f : 1? 4 ? it, : f . A1' AU offences, therefore, committed . in breach of the cMittntionr or my oi the lawa or ibe United Statea, tre Xabjeairof your ioquiry. :; - , Amon? the maay rood- loinet wi V whkb a wife .and awneScent Providence as bleft ya. the i.ftltutio. of the trial by jury. ; I wiit no. addlo the wny "Miegyrk tbathe been already p lied : t rw.inlv (aw. that I conflict it ai tbe ..' Rr,;r s.iml Tvrtnnv. and the Jacred Shield If UNeenwe.' At bf as-tbe principles of Repre - tentative Government, Me p a'' im" tianychafen'i fhall Jemaja.-JibtMML:6f Awe; Ir ivill Va Secure. i.: il will i 'detain you, GeotUmen, by tedious 'iMilrv into the- hiftorv of iortei. 'It i fuFhcient for that it la .ordained bv our; ConflkuHoiiL aod that Hw. t4Tl of ,ail crimes, except, in catts of im -.wesb'TieTit, Ihallbe by jury. eft confv and other great Uwyer, UTMoSkC ' uincr apaniDcou ui uurH, ,n auiyjiiivj i vli . A'vir 1Q, ire not to be overawed or influenced Ty them; v , -i-V .' when all thefe things are confidered, bow.; At the, Jr ctl. ,Mr, mt ,ui i ,,,-, r, .v:. j-.r many Ttfcitcmenii have we to loye our court:. uici, tbe uim of which clofed oo the cth loft. try. ana to Crrnf witn araourviouna uur .ie iim wmc, oi ninmcKd mr ncr, - . a . . - . - i . . a if pr'obab'e videce be given, the Grand Jff, ought to ft a bJll. ! ; I agreer thit Jarv fa" miffht not to find '.a bill -on" hffhr. krrvrai tirefumptive evidence ; the probability ought ID- be rirong, and approximate the TPflrn ?. near at the" Grand Jary can fafe'y alert M Trui i not always oppo led to ralle putoi. tea in - popu tar. lecbhical fenie," mean correa, fat'hful, juft. A verdiaf. , when conformable to evidence. "thouen rflSny fuch verdits have in a ftricl and logical (tate unhaoDilv nrbved falfe. i has been queflioned. wheihif iheGrnd Jury ought not to hear ihe j evidence on behalf of 'he acculea ; du', Genilemen, you will Tecblkti, it u only your An'v io denounce the offender: and to taKe wr ience in VOUr infoTmatioo, ability ad integrity, I ) . , ii wiii ii v vrZ""?" ZZ:Zt care ihvt he lb all not be Tent for trttl W'Hout p ain the nature of your orhce, and the meaning oi v r r v .. n,tU the oath which you -have taken. You my be far- ( ?. f.babU- caule of accufa'ion. Your oatn j 'prvfed thitl flioud promote to explain to ywi'ao bath i 'qualified, to pre fen t truly,4' as it hall come which you hafe already taken: but, Gentlemen, you-it0 yJur;-' knowledge." Fortunately your furprifewiJl ceaie, when i.ntornr yon, mat ope ot , rfi not.finaJ. the Petit Ju-y, who hear ileral and ate Con (it tut ions, the dilpenfai B' w' ,5l? ' Jry on the j r ct.ir. Hsnnu Mnn f f 'H "" im a naiT irom me. more ot tors, Of fo roatry Weirings. Happy people ,hi Suu, contitiowi to (he month of L t.Riverr May yow liberties ie immnriai ! I turned f irate, andjiiri away with the fvhoooer. f4cu w . v. ; J itV. of which FordanvPeale was maRer, belonging V ' ' 1 SALEM "'October gO ' ' " I MaIaM J-yrferrrrr--r- -'O-'--' T w , ' ', .,: . one thouf-iDddollara (the fum really tkeji it fid to ' iCaptatn Dana has favoured us with ihe have been ii,ooo d6llari) ihe proper y of tha faid following parliculan Tefpefling the Britifh , , owners, which were on board the fa d fchooner : and expedition to -he Red Sea.; " - i ,' : iha. pn thV?h-r r''T 'ollowing, the faid ' -Major general Baird arrived at Mocha fj1 im? :,ra ' "d ' ? from Bombay in May ; laft, with" , number J X T V Phended of tranfpors, having on board a large dej This offence cones under the ad oi Conr(f; for tachment of India troops, bound, to Suez, to the punifhrnent of certain crimta agiinft. ti,e United join colonel Morriy's detachment, which had a'!veV ,Heoin f.onnr wbicd lays, the trial ot j j u- ..J ,, ,L.. WuV.. . Cnmeacommuted on the Jiigh leas, or in any place preceded h.m, nd was already at that place , out of thf jufKa,iaion of ,y particular M.L (hall ;, and in coniunaion with the forces ot the be n the dtftrift where the offender i. Br.i,.n. . r. Grand Vizier, to form the expedition atrainft or into which he may be firft broueht." will weigh the whole lhe French . nny of Egyp-, which;. w-,e The jrifoner beio, brout to the oar. f r i t ' i l .t. .1. r Arra ihf tirf ft A 1 1 a nrrtnrili nfr IlIKin Plea cf i . - i ,a. j i . .. . a ' ivi ran irrin naoini nAr a i ... i . - i -j tu a . m nnn n i nnn i a m.i.i . u . sue. uiimuu ur dui in ssr ICA,onan octanon uwu-r ane FCJC;a, in i. t.i..u.T-v., rTr..-r.T r,vulur,(vu,lwul . .: Abatement, ot) the irfoond of iuaifJiIU., ,AA m. . -v. - i. . i- ...i&a - . a - - a- - v . . 1 .....i ' . 1 T T . . r- J r . ... I a a o ilIunation, and be confcKet that he did not; under- Havinff ihus. Gmt'emen. explained lo vou . Admiral ' RUntte. is fomtnander in chief be lenllv tried in o. mnAr.Uu, ..n k- i- .ui n ( I ' - O f 1 " " ...v. iiiyii V ii. tiv vend very rally connaerea u. -. 1 '. ,,t. 'I., -, ,Ut nnr in. I t r 'it... J i-Mfr.i' B.tk:f'' thi pofitioo. ht auaed the above oalTaae "of tbe Ur. ' vi hi j n v ' r t in Tnrlia rtavm The piracy, Jie Uid, waa Bated to be . committed on sin inaia, naving K- K r . . , , , , things as fhall-here be given .you in charge, or other- COvnizance, a'e cafes' irifmg tinrfer , the con. j on boara UOlJ-, and warlike llo-es, toucheo ' hended in thia diOrift: on the contraiv. it waaad- wi.e come io you. anow..., "6 Uiiuiiois and laws ol the Unwed states, ana at Mocha on their way to buez to join tbt milled that he was fi.U apprehended in the ttaie of Tnv.iiitM t hariifrn with ntTUillr CrOof 1 1 I . - . - . . wi" ?V; fv.v : r- r r I . ,'m - A n..Vf aw at nrir t ha 1 f I J!.' - T- tk M;..,4 T.V New. York. Nnr wat ir rnmH ,1,., .1 tmi V w..a . ' ' L.UIUIIIUHI iiu '""I . K i . , - , - - - . t ' Vrrnli,! Tearrh and ettamiliatt6n. -biiiVaa alfo a technical' mcaainc. finccyu are fome-l authority. The Sia e Govcrnmen times called inguiren, and frequently the Grand In rights, and idiciary tribuni's, ind expedition, and as fait as they received fup fltteft. It not on!v embraces the examnatiOD x! witneffwS on bill, prefentsd to you, tut alio the n ' veil K'atioiv of tbrtfe matteit wliich may have come to ur kOwled;e without thu intervention of the pro icutors, and which you may yourfaives pfcent to - the court. -WiiV fiinilar defija of inc udir.g bo h model, tbe worJ'Pieftntment. rhe relaltot Inquiry imme',?aiely tol owa, fine tha word wKUh is very camprthi-nfive..xttndto )ndiCtmenta by private tn. di'irfuala t theBame of the -Unittd States, and to tboTe whlth ireeomm 'nlT calico Mpiefptmtau" of shave their pies 0f wer, &c departed, there being inr? ?hi.,t!'f but 'Tc, fil 11 .n.rnrAf V j -m . - r ' .. . ,tanly came lofoit, when he lelt tb V'flc on h epetvdent-ot n0 armed t0 annoy ,hem on ihetr pal- lo New.Yo.k. The place wheie ihea.irae ia the Government-rt the U. S;ates. Ir -ougM I Xtat. to be our peculiar Care to prevent any cjaih. I Sir 'Home ; Popham, tn the Romney, mgor collilion of the tvo urildictions. in wun p,rt Df the fuacron, armed at Mocha ihi country every man holds a two-fold char, from Kpgland, whiclHte left in December lafl. at er, one as he flairdj related . to the S ate. Touching at the Cape of Good Hope, he no her as tt the Uni ed States. A,. citi took on boa d the Bri iih 6tQ regiment, 'and z n of the (la e, he is bound by certainmu- arrived at Mocha in May. After landing nicipal rules, independently of. 'he United nj, fick, ' and . receiving a ft'Pp'y of waier, 5ta ea A'l he power ot the tcd.ali WPcJ proceeded towards 5uea. a he Mher fhips! of Khali now pl.in .to ywi tbel vcrnme nt is derived from the cottitution of i(bchis fquadrbn, confiaing chiefly of tranrports, union', the fourcei of na ional Jurifdietibrtj andjwerg daily arriving, od leaving Mocha for tbe Grand lv 1 al- mearri.ta: of the word DtliEenca 'in the . . . ; ri.- r j - IT., .nimlnft,vtbaich of vou would feverallv I ' different departments can exerciie none ou I Suez as faft as they cold get furnilhed vrth apply to hU own temporal affors, or aa all of you I what is given. Congrefs have pewer to tre-I fUpp iej cf waer and refefliman$ ; and when coiirciieiy, iiu.n wunoiy iincicui, m lu.gui aic ar,q pun-.in unenccs wimin uic - uujcin cap atn Liana latica yune 2j an the lh:ps - lv concern tool ani it yoo hae any doubt a tbel -n(J t - ,l, ...nfiluuin Yi,iiwilV ob-1 k.J -";ir.i -u.I.r,V-.,.-i.n.n. J "r" C.... it anifl v " ennflltiili.'.h" Yiili" Will OO-I K.J rO'ti liTA wirr rrnrAril Taf d.. dereeot care and diliC(oce you Kht jo ipply 5 ' ;n lh-M.rr:fe nf -ouf dutv. R..t f, :. . rk.KU .bar w..l n " w-. WW mJ ' I. a a a i a i v 'a k a v a aja aW ly concern yoo ( ant it you hae any doubt ' I - . . . .. . J .A. ..mi- 1. ... 1 1 wh .i decree ofihem ia due to your own private al- you Ihould examine woe n?r the charge oetore J Wllh the main body of the forces, got forward fain " j you be within -he dcfci ipnon befo'e mentioned. I Jn time to co-operate in the reduction of inc pjenj ui uui .-.Hiijuiiy niiu picn.-iii- oy ooieryig mis conauci, narmony nu muiui .airo " . men may be clalTtd under two heads, ift refpect be wcen ihe federal and ft.te Govern. ihere were varioui conjecturet at to Sich as are given you , in charge ; 2d. Such as ments will be preferved, and the hopes and the ' number of iroops in EngUQi pay, bat may come 0 your knowledg., i drpendent, wilhes of every p'atrio.ic citizen w'ul be com generally fuppofed to be twelve or fourteen lyr f tlie charge, but within ihcfubjctls of you- pletely gratified. , . ihoufand. The naval force coftfifted moflly inquiry. , . Uponaf3ndid review and Uric examina of light fljips of war, ( the Red Sea being of You have alTb.fworrr, ' to keep fecre. the ;ion of tlie Federal conflitution, it will appear, dangerous.navigation. cour.fcl of the United Sia es, your own, and ,a' i.i fome cafes, the flste and federal go - The laft year the Engjilb tooH poffef. -that of your fellowt." The wifdom 'ofhi wernienia are cd-otdinate in iheir powers, f,0n of Mehein Iflaod in the S rait of Babel provifion mud be vpparent to all, ...To declarr and in others refpectivejf fuprcme. In proof Mandel, aud made confiderable progrcls in publicly wha' perfons have been indiftcd. iifihis, it is only iicceffa y to obfe,vel that for ifying it, but wereobliged to relintjuift it might give offende'i an opportunity to el- !; (late governmfnrs have the power to and withdraw the garrifon for want of freih cape, aod by fuch difrlofure defeat he pur- modify the alienation and diflribution of real water. ,.1 hey 'have fince taken pofleffion of pofct of juftice. The Counfel of the United and pcrfonal ellaies here they are fupiime, nd etlablilhed a port on the Illand of Gcbel- 'ta'cs, is foiwally comprifed in every profe- for Congrefs .tannot interfere- Thty may t0f aboUt 6o leagues north well of locha cutton. When you unanunoufly hnd a bill, imp ofe iaaes,'fo may Congrefs ; bete ine two James Piingle; Efq. envoy from the it becomes i part your counfrf, and when a gove rnmenis aieco o'dinate in their powers. Eng'ilh E. I. company, to the king of Senna, jnajority, (twelve at leall) decide, it becomes Bur Congress has alone the right of peace and fc, ut f!0m Mocha in May 14ll with his the counfel of the majctiiy, whicn the dilfcn- war; to r.v.f- and lupport armies , l define fi,c having in charge prelent to a large a. tients mult not difclole. ror a Grand Juror and punim piracies on the high feai and often- mount for the king of Senna and his chief to rf veal ei her his own ac:s or opinions, nr cn againft ihe law of nations; and poodles pfhters. ilmfe nf his frl owa, might have an effect ike other exdufive powers enumerated in the a The Englile, to lecure thi friendlhip of rqmlly dargsrous, and iho he generality cf conllituiion. Thus in fome cafes tie powers ,he Arabs, have left oed pre fents very hb your promile mihi, if its principal fctpe on- of the federal gove. nroent are original, exdu tally among the dolas or governors on the y was confidered, be redraincd to particular five ant1, fup'cme ; fo he powers of h'e flae colfj, utthe Arabian Gulph and ike Red Sea. . cafe, ?et .it is ihe fafee way," in all ife, lo governments, as to objects of flaie fopjpmacy. The following is a iid of fomt of the piefems maintain an impenetrable refetYc on all bufi- are-as complete as in the federal gove'nmertf mde by the t. I. Company to the king of rtrft begun or fMnrlnded hat is, on iV.e form as to objects wiihin its jurifdiction. Ar.d as Senna, and fome of bis thief meniejSoti rf the tndictment,He evidence in fupport of o the fecond. cafe, there is,nofuprcmacy4n "-Tohe'KtrTJ ioTooo kupeca. 4, at m iaci-r44s oemg-rouna or rejctea, if uncr, out as tney may tKCttpy me oajecis oi i jjjs jn, ex,ci? when you bring in your bills, or have lit. It is thus thai, refemblmg the movements I . it V.zier, r... . u. ...... "I r.i-- :.i u v.. .:ii ...l .-...l . .. . . ocrauon m umi ,uc ivmi, ioi inc maiciai worm, ; ncy win cjui irvu 'fb riexf dtv.non of your oath is, ' thai Im thci- deflined, fphere, with the order, beau- volun. his way - The place wheie theWact it dated to have been committed, being :t ner the fh ore of S. Carolina: as to that of this diftrii,. ihe piif ner might.'with as much propriety, have b en biought-to trial in that Slate. If it were ad.nit ed, tr.at that 'United Staira might apprehend a pcrfuo io ore dif- invi, aiNi una aim una Boomer to be Uia, a pru foner might be oppreffed.by beiig tried at a d ift an- from his witneffes, and greatly to hit dtfaovantare toe aeitoanr in lucn a cale, hai no other Ihield than that ol infifting on the obfeuaace of tbofe rulea whidi have been eHabhfhed by law. Mr M. there fore, contended, that it waa improper to tiy ibe pri soner in this court, neither having been apprehended in, norfirft brought into this State, but in the Hate of New-York, where hewaa apprehended. ' tie nulled theieiore, his (lea would be allowed. . . Mr. Woods contended that tbii court had jurifdic- lion in the above cafe. ' h wat the opinion of the court that the plea ought to obtain - Oo motion of Mr. "Wood a. troooded on fundrv affidaviti, charging the prifoner with coafiracy oas land, after he left the veftel, foe which he might bo tried at the Rate court at Wilwinetoo. he w.a deli. vercd into the eaftody of the Sheriff of Wake couo- tv, to be by him taken bclore a Hate magiUrate, and If the charges tgaiaft him appear-fulEcient, to be Cent to receive his trial at the faid court, which it now iss fcHion. The prifoner wat accordingly brought to this lowat aoJ lodged in jail. j you wlllprefcns no ptrfou f om hatted, malice jiy and harmo'iy of ihe planety fvflem. or ill.wnl. .nor leave any m'ng unpreleniedl Alter having taken up fo much of yoi from fear, favoer or aflection." I va'oable tlm?, nnhingbui the imiMi'tinre . i . It is be duty ol an engaged in tn; lamin-l-lime objetllhojld induce me to Je'.n you a Ira ion of li.Uice.'o tondutt ihtmlelvet wt hi moment lriie'. I is, leinlera.n, a to 4he pureft impatiiali'y, Int?e e'rgant lan lihr r.anner of adminillering iuflice. 1: tt in ruage of the fame en!ightened -and able I rain werrrfl uibunalt for ihe eUablifhment Lawyer whom i before meotiotiod,' yot are Inf Right, anj the-punishment pf g lilt, if any not to oe tnuitrncra oy ne Garner pauionslpaa ot the judicial deparim-at be impure. of envy and wrath to bnrg ibe guiltlcli into I Much hai, wubgea tru b, bttn faid ol tbt trouble, nor from the am able aUctt'ont of lexcellence of tial by jiry but upon therm- xompillion or benignry, liter n piobibleluaruaiuy and mtrgn y oi their appomtmen', 1 guilt from full and impartial trial. You 1 depend all the McuWs derivable from the will remember and emula:e, on this occafion IfyHrmt ' the futlime attributes of your goide, the Law, I 1 have Wen m ich aflonifhed . tbit io a 1 VhUh cannot be more flrong'y'ejtpiefjrd thm I government like nun, where the principles of t me aijur oinioo oi inc cioueni ana ntgrt.iiiber y ae lo wen onaetttood, ihattt tnou'.d mnded Aigernbn Sidney. The food of I have been permitted it a Mai lhal in any part lhrteopIe oahf to b. fixed on a more folid lol the Union to fc led a Jry. To leave to fouHa'ioat than the fluftiaa irg wrtl or fa'4ibleliim the imme'nfe power of fammomnt men of . nari!aaing ot one, or a tew ; ur mis Tea- j what chiratir he pieaiei, wba may oe Inenat ' Son r eltbtiflird, which no pifTioo tinUr enemies nfei her of the parties, iaeitra- cint; it is lotd of ctfire or fa of ludl ordinary indeed. I irufl and hope, ihatthal a, d avret is ue, difaaffiona'e mind I felt flion of Juries ly lot, drawn tenrraUf wrmen r'aCw feiainior f.Mn meafora of the I from the citizens capable of ferns?, will be lJivnt IctcHfon : It enjoins not that which j adopted by the feveral legiflaiures oftWeU 'fbafsff.Vf.il, frlil man; wdbout any regard U, who have not .Irrsly ftabtidaeal if". . nimuui wum m svuo, ana I v ncn wc nutu, vrcniicnertf inn v( ft. riin.uSoB ti in all, whether ooble orbsfe.lioy the fietft indiiu io-s it the world, lha rt9x po.4 hifH or low. 1 deaf, fo.l we pofftfs . CoveTnient founded on the wii .olahle, IrAxiVe. . Jot 'he people, formed tpon ih just ineiples The next avmbef of ynor oath is, Tolof Reptefrntstion, and glided Cf ciemplaiyi tytfert all tnirjs nuly at ibey com. lo your I wifdoaa and virtue. Wbtn wt tecolleti. that ktowleigf, srcordingtoibebtuof your under, jfiotild biJ men inirgua tkemfelvet into the llandme ft i tmefliry totnfl iite what islnssnaftintni of your affairs aid wicked ma- secant H true Pre feiftnenf,- for what the Lawlfu cs be pu'fued, thai the voiteof he peoole m'ans muBbe ihsrakofownt)tfrprrttion, & jean and will remsvt them and deQroy their I the meafatcof our duty. Sir MsuhtwllaleJotafuis.. Wbca we call to coioi that w. Dolu of Mocha, Do'u of Aden, Their chief Se- octanes 10,000 a,soo 1,009 4,000 f0J i Betides the above cafe, there were alfo tried thrao fierfont charged with counterfeiting and publifhlng knowing them to be forged and lalfe) Bank Notes of the United Statea.tia. Aliaander ana John Kearnea (f.thcr and fon) from Kentucky, lately appiehcoded ac Silifbury, aod Nathan Biggot, of Johnlioa-county. John Kearnet (the fon) aod Nathan Biggot, -were boui ivunJ guilty, and have bee a feotenced to two yran imprifonment in the go.t at Hilllborough, each lo par five doUari, the Coartchargtt at endinr mn, piuinvuvn, ana toccapeucea oi inetrtmprtlon mecii, or becoirfincd till thty are. paid. Alexander Atimti waa Kijuiiica. The Court, conformably to the act of Coograft in fuch cale bavt deGgoated the nuro't io attend . at tbe nett term, accordia tn ik aA nt forming jurict lo ferve in the Suptrior Count" of ihie State, which ia by aominaiin and ballot. The Marfhat, tbcrelore, will not, aa hwctofjrc, has a dtfcictioa ia choofiag them. 7Tv FrencTi government has tublilhcd a dVlre'a,'.ye0uhe.adminiflratiorv-fiae colony of Guadeloupe.' ";it is hencefonh ;o t uiioer me luperintenaance ot three magif. tra-er, . cap aia general, colon'ulprefca, aod coatmilla y of juQice. Married on ThwrMay laft, Captaia ?. Brufp of Fort-lohnlton. to Mm. M.rgakst Spauldinc ot this towil. Died on Friday laft, Mn. Hcsrcn WttLKiNGS, confort of Mfa JoMlt WlLLKiaiGS, merchant of this town. Port of Wilmington. . Enitrtdjinct tht Jtb i ft ant. t Sl.Croia;. Salem. Charlefton. Proridehce. Charlefton NORFOLK, Mvanber 6. Our London, Ghftout, and French f4perf vptitht 19'A September, received yeflerday hf different arrivals. nttn tn very iterJ!ig matte' Flogs tf 7rce iillt . a t a t M jt a. J A asM a LmtiM Dvrr and Cclah Mul thrlead hint 1 gh'f Xf .MildigUein, tTtnhirmotnlh L,n.h r Pr'u tttr n "CJCP. Miller, J I 4 ..... - . ... . . - ff ' ' 41 it the otitt cf tht difpatcbet they carry The Sucks, at hith places, have, ft? fome time pull, hte very fleadf, which inclines a bel'tei, that the Prtytititnt for " Pesce are, at lead, favarahlj received by thae in piwer, 7heeU nt truth in the report of Pitt's taking the feint tf the Britijh government, or, or the fnrrender , tf Alexandria, which cent is bold tut, .boldly. Frem 'a late Proclamation i Ireland, vie find ihe gtverment much in J ear tf a dtjeent bj the Uns Culettes ea that country. , Hi the French iaptft ve fi-dtbel- 'Vaftin it Etttdnd is mcb talked il: De winter's fleet ise'ly realj fer " . General Lafnes, Binnifi'te'l rclatttn, It arrived at Dunkirk, ti etneert mtafures .toith Admiral Neilty, Admiral Tnville remains at Btmlnneand the French Admiral Trut ft hat xkenU ttmmand tf tbt Sfanljhlttt at Cadiu ' Bci fey, Thomas. rerfij, Bowler, Bctfcy,' M'llhcnny: Beifey U Polly, Millet, N. Yo.k. cagic, Ucale, Anquilla. Favourite, Grofs. Wilmiuzton. D. Sloop Eliia, Wood, . Bermuda. Blue Bird, Bernard, Charlefton. Brig Charlotte, Hudgingt, New.York. Cleared face the 6tb. 4 CIjw. TT -'. - - J n. ra.- ti.. n jiwi riictui u m. rtununv. . iianrnre . Sch'r.' Apollo, Rumbljr, Savannah. Tw Broibcri, Willcox, Barba- , hfoet. Waldo, Trefethen, Guadaloupe Rcbeci & Polly, Bernard, New. - York. Belief 9 Thomai, Beaufort. Brig Rofe, Everfon, Baltimore. assssaWsBSBsBasjss14Bsss Blanks of various kindi, J For falc by the Printer. ' X r. I.