.It. 4' m 3JQWLLANDING: y Ex. the Chrlefion Packet, Iron1, I Groceries, and , Iron ware, -J Fancy goods.' The forcjfoin? articles, as well as thnfe on hand of their former ftock, have been carefully felefted from the iaft im portation - to the Markets from, whence thcy receive their fupplies, and being ipurchafed on cam term, .enables them to felt at a rcafonable advanqs. for mo .Jney, country produce or nogbciable Pa text: : - y' ' WANTED, f From four, to five thoufand weight T3ees-Wai for which cam will be paid. BROWNE & HALSEY. . Wilmington, Dec. 10 tf ADVERTISEMENth E, X THERE AS the Copartnerfliip of VV vMilhi & Blaney is diflblved,' by the death ot oieoh Mime, i All Derlons having demands againlt the faid copart- nerlhiD.ar requeiiecKto rentier, in tneir accounts; ana an tnoje wnu arc.naeDtea thereto will call and fethrtheir accounts?. KKS F0 li .S-AL A SHTON BARI a verv valuable x Plantation in Bladen county, on the north, weft branch f Cape Fear river, ioininy the lands of John -Waddle, Efq, - containing "700 acres of good land,' about 200 acres of which is prime low'ground ; ' the whole peatly.cleared, with good feri , ces. The dwelling: houfe 'is large and . corn mod ions, two ft ones high, and. every war well finiflied and featiy for the re ception of any family. The range for cattle ana nogs is. excellent,.- roue 111 on 1 may be hjad in 12 months from this date or loorier it requiute. fart payment will be required in hand and a long cre dit for the balance. v . A N D . ' j 280 acres of Land on Coll fwamp ih'faid, county, about fix miles 1 fro nr. A (li t o rf Bfir 7" wel 1 timbered, and much tar oprl "turpentine may be; made on it corivenb-nt to the river. 460 acres of Laud in New- 'l Hanovrr.cojntyj- on the io.undia.miles from Wilmrgio-i, a pan of which -is cleared. This is excellent, for corn or cotton and inferior to no land on the Jound. It deferves the attention of tbofo who wifiV for a (profitable Yummer rc ' treat. LIKEJV IS S 20&b acres "-of Land in Duplin i county, on the north-eafl branch of Cape ' Fear, a few rrillcs above RockHlh. This ' land is well timbered; and a great part of it capable of cultivation. S A long credit ill be given for arjy of the above tracts ot land, ana ioiu low for ready money'. Terms may be known by applying at Wllmirgton to Evan Jones, Or at Fayctteville to David An rler Ion. Vilmington, Dec. 10. 4vv .. either f payment or givingpecialties, m .prdcj:that the (ublcnber maybe en-i able&'tQ clote'the'bufinefs as', fpeediH'as poftble-ihe has appointed by PoweKof Attorney, John Barclay," George Dun can, and Thoma: Gallender, to tranfaft the bufin'efs, in his abfence. -1 BEN J. BLANEY, Surviving-. ' Wilmington, ? . 4 "' Copartner. Dec. 9 3 v. 3 -, For Sal c, Freight or G ha rter HP HE American Ship-Nancy, I lurthen about 10Q toni, lttft. ahivid from, Liverpool; and will if not fold, be ready to receive 'a Cargo for any port in Europe, in ten djys. For tenm aoolv 10 the ' 1 1 . 1... NOXUANDINGs Frmren pord if,5chooner Difpatch; j .Captain iSvjainet from Ntky-Vorky and for $qlf tn npry low terms, : S Urates Queen's Warc i jo BoxesClnna, 12 Kegs Jvlalaga Kairins, FIeth,, v Ib,Ca Paper 4'oPoft, 1 'ditto BayjiigX'ards, 2 'Boies Tea,. ' '; 100 docn Cdlafs, Tumbies, 2 Trunks dark and licht Prints. .Ifaacks & Bifliop, . "v Who have for Sale, l -. ; BILS ON BOSTON AJecembei. fubkrib er. V JOHN BARCLAY. December 3 3W. . i For Freight or Charter, The fhip SALLY, To any pott in Europe, if applied for in all this month, burthen about 400 hhds. For terms apply to John Barclay or 10 inc Maitcr on board, , . 1 , . George Cameron. , Wi!mington, Dec. 2., WILLbeSOLD at Public A"in On the. 10th hl. The beautiful Brig - THOMAS, (if not difpoled of at private fale previ ous to that time. George Cameron Wilmington, December 2. v.. IS' '! .. . " j. T' 1 t run tmponea irsm jiverpoil, ana now hnilng -from hoard the JhiP Nuncy, ' Copt. Campbell, and for fale by thefub- Liverpool Salt, ' Stone Ju. . Crates of Crockery Ware adorted. JUUN BARCLAY. ' December 3 3W. - COTTON: GINS. THE fubferiber will in a few days have his Cotton Machines at work pnTepfail Sound, and will dean cotton - for one-eighth.. The Machines are made rwpon tlic jnotl improved conltrwttlon, they do not injure tle Itapte of iheco' ton in the k-afl Sme conon that one ol them clcapcd Jail year,-was fold in Bof. ton at two cents in the pound mon than any other of the fame Ipecies of cotton that was in that maikct ; the difference vras in the fuprriorhy of the Gin. lie will find Baling to pack the cotton where the owner prefers it. John Sibley, Topfail Sound, Dec.l. f WILL gvc One Hundred Dollar t to JL any r.trfn whu'vrill loJee iny rruht to fellow JOHN in Wilmington Jail tc may caniy be known by a larre tear on hit left arm. If he does not come in bctorc the next NcwC'-Hanovcr county court, I will then pofitivel outlaw him. December C. 2w full imported from Anauilla in the fchr. EagltyCipt. Rtckari Beak, and for fule ly the jubjeriber, f ' bait. s Rum. Sugar, , Which will be fold for Cafli or bar tend for Produce. john Barclay; Nqv. 26 v COW PEASE. ""H E" f u b 1 c r i b erxvv i 1 T c o n t r acl to give JL for any quantifythe nurket price of corn at the lime of deli verv. a: uazarus,' Wilmington, Dec. 3. 6W NEW STORE fuftJtnpnriffjiitLittTptHzthe1- bally, Lapraih rpet and jar Jalg by . the fubcriber, , . , " ., " v Salt:1 ; 1, 2, 3 gallort Jugs. ' 'And a quantity of crate Crockery Ware, will aflbrted. ; JOHN BARCLAY. "Nov. 26 3W. . JACOBJLEVY Informs his friends and the public, that ha V has opened A. -Vendue: & Commiflion STORE ON Market-wharf, three doors be low Me'llrs. Ifaacks and Bilhoi)' ilorc, where he will glaJly receive the commands of his formerlicduaTnt"an ces, and others, who may be inclined to favor him with their bufinefs. He will ufe his tit molt endeavors to ferve thero witn integrity and punuahty. tic nas n nana tor lale, -n low terms, a lew puncheons of St. Croix The fubferiber has commenced bufinffs in, lKtt " t Calicoes,, and p:r n,.t r.fu . i... lwo caiKsot Hard Ware. m,rSr-mtiroWKC Ururt,tlcu e, and of. 'v la . m 1 . J . jers for fale the fclloiving Articles, fori Lnjh er .rroduce ; .Kov. 26 6v. .A CAUTION. B RANDY of the firft quality, Hoi- and Gin do. Apple Brandy do. VVeft- Iadia Rpm ; Madeira,, 1 enenrFe, Sherry WHEREAS the fubferibers, in the monthV January latt, purchaf-' ed oi the BuxtdnsVid David lonefe. twn Tracts of Land on Moore's creek, New- ahcf 'Lifbon VVines ; London Porter in Hanover county ; and Yor the balance of bottles j Hyfon, Breakfafl and Souchong the purchafe moneyj . our jhree Notes-. Teas ; ; Loaf and Lump Sugars ; Muf- were given .thern, each for bhe hundred covado!do Coffee, "Chocolate, Cloves. ?nd lixteen Dollars and fixtv.fijFand twn Cinnanjloiv Nutmegs, Mace, .Vinegar, thirds Cents. Since, on furveyine the Muftard, black and Red Pepper, Mo- Lands, it is difcovcred that they cannat laflts bweet Uil in bottles, bojp, Can- make good their warrantee Deed pf .thfrv dles, Starch, AUfp ice," 13ox : Raifihs, Tradl faid to contain two hundred acres. V All-perlons are therefore hereby for warned , not to take an aflignment of our Nores, as we are determined not to pay them. ,... TAMES B. WHITF v '' JOHN VV. CHARLES. Wilmington, Dec. 1, 2w Copperas,- Alum, - Saltpetre,- and manv oiher articles in the'grocery line. , Welch Plains, Kendal Cot tons blue. white and red: Shectinc;, Woolen Stock- trigs 'T M-n, women and boys Ha'S of it t 1 r r ' , (iineieni qualities ; anoes 01 levtrar lues : uz,naourg ; amic i hrea;i, dec. Iron Mongtry- and Hardware CONSISTING OF . . Bar Iron fquare and flat : Steel, flat bars; JNiils, flat. points ot 4.J, 6d. 8J, fuU' imparled, and now linirns from the Jn jw JJuk U'oite, C aptain Richard r. Beale, from Dcthurird, 10 Puncheons Rum. Jo Hhds. Stiar. to Hhd4. Salt, , Which will be fold for Cam or Pro ducc. JOHN BARCLAY. Nov, 26 3W. fuQ htiMrted, 'and nt"J hrdinp frm on board tie Marque Af art bit, litutta, and jtr fale hf the JulfaUtr, , aJ, 3d & 4th pioof St. Croix Rum, Fnm the (dtintr Petftt, 20 .BbU. N E. Rum.- , 1 CUaiiyfoa Tea. , 1 19 pieces bttl calt'Sicel, fuitalle for, dge tools. , 4 Boxes Tea Sell China.,, y , ; 400 tmlhcSi Ttifk'i-1 0an4 Salt. 3 boxes Jaatico QorTee. 4 band heavy lj!;ii Pepper. 2 luf. Anilciia Wiitrr. 56 excellent vhcclrl. 450 bulheU lUHdu,jniod PeUtoci. . - .. ... 4Ufl; - A (eve barrels f CuttiM Wjne. Kov. 26. JOHN BARCLAY JOHN SHUTER HAS for fate, -direel from Dublin, LINENS and SHEETINGS, bought at reduced prices, and in high condition. , Novtmbcr t2. . vR wai taken ih-o miflake,' fro Mr V- John BarcUy' Comptnir llouff, a DjoJfctmo Vo umr, rtiii'led, The American CImk'i Magitiot, by Stmucl Ffceinin, tfq. A thfie ire none tif thefc bHkt to tfi pro. curd In ihii town, and it being of no t ufe ta tht owner than m ts tie, ha will pay the otig pal eo'l 10 vLvker rill return the fan aer ihe iVmirr, November tuh 1831. Twenty Pollars Reward. DESHRTED on the t3,h nit. from th Garrifon of Fort-Toh James PRfCEV. a private hi Hantam tod aodiod : B1-4R of all Cizet 1 - clour I Ji'ne BruiPs company of thefirlf Ri- Nails; Screws, b-ke and' 'trying Pans, mcrifof Anllkrinsand Engineers,' Pots, Tea Kettles-and Spiders, Skellets, . He is about 27 years of age, 5 feet S looking glafil-s, Needles, Hoes, Axes, eye8 completed, and pitted with uicciyurus, cui ana nana oaws, cut I "'-'-oy iruc a printer. arid hand Saw Files, Shovels, Fire Sho- Mailers of vclfels and others are for. vels and Tongs, Jiatrcmcrv Hatchets, I wa'necJ againlt concealing, taking, or uocks ana Hinges ot itittcrent hzes ann f"ns lum 10 Ecl qualities, Bolti, Ketches, Cutteaux, - The above reward will be given if brs't CarverV, Butcher's and Pcnkni.ve's. ta- bac'c t0 this Fort, and all reafonableex- II. If . 11" 1 f ' . !J - dic itniYcs a no roiKi, compontion and jaui. pewter lable and tealpoons, platedand . x.fNUa. NULAND, Lieut, gilt Buttons, Bridle Bins, Stirs up Irons, the frfl R,gU tf Artilleriflt, VVf ebbing, Shoemaker's Tools, ScilTors ' and Engineers, of altfizes, Sheep Sheers Razors, beft Port.Johnflon,,Dec. l -iw r!:n.j.j.j'f 1 .l ,m . . x .. . J rvu.5J uwiicr, duck anu otner onot, xcaa 1 f ApprV TT"' ' ' of one lb. bars, Chizels, Gouges, Au- TLUPED from, my. plantation on cers, Girableis, Rules, SquaresACom- JLIj l"ry a !egro fellow nam. panes, amootning jrons, iron W-ottctj," wrpenrer, generally Mills, hwk and eye Hing:s. known about-Wilmington as a Fidltr, an issOKTMENT op anu lias peen frequently employed with- Ship Chandler ar.d PalntS niy cunfent and ,to tny great lofs as r rn- en 1 - 'uc" 'hercforc cve this notice of his Confining of Cordage, a, 2 t-2, 3 L.5n(T Dlin. ,t...V ' c. ,n and 1 1.2 inch Roue. Ratline anJSpun t: "rV.""1. " ri5dV Yarn , white, red. yellow and ueen .Z?r'J l-' . l0,b,a. P-iits, R'vd Lead, Spanim Brown, Brim." r j, ; , JXK ',m.c,u,cr " ilone, Whiting. Sheet Lead, Sheathing LurW or , J 1 C ?.""h Ut' v' w..rr:. 1jo ... tv.,b P..f. bounn8 or entertaining in as 1 ani r a M LJ L 1 a A V l J 111 IIL1 m I IIL II I 1 I I I Tacks Sciicner Shcathint! and d-ck a5lcrm,nca prokeute whoever duel 5S, I-tSK if half "tiVdotr" hc hour and fmiiler Glallc. : blue, white nlnn k TjH a R.e.Ward f Pron,,e 11 Reward of ...1 - -r n...:.. r. i . wuuniw. to oenaiiioncun Pumrs. Moi. B,uU Sc,L, cork- WtefM? .ngad Mibrg Iron., bUU jack,, Ut.dat.teb7&h: - , ' I 111 1 I1J1 C A r binnacle Lamps, Uc. with many other articles in this line. I this (laic. Mailers of vercli are forbid earning him off. . Nov. ib. J. BURG WIN. fdogf lofuihah tfh r.honai r.4 hone By ' . vi r 1 1 f . .( A SMALL COLIFCTION Of Crockery and Gluts Ware Cotififtiniiof Dimes, white, blue and I T ANAWAY from the luMciifeer in FV green edged Plates do. Breakfift do, 1 1 brua y 1800, rtffro ram earned SAM, Bowls. Mucs t tea. milk and multard h"out 'wrmy yean of a, ibattdf ne Mack Poitti walh hand Bafons, Turccnf, teWow, abwit flva feet eight r cioe inehea PiichCTi, breakfad Cups and Souceri, flM' bullu-ht i wIJ known ia Wil. CoffciPotii Tumblers, pint And half piirgton, ib Mme f JcnoiAgrt Si, mat t VViini. (lUfci n;ni n.n... beme purbifed f Mfn. . and 1 tumber of other articles nt hem . tf'V'"1 1 U. h" m.;ci . Tuieii ma omers .can oy ;t akt0 fjf U fc -f h L J. MLSZ. fr trill be at. AM autbotifed ly the injured piniei, to pror.ounct in ihn t-nStic minner. thar Ofiutj the erfott wh poirfvei ibe money fo rrpettcdly advriiifed by irirm, per fid tare, iaiirg i there in a lew dy 1 be ietotf fe ant T U.M 'bi.r.5bf aJm.ucd inakup nlUaiion here, gel ftores of a fuff ,pprC)fn,fd. govu ijianiy pin up ou moderate terms. U. ti, Uneri on cither ca D. b.MI I If, j itt,Ar& ta at Lumbe'ton roft.Oflice, wr.nmoa, oy. ly.h, Otutcr iiih, .for, ) 1 i V y.. t. 41 - i 1 (I