!' t .i :. I - - 1 r . t it 1 . I V . ' 4 1 . 4 i i;' - v 1. ' I I V.- A r, ' - ff 1 ' ' A tXi AvAj fcVM -fe-4 J'to lick tile hand . APOSTROPHE to WINTER. f RO WN not, Winter, tbuiat tnei - " I 'thy empire will not owrt ' ", let the mirtd lament, tha;' l?ee . mwmn. ft i.i when pitt and gorit,, Jloll tby darkeH miftl around, Thick thy noxious vapours fpread J Slight my day mail yet be found, - -.... Pure the tieec that love can lied right my day, lot Delia fro le, -" Pura the breeze, let her Cut Cjh Tho' thy elemenUrihe while, All their varied anger uy. ;. ;t ' s .. - ThoMhy bitter cold can bind, . Riverj fwift in fettera faG There it a ftream, -which, unconfin'd, 'Mock, thy froft and braves thy bleft. from th? faithful heart it flows, ' : Thence each, vein with iraufport filli This.thy malice never knows Tiiii, cnktodaafs-Ooly chills. that was neW fondling hini in j plaacf &irlcnc(! pubHfaion . the proprie death, as if to feal TorgiVene'fs-i tor obfervejhat they.wi'J , . . ' " iineily extntm to mc punc,.,,iic more jrnm;ETar mo'iyes oi tneir, enicrp'nc, ;' Tne. vdtwsr& H'tfarl of fhi tmis has imrUfd to ibis escnion.-The baneful ,me teurs which have arifen in our political 91L have crsaicu a noxious ana pcitr wbieh.will never be difperf- of the deed that had deprived him of life. then call' a rook of kindri'eis on bis n and cloledhj, eyes forever. ENVY. : - Ke that filchesfrom me my good name en- riches normmrett ; tm liURes w poor in deed." Envy is ajmofi the oflly vice which is prac ticable at all timer, andjn every place jTne only pallion :,which can never lie ernei xor want of irritation ; its erTefls therefore are e- yery where difcover able, and its attempts, a ways to be dreaded.' It is iaiDoflible to mention a name which any advantageous diflinclion has made emi nent, but lome latent animoli!y',wi'l buril ou' The wealthy trader will never want ihofe who hint 'vith Shylock, that hips are but boards, and that no man can propftr'y- be termed rich, whofe, fortune is at the mercy of the winds. ' ' T)c beauty prates, whenever Ihe appears, a thoutand murmurs ot detrac tion and wtfpers or lulptcion. lhe genius furlers.perltculion trom innumerable C' tacs, thofe acrimony is excised by the. pin of lcc ing others pleafcd, ,of hea'ing ap'aufes which ano'her enjoys THE ZIRRCIIANT AND HIS DOG. . Thefrequency of envy make, it To lam.l.ar "I itiiit ii cicaDCs our nonce, nut u wc viu i . . . ... rcilecl upon its turpitude .or malrnity, til we happen to feel its influence : When he wh6 has piven no provocation to malice, but by attfmp ins tt excel in Tome ufeful art finds .htmfelf purfued by multitudes whom he ncvettjaw, wi n imwacaouHv oi pcrionst tc- fentrnent ;. when' he ..perceives clamour and malice lot loo'e upon h.m as 2 public enemy Then thy ftorm, thy night, thy cold. All toy ketneft wrath can find, . 17 1 rtTembliics can unfold OI that winter of the rhind. AN AFFKCTIMG STORY. A Frenth merchant havins: i'Viu: money rnr frri-W i r.fr!,...n;!-::,'. ff t out on horfe-; I V .Vlr.4Cl'Vi, c una, and bega. ,t hful d..e. as , if he e fetlihgs, FrifkeJ round the. i on "p irpoft! to 'he hsdticfs to - .? of monpy v. -VHN His Wk?d ano1 fetlihgs, tniKea round tne..t:c -, w anTmcTftd iTfifafagelnf defaWrorr; jumped, and feemed to panuipa r ; inlii joy.. .vhfM shn ihc msiortMne 0f his fanuiy, or The merchant, after id.ng fome - p.i-es ..,e folIies of w M-h eXpofc(l t0 ,be world , had oeciCon to alieht. and takma the tz .j .' rin-.' e ' a.: a, - j.e.ei t have jirfilce done agvieable ;tff law, ..Xi.i hoped tius. win dc a lumcienr caution. i..;a t of5cer. in future Tiot-to exceed the du ies of . their offrce, but at with leniiy and "jullu accofdingto lhe power .veftcid in thea," rkiifphc re vv Dili:, a or4.!lTacy-V -J tk.c.;.he Dragon of t Icfpridcs, to sua Kk'iifl very avenaes Vcr truth : wlnle a FailadUin"' like the tabled IU;ue. trom v?hich its, title is' derived, by the pre:ended divinity of its origin, unpofes on the credui oils patLins of thejcpple while the Clergy, oy its eraiui ous circu'aiton among tnein,- arc enlilled in luppo.'t. ot ttiis pious - impouor and are ready tii-pcluace us that the duration of our liberties, is annexed to the poirefTion of this ' tuardian image"; while a " Port folio, in the delulive.fflare ot wire woven iLndcr, and .b prefled catumnv, is1 hvelle with invedivrs agamll our government, and its ed tor, ar,mcd with the quills. of'the " frit.. ted Porcupine ts reveling i.r. the wages of his political iniquity, under the. foftering pro tection or t; patrons; wnilc a .yazcitt jot the country't isv fprung up in this ho'-bed. of monarchy, which' in embrio appears in 'the 14 very form and likeneU of detriclioo, and Extral of a letter doied Overpool, Aug. " jpth, i ooi, to amcrciunt in 1'iuuutU - ohia. '' - . ' ' : '- .--' : it f ntinfl' -It n'areil hv. -iia? hnd I a J1-.. - " expectation; aad, if the xveaiher 'con tinues favor abk iv s pj'ill get in one of the befh harviJls evtr recoil tiled. Aicurdingh - threatens to fca'ter its poiforious fruits rmong-j the unwary huitunumco ol a Inter Hate ; while a " Spy" is piaced at our own door, which under the presence of watching over our hbcrr Vies, notwi'hlunding its prett-nt partial apsear four and g ruin are J rapidly dc cljribig, and the lajlales of Amer'uan flour' were only $i6 a 5,6 r. per barrel ; corn did rye weal per feci drugs, 1 Mevertheltjs am of 'opi nion that th'erje::tnaybe a demand Ihere for your -flour if the prices fat materially with you, as there is np fur plus j rem laL year's karvsty in the country, as' is generally the cfife. - Your Southern,' producls maintain tolerable prices, particularly Rice end In digo ; but Tobacco and Cotton bavs olate' become extremely dull. Indeed Cot$n of every dejerpt ion rJ a perfect drug, and has fatten full 4 . perjb. partly czvg tA the- ft eft India merchants havw toned large fales. and pott from our oibn manufac tures xvantinga ter tain j&ent or their goods The brofpecl of 'peace having' ai&h: vbnifh. ed, the want of confidence prtytr.ls credits being g'wen on thi continent. ' ,The coarje Cottons, fuch as jiti;.:-. ance, ;ii colSeaing and doling among hlg Georia aJ HeV.tjrleansy lhefe.?.,ruw ;eche8 inft pur govern, j that they have hUh mcnt while fucn is the hollile array of our r; n m r m i t . ,r . ,r fffort. had occ'aCou to alight, and taking the b money in his hands, Jaid it down by his fi4e , -tinder a hedge, and on rernbunttf g,- forgnr . it. The dog perceived hi lapfe of recolIeQion, and, wifhiug lo reftify it, ran to fetch the bag, but it was too heaty for him to drag a long. ' He. (her. haftcned to his mader, and by crying. baikin,and howling, fecme3 to remind hirn.of "his ntidake. The merchant underftood not his language ; but the afliduus creature ptrfeVercd in his efforts, and after trying flop the liqife.iq vain, at lafl began to bite his heals. The merchant abfotbed in tome reverif, wholly overlooked the real ob- jefcl of hit afleftionare attendant's imporiur.ity, 5r:d cverv fa thire of cojidulrl, or defect of m. tare, aggravated and ridiculed ; he then learns to ab'nor tliofe anifice ac which fcc only laijjh cd before ; and dilcovers how much the. hp. pinefs of life would be.advanced by the eradi. cation of envy ' from the human heart, . Jt is, above all o-acr vices, inror.liu?r)t wiihthe ckaratler of a focial being, because it fcraSces tiuth andtliindnefs to very weal; lempta'ions. Ha that plunders a weabcv nergnbour gains as murh as r.s ti!-:cs away, a0 imptoves his own .condition in the ij;nc pro portion as he impairs another's; but he , (h,u blalli a flouriniinff reputation iwuli be content wrh a lmali dividend ot addilional tJrr.e, lo bat waked to tSe alarming apprch-ofton that Jm,j aj Mn ?frOI(j ve;y jit,if confolatiou (o be was sroin? mad.' Full of this fulpicion, in crolfinga brook, he tuincd batk lolook if the animal wouja arinn. ii was io i-ncm on its Hjn!i?i'i fervice (oihink of iil'elf ; it continued to ba k and bite with greater vio ler.ee "ban befote. . . . m m A a ' Mercy 1" cried the alllicled mcrclunt ; it mud be fo, my poor dog u' certainly inad : what mud I do ? I mull kili him, leu fome greater nmforiune befd me; but witb whit regret ! Oh, could I find any one to may enerniesrfhall 'here be no republican to arm. in oppofing them ? . ' Hitherto '.he canie .ol liberty has Rotinlh" ed from its- awt na ive ei:e irv.--.Biu the people may. be deluded, and thu energy taay weli cleaned, they di covered Untlyji ef- it ili!s deep conccr'ed jctlttal a want, ot liable til it trial it ivni nuniberlcfs tricks and impositions are prac tifeJ with , the Georgia cotton ; and . that,' thwghtbe New-Orleans cotton look t fair & is be ata'.td. i To dec it ibis , deep concer'ei fchtial want, of flaple' in fyflcm .of delufion, to confirm and itrengtben , only afiivtr for VJiil. ' this vi'al principle of our exidence po an" j5" I n y,ur-fpecu!atioKt in nby iis cneiaies by a fpecies of warfaie, which therefore adxife ycu to csnfii '(' hough" fn times rrqui ihrir own ter are tb rizc ! that arficli si nhne four felt en- t!u-!' :. .i-- .i t i ..... a j i . . , s natu.c uc.cn.vr; n,ay ome- tirdy f!) (jeorgia Sta-IJland, dv old any ot e tha- our arms be carried into , n:,r. ahhla nL;rd.,,,ui t much ritortes thefe are the obicas, ,.... ,1.'.' . i r.:i:.. L... j- .. iiocrr, o in.re . arc larzz luvvucf . r.tff, cn and , wire expected. Sugar, Coffee, and wtth balance the cui't by which it it obisitied. DeMtttion jmonff thaf vieft whtth lhe mod languid yirtuc n fufiicient force tap:?-' vent : oeciuie, oy actracuon," imr is not jsir. ed which is taken Iway. Ai nothing 'berr.- foie d:gi adei hum in nature more ihiii dtrr.c ion, noihirg mote difgr'accs conv.Tfatito, T'ie detracor, a be is the lowcll miral chi. lacier ; rcflech greater diihonr upon his c; n pany than the hangman and he whafc a f noittron is a ictndal (o his lpecie.. Uioki.io 7 t T J ' ft .1 . " Uaii-fjenceJ by prejudice, Unawed by Ye rem,ain vsr' "'J""1' power, -ur.dauntei by opro!iiion, the Pro- heavy JtocM on l:and, IS aval btorrs are prifon exhibit to the public th view of the :prttty fitndy; The Government .bounties " Na'ional t:,". which ihty will hold .uJmSoreign Grain snd Flour will, Iexpecl, a buckier, to catch the weapons aimed by the be all recovered thoagb thire tnuy he fotne enemies of literiy at the' vi:al oftheconfti- dtlay." v ' - , ta'tou . Should it be fcund .impenetrable (tbo not imbclilhvQ like tc ihicld of Achilles) they rely on lie fuppoit and patioimg? of! perform this cruel office for mc I but lhcre I more diligently .'atoided tUn he who is leu- HO tins in lOICJ a iujiwu wj vuuk iuc iti.nif 1 fpuehim."-4 Wi h t-hefe wordi, he drew a piHol from hit pocket, and wi h a trembling hand took aim . 'at his fauhfji f:rvan He turned away in Sjon? as he fired, but his aim was loo fute. The poor animal WA weeded and wcl'erinc in his blood, flill end:aored to .crawl towards his mader,rai if to lax hir with in- graii'uJe. Tbs'meichant cou'd not bear he ligbt ;,h? fpurred on bis horfc wiih heart fu'l of forrow, and, lamented he rad taken a jour uey whithhii.CQll . Ijinifidcjr. Still how " ever, (he nine y never entered Wi' mind," he only (bought" of his p'.or oojj, and fried to confole hunfe'f with lhe rcneflion, 'hit be bad prevented a grea'er evi't, by difpa'ching a mal animal, than he hid fu(T:rrd a ca!anity by hit loft. Thisopiiic 'o his wounded fpirit was inellertujl t " Tarn noQ unfartuna:e," faid hi to himfelf, ' 1 had a J moll rather have . lo A my mncy tbao my d." laying hi, r fl rc.ch J an' an band ogfaf; bis treifure, Ji wa mi!7Mgt ro bag w io be f ind. In a i inflan. W openJ hi ryes in hit talhnefs nd f.i ly, " Wre ch th'i'. I an 1 1 alone arit loMan; I toiMn" coinprekenl the admv nition which my hfl sn 1 fai'hf.il fiiend gave mf anl I Irve far riiice i him for hit zeal; Hi only wifl;:d to infirm m: of my rn (Uk- at.d he has f.aiJ for hit tvifli'y with his life' Indant'y he lrnrd h's hjrf., nnd wen': off nt fi'l gilp i.t the p'ate where lis bad Qop jrd. Hi fa w wi h'half averted eye, the fecne where lha iragrdy was aCi-d ; he pcrceired the traces of blood as be ptoceeded ; ha was opprelTrd and di At acted i but in vain did he look for hit deg-he was not to be feen.on lhe road. At len h he arrived at lhe f.'rv where he nil adghtcd Hut what were h'i fenfaiioni ! . bit heart wai rtaJy I1) bice J The poor drg, unable io fo'lowhis dear hail cruel mific, bad determined to confeerate his lafl momcnti to hit fe'vire. He hid crawled, blojdv as be wat, to this 'foigotten baff, and tit the ajpniei of death he lay watch inc bf fide' it.-When ho fa w bis mailer, h ftTw tr ilifitd lis joy by ihe wagging of lul, he could Jo no more; he incd to nfe tut bii. Qrr rg h ten gone. The vi'al tide wit ebbing fad; even the cireflci f h: tnaf.er could not prolong hit fate for a few DQncr.w, He P.teitbcd out hi Torg ic dalous only by hit otTencc. NEW.YORk" September 17 THE enemies of libery are vigilant and perfever ing in the difT-idon of politrcal po:f.n (lirouithoiit the United States. Cen incls and Palladium, Ucited Scales GaictteJ and .lo rolios, Spectators and Country Gaztite Federal Gazettes and Wtlliing'on Frda!ill, together with a teller ariltocrauc and monar cbical periodical publications, are all cugigd in burlclqutng and lurtdering ihe fovereignty of the people.. ibcrtght of fuffrage, political equality, and every principle on ihiclTilie Confli'utions of ibrfe dates are founded. But we are happy to find republicans are not left active in couniaiacling the baneful effrtli f thoiiitesdy haiils which heretofore have fub iedrd ih liumiti race, and buried all their fa c) ties benea h a wriat of ferociouf and cruel dtfpoiifm almod infurmocntable. The New. Enr'and flues particular!) at this moment b-d fair trt overcome all the obllac'ei thrown in lbs way by 'be cunning and intrigue rf hierarchical and civil tiflorrary but a few vfarf-agoand rrht a Glrht wifper in favour of . a a a ' a . iiaciy couiu te heatd throughout Hie eallem dates. Tliofs new fpiper editors who bad ih; temeii y boldly i er.amioe and denounce ihe conduct of the public agents when in the ver act or violating the con'litution, were reward, cd wih lhe confined of a dreary dungeon, and the ucluuclioi rt property. When wf rcllert on ihofc days of ff rror in which an Adarm, a Ilafwtll, aod u lbU wa lined aJ thrown into pnfon far fpeaking truths which were dreadful to lr r in,only, & compare theci wiih the prefent, every tcpub- We now find in NewEogtind a y of republican prelfei that will (hike ih dy htiiti to the cenrre To the prclTet U' the above catrioi'i, to wit, the Vermont Gazmn; the lloilon Chronicle, & the life, are added tha Kepubiican Idr, the Connifaiionanfic graphe, the Mercu'y, ibe Impartial Rfgiiter, ihe D'4tl ot lj'brr'y, lae hjn, C and pfojH fait are now ,iifil at Wcrcedf, MalTach-i fett v fjr rvbhSiinr a piper, entitled, the nanarai iYT, h.linlt ieir net' K Collecloi'i.Ojjl,e, Smithville, Q QUobef . tToi. he people. Should it ba pierced and fliiver" TOTICI ?$ hereby given to all owneti of Carria ed by it aJTailants, though they rujy f.iil in . LVges ii BrunUkk County, ulo lu.rne.lrcled lhe' encounter, ihey will yet' be conned in Entennr them .n iht laft month, (a,r.eeabie to I..wf , e . l 1' 1 i n 1 1 and the lorotei Advei tilemcnt) 1 lialatti nuance wi.l the moment of iheir political d.nol.,tion, by be it tHe Coun-Hcufe on lorkwooa'.-Folly, ims Moiling rciicaiin, - auas cj ttCforum the liilt day otlhe enluog C ur, i;i ordei to recciv rjt propairise Viori't Eutncsa.H Payment of the Dutien All perfonscon- tern.a win dc picaica iq ivm incinicivci hi initio k'V'rtWtl f V c.is'L. t'ce, as the Law will be exa-tti againfl ilfs tbitiail KhU,VILLL, e.Fmc! 9' wiibout dtff.rimination. WTm .r frrm .aii h W v - the treaties wiihlhe Chcrokees 'is btoken up, , ihe commifTioncn not being able to clfctl' tht, juljecl-of iheir appo nituciit. The Che - JOHN CONYERS, Colktht vj Revenue for the ill Divifhn, 3'w. pijlrifttf Xsrlb-Cdrjliiu. roktes refufe to fell Ian !s, or ti permit toads Rule for tie Trial of Coufes af Xfvembif bejng'cKi through their-coun-ry. Doublehead . Tern iSol, of Jf'ilmir.gtsn Sufcrjir conrlud-d this lad iilk with laying, 'Hut: Ceurt of Lam and Eau'-tvT he Indians did not wifh lo be fpoher. to ofl'.'TpHE id, :d, 3d. 4..S, 5J1 dayi for New. that fubiecl." Hv then addrelTcd tjie peop'o 1 1 Hanover and Brunfwick. of TesinetTee, and faid, ' That the white 6,h, -71b, 8lh, for liladcn, Dtt-lin and On. people owed them 'heir lives-.hat they . had waited fomj time for ft isfattion, and wou'd wait. yet longer But were determined cn reUiia lan." RALEIGII, Sept. . COMMUNICATION. 1 " Ar Prinrr.I lately r'afcrved a rl'cs ! in ihe Ncrh Carolina Mineivi, cr.. em,'ng ' a,(ti continue lor ibrcc cfays, free for auy (be daih of Wi'liam Travcn ; the full part j Htsrl'c, Mare, or Gehli'iL'. 01 wnirn was nat.rring ana 100 sing i" nit frieiult, and the la It rait appeared u fTicn the ciimc of Mr. Gilmore, whofe fnuat-.on lhe author of'thai pieie fincercly lam-n ed. If ihf ut'dJIe'of faid piece bad con'ainel the whole tru'h, it would have faved the author of ibis fhs tioible bf dating fids as lo the ilow, and ciufes without the ditlntl. 9'.h, Criminal rr.d Argument ca'if.i, 10k, litb, lh and ijth for ra'iPs in Equity. - JAMhS Cik. The Wilmington Jockc Club RACK. , "T"TTlir-L' co.TinitMice on TW fotfrih Y Y' ThurfJay in - Ni'Va-iiibcr-ntXt, condut of Mr.Gilmo e, Slier 1 if of C imberiand It apprJ's 'that Aw depu y had a tut warrant aainf! ibe faid Travels for a inHmg complaint, and (he trwh is, (which lite evidence will prove) ikat the only lelillan'e which was mde by Traveri, wai, that hs- th.Tj 10 be tried by fome particular Jyflices, of the Peace, which Mr. Gilmore tefufed then r ..tr- Lt . l ..: 1 . . 1 lo lumj uiui aiung uy vuncncc, give inrn fevtul kicks on ihe mQ lender part, fo feerre thai he fell 10 ihe gioui-d, which caufrd hisdcaih. He lived two or ihiee days fulL-tiitg. the mOi1 excruciating piin, ' Diring bu illnels, Mr. Gilrmue appeared lo fbew but little tegret on the occafton. Afcr a jury of indued were call -d and nude their rpn that fid Traven dicd in conffq j:nce of ibe hurt received by Mr. Gilmore -a magiflrate went to the latter aui granted b'a if before a warrant wi ilfucd to pprebtnJ him ; however a warrant wu-afterwards ilfaed which b Vt bm before a J jdice of the Peace, and with ill day. Three mile heat, 3. year old catty ing 85 Ibi. 4 ycari old too lbs. 5 years old ii.(.lbs. 6 years oil 124. l&s. j yean o'J or age I hurl'cs 130 lbi. and two yean oM hoi Its to carry catches. 2ltlay. Two mile beats the beft 2 A 3 utid:r the fam: rules and regu. lalioit as the full day. , 3-1 day. One mile beats carrying ratchet There is a fubfcripiion already made up of about 6 )0 Dollais for t!ic above ' ... 1. ?i... in 1.- i . lloWl, MM. ill Day's purfe iod Dollars, 2-1 do.., do. 203 do.. 3 1 do. do. to be wade up of the entrance rnocynf the diticrcnt days, which is for the fill day U, id day U. -1 j... . j..'i... - f Frm in nr-.fpcl is we a c led 'n believe t'ait it wiil be inferior io pane the profecntor and wimelTci was-bnind m abova sita'.iaicd, Afier gMn j ibe appf at at tht beat fjpetioc toarts to tlct la vl div- 4 dollars. Wm. CAMPBELL', JOHN WALKEK. ? IltNRY WAITERS A 2 ' MATH AMI RL llll.f- I ! RICHARD QUlNCt.vJ ? Octfe t,Eci. A JOURNEYMAN i'rmter met 1 1 . 1 '--.. 1 . with gjwl inc-aia;?cat b; apyifj at (1 Hi.it 1 ; 0 'flBT ' " m, J ' V ' '"T.."'