i -1 v .. - ; :.:H,:r LXViunit uiuksi ana ill Kinui .V -i JEjcfri row the Zenith of Glory .... - ' . v " ' " - . -"'.' ... '" A Manufeript Ode. " ; -Mr Peter Parser 'end general -CTintoff's tftafk.on Fort Sullivan, one tkoufand . even hundred and 'ftvenfyJtx, : SLR tcter leo.'d fte belling Talf; 7"" "T Hu fq jdron caught the rifiog gi'e, , ' And fwe:t the wat'ry plii -. WUtttem IB prida I warl.keforc, . " feme CHntn (nap'd n eqil coarfe, ; f for Cbuletloii'' rich damiin. Tonh front trtefeamp with rapid hafle, A 'thwart funburor, fuhry wide, '. Lee 'chofen columns fpread, . , Jfor fwrTter pofti thf rulhtng &t ed Whc urg'd alone witb flonbl tig fpeed, . Earth icucely ?eelt him tread., Now pa$ tbe;foelhg find formed bar, Ai once begap iho ftornv of war, L j.. vVUd ftnwtng on in fume. , Here Pirkeit'a. Call, the tar jortir'd, ' Thcie Moultrie's voice fiia foldters fir'd, ' And jafp tr puichas'4 famt. "On pmp'ei billowi fl u 'liter rid. . V tr-'ir ci-rfc to deck, fell em ;t Urocte. . Deatft kriit the Ut5!---h fomv-e. . -v - Krav'ii, elih n,f (ci wcic vi i4 1U fitC;? . . i-hr'tv. vM'.'-i ': r.r!n,rt, itfing .blOk.J, , la vim t;. ' ' T t, u i(ci?ii:o, Iht Vine is tomvaKd bert nd vmt ytty deliciott wtne re, itfide ; but tn general tw wine is difjgreiible . to rfeofe nor 'iccullorocd (a ir. ihicwat eretted to o a jtSildopricK yi the; year 1626. The tr'.buRal of the Royil Audience was founded in 1 46 eitlnguiflt' ed a few vcars after. , and reveflablrlKH ftfttm'rtr inlet of fovefetff'y rebdes elfe k itk4iitidWa0d ir h PPl f? 'r'i nd 'fclpowcVdf making laws, reiaimoghowever, i There are fixieeii ChdTches, elev'ea arc large and rich v five CoovenM aVd two MMulleris. two Hoipttals wath rich land, one for wun ilie vther for woriian, one F6and.4 Itn? HofDttal. t)neCoIVee. and one Aoaderoy for -teaching Geoirraabv.':' NaiiitoaV tnd Diawmg.' t From the 'Ballon Gazette. , ' FRMALK ASYLUM. On Fudiy aftciaoori ialt, the' Fmtti ayUri' alTociaUon celebrated (heir &tft an' nivpvfary at the Rev. Dr. Sullinanr Mee'ing hoafe.' The exereifea Vere judicioufly ir. rang'J n.d every part ot.tbe.ir execution was (Ififci bftjkiVU Steele, ftcreri?yu' ISinVini remain fVetaniiiattoTizhta t H obtetTeiiriaujgomnrneot oUbe U:u- i dfocia't.di&tnAion cannot be founded but j ted State hat etrrded tot he people .-oFTou t ofHimmbvt yiWhf ; that the end of ll politi. ietory as urge) a ponton ot toft rtgtu cjt tat dUtinVion, it ih 'perfe (virion of too nt felf gdvernmehi, asthejr ihen)feJea had pe. -ral 'and imprefcriptib'tC' Right of Man mioned for . and as wa-decmed compatible -that tWfi fighia arelibrty, property, fecority, with the rtilrt nd regulatioM, btfove eflab-; anal refiiUleeWailna opprffljon ; that ,ihe liOied for the gofefttmeot' of hetr territories rciaes enenuauy m I tSluc7 uc B'0'cu , icgiuaiur wun ins nwif fear Aajpandt 'pcjpn in the government by requiring' el(e ah aurhomy, thV' does pot emanate ex. lhciienif the-gdvem preTsty frwn iha fowrte." Thefe are he of th general governmen?) o thtf laws be pHnciple whicVapper,'(i have giyea.fo'.iAueh fore tbey can have force. 1 ' offence to;ibeGerman defpois j do ihey difi The meafu e recominended in th's addreU - fer . from the principle; of Sydney and of are thtf amendment of the fyllem of jurHfprju.' Locke ? Sydney nas proved, , that all juft deuce, the'efficient organixa ton of the milt ' magitterial power ts. f'om the people ; and tia, and 'the fuppceffjon of cprtain immoral, thai liberty is the right of all mankind "' and practices prevalent in that territory, f - ' Loc ke maintains, that " legitimate govern. The two houfes in tkeir nfwer t eciproc ate ment is derived fr6m' the coorent of the peo. the congra' ulation of the governofn-the- ple, that men. are naturally eual, and that dawn of freedortt and fafety nader laws em hiote has right 10 injure his life, health, minating from h people they 'cdnGder (he? liberty, or poireffions-; that no man in civil exiftence of an abfolute negative power in tha .ticie' y bought fo be fubjecY to ihe arbitrary executive a a matter of fer ious regret j1 and f w;ll 'of others-, but Only to know and clUblilh 1 lament the unorganized Itate of Jh n,m . . . . i i . .' i -.-I . LtL .l-J. r- u..... ' ...mi Lii.'i v i wmcn uicj i?r, nuwcvcr, win -cpnunue, un ana every pan oiiow w.-vU , ... : . , -. , m nt r, X. 1 wWk tli fe-ir.: fi. luch, as renettea inetgncit on pv . . tltA .- ;be ,evied Uf. ,hc beoofe are' Wrrnif ted fa. eaHV i . r", whofuftained a part id the peftormance. ipe , , . , . .confcn;-f ,he ma J commend their officer for tiDnoinirnent. r. , . . r -- ... . thjf. itintrt ana nrinces. ma?utiares Prom thof? word. ,.n HoIO. , an, of er v c!k have no fufl "au ,ng ana patnet.cr aucoven - . j. whea ,nol em , d u I. nt hit hf rtn'O sncc.; JCO 1 IC Bit r . .'.'. . rr . Hnhr. hi npnn Mi i wlvi Of". Rio oe .. la I'iAT. tUman at Blunts Jyres, t foJ jfiini . stpril 15, 180I. "'.', "THIS p'ovince is betihdrd'on the N. :VV1 bv Tucu-ntin and -Grand" Chaco Y it ex tends S. ro the 3 refghtr'of MgeHar),'com prehp.nding agreat part of the' country eafl of the ,Cordilleraj ; and on j'he ei(l by the &outh Allan fc Ocean. This province for Ynerly beldnaed to i'aragtiay , bu' was divided from Y'lrt i6tai, ana erected into a feparite 'government '-called ftio de la Plata. This njrt hf the Continent wa 6rtt difcrrve'e'd !n irt6.' bv luan Diir ds Soli.. The climate : Js temperate, and the ear h'exprenvly fertile, producing, Tn abundance wheat, and all other eraini. feae ab'ei arid from, 'paruculafly caches tot '-very-dJicio tlovou, .'yhich erow wild.'fcnd the tree' of which afford Kke --wifo the brincipil part of die fueir The coun jtiy is overrun with Vrdsof ca'tte and hoifc., ' which Ve killed. only for rheir hide' the Honeues and fallow beinff fcatcely wo th at- 'tending to. There are befides tnany ;Yare nimtls, and birds of remarkable -plufnage: 'amore lhe Grft it the Tyr, hicVi rarger than hqfe in A'rica, or any oiher part ; Ii1eh ifc the Ant-Rear, which feeds only On that " infci, and i accommodated with a long lharp trunk to craw ihem Irom ihetr nl) ; alfn the Clnoce'a, which is the Cat of a ftnal! dog and ii'of. a bripht vrey colour, and 'finer than jho beQ filk. Tni province has been for fome veart rich and Hounihi.iz I iioce the Ual IcRns have left going to Tierra;Finna, ih'u 'ha. become the general port of commerce for all the p'ovinceof Peru t to which ptacf,:and 8tnloChil', the merlhandiie it traofponed in canVdiawiby ttxen which, geneial'lg? . in Caravan., and armed, ott account of the ' favife and warlike Indian which 'Hill ketp poffcflioti of a 'great part of thofe -extetifive r)l:t'rwhich Yie beiween here ni the Cor- dil'ens mqtintaini, cHed tbe. Pampa.. Thi count y i writ wa ?fd by different Tiver.', which aH rmrtv thffmfkivs into the 'tir Li T' a. '.f ;Vefiri- lr-u vef. tn Amcr M .rfe difDlaved the Seal vj .. - .L- ,.r. Kf (,.;".' tTb- ndVoni ;n)iVa 1 Kr.otcalioh were cVgant, & .heiref-j . in Jav-U trv:y. utr. fung. ' . v , -K'. O.! tlu' K?irs of Hilton, too mucii pratie ri.-KK bc'-L? lie we'd; for the zeal wbith ther tnanifelcd in the early-ftigaajftf bi iriftitit and tor 'he cn tnuea auiam y vm wha ever bands i; a tttdy be t. tin near r. tne conciuuu:u i'j7 v , , r D,C ! (placed. -The Freoch .principle, .bve "with France, but are we to carry on a Exlra3 ot a letter from a 'piniUman -Id by I ,the jlate of Tenneflte t his friend iri- Henry County, dated September it'ki itfb, i8oi. -v- . 1 expeft you have heard V ie fore; i.hil ;" time the refult of the Ttca v with the In J ian. However, left you fbould, not; hvar with. France to eradicate fuih principlcil ,,n. 'ru,, c,Vmm;fr.nr..rc nr,A l,,nS- ' VlnfK;H,u.,nd f Locke : Of all Ae nai ions L 7. , " j. i ' "7 i r-"i-;- Button, too much prttie ."'r , . ? f j . l I cjiate. -aqa., ana to- get me prtvuegeMo l:-ful- .he .zeal .wbith thtf l?1. fa re ",e,PeoP'e. fTan ' K M through the country tor. 'he tton whiph they have labored to ripen their " w torn chanty." t ,;k-. J--'' At the fir.ll ftui of .heir cxer'toM. Dey fdeted, to engage in a crufadr, cut prefen.ed o ah enraptured affembly, Juclvc At 'w f mile children, f om 5 to ; tear age, i c'ad afike, lhet.'dePo mert decorou -an'd fetT.' D YS L . 'j '.u-t. itW...-he followinR Iketch f a -LEX IMG TQM, (x.) Sept. 14. PUBLIC NOTICE. At a meeting of a number of 'citizens at the.lO'h day . ol has been ufolved,'thai 1 r . r 1 modeft, and beaming from thefant eyea "f-r V iw... erauiude and love for their amiable benefae- r v v .? o . . 7 . ... .1 . . 1 ed 111 the Dubie uutrs. viz. tors, which is ler. tu cannot De Qetenneo, . .r r j "f u t ffir aTpeala e'.nd behaviour .mly indi. f A Soc.e y toe formed which , cated th" faiihfulnefs and .t of he Jund VifJ S.KJ " - . ... . jm. rrmiri wifh in iTit aT cei lain time ae ffhvernels. How ratefui this lpefc'ac!e to" .;r-. . . . , r t . - . 0 . . . - ihe heart of benevolence heme for panegyic upon iron, of an inllitu ibn. which, in one flaort year hap ma out 6th tnc cy To the God of charitable bean. " .he frhoke of .... ,, rt- - r.. v. ;- l... reo Women roarr.edria ine collection, aiicr mc ccirun, w to Drryen1 i .-...n.. . v.l. . r ihe pfdpagaii-olf f tbe5rtncipl of libeny ,hey had n 1at.d."to,f'll ; ihry did jivant cht oad 'hr6r their coun fy j; that..tli '! how CDbiou. the c "y g-venjor .t by .he foC.e y-Sut.ablr chiW in hcr arm,r. h, he .u hors and pa- fliv" r be bought, to ihe cxtrn. of .be fur.d. offf caugbr .he .child n. ... be( to be hmd ou; till the hire amounts lc dvintr mmher. and 1 h ood of three of heir people v. ho had hrt killed by the white -penp e had not been cn ' v'eied, which 'hey thou 1. h fi range, and hop. ed that riq lime wolld be loll in Jsrin-na .the offender, tojullice, Upon ;his the" iommif ftoners .old therri that-they would ttanfniit their obfervaticms to the p c'fi.dfnt ; and went off without taking .heir leave of .1hc.h.dur1,. The three Indians ailpdede, have brtn kil r.d'i two men on Clinch. Uivtr, and chc wcrsoq near Knoxville ihe woman had a vcunar.L hr Klilklt.t kui .... ti' z. out of the a um I - :. ... A .L . i I .' 9 ' " - " bar refcOed fro n; were.on a wao.rg , from inland and ruin, rwelvetiep.eis;r , S;mtt. ami b hA a , ."..V L , T . . e orphans, w thout an h-me, almoil w.-fl- f w V V.i k .. ,l n . " wono'f fc0' ,1,e 4" '. r . ' . . Nnn.i. it ni tn rr hmnmilrd. . hut Tint.-' i i . r ... an ear.h-y fr end, expofed o Hie horro s r , , , Jul"" 8CI",cinan ,n r feoe.icKioufgn, 1 ys, four e'p ets ind gence, and ihtown Mpon .he Y i A. u V Ti . : "k " ir'g arrtvta in neKOad laa. r . ,b - r - . vior. ihev have lheaftd ihemlelves worthy oil n A f- 11.1 r. nt a run world. . ' ' i ... m' .... . . I ... . 1 11 1 . . 11. a ' 1 1 k -a.- of ReneVolenre the otTerirftf "7 ,w . I We u .0 iu & . . i . . kam m J .UA.41 a iv h 1 1 . is more acceptable than " r' pointed a.houfandalart,Ortbtpraytr. .WWV.TV ' N lylvan.a, in f . .- ' i (wo years fo. the fund, before rxanumt!uon- rl(,n j; nderfland that Andrew ' I icon i op fecr'etary of the Laad Office of J'cnn the room of ftcch Coxe rm r tuves, noi 10 or and ' their children 1 , r ..... .-j j. . j .c. r u..i. . rBanumitteu :iawrutiyt i-S h ;r V. bo outfar educaon Ura. dfive and bountiful. . t lbnJnner the fuci encrrtfe b Yef? daughter, of weal'hl 11 ThtnJ, ' v n j l Hi-. j gjy tAiA, wj.ci tAe God of Hc- n7 b5flod, ,bv ;n,Cfettft? ?d veniito r Be.alfured .hat one .a of. he conr,buon of the negroes-n .nj.-ry be ",". . 1.. :doie to any nun', property or.ly fuch Qave. cnaruy, wn.cn piocecu. iv .B ;tapefi f'r Mber.V. manumi.ted-.he num. Cuari'T. wiinn uimiiui nvm w.v ut "i m . j- ... .' , . f ,v- ru-.-.-. are fit for liber.y, hc uui y e, of fjfe hlelPRI ,n ,je qc tuementtd l 1 , . --fi n r ilavery in ume made onofoniable and gra a iki ornhari'i iii. ih lejf rF ailtreli. Will I be v'twed wi h grea er comptarency, fcnd.re warded with higher honors, than ih cold ten tTcei"of n bft - of nuns, .or the pompw bountiet of faihionable cx.ravaganct. A SriCTATOR. . f v rf S. I . . . I . f cn 1 ' af ('it d. C5' ".1 1 Av r J . I I. II '. ; l . 1 vr i the Tri. i A 1 v Dn Pedro 1 r t i 11 v a, loon k.i: i in T- ".t t " lt" c pifni ii .tinv I. t 'i'.'cir.g rp 'he r iry, ile inl jb.iatiu wee fdjcfkV to ihe exurmi y of ea'tng 1m rem nflu It was teil ed tgiin y Vaco de ' Caf..a, (Irtvrrnor of Tetu, who rcook it the firfl time in he year 1549, ir.d the fccindin I j8f, an I i nai rgani populi rJ, by order rf Phi ip. he feconj, by Juan Orii de'2rt. . te.'Grverncr.ct Patajjuay, to whofe j u r 1 f J c - . tion if" 'then fe nined. The fi nation of .hi cif i. heal hy ard dcligHifut, On the north 'file ia ,yiwf :he Great Isivar la P'ata, . which lppart like a fpad.xit fra, the opofite fl ora Veins beyond the reach of the eye j and from all ihe otHer par 1 1. an cx'enfive prof . pefl of delig'iul.and level touniry, i wiyi in verdii e, and inerfperfrd with gaf- &wt and co i) imp, where the eitiif ni ride and vifit for plcifure. Ihe air it pure a d hea'. , .ihy, pjruculirly in Ice winter frifon, which h'gin in June, with murh rain, ai which nme ke huniff and I'lhining are fa trolent, lh. i i mcelTary icr be ar cudomed to ihe Coun'ry befo e one can live without fear, Ihe rxat tfthefiia in iheummer it tempera. iU by refrefhing bre ext. from ihe tieit The crtuncy hoon!t wi'h all hirts of fruit Which k, 500 hlU. 20 eentt. ADVICE TO YOUNG MEM. ; Art you a irad-fman ? get ma tied a wife will be an additional inducement lo diligenee tn your calling, and ihe diltgeot hind tnakeih rich ; yiuw.il have fewer temp.aiion. .0 fpcnj your money fo)lilhly, and .he titnf whu-h .ftidt be otherwife idly fquande'ed, tfi.d hiihk mAe.alaaberh4a;jrnorieft- be h?reeajlv oalTed inher (ucie y. Are yon 1 farmr ? g't irunied a wife is cheaper Chan- a houfekeeper i her iodulhy 'will M oumipy ay,-Ind your chirdten will fvon fiia e an l Jtg'nen, your labpnn ke her lo your bofom hr aftivi. and neatnef will tender jfoiiraliHle delightful, fcnd thy heart wi I be gladdened at the fight of thy home when.hy nerm art fitVed wiih an'guifh, when-ihe infirml'tei of age (hall enfeeble th frame. Die will wa-ch over ihy flumbai and forward hyfwilhe wi'h the atfiduitt of una ba ed affeUion--her piety and fa th wH a- waken and confirm thy own,and ihe children of your children will call youlWlTed. da.'llv ex ineuilhed. - The seneous piou. and pafio.ic citizen of Kentucky, are hrteby invi'cd 10 airend 00 Fxtraft of a leiterfrem capi. 'blirer Fulltr, of the Brig Walhington. of Char'ellon, .0 hit owners, MefT 1. Blake and Magvocd, dat-d, NalTau. N. P. Sept. 33. ' I am truly forry 10 addre is you ftorti '.hit place. S wa tapured on ihi ath inflani, on louading, off Chat teflon bar, iy ihe Circe frira'e. captain Wo'fey, ho' manned ou' any vtlTcl d odered her for J irraica, af rr taking .rovfelf and all ny pcoplrr6 boa d iheftigaie where we were Heated wiih ih uimofl ifthu minirv. ronfin1 ,-wa kiuti Arlr. tm . ., f 1 v r 1 1 ill .... . , w wvt vv , w wvwis. ill m iheieeo.,e:;ibu.w.n vcipper, wnur wiope u k My p,ce nd owe(l bllf a pouf,a of li. Ilk Al ih. hill IHMllll lOflt.ltV 11 I 1 r 1 .. .. . . 1 lie Vu v. 1 uv i.iu uivHiiif " mm w 11.. frtilf" flniif And n.ir nntinft lilf i mt - nm A.- Mr. VVafKrjiirA1 lavrrn. on ihe ruad frnml..j -ir ..... - :iana Lexington to Bourbon, to cotWide. amend o . ' ... nohing elfe. Capi. (t,i. of .he fchooorr Ai Eng'iCbeilri, uocorruptfd hy de ia. Uuence of ihe prtfent Bri.(h givernmtnt comludes a pul.lic.tioo with the following excellent fenument: . . ' But wht are hef French prrncinr eoncerning whithTfo muth alarm ha. been fpread in the ea.ion ? Bef.e wt join in a. b,fing Frr ncH principle., the principle fteuld ba more diainfilv fpecifitd. Whi are til- - 4 , led French ptiooplc.. appear manifrflW t.n fj'iily iheifpe ie ofmin among which 'have had ihrir ongin to Lrg'and , and 10 he .? Aj pU Pein, rrathet, Apricou, Pouit-'ik- fime which hive teen adiocrdty foi . f a I PaIIi.' mnA emnt. T iwfnn ( iti fi.li or augment .he above plan, wh.ch llico W.H bUf werc ,,keo .he fame day, and i. .he fame be l.id before hm at large. predicament. Alter being out 18 dayi,-1 arr We are informed, .tac On ibe lih of AugilLlTCo nere, unce wmcn 1 nave Dceo connota ..-. . . . f 1 ... f L .I.I .1 about fix v miles on ibis ude ibe Hi BiOp.erel'f,ur aY o" ooaru, out mro' me .nterie'eoie River. Co'onel folhua Bjker. a Mr. William of Air. ArmHrong,bae ihi moment come on Baker, and a M. Roger., f Na chef, werel-ho'e-wbanbey will do Wt.h tne is out, of robbed of their hirfei, travelling usenriti, an I ower 10 .en, tut exjjett tb-r mult re abui aicodo'lan alh. It- feemt .he cr;mLIfrrte. I have 114 hip of tr.ffee' cn bnsiJ piny bad halted in the mo ning at a (mail clear wi ireignr,tuippea oy mr, am"Deti, a tin. v ' . 1. I. . ..r ia m.it.i a 9. p v.. nream ot wa er, moroer 10 wain as toon mi"' w w I'imn. n a. iapir ihey hid Unmounted ana went 10 me wa er, v-w. wnu jwn ivuivi 1 nia(iiri inn n four men appeared, blacked, between .hem p'opeiry belonging 10 ci ixen. of iheUcited and their horfe.. and dranindtd the fur-ender Sia ei. The reafon they fnt me in I caa of their money ami ""properly, which iheynoi conceive, but OiaUbe able o iafora you wereubligra 10 comply wiih. Mr. W Haker nore cy me nexi opportuoi.y. wa. mo.e fortuna c llian hit companion! a 1 aria. mm . . r 1 1 . r I pack bone, on whun wa. a cont.acrauc w etr tht TrU tf Qauftt at Nncmkf T, rm .lo,, cf MlLt Sprier hane.orfc.pe could 1.01 purine. M Bker, Ctktt W ' recofeiedbi horfe and money he bowevef,! fTPHE i Hi aJ. 3d. 4 h, e.h diyi forNivr, tod hit tidinff horfe &c. Col. Taker, and I I . Hanover and Brunfwtck, Mr, Kore a, came in .hahftt leitlcmco ,1 6b, -)ihr 8U), for Bladen, Uupna IM UM wntfe toey procured aiuuapr ana, isnmi. iuow, ana t auie. wi.noui mi ou.nci. . t :. .1 !i.!-. :. t.I .t. - i i . r.. oiatetr wen. in ptritii 01 mi niuim u ui cr n. umiaai ana nrirurncni iaici. to lehoped ihey will he appitheoded.-One oh, Ynb, li-h and lith for caufeiln mm a a a w art . a la ' a a at rn alMAri l afll. ' M ihtnwbowai deiciibea if V0i. uacr, Ltjuny, jAMta muwkc., formerly redded It the Red B.nk.. , , A btcther of Col. Bake', our inforaant, N O T I C E ch.ained ih Ut.Uigence ftom Mr.W. Ba- ( LL debtl chit to A. T. ClOWjii lerwholodged atfcii koofe o. TLutfd.y Bt)WWE 6 HAtuYf. uodc ttHhtlaa. . .-.:,. x r.n :.t k- I f wrwr' avar, win y j'' in fult, it uot paid. . A, T. WIOWMET , 'alexamdria; oah o. of iha Mifliftoni Trrtiiorr met fvr the firlt timeooibe toliof July laR,l Oflcher J. fi if 1'. eo ' ' ."-iwl an. tea . "Will . an t 'rt" rl4i '.'be 1 - xoa' and ' i tf . iTre -ha Vmi f of i rcq' "'; puJ leea Ihe) lift YM Hill,' ( ,ih HP I 4 in to aiiw at i vie I ttea 1dl 4o, tpt V.1 a Wl w"i two! ten si ill Tf tnv T froa fc. re Jl tnir' , acn Itrri Turf ud Tki M lr V.i. fc.M Ihot ati fr 1 ml U