' " ' -' " y'" '" . '. '"' . . V . . V'--'.-'-' '.: :rr:. m"mamhm' tpra rvfcaneoceof thu ordcrqt tninii hub iHf'j fravWtWtkAacii csidatSLMdallaMt Ulha'FrtnckAul-txvi mil font It eitrfer of alrn of caa.cmat. Tke wife men wh obey yd r chiefs, defend r fuppQft.thc dtL i . It aUhh now- to .repeat all - that i t . : . ri t - t -: - . . - i i - f . i . . n . .. i k ,e n.niiriairil in the formation, of the COhftitO- -Vio'n ofj.be year , have without qabt, felt ; -tho:e . c(t,y6riioimiiiHDtw fyltcfrt fsr ihte dilrirjt colo? tiiti, .and irV its foourriaiV of C'n(aUini tiic manners, i sic iMirawna lat . iuc hwmi" men Who Lnirffbit t.SeV, add Cue- ckcu-mlbntrs:' in whiih ai Kfc& tWy -are foi J Canjit be , rafy matter' to weigh "Hjnef tr .fi-Irrttionl wlieirihelri - At fiih a diliince can the . ui (cover iic change J publiceptr'Qi ; ca t they knuw tn'i Ivtf.rjngtfOf the mmhaI avt ..t l' ..' .A -III : ?."'a'u t hnfrf rim' . daily irvtiroof wur ? . - " " Even if till, experience. hail, sot ir.ade it atiirn- perious.4uty, iht igtiftfLiclc ot the French' c nll'tuti oa'wou.'d ambonfe the iohabtuuta of at. D.-lni'ia " "ir.dkue to.the French rortmmenc,' the law ri whirhH . thev would' wiQt'lo be wverned-and what more 'propitious moment could wc Iciyc for laying. tre ioandatiotu'of thii iroporfint wik, than the prefer., when the : ancient e,dihc9 u cleared of hi ruini whsa ;. , . .1 - j j l v. j: : f. . L - nts-tnti icaciei are traraicrc wiica prrjuotcci ie mi. Cued, and when the p!linnte calmed i r 7 t V "'Circa m'tlaacet fo faviofsHe forlixlnj the drftiny nviijM i if wfc rtB"ilihi3 oanortunitv. a:otlt:riuav 1 -O-- - B; if . . '. ,i never be found . . . , . ' i I To the undarfiental cairfoa, -wtiich reader a lcil iofcftituiion neceflary fdr'StrDomingo VriJei the intereAe .of. Ihd tnbab.itanit, ,(which. are taitntaiety vCoonc&cd with thofcof tHo m ther ccoti'y) ate adied " ciher oidtivererui!lyowerhiL v -r. r li)lltteitbo'tbe departtoeoti of the colo- - 5es to enjoy tlte ad tage of the tribooaic of Jusice. V The uecefSty of introducing new planteri, in or. -tier to extend and improve agitcijlture, of reviving commerce and re ctlabHlhing manniaftun a. 'j "The utility of cementing me union of -he ct-dmnf 'Spimth with the ancient t reach inhabitanti.: "The impolfibiW y of the mother cou.ury'firco'uvr " war With the maritime poweri. " rTiJInecifil'yof e$abKftiing-fimp!e and nhifOrm fyiVeni'i'o'rthe" alnsiniftratron of the "finance! of the T.o1oii"y, and for correcting exitling abuies. ' ffic obligation o( faiiafying abfem proprietsri) at to the fafety of :h?:r propeuy. . ., til t Wl'TU, IIDUVIiiuu vji i.iiiiinnrn --coiv'ilHa;.ing tntroaipeate, f aogrntnHiigthat piol pnty. vhieK thu colony begini to enjoy after the Tif.m uy writn i n ucu w uiiku , 'teaching to each individual his rigiiia nid h(a dutiei, -andot extine 'ifhine all d ftmfti and fufpkionl b n,rfni!ni - nf liwi which will mfcirc confldeftc TWi nannnniie cofiicnmnt; innirm. . Sur hive hem the n.otive which hawe detefml pad the genrral in chwffo convekea Ltgifijtive Af L fe'niblv. chsreed 'with propofippto tbe French" Go- refrioieh a cnntlitution ihe-be iUu.aied for the colonof Si. Uomiugo. Thia work, will add vto tber benefiUu thol't: wKo bivc already rcc"eived from him. " The few meraben of whom th a XtTerobly ucorrl fkA, have dvlatd, that wl ile they wifbed ufrec tlieir difvuITioni. fiom-all tumult and patrion, ihcy " ierired to be aquainttd wtih tae ideaa and opinion! of all intelligent men, fa thai ihU important work tnigbt be the refult of the united laboura of the who tolw.y. , , I. , 'If the cen'ral AfTrrably hai not cotrJpleteiyjlaK filled the exrefU'iom o'f iticorillUuenti, if ii banot iirtined the ea defigncd f inc general in chid, it haiat. lcaA done all' that circumftancca allowecf; at the fame, time thu it baa iroptjfed all the chigc, hich aredcfirable. It will require .ipith im foi .1 I . . t aa.frr.a.fitU. thlf a All , 'inr co i on v ta arrive 14 111 Lrcici. k vuva cnlv'bfrached by a gradual ptogreu. waunnii " durable, ran increate but flowly, in thta refflve ' tnu -tmitate nature, whor..ver-aft w th pieciitiati- on, but who gradually though furcly inituro i be- - fieticMit orCldi:Clioni. ' The Aff. Kbly will TfjVice If iu ft. ft atv"ic'. Jhal!, ioany.dcgrer, aaelioiaie'heHalc oritue.iww eitiaena. and if ir fa-ill 'have aained t' eii '.in and ihoAi'grnce, wtil ai ihe'pprnbadcrn of ifar.r. al ' thoujh it may uot ha.e.auaHied any grat pe;fetUon Everv artlclevf tSecon. itution vaidilcnUcd and ' eterf irrd wi;out pafTion, iiho. prejudice,' 'ith- c'it partiality i eui4. at mods ot -government it . befnadcpKd, w-iiich they thought wat ber calcsla; cd to nrrfeie out tranQuitiiy and te laife ui to our folendour. In the two fuer ceding year', the eentiil Aflenbliei will rn.ke ibolelter.ations whieh time and rx?ene"ie (h ' I ihe to be necenary. ! The central AflT-mbl) tua not the vanity to believe tkLf Boitb a eonHiiiiU9n: bsi .' it can aflure its fellow ciua:n, 'that th mr& cent dcfrei have been lettand the reea eacniom nude . to.en1i.rt ih orefent trmoui it'v oi tl colony, t "con.-rm and mcitafe i'pfofpnj 'r.dtpveiii 4 ittachmea'.- tit Fietith g vernmanl. ' iftci,thiadiconrfe wa TiHtfivt citut Scrgtns ;tnnouctd theieadingfcf lb eodlituuno. -On lm , - the moil ftofoutd iai oce feigned tffioogH tit -ike tauka. " Eachind.ivivnlliUrneltothe pf4nulgtoii ' wiik tbit intetefl whici an eye that rJ me. .nine ti.eirprivihgveaoJ dotita, miaily tr.i, irtd. Afi ik9 'centiiti ioo wit tcad, Ceo. Touffaint took tat place o( the P? fidtnt oi the central Affcmbly, and praaouttudlh lol.owmg dif;oaifc t Petplt if St. Utmingol "Thec.ilonlal con.lhutionfoi thialfrporta-viland ' bat bees ttinfini 4 10 nf by lit cent iai Adeuivl, contpoftd of Lfl 1tofi, whofcv rinua ol my pro- eUmalion of the i&h Pluvoifi laa.affemUtd ta farm ' lk liwi by which wt are lo be governed, " Ihtv.'icad it with auction,. and am perfua'cd It wil. 'pro.U.rthe happlfleft of my l.ll 'w c'uitfni, face it i luttei to'our lucal cirkvaniancYi, a4 U ' iouadrd good morality and pure religion, ' I ay move it, ' Bvt when I conhdmhat 1 am Barer witn ibr'irck.loa of thtletantiitutional lawa," I di'cover - nT iafkio' be more difftcrf 1 1hm that of Leg'(!a;ora. 'titit.iht't promifc that kowe-e vai and tayro-J ' five iliiiciirtrmiy be, evrif eaoruwo is ail te rnaaf loiuQain it oell. ' uh you, my fellinr clriieoa, of tmy if t, tf every rek, a4 of evrry cohair, yr i Upr j . f the ecwAttrioo whtthii giveo yo, tball ioiioorlailt your tibtny. Let i erofiait rHirftSv befSta tke Crtar of the Uiv.ffr, and tender' bim ihtnkfgivisgror (o k apfttaba bifujag. ... I ought to eddff'i yau in ike tangsageof tfulH 'TbUwH; wiion tare i every tnividtai the m ; toTn.C'ii ! b rijitii aod tcsuirri ol evt.Jf CI ic b pteJirf airiae, whale it treognifra amvag m, the aomiaoa of puit maliiy aad the divine ttrlu ' fioaol Jilua Chntl. -TtiaVlhM, Magtrtiei! lot l'o iM it amp tot oeop'f, Vhofe lei ban sod da. ' ItodciayoM nMU aiwayibe, 'Let probity sad jm. .. lire dirtd yvur acl.'.a aol 4idai your de .leva tuna wtil yon eaagathe eUttaa of yoir (tl.aw-cuiau, wkitk il Ut fwcrud cosfotaltoo sad kai lizard yu j territ try fo p; tatter '!? jnve Jhir for- .flitjiuop, agai.H ;ihe;lotcrriaVnd extef aaf ea.: don fbr ahis intcrclir.g' '.olooy.. One itrejret gr4fonei 'by French' try.m . 'and. .try.: , s. . - ' v.! V :.- r iwork w.ncji youW f" happily, catntasoced. . v i . ,V ' i, e '" ' i -r--. ;:'pierj V,F!y frorild!eefr CUUea G'f fh ufi meU fxg yend - : rent f.efery vice, and awU tte .ffaievolent tb., -the colony had need of a fpeciaUonlliJ M,. tJMti C r? f J ' re ic4a y ju. in tnc aria in tno enerais. rnv inc manners or v tiuuuim.i". ,. uu uav. k:77; , "-r-r "j - l!v" t . yju. in me ana in trie er reprjfentatiytj, yti'. wii eVor find he repreltcr conduded wi;h juftice, that no govcrnmcht ! jail tf the: in:tli ixmxia'sxcr .or wbrth of 'abufc and 'Vrj'uiiicV, " . . ' !oan exjH wuhout a j'uft diltribuiicm of i.s,paW- l(,adf:n ( in vjord that be b-rf conj ly'or- .... -. iiiauiirioys inns3uanr,J or 'ne mes i Joe era , iubmHhve to the laws yoiir" proie&lon and defeow " reop'e, Magiltra c$ fol(J tu you. your duties ai prdrnif tit the face of Heaven, as far im rjs tell rgent men.' The choice of ibfe msn y6a peods on me, to make, every exertion, andec baxe left to-elcttors, Icgt ly nominated by ma ai vine p?rmiiHon,t7 prcierve peacf,. anion an mc municipal aanvuiauous oi iu ,oioj anatraoquiSitvrand lk confequent habomefs ny'rand vovi mar Voldlv fay'thit the. choice.' 7 i ou nave iiicrciorc u' m- gr of nis POiH,rntKenrt ro ajara I'Hm pro. , ihey. wiil ecr' prove bVriariaerjhe tiSts' ?''3 "au:1 ot caca te&b:" : HMtks vmnMiatciv ream- . fV. 'CH , " : ' "m.y-' :":V minca. and tin Zxrliij zv:u quitirtr an a aoiaiem i utl- views, you oraainca nz rormauu.i a- c-nirai , 'n.K . r V7, A "''-- .d mine : fai meU ' Afmbly, copied tf vvie, honijl and in: 1 aSfal aiM., t. .PHILADELPHIA, July 31.' , ; Miruic Improvejiiint?. : . . ' LaS week was brought to twft, a Mach'rcf for pielcrving lhips at lea, while expoled. 10 nd traoquiSityrand Us tdnfequept .happmeft ny'andtyovi may Voldly fay'thit the. choic. firt'v ft How' ci'izenr : art h I ocotnife. in - has! fallen on mV: tendefid worthy eddaHt e-uic Vhofedu iei ttcfciibed by tks s. co'Dnial by "theft talents affd'ihur virtues. Ttiefe" Re. f"vcre weaihcr ; it is intended to Operate, a, Condi irion. -Di you 00. Xwear bef r the Prei'enwti,ve . :mv -.endeavoured to iuftifr-' Anclior, arut a-Ha: bour, ; to ndr ihe-fHit. iupreinc 6 einff and 00 xny hands, iba, yu ;y0r exwcimefirv and to tierii the confideaee' and 'uro' me wav? " Vrllofiup.lWUi'Ur euiffana 00 - my - nanus, m, sum '.yo&r exccimenrr and to .tjeni tne conadenee l.ulu,u,'; vVs. n wi aa.vuiry..W4 will lTiWr- . -hf'-Maws Vh?df lfe talcn--of ifi; r J.lu,., ...M7-n. Th-v- flcu-n.l rhim-' ipace 5 wctgninff aroUt nx nurtarcd',. tira'.v a lited'tb fecure yout bappinefs and to Confiufi;.- ie'ivea ; ' f.iHlI their: hftriorable million wi b" column t,f 90 fuA-e feet, and can cah'y be vour" liberty-' C '-kr ''v'-v a!l fcdeliW TcWtred. ar.d'thfv have" la.' rr-anaje'd' by very few-' had. ' It ia..,he fame r' .-i T - ...t.. , vL. n. fl! K.iilrr.! ir.'f .l: ' "'' i.huli w';i -In fvj'ti m in , viMzens : t rapcai iu you ' mo f!iu - ... ihticc 10 give nu voioity aeon. .. ' " .... .. ru ion is;the "ctwifpali of cvry d fc; tp i6iv of H'tuuon worthy, of i , Cifizens : wheu it ijeak.i every oaev Cu.v 1 orZf.-i y.v2emi ; fubinidie o i;s requift ions. The 'ctvir'awl j ' Tim epocny j !oi de ir-d, has'af-le;- njili ary jjower Ihould be the hilt to lc an' artived-; '.lti$ epocn wRi i- .is n p-;u w:- I .? i example' -cf.' -obedience to he people , follow! ever fix itie tnSoiie 'of 'tibe iy and ti-e. Jtliu.it: in all i par's, -he (onQitu-'ion, i-rr 0a ure ot St .Domingo TThe cnlhtutior . which hi i.nd cgnual allifrably havo-p-i tcn-eii o you, ! jnftbfcn read, is & will kc-ac-:'pted byVvfiv and Ut ths .Tubliiii8 principles which i hasiiuuen wb lent im tuts of gratitude anJ .I. confecra cd, remain indelibly angiaven upon our heans. '. . ' y 4i in every tnonfcn: of lay" ?ife, mv dear fel Ior.ci(izens and fuends, my defire, my w.lhot, rat ambition, will con ft (I in difcnvcung nd prrpavif.g the mrans of renderiny Vu free and hapjy. If I attain, aa ci.d fi dear t my teafr,-1 Jhill . not j.rci th iols of, life, bu. Aiall go, tree from auy remoTe, fcr. der-at--atcouHt'f--myactiono.thc-.aU etful God at.d fupreme Au.hor of the nh 'ill was ihtrvvn in m; tlel itjhh' Rovai Idigh I'.'inc-i i'dward, and :o the Gciislemeii of ' I M ivy in the yeir 1796,' bu: g eat'y fim 1 anl 1 mprovtd , its conin exi y wal n'y tding whi h occalioncd a daibt' of ui i-xitpin? tinliiy wuh Me;ot nauiifal abiiitio.i whtth .nbj'.'Ci is now eivtuely vc vt.ii, and 11 promiio 10 provu a national .'1-- In. ' , - in- . -'i'-.t inn or we undcrfiind ii W, HI!U powet Unlvorfe." ' Live forever the' French' Republic ahd the jolonu; Loi.lli u ion J ' . , At this njoinrnt a four'poundcr at. She Place D'arrpes was dncharcd, asiht? figrtal 0 all tha toria of the town to bfgin a dif- chargc of rrt'etry.oiie roands,-acd vo ei.n f he veltcls of war in por, , . , Geneul Tou'Jain', who hai qui cd t ribune, then received ihc fr.tcrnal nnlrrace fiom all i he civil and mi'i jiy1 auho Mtc, and 1 he President of the civil nbu uc of this departmcnr, crizen Foujneau became tr.c in. ttrpre er of the per.eui iitlislaJi on, nru! raouiiting the tribune !hs xprr!I'ed hircfelf, ! Cthzen Qrcntral ! , " The pica ell misfor-une ta wh eh any I nation car. -tie exrvifrd.' is tola A nrivrd c.'ndtP.;i die fcftrai'i'l of lav. anJ 11 vulv.-d 11 i!if i it r 11 v U cor.fufion ofatuuhv. uth howce !i- b.c:i the tills of S . D'Jir.injn during mtij yea and it required il Vour ta!?ms a"d al yoif v.inucs, 11 fni'cii it'tri.-a ibe Ci Utu luin t which it was n.:nac,d, . '. From lh cooi'ru'ncrnf ut ttf tl.e rcvo''i (ton, this co'ony-fus att;ecivd ;he a;t:n4ni. of the enemies tf Fiance, -Tiiis imu-jnam ilabl.f!ricnt, threw'on il.c Gd-'of i.;e .ntlier oun.ry a bliince of rrany 'roi'liour, ad ,i. wi ia importaucr, whith ciul-d in -'iin. uTKn niriion ,'.' Never, nce thefxnreof'nar'ionil b!I,Jl-1 (U v - rr-Mor, ih was employed mary cf empi'es, lra facial 'iia,' more -inpoViaat ej on :hi,, ami oyhcr re'fcanhe a:.lilve tnd inifremve, received its accomplilhrn.-n', ,c"dr",,'S ' 0 promoir the in -ere It iff humanity 4 tt a fcftival lb ai'ig'ull afTefling. Nv-ve'.,' be -1 . ' ; Aaguii 4. ' ; . ::--. ".' ; teaih -ine eye-of 1U5 fetecnI. hs the earh . Th. Dag fb n vg; cuptak niih, bi. ' a ciipUyed a llene moretettdcr-or mo i- Vub.iiu:! Jh;:-l u-gVtrru;M eira. wr'nitd htre Thanks be rendered lo yoti, it f ,n e. t0Jl uiglx. Captain 5 ". j'la.et, that th' era! ; we have reached the poinr of v o.ut auy on which be Jailed trim fa:'J?ia, a tiy wrh rapid flMues-ihiiil a tain tt;ai 'ummit , , . , bcrTthe object',' fyourxnoft a.dcnt. wUl.es and 'K' r'nA h ymh:eJ fores, tf tRcealitigij.aitudv.; . f V'"1 cyetjzncjt a ,rv nig.-1, fi W.fiu.u lfin 1 l.l" Anrol r.tu' in t'lf I. it ..y.j ...... - j.J, ... ajttcip t.ioa all .he eood w!wch"Vo;j a.e abc-m- T'c Jl ' , ... .i-i i .. , . n.. fit. procuring tor' us, voiir : m win he tn. ye-ice-tjjwtp is ps ,coo,ooo trjtmars I'tjcr had cccccftd to the ierv.t if paci don bythf.formir. . 'be price : rhrved on he 1 cmn e i f lc thofe who have: en 11 arid who !'!;; you, gr-. felves ro !$ dtfer.ee. M BchoiJMic rci. . . Like ihtm yon v. , , fhe mod I V' : ' of St. 1 :. , - i u. :(' i rc:. rn::r tor.n i-. i v,- m . '.1 . the hit --sl ivhiofrancris to receive t ond'Svirt .h.;r counrry, 3'',ocu,oco- The- :tfj?r(0Tifl:fisvf if tbe devoted -ilrei.., irtuty arznrt'JlattJ. ,-ilbeCfipt. jrm .61 v gtzirusfiid tr.at It Hd fct ti Spnnth ill rrCM'Keii I a.-rckt.i r.t tlurint,.rn.:,rt.. T I., cak ir ' " . ' :eaung-at the . ,J ' ' 'tf. rver peak v.o::hs At: r u .irv utl ' -2'. .VI l':i f:'. jfii "i.rir i- c:h Ji.it o ro'iuri; lianUs ha b c I. t. jt en 'lc co t y Vv he n y ( us ov et , It'.; 1 . . 1 . 1 rt v uu iion ics -rccor.cucica iae rr.i'e:a nil.- , .... .... - ..M n s ' y " j ' AUgUft O. d,' the civil'Eitra&ofa letter rJatal " Lllbon, June . u'iclyT!, -. . -iih; j8or.'..- ''ned at ir.e The p"acc between this country, '""thc Elhot Qill inlhnl.'iml rati'wil hv . . - , ... tliO two former itnuicJiatciy z Tiie C'VIl tl thiet to h. Kouff." wheri a .iLiivi. r.!.,ii condilions havo- not bcett riu !c pubJir. : v.a given. i ' however,' it ii faid great .fjcrilicca were I11.be evening tfci town wv.s iliuc-iimtcd. a)ad 'u money, and dunumds b: f.tJc". . - -nam, up tciritorj' in ibis K'l.j'.dfin, ' :E,1LEM, jf.fy o. U)ra2ils, an(.undia ; and rfgjrdtng jrtnt :Xy cV. OQtntafreld, from 7ignitas Ui '"t l',c Porl ,0 be toirij;letely (nut and Mai try are ixorrred, tL.t pre- 10 a' Ys VVar and commerce. . VV .ir:. .. . . k . .. r. . . J.. i ...r - vviiiinwui wwumu wc it a rr.m?cr . vvms to fit luvinr tnm vc tui wtr tLa icit very uupieauiii jcnntionn tver Uftihis anft, whole conttntton. bci e f:nafA tttr trvn Qnr.u itcdTun'' fir.ee this treaty has been conclurft'!, tbe:dcr.6ni f cur tuc.n etr ti.arta i :h.- tier 9 Vnituuxui cttam atAUeza which acl knowing j rrcifcly fiir Own nuutio.i ..on, of he.r corrupt agenu D.y.fto,. t'tMemnJ ),;al t,f vfmr. t-y j' ut having . feort the cnUcs (, kWry Sccn - lilar-neacc concluded. by he Fr,U " - . - m m t. .a .... - m mm - . a... . ri.n ir 'iiiraiT iti itviMPaitf 1 , - --j vt wa-i - "'-I iereu ot inarcraxtt 10 conciat on rue cona toh ; incoherent Uwi wcie lo.aii.d, Wh'chfsr from uniting t!7c diiTeieni panics, loived oi y 10 inflame and reanimate their imio(iu'eLi . Colanial Alfembliea rjtii lly .1 icweeJed f'fc' mtrcbent 4h'p$ ittt brticht tit by each other i but their Uriuri, 'h: Qfttouri'ijKSpanipwtin-hMli; lOir.inr IrttnCfru ot pain-in ano prejuaac, ic,ivei ouiyjoyft 1 iar-lt jcommjmdertf ihtm (an A m m. . S. m. M mi M . A.. hll. u. h JL KH . I m mm I 1 STX I . . I M m t a len c inuaiM, kiiivh w imin i.y ,u -TOfr fat H !J l?tfrW lt mVnttlUyXK- lhc.C'r.07'A 1 , JL l tf rotiun tf War from th, Dtj . iWe ACcmbiic, gar, place xtxfn who , 0aijke Un;t(J Qf a J tailed thertifMvei envya trom Franc, to to- . . im . a ' r ,TUL" en.bl.Ib ran4ailiy in 0.0 )Tf J f u '"fy""" A Will llallb UIT sVliVO-llVlol V IV 1 a r ' callfftion o! ihefe irtifenei, whieb'thcit pre J'?m the UnHid Intel, Mined f3r fence irffi.cledoolte unhappy IkJ I will xaW'UJ'JJJ&G utoroiiar, and tut en. not fpeak . df th lormen ing amicy, which everir fnend of orJcr and 01 th Colony of S.. iloraiogo fait, tmidil ihe adful c-fiOas which reigned around. , , " France, at US de'ermifil, irreVocably 10 G the drftiny of tic Drningrt, (be bat made i't rcftaisi cremb'e, 'pi immorial dc. cree of ihi 16 h 1' uyiof, ',t beltoxtd the blelT. 05 of liberty cn a pep'e, 10 vhtam fac. iion wou'id not allow aven "e rank of men. Still however, fattio fought to Liodle intty the fiinlctof civil r t fme even dared o call to their aid the rod cruel enemici of liberty, Iiat (be fatal ridt hat been ionnded in their ear verv -litt wa initarn:d wuh the fac ed fie of lerty, and h?ncef.wih C'rance rr.iy tant n ! on new cbi-dran, but likewife -on fiewdtfcfidera. lt wao yo i' bands, Ci ien GencrsI, that tbii prftiom dpofw, wai confiled t ywu U prcle vci it inviolate U ibi$ day, nJ nrtJf atmttgi Hit tr mint J It fjhttbttrwi't1" liuf C liavc'jtidgcd it a matter M - Joivn the Str eight:, j pruduttc to jpiace our pn;jerty, u mtleeapt. 6 tves -at Aforzirji, . 1 'ily a potiiblc, out ol their rcich, -ml we liojKf, iy. th ewJ ol this tnontn, tlut ali ol t will be ihippcd, as the vtl fciare:iiea'Jyio Ul a1i2; it.c firfl con voy that offers. Wiibin iKvfccwdSys a i.evy alatm hac taken place: If Is fai-l o be a very doubtful cifc whrihcr ihe I 1 1 fl Conful will nuly thi pcaie tir not ; in fad, it is fufpfrhrtl he will not,, and his brother, Lucicn lUio:oparu-, who concluded it at Hariajoz, with MV; Wnto, and the Prince ot l'rarc, dcila rcd, on tlierciciprot difpatchta, that hi mncr doubted it, and had thx- Courier ar rived before he had fipned it," it would have been bioken off ; it is HWavife faid. that he has forbidden the court oP Spain l publilh it. ' The Spaniards ate not left alarmed than the l'ortttgucfc, from the great bodies ot troops that the French are pouring into Spain ; fomc people fufrrA it is' to revolutionize- dpain, ckc ourcra to make cmuaiMncni ot troops foVlftland or Italy be it - it may, it place us train iri a'ury t:n- pVliit ti liiation, ar.d makes every jcr for thii.k very fericufly of qtiiuing tl' .fcuntrv, .Heart cvtty one thai can, re move hii property : fucbas have debf Wed waiting tke appearance of the Anirri- tun jeuaaren in we, .utaittr'urean. Ihi captain alt fall that the Dty of Tanit lad very ntfitlly made a requtl tr tbe AmtrU can Ctnfut, 'or 70 twenty, far panders f'tm hjigtvtrnmenthe did nit pft'rvey demand thrmt fot imuld rtaehe tUm a. a f a t titular mailt t) fjwr. Ceft. C.javi at Algtzira:, a Gibraltar paper tntaining intelligence r.rn Egypt tt June 4, ujlicb mentioned that tbt tug lifb armfltl continued tef ore Alexandria --that it hd fUfpei all cmmunleslUnt trw the n.ntry, and had cut jf all jup. pliti ej uakrbyjht ccu.dufl. C.C, tlft faw riAlgezhai tie Ma drid Uazette, tf June 10ij,' nr.tJ.ur-g the ArtUIn if 4 Treaty bttuttu the Ptrtu. gyt, tr,neh, and Spatiurdt, ft vbul hitiiUtitt vert iimdijt:!j craeth OW It'!! Hp. ti.tiii, h'aull rcmain or j,ive thwitr a. - f -