T I 0. Captongeripif the tfoop Sally; af. fcdt-N5 embargo Was laid upon all .velsja, the prt of Havannah.on the 6th aept. - and continued for 16 day?. ' -ct , ..' The fhtp Manhattan , arrived at New York: the I ith inftant from London. ' Left the Downs on the ' 7th Septem berbut brought nothing-new, ,';'; T'His . Galjolic v. MajeRy. perfectly fati?hVd with the zeal which' the chevalier dc Y nijo hjS.'difpUyed ,sot only in maintainirjg. die rights of the crown, but alfb' in cul.ivating the ties of friend-lhip and good "undernanding which" happily cxiu between the United States and Spain, and to whitjh they arc-mimtal'y invi'ea by their refpecYiye interells, has? been pfeafed to continue nim fiii Envoy, Extraordi nary, and miniller Plenipotentiary jo the U nited States, in lieu of, the late' appointment in the , faineichVafter to the r C.ifai pi tie Re public. ., , '".' ; ";' eiv EVracl of a letter, from Norfolk to a .tie man i,n Phi fad e I ph i a ti d a t e d r 2 6 1 h utt. ' Af et going- fo"well through the furnhier until this late period, w had (la lered our felves that our .-town, would hateeontinued healthy ; but this day the mayor of the city. Jol.in Cdwpcr, Efyv has found himfelf under the painful necefii.y of announcing to"', the public, that-a malignant fever is now ragm with foane confiderable vislenee J as yet it h?.s been confined to Grangers of which we have had an uncommon influx this year. It has only been within three or four days that the fever a (Turned a ferious afpeti,- and 'we do hope that the approachingcool weather, which vre have a right ro expeft, will arreft its pro grefe. This is an uncommon Ihing with us." EPIGRAM. Dick in his wife cduU not b;ftovr l " V One tear of. forrovv vhen,ih3 died Her lift had made fo niany flow " That all, the briny fount was dried ! acrerof 'Rice Swamp, the greater pa:UWnVAppeaU underdams; The foil of both-Wnj ;raj. rluic,an. -ply to Wilbeifocce. ons is excellent for the CtiJtur.e of:cottoTrVt?"f0a TwaV V war- AV $b(o.a nf nrnAttrm ..i5,V , .1. iwufoe. lloyle rOajneS, Fabulous lUory, " J -- - . r- - - - v t ki . Frniet'l Letters. country? lies in the. centre ofi 'cxcjelietitj i . i n 1 ! rn 1 4 M V A (inrf i.J.. . TM O . n i - C" . f TTt 1 . i . . "niiti auu iuiuunt iaiigt, ouM iri,bcve ) tnc apecu.OJx. o'ern .vv orKi. kJanr, ry convenience ot hin and oytters.' , 4 fa Ha' low. TheRial MmVr Uintal Any perlonAvillung to piYrchafe iS r,e the repori ot iWjrf perfoa refpe Sling. them . ?,Iufe' 9 They will call orTMr. Jdhn' HaHfleyv fen'r. who will Ihew the fituatio'ii of thr Plantations, as he if well acquainted. Ca(h or likely Young Negroes will he uken in payment, and twelve 'months credit will be given ior one third of the purchafe. - ' " ' . U the above Plantations mould not be (bid I wilKeftle them this wiiiter. : Letters Tlire'iled to me at' Wilmington will ,be!uiy attended to. '. ' ' ' Augujlx ' : JESSE CLEGG. t. Otd Nick..; Thtf- Miferand his Famity. uiaSrTWyOejyVChild.renV'.riend. ALMANACKS Fyr..the Year 1802, i . , And a few Copies of r haywood's justice, Juft received, and for fale by the printer Who has On hand the folloiving VVLUAIiLK BOOKS: JACOB'S LAW DICTIONARY. Ray, mond's Reporn, " K. 3. and C. P. Douglas' ; do '. ' Durnford and EaR's do. 8 vo, ' Tomlin's ' Digefl,. 15ur row's Reports 8 vo. 'Wi.fon's 4ot. C-'oke do Modern,do. :j j vn. Vefey jilnr's, do, GilbenYdo. Vernon's do. Buisbnry's do. Dyer's do. Haywooi'i do, -Wor-4's Conveyancing 6 vo. Cafe in Equity. Pow. ell on Mortgages. PeaktV " Nili Prius. Law of do. RiyroondV Entries, CdBipanion. Clutrvbian Ma&,trN. jire and "Ark. Ramble Farther, beire a coh tinuation of Rural Walki. Stj'Gojjdwi 1. Cuun' Riioderick'Toni Jortes. : Falhiopi Vie World. Ze'ucp. ' Sky Lark. Amufe ments. iLa' Bruyere'. the Ltfi, br'Charai tersand "Mannen of ihe ChilirerSf the pre fent Age. Infernai Quixote. Solitary Wan derer. Nomura!" VtriV. GofTip'i Story. Caftle Bick'ent, an My bemian tale. Mor! daytnt. Gull Ver Revived. You h's Lib.a ry. fann.y Jalilet. The Contraa. Ed. wy. Letter Wi iter. -The Lidv's Friend It I v . - " natintea n-.ory. Jtme'y 4e Varmont . The v agibond. V tllagc Curate. Children ot the Abney 'V- Eird., , FijoV-of.aliry. . Gljoll 5er. - v. itnotMts ot Literatu.e. Nftley 'Ab bey I .he Malftj Coquette. . Happy Rcleafc Koik Mn: Ciitfe.'. The' D.tfguife.-. Leo- no n fviedi'iwlo'n. jiniiv. The Nobfe Slavi: f.E-ort of ScrrBiliiy. ElomCj. Novels for I-.Hna .urhim F ain. r;rpl?xitic?, P!ex. ipUi.. La'tra Augi.tla". Orph n Mariap V'- lVHmingtont Oft. 24,1801. Sir, . IN the deepfft diftref fmiling providence fometimes- favouri'iTie unfortunate with ffood lock, and fuch We ftriterely acknowledge to hav been the cafe with ui, when, through ; violent winds and fei, we ere cad away on the nth of laft month, in ourfloop Dove, on the larren Beach below New-Topfajl Inlet . Yet. fir, your immediate attendance o the melancholy icenei and your generous' and punfluil. aflillance wis the greased relief and tonloljiior. that confufed leamen and palTert. ifers iuft efcaprd from death, could expefl and feel from (IrangttN attenSance- pleafe here, fore, toacceut h onh this mediutnliour mod tear v thank: and be alfu'fd that our grai lude to vour i ibcrai? v and kindntfs will be forever he'd in remembance by, fir, - Your mvll cbeBienr htmble fcvan', . ' 10I1N LOSCOMBE. Mailer, for himfe f and Ihip's compinyl JAMES PH. PUGL1A Supercargo, tor Wmlcitapa paungen Richard Nixon, Kftj. Juftice of the Peace in and for the t'lunty of New-Hano yar, redden' at New-Topfai'. The Wilmington Jockey Club RACE Lucinua Courtney.' Mifs Scmi.rvi'.b.. Eli za, The Widow. EmpreiY" Ma-;i- da." Th ..LA., in. ' ''ft Tt.."l I . Orbnda ani Lavim. l''iench Gni W,af ir. EnglKh. Rational Lovcp. 'Tedoieita.' The Hjflory of 'a 'young Lsd y of D"il:action. The borrows of Edith. The.-Brt-her..: The Tu tot. llenry Sfme-vtl : M's'iiTa'as.d'Mar ciaj' Or the Sillt-r;' Re. a1' a at a. ikctche from Naturei Sophia'SternhinC. .Fannyt 0 the Happy Repentance. Rr: ig'.o is Court (ViD. The Prince of Av.'linia. ' Th Hlflo Foftei's . fy pf hne Grav. CatelLv's Lrttfr . T.I Crown Law, Gilberts Dtllrclfes. Crtnfe at pirQ Sight. Moral' EiTay Chev.lirr- on Fines. Do. on Recovenesv Hmds.Chan.pierpontt.,,Mary.The. Heir Apnarenrr Or eery. Millor on Inlurances. Retves's Law the Life of Cominodu S Evcnnond, &c of bhippirf. HargravcVLaw T.aas, Wil. Pcrin's Frcnrh and Englilh Grarrmar.' fun onl'ifits Fearne 011 Remainders. Colli' V.ii'i ih,Mln! i t r - V . , , 1 . vt n mt lnt'Odutliort to l,a in. L vui'. Eu. in Chancery. Fiitherbeti's Natura Breviura.1 a vrnru li'.j;..! r ... . , ... Xr j j n- iropu v rrcnen riOtoJical trammar. "iU:.! pIS Sc.eaae.Ve:eriT,n,3,e,o H,ttoria,' Lat , ' i V Y Y ' ,in tirammai?, Lee' American Acuou.-vant. lect.on of Interrogatories. Jones ott Bat I Krer A(riain Tutors Aniftanr. Scou' ment. Warville on Commerce. BlacMlone's "rfr.n. tt,tt ,,i .. . ft n , vr ,..:-. r.a: r , Le.n.n,t pelhtig Books and a mitnuer of olher WUlUiUr.UltU(.) WUUSUIUH ' UI .Old' r. rtnn R,L Conftitution of Eng. An Ennniry concetnin-r the Lib.r.v .:! 4. o f. '.,.fo.r. r .v.- p.-r t-. t . . , , .j 1 r 'vmiu""ivn nib n-i-4 v lews 01 inr Law, of Norh-Carol.ni' to tSot ,c .ftrei,,,. RccIpr 'nd Expenditure of1 Report, of Cafef, deterratned by lh Judges thc Unrcd S(atfS4 Vtoceediflgi of he Vir or tne Superior Courts ot Law. and Uwm oN aiui ETitryof theftaeofNor h.Carol.na, at the.r States to tbeir Rcfo!ution, pa (Ted in Decern meeting n the ,oh of June 1800, he A pur7 ber l7g8 , t0 which , crixd hjfc Aofwf n .u.ni to ,n aui...B ucnc.t rtticm, 'le political Progref, ofBiiuin, or an Im- etuinz queuions 01 ww or equity ariung 00 , Bar,.,i Unnrv ftf Ahi.fct in .- n the Circuit, &c. &c. cf the BriiiOi Emnire in F.u'nn AC ,nJ Bl.ckall'. Work,. Edward.' Hiftorr of Ara.r: crnm ,uonu 7-o7' . i Redemai.on. Necker s Uel.gtou, .Opinions. fcDt inje l ,he whoe ,cndi ' hf Brown s Concordance, Fam.ly Inllruflor, luinou, C0D(equcnces of the ' s flem SCve JitteJy received by the Bug Hz4d from titer ' 7 - A general Miartmenl. of Efiropjemi ; Merchandize SUITABLE foHJr1l nd .Winterrns;-hich ,;r now openinelor fa e, it Jaw price, 'tah.iha No ih f4-of Market Wi.rrf. 1 he Goods re irtj mc&ial)' from the haniit of the Mjo.ifilu; , tie New, Filhionable, an I welt laid in s and confi,ft0fr Bivtaroin Article, Crlrftcd id. put vp for litii mxltn, Cltt,or ProduieyirJli e taken in payment, and generout liowtce mid; to fhufc wlidf may tordufo .1,. V., nr'Dl ' 1 . Wttinii:ton. OtHber t 1 8o t. 1 4 w. LOT filiated on tiie fouth -fnfe of Wock-ltreet, .adioinins R.iclurd K.c'1 iy 66 fcetcleep and 40 feet in f ro nr. . . , ALSO, :..- The leafe for about 8 years of a Houfe and; Lot on the hill near the Church, .:. 15AACKS & BISHOFr Who have on hand, A few . bags of prime . Coffee, and Stiar in Hht!s anJ Barrels, very low ht Cajh. - , v-v. . OJloher 8. " ' " . ' A Great Bargain. rHE fwbfcriber being uouto remsre, offeri for Sale hit Plate ner .South-VVafhingionIx ;nteia ing One Tiiouland Acfe of well litibeied LANDi on w!iicl i a valuable Ml tl. SEAT ; nd'Tiad of' Four Hundred Actea' of Til.ab e LAM), adjoin- " ilig ilic a-iove. Alfa, Hvo Hindrcd A:rct o.t Bur- '" giw, very vilu. LI" for Slock. . He will I;fcewiftr di'pofe of a larre 'lock ot Catiic. j 'Hogf, Sherp, &e. &'c, ."fhofe wboitifhto purchafe I i.l jleaft a,.ply foan. . William OcSober 3. tf . T-l i-arrior. tutei. and. La ch'i Cafe. Laws - of the Uoited motis. oerraons on uenctoui r-uucanon oil tniljren. Kuiieis 3ern Derrnons. jtrixme s Mrfhm 1 nri . .... . "VTTILL commence on the fourth VV Thurfday in November next and continue for tferee diy, free for any Horfc. Mare, of Gelding. ' ill day.. Three mile heats, 3 yean old earning 86 lbs. 4 yeari old 100 lo$ 5years ohJ 11410s. 0 yean 0111124 to. 7 years o'. L or aged hurfes 130 lb.s. and tvio years old hoifes 10 carry cauhei. 2d day. T.o mile heats the tell . 2 of 3 under the fame rulci and regu. lations as the firlt day 3d day. One mile : heats carrying catches. ' . : . There is a fnbfcripiion already made tip of about 600 Dollars for the above Races, huh will be proportioned as follows, viz. - ; - -III Day's purfe 400 Dollars, ad do. do. 3oo do. id do. do. to be made tip of the entrance money of the different days, vhichis fortbe fill day 15; ad day lo, tdcav 4 dollars. - Vm. CAMPBELL, 10IIN WALKER, IIENKY WAITERS NATHANIEL HILL RICHARD QUINCE October I, 1801. . l.arfl-Sonnelt.-t Iwwa-UiWOUt-eie.Cllftof-o .Lj nr. rfi : Ma.,', fto.de. Tracli, Sarmons, ac.oBro;iop -pine CwmBl(5a Writing do. mport.ntfuhjeai. Chnrt.an Economy. M.f. Wrip lt)r dt., QjlU!,t &c &f . c:l'aneou Obferva'ions relating to Education, more efptcully as t' refpetu the conduct of te mind. Specimen of Uivine Truths, Large Family Bibles. Small doa Flayer lloglu, Teflame.ui, Ac. &c. Rblh'i Enauiriei. A Treatife ori the Plague and Yeilow Fever. Hunter on the B'ood) Monroe's natomy. La lv.ro ' Phartnacopoea. Tap!ia' Farriery; Mead's Blant'i Praflical Niv'ga'M. The Ame rican Coall Pilot. Cape. Feir Pilot. Maj.s of the Coad of Norh'Ca olina. Mfps of Cape.Fear, on a vcty large fca'e. Seamen's Journals. , Tohnflon'i Dtflioniry. Sheadin do. Tone! Impiovenvcnt on do. Jone' Puck. w et do. . i iR. I r, HILL, f INGE. J r 7ktfutfrlbtr ff:njt'fak All his Louth on Ncw-lUvcr. nHAT valuable Plantation, Turkey Poinr.'cf fit hundred and forty. trei. of a very rich foil. Alfooneother tied Roufe'i Hammock, 0 fbur husdrti itftl-and foxe fmalicf NOTICE- v JS hereby giver, to all Ownen of Car:i?(rcs for tha 'conveyance .p.f perrem- in th?- z'jA D:vifa or' co-y ot Niw HatVyver, f hat I (j;a!i iiirril ail 'this north, to receive "he Ert tries and Duties -on the fa;ne and hoc xhar-' attention will be pj;J by tlvo.'e cor-ceme'ij, as a failure .to . omply.wiiLiub)cla)ie.delicnen.t' to the forfeiture, agreeal? to the foilowinj ' Extrafl fiom ihe Lawsof Cong:vfs : . Sec. -j And be it furthei etvaihd, ' 7 bar any pe: fun hiving or . keeping any, can tae fibj?a to da y, who fliall make an untiua or defetiiye tntry, to evade ihe whole or any pan of the duty, jullly and truly payable, ca. co.dirg to this ac , Ihalllofe the fum paid ,Hi fuant to fuch untrue or detective' entry j and where fu li untiue Qr dt fee: ive entry ha'h been made, or whee no etvry Cull be made, o' where lhere flaall bea oeglea pf py""'t af;erenrry, fuh peifo Hull, moteover in ad dition thereto, at any tim? theteafier, .on per. . fonal application and demand, ai the houle, Jweiling, or ufual pace t.f abode of fucfiper- " fon by the proper officer of Infpcction, ' b,e' liable, and fliall pay the duties 'by this .act impolcd, with a further fum for t)e benefit of fuch officer, of twen'y-fi'c per ten turn j, which duties with the (aid 1 addition,' (halt be collected by difirefs and fa'e.of the good & chatties of ihe peifon, by whuni the fame be due and payable." HANSON KELLY, Collector of the Revenue for the 33d divi . vifion of the ill furvey, dift ict of North. L-a-olina. October i jw. NtAWAY frcra the fubferiber n-f!fa man named HARDY. and lournaN. Davl complexion, liouc and well made, final! . funds- and makes .more ufe of his left hand than the riht, a fear or' mark on his right forefinger, and bufliy head he cwricd with him an oznaburg fhirt and rroufcrs, honiefpun. fhirts, , over- Ji'ank Psice Curreni piin ed on Elegmt ,ls - ami .dark cu,ou,t(1 Jkcr, ncarly Folio Paper ard a number of o her article in!20 ypar6 t,f a.e, he rurmcily bcloi.gtd the Stationary Line too tedious to enumefae.l'0 MrV Malhburnon New-River. I . . 1 I ...: r.ig.im s rrogre tararas- on me attec. Taxation. War and Conauel! Sedirk tions. Life of WilmotJ A view of the Co-' n4 c.n. nr k'w i il.1. 0 r .u: of Gracaf.oai (he facred Record,. ieU A Uuer 'from A'cxa-de, Hamilton, Her-vey's Meditauons. Beauties of Hertey. . conccrni hc condlltl of Jchi Ada f Chnftan lou.n. , v Beau .e. oi W.-is. Ua VieflJenl of United S.ate,.. Anfw?, Watts . M.fcel an.es. Youngs N.ht 1o A variety of o h.r PamphMi. PUvf. lboughti. oanglet ei; Undge . a.ldren'i Books,' Toy Books, &c. &r. P A Alio, tae following biatiai aiy and fclaok: XV a American and Fnulilh ihipoine Paoers Maniieif. ,urcnani- r nines, ic. anJ 40 alTonmcnt of Cour and o her B ank. Odlobcr 15.'. ult fullijhcd and for JjU by the Prin ter btreot A DISCOURSE ON TH ANNIVERSARY ' enr AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. DelivereJ July 4h,' l8ol( by the Ret. Solomon ualunc. will rive a reward of r? dollars if takea up in B'adcn or Hanover, on his hcim drlivere.i to me at mv nlantation nn Ulack-Kiver,- and if taken in Ondow icounty, 40 dollars for delivering him to "iic jauor in vvnmtngion. ALEXANDER STRAHAN. , OwUber i, 1801. "T AN away without the Jeall prove. I cation, front the Hermitage, a rev . - . - III I V II III I . llkU IU IblMI'f IftM III V1! M A A. w Walke,. Univerfal Gaietteer. Carey. . JOURNRYMAN rnn'er- wai j J.y commonly called Mactu, tdi.iooof Cuhrie's Geography with an A". WJ Jx encottrigeaatat ky aPPlyu, at ihujfi; - ft." 7 " lfltf,y 01 nEft(5r,n.d.!5 I- UN'C,, - . of a black compleaiorl, aml'li about n Goldfmith'. .K do. 5 vo. Cotdfm.th'. do f hf h f U ,ain a 4 If J ,l & l0.V; WANTED . LUwife is the prrperty of ThoTria, trYrrnnnsMnWFlmiT lli l.Efa. ramed'oi vetfho I am h. Robert fon's America. Staunton's Fmbafl 10 China. Hiflory of Spain, lliflorr'ef Geneva, in French. Difliona'y of Ar'Sind Sciences, in French, Letters o a late Traveller throngS Europe, Afialnd A('ica. Anfon'a Voyaje, Wil, lock's do." TarMon' Camtiaiens. Locke rm Unetdanding. Paley' Pliilo- ' .... . at Ok 1 a a thy. Smillie'a do. JJait rmptc'i Memoirs. Somervi!le'i Tranf 'Oi""'. . NVa'lice'a An tieni Tceiiffe. Bolinchtowke'aTrafAi. Old ciUta'A Raoaikl.""Aiiual ScCll. Fiaok: BEES-WAX; For which Cofi will be paid pp, dellve y. by ILiacks sSc Rifliop, H1t have juj received formed. ii gone up to Chatham cntir.ty svhh her tnidrefs and it is pr oh able the fellow ii gi'Mp there aficr his wife, and mavbe harhoMrcd ahot Fayetfeville or on Mr. HiM plantation, or fome where rear Wiltniii;'Ofi. rerfdn a reward ot 1 will cive any rerldn a A few HodllCa(l3 SUGAR Of Twenty Dollari who will apprehend the excellent qlity, for faU.on moder- fill feliow ani trim; !;;rt ate terms. I Her milage. J. LURGWiN. a . t Pi I'- 1 i A i! I A r A '1-4 r '