I i t-, e. 1 Intelligence from Europe. .thrcej point of primarirnporUriee to the jnterefts of this country, "'fr pin .which-be h Cited biilJetcrmi : Mitoonot to re de.. .-s''-'r:"-.y"" - r' lrd iCarytfortha: prelented a fr'cth Memorial to the P.ruffian Miiviller demanding in the mott formal . ' A. letter waa yefkrday feat to,e, received through nwnnef ' the evacuation of Hover. The.anfwet to nave oeea a, poiuive reni n. - H f- VAONPON.Aeftio., aWfv.Aik1a channel from Brnniwick. via HotUnd. r.n ! faiil v t 'vkv : t -. 7-.T- - t - s . ,.. , i d ' m - .-. r ,t . -. : -' wl.Sz-U fnfiki eanRJemtv of the C.Ditulallon rt A, A aaKrtii"i'.tnor1inarv wii nublilVd thu &it. wxtadrtt in Eptfi dayi titer tb iurreaaer 01 at noon, toi; the p"Tjso e or announcing to me pubjic Ctro ' . ' ' . y ! - the furrebder of Cairo and the neighboring fcroa t Mr. Merrviiifd vy kttly received orden term peculiarly fivprable to the French troop, to pref the Frichjpweripen . to. come to a moro The Hatetrnl' tnt Mr . . Teoke'. letter; oi ihe.i'g,th More and definitive itnderuaodi'nzi and 'o declare iH' lulv. and in the Germsn P?er, of a battle before tnolfion o! Certain" preliminary p- irtcip'IrJ, and tlieif Cairo, appeal urifouoded , the eoemy haviiag made I 'XftfiiQ appakaUjiirtoTM Vtf th .treaty la .urn? '-ovartnrea f, cepimlttton -n ' tmmediartrtf7 nf the were an'xioufty expeQed, did nt arrive till Monday, operation. . . s ' . " ad thev he proved fb f r,ftitfaaory tht the ne- . The followior U extraft from the difpatch of 'koLiatioii which muft h'v brn infttntly broken olt "Sir.'T. Hutchmfan t. . ; : : ' by trie perfeveenie of the Co'r t France in the Hcad-qnrteri, Caitip before Giieh, Juae i9,ioi. traicei'crvrnpUin?d of vtfr. .b'e coatinued.l if "it be ' xr iJtD, . ,. . ' T . i ' --..rr. ,'V., ':. .:i1 -i!- j J . t-atJ.. i ne coinuinca armiei uvtmcu wi uujn unci xn the kill inl. ' The BruitK troopi' and thole of tit " m it uroaer. exortmon ui iv ini u commence.. The whole that'ai piffed h been "hut iiieg dation fvr"a ijegociation, a'treat' 10 treat. Thp public intiWorTc will noW, it if faid, aff irns a more tt,i( not more iniereftioj chiraftrfr, and it wi I be aiff.&ilt-' '-.of M.. Tl!oyrnd, whirever may he tbe'JiliiDi'.f; if i of hi Cabinet, la avoid th? dif cvlfi'xtof thofe Urma and Cpnditiona npoa which 4epenai he coofammatioo of peace, . - : ' . .' - ; Augnfl to. ' A fir.l at I'oleN fquaJioa. CoBfiHing of fix f.il of Ue 1'ne ' and two r'ataa, fi ed ycfterday - from fo,tfmouth. H U fuppofed he ta"oin to itinfoict Sir mei Saorhare. , - : $dverl rt? ulationt bi beea made by . the w tmpercr of 'kufii alltdin td smeiiorate the condition of Iht fubjeft. Fifty thoufind peifanta were allotted for. ih(tancet vaGMi to fupport the ftl?eret ordera of mtUtary kn ghthood. By laie Vli, vifflage ' compfetely dellroyed, and in lieu thereof, a tx ,t levied ft the diftric, to be ap plied to rtie fame porpole, but to be colkfted by the taenia of the naiianal treafury. ' gttft ca. -, .. ' ' -. i ' Th'e sfreft of tt French E'cjiifranik at Bareuth, by krAer of the Kinj of Pui&a, apoeira to have axciied fccfmall Teufation on the continent. ' The following rthenamei of the peifdni thuiacre.led l (heexprcla nf he Fieftch Sr. Felix, who wai a Major t-.w. rarholic Xrmv is La Vendee, where he JoH kii n wo (ona. and efcaved hi-nfelf bv-a fort -r -Jr.vli im Cermanr. M. dt fercV. Koieht cuLiV sd tieuttnaht t Chaffcur before - Jtlklii', -"'d at thecity of Ltoa lhtt elac waa Velleg.d "by hia coaitrVmerT, 1 end after it c'. tire efcaped deth Only by refidinj Tnoniht io 1 duntcon. The wonun who 4ock7Hs o h fobGflrnce for that time, he mai hlifii ' e:tirf into Swiiteiland. Hit nephew lZ.JZn fficer of infLttV. bora at Lynni, ho ovinicna and misfortune! of his uncle. I iJrfjVarenne.tn Ex Noble, of the ace of Rj yeata. ; ii tlmA Uthe Queen'a reiiaient, under the 1'riac 3lV.WVtW the war in Italy, when he wia wou. JTn4 tAde a prifoner. He waa ereattd Marachtl T: fL..t,n frven veara war. Hti ooieioai not mC I, SxodjMt with thofe which produced the molu- l I' ypPa irl,d ia 7'l "d eve, foc me f , I- AitnW tinder the prince of Conde, and hi fince lived I1)' I itSVieatb. Duraod, othcrwife Imbm Colonoea, who diAinfyifhed himlelf nmrh in the revolution. He -waa formerly Prevor ds Marchanda at Lyoni, t.'itav he waa elected i M'rnb-r of the Council b.1 X.tienta. and on the a h ofaeptember iBfcriled ii.0 lid for deoortaiion TLia he avoided b pU . CCou The fifth M. de UChapelJe Colonel to tne mum miwt, wnon mnti, . Miiar' Ceneikl, U oow with Louia XVt!I. at v(.u. All ib'cfe cetfonl wrre treated with treat htr(hoeu(n tne I'tmer part 01 incu cr.nemcni ; dui frt teprefeniaiiom wbick bJ been made, they ex- pctieMc jrre iter mare of tMiulge. v. a. v.nch Admiral with 6ve fail of the line and l (iigatct, till continue blocked up in Roclifort, by fir ' K tWconiflsriet which oecorred at notVing. fiat given birt ' t fotne dirTcitnti between the D utband French. A Da eH vefTcl froni fil.cn to Mid leboi. com celled b contrary "wlUdi to put into FUfh . Thtre iht rreacn cuirom-nouia onuera n.iang tk, .ii hdm vklihvdrt iooJs called con.ra- band, aook, iOfTiirio o! th? velTe; and conveyed her tA Aalwrr The Dutch tovtrnmant hai Paled thai the tonNfl of tbcfc ofucei i it la tiotaiio : ol th , flint btween ih? two republiaa. It wi the IJkf tl Di ecla? that tin proceta ajiind the '.Al fSo.M be Wtd at Middlebaf, libctntih I : Lk tbt fciv'i diaiion but ibil belog pofl Tealr refufed, tkey havt fent rdeti to teSieamelpe. .. a m ...... w . r..wi.M ((It, 0 temonura'f vhh nonifii " i"j'M , Wheat Lord NeUon fa iWd frona the Nere, indrad -r...:..ik kltt.t ceurfr. he chote to cmfa the v.... tich had elwav been confldered unaavUihle r fh'ips Cwsr. This psirt will, in In ore, be ealUd Nelfon'i Cksenej I . lord Kslfo tfi o'clock bat Saturday monntif, :.A ik. Cmal far all the toramiiden to come o kard e4itht Medefe, wheit tbey tecrivad the hit hip"efs tli C .plain P.cha invr&td Gizelion ihe ;lt1f bink oj'the.Nile, whiik the army pt hn Highncli the Ci snd Vizier moved torward, j:d took a.pofuion nrar-y wiihuk caanon (hot of Cairo. OVthe aad , in the morhiti.', 'the enemv feiit out, a flag of truce, : and inhrmed me, that they wifhed to neat for the 1 ev.'Cuation of Cairo tfa (he fo ti thereunto bcloneiog, !ufi)0 certain cindiuoui, After a negocfattpn of ! fever d i, ' which waa coHducttd by Brigadier '. Gen ral Hi-e with mm h iudgmeot and ability, they agreed to fui render the town and forts on the tondttiona which- 1 have the noour to enciole. f We took potlcflion of iht gate.of Gisch, at 5 o'clock yeftjiday evtniut;, and alfo of the foit SuU kolki on the vatro Ude 01 tne ttver; nouagea nave been mutually a. dunged and the fuul evacuatiou will take place in about todies. Vlfl. the mil itsrv shd naval commanders of tfe Bviiiih and Turkifh lorcei fnatl provide velTela far' eoi veytor tohe French potta of : the Mediterranean the French sod Auxiliary troo pa, a a well at all French J ..1 : I ' 1 . : r . : r .1 . niintr piumi nipiujctt lit me lervice Ol UlC French WTiy. ! Eerv thing relative to thia point, .'-ae. well ai l"n jtgd to fubfiftence (hall be regulated by coi n"nTnW-i named for thia purpofe bv5- the General 4f Divifion ilelliard, and by the iavai and mitit try Commandert la Chief of the allied forces, loon a the prefent . conveotion thU: be: ratifiei. The'e commtnarietJhall procred to Aoleiia, or ti Abonkir, ta rder to make every nceriur preparation for :VlTJt4Ui! o weri mail pveW!te our veftel Smt aoorfi. it poiubfel : Wted for the tonveyanr e ol lorfeij water-cafki lc f&rae fufficiein lor the voyage. X. The Trench and auxiliary troop to be provided hv the allieJ oowark with a fnffirirnt eonvn'v far tliir I 1 r'c. ..r... r 1 . i ov were me rctwrs iu cranes, nucrjine crauarnauoo 01 mc F-eoch troopi, the allied powera pledge theinfelvcs, th it to the period of their arrival on the continent of the French Republic, they (ha 1 not be jo theWi mo. jelled; Hind oa hta part the Gen. of Divifion Belli.rd, 1 . V - . . J li. 1 I - l . . . i -; - - .A nf i.uuw fk,n h. kw iu-. ,,mi,,i.. Jnniu 1 tore ..blocking them the fad period, againlt the fl'-t t or, territoriei tf hia . vclle re better CA or-tianniG majcuy, or me moiimc pone, or 01 tlirir allies. The veffelt employed a d efca-tin-J the laid troopa brother Frenclt fubjefla.'fhalt not toucitti any other than French, pqrtr except in cf of abfolute nccefS y. The commander of the Briufh, Ottominck French (roopi enter reciprocally into the like engag meats during the p-riod that the Frtnch troop remain io Egypt, nonf the ratification of the prefent conven tion to the momrMiof the embarkation. The Ceo of DivifiiiiB-lliatd, commanding the French and tux. itiary troop, on the part of his government, engage that the v(Tel employed fortheif conveyance and nrAfrfl-iAil tklll ntt k AtmirtmA in inn Crmch nri'a tier the difembarkaticn of the troopt; and tbat Jcarri wort a - fled thai : lvO-o , sst ion is -iin uowns, waning lor men x teplatV thofe he Ibfl, wherr he will endeavour to burn ti dron. -.Sprue of ""our gun bo. fu-a;. blocking up fever a 1 gun Briga IV fvf fea at Dunkirk ; and judgiog :hat theytiHrt deaviir ro get aJong cloCe the lhore CaiS our veite.'s .ancnored a Jliort gan-wot IfwnU Unas, to enab'e intta to annoy "hitto af:therv ar.eraptcd u. The wary Frencllrretdt-ri ihat they ou jto 'get -rJciwn Uoo v;jlrout -giat danger; ot wirtjp lifvtfmjrr-i. A 1 a 'II I 1 1 - ' M tion,, ;8idcd py jttc darK, .nauiea oat .w Mit velTeU In. the,, night, ai;d be'or. got tpiidc anraa, toat puis '4 vtt 3 rixi- coma not come up in'o Calais, to Ue diflance belri' fliortV by a buflf, Eall wine ta prevent rinetr ;. j r.f. - 1 number of tbirtyyV a tiv; m ti . I and they be ins faToVH) IV o tr fquadron hm:'A- .4 " up in Calais. ;TUT'ial ViMW . f.M culatcd for fi-falioiriluri 1 1 thouU luppole that tnerr are near 0000 their commandcri man be. at liberty to purchile, at troop of all kind ift "the town, ut I ipeak wuhoat 1 their otnxxpenc, the provifion which may be ne- a perfect knowlrfdie on the tubieft, at I have aot' eeffary for enabling ih-. m to icturn. G:n, Belitrd yei reieivfd any reuina." . auo engget oh tte-fart 01 nia government, mat tne .The Ceneial continue 10 mniion the conduct, per- faid Ueli (hall not be molefted on their return to feverance, k patience of his army, in teima of high j the porta of the allied powers, provided they do not . 1 . .1 ! .i .r . . . . j r... n . vj i mm luoicrvicni 10 any mil iary XI. All the tdminttirationi, the merr.beri of the Commifltjn of aria an I foe ccs, aud in fhort, 'every ptrloo attached to the Frenvh army, fnall emoy the fame adrantarei at the antlitary. All the mem beta of the faid admioifliation, and of the conmiluoii nf ana and faience, (hall alfo carry with them aot only all the paper relative to their million, but alfo their UMttfiyerti' M w)l wabajravmleaT Vbtcti have Ttlercoce thereto. ., ,XII. All inhibitanti of EcVot. of whltever aa tidn they may be, whowifh to follow the Fiencn troopt, Suil be at liberty Io to do nor fhall their families, after the r departure, ba molellei, or their coodl Canft.Cated, Alii, no ionanai 01 cgypi, ot wnaiever reii tun, wiomay wiinto Joilow the ritnch troooi. troops Tlie toinmiinoneit above siinta navinj x. ,, filff.r , fc ..-. rndvano eooieriea aiier me n...B in f- 0r,he rannedion he miv have cotertd into wi.hthe peOiyepov.cn, have iSretd upon the following fie,Kh d0,iatheir coe .nuance in Eypt, provided I l It, IV Art. 1. THs frencti fartM of everv tlercriDlioh - - I a and tfte auxiliary troop under the command of tbe Geaertl ol DiviOo i ltll aid (bill evacuate tbe city of Cairo, the Citadel, the forta of Biulac, Cita, aud til that Dart of tryot which th-y aow occupy. II. The French and auxiliary troopt mall retire by land to Rofetta, prdceeding by the Uft bank6l the commendatiow) aud make particular report of Lieut. 1 attempt, Col. Anllruther, GenerJt Cradock and Doyle, Ojeiatioo. Major Montrebr, aod Captatnt Stecafou, MorrtlvD Curry and Hillyar, ol tua Navy. F6V the evacuation of Eryp by the Fieach and aut'l iaiy troopa under tbt command of the General of -. fliaitoajoWUamdej attsvMtSl WJbfOwajf l4r Genetil Hope, on the prt t ah Cnmapdct la Chicfaf tbe Bntifh Srmy ia Egypt Utan Bcyo the oart of his Hifhnettthe GnM TUitr ! and r - - . . . .... ... ., . Ifaae Bey. on the part AT hit. mirrruertthe uapttin Pacha; Thc cititent . Danzelot, Geae,rtl of Bti- . gde, Maraud, General of Brigade, and Tarayrc, chief of Brigade on the part of th - Geneitl of Dirt- Tioa cotncaandiDi a body of French and auxiliary Nile, with their arm, btxgiae, fied artillery, aad ammunition, to be t ere embarked, and c mvcyed to . . . . n .. it.iu . .L. .k.l. ine rrcniB nun wi mc nsuncirincii'i wna arms, artil try, bggce audeft.-cti, at thee a peace of tbe allied ioweit'he embirksiion.oLtha French ao. auxiliary moo,) mill take place at foon at peiub!c, but at ihe aicft within filuco dy from the d.te of tha rat fUsiioa of tbe prefen- convent ion. It ia alio agreed thai tbe faid troopt (hall be Coaveyrd to the Frcncti poriaabove meotioocd by the atoll di rect anl cxprdttioua roJte. ' III. Fiom tue cate el ine OrnttUrt ind the raf.n- etton ol the pr fcni convention, hofliiittea (hall cetfeod both itdei. The fot of.Sulkolky, aad the gate of the Pyramid ol the iow ol Cata, u 11 be dc'ivertd up to the ailt at my. The line ol the ad vaoctd pod of ihe Srmirt itfpecaivelc (hall be fixed by the c tnm'lu.tntra aaedfur ihi. purpofe, aad the mod p fl iveoifler (hall be given 10 ttoid all difpuH f sad if any lhll tnle, ilry are to drteraimtd la tn mcti atnrr. k IV. Twelve dt after the r tifitti'ondf thprtft coaveiinn,thctl y ol Catiohtcit d:l,ihe'Ort vdt ha town of Ban ac, (hill be evacuated by ibc French aaj he conforms 10 the Itwt of the country. XIV. The hcP. whacaoDot branemovll. th.ll be placed id eohaf ftl aa attended oy French medi cil tod other at endaot. until their recovery, when they fball be lent to Fiance 00 the Tame condition t lha Iroepi The Commander of the allied arn.iei enrtft to.providc all the artKlei that may tpatar rt j w.v.a. j ivi u iiviii.i , in, auTiiibri lu v made eat una account mail ne icpaid by the Fieoch GaveraaKnU . XV. At the period wheat ine totrne and frte Mcotioaedin the prefent convent! a (hall be delivare l iffarie. (hall op, coaaatiiuirte. (hall be earned tor receiving the oid. ancef' ammawtion, aagattnu,' ppe a. aiahuvet, puma, ana oioer cttcaa wnicn tot rrcntn mall leave ?. ....... .j ... ' in ponciuon 01 mc a lieu power. XVI. A vellel thai be provided it lqi pofQ bleby the aavtl tomanandcit of the t1 ied powcra, in drdtt 10 taavey ta TouIm aa bfnctr and com ml lC oner charged with tbt cuateyai te of tbt picictu Coat eaiiOo, to the Fieach government, ' . , XVll. Every difficulty et difpute that aaay trfr rrpctin the earcuiioa ot the prcltnt tonvcwtioa, wall be deteriBincd ia an amicb miantr by com n ilTiOaert uaentd 0.1 etcb part. XVlll Immediately af cr tl.a Mlinca'tioa of the I aielrai convention, all the Eaalilh at Ouonii mi. DO i f,,a,i .1 Ciita all mt (el ( lihttit. n( Ih cnm. enlader in chief of the allied power (hall i like maaner rIefe tbe prifoieu iath ir ufpeQivecimp. ,xIX. OHi-ert vl .tsaa, ftom ibe Ealilh amy, from hit) higbnif iht Suprev.e Visier, tad fiom hit 1 ' ' a- "V a thole 4t tSoulocnr. "V v " ' ---.ousT.'''fi. '.....v,- Y . Lord Nelfon arrived yruerday in the Downs with hi fquadton. He waa otf Middleburgon Montlnfp where he lay to the wh le day; . On Tucfdty bo went aboard a, cutter to reconnoitre Flufhtng aad the adjacent r.oafl ; but it i faid, he f, und it icOl flrong to lc' attacked with any probability fuc cf. - -;( Never "ftnee th!e conamencement of 'be hegoclatioit x wi the cortcfpondeiice mo e active between the t W Goveihmrni ,han it it at pitfent. In fome, of tbe provincial matketa wheat bat fallen cent, per cent. t . '. ' . .. tir. a. ' ' ' Loid Nclfon ha mil.ed hii flar from ibe MetTora to tbe Araaaon Irigate, and itisexptftcd hl failed Jtun lor the Frencu coalt. - . . The frit ate limaica arrived at Dover from tha Frtnch cpatt, give an account of fiking tnrce and taking three gun-boat off M. Vs'er)K . C n. Lord Adaiu Uoidoo, Governor el Edi&birf - Cattle, ia dead ' ' . . ' MACOa. A0d. 18. . ' , J '; There has been feiied at the mouth of .'the lleiire't) a imtil tngnin vcllcl, whicb wat . founding th coait of'Goree. It appears cenain that Adaairal Nelfon hat a defiin unoa tha airufe teat 1 but ta attack. It ha mA fi(t Mka the fcatot f Qw whico protect it. sen.- Aarerem it atihu momeot employed in fortifying thai itle, aod fcodiog French troop'a thither, A camp it it faid it to betftlblifhtd at Breda. , , Citizen Ventn'r! hat been appoioed miaiQer plenl tJote otitry by the Cifalpiue eovernmeut to the Kiae of Tufcaoy, tod to tcktvowltdge him ia that qotlittr ia tbe name ot the repnblic. Tbt Helvetic tad Ligurtan governmeot are about to appoint mia uer. Mfhn, will be charged with the fame miluoa. , Hit bolinel bat given a brief ol credit to ackoova.. ledge the aew King in that quality, and complimented ia hit barn 1 at hit arrival at Floieace. Monfignor Calepe, 000 of hit hfuocic. It cbtitcd with thit hoaoiirtble tommiuaon. 0bbbbb . a-iuLoem, to a. 30. , . The Englifh, after haviar burned the dirot H naval floie aa I wrote , you on the at ft, attacked divifion of flat-bottomed boats tbat. failed iron St Valery to joia -our fiotilla. They took three atfd drove tour ot) mare. We are yet igaoeaat at tba killed, and - wounded on - either fide.- Oar- divifion could receive 00 alufttu.ee from the laod our troopa cantoned in the neighbourhood having triivtd too iste. .. A divifion of from ta Io is fail of flat-botlomrd nd gua bot, wbUh we expected to join ibc flotilla here, are, blockaded in Celt. a by twelve Eagl Ot fhipl ol vtr. No.biag can be moie Uierenme than the prcfeut moment. Ia Boulogne we have but two Dupe ol the lire, one fngtie, two bugs, aod ihitt) or lour cuttett; The meejirg of the Depotit from theClntoaol that Helvetic Republic ia fixed fit the y h of Srpte nbert put a lie tdy fever I afiee Ctntoat have tcfuived ia no irfpea to counttosncc the etTcaVjly. Thia itfrtclory fjii.t h( p r iculaily difctrveicd iifcU ia the Imaller canton, aad si Bern a avmcrott psriy Bvf peutiveiy ana lormtny protenei tgaAT ina .ndoa i p' for HOW lota, Jvdgf . e U'tt enjj u, lecort. Ibat in tha Jo, tbe taaua -r . . . . . ...1. .1.. .a if M.AI ft I lha Im. ntr,a)(f ai i" w'pt """-a ------ reader ot tht lfld to Ike Briiifli forte imdcr hit tonmaad. aa iht IwrtrtJ-CxthlsI July lat. Mr. Addiatioe, kit faid, b trsaUUud to the Fiuahiama flaalol praifWairn eoi,airg tax liary tfopt, wro will ictirc 10 larthim ley, ki.kaMka Ctataia Facht . (hill t earkae.d iu. tha iBeolRsodttoduiaitpeadrntieii tbefotu olt.lg.,mber ol frtnch offirera af equal rok, to Fuartroy tad Caseh, .fir.nube lhay (hti dc fcm , h,agrt (or the csccuiioe of the picfcnt tree, ptit s. foon at pottble, and st the Isiad ia five day (, ,y, Af M ,h, Fiernb troops (h.ll ba laoded in torroctedtoihepoinu of emb.ikatlon. Tbe Oe- the pout ai Fiace, tbe buOtget IhtU be leciproetlly atralt coramindiag the Baitiihtnd Otioma armies ifed. coafeoaewtly eaet thttmeana (hall be faraifhed at 1 vv 1-1.1 ...ri rk.-t ta ...i.J ..a their ehirge for coaveyiag the Frtach aad aaaaitty lM9mitti by a French ffieer to a. Mtaoa at tioop. s (000 1 pofTible from Oilth. , ' Ale"odiia, taa ka (hall be at libttiy to accept of V. 1 he mtrtn aa carampmcai ol Iht frraca ted ' 1. u, ,l. a,.... ,B(i ..,,1,.,. f,, ( ,k aa..i ... I sutill.ry troopt (hall be legul.itd by the Geaeralt military) which m,j t with him at tht above mta r,, wt ay oincert eppoiaMCd of , rtwMi t,,Cf( prA,i e4 the aecettinct of it mail be cUtrly end (r flood, that accot. L,, ia tbe Ceaertl como-.ina.ai the Eiiflifh asyior tnarcb, tad cl e. I0M be tore Alexandria vilhia ita dsvt from lha data ( tbe coamaaUtioa beieg mife to hint. .XXI. The prtkal tonventioa (hall be istitrd by tht tamniatr iatkief of lha rifpe tVva armiei with. ia iweaiy-lot-i bouti fur the flia.urt thereof. . tJgntd ta lMt4ifhttt, M ike place of torlcr. ttt betweta the two irraici, the e;ih Juae, , llot, or el th Sieve faffar, iiid, o the lib U.tlder, oth)cara(the fieach Efblia. J. IlOfl, Brlg.diet.Ctaw t ilSkf AN IKY, ISAAC BKY, DONZFLOr, Cf. tlclntade. TAB.AYII, Cb. Ida Brigtde, t Approved tad tai 6d the prelent cooveatloa ,t Civ.o, lha fith Urffittf, ath year of the Fitack Re. ubl:C. - , , - v ISLt!RD, Cta.de DWiftea. - piejcU 01 tnt coitBiiuuoa t now piopoled ta Ike at. They complai loud y ol it aicakulaird l daOiay even the formt ol liberty amove a ptopla Ai Itaewatd lor tbtir ficed.an. -. - . 1 ,k ; auxiu-ry troop man pe re ..at and latUHrt t tvt'T officer aad faitor ( bed.tf. . M"M "' .... . - . . r . !.t . . ..L:.- I..I. Bill IVI.', I'l'mi mi l Uin blue jacket t.aa J" campm.nu (h.U be lud by ike Centril. of tb.tom. berated over ihejwketi lor ilrt iTesj es h bt J , teaftqaemly the f.taeh aad t.. t,rylMQ(tt.b.r. u Vn,,..,.d a. tkri, marth w. eernld ae factetd U cany tag tbeea S afut bend. y gh(h Utkkfh wkt iMra4 M C't' .. " ttr 1 t. V .ff.-kt-l ...I- tat laraiOi the aeceffary ptovifioat daileg tba caatiaav rarlUrrwt.U U ft J.tilo Va "' l , MC. . theii foate. li e w 01 uaooer, 1 . -h. klnrf, ma-aaitUa, aad otbrr article (ubtiBcd from the tetiod ol their departure Imn Ci ath ta the lima ol telr etbstktien, coalotmtbtf lo the rega'atiene ol theataoyt tad from tha df of their tenbetketio) t tha of tht'ie Itadiaf 14 Fisace, sgrctabl to lU aavtl trtUUoaj.bf tSMiia, jtkt 19. - . The mil rigoroot orders have ba fvta So til the) Auftiiaa porta ol tha AdiittitJ not 10 feraifli aro- vifiom 10 the EagUflt frigtftt aad privtutil which diOdib alvlgttloo aa that fat. a 1 no a, auaoiT . ' Tbe fefntiroe ol Adatiitl Sir fohn Eotlefa Warrea. which were ia perfait of CtaiBetatne, it at prtrt"t ia the atithbourbood of Ltiho at It aoabl ol frvta Hp of ihe liae aad two friia'.e. Poef fe rajo i thai delivered aatke tea fade relafoice- mean aad tmmuaiLUt may now M iaithttcd lata it. ' r tttaeaa, AVaT . We hive received the aaforiuatte fateftgtect of. ike Eaglitn htyi-gukea Fieoch fiigaia tad It traalportt, ai tbt y went oat ol Porta Eftale. Tk Amcricaa Coaful ycfadtatt here bat beta dittOed by Mr Cebetrt, the Cnfal of tU U. lute ai Trlpol', t give til pablicity lo ibc Mewing t -' CoofaUie of ike U. Mie ol Ataerics, ' ' M Taait, laly 9$. The ley of Tii poli bating related wtragtle. tVa U. Sttua, aar gvtratnei baa' fent a Istille lo ' trtvttMle kfttf tjaaa iajiiag tr en.otti.o a 1 ' 'i -1 .t-',' FiaaaafS ife'pi a If 7T.!aaC a ,