1 1'( t't i vy . -V- iWrYRK-v:g 15; the ttiftria nF KYorkin the'rosm "-."'ft niWt.i!)e.Unv te; frigates -t; Lc.-oi of Rirhrd Hirrll.;ni,y.'t,".7 fbn.-s nf war. .with about forty lilt -or 'iisiusnn:) -vYe tv- "rf ft V 1 '1: Lei 1 'coipirecihrv 10. the Gnful G?neil, -Con full.-' and Vice Confais. 'cfidintv iilikc J U . - difFV' en. dttrit of the ,Uw ed Sv?(.cs of North America, prcfcribing'f'ucb rak as are necclTa. r v v be oblerved by njerchaii and . o hers '"trading" to-"he 'I'ijand of Ciibe, ;hat adl bJppeh of goods o. ir. 'rcha-ndize,, defiihid to any of ' 'laid "pons, (bfoie obtaining clu: confuiVce-". titic.1 ej Hull exhibit 'ni No ary Public fepa. c'art upon oaih.that ihe articles ii Hv."pjtd are. . , not comoofed ot cotton or Briih p J'ice', growihor manufactory, now deemed prohibited ' end babe to confifcaiioii ii anv of theporrs of ..lind lthnd of Cuba, and tha' for the future, the cenitkatcs given by the Cooful w.Ii be an uexed at ihe foot of '"'"each. invo ct, afccrratn ' ir.ji the amount To hipped and ui. left the invoices ift conplele, fuclTerlilcste cannot be orr.tnted. -Any 6ihe'n&riiciejf mrrthan'- twze found on biaid not to compqrt with Taid invoices fo given, will be equally,. liable to , confifcation." . .'. j. 1 " N. fit B lis -or. Health, which vetTe'now carry to arl part " if Spain, or litV' Catholic -Majtfly's po.ffeflioMrareiffjed byThe. Cuflom- X. hou'fe, and ihe ati'cQation on the back of lomc ' Ktven in conformity bV me ' . don ,uan stoughton:.. ,. Conful'-ohisJJ. M. fot the Nt'tng. bii.es ' " Bullon,.1)g. 21, 1801. ; , the (a:ne t!iihi;tXin ihe rubrn 6f Aqu'ua ilif already 00 jhe JaimicV lUtion ; j : ;.:-Nlhy ; J hn .. Turin Sne; , . GS!tLyrw , .. :. ... . ' j'tiw traop.s ititended -.for; this..exp6ti?ron UiericpJvUieriJ Archival:.. liaiucr, ' for-.Kc yv Y6f k- j n f he room of j ames ficnts that have .been 'inured' to. hot cU;- . f op;c . BUi.eSiat e y-.MLctX-' ; ;. . 14. David GeUon, Ccrtleaor, of-the to be di retted agir'U Porto-Rico, which port of New-York in the room of ' is to be fuccecd'eri by a'n aack upon. J olhuiu Sands dtfmlfjed, ' .-.GuadaloOpe;'.' . The cotTnV4v:d -t uvrar- tin; -rift rid of New-York -in the rpym. ncral Lord Grey at k-att. ttom his lo- of, Nichols FiihffJmirfd. ' . l.cl Icnowleds-e of the VVeft, Indu lilands, William S.nrlthV Mint (let Pleniih:e has of late beeiC,lVVquently- confulted poteutiary to the Uotirt-ot Portugal and it is not yet evtn conjictureu who wm 17. Wtlliam' Vans Murray, Mjuu- take the command ot the ucef. I his Oer G but to the Batavian Kepublicwill "(how you in what eltima'tion we r'r.7V bv a varation of their rcf-1 hold the French marine, .when at this R i ch nlonfrTPctc r C olo , Sr. : .u ; c J 6h u Chirk .arid Mt'les -Knight, LcpijyoBS. ped vc kation?. Le.Jllfclarles Pincknev. Mmifter -Pie- time To coniiJerablc an armed force is a beut taeave the, country, the harbour hipotentiury to the Court of Madf id of l3r(t is almolt hllcd with the cOm in the room of David Humphreys ' blned fiect, whith is at pefent ready for fig bamuel Bifhop, CoTlcdforof New Ha veni in Oonneflicu t in the room of Efizur Goodrich dijtn Jtd. ' ' 20- Enhralrn Kirby, Supetvifor of thediftfid oi.Connedlicut in the room. of JohtvChcaer iimffcit. An fon -'MalllMl'rSera-v'Cul Wilmington, s5Pt. 3, iSor. priiicr and C Lanier, Con)c(or.s,, W ay ne. Richard C room;, ; Scnat'e. ; Ezekiel Siloeqnnb and Sims, Gam-, mons. - ' ;; .. . '. :.- ' Gdtet. Jofeph RiJv'kk, ''Scratt' ; Gat ling arid H. tlutliJgofnirions.-. Pequimwis. ' Charles 31p!tnt7'Serfat; Jcffep.h, Jourdan 'and JofepK Whitt, Common-. n C'Vovvan John Bond, Senate ; Rc'ti ben Srrij.il and Stephen Cabarrui;"Com rrions. r ' Greene. . Hymrick Hooker, S?natr ; Jonas Wiiiiitms and- William- Taylor, Commons. . 1 : "p . . SYM PfOIS PF REVOLT i Carhflc, (Peun ') Aug. 5. ' 4 -Exiritlof a le.'isr,f!6nva 'gin Ictnai in'Mcd vi'i,-dated jv.iy iotb, k hi fiiotid in mis place, . " x '' " The or.ly thing t)fconfe,qucnce vh.e' e, i, . iha the 1 a appears to be m the people 01 '" iliti country every difpofuion " to ' rife in. open re; ".fceilion acainft .he laws. Some limefmcc an onvmoui leitcis were drop' into certain houfr . polled up, in fiables " d found in the. fi reels con ai'iisg h cats and menaces sgaiail a num be of people in this place, asVvll ihe decen pait of .ihe'D?moeas as-the redajifli, by - yhich fomeHre ordered to leave tbt county "vhers'areThrea en'ed vith";he Gaflotineayd , . . .... . , . . - eners vim natrt! t, jney gave notice 10 Mr". G'bfon oflm p'ace if le wo'dd pot turn eff a Mr. Foder, an a torney, that t'ey wculd .'neuroy hi' property, and two nights ajo they 1 1 1- 1 - 1 put ineir tn'eat into rxefunon oy Durnmj im ilibie, the night ;Ws very cahn and no oitat di-nag'e wai 'doUc, bar hadthe witd atef?, hi? e ptopciy would certainly have been dc- hoyed, the incendiary efcaped uit-hfcovered. Vhey a; p-ar to have a particular av'etfioii ro JJ. i Kennedy, our Prorfionotaiy . vhois"m!ch of a gendcmJn,' btcanfe he pu"s good -tn-'n o . I ruck Juries, which i, what f n!l tht ( 'thing-i ihey moll diti!, becaufc ibrtvirxto f-tis; j'idicc p-rcvai! ftver wickednels and Jacobin There it ftcret allociaion in.tiv tMin. t y hi whith thry are hound to each o S.ci bv j 1 cath "o oppofs the law !y tcrtc. I fhA 'r-:m.ch iaipiilfd if hire it ! h iiifuite lion fof-r, v.t luve cveiy reiVn ; t re t'n fc.vilUios, are cculi erlantva bv' u xzis je 1 The" Ragu.anl)rig, UTe!Comc, fcht 11 a aich boat by our Cqnful tt Tuni, hi arrived at New Yotk. She brings idvic from Tunis to the 14m of April, r.ni from Tiip&li 10 the ih of Mren. fill m. n 1 ' T ww. (iivdiuDcni naving received 011k later cltial i. formation from both places ft wierlll news' ii cclcivcu oy me weicom. m .. . jt. w c. near. noiDtnji 01 the eMow-fecr, or other peltilential difctfc, prevailing at 0,efeiu in ihe Uni id State and it u bel ev. d that ihe inhabitant! f the differeait capital towns-in llnlAn . Kin rn 21. 'l;aviG L. xrncs, . iiiazc - -v6., Ul cailxI at mu icaiii R Greene dimiffed An informality in fitlinfr up the commiflion of Mr Greene affords an opportunity for his removal. - . 22.- William C. C. Claiborno, Go yemor of the . .Mitfifippi Territory1 n tjic rcKHii ot Winthrop "bargeant oy- miptd. ' J' . r if r .1 2 2. Heubcn LtMns. marinat -or me diitriv-Kof- MarvhRd-in the room tf David Hnkins dfniflcd iA. D mcl Mai liv. Collcclor of the. port of Ambry m the room'of Andrew WdiJmJfai. ": " : 2c.finTC5Linn';'-Snccrviror of the liltriA of Now . T eric i Vi ihe rdor.i of Aaron Dmdurn difmijej. " ' H. Wendell, Mar flial of thettiltiid of Albanyin the room of J anus Dndlfmffid 27. -J.ivl Lewis, Maiilulot the dif tri6t of D.U)vare in 'he room of Ro fert Hainilttvtjy. ' , .. 2S. G.v"rL',t liiake,' altorney far the Mllrut id Mair4;.ufr-tt$ in ifce room "f Harriun G- Oritd'fmffi'd. A tin cn.ied from an oppofn on Priftt, and that jfii t.itt avowtrdly nij.p.(e ard .poteron the iirp and 'Piwcii.iti n RefUolt.nl, ltsprt 'a.rtab e that th- ctadid nienimg 01 me wrrrer 11 neir rvt'.i.tfd ud ifcat it fSonld rad. idIai kiitocati inOeaa oi Fdtl Rtfbh. Bea'uforr.-- Zertry S. Bonner, Semite; Frederick Grtlt "and jolm Kennedy, Comtnons. PvoWan. 13aP.l Gaither, St-nae ; Geo Filher .nd Jolin Motiroc', Commons. Mecklenburg. Natbrnicl Alexan der, Senate ; Alex. Morrifon ar.d She- : rod Gray, Commons Iredell. Ephraim David fen, Scn?.te;' Muifendine Matxhtw's and Buries oat- Sena'e ; ther, Commons. Cabarrus. Caleb Pliifer, ihrough Lifbon, inter hu bet receWed from Robert Smith & James Bradihaw', Com Mr. D Buen, -our Confu! at Alzlera. ffom K;.h J . . - the followinijis an extracl: ,11101. k. .1 l Algiers, May L X$6U . V r-crlon. . aamuei s.,:tn, Senate.; A few, dayj p4ft 1 received' letttrf rr.,i William Mitchell and James William- athiirr, dated tlW i7,i, g'f April. Noananjemcnt fon; Commons. . ' '. . w. s generally tho't would have orrfeia to cipfore . ! -- - ---o .- ugru incir 011 tcituce. with the Grand Se'ij-nlor." U- below. PIH L DiLf.PHJ A, A-js T! fti'.lViim tit List contain . t!e , Ni.f-' or t scl'i: r;-k l Repclli :CAN wh-.' na4? beti uilmilleil fiotn ' Hcchy the Prcfyl:nt of tht United S atrr , , crraccoMii. of their political opit.:n-:s, a.d tliw.NanKj cf the Per fo:i. who have teen appointed in tlair p'-cv:-, t:r.-e 'the i'uurih of March, "l7 Alexander James 'Dal'.t, A'tot. for the Eadern DiilrUl ot PcnTvl 1 t ' t 1 .:.!, m tr.c room ol. Joan -VYnkfs UriQti-r-dllmiJjtJ. . 2. 'John Smith, MafRnI of the faint d:'t id in (he rocmot John Hall dj n.Jt'i. . . , ' 3. William ' Irvin?, Supcrintcndiin rf puVic (lores at Phila.'etr iiia in Ihe room of Sirtujcl iloddoi' d'jti'JJ'fd. 4. Robert .Jonts, Store. ktier at ihe fams p'ct-in ihe rooax oi John Hirrii JirrJJfrJ. 5. Peter Muh!ttbcrg, Supervifor of ihe revenue ofthsdiflnd ol Pcrti fylvania in the room of Henry M'llcr '6. l)j'iel Carrol Brent, Atlon.cy for th- dilbicl of Coliimbi in the room ot J. N:- M&T--d'tJmilftJ . 7. JoJurThotr.pfun MaftMi, Attor ' . t ey ;n the room -of Thomas Swatin, .. Wi 'Him "Cjar.li'ier, Commifiiouei f Lthu l'r thelliteof N'IIamp(hirc i 1 the t'Kim f John P tree rtfV., ). J-'ferh' W!:ippe, Collcaor of ilic 0 '.'tiki if' P'i tfutoiiih, in ihe fame iIji:..-is hi room of Thonm lartin 13. Wro 'Hury Lan'lori, NiTf A. p.'.'t at lrtf.notih. New na-Tipfliir' .-; thi rotj.ii of J, cob SheatTc .1 Liilftjii Attorr.y for KXVnXKrfT".) Augutt -5 (n W. t.M.i.i.v . i..ht lift. Mrs Marv Cvttord, t)t Kt.ox county,, (whole hiiibard Was al lent, and ho rtfided, with htr tt ice children, about one nun- drd yards from her Lther's) was molt inhutnanlv rnttrdtred hv ntero Jack, tht oroperty of Sttphen Pate. She vrt found tux t rporr.itiL' laytntf in the yard, one of the moll Ihockiuz fpedacles tha: inn ht-ct.r.ccivcd. It ajptars, that (he IihI been Urarlcd and oihcrwite ill ulcd on the bod, as blood was ftind thereon r..4 .1... :..,... .. 5, . In hul in the HIM Mil MIU llllttilt lil! ied the vitha bniidanda claw hammer. There were fourteen w ounds on her head, three f which pc.tcttVc-l the Ik'ull, her bread and arms t.crn much bruifed, and one of tlvm broken. ' . . The perpetrator of this horrid sft w'ai . . . . ! C.....J .' . ta;tn ani commute 1 tajanor. oaujiujy .KeW'TtfK Augttll it, . .L.dTE FROM LIS VQx.. . A cen leman who arrived here veftVr. day in the lhip Ware, in 31 days from iiimin, lniorms us, that on thctr failing (CIRCULAR.) " .TREASprlY- Dh-PAR TMKNT. ":,juiy i&,iSor, CIRCULAR to Collectors of the Custoiis. - S I r; ' The qutr'antirte laws c.ffnme Eitropear t;a" (on the th JulyJ it was reported" that ffons havc Pr.oven u ,PI),c1avt' r wx com-' he French, who cre within re, l"arucs mCTCe lhat n has become- ffary y . ro;it . Vere to enter that n':,r,. nn .1,- . ,.u 1!.. ' ft,Y mfure which may induce itafoi.le a.M,KI.VA li- .r , . ' J. 'u leaxition. 11 :r : a 'Z'lr r - UC. V10 - U order to Droduce that dc f.raM. efTefl, t b,r,rTP nP '''' lheLrccci?- fcem, requifir roirnrrefs a ranviaion .hat I 'fi Luc,c 'i'arte.; that In ,he mofl llria adherence .0 truih always char- 7P7U. 'oroer irom the ilng. .aerifes the cer.ifica cf hca!th vhr iilii conltjl at Ltlbnn, potted up in the be granted to o". fhips ; and to attain coiric-hourc, all the Englifh merchants certificatei he forrm which are inoj wuww.iiiicu io pet on with thcir proper- not: coumties, ec ioch at ciiuor y "ere requeued to be ready to fai'i, s'V thfrn the higliell degrte of au' h may to ihofe mofl tifual ions a rr.ay henii:i:yr witluhe convoy for England on thcoth II- c,ni,l be w flrengly imprtiTed, "hac July, thed3y after the Hare failed'; that nlfn,P',ury "u(c Mi Y l'mt -rJe on the Satutday previous to the Hair's co,1ahiient of any circumaancc whatever-, filing, the Princcfs of Portugal v.-as UweVef unP1,;a.fafnC f ,n vkwWgnicni cf fafely delivered of a dau.hfer, in coi fe-'"J? TRV " v'y r m ? n...rw. 1 l "it" . . " u, lccMiged to crnify tt. Nor Uu-itd ay fpecu. quence of wh.ch iliumuu.ions for three U iv6c opinion, Lwevcr rd.ble or'pelhap, luccemve nights took phce, though they well founded, be indued on the ellion of Here not general on account of 4he con- what nor U not a comgioes diicsfe ; but fufion occafioueJ by the approach of bilVof heilih bt'yg oprt ive oayahroa-, the French troops, , . ih.-fe difeafet, which, in chrr ceuntrie, heve Our informant further adds, thatjt:fl beietofore wfujl'y brtn conf:derd ai cor.ta betore the Hare failed, a number ot Bn- 8'0u,t Ibould be Uatcd in ihe bill, whenever zil merchant fhips arrived at Lilbcn all 'bey do exiQ in ihe port or its vicinity. armed with from via 1 1 be annexed lotrn ol a bill ol beaiih. in I he capt. informs, tfiata "treaty had hiih re fpccifird,..tie nn,e of the vefTel ar.d o uii me nua.u .... , Wn j-nnrln,!-.! K..M..-J ,1,. V. l -- r.Capuin. trie numhfOl peflon CfHnpolts'g trc - Ji:H hrrrand Rttcrwa,dralra5ged I p " f CiYC?n thC 'Htfnch,a.rf erL, and of p.iTetiger, ufpeflitcly, .bcV' :v3rd, wburr Ihe vas beat to death 1 uefe. In con equence of. w ch cifS of rrvetchaud; of which .be cargo do . u l- I xt t Vl eonlill, iftd ibe dclliniuoo ot the vetlc', r the trench No battle of any confe- which appl ei tifo to the Qa.e cf'Hil h of .he quence had taken place. J it it before the port and of the adjoining country, feemi frtm Hare failed,' an Algcrine vtlfcl arrived information rceivd, 10 be mofl eligible, and it Lifbon trom .Gibraltar, bringing a 11 recotnme r.ded bat ih fame Ctou d bvum- report that the Englith nad been com. fmly adop rd, If thcr is ro prcrailmj ,' ple;tly defeated in Egypt. licVief at ihe iiot cf the teflel'i failing, l-e ail-Uf) tilS-CXamtnatlon lie t.;iiv.iu . . T ,n, t.r ': .t i -e filled en is mitiortvi . iol,avigon-.- mtcJ ioMi.. r.,tnJigm Ocloberl.il e mi,i (!. Biil . I I 1. . . . it. 4 sau llflIlf . - .1 II. I m 1 . a loilcrwt : to cucm er ctr.cr or danaercui difcife at rrc fent ex" lint if ihe i-onirarv fhould lie iha afe. w .. . v.. - uwiuucf 1411 , unc million , . . CrawNrd, but (hat metttt.g wttn filil-.., e;fn, hund.ed thoufand n.urteia .fV'h,. "be blankn tken to be h led up in fuch wjv. . it - ' . ... tance, he wafc induced to murder Iter, 'orfoureen nuliions, four hundred thoufand o clefly "d uneqmvoca.ly cxpicU itie totiit was held Ult Monday, and btiCieli, had bren importcJ in o EnglinJ the ! naU,r' of ih exltling diforder. bciui; thawed vrith the murd -r,' h con- eitpcr.ee of which was eflimttej at moteiyin. , The prtite of o.hcr cououiri rcr.de-i. it tetlc i the 4 f .mc. The court, after the tfrven.nillioni fle. line;. In ihe nrefem year, tbit bills of heaUh,. fo far a, they ; . t .. :...-,r.. .nnimt fbe imooruiion wil orcLah'w ,xe.A ,1... r 1 elate 10 ihe heal h of ihe port i lc.f lt d in i.oai ii 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 vi " 1 1 iv 11 1. I 1 .ni' 1 f. pronounced AntctHc, f'uf he fh ul I b! burnt to htatJfn the tojimont of ilm town on TuefJay, between the hours of 12 and 4 o'clock, which fen'ence was put in execution in the frcfoncc of a great con cotirfc of people. i , - aavaagagBsMaVMP CHARLESTON, Au;u1 11. F.xtraft if a Irtltr fttm a gtntttmi i LmJn, ri friend in tbit city, dJed un; 25, ib'oi. Mr. Aidingioi, with, an intention ol bfln,;tnn at.out hi grand n ( dailing Sjcls a Jfesdy pence and at the kmc ti ne an HororAb'c o-ic, s at prefent prepitirgan ettciifivexxprtjittoti againft lc V,.4.India i Hands .yet in podenion cf th? enemy 'his fi:ci 11 to confiil of dse'lall. Pif eenmiliioi flerling plid in two cinif. Ibt-uld be attcJled by odter Li hori- yeustororeign nasiom for hf-(j, j, no jn. iiei befidtt b of ihe cuuoftr huufe cfliceu. conftierable drawback on ihe ptofin of n Thre " ' believed, will infpire r. ll lional ind iOry. Pirliamert ii occupied in b bmrJ ulealih. or ary li- xiendmg rulnvitian, by encomafiiig iha in fc,i:r f8ton I rrever fuch an ere hc ilofore cf trade or comm.n lands, i his He- & ,he "un'C'P1 uoWii7 of !j rf ar tirable objeclU hawtver greidy err.biriaired c,7 bouf.h, or town-it is not doubled hit wi-h heeliimief B.fboF..plt(on and io- Hef will io.orerite wt-h ycu in griwr; c-robents to fce tribes. . f ch cttt;Sctr as ray bi rfjgiu. U M ! ire, ihiirfore teqiiefled loeoofei w'nh thetn, MODESTY ,u ' 'P' 'ot p'ftTlU fych forn ti .. The Dry cfTiipol, demands Jf ibe Uohed W' f W t e , r ,00.000 do'.U'i per year if er. ? j as he i..e;y el ite iUi wga.ro.i w.,l a 1 pcimii is ocii' aBiC yru win if p.r aira r Prib RtUfMiftbt Elt(lin. . fP'' .o.o.j Jfcinspcm, in rrdtr 1 u cii.vit: iv ll1 ifc .111 r pi'' iwi't ii- tiCalU iltfiat'oti is (ceeial virw ef tht fi-V jftfitiy fJjrn. In the m-in while i ii pctbipt fujxiDtci toc;blrf,rifci, in ci l:t : iMontgornery, Well Hanis, Senate; Thdaus Childs, jun. and Dilltr'iJ. ley, Commons. 1. it (

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