?TJiet? d)bffars ptT Annum.") -T H U R. S D A Yv O C t'O B E K .22,.:.. TVbl No. 25 Us. lew. fourth next, if auy year o lbs. U'lSs. L and irymg maile above of the j i 1 met F raw" ihe' Aurora f If we confider what France ha i done at the tnu - lately efcaped an attack of r.pn'b'ti, lajmiaiftered in a rnclafive, and Jhii rtorninir thofe1 of the 14th. ', Tha rnent of her political renovation, whet (he wt t - inode.hUherto fuppc'ed to be more peculiar to the' mod important article in them relates to the harveft. rtttfif ATK Ti?r- i war witn nine no ers err ait !ne terror ana if-t snn 'i.-nii(jr imu tmitc. .1 inuit rox, in every uur reaaera m. general will reiorce on benie m- AVlvimn:v i v ''ft"'IBI- 3 Al C tiora, infepmMe coricomitanta of a great revolution point, except the facility of opening the lid, cftrref- , forme! that the abundant harveft, with which pro Orv EUROPE. ' when rgricultuie, usi'dilr.,-, commerce, all that vi- ! poiding with his own, waa laid on hia table in place yidence hai blefl us, not been limited to this couni Ifin fome rnigbtr conviflTiona of our globe, fays in vifi?s a country, fcemed in a par.lytical Aate,J we 'of it. The con fu! waa onteediae, 1 1 regale himfelf- ttfrIrTfnlilhey" eftimate the crop atone thiid ;'Europetnft8teftnan, the AJps from Mount St "Blanc Hull en'crtairt no fears as to the retuUof of her conteli with a pioch,,when theftiffuefrof the hinge attracted j more than that ol the lait year, which was abundant. .10 Auflria waa levelled the ground : if Great Bri. wurrGreat-BritaLn." Let ui .wait till iierimnunfe in- t'hia notice to a more minute infpe&ton of the box it.'! In -'their corn orovincea the harveft ia tlmoft over taio were to fink and difapuear forever ; if the four. teriwt rekurc i, now coafilerably ine'eafed, fatly ! fell ; he i iftantly ordered the contents to be analyfed though it appears that they have had a good deal of 1 - i 1 .....1 t . f c w - i i.x-.. . ..1 .'iL.t 1 1 r..i. n - CI Of the Khine and Umobe were dried up, or develop theinleive under a popular form or go r Africa joined again to Spain ; - thofe. eventi in 'the vcn ncat,nci -. with a Baonapme to ctireft. phyucal world, however ajtonithiog, would produce .-change in the aftual form of Europe, left extraordi. nary tha'o vhete effefted in it1: poivical ft at?. fv the rrwolaf vrbWh," far ihsfe ten.cr pa ft,. 'h4ve! IprungDp befure onr eyes in rapid fucceflion. I ,Th truth of (he above aITrtioi no one will deny; tio, nrii even the American coriffpon.lenta cf the cominitteei of Frankfort, and Bueuthi . We (ee the jPuffiaos fettle I oa the Bmk of th Viftula.and pro cecdtng in a fouthero diieflbn : Wrfaw hit become the refiriencc of a Pruffiao Governor ; Auftrta has la. ken a rank, arnaag the nnriiitne powert, ' by ihe ac. quifitiott of Venice i the Standhoider is abolifhSd C 0 K T I N'u AT ION or ' Late Foreign News. via NEW-YORK. CONI iTANTINOPLE, J une 30. . A Frs ich jl'p with difpatches, has been tak'nby the .nglifhon its -May from Alex andria to France. Grti Mcncu bad and the Union of U-recht U difiolved ; two piwer- fent home 01 beard it 6 French omcsr'f. ful republics .re founded in Italy ; Savov, Nice, anf a nimber of private m?n-partly on ind Piedmont are torn from the kingdom of Sar. . ., , ; .1 dinia .nd ihe riethe.l.nda, Milan and Mantnj, account ot lllnefs, and partly for other wrened from the Hciedi ary ftatea of the Emperor rtafoM , OH ttt:'-paffilge previottS' 0' "Us th raft traa of. countr) 0.1 the wefem fie 'of the eapturel thcjcmv ht-what-tauftJs-M U RhinejalAajaGeraiaoyi-Pfomae'JttendtthexJrclie , , ,r ' of her territory, and bo'JIv bid,deW.e to Great, -hnawn, roe upon the o'jiCtrs, an'JtlUtr. llrinin, by the iTrnn of Hanover j the arriftocrati-' acrid the'm all, "cil government of Switterand are foperccdrd by! . ' , b-.a phyfiCian, whpit it dated, reported, thu hid 'i rai'i in the fouthern diftriifla the deception paffad unnoticed, he mud have expired j The French jqurnalids begin at knglh to fpeak o in a half an hour. ' ; I Gaiiihadmefa expedition as being hopelcfi. Th . A letter from, Srun, dated July 15, flatci.that pper contain' feverat t'umh Tefpefting him, the ' Pafw.ati Oglou. retreat tcrtfid 'en' w a a f'tln so moD imporfahtand; taoft .pt'bvb,! of which ii, tha : iiiluco hia opponentato block him up in thai fortrcia. ' though he got within 6or 70 mile of 'Alexandria. He has nofr fought lb? greu battle which foi med , he got only one velTei feiit in,' and could 'ot land "pSrt of h Slan. "The blockade is 'raifed, , and tS his trotfpa. The native , on different par a of the troops of 'he grand Seignior have ben either cat tn !pi . IcojI iheaedel oppofiiion, and he ha failed tn. hit cesordifperfed 1 1 the execu'ion of his plat, PafWin o'ojeft. We may .therefore Toon expeel 10 he.r ot ' Ogtoi fent over 10 theenety a largs niirribf.r 6: his the fill of Alexandria moftievoted adherents. Soon fter tfifs; he made a ; If we miy tr.uft td the reports of private Corref filly iviih. the icll of the garrifon, s"nd whl'.e the grnd po ider.ci from France, this feems ilf) to be the o Seigrior's troops advanced agaiuft hi n, the adhr-- pinion of the chief confii! himielf, fot the m.nour is. LONDON,' Au;;iifl 13.- The inteiiiitnce of th-.-forrender of waird is con- i fi roed T-vd me fTingers an ied veftc-day with dif. 1 patches from Conftantinnole and .Vienna," to gv veromcul and the- Iw t-'ndia Compani Thedif Mts t Pafwan Ojiou took them in the rear, and plaved them between wl fires, , in fuch a inn.ier that tae gfetteflaft werj kiJl.di upr 1 the I'pot the reft Wfre co np.lltd to be.ake therafilvca to a d:fjr- derly H'ht. tint truing no iong.r to the pofTctfion of Egypt ai at ground for demtnoin."; the, reflitution of all conq'iellj", ! I t .1 if r i m t .-t we line maae, irom tne antes ot tne rrencn repub lic, he h is, within the lift tei days, offered, a new projift .of accorh.nodation to ihe Britilh miniiiers.'1 Xaft.India. company, plar the Inte'tiijrnc all doubt. They arc io fdb'.lance at f .How.: beyond fenuine repCiblicanifin. All Ihtfe cha lgea, formeily the flow and gradual Tr-ls of., age have brei in thefe wonletful tima brought about aluioft in.lanta nioufly. :'-' " We have not yet rneruidnel the greatett event of - "tir days, and which aoue would have been fufficiept todeinoiifli the miehanifm df the old political fyf. tern! In the .tentrt of Europe, a large country ia firtUwtd, which feemalo b the point of re-union of allcivil'ued pop!e the mod compal, the molt s bundtntly furn fhed with means tf ftrength, deQined to take a leading part in every political drama itiha bitcd by twrnty-fix ru'illions of beimjl, liVcly, fpiri. ted, prone to er,thurif n, who bive often arlnnifhed wavi infliieiKcd it bv tlieir uQe. uAauitV and ac6,4.- I had the ho mr to addrefi youon the yhinll. t, ' . . . . ' ' by Inexurefj ThatnStion 'Mlnty forges that, fdr a'Wgleitei ! the ca'llc ad y.:y of Cairo by his majef. fagts"it had gloried In Drefetvinr an ohfhtlen fi ! 1 ,nJ.lh' "m.rf-f.er hnse fevere ac Iclitr to 4rt rvnnarclis, afld eniesTOtJrt Id become wnwnn the eoemy nan 1 it 1,0 .0 men in kH- lb-fieeft people in the world. Prom ; that Munt, ! Ui n bat the remainder, it eitiaeni metamorphose Hnto a new fpeciei of i V'3 ol '6l men h,d fur ert1,!r,! ,uve onlV beings Thofe men who were thosM immrrg.d, ! 'carnt'inre, ih .tthe enemy c.p.tnlsted 4n hoona U flrth undlux'uy, difplay an energy, nfilance, , ble termi, Ind wereto much to Rofetta. w ht ?(n. eonilancy, wor. than Ho-i.an or Spartan. In their b,rkei tar F"ftce under lhe f Brtl,(n Oiip HiHCifLfS efp'.c a:iy we hod the llcret of their An article contained in a London papr Come time, mare likely. to conciliate the two nations agOjjwhich lvpafol tha "under the prefcat ctrcitrti- We pretend not however, to (late this faft dboQ tta.ices.ths reiiJeiice of M- Olio in this caoitol might any other authority than that of the lettera frmi Pal' .. t. . r 1 ... . t. 1. r i :.. -u. i t i .1. ? 1 t noj oe lecur:, nnww mini proper uvcuiy in me. 111 upon wmcn id; rumour nas Dtea ireeiy ciiculst. Moniteur, whioh pays a rtented tribute to tWe. vir- ed here for feveral days. ' tu ot his tn jty, and attaching to Mr. AdJington ' Ye lerd ty we re eived Piris pjpers to the t3tf the epithet of refpcftjblc, cx;)rcfses a belief that he and this nuiingto the lyh inft. Their coiventa sra wat htgaiy dilplealiu w th ma article altuied to. , by no means of importance. Of the fuuation of af .' latra tn Egypt vtriey mike not the diglueu mention j Price of Pfnxnji'ins- 6c' BstchL-sta iravernmrnt re f.Artt Ln-,! ' Midtn. vS q-arter aurin? tne nit wJtK., ana prime continuea to cnngramli'te hia majtdy's minfters on wheats, whicii Jaft wk found ready flc at 131 the fall of Cai.o.. The diCuatchra. v weve'r, to the Pr qnrter, are now fold at 65a to 68.. Flour li a tew :nniigs ceapr, out noit otucr grams niid but they contain a veiy decided account ol the takinr1 I .rr, rr. .r . u. r.. .r t.. r . l T wne. . batre W-a?. prKe-.e.rlr.5t.-per LodU . kin, of EtruL xThe ..ereri.v cV U M V4 Willi g'bk JIUIIiy UU IjUtUWJI 1.. The chief c Vnful is. indifi ifel, We the prices we quoiej ia our lift. t?tn .t .. l-n. f-M n'ai. T-..1. .-I . In fjvera'.paiti oUoe cou iry. near wheat hat to W. Rtivijtiy, efq dated ConjiuntiM pie, July 19. been a'lieadv brought to market, and bat occafitned the ex eled leJuctun of price. V Lynnthe price in confeqjence f 11 uoi. to 91s. per quarter, ii io mod ot the maikets whence we are favored with ret arm, courier, i i o.d'r to inform yon of the bai beet a uepr-ffui during the we-k of horn IOIO 191. per CJ jar 101. y Hrens'h. All the p-tentaiea of Europe, paid and tnarfhaUfd by their o'd and inve'eiate enemy, vsfnly arm ariinft them. Principles ate not deftroyed by Of war." Not received. The remaitt we made the other day rteid mw only t3 be repeated The fall ol Cairo erUolcs ui tn bayoneta-" More enem.e more triumphs ex-1 "ncentrae our w rirca, ana to a, sect it ag xni DiOUEh to thft J r5,UI inr ,,f p'-m w I'lii'nct'rmj nivi " .1 "... O .ff J . M 1 much . BP ,r,e Erptiai territory. Pieffrd by (uch an ar- with their libertirl : bat m7 on ia" ,in ar, o.oc.ieo up or iea; 1.1 want 01 ia? derdrt s would L.r'-.e tnem to mveu Dim r- -i r- . ..t.. c'aim iheir cititens, fiviee from the tented fieH. They had lefttJ their king Jnwer at was compatible ' itrrAiifitf.. fUA' Mt't! ...v;.iLH.,kir..,..i their wiUlont h. li out. Perhaps it it now of it wound.d, ar.i the rep jbl proclaimed j much confequtnee n enq ,ir where Gantheaornj Jan. . ' T . I A - A kill. . . .. m ... U . ! . . . k. 1.4.4 ..M I I ...u.l - V ., . . . . J. f M . IIIVU1, VI OTIIEltlCf If. l.i'J'.l .ilW. II Willi. ! Hw the wife wo of di- , ... . r. . n.'.. , . furrrrl er of Cairo.it ia ool unlikely. that ferine how France a Repub'ie, H"w rUmac finid a- this fe-m:nz b rsdox, : was l he tfult la feverittidraarnt a bo'oltleready ti bur:) jwo thin air. Thianew republic was indeed fo Ii' ,I adapted Id old tirope, ilaat " it annihili ion tlioath.' neeeff.tr n o4e ta prrT )be rrqnifite fftfcVs & Ha'.snces. Genius and Enthuftafm prevail rd, and Eonrpe was obliged to learn a new fyficci of pilitki. ' - - The fltofte wi Vioen. blrrdy, rM'lful j the iifpunjaya an rrfinrni Orman Writer, wji not bnat a B.'tutrii'a. ahnat a ritv, a pror oce, a king dim I it was about an old ici t new wnild. Mere for tbr fi'tl I , "t favorite rompsrifon of O.Tian wat more thin a'fw pie pe(icl fihl. . ?J!.i!l. de-K'a enniVft or wren" two Gtoi The Frerwti In ight for opinion, and a wW natioit ft nd agai Q iniumrrahle armiea. The fmixtf-tt taflici of their lro)pl, the trtaftm of ffme-of their generils, lhe want of mo tey, the lair eraal Uu.ons, the ci"i win, Ihen-imber. alir and 'torth of their eremiei, fer d only to htljh'en the rnthcriafna of people rVmly ennvinced ihst thev We conteodine lor a cai'e in tMenfly gWiua lad ju. Thtv had U0 defpif d and the wed iVeWf-S hrmidlble. At the veiy Mnmetit when their foes were ereasrinc atticlet of ratiiulai('n foi Paiil. the clantnr of their arms, ad theesDlcuntnf iheir flvi"C ihondera (Ira k with fuddrn itror the aii 'Cfiati'al gentry of Amflridim, Madrid. Turin. Roaae arid V.enia. Fowi war tn ilVrtaken for th Duroore of difenemberiof France, fh co ties off a-ilWimii, and retains ronqut III wbivb in'reafe by a fiatb ber territory, populaiioa and iei tenue. . . Tl.e Rhine tn te al eatent f lit eonrfe, lhe Mediterranean. Ihe 'Atlantic, lh fummila ot lb Alt)- & Prrfnnetl f un the boundaries of France la iheooith, Amd Batavli, and Helvetia! ia lhe fouth ihe CiWniae and Laeuira. What impa'.f will l li iie t Krtpe ty afa fo coMigooufly r'S" d t Ca we find 'in the anna'i of bAoy fomtt fimilar to that The real aWf of Rt was only fa it Ilalia) poffeffions t her emnire ever ihetrll of the wod4 vai pretarui, betajfe foun. 4'4vn lhe iaota;re of other tatint France la in J'NI tobtr riinciplea foe ber inSacatt fficl. Vlswb'thf'l aiwoiklhe'c moral frlagt h.ih lo-n ttfiflan e a degree of Uc'!y. We hie not antn lon"l h acqulfuioa tf Fvp, for it It now ihe f;ee of afli btwe n lhe F'to h ad Inglifh arm!M. If we wee to beli'M ih ac fint r'Civf from Fra-klorl, flsreith, id Viecna "4 pn-neouft r,iilcd by fon-e Ang'o Ameticao hi. !... u'd term aaifib BraiOr rre ahout B03TOM, Sep e.riber 3. LtitcU Foreior.i Advices, Received by the Minerva, Sprague, frtm L'VT'ply ai, Ha'.cvs Athnst tron Bri I dutiS f Auguft 17. aaaaaasa LOMDOM, AiKifl 17. tlCONU ATTACK 0 5 OULlGt. ' A f.'Ond att.ck lut ben made upon the Flotilla at ftulogn-, ant weare lor v to Rate, t'lat it has nit bun aaended with the defi ed fjeceta. Late lift nihtths Providence cutter, arrived at Djvtr with diatches f.om lord N'c!fn. The att -ck com nencad at about a q iar er f.iod, at 19 o'clock on Saturday night. Our tquidron rinfifting of 71 boats waa 4ivideJ inta four dtvifirias; learn from BrutTils that the esdircfor Barras lives thete in th moft expenfie Ayle. Thirty t w' fliipa arc now expeled to arrive from Bengtl, freighted entirely with rice. The quantity thus eogagea amounts to 10,414 tons. , . HAMBURG, A.i?tifl 8. The intelligence of the fall of Cairo his rtufed th'. tn4 lively joy to prevail heie. As you have, proV bi'y, by mistime, received lhe official account, itv is unn-celfiry for me 9 irtuct iato auy poiticulaia. A- --i THE SURRENDER. Of CAIRO. Viiu.vA, 'Aug..j. :Lord Minto receded yellerdsy a Couiier from' lord Llin, at ConlUntinople ; and in the afterno d communuated the important intelligence, which ho had received ofnciaJIy, that the city and the fortrefe of Cairo, with the who'e corpl of French troop which were there, part y an garrifori, and partly in an entrenched camp, h d furrendred by capi'.ulatioa to ih: u sited Tu kifH and'Britifti forces The Fien-.h troops are made irifaeri of war A a e to be -onveyed to France. The py of the tohabttanta o Cairn at the fining of th - capital jlion was mdefcri uable ; and bad ir not ben for the Cngli.'b, the po pu'ace would hye proceeded to barbarous ex. crftcs I'i ni the Fie ch prifJAcri. Bf the midd lief divifmna were covered bv 16 Q't bottomed b'l.u 1 ot June, the Gtaad Vitier, what the alTilauce of ittle of luch rtinloriemtuisinjd'je af.ct lech an en emy, he returned with the troops to Fiaa.e. If, now. evtr, ba fid actually Jan! than-, ibry will only f.tvc to faell the number of our prifoaert, without being of an u'e to the enemy. Lnri Nelfon fai.ed yeUcrd.y moromg from D;al in ih? bfrdofa frigate, with feveral gunbrigi, rutttcrt, and bombs. ' Between Ii and it o'clock be wit feen Irom Diver, Banding front the Fttach coafl, and emirgly for B'ilugne Bv. ander prrfs of fail. Rich ol h;s lordfhip'a veffrls has 0t-botio'ned boats on hud It ii luppofed that anoih r atta k will immediately be made uj Boalogne, at leal ihe enemy appear to be ppehenfivc of one, for ac, counts fiom that' towo flat , ih.l 01 Thurfday nigSi tne enmv miie a movenient, am rooorei as gun. areffela along fh-ire, Eaft and Weft of llnbiror. A temlore ertt cf 17,00a troops is a.Tj laid to bveairiC4 withio ihrfe few di)l from the Inte rior. Letters from Hambur;h of the 4th in,1. fp-sk h the molt potiiix an d'cidcd terms of Cantktsaio'' rriurnio Toulon, after an inefTeel jal attempt 10 land hia troops ir. Syria; where the natives at ih y fay, raff id lucb numbers upon the French thai iLty were o'uli.ed to give over Ihe at'emt. Atfenfl 16. In onrlal oamber we Unci, thit th rlfgoclstont for peace had aiTumed more than ufusl aft vity and dcc.fioA. We hear wih pie fure, that many of the moQ impofmf impediments to a f.naral idiudmeot have beta removed I lb profptft of prate becomes ear h day br'ghier, and that every thing Indicate fpredy termina ion 10 lhe War. Wr have been iiueht by ciptticoce to refpetl the a.ihoiiiy frO.n which W bavt rectivrd laa (ollow. og attic let 1 whatever opinio we maytmmtio oa the fobjeft of 1 kefir ft, we cannot ajaeftioo the writers competen.e to I peak wills drtilioa to the latter : Al iht oegocittioo t-oc. tds, the pro'pttt of oette beto-aves origi.rr and ibc Is now little tesfno to doob'. feotwithtfandingthc tatriguei fl( the jarobios, Ihoft enemies of ihs humso rst, that Ihe wifhtt of the lovers of seKi will Icon be reaHee !. . M , (H10 wi'h a nar;)anijiiiy fur which he hat ever leo 0 eemed, difdaloi .ny fonHcr pmceeding jaiaft thof mifttbtc Lrib'trt who bate t'ltmptrd io injur his reparation. Tht time pcrh.pt it not far di1t, wbeo tbe author of thofe calumraie wbi.h bahcn fo (Uy complained 'nf, miy fee rrtfoi 1 seproach tiwmftlvt for their cnadil " Some monuetten t Io Bran patkor withlaiftffe frw lMf.(rTs ofae Aigl Torks, aw-wr ,4 ; ?tsrvtry dccifi. a4it ia fiae'yibey will ihe wr 4 w rh a rLsrUl tf li tfo on fan I hil4 ! rrrry in imQ fo the Grand Jeign'tor.l ,'1 f,. ladattd a faipfoCtioO that lhe r8 firet tit to tfi enuoo ol paMueg lo - A - fviofotc. at ik I C th 4 Fuim f aatopiio). tl fan . tnnt b bee wdrred If m Porlfnsooih 10 io the Iht c!d c'jaonel fletollreftimcliaifle. - i Aiietdiaj, to (ccottan lv Puis, Jd.ttftm ech of which c"icd a howitaer or catrmadsi Hie enemy appear Ij ha ye expecled a f.coid attack and 19 have bieea prepared for 'tl. They had thrown ep frefh worki, sal had fent a 1ar;e reiof jrCement of troop, into the town. At foon at our dlvift-nt approtcked futfiiently near the fhnre a tremendous fi eof gripe and round (hot wat opened upon them Iron ihigua veU:!s and fhore bitten t. The lor mr had bet ween ani too men on board each, and were we I eoverrd by Uaaktng batteries ol monara. Tronps, ihee deep, line I the fn-re for three miTcs. Our brave foldier advance to the atraek with thrirtjfutl fteidt'efadd courage""amidilhia heavy fir:i and boirJcd the enemr'a g in veHe'a. Gieat Qi'i.'iHcr enfued 1 the ueAtol fete.tinf the en- emy's gort veTeti e:e tie ed and the (H'pa takca polT:iTun of, but th. y co Id not be got off. The en emy had lakes the pitcautioo of chsining lb 10a. boa 1 10 eich other, head and flern iatrrmedtate cha'ai fo faftened them lo the fhore. Wnileoar gailaat coot ry men were nnavaliagly trying 10 get them lofe,they wcrcrxpofrd to creadfu! difchtrg of grape, (hot, (he ia, and mvfaaetry. At length they were forced 10 irtire, bringing with ihernone lur er nerd eeffcl. Our readers rasy lorm fomeoei nlon of lhe carnage, Irom the lofs wb'cb (hia luggar eaprrencrdf olio m-n, 14 were Oi.Iy left alive, and molt ofthels were wouoJed. Our lofi in killed and wouolad is cflimeied tt bobttnomea Captain Peker of lhe Mfdufa, a mo t eicc lent officer, had his Irg and thigh fhot ofsY ike matter 01th MtJufa wis drid'ully wnond ed the frcond iirutcatnt, and rtheroffijeri, eie alfa wounded 1 tad about o snrn ia lord Nclfon't (hie, Yrfletday tfieinoca lord Nclf.a ia lhe Mcdula, with fractal cotteit, re oroed lo tl Dowar, but whether to reiafott hi font iron of to oroceed trai- ft fome other place, w know not. - the ia. maioder of the fquaJron wailed off Boulogne. Aucr this paper was tt pre la, w Irsrnt thai a ra snor of t very cf iffcrial anur fiom lhe abov bad ft iato calculation, namely, tbat piciicniraarira rl peace hiving been figned bciwaea ibli couaty and Fraau, ta capref kid bee a fnl Ii lord Nellon, dcfiriog him lo retain, which b bu ace.otdiogly done. Sink were ven euing ap on ibis rumor. A fbori tiro will dcurtnioaj what wi ait 10 git credit in. The Jlamborgb Cisaite of lhe loth Ufl. Aaes, that the thief confut has fipuoted th nana of Caa. ihciamt from ih ti A of cnanfellott of fate for not tuvnj obtyd his ttrtfs order 10 land Ih tioipi rvJed to bit ear ra So toaftof Egypt. It it fHguUr Ihat r.tti a tlrtumflaate, if tiae, fboa'd brft tnrlpirt thmagt a If ambtrrgh jouroal. It it ooi however !ioketbcr aovortby ot srtdit oa that ac. CvtlOl. Yt3ta wi icceiiia riii jonaeU U lb Kth UH. Gen. H n.hinfon, and the fed of the combine 1 for ie, approaches te foils, and threitened them with general a!fju!t; The Fdch )adgd it ioadvifcsblo to attempt, to teliht the attack , of a fore f j ion h . faperior, and 1 href ore laid down th'ir arms, rather than eapofe themfelvci to th confe.- lequeocf of the lortt being carped by alfiult. The number of the prifunera ia eUmtted at about to o, among wr.'cn arc tnciuaee greeks, Atmen a t. dec. In l oieo 'ence of this even . 'he whole of Up." per tnd Lower Siypt is in the power of the E glifk and the Tuiki, n1 Alcxanlna .a tn only p ace Egypt remaining ia the polTcfujn of the Fiench. Immtdiately after the entrt ice of the G idViter into Eypt, lliat crmminder, in cofjiicli n wait the, Enlifh, prnpofed to match immediately, wiib alt Ihe force that could be f pared, agamft Ale.n. drt ar.l it wit rtpeQd that Gen. MOd would loon icl'ow the rumble ol hisTOmrsde at Cairo; tad fabmit 10 finiar capitulation Th- Porte and the public al Conftantinople hae eaprefTed thai otmoftjoy at this iniclhnce of the furreader of Cairo and it it n w cjohdfrrd at certain thai lh( F 1 each tnulfaoo bt dnveo entirely oat of Egypc HOSTON, S-piember 3J. Kavai. Th opfta.ions in ihe eontlruflioo ot the Dry Dock tod Nsvy Yard, at Ckarlifloa, tr in atltv lvjraidaf a d prtparatioa t makinj (or laying the keel of j 4 gaa (hip imnediatlty, NEW-YORK; September l6. Cipiain I'icrct, who urived it tht port tad evening, info' rot ut, hat iSc liriiifh hivd liken p a (Tcltion of Mideiii Ii faenJerfdl ' on 'he ill oT July 10 1 force confiAiog of on" 4f gin fliip, one of 3;, eleven utofponi & 1500 iroopt. t Septjmbff 00, A French gertlJemiir1 who arrived Itr yflrrdi? Tai the (hip OJni Irom Boardeaa, Ufrrmt th Fdiirr of ttis C a a : I . thai the t.rws of Gaolheaait' ha iag landed ( p'wp of bis Iroop aar A'rai dria, was contradfrtfi, and Ihst pofuivc ac 6um of hi having tftivrd at Towlo bad beta rteicd and a0 aonaxed al Routdeaaa. Bp lb arrival (tfo leca, that h I real y be. Iwteath Uol.ed Siau nd fteoc had beca ii led. The gresi 1 1 y ef V Frt "cS ' people. Is P.ace f Pcact ! Thru flgtauoa la dipIotakW Tky fcae ao comticeao4 00 money th Tirafuy Bille ajravro oa their ge omrai, thoagS rpd, am not paii Urikt a w.it out ak tbiaa lr gnvds. ivtatt 1 f u tjiary 4. u s mm a ! 1 l : li? -1'' -1 k . .14-7 .'iv lit w . n ' a;.

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