.1 hv declared all vcSfl.ieutrj! buv the. Eogi J i h . f jr , tb , tm p ar t a tie n w $d IV products uaut-further noiice, upon paynrn of lactofy : at duties. . .. i . r i : . . . . :ucq. i;us uset it accompanied wstWev ,V e..n. i ' 11 ti . .tut! i opan'ia gallons, very ncn.y iaaen ulvcr, tinder our t a?. - ' it' T "1 1 . . i ii ' l ; . , : 71 r.ccu.noi icii yomnc. invcircci: natea irati: tu-ince oi ine two nations I Portugal -and. anamltd r'.rO.-,.,i-,U nJ Jar Ei triv.Ue letters, 'vortrwvri hrcflrM the chief bfihe oariaa,- .;'.-. .k . . . f ., . tn I 1 ' - i a ! m day ihtjruul lettn purfrjje.-,x-;. c'. 1 1 rdr tn ihlTcoiktryftll pet cent, ! V ;. ".r ,3 halU .Lasrcice -9 -fA uaii rr- o -bills from St. The ' ?'4 "Otf , Peterfiurgh, arid ftr ay pif in tte'-iP-V T I ..,',.14 . n . I . , 11. 11 M we,onn, . rcterumgn, orptKno in an w?n;v.ecr tujinc op.aon.-yo.ee.- ii ,ccird:nr to leUrrs-front VlcmiA, ibe. Copenhagen, u ' as "fajouraih -as. ine moll mqtyou may depend oil it, our Toleiiers t fl . . . .; . ;cru,,di r-r Jx C.-nfcage'n, on l9 7ili'iadVXor " Prfi,arg. ila any bVdy.4 I waalmoft- i T J ! VI I '1 1 ! 1 I iniH If h i.AlhnlJ 1 i. t n f III fill IT' fi I Ll r I Ll IU i J'l 7 Ctvi j I liv l 'IWf ' .ara mc iun enn n M ,nn tnn o 1 w , 11 ki'x y ixwci u u liuuiaumi . ....... . . r . . w . f - ! - I W W - f , 1 . " 1 . . . . aiattit4jfwaiteyaBd lord" Stj-j Uus ictt Uopehagca tor Tc. iba'gii on cne - ; . ; .IN VASrON.'. ; r- . ... There - ae ftronx5 ground fo believe that jW prcpalr.ticms making on the cod of . France are inieudcd for. tbe tnvafioa of Ire'and ; anil wt lea n-'-hu government is in polfcllion -of i ?ci !i y e i'n teliigeiice upon .the-fubjeft." . .D,Tp4t-hes, containing that information were received on the i6"h inft. by a.djui'aV .Cornwal.lis who invncdiately- re umed;' bij flaiion off BicO, with the Channel flees. '' :.j Miy'ig. . ; .. r ''".Mf. Danda gave a grand entcftainment yelerday at Wimbledon, in compliment" to 'Pais,"Chev. Aranio. jmtv fenfible man - and, PK mrtUw't a no her is prfparmtr c9 fet oiiMpr St. re -erf' burgh, the Ma quit de Nizi, foi'wfff ah avi were, trivcitsallt were tbffuhjrB rf IbtTa of tk;ir 0 rater th GLASS, at the office i the 300 ut. ' - ; l.v That muchuneafinefs had Seen exciteii 11 1:1 iuw itiuiu i nit vwti vaccjj uv, 4 ICUUU ' sa (hrt4wce r. ; - . .- . ! to be" holen wi h thwtn ft 6n forjl)? purpofc 'c,fv TfoEiWb others tn Ltjbm havefent ; ie?l them of more of their land ; .hat ne all Ibe property they can conveniently lnc -ime of the" tad treaty thv had been p)C- Aawtf all .; . 1 . i- n -.-l : - 1 . ' - iT. 1 i-ii. c -r r- l i i rr . i smrai on t.nc ivi at.er-anean uaiion ; OGiyiiai-ipare i na jnrma .we- irem.-i ,rjivc was miica dv tne commtuione s. ct tne "to be a good po!i ician. . I they -mil find! 'be place robbed of ft-ttichei. States that i)o more land fbor.ld bp required of P. !4' hi m:ntit turn mfn nf war snJx llr lift A',fli.1,oii nil ' thp rptinrt t nf 5M"'therh I that ihcr fa:h"-r. the la' e ' nrefldpn lir ' arntyeirrivina fr'm ibe. Eafi.'Indiei- at ,had fecommended to them to ratfe ilocit, but Uni'ed two cutters have go, undr -fail, with a- fai Nt L. W4iid, in punuit of the. Spaniards.-- u, ffa troop i ' ajjfirrtblei at ' I'rinc'f, V1- y'-- bc.unabIe lo 2iV accQtli.ng5aj Hoytiomvftl btdcflmtd fisadvkWIyc. trpr winy .of.- price v ' .Bred and trefii meat ejciremely carce.'V p . ... , , fja Y,7 ,ne linds now bclongujg o them.. Ihcy. t.ete- Vlf it be ,re tha., BoarnonviUe. tfve French , 'f .. -P rfrejume faihd M new'prdi Jen V'' whom tbcv Mr. Pitt, who completed the 42c! year of his J fuccefs,Tad pndu1. i.lc f on inch pclmcal age. " . 1 vrtldom, as. induces . u to iq wb. cod. It is reported ihat tba Honorable, capt.Lreg.!TO,j tempt on the maxims whir;!i regulate th? go lias captured one of the:apaat(h Galleons, for J vei nment of all o her countries. It-is-,- howJ which ha was cruizing. iTIIlr 1 1. u .i - j- n i nr.Tt- rv.r : i bT, irismotiiU tohc Pui.lTnn government, , 'there , aouoteaiy tne ovjecror oirome. topoam. -tmr- counii'y, would proteft 'them in -he is nothing in fuch a proceeding .to ejcci'.e fur- j-. ' SpJn'fb tribute t lOitb tWjniliions of polfnion of their prefent territory and ii.fonn prifo,' a it-i's perfectly fui table to .. ihc . infoient . dollars, on boatd, has been ltd oihkcial thetirnuly what i hey, had tocxpccl. . : character jilt rcpubl can France, fliiflied wiih iff Peru AO of the crnv perifhed pnaihe ' 2. Thauthe i Via' ion were txreediuplv' a dollars lefts " .s.---Js M- iarm'cfl, at the removal or ibe-.lfbops of ;ne - . ... r M j, .'i jmrtj o rt'tj 1 1 fin nit i.vmii.1 iivric uuy Letters from Italy afferf, 'that Sir John Bfirlafe Warrc'iV fquadron appaared nff Leg,' hocu on the d inft. arid Rear admiral Gan- ibcdume -btjing' ftil'l in that port wi h five -Ciil of,khftline &'?s many frig"a es, the.Englim ad. nnulKep that haib'or ,clcf;-ly blockaded,'. 'Baton d'A'm eldt His been, received., with "mark d favor upon his re.urn to "Mockholm. ;u Q.iesa 'ot Loais. XVlllth is arrived at h..i'l, ')?&r Prymon?, to ufe the waters. A jjrcai deal of proper y belong rg 10 indi vidua!i,has bcttn .biOght bf-me.. in the flee 'juft arrived teioti- Lifbjn, in cotifequenic of . Hit! irirea(eni.a tnvition 01 rontia of hamrurg; ! . We hare the plcafure. toannouuce, that Mr. ever", very proper that furh tonducl ftiould be : Parifh, la'eof Hambu'gb, has received Ifctiers lirctled towards thotc whp have defened the ; frorh Hamburgh, 'officially , from the knaie, caiilcOt civili2eQ.'Ln'opc, and fometfiiiig like a tra ernizing r - 1 1. -i t 1 1 . . . mote who iifver can vc. coir. emeu wnuc mere i j.nun can Hon which had occupied ihat town had berfKfo ufeful iii prelerving pcare and proieciinff begird people from the outra'T-s and intrulion" oiNhe whites upo'l'th r 1 en:ered into ' by" the Ndil which arrived fall night, aMiaivce with ;Jflai in? the '-airiceible intelliponce . that the We c.tnnot b". ve-y lonj "7 wiinut ci.i intelligence direct from r gvp'. -Whatever i' ieceived-by -the rw'av.oLVjctvua and Coiilian:. tinople, is always to be. taken with great vm. tion, and r:rely to be admitted at all, farthei thin a the bafts and general chracter of ih- event defcri'-es. No'hing is more probable than hat our. victorious army has found mean' to ftraighien tlt French clrfcr in Alexandria, orhat fa teue, difrafe, and :he general conU qtjcn'ce of their defeats, may have tbligcl the CDemy tn c ontrad u? Une ol luv Cfu'nce. We no not fuppofe tiiat either par. y ..ha ntkid a iccond battle; the iSutilh had fto mot.ve for it, as tinte alone would give rhem the places ' The French could nt fizii wi Item great difadvatuage of the ground, it h.v m4i ; tied againlt us. which added to th tmpr.lTioii of'.heir bloody . drfeat, and. th. fiifril defoondency of th-ir aflaif, .would . lure y dwtcr any abfe general .fryin at efrpt- hve this day given Ome fur hcr ex-tiari- f.V'"t icteis, brought by tbc.lall mai.. A: he in.cliigcnce bioitglu by it u riV.C umfactory than othciwifc ; t whth we have 10 addt on the authority of a cum r. intca ion maje by the Senate of Hamburg ' t Mr. Parilh,, conful from iha' city, that ihc Dtmlh gf.rnion wcte nnauy to evacuate it 011 Saturday la.1, after an , occupancy of iiearly In ii iiiuu is. Thcv have failsn back upon the LordfhiP ol Pinncberg, m the Duchy of Holllnn. ' (In ine a:d, L'tbec was o be evacuated fo ihr cvoy thing ij tefwredin thisTjuaitcf o i.s form:t p-4&tiotu l emen i$ a!f' ?o ta cvacuiifd 1 tht: IYsftin-M but ihey will rem.m .n'ibe EIcc - tr.ra r of i Taniivcr a r pre Ic.VTjT tctl lb.':' F.encb I is a monarchy on ear h. 1 . "y- : " " " M-iy 30.' ' '''';''' j , -French news from Egypt. -, .. JVt received ihh rr.ernini, h exprgfs. the Paris papers io the 28 h inft. 'The Moniieur has at h.nglh briker. the hhnce it has fikAg prefeived.wth refpe3.. tr tie ii'tjairs of Egypt, 0 tie xzih. '0 M-y a plat of. tuce jrr rived t ALirJtiUes with tne "gurrim st Ai ouhir, and sue other rencb p'tjotiers. Unc. q theft, a chief d rj'i-ud 0 n ,"-ivho s"tak )i hi the $atte it tbe Jixjjt M rc y'as m..de arhpc4'!toy., which I hi ULiiitcut v; puvti'fbcd, 1hi$ 'jjicer Jlct-s.ih.t tFc a'nifni of- ib'-. Fieucj to ps ti.ag d in &e battle, d'-J ml cx-fr-td jeoo 'nen i-.'.u'ing 600 cuvalry ; tbui" re E-i f ce n..f. - kvoo r.ic:. ufho occuprc . rJ a;ic tut hit's jI th camp '.f tie Rvi:af. b-ivlr to l- I It 'jhuked by th' take jXhdie, ay -I ih right h; the fei. Ci. r.y'b.tlr tf If hgvr -M JeMrj hut adds'. tL-l ;hrl..is-'uat r?,it t,n both lii.ee the 29'h of March, vveie to evacuate the City on the .23d of May, the day af.cr the! nail arf.e away. " - Gantheai'itu's Squadron. ie Uudr; they a (k, why have ."hefe troops'been remov ed ?" no fooner wc' e theygone 'han two of Cur people ne re-killed by the wbi es." It appears on inve (ligation thAt, the tim in "which thefc two Ind'taVis were laidttvhavt1 been murdered was feme days previouv"t' the-movemen'. of tbe'tioops f.om their late Ha ;tion,: and that the alarm excited by the remo val of the troops have been confiderabiy en. creaied by a report which had been mtichiev- Warten, is- UWy cxpefled ill -this neigh- g inf ' ",n"" F Tac a1ccounti from-Fgyp'', do not appear t ' I . - t - -rl r n rou;i- eiy au ncnttc : Hie proiprrt ot rtronciliatioii beween the Nortlit'ii Powts and Eng'arid - the eractuiion of Ilafaburgli by tu Danes; and the arrival of ihe tTcnch' lqn.iron at I.gv,orn, are con ett a'ticlr.i, Ait-iirs '"et'ween PrnfTia Si France are alfijiiiing a faualiy". appca arie. Jidcs.R live pc :!' 'a f 1 ,r; ri ' eirrvri he'f r'".VC . lea.-t. T.l-V rr'J'n- ' Jl-xvr: fuid to ! -rV.v-f.V . m'h'n: Jefewct a'td'ta bt vj'ti iuff.'te--' ciarte t.. J ;n . ort ? 1 t telle rtfii, ante, t.n litt jki rmder itr a Irtrt :a '(it if, is.fuit?, ly t Fun:!) (Jur, to'hmve produc.'d 'j l-ideriiLte jttl- y-s'.'i tie Ft? nth itny. Initiatives ae u'hrrvd 1 2 b .'ti l I'flea 9 )te Freni-r, ami Mini j he? irs V jiItd i ll if e fa . lid bt :eii.p"ed to take heir' nhte. n fiiiit ha-. b'-. rreiuh and PruIiang vr f Me.i'i ate tu t upon in:ir ulna. goJ jeiui t.gs'llK'l, . ... , If itrr f-win an oifirerin the C'tannel flee -di ed "e :i .hd. ''a . 'hat on tlw t6 L ii.tl. 'he Hholc fleet lure up fr Knglaod wi h ail fai'i fet ; b-al fym; intelligence 'reaching he admiral, ihry clungrd 'heir courf', ad r 1 ..: i! :. r 1 1 1 rcu-ncu uicir 114 mn, , ieir vuiqi ai 311 latnewbiumorcz, nait. hat 11 1' I ihe command ol he i i-fhor: f Mdi Jn,.iF the B'atk Rnckt From n:u ral vc if. s we learn, ihu Admiia ViiUtet Joyeate, wins wt to comple e y bit ten by the late Karl Howe, on tbe 1 11 of June I7T1, ii J7 n appointed 10 ihc command o the combiif d Iject in Brell which cer ai iy rntani u puiU out, either fr tzv' wi h re- intonemeu', or 10 lanJ a to4y of troops in lie ar.i. Uur Uiei were.n ilielughfll ipiii' and nrdef arti an-tioudy'wifli'ng ihe Don and 'M-vn Crura would come ot. I he foflowingi an ett net of a l-tter from L lb.m, Apil 30 Oir.a-my itatread- encampicd,ard jo vrry h.tfh Iptntac The d llnbiition of our fsrec 11 tun yet knon,bf ti.fe who'e ol the irtfy has not yet march ed. The Frentb emigr int regiment ihtit wa lo (a 1 1 r U.iorto, debarkd y cflcrday, becaufe ihc mfii ol wt. fngHe, cm en, iia that w e n onvry he n, wf(eo'dttdobe m.de Mail ift renir.g in q Kil of of a ca riMiiiqiij on 01 wise 01 vntccnt, ueertnf lo.va ds re ituna 01 M. Michael, in put fun ot car Lt- Aw ucctf .;caii crer mjjwnt cx tnasr c; tri- '.r tne i,i ,.;,d .'t-r ibt t '( ''' .0 I the: unmet t.t t: e is e ii;sr:us "M'th ne- -V ; k,r n: id, cut ; i 1 1 . ' - LEQHON, (Italy ) Mavt. , outly en cnia ed among them by tome , wnite Five Fienrh (hi pr; of the line five frigates, PcoH,e ,ne government bad determined ,nd twottanfpor.s wi h rr0ops, have arrived no oger to check ibe Rtrunon ot the-whites" in this haibori- A-bvtv her otthe Firft ConlulP? he dian la;.ds ; but to leave the I.u is on i.oa-d. The faoad-on under lir T. B. ar' 1 ieralvc? lo Pfo'fl their termory .(a;. gilllli HIV III lillVI WV.'IV 4 I.W U'li: a' p re (1 d e n t' w out d " g' hc nauon a written piedge or stiuiance ot t,s tntrn ion to continue to ;hcm ihc fricndQ.ip ai.d protettion of gove nanent. ... . 3. That a. ihc nea'y ofTcllicoihe Che. rokees bad been p; omiftd that they- (hoii!dja foon as the Irnes ba wctn thtm & he United Sta t, wete iut, be fvirn.fiicd with maps- de-fc-iptlvc f thole lire ; that ihew -be oved chief Bloody Fellow went olF lw Plnladel. ph a, immdiatcly after hat tieaty, for the purp'ofc "t procuring faid m?psifr.d other pa- teis vvhicn had been piomilcd hem, but ihat c had retu tird w- hout :htin 44 land my whr.lc nation rejoiced" taid he orato; 44 at the runn'ng of the linet ; we KpiccJ as at the appearance of a new moon-af:ct i'u chan ge,. hoping henccforwaid to Jive in peace ai'id :rarq'it!j'y," 4 ;Thai they had to ockncvlrdge the great advantage whn.h s heir na'ion had Jenvrd from being taught to fp'.n and weave 'hat order the icco.ntiierditicn of ihe govcrmcne and ihe late agtn , Mr. Mufmot)! , ihcy I ad cu.tivi cd ihole advantigcs, fo murh' thai-(lit Bgrms of the Untied S'.aitrs. ih-i.g'i well fup pliid wi It tools, Ac. could fcaicefy a.ilvvcc the demands of ihe Jr.dians. A 4 C rv.'i n Ff) 'Par jf Pa, the D an-Sl rs l c !i May, fays co jiin embaiKed on b "fd aoiiiral Psrkri'i fleet. on !iis lPhe rr. jduion againll RolBa and .Sweden." cpe PAIS, May A frtlnr ffom Mnytfa. of ihe jd April, fays. A vr!H h. j'l'.t anived here from JaU'a, ;'h:tii bnn i.:w that on ihs 26 h March, a L;:;lr vmj fui g't' rear A'exandiit, beiwren tbe F jtih at-d i ngi.fh ; in whicli the la cr Jo.l "t 'O , rnet and had te.embaikcd the eniaiiiUcr. . PHH ADELPIIIA, July 16. Lafl cvering airived the fhio Peifrveranre, cap'ain V.i li.mfon, in 46 day from 12 :jt!ot ' ur I , y ' ' ; Jj , 'ei(,''iin un, ,n 4& AKon Uol , Tbir lhey made it a Pr.int firmly to ijfen mad, bt te GntrtJ ,.hiz.,r, ri'djr. . i11n, wc learn that no fa ther newi " con.orm 10 ihnr cng-wcnM ;.. Indian J.ad ing it tip; bit inft -nt Aa.lt 10 bticrai .. ar. ; miy impuntnce was received at ibe lim? nf 1 . ... . 1 1 . v ? iy win) (ftn. Mry.ik ' ,M j.:xij yri;i is tietrr.ied by coh6''&ytJts,,(om'iundtd The vejjil 11. whUh th's r't 'r cube; ftirdfrum Jbotf.h thl io.'l et' M:rJ, hi a fai'irg, the f;rfl-f J-ne, of -h mili ary ope aions up. the Ealuc or ftom Eqypt than what ha iU'ci&y beet g:vcn to our readers. Wc a!f--hear the -French garrifon of 1 50 men, taken at Aboukii vat airived at Mx ieillr 1 . ' commuira an cftttage n white pto;ie wi n iinpuri.y ; but iher- weie.Tturde i ol red pco p'e II 1 H uniccountcd for, & ihey mhch feared that for thole no fatiifaaion would ever be given; ,' , On th 3d July the depu'atton wa.ted on UJvhf in the bathnur btlwAe 6 ani 70 j ,.,c , V . , , , . ,.. , .. IL'KRCrcta.y of. war and iecevcd an uniwrr- r L: il. . ... fi.. f-w4 T".r v . 'if rived at Af-ltj, tuhre (7;e n-mninrd- 6 . . 7 m; dJyt.. ly.inrgXr jUy U erf, tm 1 w Aeltt KCm rtVJ. I.Jv 1 e 04 gunlhipt, a : twelve trarts, w:lh j It ; v.,rh nJth !fifuiC we a.c cn4yci fjkrt i.s 'n f'tia'd; Piled pom Egypt ;',0" bo're the pull ce th,- EngJjb army ; .rat. cl khe !at di'fpu as we lull f'.m,- d.it ttgl, Can- ' md rooo trsi, 9 re ir. farce tbeaunie's i tiwL'ci to. I ip;ari j L - horn. It 'itadt' inertly uny Jhy tsiee9 but procre led ;'n its' i Jiijiiw,- it c;i fUt: (d (even iJil uf the line and .:U tri- gates. . ic the fillowtr2 f.a.c Uni'f d 5aiti to the fcej.itr.r rrpcfe'i.isr.ot.s, 'Ihe ferrrt ary Oa c-1 thj be hvJ laid tie reprefenii ions of the deputies from tlic Ch.. ration bef.-re iheir father, lie A letter hi I'M received Item ) or. theinjb',re Jjunnrs' 'f Uc t d f.g, that on thrift b inO, the iS'tbt'td flats, ewjidtd if 3? IjA f the li-e, 15 .'l'-'J , . .J'.. . i .fi'. ; .1.. 10 cwettcs ynenirrn jm oi ip? 3111.. iy, tost. acre At i ii'ui. 102,394 33-100 1 Ai Cituintia 1 line, 12 frig lie, aid 9 'O veftet , rt.tg he m.mih 'n' tle cuttr bjri'cur,' and the rcr.a'n t'r Mjr 1801., ' in tbe inner, rue nivi r.n tn sue w ,r - wo., ji? in-ico .CI.. It C. . .!S, k l-a4 tl in linon of wjr, wetlein charge ftcm ,h:m to bid hem a cord al wtl lcme to ihe frat of fi.nen.mcn; that ilc.' The r-fiifnt of lands fJJ were' not all re- , prefsdent hid WilSrilv Mhncd to their rc- ceiv d and compare t ti l yellddiy. Th- io j prefeu'a.iot s, at.d itouelled then tu J'thcir lal auxi inr of U ds Wi t.nd:t the act ot . tO'.h . nation to U alTa edftii- fnr r dihtfi r f Ins May, ibJI, 11 41 ful'cweth. At frlvute fate, vir. At S'eubffivtlle ii.d Marietta fiom ' tfl J !vt iSo 10 , do'!i. h.ub'.u'r, filpeartd h be,am?l:ltly rtdf . At p'M'C J'Je, viz far tea i' an I at there we', feveral Mi, j At Ch.Mroil e, ri tn the ro,id, 11 -v.it Jippijfit uui an, v nmediate txtiditttn it avtut t be under- ; ,n. Af,4V' ' tak Ur.t'td Slates, and ihrir faceJ irN.td tj iuf- tice and exiHirg irriei. In reply m taeir icprcfcntalLni the fe cretaty llatJ ' 1, Thai .-the br.di rovr lr1ring to iV? Indin had Uem afcei'aintd by ihe funtnJ of ihr bonndauca ag.'ceably to the licaiie; thai ibe Unifd Stated confiderrd a'l lry..d the lines ai belor,? l(o!tue'y to the 'In. jdians, and nut ir t eitVt,p fiom .ttt, or f--; M tl-d upon bf wlu;e pcvj'l:, wi hn.t 0 c full Pa"d fair tor.f? tit ofiK nation lav. ft i.iQ.ub liincd ; ihat fiom the increafe of pjpulatwu in the Uoiied Sta t, i' tiatmal Ihat ibcy Oimild If deftitius to bur lard when tba In dians wre wil'irjto fpate it ; t i'iatunlrfi foo 309,54 u8 ny were ptfrttiy ddjo'ed i filt none 0 -- 1 their land fliou'd be itq jnfd of il.ein, , i IheJ.tfl h Iters received fwi the tfl tnd of StT Mure tu, (I ate, h P'fi'ive (ent, that an amy of fi'rn 8 If i 0,000 v -ran' traps are nrjt alleged vn cfl id Numandy, Itr the hppiftd fufpifc of prtCfedi ht'iitdiuiey i i fnn:fc:ret f.v-ftdithn;. Total 1$S,1J9 C3TC0 S594' 34 The deptiti hn f oai the CheriAce ration I a f 'jf t the f.! of giefnmrrtt,' or filling r.f chic fi t t "Jed, by in irffpte'cr. n 4 a Hi 1 4 iii'errtfif r, nfre appt.ir.trd tu ' ihc million, ar.4 Ijmici wiib it.ilruar.i The kc tfiry fu.il.ci o'jletvrd i at hetc UiU, whifh "he It. Iians ire nt wiii.'. o yitt with, lie triw.en f;ti'cmrti f .lit v ri c. fo that ihey car'rei hei vtiit r. f tiaJs wtm out tStQ'..ch them, h Ui red S i ,1 . I" . . I At vouirj w in o Dave frtmi:tifn, par !tidn4 fr ih- ihdi'geir attwtt f.'kh Li.d., a d e3.'.:.u 1 L:t lOik. ci lei i .4

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