- .'it 'VV li.it IS l Li . llldll 1IC It . I 11 A I Ihould the pcrfon who poIFefx ij.ihe.rndntfy fb epeittd.y advtitifcd by them, perfid , in ie. tanning i,;, there wnl in a icw diy'i be rtcourCe lo a difagreeablt ra'pde or redrefs, -tior will an frivolous quibbling be. admitted as an a pology tb-fuch a breach of honor and honcfly,1 NATIJAN-for the parlies. ...Nov. 26. , ; ijt itfi tiirtr1. r.r.ri ttmil nnAtnn 4r. .iT--- , f r , - ...... "'0 .ifoarA.the flsop Saltv. U'an.er. and , far I Hit' PV fh ltlhlrrtkcm -1 1 ' - - - - M .... 3c & 4th Proof St. Vincents Rum. A quantity cf . coarfe Salt . Fiom Barque Maatha, Beatta.- " 2d, ?d & 4-th Droof St. C roix Rnm. .- ' 'From the (chower Per fix, r ' 23 Bb!s. N E. Rum. . . . - 1 V-ntlt ttyion Tea. . . 29 piece's beft cait Steel, fuitable for Cifge tools, " 1 . ' ' 4 Boxes Tea Sett China, 400 hulhels Turks-Ill and Salt. . ',,. 2 flhdsv. 'Antigua Rum.i 56 excellent Checfes. .iX'-""""" 450 bufhels Rhode. I fland Potatoes. ' 7 ALSO, A tew barrels ot Currant Wine. -; JOHN". BARCLAY ..November 26- 2w. . Krfpecl'uilj Inform their friends and tht , public in oeneral. that fhJ, Ar,,, ',,.fl .- . ; fW choosers Three Brothers, . New-York', . A jarge'and extenfivc AiTjr'mcnt of D,R Y G O O D S SUtTA BLR TO THE SEJVSON, Ji'bicbtkty. efferhw for Cttfu f r Produce, ..VIZ. t fchr 1 lull imbjrtidfnni AnmADL in t fulebythejuhjhlbcr, - s . Salt.' - - Rum. ' - . ... .. . ,1TSl.'gar . '". ' ; ' - ' Winch will -be fo!3 for'Calh" c'r bar tcrtd for Produce. . " : 'u JOHN BARCLAY. NEW STORE Si 'UPERFI NE Broad Cloths and' C. fimercs ; .Swaufdown and Marfeils veil lhapqs ; Camhlets; Durapts ; Wildboreisaiid.Ijombafets ; a variety of ncu, won.cn and children's .'plain and nbVd filk, cotton and worded Holiery ; Shawls ditto long and Oiort filk habit "Gloves;1 do. , men's patent beaver and worited do". LlatkVand coloured filk, linen," Roman and bordered neck Hand kerchiefs ; a variety of Calicoes, Iri(h Linens. S-jliteas, D';vlas, white anl brown Fi.itiiUs, Brirar.ics, .Dimities, cotton and Hneri Carabr.icks, Muflins, India Satins, Iliimhnms, rt?, white, yellow andpreen Flannels ; Bed Ticking; jJath Coatinfrs, Kendal Cottons, Half Thicks ard Plains, Uutch & rofe Blan kets, Ofoabri!S, ladies and gentle men's f&ihionaljie beaver Hati, coafe felt do. Bin iirgs, Tapes, 4 fewin? S.Ik, Twill, Thiend ; :ir,cl a larpe'af fortment of Hardware and Cutlery ; 4. 6 b', 10 and 20L Nails'; hollow ware of all kindr ; a variety of Glali and Crockery wafS ; loaf and brown Sugar ; Hyfon, Ilyfonflcin and Sntuh ong leas ; Coffee ; . Chocolate : Pep- y-.i , niiipicv.; oairircirc;-row(ter Si Shot ; a quantity, of cotton Bair ; fpirituous. Liquors, and. fundrv oihi-t aniclcs too tedious to mention. ; LIKEWISE A few Chair Harntirc.; handfomebitt 'Ki hra;ki'.-n Bridlci witli Martingales ; Slnafllc ;o. ladies .egant fi-.!c Sid lies. N. B. They will put up fta (lores on' th lhotf.ft notice, and v4rrautl.c at tides olthcfirft qualify. ' Wilmlnmon, Nov. 19, yw, Juff tmtirlrdi ani hig-DuUet Brv'tt, C apt jin Rldard J'. Bt'Jt, j urn Dtmrarj, 10 Puncheons Ruin. 10 Hhds. Sugar 10 Jilkk. Salt," Yhiih will be fjM for Cafh or Pro hce. j 4 J OHM BXRCLA'f; m Nov, 26 3W. Tbefuhfcrb:r has commenced hufintf sin Front-flrert, c$ner of Cnfh AlLv n 4, dnrs fwlh of the Owt-lioufe, and of. ffrr fnr fn tU ii-lKl.l . .. t t fL -J : and Gin do. R AN D.Y of the , firft qualuy; Hoi Gin do. A nnVfl P.rt.rl.i ura ... :' ..... I .. J7 bnpvied'from Liverbg-J .,V r j : t-fiuy, upiam rcyc'ansi jr Jute by fhc fubjeriber. , Sahi ' 2, 3 & 4 gallon-Jugs. ' And-a quantity, of ..crate's Crockery Ware,1 well aifortcd. ' JOHN BARCLAY. .Nov. 26 3W. ro. is com mil ted " A 'CER1 l to Do JOHN, he plin !ai!, by the name of IPHiSF; he fays he .btlo'nt'S to Mr.' Thomas .White on Great Peel Dee, 'in . Sou)h-Caro!ina.. : y , - v EDVV. ARMSTRONG, jailor; Nov. 26--jw. - ' FOR SALE, A LOT fituatei on the fouth fideof Dock.ftreet,'; : adioinin? Richa Kelly, 66 feet deep and 40 feet in fiont, '1' '" ' ALSO,.v ' - The leafe for about g years of a Houf and Lot on the hill near the Church, ' ISAACKS & BISHOP. , rWiio Ju Vfion-hafll A few bags of prime Coffee and Sugar in Hhds. and Barrels, very law for CaJh. -V : - i ; j;oaober8. HAS for file, dirca from Dublin, continue for Uree d.ays LINENS and SHEETINGS H ',M Gciin& bought at deduced oriees. ' . nrt h;.r; ' 'lU .Three miie h( uaMa z- a k u s ' Has imf ohe-br lht-ahR- arrivals aid . is' nyv) opening A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF SE ASON ABLE GOODS, TROAD CJ.OATHS ;-.O.dni do, Kcr- r hmeret; Kerhncus ;. Swanftfftwn ; Cokf. Ill OTS India Rum ; Madeira, Tcneriffe, Sherry and Lifbon Wines ; London Porter in hott.es i Hylon, Breakfaft and Soucotig Teas ; Loaf and Lump.SiigarsMuf." covado do. Coffee, Chocolate, CI.ovcf, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Mace, Vineyar, Muftard,. hhd and Ked.Fepr, Mo lilies,, Sweet Oil; in bottles, Soap, Can--les, ; ,Srarch, Allfpice, -BcxUifios; Copperas, Alum, Saltpetre; aPd many' other articles in the grocery line. 'Welch Plains, Kendal Cottons blue white. and red; Sheeting, Woolen Stock. ; Men, vvomcn and boys flars of diiferent qualities ; Shoes of fcveral lizes ; Oznaburgy ; coarie Thread, &c. . Jron Mongcry and liardware , CONSISTING. OF' uar iron Jnna nnH fl,.'. ft.-i'.'ii.. , .wv,utu 'S' i bars N,;i' ft 7- r , 71 Jl onocS "T. camcis hair p?aln aud fancy. .O'nd V R f,,i;SM',V6!' J. rick pla.n, fane and.b.ur 10,1 .nd 2oJ ; Brds of all fixes . fclout! and nc.d bdu do; lndia a..d Barcc P "V tWS' bake aJ .'rying Pns, I pk" and fa.icy li;k, dd.Whri p(,r. Ml1.8 lea Kcttles'and Spiders, Sktdlcts, f Ple and '.fao5orcd do. Bandana, .'Hue i Cooper's atnl CarrYriterVAto coinrHadralr&lornali Ihnk- looking glaffes; Needles, Hoes, Akts ' tcrcliivf, l.ith Linens' & Shee!igv whue bteelyards, y cut and hand fruwv cut " ria lilas ' Bri'-anies; nud & ic and hand iiaw Files, Shove'' Fir,' M - T'"" Du'ch RolU Tu kleg and OfIia. vels andTo,), HatnmerV ' H 1,7 ' Cb,d,""55 & pUi Velve.eci ; qualities ilo ,l fKrn!,Ilzcs aOd Velvcf.rco.'o.s ad ladle, capes; tfum. Saver"' BuU CntttatiXi hunij ; Di,,iiri. ; Cmbruk. , plain and M. Kniv;., , f 1? , l Plk'nvcs- '-" M-Omi i . India and Lute- bit Ktmes and Foik, compofition at.d llf'ngi. RiflcPowdcr. htS.:;." if V!" r ik k - -- jmpi, i.cju: """' 1 lmmjii,.; iapes ; ijjnbins bought at deduced prices, and -in hivK ','?U -. 1 "ree, mile heats, 3. years " V.. , 1 Ci I nlrl rnttniiinnr Vft hi " . - 1 1 . " .r uiu va iviiit uj iti a va ri n d ywiiuiituu . 1 o , t ;vt'- v tug iu9v X ,,mU. .A I N IC4U UKI 1IJ IUS. Q VP.lrC nlrl 111 lk.- 7 years oiu or agea h0r es no he o.,ri r two years old hoifes to carry catches 2d day. Two " mile heats the heftS 2 of 3 under the, fame rules and regu. . laiions as the firU day. 3d day. One mile heats carrying There isa fubrcription already mad up of about 600 Dollars for the above Racfcs, which will bs proportioned as follows, viz. l ft Day's purfe 400 Dollars. ' J 2d do. do. 200 do. 3d do. do. to be made up of tlie entrance money of the different dys, Inch isor the fift day 15, 2d day io,., 3d day 4 dollars; and non (nhfr double thofg fums. Plains, f. Kcndsl C ro!e, point & flriptd Blankm Wi dbore uuran s ; unpea LiinbleJs ; Ca!imajtc;,es ; Bombizinc ; Jlunbafctt ; variety of men and women's fiik, co jon, patent, ' fleecy and wqilled H;)fiery ; do. "lilk," co.ton, worfted and leatfcef Glares, -and: Miti$ Icamtn's Vett. itocKinett : wnrftcd Wit. Wcll.I du Gjcidr . , ' :,i-'--- and 11 t l it fC i '"" WHO,c Ui" wreaii. Many arue'es V ' J P'ROi'C, Ratling and S;t.n w.JI U'mida wur.hy aacniiorl ut Couru.y ran, . white, red, yellow and Rrcen mjrt!,i" . iaints .Red Lea l;Spani(h Brown, Bii-n. L .clh wi" g'n for BESS WAX and - L O S T 01 rai taken thro' mlllake. fr mi-Mr, -J.- IWiy'i Comj.th4 Houff, Dmdfcimo Vo'iime, entitled, The Aneiir Clftk'i .liiine, ty Sm . Ffffmjn, Kf.j. A ihffe ire nme f inef? t .k io te t w. fiffd in ihif town, soj it teif nf m.-e ifs " die oworr thin hi ti'ut . h will riy h Mh'itl e1 l;i whicverV wiT leiUfn ilf fmi ih I'rinirr. . ;!?tiit'r nib, iSau one, VVinunj. Sheet Lead. SheatlW ic K!nl4ndRavci)S Duck Pi - J acks, Scupper" Sheathing and l;ck Ji,U ;v,1'c of dilFerent forts, Lif our and fmajfer GlaHes ; blue, wl.i.e W red Bunting, a few ready made Colour Speaking Trumpets,' Hind Pmps.Myps,)Biulhes,S.r aptr s, cod ing and marking I quarts pint japanned fumbles, Pafift! bumace Limps, &c. with ruaRy uthtr articles ir.lhi line. A SMALL COLLECTION Of Crockery and Gluts Ware . Confifling of Didtes, white, ht and frcen rdged; Pl.tes do. Breakfaft o. bwls, Mg, . lM( mi!lc alJ mt(lard otts; w5ih hand Bafonr, Tureens, Pitchcrj breakfaft Cups and Soucer, CofTcc Putts ; Tumblers, pint and nal P'n WmcGSalTcs and pint Dccaniers, and a number of other article nt hcic enumerated. ( Malkxs of vefTcU and otheri 'can bT making application here,, get (forei of a good ulttr put vp orI moderatclcrmi. . Wilmington, Nov. i9h, 4w. .Fifty Dollars Howard. MYTQ. Ft!? BALAANtVali. eJ limping Balaam) Is (Ml abfent, and hai been gone near tightccnntomhi r-he is either harbcnueJ In this ncjrh. boiirhooJ or in the tieighbon'rhofid of Mr. Jicklon about jWelfemiUaUlow-Fayi ettcvillc. I wt'.lre the above Uward ui aur ncr on wiu .u i: .t low tojhc Jailcr,iu.Wilmiii-un or ti w'wuvwi tin piavc. w " "-w.-ii. inn. IJiir.oAf Not. 1. w. TALLOW. Wilm;i.gion, Noir. 11 h, 1801. WAN 1 ED SlXTHDljSsfrJn wkimrr f v - - - r v m A A BEES-WAX; 1 L' 1 1." ... . wnicn wuroe paid on tclivc- -' ; jy y . Kaacks iSc Bifliop, JFIjo h .ve iui rccrk'fd A few liuglheads SUGAR of 1 1. . . catciteiu iiuiit, lor Ia!c on modcr atttcrm. Omhr'22. , ELOPED from roy plantation on Saturday morning laif, a negro icmuw namcu AI5KAM, a carpenter, ge nerally known as Abram the H Her, and as fuch is well known aln ut Wilmingi ton, and this part of the Hate I iht-re. fore give thi$ no' ice, that he is no closed & hat taken his cloths, tools, Uc. tti!K liim an. I I f.l..M f " "t t iuiuiu any pciion cm - - p, , , u. . 1 1 1 1 I I a 1 1 1CII FIFTY DOLIAksVtobepaidcncon- mum Ty viiwci the jail at WiUninfion. Nov. ,6. J. BURG WIN; - TO B E R EN TE D 7 0. A DwelHre Houfe widia V irtr COHVf flirnpi in r " , 10 on;:flfce fHllh le Court. Ilouff, ooibIJiI' Afply 10 - . . THOMAS ItUKTER. AVilmirgfon, Kar. nth, 1831, fhci iintington Jockey Club "X71I LL commence on the - fourth , V V-1! hi ur fdav in N n v e m K r nv - and continue for three days, free' for any Ws. CAMPBELL, JOHN WALKER. : HENKY WATTERS, NATHANIEL HILL, RICHARD QU1NGE. October 1, 1801. i 00 0 o- ROBERT ADAM, efq. a;e of 1'ayettev.llc and Wihnington, meichant, ,i- of ihe fubfcr.bcr, having at July ,crm now laft pfl, of the court of CbmWriand coun t, iuahhed as exect0rs of his Lift will and tef' umcnt. 1 hofe indebted to the eUite ire de- hfed to make immediate payment ; and thofe having accounts o demands againO the tQatc, of any kind or denbmina in 1 ;,.A ;xhibit hc fame for liquidation and pay. ncn-, ro trie executors, igrecab'y 10 law, and wi'Iim di; lime limited ky :he aft of the .;Cn,eralnAne'l','ly' F(rcd ih '89' ntued An ia to amend an at, entnled an aft 14 concerning proving wi;s aild granting lc. ' ten of jdminifl a ion, arrd 'o prevent iiaud t" in the manaffrmet i f im-A, .n.,.. ,n in failure whereof il fam- m..;n bar jo ifae lecovery of any fuch tlebl or it main?. . ' DUNCAN M'LSRAN, JOHN WINSLOW, - I SAM. GOODWIN,. s lExtevHrs. JOHN hCCLES, r JOHN HOGG, J ' Fayetteville, Juuly 17. jm. The fuhferiber offers ftr Jolt . All IiirLlTTdrolTNewKiver. rT'HAT Valuable Plant ,i;rt X Point, of fix hunirul and forty a v. - .v.. ..w..,u. anooneoihef Flantation called Roufe's Hammock, of four .hundred acrcs-and fome fmailef Tricls-wuh a confiderahlc quantity of Rich Hammock, on which Is about fifty acres of Rice Swamp, the greater part under dams.. The foil of both Plantati ons is excellent for the culture of cotton, or any kind of nrednr. ...i;,. .1.:' ' , r i'vmiihi iu litis country, , ln the centre of excellent winter ami fummer Range, and haievc. ry convcnicncy of fith ant) oyftcrs. nV'i , , nS ,0 P"rclufc is re- ploying him either as a fidUr or in any ueftcd 10 ,ook al lhc LlnJ rl not take other capacity, as I am determined to "V0"0 a"y rfon "fpeairg them. pn.fccuie the pcrfon or netfons who fo i WU C?'J n-Mr. John HaMJevV (fflnU.nr ni..i.iN 1.: ...1 t mi leirr. Who Will ihcvw iKi r.t...: tA -...j-.w v.i.viidiii nun ami 1 Willi... , ......... .iikiMinnun i ihq give 14 1 every perfon who intorfni me of l3mauo,,s lie ir well acqnainfed on Being .employed or enferta ned I - Cafli or likely Young Negroes will . . ; uepainoncon T"""-" ,n I''fcnr, ana twelve nionths vtction ; & I will give ONL DOLLAR eit will be given for one third of the to have him fipprthended and confined in purchafe. , ' . id. nil 11 Wii r ,V.,ne ?. ,vc 1 ,lnfon fliould notte fold I will fettle them this winter. H Uttcri diVcfled to mc at WiJminrton I UVltl hit d.tlu I 1 JESSH CLEGG. Wjf r4;' Blanks of vanoiu kinds, Forfalc bx thc Printer.

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