'1 - :; v.' ?ttousE of commons,. . ".'' Monday, Nov. aj. , '.y-- -'- ' Jfr. W. W." Jonea, from ' Fayeitevilre, appeared and took his feat. , 0 r . , ' The Houfe refolved that the Committee of Wsfys aod Meaoa be directed to enquire whether there be ny poflible mode of aqua tzing the tax on lands ; & report thereon by b 11 or othctwite. The following meffage wa received from h Ex .ceWency the Governors . " . iWHw. tbe.Gen..: fijjtmbly of Nrm- . Carolina.- -. .-; y, 5fntkmeii, - -. - V..- " ' . . ' ' " ' ' I hive teeelvtd and herewith forward to your Ho lonnble Rod v. the petition of a reipedable number of the jnhabitanta of Buncombe county, felting forth v. minv inconveniences and difficulties they are r..Wfi tai in eonfeauence t bein the neareft neigh knur, of the Cherokee Indiana, pralioj thst I would make application to the 'General Govenmicat, nuffti.ir in interference on the part of the Executive Iheieof, by miking a .line of demarkatiou between our South-Weftem- frontier and this tribe of Indians, aa well aa foliciting that a faiall number of the Fede. ral troops be ft ationed neat the luppowd. line, aa oe into private life,, Md (halt long continue wale-ppa. ia jmymg to Coi i and rainy of them t,,e faddenly. fcat U and ., with igratclulfenfibnity, the femernVanceeppeeTed to obtain peace, paidoa and tomtan. Thit. thdr peopjlt ia likely lit mar be ntianed conadeae. ..f foaoort'with whicbl Vrork lam told hath cootinned thete, and .mcreafad w,h you. Jt is expected that a fchtx with me tocherifli. of that continued conSdeece and fapport with whicsl you have been pleated to favour and 4itttngoiin tne. , November t6. t B. W ILUiaa" i I e following refolniion wa paffed : ' " Refolved,. That the commute ot finance enqurre into the Hate and amount of the eutflaading citifi catedebt of thit State,' and the propriety of efUbtiir iog a State Bank, or fuch oher tneafuru V'ft, opinion may eofure the exi&enceof a cireuhtjng-mi diumin the State, & that they report by biK or other? Mr. Alexander, from the committee appointed to draft b aafwer to the GovernorV mefTage, reporid the folUwirtg, whtca being rtA, yt Moj ed i i To bif Excellency Ben, IPllliemst May it pleafe your Excellency; ;. . The Houfe of Common have wiih hi'h fatiafac lion,' received your communications to the G. netil AfTemWy, at the opening of iu feffion, and recipro tate, with the ulmoU cordiality, your. congratulations on that event. . ' - The conviction which your Excellency his been p'eafed t exprefi, that there is no interceding fubjefl of Leeifhtion which will not readily prelent.iil'elf to the General AfTcmbly, we regard as a honourable teltimonv ot vour confidence tn the Leetniturc and ing a fare tman toemove the ground, of thevr co.n, be wc o flure , beft xtlieourt plaints, to promote harmony and a good underRand. ftjU be unremittingiy ;npoyed to promote fo-far as ,K.,..i ilii- ritixrm and their Indian UCIKh . . .. . J ' ' . S . .i - ft- i - r . ing between the (iluens bouts. ' ' ' ' . ': v - . Th fuhjet above has been on my pjrt fcrupo loul 1 attOi'dcd to. fo far as in my power and undcrthnd ing 'of 'the bufnefs : To whit effect, I refer you to; my fcveral letters addreffed o the Secetary ot Ihe State for the United State , on the fubjeft 1 therefore" fk Telve to lay thi peti ion thusjld: ilrrffe.t to me. before ihs General Aircmbly, in the vrr &nce that time ntil now. And about maotha ago, oris May lad, the fpiritof Goi began toork ftronglyn the hear s of the people in the North end of thst "it, on the river Ohio..;. ' .Ttiis work hath eo'iitinued to fpread over difSerent part of ihe ftate ever finte thaV time. They meet together and con-, tinue for' fcveial nights n'l 'days praying to God j- rtdl tnanv o? them appear to have "' obtained peace with Gid throi 'h jefus, and great joy and gladacfv 1 law a number or children, little boys odirli prayiog-4 CiaU ;.n.niftiul.jaiar4nviara.uo'w, nold man 3c never f.w fuch work carried ou before. Fri'nda & Irot'hets '. -v''-, ' ;.' v- Thcfe praying people hath in love feot me' to you, becaafe they are Itrongly dtfuoui that we (ruuld all go id heaven as brothers- togfther andLbelorevct b?py- . ; ,- : ' ; Chain's Answsi, Friends & Brothers', - " - We bank you for your care and' concern for us which appeara from your taking fo long a journey, with the only defign and dclirc of doing us good. ' Friends & Brothers, '''" We have lillened to the talk that came from the teachera, which we call Ihe black coats We thank ihem for their goodnefs in fending fo far to let us knoW that the fpirit of God hath been working wonders auiaag' their people. We thank you that ou did not let the news pt this work die or conceal it 'imniult vrMirtcJvet. hut hatk font it evtu all ttic Wiv COnlttlueiltS. , ... m'inlWm .. of Mum; W"hISew li the detail ot tseCUttve uttt)els your txcei'cn. . .,,,K, t(!ll M1 : , r ut-u- :, cV has been pleafcd to give. we with p.fure -recog- w dtlivered ConcefBi0g God's" VS.k,k that God ,Cm .Itft alt-at-nti Art (4 Alt: in th Alerm t.i that . .. ... v ..... , - ull, .,, .vT ,- ,M Mm,)kM "T Bdc us U, and tn t he cnde all ttnoea iiar we umica vi vuc .kiiic, ua mt ... f ,h Ood haa ad a d ff.rnr tiatWren n. and circumfpeclion tn' fupport the intereft 'of oat State, and to preierve her r'ght onimptired,' which, hjth erto, in the whole tenor of yotlT official conduct nve tiope that they will take Inch order thereupon at a . , jmilliftr,.ion . .1- ... : U A. .11 ima 1 t.rnnif I ' I. 1 . mem, in men wuuuui, m... -pf"' r1. f I s-The feveral ob efts contained in vour Etcetlencv'e B. WILLIAMS. Nov. aa. i8m. " . , ' This meffage was relerred. to the fame romnuttee with th former .meffage from the Governor. miTge waa received from the Tiuftecs of the Uuivernty of" this ftate, enclofiog the annual account of the Truflees. '. A meflVe was received from the Senate, propoling tobal'ot OttWednefday morning for ) he G wetnor f r the en(uirg year, au in i,min. ting Betijamio Wi'i Urn.t Ce hrcfent Govern or 1 an4 lohn B Afhe. ' The. Committee of Propofitions and Grieviicctt t who,in was icferied the memorial of James Eaton, prayitK to he leirafed jrom a forfeit d ieconiance to the Supeiior Cowl of HiHfbircugh DtUud, te ported that though the petitioner had been bou d for theappeirn eof Willia n Tytrel at. the" Superior Cn.,.t rX Hr.lm.-iroweh.'viho tailed to' appear ;ytt from the reprefen'tations which they poii-Hcl,: they vreie clearly of opinion it was not to I. cure the j.uiU ty from jnfli-e', but merely from a phi amliropic diU pofitioo ; and as at the Ia:t General AfTembly. nd the prtceding on it was not hcfitated to relea e Ro bert Belt and Henry. Crooke, who were bound for the fame purpote, it appealed only to (omport wiih equi ty and good oor.tcttnce, inai clemency uo aunwaiu trti 0 in ividuU equally alike, the committee weie thncefore unar.imoufly of op oion the prayer of ihe " pttittorxi ought to be granted. Ihe report w concoricd with by btli Houfcs. , Tuefday, Nov. 4 A meAif; was received from the Governor, wiih two cot'ioi of the la a ot the cmnion wealth of Ma. hchufctts, lfo fetof Map of faid commonwealth vith letter Imm CorinOi .Strong accompanying the firre ; which was iclcrrei at the former nuffagei O: lh( Gove inoi. k jnt committee on the fa' jtft of emsncipsticr u appflinicd. 1 1 hill to amend the -6t diredini the method ol - j 1 1 : raerTatre which we hve received, and any other com' miunicaiions your excellency (hill be plerfed to make to the Ge ieral Affembly during the prefent leffion, fk.ill, on our part, rend ily red iva all the delibera tion and aitemion which their impor ance my de mand, and we will chearfully co ocraie with the btlier branch of the (.egifl.iiure in all meifures neccf . fary to the fupport of a free Government, and coo uutive to the public welfare. u V .. S. CABARRUS, Sp. I. rf O.N t , C. H. C. . Orrtcrea that Mr. Bloodworth and Mr. Alexaudeir wait upon theGjveFnor, and prctent to btrn the a bowe addrefs.-; -, ,.' -- . A me!Tge from the Senate, Hated, that the Brig. dcr-General of the Ftyetteville divifioa bavin; re moved to the;Jte of. lenucllee, the laid appoint m nt is thtieby become yaciut. The f therefore pro uole bauotting to-morrow for a Brijadter-Gencral, (or that diftr'.cl, and notninate fo: tha. puruoie, Elias Birnela and .Thomas Overton. Concurred in.: Several rcpoitt to te committee of prcppu&uons and giKvancet were re a I and lonru.-ied in. , FtidaV, Nov. ty. Mr. Bloodworth prelcntcda l e-itlop Intm the in habitants of the C ty ot Raletch, pryin that the Affembly would grant thm xne of the pab ic (quares ol the city lor He purpote ol ettabliBiiue an Acade iriy, which being re d t Mr. BlooiWorlh. prefrnted a btti toe rry the prayer or ihe petition into n. ' A tefoluiian wis p(Ted di reding the Pubac.lftn. icr to furnifh the Governor wuh luch . a ndmber pt copies of the public & jaded tbiif Son, as will be eceifaryto furnirb the Executive ! Uie V 5(a mf the diiTcrerit States, fepaxaie and diflind from all private acis.. , .,. The bill concerning divorce and alimto war com intttedtoa cotn utuee of the whole for I'ueLay Mr. Jones from the bal! ting committee for Briga t ei-ij oeiais, reported, (hit R. D the white people; therefore we thiuk to read.books u not for us. We think that God doth not rcq.iiie it ofust becaafe be h.i mide a difierence btiwceu u and the white people, in our appeaiahcc, 19 aur. co lour, auJ in our way ot Jiving, which we do 1 ot like to chanec It appears to us a ha'id thiflg 16 learn to red ; and we cannot fee (hat it is nccciury j( ui, feeing ih.t God in his government of the woitd, hath put ui in thit way ol Living, and .hath given us our own way of conveying our thou&hit to one anotnet tnatts oy wort 01 mouth, and warn worn I.) thu way we ha ve tent our thouhti cpa- ceining the wdxs of the fpitit of God, ' tUat hath be n smon;lt ns We have lent ti etcher anJ beltaot warn pom, ; to. the dilfeichTnaiions po thiaTubjecl A ,1 tap lilrir fit lfi i 111 nmtrtr, in tnrlf nu .nil with the means that lod iu h,s government has put KXirtiLt 0 u icuer Jrom UmaW .aatta into our hands, we tiuft that the f.tric fpirit will,coa. I Offdcr-2-) i ' 1 ttnut : withrand hrtig-u to orderly lile wd true hp - ti SlWe h-ve the" W(riiitha pmels in the wa y oflivtng, and in ihe way ot con- x .o'clock. lart r,l6lit, Prcli.nin.wes of i'jace, be veying our thoughts, tj.at Gidio biagevcruweut has t ,hi, ail4 r f " . , . 11:. .l.a. .1.- . . l : r'" " "I lit ' f ' ' elea.ng rremoersoiine oeuera. Au.mu.y, .;a ,u t& , f fc Newbem di,ria. .nd Thi..atWon for theFavettevilledi lrifli That a luither' b Jlotia. other tuiro e. beiuf about 'lobe tend lecond time, tbeY;aiaid Naya were ral ed upon the que, tion 1 and being takentheia ap eared o l twy oe I tit vet, who wt Mi Iff s. Bruce it fhfkirs. . WcJ. r osy, Nov. 18. A bill was reee ived lim the "rnaie, to amend ao A p. lied irt 17C1. fur 'fUbriihing Coutts ot Euitr, tnd to refulate the prceedmss i.t Appeals horn the f vrtii Coatt of Pleat and (jaartr.Scfiiuna 10 the SuociiorCouiis of law. , 1 .... I A memoria. ! the irhabitarts 01 naitig", was 4, jgol it from a" the hrne wa fchool tor. learnine- Indians will be fct 00' at Mr. , Ifajc" Zeao's, cent fp'tng ; you may conuder of ihofe ihinga until that time. '.'.' f l f jund that thev gave ear to this freetih and , re eetved itin afriendly ifanoerby rthc ihouu of a p. probation which thay exprelTed. . ; 'J,"S. . : ..- .x' . ' : NEW-YORK, November 14., .'':;', '"' :';' DIED, . ' '- ! This morniin the aoth v.-ar of his 'ate,' P t r , rlxartTTpT-eraelt loo. ot incraTTHainiTto murdered in a du J. Ai the1 public will be anxious o know the leadiaa? - particular of this deplorable event, we hav- co'letW the fgll Win, which may by relied, upon aa cor reft. 1 On Friday evening laft, young Hamilton and young m ice, luting in the" Uma. box .with Mr, Gioaca I. KaCxix, begin in levity a cortverfation refpetfing an oration delivered by the latter 'in July , and made ufe of fame exarerTiOns rcfpecrtii- it which were ; overheard by E.acxcr, who- alked Hami LTOif to ftep into the lobby, ; Price fallowed ' hete the .expredtoti, damped raUal, was ufed hv Eacki a to one of them, and a bU fcuffl ' emfucd but they foon adjournedti a public lkulc : an x. pranatioa was then demanded, which of them )hc ofiEeuftve expreSion wai meant for s after a little l-.efi. lauon, 11 wit oictiicu 10 . oe tnie Q;i tor -each Each then faid, at thiy parted, I expeft to hear from yrtti phey-replied, you fhU 5 anJ chillencra tollowetl A OKetig; took placer between ''EACxit'k a id ?HCtt, 6n unday ra irfeing j which, after x- cli anging four fho a each", as fin fhed by the inicr feraige ot the 'leroitdi. ' " ' ' . - Yeller lay afternoon, the fatal Due was fought beV tweeit young Hamilton, and Each a. Hamil ton received a (hot thro ihe body the firft diCchaige, and iell without firing He was brought acrofi tl.e ferry to his father's houfe, where he languished of the wourd till ihis m iniiig, when be expired." ' lie vv$ a young man of an ami blc difpifitioa and cultivated midd ; n uch eflcemed and affectioo ately beloved by all wlioiiad the pleafure of his at. quaiiUance. . - RrflvMons on thi horrid cuflom rouil occur to every man of humanity; but the voice of any indi vidual or of the prcfa rnufl be iuefieclual. withont edditio'ial, ftroig and pointed legislative interference. Fafhton hk placed it upon a footing which nothing fhoit ot this can comrout. . ' ' ' revived lioan the Senate, endorfed, Kitcried to the committee of Finance" d received the lame e. feTeii e ia this Hou e but with iitllru ti.ns to the Commit ee 10 report fome p an in te adopted lot the f etter oafvrvaoce cf the Lord's Day. TicPcnl Law was co.o nitied ia the committee of the wluie Ho fe for Miuday neat. ... . ' I- .1.. L.ll. - . . t nir, woorr, uom me i9"i ", irr - . . , n ,i.:...r d ,h.k Benjami. Williams, LI,, was , elcfU, Go- t vciiior. mit me to offer through yu, Ceotlem'o, ti ihat An.tJ.fl wa.fcnt to I ihe C of y joji t .oerablt tody, nay moft hearty aod finccre thinks ; , way oeei fTary lor the Morgau diQrift, ns perfoiia ka ving a majonty ol votes. . On motion of Mr. F- Walker, a joint committee wss appointed to ocimine the Ante of ihe late Land. -tSca kerl by John Caiter of Wafht igtco county, h w in the iUxol TennefT e, and 10 this ead tint th y c lloo the Srcietatyof State, lor fuch fp's and infotnwti n ai they may deem rflenli ilta the invetligstion, and that ikey jeport by bill orthtr wit . This enquiry it bi I to he an , in port ant ooe lor me citterns 01 leanrllee. t. Mr. Bloodwonh, one ol the members appointed to wait pon the governor, and preleat to him the Addrela ol the Houfe. reported that the committee had rr.fentrd the Addiefi, and had ' received the I l owi g iep! t ' I receive, Crnilemea. with dee feofibiU-v, : this Friends & Brothers, i it is aboot three years fince tJic. fpirit of Gd If'gin to w rk upon the heirtsol our people; many ol t!i-m have been much alrrred, and the work lia cm'.inurd. A think our being bad people, and fo m ny ol us iioiog wrong, i the caufe ot this, and G d ii aking this wav ti terrify ua, and to turn ua to thai which is light. We return mr fsther, General St. t lair, '.ha ki lor his care of us, aod tor the kind fatherly fpeecli he has f.ut ns, by kit fiiend auft our friend. Fiiends & Brotl.eri, We do nol think it nrceffjry fox yru'to fend a mi r.ifler here to this pUcc ; we have ope already, and we choolcto wotfhip God i our own way ; and w: truft that the fpirit ol G d will diiecl as in the way thai he, in ' he g veiomcnt bath placed ns. Friends U Br.ihert. ' 1 . J . We 'epeat our thinks to you all, for yeor kindnefs Do n t think haid ol Ltbccaufs we cannot think as ou do concerning what ia god for us-Be a l oKendeilk after coming fo far, becavic we caunoi a gree to your fricndlj propofa s. smith's Aitswsa to caAtat't irttcu. F. tends icBro.hcri, t ktijw there is a V4fib1c diff'tence between you ani is in your appearance, and in your way of li ving; but this I loot upon .t immaterial vfankiod h.t al'vayss ttiong dehte if fee.ng fome hn ; new, and in order to giattfy this defirr, G 'd in his work ol era; ion and government ol the' w,iid, and by ns tursl ciu ra producing natural effvcc., hat'i made boundlcfs va.ietv every wli re, through the vhoe wond t fa'Ccly any to things aie-a together alike. Bcicg lor ihoafancis cf vests i dillc cm. climates r pint of th' world, in ditter 111 ways, mixht alter the te or. The books that our fathers left m,telos that our foielatber'a lived nearly intfiefiinc lainner lhai you do now ; they made life ot the bow and anow. Tbry were girat warriors; ani when they we. 1 to patik, they Urippc J on what Itu'e cioihr they had. Hwktibiirv on the pail ot the fotuier, and by Cw HH11 0,10, on that of the.. alter. Th: conditions are not known : but as the event is of the innioft importance,' ve fed this oft" by every conveyance that we can difcover, in hopes of its reaching you e.rly. " ., . " Toe article of. tflttou mufl doubtlefi advance now. Ri e will not only fall 00 a. count of a qenn tity juii reciiycd from India, of the Paina rice, which is very good, and mnr daily cxprcted but a'fo nn account oj the Pce. Tobacco cannot be much lower than at prcfer.t. Indigo my for fome time c-x'tinuc .to fr.il well. Cnchinesl-will, we fear, at f ' as 1000 or ecoo feronna arrive ia Europe, go below 17-. Sugar and cofl'ce mav be very languid lor fome monihv-but we canmt think they will go much tower.- Dye wood will only anfwer aa douua-e. Freight will greatly lower, fo, will In. -furances particularly your co(T W ft India iiflts, and Hkewifc on your voyages to and from the Spa nifh colonics. The convoy duty, upon. all articles ce.fcs from this dsy, and ol couifc will reduce tha chirgea, particulaily on Coch neal, which was Lb if A in , Art nr IK. iamhaj Xiiiw v j r , ........ t Rice has this da) fallcu fr m 3:1. to tyt, Veb-ar from NewKuiy, Veroannt, that the legif lature of that State he, by a .arg.- laajnrit.,' adopt e4 ihe propofitian of the State ofala.ytaod, for an amendment o the. Federal Confliiu'ion, to tlui tlfecl, ; i!ut ear b ftaa fliail be div ded imod Unci, t c-o-' tinue leu y art, for the election of Ripicleii.aiivea to. Congrcf , -and ElcrDort ol PieCidcm aiii Vice- Preb ieiH, by the Pjpu sr vote. j - . NOAV LANDING. from on hard -the Schooncf Difnatch. Captain SwMi:rt frum fw-)'ifk, an4 ftr.Sule on very low tenru. 10 intorm htm of hit being re culled, no ',,"rj7 Jaw"7, n li,. ' r" . :..:: n.anunicatton 1. made to accept mf arca uairn (.1 fir n n iv nicnti ih nucnviri i - ' tn Kk.ki. otili. f nu.lifiriiaBi. Tma tncmbeial - f'Oni each H-avfe were appcinled to wait UOO the Covcruot with this mf (L ge. ' Tfiuiluay, No. tS. A tnrlTige from tb Scnt pioo ed bs11ot;oj to tnitio n otning lot a Bitgidtei-Gtneial of Nc bti d:Hrict, and aoo.hci lo, Moigta d.Bt.cl ; ad rom.nMi g R. D. 5pai(hlfor the lormer, Ind Wit li.in hr win, Dtvid Vaatc, and Jaa. We I born lor the Itilti. An t rlr.fi fratn ihf Sfrlr ftf Hilt nil !. d Iron, tt. See..., . nbracing fev.r.l lubica ., i!! ,51"? MVaaVT?!. .ki.k... . t....i j.ir r--....... ii.,.T.-livi3niiiwiiiirw, iorir A ffel 1 conutiue? ol Hnance t ei.qiiie into ih Tk.f!U.;.r.. f, ik.Ci. 1 -onisaeioiai psuouflg tor sngaaier - a- f 1 r.rnn tor kin..,. A. It. in ........a a... . I...L.- I. .11. .L.ir in ... " Maoioate living oaa 1 - ibd lought wiih t eir bodies naked, fouuiing about 27 Cl'atCS QlieCll S WVC in order to terrify ihs cnciny They alfo painted ai I . n i.." Ihry alow )o by Br.toa, figaified . at . . tue Indiana do now. - ire 'am: took itl nle from tnit, as the parse punted. Fiieadt Si BiOlhtts, . , It it not fo turd tolesrn 10 ttiJ and write, as you may imagine it may fpe.r bud it Era, but when they can know wha (hey arc reading ia very delight ful, to read fdif .ing and Cutcitainiag dories. 1 sgref Ssturdsv. Kov. ti. Refolved, thw Kc Governor make ptovifiin tot the Induo Chiet of tie Tufcoiori tribe, aod lis at. . with you, that Cod t all powerfal, and that be ansy teoutni,, an cfxiouc expence while they cumiiue , take yon 10 heaven by wjrd of mouth inaruclioa, . the ctiyelKileigh on ihebuUcli of their allko j wuhour learning 10 icai nouki. BU fucth r iu lt-e, tolhuBat-, . " ' " , io by Go-'a word, would be very nft lfal to fhjw The committee appointed ro enquire wketbei any youlut pl.la arsy to ha veu, Mankind brokf ihe Md what eUe.aii'Wii were fieceffaif in the eJ4V . Uvr4 Goi, and go mi ol the w,j of hapa ef, and Uw,reB- ii4 a bill 10 icpea!, alter il.c Una taeieia i.uatba rd J miferv. Itfui Chriat, the lanof God nanltontd, aa aa to .Iter lb! timei of cleliog mtn- ( bntnt an in, sod is God and mi, in two differed oar. 01 ine uenetsi Ailembiy, aid ta icjKal another naiutei lad one peifa. lie lullilled thp law of God let for dividing the Slate iats didricli I Of the SUf I k dklrlaf An I last aAfa It V K fatkalaat4 a Km a.afr Union Hfia rcet.ed f.om the enate, dl- ':. ?. . -'" Ctngrtfa, and lor ol Cod. IU hatb pa.d a 1 o-r deMi mi ba.g.ab.i- refliiigiht tonumiet ol hn.nce ta euqiue laio the . 71 t, t T1"'?"9 we. ven lor as, oar p,., , , wnki will nu,a uit a.eirroteedaolet..braMcU of the isstnui ol tbi C Vch f?'4Um ,0,.,b'1 Sul' '" mgs are ready, our butWuia 10 believe 1 mnt wwmr wig 1 or cvciy inm wa ae'n, I lot tm f.ke. Leirnng ta read would be ol great ale in inow.ng you panic uiany I ha wijf JO he,vro U would 1110 e 01 ait 10 you la this wit Id yoa ire a Thenim-of Wm. Irwia wai withdrawn from iht, noniaaiiiMi. A joint commmet kaviat been ippodtti to wait upoo the Governor, ,to cndvct htm iat the pre fence ol the two llovfn lor the ouraofa al ukiae 1 .. . ' W . - verier 1 Tt the . the Gtnerr.l St lite of Sort b -Car Jtna. Cenii'ffieu. . 1 had Vf,rayth heaourta tett!rt yoar aatf. fag:, talo.iViag ma of mj ie-elta4oa totJie chief ma. gn.tKV ot ine 7iatt. Hvltn,aild, thatibemoa d.Qingvi led aod J lK OJlhl ol bff"K "d both Hau ci beiag ilTfbled a:ali;e rewa.d a tree couat y tan earlier 00 it, ia in, vvnWi nan 10 receive mm, int WJvcraor Migittratevoe'oihrrolncfra, coatiHi to dU'ed fP''d A wisqattifird. Ippiobilioa (if ibcirtuadud, I bu itceifi with ' 1 aa 1 ' t , ' , , ., .tn.(,h fiaClillty, ibe rai.aiaiad and Ciitfu'ng prool tEXINCTON,(KeMutkey.) that tny eadrsveafi to ftrve eui luun'ry lathe .! C'. Jinvi Smith, mcUiaary feat bf the Prribna. tiaa Churthn of ateat i key to ibe ladims. a., m. lu'd. We piUrAand be fo le (acceeded ia bu inifioa, aio gcifiversl ndiai. as fchola to aa Englirli fcbool. A fubfcTibei hai lavoitred is with th t Mlealag fpeacnci, delivered at a gtaetl nett. iagol the t .diant.at the Creat Rack ' . by iv owe maul Santa's iraica to rata laaia:. I 1 Al.l'. bf ituf.. . A Afet l ofl.a ( ika I la ..I I f lit At tU htML. . . Ibe term lor waub I ana now tUtUi, I bet ypa.l About two vesrs ata. a trtulir ibat hIIimIi. V'tfrtlCtBi:tBtof'U fci'tHwid, 1 (Li4tuia Mtae fwth aadof the Rate of Xe utter, a iim wvMuu4iitan nisi Mlhica trt ti duntd Hon to Whitb yu bavt b(a blciltd to title mt, Mae tart your appn nation. On Sstuidiy Mat I aill suead UieCtneril AhV tiy, tt the pur pole l ttalut, ibcir tttlcu.r, the Oaihi ftrtfcribcd by aw, . ' tJur taalilat aa li r Inoi the time lor whirHibel exetauve dattea easy be diuhargtd o Basitcs China. 12 Keg Malaga Raifini, l'refii, 2 Kcgi FifiS . . 1 C ale Paper 40 Poll, " C . dit'o Playing C41J:, . , 2 Boxes Tea, loo docn (jbfs Tumbler, 2 Tiunks dark and lit'hl Printi. IVhi ) bne fir ,?-, ; DILLS'ON UCiFOaV; December i. CLAY i'EASfc.' Tile fubfcribjr will com raH to for ir.y n:ianrity, the ttutkit price ji v-uin at iac nine 01 ucnvcry. A. LAZARUS Wilmington, Dec. rich P'Oplf j yoobsvi a Isrtt rich coumrv t sad without leTtniag, yo caaaol snanagt eur 0 e hu Coefs Yoa ate a.tarally a vary wife people, en dowed with fltoag thinking oiwctt ; if yn bad learaiag you coald miaiga your kuW.i, and be a wi.hhy paoplt. I fir ml. a nt TXrAit. ' l.:..L.s .L a...i j , Aboot fttr yean igo I lived io tk aid Wiaad it 1 J'iV" "' TT GJ, A Cottoh Milk- WHICH thchuiUcr has warranie.s Hull clean at Irafl ote thonfi.rl as tn leva, up this River, aod wtl then as one of voa I Ifll'JfC lliC ItanlC at lllliO Hint Older Snw CddtSat M hs picicivtd roe aUve, aa broueSt I v (t n j. , 5 anitotbupLcs, to (ce the (icti of the.t th.Urt. r P ol KCit , 10 completed 3t pruc s4 love. urtun iuus tn a lew da;. will lot t k-ow yuu had miniler ansotig yoj who 1 1. hltt ttme thfttsfUf pick Or cUart OUt ed id your to Va), and I thiuk he w,a a id mat. t- S I .1 J a L 1" i .d gave yoa gol advice-! did not tame Ullon fof Ihe Culomtr- 14I. d ilpte lba tiligiaa, or l opprfi or maninet I pray that the latiaQioa whicl he give aaa atree able to Gad'k rt, nay be bUH d ia yJV I wa (eat hert 10 f t ',( toald be ol any real Wosbl to I11?1 panicataily year p-(:t uiaano I Rut ooaoihe time la coming wkta yo wi it. cctic Utraiag-i UU yoi ltd lube e did Ml . SMITH. November 12. ""iSUinks of various k.iKhT""" For (ale by tin Priiucr. tr