwiih" Vhich W was jfaddlet Jby !jhevO erowing difewd of tW couuiiy ;' (which fl'aies that privateers hsd been fined .-M jefferton,. romped fiom- ou: ,om American pors, and manned,-in ' France id the pacRc rtvolut.on,l or. rather ; parf by American feamen, to cruize r againft TefbrrAatiojv ,pft :hat penod, having -taken je ft;ps 0f Great-B i ain, Mr. jefon vilace bv unammout cnnlrr and annrrtrtannn . . 1 .l. .n...r ,ir .t. ::n ' - , - . m ' r "Mfco ui3 iwuuwiiig.uuicrvauoa 10 iae miruucr t)F ihe fcvera!,fojreretgn aa.et, Mr. Jeffcrfon Lf fraocc . wiihout takinff all thefe fa , . . z . "o- j--.--r.. was appointed fecretary of date to the fede al for an ed, we hive no: hefttated to exo efs ur h'gheft difapprobatton of the conduct 'of In this eminent canartfv. he .wit railed on ? .. -c 11. ' ... lo perfnr many arduous duties of office V engage ia'commi'tung hottilities at fea, ag.inQ and the .difficulty f performing thefe in a any 0f (h nations who are parties of the pre- late ahd . fattsfaetorv ' manner. . wa crreatlv -..' . . . J .' I .l. . :r .l i l -whd--onft.deta.uonf purfuiojr an ; b.ned. or ihatthouM it .haoheii' we will li JnteaUn pailr in tbe'orgawxatJon of ?r new j !he aa horiiy wi K wbick helaw & conflitu ioa owever, he fuccteded (0 the nub icia'ufaclton t,,:- ..j; ..-:n, ... . .. . : . y . i . . I lu ""5 iwma w vwiiui-11 uuiiiuiiiicm, . lllDllVed uneaoai talents 'ana annlicatioA. I tl. :. ".j.a. j t-.j .l. r- nd difplayed uuei'jal talents and application On the icth January, lyyo, the houfe of reprefentaiives referred co in, as fecretary of r 1! a 'ef-iitpotrmr ihe-pja rrror-pl ans-htdi' Jtnigfit be 'moft proper for reducing ihe cur teiiey, weigh s and meafures of 'he Unued Sta'eviQan unifyvm4lrandrd. Incoiifidering this dueO ion. he ffive amole .nr.mfj nf hit maihi. ' r 1 Watica' abili iei i.but, what adds tothe-perfec- ion of this reDon . is. the concifLnofi of WitiodV theiumt of natural nm ofoDhv. ihe Thus if 11 to be difci)vererl Tin th A'irrFl fecietatial a of. Mr. JeiFerfon, wherein, ia the infancy of this contefl, the head of iftu de partmem: has been left guided b a fofm i-f miflion 10 toihe prefidenr, 'han by rheietti udr of a heaTtj ibc wifdom of a liead, in which the iupreooe chief of : &tf union -bad an abupdant confidence, that here' is nothing in 11 ' 1 ir . r I . . . jwr. iixenons principles which ihoald lfilduy ofrefcarcb, the difctmiirtaiirg preci. fin, and ihe profundity of fad jment with Vhicb it is every way repleie. Op "the ia Feb uaiy, igr, Mr. JefFerfon rpo;ted, in .i o$,;jt j iapa-"i y . the flan of tlie cod -smd-whale GJhVrie, which bad, ' in like mann t, been referred tojiim fcy the houfa - rrprefenrai tVeai--1 (yJll.. , It tould fcarcely be fuppofed th af it was a favo ife topic wi'b a min who had been bed ia . he jmoui'tains, a native of Virginia, where no inch fiflieriet exift ; or that he could be Iny.'roo'e at home to ihe fi (her man's habi t nd pejfonal tntereas, than a fanner won'd be en board a firlt ate Ihip of war. Mr. Jefferfon,1 however, h.id - placed his mind with his hoiife, on an elevated fere, from hehce he might contemplate fde univerfe nd we'6n4 him eqaallr atteniive to the too e remote tRterelfs of his country, as i hofe' of bit Jiimmediatc neighborhood 7 One miht Conceive, him, indeed, ft om th's document, to have been a relir bred Boflon merchant, .,. who hid accumulated a fortune , in the traffic of fpeVmaceii ; but we muft odmit him to be a mvthint of fuperior information, to the ,pl Jdr-cf poundsj dininga and pence, and , rec, nend his report to the perufal of that 'in ermediaiing c'afs whi would facilitate ihe grea. jnterefts of commerce, without preying jipcm the public faith or the -vitals of trade. Jo ibis fporr,Mt. Jeffe.fon rrcn back tp frhe carliefl periudi, and takes a cop ous view ! f the l.jbjeft without prolixity ; t an hiflorian, rnntrvt .l..,.t.. i.f.,..:.. . " ' - .'"i.iii iioiniaiiuH , 13 a poll 1 Jtt.n' he di. 'ia ik tv;..nn. .r r.. .. j . . 1 . . tach htm to the factions, of Fraivre. r anu aft which. may be deemed incompatible with ineouuci ot .ncutranty.it we were to follow him thro' 'the fubfeauent lalivilnth VifjlinU. matic intrigue, wherein he then exifting r ulers of France had employed their chofen corps' in 1 . - - - armir.? .nmerican ci item, in d,nrtrm the overfjiirn' f lh tlnitmA kA-.'.L. endeavors o involveher in be war Vt 'ail 1ind .him .equally vigilant and rmoar ial : where then, may we aJc, 11 hc idcnce of Gallic ... uartialiiv : which EMtfhmen h jv af'cnbed to hin f or what are bh prrncipUs ? TU- r,:t.... r .rn-.i.:..i : J' r. a r, v m:uic vi i"ii.ni i.onucence, DI'l-llS dtfift frunvi furrhrr difproba'e j A- e tw approach the period of-jvlr. Jefici ton"! reitrement for a fhort .interval, to 1 i dwmefKc ronce and aferwdrds to the Uft aftive though highly dignified office o' vice pre'Gdent, we thall -only add one inert notii e of -his official afls in the employment t; fecreia y of Hate-, he was called 00 by rrfolutiori of the houfe ot reprefen a.'tves, dated Ff bruv. y he 83d . 4791. to lepori on ibe privilegosand reltr-.ttit us ofcomme(-iai tnercoutse but the wetghty concerns of organ arun, ihe ordinary rai f hii official duties, and ihe caba.s of, foreign mlpidcn, had occupied fo much ot his litve, ibat he had not Jrilute to muke this report ill the tb'h December, 1793 1 a.d even then found it proper to eonfi-e 1 to the f.immer o-1792, (when he had been called iff from it by tx trlneous con..ern$rhat he enabled to fpeak; wi h a grea er certainty c1 icmcu puini of rime - - f Dmibilef fuch a tpriew nf fuch mextennvl m. 1 .1 i" tin nirat in tss. a . r . Ltr.A. . 7r"r r rV'"- -V.u'c: .ana amerce, as ihat, of America. miln kVJ a caicawtorneinewsmmlef fk il cfl Lb-en u,.w wf:.-r. i.l.' . . ' M T . 1 ., ... r . . v n vi . v. iiiiri. inc 1 a 1 1 1 1 n r w r. . . . . i I . . . " . 1 1 VIII s . .... ill -l rlia. 1 .. . . . A '. . I .. . . IMUi tjm r ; iicinicrvcnuou wi CDfflfneKa juuice ana uile repreleaiation. The triTh of hefe oh ervarions beincr evident t .11 . 1 .. , .... . mm wha have lived amidrt pa ues, fcould lead to mutual toieraiion ana torbea'aace. .,' In priva e life Mr. T-ffei,- :rt. a mild, ealy, and obliging icmprr, though. he is fomewhat cold d referved. His coh- yeriauon is oi the ft agreeable Itind, and w d hock ot information aot infe noi ia wa ot any other man.- In K.rr h- wojild hold a iflinguHhed rank among men of Ifters ; and as fuch ha has alteady appear ed the r ; at prefent he is employed with rVKT6 jn management " ' , oB'iamgs ani he orders. : r , .rV " inem,nle detail, every bratrClJ Of bubnefs fclatincr m ihM n .: tbor af.this (kneh. found him in the midft of Uviiall ...L'.L .L r l . . ji-.twi., ,uni wmcn weicorcping heat af the iuu uocs not. p event h.s attendance. Hi neffroet ar nnnniVnJ L. J i i ,. r v -..-, .loauicii, ana treated as w.'l as white fervent -could te. 'As he cannot" expeel anjr ..fliflance from the two neii,t,ormg -ewns, evejy article -is. made On hif faim? ni negroes are hlnoi..m,t...: . . V ui.inltir' r7nJe,i Bafon, br.cklayers, fmiths,&e. The -employs in a na.l.oianufaadry , which yields, alreadv a cr.nKJ-.ki- fhe young and.old negreffes ti for the Cioath.nffof the tefl. He.r.i.7.. .k. l.. , . . , . . .1 -- v iiiciii iiv rewards and diQinfticms ; tn fine, his fupcrior ,11111.1 S1lrta .'. . - -" ti'c wi i?cmenr hi. : . - q aiWIIICIIIk . concerns, with the fame abilities, aftivity. lAfl frini an I.- ....... J '-. . . ' ' . ,6. 'J.' hi tne conduct of nc puo.ic itta.rs, and in. which kr is calcu- ...u .. uup-.y rn every U ua ion f life." Such 1. the charaftrr of this great and ood aerobe of focie y Vand i. weuld be hhly crwninilto wifh him fenar.i. c. .!... iota of bis am.aale famtlr, lo ,By .her end han l hofe '. inrn, Man. . .' . ' ,. ; r' "vtici to nis icllow crea urcs, for the performance l,.,--. . - . "nnvi'i urc "Vocnowea an him fuch an exaled capsdly. immediately quitted andS Went on fliore. ' auuwicu tins puiineis-wiit ocar ranged by mini fieri al ' " O " T---, . . ' ' J L O N O O April 18. : w c yeiterday received Pari s jonrna; a to thcaad ' InctufiYe; No . further ac cnunt.rnsve htfn Ti'.-A r.,.m.'f..L. ,. The Ottoman alliance with France. ;: A letter trom me rronrters ot I urkey, dated March I C. reDOrtS from rnndiniinnnl. ini nruiin -miniifoi. H.bi - ... .1.: . -. ...... ..v. iia'iiij , uwvil J' 1 win b'ted hy he rand Signtor tq hold any communication with the divan, was a bom leave Conftantinoplc. It is ad ded that a Ruflian flffft. nf f.feen fifiine . - w " " w a vvti aanaajaF Of VVari had arrived in thm rirA?r,Uc , . " m m m a V4a4'aVlV k and that though at firft refufed a free Daf- fage, the flraits had been opened to all Ruflian veirels on th -exprefs application of the Ruflian ambalTador. -The pofition which, bv. the Frenrh accpumv-fir, R. Abercrombie afJumed, after hie lininn '.. -irr.i.. .1 ...jj. 'T jy.vw.ibij ttit which it was previoufly decided he fhould take. - It wa? byeftablilhing him- leit in this ipot, and placing a corps of obfervation at the walls of Cay tas, be tween Alexandria aud Damanhour.i thaj Buonaparte prevented the juticVion of the, rks and Mamelukes, y an 1 defeated in. C0Bequence of IheirdiVlliQirr- trx antafr.f ...a : . t.. . . : .nn 7.1.7. ?:i:,rr'. ,,:- ? oid v:.l.i..V.. ;: -. - " it 'w-b.! clerki .id n.nlnii. k... :. Teffnire! k .i v rr tbove the la itiide of a groveMt" party policy, corns now 10 one of he(l important period irwe hiilery of commerce f the peMnd . at which thtfambaffado!" ofilie king of England tcame a reGdent at the court. of America, f ad the citizen minifler of the Freoch repub . le,t afTailedlhe fimnefiof herneut tl priB. cipies. in ims probstionsry Hare af her Tceuircd the abtlitirt - nf - -l.tr.e . . -. - j.ivm iu (on pret, ihe Tiew.'and combjbe a piflu e of. ibe whol,' whi.'h mifhlbe rnmi...t,,J.ri,..,,i. ordinary cp.ci y of a popular reprefen-ation . !D J'lerfrn to have acce ed wi h hisaccuflom-d faciliiy ; for tie has eomprchendedafum aary of the whole ia ihe d.v ;enethe m ft V fT h" ! fell on .be fltouldef U,X uJ.Tr of ,he r.ed.otfVv. wHh r the Qock j on ihii oe.d the duke de LiaV. I N . r V 7 't1. lbt Uoi f d ttrM hc two governmen . Uu l cW JraLr X! . r T.flC,CI "i"' fofltoh .&,, .1,1,1.1, .1. : cc' "'J,..y,,r'"1': . I is apprehended to be. nevenhelcfs, impartial 4 M the fide of Mr. TeBV fon. and is to-nel.a. iningna wnica dares ampule u bin -aa uawoahy attacknem; ' a at v . sa rr i f. ,he Miy, 179,, V.T - V. ' n:c'Jfl M law of nation r.h pcrfpicatty. 4 dceraunei es aa taaparuaj cbteivancd oftii 11. t. .v j.r. l. . r ftde, ibry dprt Tom aeutrili'y. , . r .at f 'C' "a We,h,, 4Blfar" t Ifh Ann, 1790. Chane lcaax'i ream ks on ihia gentle- oafs fra IJMlOfld. i . ii ..--- a twoiewoat ltduced 0 his dereliCtorv m.f...- a .v. " "aiyi v v T IOC perfua ion of a decided party overbalanciof h apiaion, tn the prefiden.is! d.ciG.na.-! de UmauV '!unh,,flel" 'fyiike duke ; - Mr. jegen was connderd rn'tnt par y ,. leader of oppofi.iotf i he v., ufpefl-d of rrvolutioaarew-Vh ws. aecufed of a. in-emion to avcnurS the ona,u,o F .he UBi U S.a ei of beix the enesiy of ht. cmnirr, lnd ,f a wIfa li bxomd itibune of the people.- It la iV. fit .t 10 know , h.t Mr.JtiTel. . or tenGf, 10 feel the abfar.lity of thefe fcaa dafousianptauoniinJ whoever is i,,asinu ed wi-h h tinof, mult aealonifLdi, bsir ha?. n fceea prefened ntaiaa hiaw. Hi, fpeechei.re.bofeofa nan Jr!r ,lcW to .he mi .n.efl.nctofiha aaioa, of tbt a,e fsot canlm-.a., aai af tU hUprtnlfi sv ' - irf.ppiedio ifce United States; he med- w M,faim, eiicwhcre, and pays . - f -. .v tuvfic 111 auinority. a tl . 1 ...... 1 ' ! 'u geeetai Walnington. ,fjuftet79p. naam "aSasaaaaRn TT LatC" Euronra n : IM u vr Ij jbiflip John, capt. 'w, PETERSBURfJH, 7Apr,n,. f1ltnerm ih mh..n.. . . l -r . v not oeen taken off the Em- lib . 1 1 1 o j . ii 11 riccci-A..'nntrhouM Powers dcilned tEgUn3r before a ' U,C is doP' hy oyr etnpe- STOCKHOLM, April 3. Uur ieetof nl m cs. r . h.i morning with a fayJurable5 wind. It lias An kiirJ . .. .i - .a . wcuaci lai eri. and Sudcrmania. 6 "WI uP,lnaaM n VENICE; April to. tif iCCOUntl from A... day', da.e: .he FX X a. ,' n-M - nave cmuaraxa 6000 C.falplne troops for Eg, pi. on rd6fmarib.rb,(W nf off Pakrm. . . T tat... Of ."'NEUR. April 18. . 'iae creates r . j' n . . rr ' : ;r' kwi nicrouna, and the on board from the bearer, of their &Io oa bein7 ? thf08g Drogdtn, RiMcfthefhlp, which th..ciDu!0 r ---v. .iik.ii VIITHIWII. PreviottS to the rleharl-aiir.... troops. Turkiiband RritiiV aomc hol beert fent amongft the Behercan Arabs, bordering on Alexandria, and had for med arrangements for fupplics of horfes and buffaloes, befides provifions. The report of the AiDDreffion of tht t rench paper, the Journa Is des Dcbats, feems to be tinfoundcJ. . We yefler day received fets of that paper down to' the latelt date of the reft,- withwt any interruption. . Letters Iron) Conftaminople fpeak of a horrible outrage having been com m ir I a . . . W - tea on iome Kulfian officers whogaVe a ballin that city, n the midft of the entertainment, a body of inhabitant! entered the houfe where they were af fembled, and proceeded to the gfcateft exceifes. A detachment of Ruflian fail- to tuarciica to me relief of their offi- ccrs an cngagemetK enfued ; it is faid thatwpwards flf fotir hundred RulTtarra were k4llcd in the affray. It is added,, that the Grand Seignior has made ap plication to the Ruflian ambaOador, hoc to tranfmit an immediate accpuntot thii to his Couit, promifing at the fame time to inflia the raoft fignal punilh meat on thofc guilty of the outrage, It has boe report-J, but tre know not Wltil Wbat t.mh' tt .: dcr ftanding with refpett 10 figoals in the late naval env39inen ur.n r.u. v r-i n v -mm v s a a a ui. a a ax a ii i ia jccl of inquiry. . Ct-iurday a meffenger arrived with difpatches from lord Elgin, at Conftan- tinnnie. with . l.-ii: . 1 1 . Mlc,,'fccncc w'cn nis lordlhln haal .'r.iv. l r 1 ir .t I he fobftanceuf the m.n.u- ved was pnbliihed in the Gazette. The accounts fmril lr,l I''.U J . ...... iuiu iciH uu not reach beyond the 14 b, confequently are OAf Cn lat k.. . I. . ' twuuays as the letter of Le KtlV- in iK TT.or,!. o e "they go they perfcc-tly agree with the rench ftatementi, but they give no f - a n at I he Meffcneer too. it is faiJ. h wounti hat the Grand Vizier had marched frtm Jaffa with a we.'l ap.. wuiiiicu armv. hut u k. r y - i.fc .iv kui 1j1.11 an army goes hot appear. Nothing ia t 1 i a a. . . 10 IMPP nar fir People here talk wru fri t .t:r.i encei which unfortunately have ariferi between the fupcrior officers refpeftinc the conduaof the Baltic fleet. It ii reported that admiral Puker is coming home immediately." in oicniionea, out net confideIIy, that the Sivedifh nndRtiiT.n fl,... uJ.l ' n"cdV Thcrc. 11 even a rcP ha( an "nana taacn piace net ween our fleet jnd the combiacd Swedilh and -Ruffian rqaaarontv The leitcr feems entitled to iHtlc credit. The prrparatwn of the Swedes are carrier! mi .;.(. .... , . ...... niiu MUtUUitllHl, activity. . tt at ia renrte,l l.atL,. f , iikibiuat au auiu mi already taken place between the EngHflt and SwediOi Act it i but this requirca rnnKiM.1 1 rV.tMlltiailUn. April 30. . ...b.. fiuciuay wini molt imrtorianf nA....... -i:fl from Berhn arJ Copenhagen. Thf fubOance of which was imm?dimly no lined in ilio nnVIU t .i .r n . Iff. addrafTecf to if.-'.j- ' 4 - -

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