rclptct. o .pmej,,: there . reqare reform itiod tbronp.hout f!rc whole cWiiUrdtrEiirope,. for in the U'iiied Stt,r it has been dojhtlu1, which.-wen tht gerjtcil pirauu, tbs Bruilhf;'ihf French, or tke.'iir- . v . . . - - ' v . i oimiiti ;n-, .niui i on- nc uwea mj .rornsd-ir.ee nwca :n, iroopi irom ioe;r ; rorthe Vl rt, Cflfcson. hainrrived. -at' ?:ovtde... vJeor; thi accomr.adaton-6fth irarir.d cimoei thfrrrtoVabliflV tlie into' vel'.ers Thar on thi. fiibject ihe. prefjdcht jflwe' thfir pnToHer. If thtfe Wnefuiil efficb had difCdrlE.mers on'bctalf of lh nooIi1)ejfccnfr4,cncf the arable torgypt, at xvjib.wc ft Poirrr, inline !late of TenneuVc, . " I'' ..' .1.- C- A J,.. . f A . . '.. A . 'Oi(. or acuxi "iic u u j w wuj,'iu ucm. frdnfi'-rv; shi a. futfvcWr number' would Aid ...... 'IV v r ' - ' - Ee rpfltrnu'a 'ncrt; io preicrve peace ar.a ore vrnt in'ruLiion; go tna r lanas, oj dmp 'ptr in. gent of the Unied Slaves and hesammt$aft officer f the i coops had been dircfted to, ufe - their beft endeaVors .io,cffcl ihofe end?. . The fecretary zlfo delivered to tHstn,- agreeably to . , r - . r ; AenL a!luraiices. written on DarchmsKt. i - i 1 r . .t . .i . . . .. jna-.o.oc uepuiiitu in mc 11 j' miij mai- ine C?scrokccj rnih comiimc.id. rty 'in' fall con ' , ildeact; on iKe prrustion and fnendtlvp of the Unireil S a'es, and cin the i'sflice and fai hfuL lieCs wi'h whii.h all engagnrncniV fnoaid be t r ' J .L i. ' ,i .l.. i ' ' ' ij ' ver abandon thfin nor, tkeir childrVn fo long ax'tney inouia act jwu'-y ana peaceaoiy towards ihe iw'oi e people-and t'neir red brei'hi;ei. Tiiiie allurancej e accoirpatiicd !y 'a Jf. .. r .. ,;:.'J ..1,1:- i. 1. 1 'J. . -I r the ulua'i metaptior the, Idd'.aiis, the chain of fiieiidlhip," and expriirive bfthe jeiire of ihe gDveriimcn', that thd chain by which' the United "Siafe and theCheroki-cs are hrld in ' in'1 l-i l ii ' nnlhiti nun rrtnt min hrif If ourl Ii i i. iiu ill ' muj 1 1 b iittv. vi iui) miu iirvv ; gt d never mil, 3. 1 hut. a map, dclcnprivc ot (hi boun. diry. lines, fliould be provided for iem lm rncdiately. ' " - -- -- - 4. 1 hat the government rejoiced to hia.' of ihclr "progrefs in msnufaftures and huCaan I'ry, atid would che'crfully aid it, by ffimifn ing the:n wi h the iiecetf; y implements, and by 'frii fling pcr,for -into their nation -to' in. llrud .them in all' the aru netelfary io ih'.ir fartlier proff fs in , procuring to themfelves .-means, of infuhfiiljnce nuch more crrtai.i than by. Kun'ir.j. r. l l il it wis in ntt'nnnsr:nn rtt rh .tTriKed S a e to p'in.Diall pcrfons who fiisuhl drtlTfftfnc'e$tHH'fJrtlsVe , -i f hey "coa'dbi defected j bur .-that if the nrf. tniet-m?a:o w pe:e,ra e:i ;o icc-eny; ma the oStcJir, co-lid not be difrovcrcl, or. if th;-y fbould eleape f.orrl jjfi e, fjtiufaction fi.nild-be fii hfully gtf en, according to the ii ii:!a:voiu f. ihe. uea'.y., ,. v, v v ' Ttrey ief the ft-at 'of governmcn : or. lh Jay mom tj I a II; on their 'Citrn hum; e irc-.tl:i gr.-a' Utivurtinn at ne recep'ion ihc ine v, i;hr Their conduft whitil hre wm 1"j Ojt. rally prudent, qict and fbcr, to' merit tl.e approbation of the govcriirn.-n;. Ti:t:'h 'ptjiiicfs w'nich the citizcri of the U- niied Stale enjoy beyond ihat of any o her nation wi h which we arc acquainted, is un doubtedly an evidence? ei:ucr of the greater pjri y 'ofd'ir morals, o of ih; fupetio: ex c;liencel of our political i.tdttutionj ; or f 1 . h. While, ihercfpre, we mourn over th-r tssfenr and misfortunes of'too many of o I ibiiv men, in dilFjftnt fli.es of far iciyj and u.iicr other ly Oerns of govcfnfn-nt. rc. oug'r. with gia eful htaris, and enlig'i etied j dg. rv;iM, to appreciate tli3 blcllinj we palfcf, tv. be ftcrnj.hcn'jd nuc and mote in our rt-publicati conviction', n l io rcj )ice that w:ilf o h.-r r.iiinn ar; ro.itcndinf', fornc fsw R. lQind. Th ftuo lohu Jiy. cipu n D xter.'frora Cintoi;, anid at Prqyidenco tlie iaih j'uitt. atier a ffU'tge ot Rtc roontht and tn d y,: ., -tf'X. STIcCt'T Irom a. gcuU'c un 41 high in. jtce,'.. at XVdfnrn'g'.oni to jit Mend in. this city, fays '.'The le ier -wnich lfti JJleriou wrote to Thomas. Payne, wairoaly a tormil antwrr to a corhp'iaientary lelter v hkh that genttcirua wrote from France oa the triumph of repuolicaiiiirn in the Unitc4 tat-i : It Contained not a f liable of iama:ton to hiin to re turn, nor a fii-glc f. ntence oil a-Kowing-liim the ufe ofa natio'ial . It was cornmiitecTiio the care of Mr, Dawfonv"ni h, perhapa through cur'ioflty tone, waa indu.td Uriiliver it in peifcjn." Bal. American. T0 the Ciuz-of.th:, . ; : ' Coun y 6f N v:v4iinov2r. '. . . GEMTtEMi N,-. ' - . T is 3 tiuit aioriilyrng confKlerarion tonne, that pitfvujus to every 'lec- .-it ' i: i '. uo'.i, 1:1 wiucn i a:n xanaHtaie, 1 am cornp-llcd to rro'jbic. you, eithtrr . wiii'h e j ju.rtiii.ca? ion of my conduct, or to repel Ciiargea t-le, ktri liious a.n;J mJiaous;, that are infdurtrioaUy circulated aain't me,' Previous to the tiledliou in Au-. l2oo, fcniYe artful inlii.luotfS toe, proput.cd, that 1 was as a difbimded ofli.cr i;i the luff pay. of the Uniied Startscnd javoyrirtij by the fabrication of this fai.ll-liood,.' to iui;:fs upon the minds of the people, that ff 1 Ihould !e el c!tct!, I wau! J "r.ut be entitled to a icat.in me .'ierai Auein'Jiy. in ot :ljr tr prevent any bid tifes, from this tlory I was under tfi3 necc!firy tf con ' radioing it in v.-r 1 u 1 ? l; ; the exact words I made ufe of inMeuying the charge, I do not at this moment ru-c lleit, but as .W cl i .a Lia jeir,-emb er, I -! tela red I ?as.hotin the" half jm-y o the United St.'iics, and tlj.nt I hadnoi received a fix pence, nor dill expert to rcce vc a fix-penceine-.tnins; as half piyf ' for this was' the ct'.arc exhibited aairift me, and whicit iridtice"j my adyeitilement, A tnoit inf a .'nous a.nd malicious mif. rept'.'f-n aiioti has 'atcly, as I am info: TN the North Eaft River, aboat nine X. , raiks above Wilming-ton, and oppo t s my land in at Fiini n g, C r ee k, a LUMBER. KAFT of "aboli t tvyenty tWnfanl'.feeti:of..Pankrini''' jcantlin. Whoeve r cl al m's the fame, by v rod a c i ud proper proof of its being his , may V.:ke Letteville) Niv 23. . . 1 F O R SAL Ei acres .of Land in Bladen countyadjoining the Land of Colonel Thomas Brown , C - . ' 301 acres on itarrifons creek A Lot in CajDpbeiton (Fay-; tl!n MiV n it away at any moment by tklS-advHt femsnTf mytni tor . f ...-Sf ALEX. DUNCAN MOORE. Au2uft',6, tfV AULl4-UUUiJV4WIltVt dcral Point. : ' , . . ALsOj , ::::.- A good Waggon and Gears. Fof terms apply to - A. CUTLAR, Or Ir. his abfence to Samuel R!f? nhHE Ofncers and Members of the JL' Grand Lodge-and the Rcprc'en tativcs o,f Lodges, ate hereby requerted to attend th? anual Communication in the Citv of Raleieh. on. the -cveniiio of worth ri,..,ri.. :u: r r..i 1 : . x iiunuay 1 nc tniru ui etemocr -next . . r n t 1 t f i- at fix o'clock. : 1 1 C h By order of thcMnJJ-Worfiiipfui, lTTJCE ,9ereby-given of the de- Willia Polk, Grand Mailer. ceafe ot ROBERT ADAM, Efq. ROBERT WILLIAMS. latc ,of Eayettcvillo and Wilmington .". Grand Secretary. Hcrcllai?f ai)d f the $ubfcribers having The Prinrrs. in this fee and at July term', now la. ft pad. of -the court 'tennefTee. are reauelled to ivc this Cumberland county, "qualified as No wee sfotjee a Place ii) their Papers for two "ccutors of his la(t willand teftamCnt. vecksi: . : TJiofe indebted t,0. the cftate are deiirerJ June A. L. 58bt: A. D. 1801J 0 e;irimcdiate payment ; and thofe rWtTtr TV"- hviitg accoutirs or demand againft the rpHL Copartnej-ihtp ot Thurston ateofJany .fcind or denomination, are A Ml nLIM ft rif"' itcquired'to exhibit the fame fo'r liquid 27111 Ot 111 V llUn.lt. a-ml t hf fnhfi-riKprc i . . l Partners of laid firm requcft all peVfons haying opert arcounts with them to cull at the'llore of C. & P. Pelham. for fet tlement, w.hcre t licjfc to whom they are indebted arc requeued to apply for pay msitt.'" - S: f. TflURSTCN, CHARLES PEL'HAMt General Ailernbly,. ; V 4t An art" to amend j t concerning pro v. . ( . jf;ji A iting letters of ad- , " to prevent frauds ' 1 ' k S Auguft 6. PETER PEL HAM. THE I -Jame'! N O T Partnerfhi and I C E. n f Robert s - Donald (on " &Cor of Fa y ctieville anl Viltnintot), North-Carolina, -and Jasnes I)ona!dfon & Co. of Norfolk, Virginia, having terminated on the 31ft "ultimo by its. owudiniitation -a.il pcrfons indebted xo the faid firms Arc requerted to come forward and make payirrcnt a: the rcfpeclive places where the dijtts have been contracted, and where nv.l,'"beeiuma lcof ihat piece, With a a 1 ju t claims againtt (aid concerns will .. .r .r;. .. : . . r 1 s j .1: ... fur f fpcdj.ii, bwt tn re tinfoitunatcly for law. lr;sHHver, xtz are tu the iccvite ponelaon of f.iC4 and lt?.'iy. view of callingniy veracity into q'.if- tion It, Ins been alfrrtH by fo.nJ, who have (Irangcly. perverted the Englifli lan-gu-tf, in order to torture that pteoj into a meaning, it was nV.'cr my , ii'ifcntion it Ihcr.hl have', that I fail; VI had never received any, pay, nr. ever expeii rd to receive any.loriny-fcrvicis in the 'army, anil in prd r to co'n rovert this it 43 fai !, Mr. Ca.-lton Walker, late Pay maf ?er to th': 6(.:. Regiment of Infantry. Jus in his polFrnn rcctipts for the tuc r aid mo by the Us'i ci btatcs. It is true that Mr. ValLer has re be paid on application. ROBERT DONALDSON. JAMES DONALDSON. . ' JAMES THORBURN. JOHN M'MTLLAN. money n . . . . 1 iuu anu paymenr, to trie : executors agreeably to law, & within the time li- I mited. by the adt of thc Geheral Aflembly, . pjit in 1709, entitiea An act to amend an act, entitled an a " ing wills and granti 11 - n : mtniitration, . anu to pre " in the management of inteftates cf tales, ! in failure. whereof the fame will be plead in bar to the recovery of any fuch debt or demand. " . DUNCAN M'LERAN.I JUlliN VV IIN5LU W, oAM. (jOODVVI N, Ex:cuUrs. JUlN.ECCLES, JOHN HOGG, Fayetteville, July 17. 3m. RKUBKtf EVERJTT,. FROM Fort-Jolinfton, where he hath bfely pracliecJas PhyficiancV Sur geon to the Troops Uationed herew oners nis lerviccs tithe lnhauitant of this town and its vicinity. He has juft received from New-Yurk a Ceneral airortment of Medicines, which is now opening and fcr Lie at the corner ilore South fide of Market-wharf ' Wilmingtonroth fulyiEoi. - 400 Dollars Keyvaid. f-g 4 1 E f u b f c r i b e r s b eg 1 c a v e t o I h f 0 r m 8 tlieir friends and the pubic in re- n;rl that they have recommenced bii-jTADE their efcapc from the goal rmefs at Fayetteville and Wilmington 1VJ. of Baltimore countv. on thr niaht under the firm of Doualdfon, M'Mil- of the third inllant, the three following la:i( & Co.-and at INorfojk, Virginia, Prifoncrs : viz. Fordam Pea fe, about under ths (irm.of Donaldfon, Thorburn, 25 years of age, five feet ten inches high k Co,, at which places thcr mean to' do light complexion, flout and uill - ctip:s for the fall amount of my pay bufinefsh the fame line as ihat of their round Ihouldered, his had his riht-hand this ceuld never hive entered my brains predecetrorsThey have juft received at much hurt by the cut of a fword which to deny but it it bafely Life in any one Fayetteville a large and general alfort- hascaufed it to be withered very perccn- who aliens, he has rr.y receipts lor one mentof GOODS imported chiefly from tibly ; he is a native of New-England li -rpcnce of half pay. the nunufaclures, which they oFer for and ha's failed as Captain of a. vciTel out whenthe army V2 d'ibinded, thelaSeby wluilelale and retail. Country r inn port tor Mcltrs. R. lnJ Q vrli .s lutimu!, c thould 'bc cmtUntly General did r-fcn l on money produce will be rccelvcJ, . and a liberal M Candlcfs. Alfo Eb.nczcr Saunder-. mnJfjlof iisciufi, that we may never f-ZJ t.r.ih to pay up the full amount due to.dif.ount made for prompt paym jntm la.tc.oft.Maftcr-at GcorgeTown, 9n dm oa the cxiR.'tits of ihat caufe mud fjr-'vcM8'' l,t thcoiScers, ar.d fujojers Ijimongcalh. Theyhaveon hand and will on- the eallcrh fliorecf this Hate, about 24 . d.-p-nd ihe tirer'b jhst Dpviom-i -'A-?( iiJre- rctV-of nhs " ofScrrs whot were ,tnue to receive liberal Itipplics of cvtry years of.age, . fix feet high, dark cotn- rauffiy'tTulil'.'jrifvi;. hlcli may bccoi.h.t 'Hcf.iUquart.crs. . r.i !ilv. aL'rccd.Sfpecics of Eift and Weil-India Goods : plexion, thin and Spare m'a-ta hn. 1 i Mtd 'j. a collccti'ui of true principle tiiy. ta fur the rrgi'tiucn of human condufi- "rtne-p r, vhtite elUn;c 11 it 10 yil ie its t.t.f f.cH of all mm asCiiuft',' and of "onle. rs.w:t u- the TolUieri JtijuUI go .va-1, ami . thyir clsims become a tt t Mice io rc('tl and piotcu, at equal, the f gl:t Ct all men. . Such rcfl-ctioni b.'come infiui'ely tmnnr tn, uhen jure 'feel ilui the duration of a rc- p biican uvcrn;n-iit an4 of rcuublicin nun- km 'kpr-i J entuc'y on iho' ur.ceal.r. vtgt. nrr of ihe people. T'lcra hit not pa hin, -i ihe crca ion nf h? world, b;tn a period t hen the initlakcn intereOi'vt a few lid not 'pel them to lubvrit or impair 'he ivcrilli 1 Ihe minv. Inordinate anbit'.on cannt trcnt iifc.f wih lbs pne principles Lei ' '.itv. Il ii." ihtttfor'.'ercMiiHv tvivi. j it ot fpcculation,o wair, ti mincy tituuU be fen; o.- This 'J in pervenin,; or.jiCilita.H' iJicm Aud Is cnly when the greai baJy of the nc,,pl llfiCfsflfg vigiljnif,' If RrJtn inb'tltfUl ')' 1 't withca natio liuiiit, ilui then libmca Thife reTiitki-fuve (V(flcJ ihcuf-lvfi M a r L-fil of ft frjfh frmu Emf'ifh' I'inii. r.i-jt' Jnu ai once lice ai) harpy. It to l5 UnKneJ. that (he hat rbn-f cc a fed to ti.h.'f. Symjudnfirg iiiulLliuCtifty ia Hie Clerics of her faljeMi, we may doiwllhflsal- f x . t a molt u.tljl ichjh liuin hfirt 1 us nm tt.lf imini? mcjf.ii;, and adopt nrs thit Jut e led her 10 ram. '.vT L r. u n err 0 n rXlu 6,Tso iT' h In Wo nlf v4l, ihtt il, r"1!. Ci tfvt; i.t. t di or Ui i-M.ih, run bt k t . h & i..-;u..iau,ii 'i Ul tat N,j;t;rintia tin-fub- tintil mo'e us l have p.'iee received. H-rt I tb iigain in this public tninncri deny ever having re ceived a cent at half pay, or that l ever tx;eit to rrceiveonc ; and this gcntlc mcn you muil all Vcmembcr was tlie ih.irte againft mc laft year, and was His one, it was the object of my piece to deny. . "The Tongue of Calumny has. been fo often and fo aftivcly employed aaiuft me. without a-iy tlfi cl, that I have bfen in Uovci ofcfcapini' the flamkrous abufc l ElrJlionccrinu paitizans : hut I find in thtfe convulfcl and violent times, men are to be fuuud, void of. tvtry I o. neft and upright principle,, who having tio'chara'fcr ihcmfclvcs to fuppoit, are for viVuLin evcrv oi:c that has. . ALEX. DUNCAN MOORE. , At'nU '4. ' , nAZ Copirtn-rOiip cf Rice, Whea. X ion and Bat ton was (liUotvcd by tv! mi conistr, in tn- 3111 July, 1801 t!uJ who base mf:r!cj acountf wi-h fit I fmti are ieqtciled to fettle them DNIZL IL Will- TON. Auoll 6 and have now on hand upwards of fif-jfmall blue fpot on his left check ' let in teen thoufand bufliejsof Salt. with India ink, and has loft i-e of hi urtnPlil' 1 rpni I e . . KuiiL'.ivi uuALUiUiM,. "fT-r torctccth. Viiiiam Donaldfon. ' g!i;RSON. U.. V..BJ, .bou, of jriitt. 1 1 1 v rvu w ix i JOHN M'MILLAN. N. b. The bulincfs under the 'firm of Donaldfon, M'Millati 6c Co. will not ai.hve fcct fix inches high, dark com plexion, lender made, has a fliarp thin face, with Ihort black hair j they all have a variety of clothing, which ren- commence at Wilmington till the firlt ders the dcfcri:tion bnncceirarw-. I i:u of September it will be under the di- give two hundred dollars to any ncrfott reflioii ot Mr. John Lord. that il deliver I'lrdani Pcafc to me In' Auguft 6. . - l'c city of Baltimore, 6rfccure him in JUST landed trom on board tha Brig goal n ihe United States ; and one Jay, and to be fold on low terms, if hnd red dollars lor each of the others, applied for within a week or two if delivered or fecurcdas aforefaid. . 4 Hhd. and 14 barrels Mutcovado Alfo, midc his eleape at the fame time Sugar t Cafii or juitblc produce .will cltr amii, a hrenchman, about 21 be icc'crytJTn paYmcnr, by ycars "L aV, !ark complexion, five fect JUSilUA IO lid. a or 0 inches iiign, much pitied with the Auguft 6 ' Pot lh'n anJ Pare m&et wit h ""T5f. NTLtM kn, remarkable black hair, hich he wean HAVING been repeatedly honored ticJ 'Twenty dollars will be paid for with the confidence of manv of apprehending jhe above Sinil, or fecu- it I 'l l ? f rinn m n 1. . M M vou. evinccu oy. a uectucu majority ini,,,,t w nunnniiru, my uvour at your pan cicuions , anu feeling a conlcioufnefs of having dilli gently and faithfully difcharged, in the beft manner I as able, tbe iir.por'ant truft cor ft .led to me, I come forward aiin wiihcut any dread or apprcheii. f LVX the South fide of Dck.ftreet ' fion of having loft that confidence to of. 1 erms part cafh, and a reafonaVc cre- fir my ferviccs 10 you, m the Senate. I dlt lor the remv-ner. JACOB MEDEARY. Gaoler, of Baltimore County. June 25 231 8w. JtY HOUSE and LOT, fituae on ALEXANDER D. MOORE. RICHARD KELLY. :;'':V:-i3 If ' fe . Ivcom n t it i If fi 15 . r -