Ube ill le Ml the Jfitcf Late Foreign Ad vie '.V ; Received by yarious arfiy LISBON;-Tune 'iu'- The Portnguefc government hat. till the . nrefen Jnnrhent, neglected all ..ihe meant ol delcnce which the Country offered. It never gave any'crodiFto the threat of Soiin, becaule, tri excluoe thErig'itli.troiTi the port ot Portugal, would be to invite, them 't ft k for' indemnitiea which the foreign pclTolTioM of, the two power WoulJ bbvibufly prefer to thtm.7"' 1 In the fiift fortnight of hoftiritit-t, the rrovficc of Aleii.tep ha beeu cooquered. On the 8th-! jane, tbe Spaourdt, thirty ihoufaod (tiong, Jtd already fetched'-Giwino, ' four league fjtua Abrantet. There were no fortified placet to impede their pro grefs to Lifh." I and here were oppofed to them lily 15,000 men, at the utmalt, comr!indeo too by the duke of F-iufe, whoaaf cnnllantly retreating be- Tore them. Several f mall' port have. furrenderej with out any refiftftance,;emong(r.oihera, Xrriunka. The nafe his beeivvcryd liferent with tht brve comman der of Camp6.Alagiore, ho did cot lurrendcrtill the fi:h of June all hi warlike ftoiea and provifioni b." It iatrue that 15,000 men hive been aflembled in ",c -7 " . " ' ; tteWhbnurj.ood of Portaleagur, b.,t without ny ! has received order, to fail t the full figna: -It . tnean. being provi led for their fibfiftcner, & without , " P" wm in Coo.er,ur,c m. . . - . ... ' fin.,, n.n at flii. IV,. and in. the Aleut ding My boati on fhore. ii going to Brindiff, to receive three Neapo.itn their immediate confequencea, are itea, which have failed from iht port, and whfch toty to hi rnajefiy't rn'tnd, ifFord 1 hi Iquidna and fricate are defined lor the Ftenc-K'fcrvtce lefly'e a 01 by .land, important l they sre in t b'eett refhred toy the continent, tJtpeOv- after,' beine ioined bv tHree frizatea," and fo-it. otlrr valor and netdy perfeuetance, which dMinriiifh (hip of the I ne, apd by four frigte which art T- ihe national character : ; and ort which the chief reh lowing it, williike fiil to the Levant. The Ad mi- .nce rhoft be placed jor relpcft abroal, ai)d fo- coo ral' ihip i a,4 gun, and hat 180.) men on botn', fi ience ani- f. curity at home.--Eent fo hojiouraWr he other if; y WUU,.I45 men. The frigstrr to the Brmfh-riamedcrive at the piefcnt moment, are ol lA'flJin, and have 600 men, The brig aivl pfCiiliar value in hta Jmajeily'i iraation, from twVraiifport hav: on boird netrly 500 met their.tendency to fictlttate the attainment of the great yhich form a total of 8100 men, Thefe troop wl,ii hj.-cl uf.lUjuoceafo follcltude, the jreiotation of they null have joined tKe other fhip of the line i":.';"ptace on fair and. adequate Jtrm. They '(arntn. at frigatesV which have an equal numUer of tailor art4tiie (ime ti.ne an aadiu-mal pledge; .that if trtc emt foldiera.will not be below 1 5,000 niv u.oao W,aailta;of. Adc.jation an! jaicr, (hich wilt tlwya whAnrarer debaikatioo, and dciUucd vi hoot fg-tvcVo hit majeaycondud, fhau d b lende td un doubt to faccour Egypt- , .'wrviilv k in'his n:noce, hy aoreafontbie pretenfton are not lefi l.tiiiae , tion of a general oec,e are ftiongly entertain ed, no-it, wording trelh and de- cifive prooia-of that vigorou exertion, undaunted wg frelh and de-I of the power ol Turop have le urned to av pent a a 1 en . VRNICE. . lune to. - 1 . . v : ' . L't'era troan Triene announve that contrary winoa have forced backw port the En ilh convoy the eranfpoVt with tioop tor Kgypt There wai expefted 'aV Trie(le anotli'rr .roip ol uoooi to. embark lor Eevpt. An Enz'im li'fitj rcmaind i pott to couvoy them. 1 Ok the part of hi enr.mie, the Iait and hrmnef o hi people wil, continue to be maife(Kd bv fuch fiigate which cWorts and 'facrif.ee as may be necciTiry fur alferting 1 e nonor or ms nij"'iy j prown, aa tor -maintain ing the pacJtianrrit. mtcreft oi the e iipii. Ttn c-Tim.ihon jr proroguing th'e padiam'-nt ..wi reia. Aner wnicnne .cn.ueiior la d . H fu T Mf-'je , . By virtue of his majcfty'i commiili :a uni We are afftired that in theniVht of the ,0th, M. ' f'H to effeft thetr .pnttion, he El.ft inanrtvArt iiniir a ai m 1 r I 1 1 rvinn iininT Ttii mipk i 1 n Bad .it ja, . -... . ,,Vn;,x.i. rt..n Pimc' frcretary who had trtiyed here from Bad 'j- . , ' BRUSSKLS July 2. 4-. y vtT'ue pt hu majsny commiiii :n U!1der the Alt the letter from HollandNigrre jn ftat5,. t'ntTrwt '". 10 " ; olhcr iorda direcled, and now re", wr oafiii nn maje.ny-. nam"!, ant ln obedi- . u:. i. cutt ii ma luiii uiiu prrgu7 inn ai lianieot to I norlaay the ah day ot u It next, herchoitl;n ;, ani thu parliament prorogued to Tii'ufday the nh day of uly 6, prevc it that operation, whenever the Diteh mall tefolve t attempt it. It i b'.heved nt the. Hao- liroi'ht. the pre'imiiHiiet of peace to he figned by J ,1 t 1 V '.thatth- denrture of General Axeerea'i tor Fairs H cond'.tioai. M;n of the belt Hnfarmttbn faV, 0t ' . . . , .u .ja they aic fo difjncetnlajo ihi country, that they, cannot venture to make them known to "the o.-o- eftablifhment, jior abano ned the r '-.warlikr -prtpa.. . rationa. When we T Fran. e with an ondimintfhed. milutiy, end i;,h an increasing nml lore? ;; Aii(tna, with her full compli.t-ent t men ; ana nuiiit augmeiitihg.hef armiei, -one might be tempted to luppore tfi E.urOpc.w yci nr. rem -vca wun; iu ptofptft 6 peace.. Yet the policy ol thtfe warlik preparatlona it obviou every . power knows, that he that in the bed prepared for wi. i likely 10 pgo. cine for peace with mvtl .effetl. Tiil the tud-fmpHit on tie ccntinet ate fe tlen,' none o the great car. tineiftal pewet a'M ditWd a re(r;tter.t, or d ''t niao. Yet the alT'if likeiytp be amirsbly fettled, ana no one f -ifpetta now that it -wilt give rife to a new wir. The following i laid to be the geiierai out. ine of the projeft which hat been fubmiued .to the emperor Alexander. We lay it before our reader-wit.h thi . oblerv.itiori, ,that it fccm , to be Calculated to remove moll of tbe'difRcultie to whicb the treaty of Lunevi lie ha given rife. v . ' Franconia, containing fuch a large propor ion of ecclrufticl territory, (hall be ; the cue e in which, indemnities fhill be t tind for the Gerrnan pi incta who have been dsf-nved of their territorial poifeffiona by tne war, Fiancpni i undoubtedly a very ler tile f.mrce -Mo I, if not all, the cccltfiaiiical pro- pcrty to be feculanfrd. The bifhop of Bamberg. in fie J. nameot to pcrty lobe feculanfrd. The btlhop. of Bamber j ' ' be then , yvurtrl,urg to cede, their tenr'.iorte. and; to re a,'C0f(linS7 j Piveaneq4i.alent inn-oaeyfor the,ir ItvctMt i it .vu;u.t next. I j uncon;t t;t the Riadtbolder fha'l be. iftd'enioifiev the Fwrfjf- . 1- precaution. pie, ex e,jt by . derree. and with The nature of the toitihciton ot Iv.vat and Alm ida, in orler 'O render their country perpetually depend!!' u,6n Spain the detachment of ber fto-n h -r !n 1 ce with E tglnnd the pUctng of a garn fon,' one hall Spaniard and the other half French, in all her pm-ine payment of 30 m liioin of lirre to the French, and the free navigation to Brazil and of the river Am'.son, are talfted of. The conditidn of the country i"i fuch, that 1W1 hirder term migtit have been impofed upon it. A report i eveoU cir culatbn, that it ii inte: !ed that the Ptince of Braiil fhill repair to Klidiid till the conclulion of peace, in order lo prevent him from going to Brazil. But this report U abfurd. Ii it true, however, tti- the hu tni'.iation and h .rd trf". ncnt which he it likely to experience, m:ght induce bimtotike a Rep which fourviiCifaj loaf rfjCh.-f itm. For though the weakefl pfince in Euroi, he mg''t by taking' ad ' vantage of the trouble . v hich have err.ited in thi "part" f h? gl -bend nv tranfaotting himfelf to - America, have hectims the foverein of the moll powerful and flouiifhiig empire in tb: world. Jane ia There tl ht dnubt thai th pre!imnarei are Pgn. ed. Don Rondijjnet, miniflei ol limncei, having laid to Mr. Frere, that he knew nothing cf the coa diifont, the latter g'ntlrtiin wtt indu'.ed tafignily to the factory, that their propsrtv wat likely to We fequcfiered. Ye(ler4ay, lioiwer, l.e gave imimaiioo that the nrwt wa Icf atirmin. Thee'drfl fon of the Prince Regent, tttA 6 vtan, nd who hit Jied with the (mall pm, it thtacvenitir to be buried in the church, ol St. Vincent, which it the burying place of lb- k ngt of Pottugal. We heir from Abantet. that o the co.ichir.on o the truce, t!ie anxilerv army wat to fet out on itl le- turn to Santarem. On the 1 nil the artillery were al ready on trvir march f ir that pla e. , No doubt it will 1 ct delay, in return to I.ifb n, there to embark t foon at tta ,l'0its fha.l aitrve. Lucien Bilnnaoaite 11 alreidv motioned at tfe mbaltador at thi p'a- e. ' It t believed ih' Mr. Fieie cannot remain line, and tint the EliAi flig will If ri.luded from the port n PurtUFil. But, it WTaid ihat the Engiilh mrithandite will be allowed to be int oned by the neutral power. for it obieM to concert meilu es with Government on thi point CONSTANTINOPLE, My a:';i. rTotwithftanding all the facce'Te of thp EnglflS V Ipt, inany perfon are anxiouily ...impatient luaher intelligence from that countiy, and appeajr . I - 1 -".v i,,iU ,u HC l unded .with dilKcultie almod infur mountable, will lurptifed;.hat the Frer.cn ate able to'ho'd out ( ' nf ""liy .and ipredtly a julled.- The eflabluh- , , ...v... ... ...wt nu u in vjcimint naa. we mrm ir.rli. t.. -I .a. c it. .- n..ii 1.. If.. I k.. M , - ;i - 11 inr iiawr oj divimi i.iiii.h inutiBinii.j uj iv- Daroc'iTt'lTon le Pcteifoireh, which ilrnnwn ti nfc..- ( ; a.v,;. it,. J relate w the tff.ir of the fecui.izat.'onit will, m all j lrtiio,i to bp guaranteed by RulH. Truina and likelihood, be attend. w.tv- fucce !.. He carried j FnCe. . Tbe.Archb.fhoprick of Saltxbutgh to be gv. w.tb htm a projet drawn dp by the thief onTul, tCn to tbe lioufe of Aullria. ' Thi part ot the prr jeft Who tranlinuted a letter to the new F nnernr Al.r ...;n l.ui.. -..:.u..,i ."r..; i...r ' t 1 p ; , . w; yiguiUIV HlCbfc Will,' 11UV(I WUUVilllUU IIWIII xaniJ4r, reff'irlt.na: h-f oDtnion. and inuLiina K;. 1 i c ' v. - ... .-iii-.u 01111 iu:a, old it i bcHi veS that.the bufsneii. which f.f.,nt k-.... long, and thaVt he fate of Egypt i not yet decided VIENNA, June 20. Ascordinir to lome acconnti, Pafai OjIou hat entirely defeated a corp of Tutk. which auemptrd to (hut hia up in Widden, and tooK t too .t;f,n-. r. MILAN. Ttinr'ie. The report that the Pipe hat offered to cede hi itu or rypefting ihat u will be reltored cleruaicai temtory to thu king of Strdmu. 11 un. i (li.iin. 1 h.. e:caor of Biva.u'a intetlt ecl tou ided, The lirlt conlnl hat, however, app.ied to the Pope to difprnle with the celibacy of thecle-gv,- to tLkoowUdge.tbe ciUitutirul p.itiia, fie. l-( the PopeTia given arefulal A corp or French are aUetnblipr in Tu. an r, deftination of which it not known. the tied to thit.fc, b tfl abandoned ; indeed the court of Beilin ;nd Petetfjrgh weald, n'evef have acceded io an .riaugement that wo aid have fiven the houfe 1 nt uttria loch 1 power and preponderance in the mnne. Whether Uinover will tcmi'm i,i k,n. 1 . v. mnmnt upun anil (Mai.,.r given 1, any p-wer "dependent upoo and F.ance. anr uoon re'-eftablifbi.te t t .if mA Willi P...tr : - . ... a ' . " " r ia 1 1 . a w v- w nritv nnr w m im i r to Great lltt'cltt rr llrn. , , t . 1 n,.iy taxen op by the tourt of Pitcrlb.jr,;h a.;d t iV..MiW i a barrier it to br erects) i pr.ut'i i lia agtinll the houfe ol. Autliia. , Fiance will of leourje heartily approve at fuch a mealure.. Thtf ge 1 ticral effcel ol the feculariawion; will of cotirfe be 10 I dellroy '.Be fmaller Hate ol the empire n t . k A report hi been in ciiculation here hrbme dv : ,.;tv-rVin e. ir fo .w,. ,.r .l'J j..' .u.. that the Popt had Jeft Rome, and the French lakes ,Kn,. that ih. i,!,.j... ... r poirelhon of the city, but our gaaette. o..l- fay . U.at llfnb r and conver:in, lhelr etr.a, in(J ti e Fieiich hid pallet and daily pafa though Rome . p4,t of th6 pf0virl0fl, de;Uncd of t)e to Ntplet. .The F.euch generalt Caf b.ancet and . Rhi,1P are m f!e . tircu - ... fiJered a a pacific omen, A flotilla of 43 linall lliip of wir hat failed f,om Havre. The Fren b tundt are ae 4 a r J 1 .v.trt n are arrived f t Kome. A the rjpr, on aci count. cf lie Hate of hit finaneei, haibeen ura.e te; tcllore the Horfa guardt, the Ro nan nobility have olerfd to form a corpa at their own ex pence, and thiio.Ter hat been accepted with thank. -The f c tetary of Hate ha nqmtnated the otHcri, nd ? p nin rd the dukei Mathi add Br.ifchi to be commit' ddiofthe guard. . , An Engiilh Irigite from Egypt hi arrived in the barber ol Venice, but brtagt no new intelligence. Thaatroyof tbs icpublic will, lor the future, cnnlil of 41,000 Freoch aud 1 1,000 Cilt'p ne ironpt. Tle ex pence ol lupporting them, wh.th w.ilprbtbly be boumt by our ttate aione, ii ciiimatcd at fevioty miliiootof nielinleri innaally. The Enelifh take the greafrr part of the fhip bound for Italian port in pollchV o of the Frrncn. There it a ii'.W o! a u ion of Parma aud Flaccnat with ie Cilalpioe icpi hlic. , Account from Co . Itautmople .uiora o that the Grand Vuier'a army b. a engaged the Irenes troop, under gen. Rrgiier, bef te Cauo. and obl ged tbe.n to retiie into that city with the lof. of fome pi tes ofcinnon. The f.ommunicajion bo we-n Cairo and Alexandria la completely cut oft, an4 the next V- count may b expected 10 bring the int -lligerrt of thef.rrender of the iapitl c.f Egypt. Alt.tmdiia m iy holdout fome time iomer but without the nena of being fupplied either wuii men or ptotifion, it mul) ultimately filf. 1 ' - CtfTelhat been defeated and the demondrat .- ol the French on the tight bank of the Rhine. 3 Ipoger rKcalion any uneafneft in the mpire. tneuiuiieia ar-icie coutmre 10 Ipeik of the I-. yntm iwm iu u rn ijc pntif Ol f rHCC fid f'iQt rAUlS, July 6- s . Thebiigl.odi arrived t Nice the t8ti of Jane. ht left Alexandria ti e. ijih of MytSbtiooav-t " bar biffage a' Tuikifh ve.iel laden with h tfe She bnag no detail of the military event whicb have taken p'ace.fmcetke land i- e i. the Enelifh. Cca ileiiou had fent triplicate of all ihcfe demit by the Avtfo'i which failed a few day beloie, & which hive rot "yet arrived, perhap owing to their having been taktn or delated in their cnuif. On the .19 h of Mtv the French aimy w nuntr of Caito and AVt anitna. The EoglilH bad cat the bank of the lake Madia, and larutd the water into the lake Mareotii; byihn meant eouniry' round firro'hened thir pofition at Aboukir, and render ed the French loilificatiom ol Alexandria, impregna. bit. Gen. Meoou, who wat in peifon in that city vni abundantly provided with military Qoret and jiovifiont for fcvtrtl )far. July 7. The rumor itcorrrnt thicnrKnot Weflpktlia, that (he Pii ce ol Oiaoge will be dtdtted Eleclor of LdNDON, July' 3. HOUSE OF rEERSi Ju,y 2 About four o'clocJt the fptiker, atteni'M by fev ral mcntbei ol the houfe ol common tpprared it ihe bar, wbrn the Roval allent wat gvco by cooamimo.., 10 (tfty-ttirec public and private ill. The lord ihincctlor, fining a. rOrrmilTionrr, with the eatlt ol Chatham, Laictllei it RilT.i)u,rel the following fpeeeb ! My Lords anJ Gentlemen, We hive it in command horn hi majelr to a- der, for a tictt expedition agair.il ihit cjun rv. The acco int bro ;tht o er by the mail, of iHe a. veriuiat mtde hy Cene-al M:ncn lor ihe evacuation ol r.gvpt, i coiimmra py pr.vtte Ictten A refptdli: le hou'e irt Liverpool hit reretyed t IfUrr fiom Vien.t, dated Juo 3, which c main.ihi tollawingpjragettaa tngulh laigttc arrived here ytflerd.,andihe cipu: fay, that the French in Alcxan iia hid o!T:rt i lo capitu!t." The pipeu ire rea Toning upr-a tht fubjetl of TU !erand I riiord'i difTrfiifTa Iron the o!Ke "I ml ri!Kf of lo cign affair. TJirie ffema 00 evidence, however, ihat Tailtviand it diil i.iCed. . He it fa.d to the (?rnd Duke of Tnf:any IhiTnot be indemr rtiftid in Germany, but fhall receive hit indemnity in I-aly ', It i -fiidtbat an idea ha teen entertained nf gl- -vir.g hi loval htghnefs the three legation of Ferra ri, Bj ogna, and Romlgna Tht king of Sardinia ta be. reinltne.l in the poffelfi in ol Piedmont. Xtitknown hit Rullia hit ftroily infilled upon reflm tig the King of Sordini to n'l hi Italian do minion! upon annuling the featv between Naplea the ititue quo ant bcliura, between thrfe two powcit. But Franco will never rl nqtiifh the polT.lfi ;ii of Sivoy t and RniTia hat not the mean of varying-- her wifhe into fxec.i'Lit bv force: of' nii, ' With relpeet to Niplea, w? have befrtre Taidtt.it Fiance would. n t have much otjectiun lo roodily the treaty i FoligVio , .The .Ciotnt by the mailt have for fome titie p(V informed ut ol the activ prvprratinn . i ary ng cat jjiiiid thi country 01 the Frtitcit and Flemifh co(!a. Tui- lame p.ili:v that diciatet to ihcanilu.iy powcia the keeping ih;ir aVtniet on the lull war eflablifh nvrnt, ii'iy have induced - fun e to make thrfe de monlUatiom upun her coalt, She ruty think they will m lie Iit to negociate,. tv'rh mote efleS. For rut nwipaiit we certainly do.euii'idcr the relativ ItiUiiton ol trt euuntry nd Fit nee at the prelent moment to be liich 11 t-i juflily our entertaining (an guii.e iiopet of a fpredy peace. 'I be negociaiion be tween the two goveirj.iicnti it known lo have brrn carried on wf h great ttlivity lor fome montha pa ft. In that time fureiy rnary prominent pant mufk kave been difeuTed, n.a'ny difi.cuhiei mull hav: bee i con ceded. 'I he m'.oe auoni woul J ton fi ire been boktai off. if tht oblltclet to eaee Had bcto (uch at not to bo removed. . , Wc have certain intf'H;'r.ee of tie trnpa from Comhay.. We are affuied, lint no ofTuiaf ccm munica iri h been rtceivel direct from td mirtl Blanket 1 bat, that beloie ihe lad letter to ' rovernmtnt Irom Egypt came ay, a ler. ler ltd been rtcriv-d Irom him by licit, cilonel llolloway, one of the Briiifh ofRccrt attachtd to tho army of the Grand V tier. The letter alladed t- aioouticd hit arrival at Siiex, but we are foiryto add. a one, and in a condition to en ct anyvf iht rbjttli'tl tha voyage Ha letter it dated Irom 5uet, Mirch.30, aiid the lollowing i th fubflar.ee cf it That, alter dangeroua ana f d itTuott- navici-ton, - he -il-loft arrived - at Suer a . -w with only hi own fhip lot Lyon, the two othT velfrli in covpmy with him t lt Forte frigate, and trtnfaort with floiet md proviCont, hiving been) both loft i-n find binki ii the Rid Sat thai happily they h.d inundated 4o le-g.e, of the iV1 J- 'J.tT 1 l 't"?' T' I Alexi.dria, wbirh n.d Jonf-deribly ol he le.foo, ld the flat, of pyM.c bur,,ef.. he ,. k.;. .,.f..:.I .. t...i.:. .-j -j- I indaced to icl eve tun fiom longer tttcodanca 10 pitlitmen, ( ll.tmajefly highly eommtndt ike wifd'om, tern per, and diligence, which have marked all )our pm cecdingt ; "d f nico arly acknowledge ihe affiduity it aril with which yod have puifutd the iuveflig ua of the impoitaal futjeflt brought under your tond. Cetttion, in toniequtnee 01 ina icverc prriiure oe. no Uvea were loll, but not an ornclt or the uoreo , or nrevifiani were fived. and tin In coeleou ic be pone m drink the won, and 11 it known that,herould retntto but a very fhort liwe at Suet, owing lilt health, f-t fome 1 me pad hat been vetv preeiii.Hii want of piov fmrti. He addl lufther, that the out. Buontiarif knowa it would b dilfi y't I o ' numbrr ol tioont ht I td rn boatd onlv in.ouniad 4ft and JJachy ol lerg. FKPAMP, July 3! . The two drvifiont ol lit bittomed vefTe'i which t failed from llvi, and put iatoihia port, fait.d lie tly btfote yefbtday, In the afttrnoon with a lavntif. alfc breiie, ondrr convoy ol ihrtt guo bottt. Thn rrc 40 lail oi Rat vtflcla, -gut boia and ptnttitai renrdmg to all if ptatincri tbry tnvft now it at the platt ol ibeir dUiation. MESSINA, Mir t7- Thf Jay btloit at 'crdif, lowirda nnfti, a frceelt (uetdrpt of lur Uil l the liar, l wo Ingurt, a ng, i Iwt WtiOiU,tico IM aiaUU wi.i ki fnd a nn a'.tOfeiliei fa wall ouiIL'ed far hi fi. lion. Leiten from B ufl-la allert that the rrefih f vemm ia i corref oadenee-with ih k .;.f miniUet, hi d winded .1 the b lit ol peee,' ih relloraiion of M noidto r-pn, 11 ell i f all the Dittrh coloni 1 i the tw Indie 10 the U aviao Kf public but that thn b.f.t hit In-en irjeclcd. From lltonver iliete 11 ctrtun advice, iliit h'la Britannic Mntytt'i R'len.v in tbtt country bav prefented a naie tn the I'.ulhan tmnider De Ilohin, mg that the Prulutn troop may ba a fptedily oiMtiie wanjrtwn iron thai Elect -ia,. irU . a r - aV. tat a . h ind.lginglhe hope ihat, .nder tht f.ver of pro- .ne T ur2 11, . V-6 ll,t" lidence.iheblflTing olplt-ty will be tllo.cd b'r' D"h'" hu ,tfU,,ttl ,' t iv h.i , rroduce ol thetnfuingharvtnr . Loud. v urU ,J ih Uut rt,.-. u Pa ihitthernetT.-flgrrwbottrived no . "Gentlemen Otthehouje Of Comment, lsurdiy from Berlin would hive h.ought advirc.r.1 Il.t majeily hi 0 leton yon hl dettrin.inn of tb a ng of Pruflia 10 (vacnae pariKunr tn.i .w i.w-... Prviii.tni nKg , .over, lormai mtail.no on the part of the ine rifiCt 01 unege win ce otcitted tieuor ol 1 ; w i. V r W t e . 7 1 Brtta Il.nnver. by .he cSnfent even ol England and tb ,V ,ht pn Uf J', T' pr.fi f,uT,a wil ieceiv. .a I. indemnity lo'r tb. 'of, of her -f he metfuie. ,.. b.ve f,ggned lor the ele- J fi tetriinrie. on the left bank, the Bifboplick l Mu.f. '"0B off,h;, "'""'i' L "' 'if vr and Duchy of lerg. ' I"!1 fV.9" '"! S"' S h" "j T1 f,l,,f;tt,M Ibt 1 yot have aaaJe ; for the varim.brare .a of thtab. , ll.ao.en.n Reger having b-en reeantlf piefa-Ted f.c ftrvier While kt ttgtftt tht wcrlT.jr of fup. I0lh Corl ot aWm, tequiring iho tv.cyi.ioo nf plieafo large, it Ui I el ia hn t)ellv 10 obfeive, tbe f leiloraie. We laaro, however, htt oo fneb pro. Ihat iheraborcei and tonunued p.riiiy -pi Kt ,. h yei b.ea given lo Lo,d C.rt.lnri 1 a.d ib toiry.biaeentbltd you to d(lnytt ih public Conrt of Btilin now decine to do 'ni.t all ibt ourtntna 10 iacn mvnnir at o pm, mh , ilU t . d.rfeteaeta which hava km I j.f a.(.;.:..ii (tilled. . ' tllai ttititliirgt Utjuttt ibatlineb peace 11 160 Eurvprant ar.d Sfipo'i ; but that tower (ul ifinforcentoi w ie 10 bave failed. ftom Bombay, P.iottly lier Mm. ! The ronlerrncet bttwrei lord litwktfun 7 and , Kt Miiiii. -.ul .L... I . 1 waiw tuvifl ( ut lll(0 iao , July to. The Turk lh Covernmefii Orm t a?prehn-f tkif fi!e Irerh will mikt fone a trmpi ag-iml tho 1 More. Three fhip of wr have accrrdingty ' difpctheJ (or the piotrdl on l the Move. Conn- Sihr mber? u tapered 10 loeceed eoonC -Colepiiet 11 AmOtflador fiom the coatt ol V.caoa t the Fien.h Republic. The Ponugutf army, cptlV of liking Ihe nt'd !! A the Spin iri, did not errel to.ovomm. Mc.aato with giett Uiitlaclioit, that diiecliont rive been given bv G ivirnment, Irom tereiving in i'.,oar pnt't-mihc MedHerrintn,liidltiiin( with) etriy poinble aiirmioo, Ihe fqutdron ol litgttre belonging 10 ihe United a ai i; dcQinrd lor tho protrttion of the American iraJe to that ejanr Irorra the etgrrittona of ihe Tfipolioe corfaiii. Ibe Amriicin fejntdron come no 10 enter opp ImmrJiite liofl:ii,fi tgtinl THpoli, bat lo tCef ampti prefenu, 10 rtoueft t ceffatitn of aoNilHiea. ro It 1 ihat fbcwof fotce wMe. ia ntflry 10 in lore fcttrity a pnlTibleon bia lii;Mul lubier.li. " jiy Lieai an vei.men. "TtikiilLioian4itptiu4 fautllcif hi ai- Dill goiii.o, to pro, tvd to aclaal warlafe.if ibeothf .' alirrnaiive Otould fall and, in ail eaoti, 10 rmf It ittfc frit hi! peace bt iffloifd U F.ntope or till tby (hiU be r timid ty inabri l.aiiou. ( V ft. 1 ' I' , t v 1 1 1 if - " w , , v r- rrr?.:- - , ..m Train , ", " ' " -- . ... I -