i - A . i 1 V,- 5 v V . ' '5 I 1 1 . t Y I V i ! J I : .' V,V In conWtce, we areto.trfom f1 potf.u .1 W That Ttvpot. u low block- lAei-bf'tht Md America flottlK d .that, every Ihip her whkh ihu attempt w r-- corce the. princerefferiS of.j Portugal,"' and 'jta two A'- ....r ... . -,:. kith, .ur ic uu i.nw, . iiiiuuiii mv. ,-nvi- will be trea.fd conformably toune.iw. 7 jrJ:rtn . rl V amicable toTach cafcar ; W. EATU " -y";- , ... frbm Smyrna by o n.lirr in rtefpondfnrt between, hit CaihrjUe rnajefly fpaee of tetlafisg evHing-of 'Spiin,ancl :BiCwy aVtightfeirraerf poffible.'.. In fai h of which, we -the- under- ken by htm, and which in the event ah ecdy ince refffnj btLportugaC and u two A'- j written Minlflcrt Plenipotentiary, andin vif flaietl, tmv already beep admmed and ac, aircapttwc whicfi Tfiay'bsVinatlf at ea afieir ibe'fat ideation .'f ihe prefent treaty, Ihall be bona fide reftoccd: awel as all toeJchandife ajdjcffeQ$j.oVihieir f cfp.eQiye value. ftSTTTIt Teograrwe-qir-liTd tniormf ......v... ftiat kcxroald fur lender tlie hi9ur and foitTa of . t t!n An1o.Turtifhr forcei, ..- if n the ciuife Affix eeka hti'rcsp'ved no TuccoquTrom JomlRionsto ihe ye Tela ingencr. of Great tnttcal AccordtB- to thfr'repoita of fne delcitm I R : , - froo. Meoou'S divilion IM were in Mm -vj His royal highnef fiiatl (htit the porta of all were ot vrater, ans variou,''-i""-: r"- v meaic.net (or the fick'. Menoo ii fid to have jre- tetveyl alimi ed fopp'r of thaiticlca of which he ' i. mr.ft Alflituteof. untif the expiration of that perwd. .Tbia piopofal General Hntchinfon rejected ; fignily-' Ida to the Trench commander; that he,won!d grant tiro no longer tbanun days to furrender AlexaLdfi . .fon thefartie lerma given to the freitch at Cairo $ but that afterward, fat uoft furrender at diicjetion. ' Grne'ial Htitchinlon uat by an account, rectirta a reinfonerucni of men, with which b'j hoped i; term in ate the . war in Egypt in a few week.i. .Shou'd Menout ref'rfe to furrentier on the ternu pro . pofed ti b'irnl tit is 'iutcud.d to carry Alexandria by . Art. III. J' ;' : ' His Catholic male fly Ihall teflore tf: bit royal htjhnefs the cities and fettlemen:t of J u rumena, ArroncKes, Parialegee, Cafleldevide, BatbacerU, Campo-Mayer-ani Qogiiela, wi h all their territories hitherto conquered by hi a arois," and which may be conquered and all the ar'tllcry, . tnufkeis.and other rauntiions 4of tuejol tne Jum powert: witr;:(wnicnjor tpat purpofc our auguft tnaflers hayter fijpplie3 us, fignftd wi 1 otrtv. hinds ' the prHent treaty, ahdaufedvit to be fealed wiibhe feal of out axns.. Dftne.H tbe city of Baaajos the 6tV C Seel) The Prince it Peace. '-' r rCSwV Z-wf Pjnh is Soua. STATE IAPER.''-, Note from the Hnoverian Miniflry to the Royal pjuiuan Directonal Counfellor Von Dohm, refpecliog the wi hdrawing of the Pruflian tiuops from the Electorate of Han over.' , " " ' ' b , . Hakovxr. Tune'ti., His tRajefly 'He, kirig of Pr'ulfia .having in know led d by hr maiefly. . The fenttmenM which hit majefly the king of PruIHa enter. . taina of jxis Britannic majefly, and ! he friendly relations fubfilling between him and the crown, of England, will therefore leaye.nQ doabti ort this,fubjet, without being under, the nccclEty nLlKsmi ng to the nat ure of . the cpnftitutioa- PROMOTE LONDON GAZETTE. . Admiralty office, Augnll 8. -Xopy of a le'te from Lord Vifcount Nelfoh, -, K. B.-yiide-Admiral of R.ed,' cc, to Evantipeanj Efq. dated oriT)bard the - MeiuTa," off Boulogne, Aiii'nft 16,'. l Soi . : SJR,Havitig judged it proper to attempt bringing "off the ensmy's flocilta. moored in front of Boulogne; I-dtrected ihe attack" to be made by four divifions of boats for : boarding, -Under the command f captains Somarviile, Cafgrave, Jones and Parker, and a divifion bf hf yi:zer boats under caprain Count. The t)0 4U put oil irom the Mediila at halt palt li o'clock-UR nighr, in the bed poffible order. and before one oclocli this morning the firing began and rhad,:froft -tr!e: judgmer.l of the ctiiccrj, and the man, the mod perfect confidence of complete fuccef ; but the darknefs of the night, with ; the tide and half tide, feparated the divijiont, and from all rot arriving at the fame happy moment with capiam farlier, r to be attnba . ted the failure of fuccefsi but I bes to be per feftly underflood, that not the fmalleft blanae attathes itfelf lo any peffon ,. foralthough the Uiytltons did not arrive logfther, yet each (ex cept the fourth divifion which could not be J-- ... T 1 J 1 . w n - i n t f ..--v.-r.':a-..i1,...t ' -'f a ' I ' C.L - ;. r. . war louiid in tnc lauJ garruons, cuics, iowm me ncgwing oi npiu oi mc picicni year, un and places, fhall alfo be reftortd according cxpeftediy ordered that corps of his irotips to the Hare in whici they, were au the time j hiihenp acling with the army of . ob'fervalipn, of their delivery ; and his ' Catholic rpajelly . formed for the genrraWcfence, to lake pof . fliall keep. irr the quality of a conquer!!, to be fcflion of the diflncls in Geunany .oeloBging forever united with his dominions and fubjefU, to his Briiannic majefly, in a written declafa. ihe forfrefs of Olitenza. i'a territories1 ajivl iru J tion 6f ihe joih' Mirch ( of "'hf prcfent .ycvr," habitants, 'as far as the Quadiana J fo that this,' on the pari of his Pruffian ma'jeilyi by his mi- river lhaiL be ,he bounda-y ot itjc retpective miter ot tta;e, otwar, ana or ,tne cabinet. kingdoms in that part which only waQf!l the .Coilrit,. Schulcnburgh, fent to Hanover, fo aforcfaid ter ttory of Olivenza. . Art. IV. . His royal h'ghnefs the prince regenti of Por. tuiral and the two Alffarves (hall not confent . O ... . F r.x that there Ihall be upon the frontiers ot nis kingdoms depofits of prohibited $ corii rabaffd goods, which may prejudice f the comineice and ititevelts ot the crown or bpain, except thofe only which flia',1 exclufivcly belong io the royal. tevenues ot the i'ortuguele ctawp, ar,d which (ha'l benecefTary for tu conft imp. tion ot thetern'.ory relpettiveiy on wnicn irev may be depoGied : and if any LnfraUoo--uf this or any othr a' ticie man lane ptace, me treaty which n now eltablued bciween ihe three powers, . tnciuJing mc muiua. goa. rantee, at exprelled in the arwdes ot hu pre fenf, fhall be confidered as void. Art. V. s Hit royal highrefs (ball fiiisfy wiirwitt d; lay, ad (ha'l rcflore t the fubjeftiof hit Ca holie majdty, all the lols and damages which ihev iuUlv claim, and which have been occafioned by Briiilh vefTeU, or by the fub- id. OAurl of P, tlliTl"7llrir!(T l!i, wir . - , -.i , , , , occaiioncu uy uiiuii got op uetore aay; made a luccehtui atiacKon . a, 0f,he court of PoaugardurTng the war mat part ot the enemy they tell in with - ana ' lhe laucr Gr former power : and in like afiaatly tAok pondhon of many brtgs.and fla.s "nner iufl famfaftioH Ihill be ffiven on the and cut tneir rabies; hut many of hen being of h;$ CatMc m.ijefty toh.s royal high ftfMfrtfl inn inn rn. niMt i n hnU . I. M l .., . a i rt'rr" mw .v v.. (fiuu ft for all captures .Uleffa'iy .made bit tpi 'on board iletv, the velfels were filled with vet lies open voil es muflterry. The enemy being petfeflly rcgardlci's of thrir own men, who mull have fHercd equally wii! us, it was therefore impodible to reuuin on board even to burn them : but allow me tofav. who have leen much fervice this war, that mure deter mined perfeverisg courage I never witnelled, and nothing but the impolhbuny of being tuc cehful, from thj caufes I hive mentioned, could have prevenied me liom having to con graiuUte their lord Qiips ; bur nlihough in value Uie lolsot tuct gallant and good men isincal tillable ; yet in point of nurnbeu it hat' fallen fliortof my expctlations. I mud alfd beg leave to llaic, that greater ical and aidert delirei M .dillMi'ui(h themfclvei by an acack on the ee- -any, wMnejerJhcwotihaaby.alUhctpiaLnt, o'.bcersand crews ot all the diUcrent. deurtp tio'li of verVclt unJe my conamind. , ) Tbe coinmaiiJe.'S of ihe Hunter and Grry bound revenue cuuen, went in their boats, in the mrt hardfornt and gtllant manner, to the ac.ji Among the rainy brave men woun c J, I have wi;h the deepefl regrr l to place ihe '. .name tl my gallant giod Inerd and able alhll ant cip'aio hdward 'I. Parker; nlfo my Bag l.itrt enant Fifderick Lang'o d, wha "bat fervrd vi'li me many ytats ; they wee bo h woundrd in' attempting io board ihe F'tmh Commodore, 'loafum (lore of the Meda . , I feel the htg'iell i.bHgnions j and when their turdlhipt look at the lots of the' Medufa 1 Ihtt occation, Ihey wiil aire wiih me, . that lhe honosr tf any (lag, and the ciufe of ihcit Kitg and country, could never have been pfaerd ii more gallant hands. Capiain liedfird cf ihe Ixyden, wi.h capi. Gore, very hanJfoinely yolunteered their f-iiret i fcrve tinder a Mailer .and Commander ; but 1 . d.d nut think it Mr to the latier, and I only . mention it i mirk iSt crit of thof Oihcert. .Ftont ihe nniure of ike attack only few f.fifn?rri were m.ids; a Lieutenant," eight ieamen, and tichl foU'ert. are all tbcv brought o(T. Iletewiih I fend the le ports of in: i.vcrai Lommini3et of UiviUooi, aad teluta of killed and. wounded. . "', .1 Mt the honor lobe, Ac.' NtLION tc BKONTI. ?i 5,'Clptna Somerville tai the feaior MaQcr and Li?mm:ndcr employed, i 1 Ol'flClAU - TREATY if Peace and MtnJhp be. tjcin tie mol 'gbanJ prifertlil.tr Jt An Carhi IK, Kite e Spam and Dm 'Jam, rr net'Rtj't , p0rtuitt and iardt before the prefent war. by n4t of an inf action of territory, or wi hirr rannoo hot of the forts of the rortuguele Uora nions. An. VI. j VViihin the term of three months, e'wnpu. ting f om the rattficai.iou of the prefent treaty hit royal highnefs ihall tell ore io 'he we a fury Ot nis ..atnoin majriiy, inc pnui- wi.icn nis iruoys left unpaid ai the time of hit wi h drawing from me wr v.ult fiance, and which were occalioned by if, according to the accounts prtlentcd by the ambanador of hit Catholic taajelly, or which may be now prefen ed anew, excepting neveri heir f all error which may be found ia the (aid ac counts. ' Aat.vir. . -. Af er tha Cgnature of ibe-preCenL.Jrealy, hollilitiei Ihall reciprocaMy teale .wi bm the prrcife fpace of wemy four hours ( lo that after ihit term no cootibutioVt (ha'l be d: manded from ihe conquered phcei, nor any (i her matures taxen, but thole whicti ate compatible wih what it equally conceded to friendly troops in time of peace : and at food is 'he latnet'caty lhai be ratified, tbe opa ni(h 'roops fhall evacuate the Portugntfe terrl lory in the precife term of fix dayi, comtntn. cing the match iwentv-faur houra after ao'iti' ca ion of its being done; without committing in their palTage any violence agttnll the inha. bitans, and paying fur. evety thing (hey (land in need of at tbe prices current at the place. AIT. VIII. All ihe prifonert'tnide by la or land fiiall hencefortibs fet at liberty and mutually re M I . .1.. 4 m reilort J wiifi n me erm ot ntieert dayi irom 'that purpole Thele caufes and motives were founded on the differences that had arifenbei twccn.his Britannic majefly and the crowns o'f Denmark and bweden', on account of-, the Pc- terlburgh convention of the t6 h December, 1800 ort the proceedings of" England again H Uenmari; and bwtclen: on lhe engagements of his PiuGian-majellyifor hit allies, agreeably to his accelfion to ths Peterlbureh conveivior; . i. i , . ' ana particularly on me circtimllance-thit Enghnd would-not refoi t to meant for an arcicabler fetilement of hefe dilicrencri.-- Hence bit Pruflian maiefly deduced hit refo' ution not only to (hut tip the motitht -of the Elbe, Wcfer and Em., but alfo lo take pf. fcllionof the Hates of his maiefly the kine of the united Iflands of ihe ki'ncdom of Gieat " Bri ain and Ireland, firua ed in Germany, and belonging to him as Eleflor of Brunf wu-k and Lurienbety." His Pruflian majelly added in h't letter addreffed to his Britannic mijefty't German minifters at Hanover, i hat' the dec la i avion rela ed to ihe fliffcen-. ces that bad arifen between England and ihe Norihetn Powers, and wat to be confidered meie'y as a'necelTary confequenceof :rie difa. greeab'e circumflancet that had taken rlace.7 By the circumttanccs and caufes, the e fore If. ! ik. L . n rr aingneu as Mc icaioii on jnc part of IrrUUia, the agreement was relative, which hit Britan. nic mijelly t Uerman miniflry. together with ihe general commanding his German troops, werebb.iged to en er imocn the id of April of iheprelent year, and whercbv, under" ihe r . l ? . I.I r j or mc uerman empire,, ana me ij.nion ot its flates with each other, with refpeft to this bufi- :. oefs which relates.en'irely to a foreign king dom, ar.d "which has always been, and tvill ever jremain foreign to tbe dominions which his majelly pbflcfle as eleflor, and as a flateof 'ji. . All t t I . V. tne oerman empire, ah tnts is irrounded orv the firm confidence which bis Britannic majef- ty here wilhes to manifelt, that his majefly th . king of Pi,uffia will not hefitate to withdraw his troops from his niaeltys German domiB ions ; and "that maintenance will no longer be demanded for thele troops, which has been fo butthenfume to the country. The king's mi niftcrhas, foe this pyrpofe, addrelTed this noie to the Pruflian Direclorial Counfellor; "Von DoKm, ..cni reating him at the fame time to forwald ii to his ccurr; and to effeft a fpeedy refolution in cqnfequence. , ; By the Royal and Ekfloriall j Miniflry. To' lhe Royal Pruflian Directorial! Cour.lellor, Von Dohm, at v Hornebu gh. J NKW-YORK, Oaober 5. ' By the fch'r Maria,'Cspi. Steny, arrive! this morning,' we have -reteivrd a Bourdeaux Jourral of ifl Fruttidor,. (about the c)ih of Aug.)- - ,S.ft article under the head of Marfeilles, mentions that ari, American frigate bad arrived, there, whiclt the Genoefe bad 'aken for n Englilh- fh?p-'.ogether wiih two brigan'iret in ballad. -We do. not undcrfland the word taken frfiel unlefs it means capered, in which cale ihe miftake would be .not a lit: le (insula:, ' 4 The paper we have receited, contains not a fyllable of riewi fronVEvypi but mri'.uc'ra diftreflmg r ivages comniined br inicfls ;n the. neighborhood of Paris, and g'ea; ieft nc lion in different paU .f frsnce by tcmpf f!, kail and inundationt. Tiic Tame japn has fome remark .on -Lord Nelfon's aijacks at Boulogne, reprtfen'ing ihat his cbieft l.ai been defeated but no facV'wonhy cf notice, are flaied exiflinj fi-cumllances an I caufes formerly exiHing have been entirely changed an re. moved in the courle ot b: moth of Ma v. fo hat circumflancet, at prrfem. are raiber the reverfe. Holhliiies have cea'ed be'ween England and ihe Northern Powers, and fo fir f.omrefperting mtins for an amicable f$ Ie. ment, immediate friendly mi (Hons have even itken place on both fides, and the crowns i f Denmaik and Sweden, imitating the wife fen iments'of hit majelly ihe prefent emperor of Hulfii, are atlmlly en-rifed in amicably fet. llipg the diUere ncet jwith jn? Biufii govern. meat, ibe nappy illuc ot ihcfe peaceable aegocia'iont not being doub'ed by any of 'the ptr ics, the Brirfh government began ren. deiing cemmrrce f.eein the Baltic; Rulfia, Denmark and Sweden have reflorrd the com mertial interrourfe by p'iblic decltra ions ; and ihe emaa-gi fome'ly laid hips in Rufiia it again taken off. WILMINGTON, Oft. so. Marrierl on Sunday laft, Mr. JcHM Nichols to Mifs Polly THoiifsos both' of this cown. By the Cornelicut, arriveJ at New York from Liverpool, London papers .were received to the id ultimo. No in. talligcnce of moment againtl Alexandria fubftqutiit to the capitulation ot Cairo, had been received. LorJ Notion had failed nn a third expedition, and after reconnoitring the Frem hcoaft, returned without making any attack. His flag was flying on board the Amazon rip.itc in the Downs, orr the lfl of September. Ths rtce-of-flour had fallen to-fuch a degree, that the Lord Mayor of London ordered the bread to be lowered 8J. in the peck loaf. The articles. of the Convention be- urti Tli: Atrict.c f. twecn England and Ruflia; are publifh. on tngiiia c m the Loniwn pap-.rs by the above ar- llit' m ief I rival It it nrtt men lv a rnnvrniinn fw i) 'the king ofpruflia hiving du-ing the courfe fcltiing the differences between Great, of ibefe fuccellive changes,, petm.fed all com. n.;,,:.n'i t)..ir:, K,.r f... .'., : . I , . . l i . unii" tvuilif wut.iwi tibial llllilin? merrial and other mtcicoorfc wiih lm U tisn-1 .i r-.M A lilC ncuiiai ijin tui'ii, aiiu iciiiilig IJIC mode to be adopted in future wars. Ships of eiih:r tf the contracting powers wh'uh fhaU be. neuter, may na viit freely to the poiti and on the coails of niions at war. The carroet nic tnajeflv't fubj:Ut, which hat likrwife re mained undilturbid by Kngland, wi h relaeO nrt" it i io ine rruman lit e, it it evden thai bit PrulTian tnajefly hit no loig;r any caofe'for allowing meafuret lobe taken on hit part a gainll 'be cown of Eng'and. But h't tryjef. iv the kinf of Prufiuhat alfi declared a'.rraJv ot thefe (hip are to be free, withihe er. that the metfuret which haJ b.'en frmily ta-1 ceniia ot contraband of war, and ene- ii i i i i . i ... . ken, could now no longer be decmrd applica ibe ratiltca'ioii ot this t:ei y, paying in I ke Ible and expedient, U that on the part of Pruf ...l.J. .il l J iT. .L-rt .' f.L- in, ine laai.wg up 01 inc nven it cni rriy an. nulled, and the ' ctvitfi ion of the Elbe and Hie tick and VcuoJed Hall con in ie to hi Wefrr have been agtin declared free. Hit manner ihe deuit conn ailed during their it tendon. re fbillbe peace, fiienllhtp tal lt fttUtlu aditlcd in ihe lefpeftive hofjiicalt, and Qiajlba eq'ialljf reQoicd when ihey are able to march AaT. Ia. Hit Ca holic majefly obliget Mmfclf 'to ffuiran'ee io hit royal highneft ihe pritcc reent of Por ucl, ihe entire conferva on of hit eQa it anl domimont, without ihe leal cx cepviod or rtleye. . mm ' " T -- -i ' i Th two b'jli ton faAig powers'. oU'gl ihemfelf ea renew henceforward ihe irea, titt of de fanfive at iance which exifled bti'ween the two imsnarchiri, with tbafe daufef anJ modihcaiirtut wtikq tne net that ww itee tbe Sptuifli monarchy to ihe Kranch Rp ib he oevcfiheUft deromd and ihf fam: Hcaiy Uill rejrla e he foccouri whuh Ihi'.l ttm tvttly afl'ordei -whn ia cmtrreocy. Dll Ci reqaire. , Alt. AU eai (hill be ritifiii ia tbe mijefly the king of Piuffii, from ihe fame con iJeraw.wi.hii like1 wife demanded from ihe croarn or Denmark, and effetled, the evicua. tion of Hambdrjhand Lubeck,and triihdriwa the troops that, bad been Da'ioned in the Dachy of Oldenburg, for the purpofe of oc rupyingihe Ictt binx ot the Wcief. my $ property.-, articles cicemed con traband arc fpectfied, but it is agreed, Hhat merchandise of the growth, pro mice or manufacture of countries at war. which merchandize (hall have been ac quired by the fubjccli ol the neutral pow er, and Hull be tranlportedon their ac count, fliall not be cunfidcr:d as enemy's properly." ' I he fignt ot tearch n merchant fhiot It it I (aillne under convoy of a (bin of war. impnffibli therefore that the occupation of bit I iimiued lo thipsof wir, arid iff never tii Britannic! ma jeay's dtmiaion, which had I be excrcifed by privatcets. Pjrilcular Wen conneffed with tbe (ha tin; up f the rivers, aad grounded on the fime caufes, can l)ne remain aad conuoue, uo the contra. ry, il appears evidently, from lhe whole courfe of the proceedings, ifw' ihe caulet no longer any where cttifl which furoifh iht grotind fo' iic ic icr aaurcuct iva ii.s King i miniMry ueir, by the king tf Pfffia.oa the 39 h of Mich, 'he decliriiio made by bw mtjefly in tonfe. q lenra 'hereof, 4 'br grein:nt afttrwatdt cn'ctcd into. Ii it impotTible to fonfider ihil JTCtab!e (0 hit hij:l;'l wild ant 'oi rules are laid down with refpc 10 .con- voyi, lnd'the cxcrcifc c the riht cf fearch. , 3y a late arrival at New. York from Bourdeaux, a CourJcaux I'tice Cur rent of the ltd of. Auctidhas been rc ceivpd, by Mch it appears that Couw.i 11 Uarce InU ro, reaJy lale Rue, m great demandvirgin tobacco, frost itiiv las lunci, much In JtmanJ. t ' -

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